West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Jan 1897, p. 5

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L AC:AlT Li by a ites. h Rest Yake n latest orin =tew. Smith. ‘ngat osite the naing ! ing ! BBR rant Hides, Dog in town. C& beat EW ZLL MA L RI k. 14 ovnt on eb nos= o# #b n 1858 ars d d job the aA35 *f* Usl O1% Soitâ€" £} . This is a Rare Bargain. _ Stock or Grain. â€" Business meant. _ If not sold will lease for a term of years. Apâ€" ply to On the 2nd Con,. Normanby, containâ€" ing 174 acres,. 140 cleared. A 1 soil in grand state of cultivation free from noxâ€" ious weeds. Spring Creek. Stone House & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached, Bank Barn 50x70, Stone Basement Stables. Drive & Implement House 3Ox60, Stone Stables underneath. Root House 10x50. Hard and Soft Water. Churches and School convenient. 44 miles from Durâ€" ham Buildings cost over half the Money FARM FOR SALE. Iasvln OF MARRIAGEB LICENSEs, Holâ€" stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reasonâ€" able distance, if desired. Holstein, January 14th 1897. Will be in Priceville the first Wednes day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" mercial Hotel, ()FFI(,‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham â€" Pharmacy Calder Block. Residence first door west of th Fost Office, Durham. i on BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS., C CONVEYANCERS. &c. OMcas :â€"Opposite TOWN HA. Lower Town, Durh@am »@~ 3, CO0 to luan at lowest rates of interces We are prepared to take building con tracta and furmnish all kinds of Material at living prices. We beg to announce to the public that we have the imill rebuilt and relitted with LOWER TOWN PLANING AND MATCHING«â€"_~~~ and other goods at a simil «ut. WATSON BROS DONE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND Dromore, June 6th, ‘06. Dr. T. G. KHKOLT L D. S. C 2.50 â€"1.54 t 2.26 1.49 "4 1.75 1.I9 Perfume Cases 1.25 75 Shaving Cases â€" 3.50 2â€"05 DENTISTRY. TP‘lush A SNAP ! tMPROVED MACHINERY. Plush & Celluloid 2 We cut prices in Fancy Good like this : £lbums in W. S. HORSBURGH. for _ Â¥ 3 0 days â€" x only Elliott & Elliott, & 6 NORTIL EGREMONT. 4 6 MacFARLAN® & Oo. ROBERT WATSOy Jr., Isherwood P. O., Ont First Come First Choice. asked, oneâ€"third down. £4 66 AT RIGHT PRICES. 1 3.50 2 50 1.50 Price Old 50) DURH A M 1.36 1,24 2.05 1.36 1.79 1.05 1.36 1.19 83 74] 2.27 Sale Price ar The annual meeting of this body was held on Wednesday forenoon and officers for the coming year appointed. Mr. Jas Edge and A. McKenzie are again Pres. and Secy. respectively. We sh=1ll give a report next week as some of our mails have gone sussusinremnces AlGge MA wae..cciw we 8. GREY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. We Can Givye Positions. to persons of all grades of abulity. _ Agents, books keepers, clerks, farmers, sons, lawyers, mechavies, phsicians, preachers, students, married andaingle women. â€" Positions are worth from $400 to $2.500,. per annum. We have paid several canvassers $50 weekly for years. _ Many haye started poor and become rich with ns, Particalâ€" lars upon pjplications, and if satiâ€"f@tory amd necessary, a personal inverview may be arranged. _ This is an honest adyertig. ment, aud if yon want to beiter your position, write tbefore you sleep. â€" State salary erpected. Neither loafer® nor tipplers need applr. The BRADLEY.. tipplers need applr. The BRADLEY.. GARRETSON CO., LTD,. TORONTO, NT . SacREp CONCERT.â€"A high class Sacâ€" red Concert was given by the choir of the Methodist Church, Mt. Forest on the evening of the 12th Jan. to a well filled bouse, and an appreciative audâ€" ience, under the direction of Prof, Warâ€" rington of Toronto. all acquitted themâ€" selves well, Miss Gertie King and Miss Inez Tanner, excelling themselyes as Soloists, while the Choruses by the eyenly balanced choir showed forth the art of shading in Piano and Fortissimo to profection, the pieces rendered were by such composers as Sir. A. Sullivan, Rossini. Haydn and others. The Solo and Chorus **The Marvellious Work," from Haydn‘s Creation, was especially fine. Miss E, Whelply presided at the piano with ability, P ExTERPRISE.â€"Mr. A. 8. Hunter is now and again put to the pinch* for water for his stock, etc. He is now bound to overcome this diffeulty and has at work this week a large power drill owned and operated by Mr. G. Caldsr, of Holstein, This Machine can bore 300 feet if necessary, and it is deâ€" cidedly interesting to see it in operaâ€" tion, We hone Mr. Hunter‘s enterprise may be rewarded by an abundant supâ€" ply of water. His fine stables, where over 40 head of cattle are being preparâ€" ed for marked at present, is a delight to progressive stockmen. BARGAIN Davy.â€"Every Tuesday at Torry‘s Photo Gallery, cab. photos, best finish, $1 & $1,50 a doz., Sunbeams 75¢, Photo albums 50e to $2.00. Call and be convinced. Mr. Jno. Crowther, of Holland Centre, father of Mrs. Robt Aljoe, Jr. died last Saiturday, the 16th inst. at the age of i0 years,. Four sons and three daughâ€" ters survive him. Saue Binus, Parties wishing Sa will do well to call at the Review We can nearly always let you them same day you call. We‘ gin a free notice in the paper too, Mrs. Wimn, Turnbull, Bentinck, n« Corinth, and her sister Miss Mag: Redford are visiting their Brotherâ€" law‘s Rev, J, O‘Neill Cheltenhant for wee‘k. Fair Day was a cold one, away below zero, and few catile were offering and few buyers, Some brisk horse sc Hling went on we believe. Business men can have a box of 500 good envelopes neatly printed for one dollar. â€" Hard times prices, but these will advertise your business. County Council meets next Tuesday, and 16 men will take upon themselves the obligation to govern this county for 2 vears. f Mr. and Mrs. R. Aljoe, Jr. attended the tuneral of Mrs. Aljoe‘s father at Holland Centre last Monday, To LET.â€"A comfo lwick house in Lower Apply to J. M. Hunter. As the day rlen'gthens the _ cold strengthens, Fresh broken sodas at John Camerâ€" on‘s, also prime new cheese. Just Arrived, another shipment of that $2.00 flour at Sparlings, _ Try it. Wood and farm produce taken in exâ€" change for Photos é&co. at Torry‘s Gallery Upper Town, Mrs, Kari, of Toronto. is visiting for a week orso with her sister, Mrs R. Alâ€" JjJoe, Jr. of town. We have in stock a yery fine pastry flour ordered expressly for that purpose, Geo. Sparling, 441 1ivUIPENE 1Q Ulil PpFCSS NAS caused a aelay in some of our mails this week, _ All right again however. THaxxs.â€"To the many who have called during the last two or three weeks and renewed for the Review we offer our sincere thanks, which are due also to those wko have remitted, genâ€" erally with kind words. We begin 1897 greatly encouraged and hope many more will diurâ€" ing this month place them-j selves right with us. We need the money and will endeavor on our part to keep the Reaview still in the front as a local news paper. ) Eho Purkham, Thur. Jar. 21, ‘90 Ax Accompext to our press LOCAL AND GENERAL Gallery Crep â€" Acview. imother shipment of Sparlings, Try it. produce taken in exâ€" A. S, Hunter is to the pinch* for etc. _ He is now his diffeulty and Upper Town. table _ twoâ€"story Town, Duarham. Review Office let you have We give yor too, nzie are | _ Whether the Broom Drill or the Hoop ectively. | Drill wes the better, it was hard to deâ€" week as i cide, Certainly the rendering of both le Bills a Sup. Allan bad many willing and able assistants, among whom were Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. A. S Hunter, Mis. Allan and Misses Cochrane, MeFarlane, B. McKenzie, A. Johnston, Fraser, M. Gun, M. Harris Cameron, Park and others. Miss Allie MceRae, on kindergarten lines, and Mr. R. Parker, ever public spirited, lent their skill freely arso in preparation. The three kindergarten songs by litâ€" tle tots were a delight to the audience who always enjoy the naive efforts ol the youngsters in their motion songs The workers who spent much time and labor in getting up this concert went home last Friday night amply repaid for all their trouble. _ The auâ€" dience were there to the packing of the Town Hall, â€"some could not get in, â€"the children were out in foreeâ€"the progiamme was a unique one, â€"it was excellently _ renderedâ€"the _ receipts were generous. PRESBYT‘RIAN S$. S. ENTERTAINMENT Pres, was then cartied. Much enthusâ€" iasm was manifested, during the proâ€" ceedings ; a vyery pleasant afternoon was fully occupied, and all seemed to enjoy to the full, meeting once more, for the interchange of ideas. profusely illustrated, fill its jpages, and all the latest designs for Poultry Houses coops, self feeders, &c, are shown and described, The packing of poultry for the market forms the subject of an inâ€" teresting paper, _ The provincial winter show at Guelph receives full attention, recover imoneys already paid. We congratulate the viectors, wlhuile at the s1me time we are sorry for Mr. Laidâ€" law, who, we understand, will be largely out of pocket by it. FaraMixG@.â€"For January is par excelâ€" lence a poultry number, and its cover is embellished with a portrait of Mr. Thos. A. Browne, Seey of the Ontrrio Poultry A\ssociation, and a sketch of his career appears. â€" Papers by prominent breeders profusely illastrated,. fill its $pages, and Burotric Rainway:â€"â€"Barrister Mcâ€" Caul on Wednesday morning reccived four pages of the Judges deliverance on the suit lately pending between Mr. Laidlaw and some of the subseribers. The subscribers go seot free, the deâ€" feet in the agreement being thai no one is mentioned as being payee. Those who paid will now feel chagrinâ€" ed, and sters may vyet be taken to Kxox CHURCH, NoRMANBY.â€"The congregation of this church are haying an old time Soiree on Monday evening next, for which they have bills out announcing RHev, {(Mr, Little, and Mr. J, (4, Inkster as chief speakers, Mr. Inksâ€" ter is a theological Student who labored in the field for a time over a year ago. He is expected to preach on Sunday at 3 and 7 p. m.. They will likely have fuall houses as they never do things by halves. Frorr Rromamoxp».â€"By the courtesy of Mr. W im. Johnston we have received a copy of the Richmond Despatch of recent date. {Mr,. J. is an old Virginian, having lived there in the stirring times of the civil war, of which he has many memories and a "routh " of good stories, However we meant to say that from this paper we shall next week give some pointers that may be useful to our good town. AN ABsUnrDp RUMOR â€"We have heard it is stated that Mr. Hay, of Dornoch, went to his opponent Mr. Adlam, before the late election to ask him to resign in his fayor, We venture to say Mr. Hay did nothing of the sort. All Mr. Hay wanted was a square fight, and, if deâ€" feated, accept it like a man. Bartist Raurvy.â€"Chesley was the scene last week of one of the enthusâ€" iastic Baptist Conventions called a "Rally." fWe have not noticed that Durham sent any, but Bentinck sent a lively contingent. Paisley received the banner for the highest marks on the Christian culture course Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be dispensed in Rurn‘s church, Rocky Saugeen, next Sunday at 11 o,clock. The Rev. Mr. MceVicar, of Dromore, will conduct the preparatory service at 2.30 on Friday,and the Rev, Mr. Craigie, of Hanover, on Saturday at 11 o‘clock. ALLANX FOR WARDEN.â€"We hear that Mr, James Allan is likely to be vhe 1st choice for Warden under the new orâ€" der of things, No better man could be found. _ It would fittingly rouna off his 25 years of Municipal life. A meeting of the South Grey Reform Association is expected to be held about the middle of ll"obru:n'y. Before the Session begins at any rate. Dryx Woop,â€"(Can a few of our subâ€" scribers who have promised to bring us wood on the REvIEw come along soon, with either dry or green ? brafuiinPidsininiaidartiant" A Arnhanidieoahidal uuralr;, CR RNIRCLC urday last. _ She was accompanied by Miss Allie McRae, Mrs. Annie Stover, Buffalo, is visitin her parents M», and Mrs, Jao, Firth, c town, | Miss Ramsay, left for Chesley, on Sat Coxt. ONTARIO ARCHIVES f TORONTO \ _ The Annual Cong. Meeting of Amos | Church was held recently, the Congreâ€" | gation being well represented, Session‘s | report given by l‘w Pastor Rev. D. | McVicar. Amongst others things showâ€" ed the memhers%ip to bhe I84, the atâ€" \tendunce at Church was also shown, with a few ecceptions to be very satisâ€" factory, The C,. E. 8. in connection , with the church also presented a report ; by their Secy., Miss Agnes Renwick, | having a membership of 53. Out of ; some $15.00 collected, $9.00 was contriâ€" | buted to Foreign Missions. In this conâ€" nection, the Cong. acquiesced in the | bocieiy inviting here the next convenâ€" | tion of South Grey Endeayorers. The Sabbath School report was also presen{â€" ed by the same young Jlady, Thereâ€" port of the Women‘s F. M. Society was J giyen by Miss Nellie Hastie, Secy., who We have just received a sample copy of a most excellent and lifeâ€"like photoâ€" engraving done in three colors of the ‘ new Liberal Cabinet. The Globe Printâ€" ing Co. have secured the exclusive conâ€" | trol of the picture, _ It is 21 x 28 inches, and was arranged from actual photoâ€" | graphs by the wellâ€"known Canadian | artist, J, D. Kelly, and is being prepared | by the Toronto Lithographing Co , | which bespeaks perfect work. Let this bargain offer be widely known,. . the fullest and the farmest, Yearly subscribers may have the enâ€" graving by remitting us 20 cents, To cash subscribers for the Globe and REeâ€" viEw for 1 year the price with the pictâ€" ure is $1,50. â€" The meeting of the two Houses of Parliament in a short time will make the Globe a necessity, as its reports are the fullest and the fairest. We have made arrangements with the Globe Printing Co, to supply it with a three month‘s trial trip of the Weekly Giobe and the ReviEw for 50 ets. That is Weekly Globe 3 months, REviEw 3 months and the engraving all for 50 cis. The Engraving alone sold for 50 cents, but it can now be secured only through the Globe. It was a success and according to old Mr. Swallow "I take ‘em all in, Sir, the best of the season." Of the recaters, while all were good, it is no affectation to say that Miss Mary Gordon was the best of the evenâ€" ing. Her fine voice, her a')pl eciation of her subject, and natural manner will yet bring her more to the front. The Star drill, the Christmas Reunion and the Kitchen pantomine were all pretentious pieces delightfully executed while choruses, a diarlogue, a knitting song, etc. added pleasing variety to the evening. was in the highest degree creditable, and formed delightfel numbers in a fine entertainment. Of the recaters, while all were good, it is no affectation to say that Miss Mary Gordon was the best of the evenâ€" ing. Her fine voice, her ni)pleoiul ion of her subject, and natural manner will yet bring her more to the front. MAcGItLIvRAyâ€"At Montreal, on Friâ€" day, the 15th January, Rev. John Mac gillivray, B. D., pastor of Melville Presbyterian Church, Montreal, [The {mrents of the deceased, who is a )rother of the Honan Missionary, were well known in parts of 8. Grey.] MaATrHEwsSâ€"SCHENKâ€"At Holstein, in the Presbyterian Manse, by the Rev. J. M. Miller, on the 13th inst., Mr. R. J. Matthews to Miss Mary Schenk, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Aud. Schenk, all of Egremont. NOTICE. All persons indepted to C. McArthur are respectfully requested to call for their accounts and settle either by cash or note before tae 20th inst. All accounts left unsettled must be placed into other hands for collection. MARSHALt.â€"In Normanby, on the 11th inst.. to Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Marshall a daughter. All Debts due us must be Settled before March Ist next, Debts left unâ€" so!‘t‘lml will be placed in Court for Dec. 18th 1806. Collection, THE NEW LIBERAL CABINET. All accounts must be settled by cash or note on, or before March 1st 1897, atter that date, collection will be placâ€" ed in other hands. Is the bestâ€" in fact the One True Blood Purifier, & 10 UHC UCSL &l Hood‘s Pills pills, aid digestlncorl-;.um;of This is the compleint of k thousands at this season. Eat They have no appetite; food does not relish. They need thetoning upof the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so promptâ€" ly and efficiently relieves dyspepticsympâ€" toms and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost "a magic touch." Hood‘s c ,t ‘ «) a n 4 i 4 This is the complaint of L thousands at this season. Eaf Sarsaparilla . ParkEr, Druggist Durham. DRCMORE. NOTICE. MARRIED. NOTICE. +4 <@â€" ++ N. G. & J. McKechnie. DIED. BORN. are the best afterâ€"dinner C. McArtHUR. began by telling for what purpose organized, has 15 members. _ About $27.00 was contributed to F. M. also a bale of clothing amounting in value to $72,00, An urgent appeal for more \ members, the field being great but the laborers are few closed this report. ‘ After election of managers, and other | business, the meeting adjourned to meet again on the 23th Jan. to further transact the business of the congregaâ€" We welcome back to our midst the smiling countenance of Miss Lizzie Isaac who has been holdaying near Galt, for a few weeks. Mrs. George Amos, has hrd, we are sorry to hear an attack of Neuralgia, but is improving, Mrs, McCallum, sister +0 Mrs. Loslie. left last week for Mt. Forest on a two week‘s visit to Mr. and Mis, A. J. Lesliie of that town, Miss Eliza Wiilson has gone to Owen Sound C, I. to further improve herself, while her brother John is taking a dairying course at the O. A,C, Guelph to further improve his knuwledge of butter and cheese making. This is highly commendatble in both in this age of the survival of the fittest. Mr. Geo, Lothian was elected at a late meeting Pres. of the C. E. 8. as a result of his affableness and popularity. Mr. John Rerton, our genial and popâ€" ular blacksmith had a large bee the other day drawing stone for a i5x55 feet barn basement, which he intends putâ€" ting up next sumimer the weather was favorable and good sleighing enabled the boys to " sock " the stones in. Mr, John Garson has rented his farm to a Mr. Halfpenny from near Pricevilie. Mr. and Mrs. T. Atchison are now comforntably domiciled in the rooms over Mr. Wilson‘s furnitrre warehouse. Mr. McVicar brother of the Rev. D. McVicar visited the latter last week, being on his way home from British Columbia, f tion id The Durham Pharmacy. Calder‘s Block. school supplies IN THE EYERYTHINC We JUST RECEIVED the other day GOAT ROBE, WE HAVE A FEW â€" THEY GO AT $6.00 There are a few Overcoats = â€" Still to be disposed of DO YOU WANT A coop C RE.A.N T 5 Dozen Corsetsâ€"Style Contf High Bustâ€" 3 side steelsâ€" yet offered for the Only 75 cents a LINE OFP & «+ Hard Times Prices for cash. 20 per cent Discount off all all our Mantle Cloins â€" But dont wait too longâ€"If you want any â€"They wont last. . L. CRANT. Style Confined to OurseIves Rocky Saugeen, Nov 28, 1806. It was bred by 8. H. Todd & Son, Wakeman, Ohio, and bas a splendid record, _ Pedigree may , be seen on application. The undersigned will keep for service at his premises LOT 17 CON. 1. W. G, R. BENTINCK, the aboye well bred boar. If you want Bargains, come this month to, The old Etock bought from Mr. T. Mcoffat will be rushed off at low prices to make room for New Goods arriyed and arriving. CHESTER WHITE;BOAR, Temple Buildinz, »S St James Et., Nontreak The only firm of Graduate Enginers inthe Domi« mnion transacting patont Lisi.mess eaclusively R ‘na & -ump for our Eumul book *‘*How to ,et a Patent‘‘," What profitable to invent."and Prizeson Patents‘. Advice free. Fee mogeratg MclLachlan Fruits & Confecticns of all kinds. With New Groceries, New Canned Goods, New Crockery, and CGlassware. "Washington" TERMS, ONE DOLLAR. Jxo. McKEcauxI®E. The best Corset moneyâ€" 4. MeLACHLAN S, THOROUGHBRED. OPENING!TI (Moffat‘s Old Starnd.)

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