West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Jan 1897, p. 4

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Jast week. Mr. Thomas Orchard, whom we reportâ€" ed as being very sick, we are happy to say is recovering, though slowly. Mrs, D. Cameron visited her mother, Mre. M(‘:'Gilnw. of South Normanby, Tess wes cous Miss Aggie O‘Neill is visiting at her sister‘s. Mrs, Miles, of Tiverton, at presâ€" ent. Miss Livina Rawn, of South Bend, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. 8. Horsâ€" burgh, for a few days this week, Wm. McFarland, of Letter Breen, visited his aunt, Mrs. J. 8. Shield, Friâ€" day of last week. Miss Charlotte Horsburgh, who has been in Port Huron, Michigan, for the past two years returned home on Friâ€" E. Stevens moved his family to Mt Forest last week. The Baptists, of this place are going to "have a tea meeting on February 4th. We wish them their usual success, Miss Maggie Redford has gone to Cheltenham to visit Mr. and Mrs. (Rev ) Jenathan O‘Neill ofi that place. Dan McDougall‘s youngest danghter, who has been poorly for some time is somewhat better and we hope & speedy recovery may follow. Mrs. R. Lavyillan aud her daughter Mary, of Louise, were visiting friends on this line last week. ‘The delerntel who attended the young@ people‘s rally at Chesley lest week repost & pleasant time. We aresorr{ to learn that Mr. John Redford got kicked with a horse last week. Heisrecovering at last accounts. Mr. Duncan McKinnon was visiting friends at Bunessan last week. Mrs, H, McDonald w in Glenelg lately. Mr, James Currie has gone to the Owen Sound Collegiate for higher edâ€" ncation. A special feature of the evening was elubswinging by Miss McCannel, and when done, as skilfully as we saw it that evening, it is, as the Chairman, W. L. Dixon remarked, one of the most graceful and useful accomplish ments. _ A collection in aid of the School amounted to $3:75. It was after 11 p. m. when the assembly dis persed and the young men led their sweethearts home. Some of our readers may wonder wh:t has become of Corinth, but as Cor nth is already in use as a post office Mul clr was the name suggested and we thiuk 1(s nothing but justice to advertise it. Last Friday evening a delightful ‘entertainment was held in Ebenezer Chureh, when over sixty books, and ether prizes were presented to the scholars. The Church was full, the audience attentive, and the program good, although got up on very short notice. There were a few recitations, Charlie Watson of (ilene‘g, Miss Lottic Tryon and Miss Edith James, of Priceâ€" ville, Mr. John McDonald favored us with an English Hymn and a Gaelic Song, he has a good voice. The audâ€" ience were pleased to hear a selection b‘v Mrs. Tacker, formerly of this place. Mr. Angas MeDonald and his accordâ€" ion drew forth secversl encores.The girls ot Miâ€"s Maggiec MeCaanel‘s school sang beautifully, so did Miss Minnic and Clara Hooper. _ The Priceville Choir under the leadership of Mrs. Hnmfllreys could not be sarprassed. Mr. Blakestone of Priceville gave a short speech. Mr. Dan MceDonald a comic speech and Rev. J. Hamphrey an excellent address on How, What, and When, to read. He condemned trashy novels, too much fiction, too little attention to history, biography, philosophy and religion, he advised reading good books especially the Bible, digesting what is read andfoutâ€" ting it into practice. He showed a mastery of his subject, and everyone was pleased and profited. He after wards Presemed the prizes and the young folks went home happy. "several families are talking of reâ€" turning to Canada in the near fuature, expecting the Liberals to be more sueâ€" cessful in legislating for the good of the country than the late government" The mines of our n>â€"w Ontario and ef British Columbia will also draw, and our goyernment will be able we hope at our next census to write, Canâ€" ada, population 10 millions. received lately from Mr. T. A. Fergaâ€" son, Cheboygan, Mich., he states that â€"The pruspects of a largely increasâ€" ‘ed immigration into Manitoba and the North West generally next spring are very bright, The good crops there are no doubt the chiet cause, but the change of government and their new pulicy, with a patriotic, enlightenâ€" «ed High Commissioner in England will do much to attract attention to the hungry vacant acres of our western beritage. And not only we belieye will there be an increased oversea imâ€" migration, there will be another of ‘almost a more desirable kind from the Uuited States, of Canadians, who durâ€" ing recent years have been striving, none too successfully, to beiter their condition with our neighbors to the south. From the Dakotas and adjoinâ€" ing states come reports of intended northward movements, and in a letter MULOCK, (formerly CORINTH.) Bditorial Note and Comment $. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT A Delightful Time. HOLSTEIN UrBAaX Kartts +# <ie + â€"â€" x aS Â¥isiting friends We are sorry to hear that Mr. Frooke is suffering wit] ache, we sincerly hope he m well again. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Mack, got such a fright going through the big swamp. Mr, C. Robb Valley folks a list week. Mr. McArthur and Mrs. Duncan Dougall of Maple Grove visited a D. McDougall last week. Mrs. A. McDonald visited frie this place last week, thoir coats in a convenient place, Miss Lydia Ferguson was visiting last week with her sister Mrs, F McKinnon of Bunessan, Mr _ John Ferguson of Dakota who has been visiting his friends, returned home last week. One moonlight night last week a young lady was preparing to go to a ball. she was all ready but her coat, but she had forgotten to take it out of the bedroom, and her sister not being wilâ€" ling for her 10 go she was in a dilemma, but noticing a quilt in the kitchsh she thought it would answer for a coat, so wrapping herself, off she went the first thing she beard was forward and back, the poor girl thinkin they were alluding to berself ran all Lge way home We would advise young ladies to have their coats in a conveniant nlama Mrs. C, Lamont is vi in Vaughan at present Mr. Dan Ferguson arriyed home from Harriston last week, he is not feeling very well, but we hope he will soon be himself again. Mr. James Henry 'nnd Miss Bella Mocâ€" Lachlan were the guests of Mr. and Mis. Alex. Carson one evening last week, Mr. James Henry took a business trip to Mount Forest last week. The good skating here is a fine pasâ€" time on these moonlight nights. Qyite a number of Groveites took in the concert given in the town hall. Of course some got left, but those who were there expressed themselves highly pleased with the programme, Mr, John ( up with sore again. Miss Bella McLauchlan is visiting with friends in Osprey at present. Mrs. A. Carson visited with Mris. Jno, McQuarrie on kriday last. Miss Flora MceArthur, of Edge Hill, has returned home" after visiting with her aunt, Mrs. J. MceKillop,. Mr. Angus McLachlan is in the emâ€" ploy of Mr. Peter Muir, cutting wood. Mr. Mike Henry is away making timâ€" ber in Salem for Mr. John Whitten. There is quite a number of sore corns and bunions in the Grove at present and we would like to see the doctor. Miss Mary McDonald, of Etgremnnt, apent a few days sojourn with friends in the Grove. E ifi idns edlcirneiccands c4 33 406. MC= Arthur is very unfortunate as he lost a valuable horse the same day from causes unknown to the Vets. Miss Annie Sinclur spent a few days visiting with friends in Markdale. Mr,. Duncan McArthur met with a pain{ul accident a few days since. _ He was attending to a horse when the aniâ€" mal suddenly planted both feet with terrible force on the unfortunate man‘s side, fracturing several of his ribs. We hope to see him around soon, _ Mr. Mcâ€" Arthur is very unfortunate as he Iact a The young Pepple around here are some what dissatisfied with the weather wishing there would come sufficient snow to make good sleighing, anc than, we‘d show you what fun we‘d have. Messrs Donald and Alex. Steware and their sisters, Misses Ellen and Mary, acâ€" companied by Mr. Fred Kennedy and Miss Mary Conkey attended a party at Mr, Malcolm Ferguson‘s, of Flesherton station on Frlday last. Mrs. McKillop, who has been ill for some time past. is we are glad to state, improving though slowly, Flesherton, Durham. Markdale other places may have whales, but venture to say that neither of them produce one that can do the Whale the Grove on skates, _ The Tea Mecting in the Prosbyterian Church was a success although the weather was so very unfavorable both on Sabbath and Monday. Neyertheless a goodly erowd gathered to partake of the feast of good things both i physically and intellec.aally. After partaking of the good things provided by the ladies in the basement all went to the auditorâ€" um of church where another feast of a different kind was giyen was given in the person of, 1st Mr. Campbell P. 8. 1. who gave a very good advice. describing the difference between two and four legged mules. Rev. Mr. McGregor comâ€" ing next gave a few pointers on different churches and church avion,. _ Mr. Irwin of Durham Chronicle followed saying : he was not a public speaker and to keep the good name Mr. Campbell had given him he would not say much, but ended by saying his constituency extended to lfnlslein and that he hoped that some wouid soon swear by the Chronicle as well as swear at it and hoped they would all subscribe to it. Rev. Mr. Isriac folâ€" lowed said he had a good speeeh but be ing where were so many other speakers he would keep it in his pocket, Rev, Mr. Aull, came next and spoke of the deâ€" cided improvement in church and manse and hoped to see better next time, Mr. McVicar coming last. and, owing to the lateness of L%e bhour he just gave thein some good advice. The Mount Forest _ choir interspersing â€" between speeches enlivened she programme and after the usual votes of thanks the meetâ€" ing was closed by prayer, _ In all it was a success, Miss E, E. Rawn, of South Bend, left heére ‘on Saturday for Toronto, where she has gone to attend Normal School. Mr. McMerchant, of Thornhnrf', spent Sabbath with Thos. Orchard. Stanley O‘Connor, who has been in Hamilton for a few months has returned home again. Robbie of Hopeville naid the BALSAM VALLEY. amont is visiting her father ‘ampbell, who has been laid throat is able to be around short but pleasant visit to hear that our friend suffering with the toothâ€" MAPLE GROVE. Duncan Macâ€" visited at Mr, will soon be ‘r of them can the Whale of friends in ONTARIO and we “Fut :: :dzib.,i lb. and 5 1b. packages, and never ALL GOOD GAOCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keaep it, tel! him to write to STEEL, HAYTERA 4& O0. a **Monsoon" Teais put up by the Indian Team r-.uun sample of the best qualities of Indian eas, Thorefore they use the groatest care in tha selection of the Toa and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby sacuring its purity and excellenee. I have to thank you for the honor you for the honor you have done me in‘ reâ€" turninf me as one_of your municipal councillors for 1897, _ It shall be my pleasute as well as my duty to attend to the affairs of the township with all due diligence and study economy where efficiency will not be injured, Yours Very Truly, _ _ __â€" _JNO. A. McMIttax®, Pomona. Jan, 16, ‘97. Tnc FmEeT Tra In TtHt WorLe FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUurP To the Ratepayers of the Township of Glenelg. Ladies and Gentlemen. nc n ag A CA 105500 io boa 30 Ej + is & tÂ¥ Soud fl 34 Tiex FimEeT TrA n THE WoRrLe At a wedding in the norti end last week an effort was made to get up a dance, but our boys and girls stood true to their colors and would not take any RM‘L in it, One waltz was all and that y parties from a distance. _ That‘s right boys there has not been a dance in that section since the special meectings held last fall. The Woodland R. T. of T. will bold a | concert next Thursday evening. _A | good programme is expeéected, mosily by | local talent. | Quite a few of the Wood!and P. of T. ] visited their brethren of the Red $Crose School last Friday. We expect the| Grits and Tories got a roasting that | night. Time about is fair piay. Our new council met in Holstein lmt! Monday. We wonder who was appointâ€" l ed auditor as that office has been prom ised to at least half a dozen by one of our candidates. } Prayer meetings were held in the Woodland church eyery night during the week of prayer by the Pastor and in his absence by the Y. P. 8. C. H. The election battle is over once mor e, Plenty of mud throwing done that day, Patrons of Industry are still alive in this section. The Woodland lodge meets regularly once a month. â€" First Fridays. When your blood is pure, rich :md‘ shows that tempcrance adyocates in the nourishing for nerve and muscles The|] ; i i + x a scies, _ Lhe‘ northwes rito:1 ‘r acting along blood is the vital fluid, and when it is ) onl femmiioiecatt adting alohkdings poor, thin and unpure you must either. »0% yet tried in Oatario. Some of the re* suffer from some distressing disease or j iirfared frosed brl if sAonted i you will easily fall a vietim to sudden| * ”('“,mm o P in y in ({\v' [ AMNER CF 3R changes exposure, or over work. Keep (Ontario would lead to striking changes in o j ##+4 | NA your blood pure with Hood‘s Barsaparâ€" | the inside arrangements of some barrooms« illa and be well. ap : * ’ * The Ordinances adopted by the North U ‘g P Ge 1 West Territories Assembly at its late ses ooD‘ s PILLS, are the best afterâ€"dinâ€"| .; ‘a j ishe ner pill ; assist digestion, cure headuche, Ned lfaw 198L esrulfhhhbd' and Mrerefrons 25 cents, we clip the following amendmonts to the hetulpene ie cce Liquor License O:divace, 189i 2, where soOUTH EGREMCNT. by it Is hoped to better control the liqur The election battla is nuan aaa. .__._.._ | traffic in that portion of theâ€" Downulon ; We hear the Corinthians are going to have a tea meeting the first week of February, We will learn the date later, Miss Anderson, of Williamsford, was visiting on the 8th last week, Mr. Stewart Wilson had the misfort une to lose a horse on the way to Hanâ€" over one day last week. â€" It dropped dead on the road. Miss Mary McDonald returned to Owen Sound to resume her studies, Success Mary, A load of the Corinthians drove through town on their way to Chesley to attend a convention there last week, Miss Jennic Coults spent Sunday on the 8th. Mr. Jim Brown is hnme" from the west looking well and as happy as of yore. Mr. Thomas Fla,nnigml had a large bee drawing wood to Elinwood last week. Tom is a hascler. The Lord‘s Supper was administered to a crowded house here a week Sunday. Mr. James Hobkirk was on the sick list for a few days. Mis. Hugh McDonald, of Louise was visiting her mother on the 8th last week. Mtr. Dougald MceDonald is busy haulâ€" ing stones from Crawford, Mr, Valentine Peffer passed through town with some of his moving last week,. TORONTO U and 13 Front Street East, Toronto. The sleighing of last week made things lively around town. Wood and saw logs were all the go. The Government diamond drill is being operated on the Gordon property now, and the Sudbury Gold Mining, and Development Co , are to operate a diamond drill in the township of Fairbank bcfore long. _ The drill must go in this winter as they can‘t get it in any other way but cn the ice, Mr. Boyd worked for over 3 vears round Dornoch where he is well known. We beg to thank him for his interest in sending us the samples. We are indepted to Mr. J. A. Boyd, Wahnapitae, Bist. of ;Nipissing,8 for some samples of the coal that has lately caused such widespread interest. One sample is from the "J. R. Gordon Mine, " Balfour township, the other from the Vermillion Lake Mine in which Mr. Boyd and his brother Wm. A. hold a quarter interest. Those interested might call and have a look at the stuff which promises to be such a godsend to our proyince in the near fature. IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. A PERFECT TEA CARD OF THANKS. At The Review OfMfice. You Can Be Well ALGOMA COAL. CRAWFORD. & + «t = > The MAIL, WITNESS, STAR, WORLD, ADYE®tiISEP Catarrh is a constitul,iolna‘ndismse and 4 C. 1 requires a constitutional remedy like Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, which purifl);s the Durham, Aug. 27th, 1896 11 °C3 blood. The amendments of this Ordinance will not go into effect uutil July 1, 1897. No uilliard, pool or other tubles shall be permitted in the bar room of any li: cenged hotel, No liquor shail be sold or »npplied in any licensed _ premises set apart or used for such games. "In any licensed hotel full view of the interior of the ber room shall not, during prohibited hours, be obstrncted by me ns of scereens, shades, blinds, or frosted, ground or colored windows, "In ary licensed hotel there shall be no connections between the bar room and other portions of the premises hy means of windows, wickets, elevators, chutes, openings of any kind, or sliding» folding or other kinds of doors, except one door opening directly ont of the bar room into a public hall or office of the licensed premises. "(1) No permit under this section sLall be grainted fo the sale of aie or Inger beer upon grounds, occugied, or partly oecupied, for the time being, of any agricu‘lturnl society or any other society, aweociation, or corporation. for the purpose of holding any agricultural show or industrial exhibition." "Section 79 of the said Ordinance is hercby amended by adding thereto the foullowing sub soction ; W. 0. T. U. Column iquor Rogulations in the North West Territorics. Enemyn m comemmmsrmenme on ireemintinne mhmnane.s en o 3o hereiins The followinzg extract from an +xzshange Slits 3E P is CASH 3t id REV ILE UE t xt in a 4c on s DNLY $1.35 FO expected, but we are bound to convert as much of our balance win. ter goods into ready money, as we possibly can. We offer you three specials in the Overcoat line, that if you have‘nt beught your Over. coat it will pay you to see. A4¢4e98 SeeSseeeeee08 â€"ARA4% NO, DECIDELY NO. No 3. No 2. No 1. iAMSAT & MORLOCEK, CALDER‘S BLOCK Althougzh the holiday season is over, We are not going to rest quietly on our oars and wait for thiugs to pick up again. Keeping Up The INTEREST. RENEW TOâ€"DAY ~â€"â€"â€"â€"PD FOR THE Girm. / i D CCE v-,\w.\lp Capital pard up 1,000,000 Assets, over 2,320,000 Annual income, over 2, 400,000 Losses paid since organization, over 22,(00,00 Insurance effected on all kinds of proâ€" rerty at Jowest current rates. Dwelâ€" ings and their contents insured on the most favorable terms. ‘ Losses promptly and Liberall y settled Call or communicate with C. RAMAGE, Capital subscribed cluhâ€"over 10 others have done soâ€" and get all the news of the world and the locality. The Globe is bigger than ever and the Review is absolutely neeâ€" essaty as a local paper. Grrat Vaurr.â€"Ihe ReviEew and the Weekly Globe will be sent to any address on this continent till Ist Januâ€" try 1898, for $1.35. . Join the REview clubâ€"over 150 others hasve sn sw WESTERN ASSURANCE COXPANT Eggs, per doz .. . Chickens per pair Ducks ** Turkeys, per lb .. Geere *4 s Hides, _ ... Calfskins, _ ... s Sneep.tins each . Hay per ton ... ... Straw per ton + Potatoes, _ per bag Anples ** Wood, 4 feet Wood, 22 mmeh s Flonr per bbl ........... Oatmea per sack ...... Brin per ewt ... ... Shorts per ewt Fall Wueat per bushel Barley, +* Petlfl. u6 Oats, *4 Dir‘d Hogs, per ewt Hogse, l:ive weight ... Lard perl» Tallow* per lb Butter per Ib, Tub ... ** Roll } DURHAM MARKET. Corrected each week by Geo. Sparling. Men‘s Extra Heavy Wool Freize Coat, wool lined, slit pockets and trimmed in the best of style, really worth $10.00, now it is yours for $7.50, Men‘s Heavy Wool Freize Coat, in Black or Brown, wool lined anda a splendid fitter, worth $7 50, now $5.60. Men‘s Heavy Freize Coat, heavy check lining regularly worth $6.50 uow $5.25. FIRE AND MARINE. AND GLOB E: A N 1 I iE l n o t . Sub, Ag;.', t. $ 4 0) to t5 $2,000,000 1,000,000 2,320,000 2, 400,000 R BOTH. * Lower Town. We had a good Holiday Trade, better than we 10 00 6 Ou 0 25 0 50 2 O0 0 12 2 25 60 70 0 9o U 30 80 0 18 4 30 8 40 10 50 85 O 60 07 05 +) &T ‘The only Arstâ€"claas Hearse in town. 6A Undertaking and Emba‘ming on latest orin ciples at reasonuble "~ates. Farziture of the Best YÂ¥ate EETIC C ETT TR TT PRMUITCC GBOTI lished by his father in Durham in 1856 a: d will endervor to give all 0id a d now cu«iom ers the same entire satiefaciion lished N, B,.â€"To ensure a good job the Hides must be well salted as soon as taâ€" ken off,. Would intimate that he will co + 7 t k h Farnifure and Undertaking BHuxmox. cs 26 ‘URMITURE AND UÂ¥WERiNtL y the New Proccses, which for Finish and $oilâ€" nesg can‘t be beat. Horse Hiles, Cow Hides, Urng Skins, Tanned suitable for Robe Tanning ! Remember the stand â€"opposite the Market, Durham. Satisfaction Guarantoe! ALways on maxp. PICTURE FRAMING ® cpociaAunny Robe Tanning ! . Jd. SHEWELL Rones & Gorts are clubbed by u at low rates. Thos. Smith. CNE PRJICE E. J, sUEWZLL «4 k: VUC + $t i4 ts $ 4 This is a Rare Grain. â€" Business 1 will lease for a t« ply to On the 2nd Con. | Ing 174 acres, 140 f"ulu‘ state of culti ous weeds, Sprin% #& Kitchen,. Wood ® Barn 50x70, Ston« PDrive & Implement Btables underneath Hard and Soft \\fi Bchool convenient. Buildings cost 0 FARM F Iusc:n OF MARR stein, Ont. Parties waited a; able distan Holstein, January Block. Ressdence Fest OMce, Dourh: Will be in Prices day in each montl mercial Hotel. p#° 5, 0 to loras intercss Elliott BARRISTERS. S OMces : â€"Opposi We are prepar tracts and fum al LOWER TOV and «ut. PLANING A"* Dressing Ca Perfume Cas Bhaving Cas WATS Plush and 0 PAECT XEKELTE C3 SHINGLES © N Dromore, June Dr. T. G. H Plush Plush & Cel We cut Good like t £lbums in FFICE FIRS DEN IMPROVE for e beg 1 that we | the Durha W. S$. HO 44 44 NKoOonTid HacFA First Com ROBERT asked, one DONK AND OT 44 he1 &4

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