West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Jan 1897, p. 8

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Have you tried it yet? 1000‘s are delighted with it. Here‘s a party who lcoks pleased. of course they are using BARGAIN DAY JAN. 26,‘ : J. A. HUNTER‘S at s ts t€ ‘"*_ 35 * _ 24 cts. 3 sizes Granite Preserying Kettles Reg. 90c, to $1.25, Tues. 49c. to 60c, 2 only, copper Bottom Tin Kettles, Reg. $1.20c. Tues. 62¢. 2 Quart heavy polished Tin Tea Pot, Tuesday 22 cents ea ch. BEST TEA IN THE WORLD IN LEAD PACKETS TRY A POUND TUES. 29 cts. lb. 14 cts. 1â€"2 POUND NEW ARRIVALS Giranite Wash dish, Reg. 25¢c. Tuesday 21 cents each, 24 Quart Granite lipped Sauce Pans, Reg. 40 cts, Tues, 32 cis Heavy Wool Drugget for shirting, Reg. 25¢. Tues. 20c¢, yard. I Piece shirting ginghams, blue and white check always 12%¢ In 16 inch, 32 inch and 4 foot lengths, Highest prices paid in exchange for merchandise. A good place to pile at, yard, goes to day at ic. Come early. Your choice 3 odd pieces plain and checked Black sateen. The prices were 16¢, yard.â€"your choice Tuesday at 9%c¢c. yard. 100 yards Black Serge, all wool 42 inches wide, guaranteed to stand acid stainsâ€"â€"will rot discolorâ€"Regular 40c. If you want the very cheapest good, black dress get it Tuesday it 25¢c. yard. 150 yards newest striped wool shirting flannel non shrinkable Reg. 25¢. yard, Tuesday your choice of the lot per yard 17¢. 15 Dozen knives and forks (wooden handlesâ€"table ) worth $1.50 Tuesday you get a dozen of each for $1.00. Finest Oranges, wortl: 25¢, doz, Tuesday 12%c¢. dozen. «* Lemens * 25¢. doz., Tuesday 12%c. dozen, Come with the crowd every day to Kolona Ceylon Tea. £6 and Satins. Scotch Fingering yarns, Black, White Men‘s Scotch Tweed Suitings. Woman‘s high waterproof overshoes. Large shipment of Ribbons all shades and wiiths 66 GRANITE WARE and TIN WARE. 46 WOOD WANTED. $1 Granite Black English Worsted Suitings. 66 66 UPPER TOWN Tuesday 48 cents each. , Red, etc. * _ ONTartuy , Silke The Central Experimental Farm at Ottawa. To the Editor of the Grey Review : During the past nine years, samples of those yarieties of grain which have succeeded best on the Experimental Farm bhave been distributed on applicâ€" ation in 3â€"lb. bags to farmers in all parts of the Dominion, free through the mail. The object in view in this disâ€" tribution has been to add to the proâ€" ductiveness and improve the quality of these importart agricuitaral products throughout the country by placing within reach of every farmer pure seed of the most vigorous and productive sorts. This work has met with much appreciation and alconsiderable deyree of success. Instructions have been given by the Hon Minister of Agriculture to make a similar distribution this season. QOwing to the very large number of applica=â€" tions now received it is not practicable to send more than one sample to each applicant, but with this limitation it is hoped that the stock available will be sufficient to permit of every tarmer who so desires sharing in the benefits of this useful branch of the work of the Experimental Farms. The distribution now in progress consists of some of the most promising sort of Oats, Barley, Spring Wheat, Pease, Field Corn and Potatoes. Reâ€" quests for samples may be sent to the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, at any time before the 1st of March, but after that date the lists will be closed so that the applications then on hand may be filled before seeding beâ€" fore seeding begins. All communicaâ€" tions can be sent tree of postage. â€"It is desirable that each applicant should name the variety which he desires to test, also one cr two alternative sorts in case the stock of the sort chosen shculd be exhausted, while no promise can be made that the yariety asked for will be sent, the wishes of correspondents will be attended to as far as practicable. The samples of grain will be sent early but potaioes cannot be distributed until the danger of injury in traneit by frest is over. * Mcluris,â€"Leith,â€"That W. Wilder be allowed the sum of $1.45 per week for the maintaince ol Wwm. William fro: this Rusuei!,â€"Lieth.â€"That the Council give the scub timber ou Base line opposite G. A. Con, 14 to P. Thair.â€"Carmed. Said committereports as follows :â€"That Mrs. Tribe had agreed to keep Jno. Kholes for $150 per week. Leithâ€"Mcelnuissâ€" That foregoing report be adopted aud the reeye atiend to the same.â€"Carried. Leith,â€"MciInnis.â€"In consideration of the acct. sent us by Clerk of Normanby we remit $4 with statemnent from Clerk.â€" Carried. Mcelonisâ€"Rusnell.â€"That R. Burrows be paid $2.10 in payment of goods furnish, ed to Juo. Kholes.â€"â€" Carriel. Bye.â€"Le‘th.â€"That the reeve and mov. er consult Mrs Tribc re John Kholea and report to this Council.â€"Carried. Directors Experimental Farms. Ottawa, January 5th, ‘97. Mclunisâ€" Leith.â€"That the petition cf Geo. Morrison and 31 others re the estavn. lishing a Uvion School between this Tp. and Normanuby be laid over till next meet® ing of Conncil and the Clerk notify the Trustees of all School Sections affected by this petition,â€"Carried. Jas. Allan reports on Calvert‘s bridge as follows, that approach requiring filling was frozen so solid, that it would be costly to break it up, but was perfectly secure till spring. Byoâ€"Busuell.â€"Tha«t foregoing report te adopted and Mr. Allan reseive $1 for his services.â€"Carried, Counc l met Jan. 11th. Members c‘cc gribscribed ro the required Declarations and touk their sents as follows :â€"P. Dickson, Reeve, R. Bye, 1st Dep.; Chas. MclInoi«, 2ud Dep.; D. Leith and F. Rusoell Conncillors. Minutes of previcus meeting confirmed. The reeve nominated John Ross, Auditor, and upon resolution of Council Jno. A. Swanson was appointed as the other. Byeâ€"law 84, for appointing Auditors, blanks with foregoing names filled in, pasâ€" sed the usual readings« &c. Byeâ€"law 85, tor appo‘ntiig Tp, officers. blanks filled in as follows, T. Brown. Treasurer, salary $100, D, Allan, salary $140! W. H. King«ton, Solicitor, passed the usual readiugs was signed &c, Byâ€"law 86, for appointing Health officer© blanks filled in as foliowei ; Dickson, Allar. Bye, Leith and McInnis, with Dr. Brown, Health officer, passed also the usâ€" ual readings, was signed, &c. Melonis,â€"Leith.â€"â€"That D, R. 0. be /d the sum of $8.50 each div ded as follows D, R. O, $4, use of house $3, Poll Cierk $1.50.â€"Carried. Bye,â€"Rusne!l,â€"That biil of G. B. Van Blaricom printing Financial Statements am‘t to $10 be pard.â€"Carried. DISTRIBUTION OF SAMFLES FRONM Wx. SiuxpERs. kGREMONT COUNCIL. KIVY ATrigss 11 v es TORONTO date, and that the clerk notify W. Wilder to that effectand if he refuse to accept this am‘t tiee W. Williams will be remor‘ ed to Mrs Tribes.â€"Carries. Rusnell,â€"Leith,â€"That Conncil now adjourn till Feb, 18th to receiye the Andiâ€" tors‘ report; teaders for printing, appoint« ing an assessor, and Pathmaâ€"ters for 1897, â€"Carried, Rusuell, â€"MceInnis.â€"That the Clerk notify Alex. Dowuds that he give no more flour to A. Bogle, as indigent, on this Tp. â€"Carried. The annual meeting was held in the Presbyterian Church in this place on Friday afternoon, the 15th inst. The general business done at such meetings was dealt with _ A deputation from Swinton Park congregation waited on the Pastor, Rev. D. McLeod, with a view of making some agreement with him of holding services every Sabbath afternoon at that place, offering him as remuneration for his service $350 per anoum. _ The congregational meeting thought the proposal i very good one and so far consentcd to grant their reâ€" quest, as preachers, like every body else wants something to live thereon. Howâ€" ever, there are, we understand, some nncertain sounds as to the possibility of the above proposition taking place. Mcloms,â€"Leith.â€"That _ the â€" reeve exammine Registry office vre Treasurer‘s securities and report to Council at next meetisg.â€"â€"Carried. Rusnell.â€"McIonis.â€"â€"That Mrs, Barâ€" clay be eupplied as formerly viz. 40 lbs, fout and $1 in good s per mobh,â€"Carried, Bye,â€"Meinois,â€"That the pétition of Rey. J. M. Miiter and 11 others ae Mrs. Kopescle, indigent, be granted and this Council made a special grant of $4 to her, Carried, Leith.â€"Rusneil,â€"That Clims. Ramage receive the sum of #5 bal, on printing acc‘t also 50c. for postage.â€"Carried. Bye,â€"Rusnel!,â€"That the Clerk be paid 25¢. express tcharges on ballots.â€" Caried. Old Lady McDonald, of the South Line, was the guest of Miss Sarah Mcâ€" Intyre one day last week. _ The venerâ€" able lady has passed her 95th year and it is no trick for her to travel some ten or fifteen miles a day yet. Its a pity that the young generation of ladies had such good material in them as those of a century ago, Ansether thaw on Sunday last, which will probably end in a snow sterm. Mr. Malcolm Cameron secured the caretaking of the Presbyterian Church for the year 1897 at a salary of $44 per annum. â€" He is also caretaker of the school at $39 per annum, Mrs. Josew McDonald ts improving in health. e noticed a correction from Dr. Patterson, of Durham, in a recent issue re this case. For information we may say that your old Cofrespondent was not concerned in the statements made by a Priceyviile cor. some weeks ago. The Fair on Monday was in a measure well attended. _ Fat cattle changed bhands freely at fair F:ices. Stockers were also in middling fair demand. Mr. Martin Stonehouse is taking the advantage of the good roads from his bush to his house in bringing home large quantities of dry wood so as to be ready to bring to market when the good sleighâ€" ing comes. We are sorry to lose one of our towns men, in the person of Mr, James Frame. Mr. Frame has been in the employ of Mr. James as head tanner for a number of years and by his steady avtendance to all societies tending to cultivate the minds of his fellow citizens to fame and honor, _ He has won for himself a large ci.ll'lcle of friends in the locality of Priceâ€" ville. Among the teacheas that Friday evenâ€" ings bring to the parental homes in our town or near by are: RKobert Scott, of Dundas ;School, Egremont; Walter Nichol, of Boothville section, No. 14 Egremont; John McLeod, of Old D. Road, Artemesia ; and Miss Girtie Mcâ€" Leod, of Stone School Artemesia, © A large number of Pricevilloites atâ€" tended the entertainment at Ebenâ€" ezer on Friday eyening last and enjoyed themselves immensely, _ As the good people of Ebenezer spares no time or talent in entertaining the audience. We understand a proposition is on the move in our section for to grant the Agricultnrul Society, of Artemesia the wivilege of building au Agricultural hull on the Schaol grounds or in line thereto so as to have the privilege of the grounds at exhibition time, Wesee Vet McIntyre has purchased a driver lately, Mr. Allan McKinnon, of Durham, acâ€" companied by h1s son Van drovye through our town lately, Dan does quite an exâ€" cellent business in cattle buy ing and selâ€" ling and a visit to his farm at Fairwell Corners will find his barn yard well stacked with cattle preparing for the market. The sleighing is somewhat better, afâ€" fording us better facilities of attending to the various requirements to be atâ€" rended to at this season of the year. Mr. Don. McDonald and his sister, Mrs, Campbell, visited at Mr. Hector Campbelt‘s, of Fairbairn,. on Saturday last _ Mrs, Campbell rented her farm at Fairbairn to a Mr. Robb, of Provon, for a term of years, At a recenat mecting of Session of St. Columba Church, Donald Currie, teachâ€" er, was appointed Superintendent of the Sabbath sSchool instead of Donald Mcâ€" Donald. We congratulate the Sabbath School for securing the services of Mr. Currie as president,over this large and prosperous Sunday School and we do not hesitate a moment in saying that he will attend to the responsible office faihfully. Mr. James Watson, of this place, spent the most of last week visiting at Walter‘s Falls. _ Jim has always a keen eye to business, it matters not whether it be in wielding the hammer or the pen. PRICEVILLE. D. Auprax. CUTTERS,. The finest lot ever seen in Durham and away down in price. Come and get your choice when the large stock is on hand. As soon as the snow comes they will go like hot cakes. Robes of all Lhinds from 87. upwards, just the season to buy. This is the season to make your wife or sister the present of a Sewing Machâ€" ine or Organ. I have a full stock of the celebrated Raymond Machines and will give you 15 8er cent discount for the next 60 days. Full swcek of Bell, Doherty & Karn Organs. MONEY, I have plenty of it to advance on good Farm or Town Mortgages at a low rate of Interest and suitable terms for the borrower. Loans entirely Confidentai. Full Stocks in all other lines. A limited Supply of Wood taken in exchange for Goods. Having decided to conduct the business alone, I have resolved to give special bargains in Stoves and Winter Goods, for the next sirxty days. I have the largest and best assorted Stock %’ Stoves ever ashown in town, all kinds of Coozing stoves, Heating Stoves, Box Stoves, Coal Stoves & Furnaces and at prices you can afimd to buy. HAPPY and PROSPEROUS RNNew YFCea:r, ~â€" All kinds We are yours for trade Organs & 16th WISHINu@ YOU ALL IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. Goodsâ€"â€"Bright, New & Cheap. Happy NEw YEAR FANCY CCOODS. . mMmcARTHUR Prosverous ‘97 @©84%8%¢e8ee0e%4 Balance of Holiday & ood s A‘T COST For next 10 day Wishes all h‘s Customers a Values, Second to None. . PARKCER We‘ EQ s WE‘ C \;\»‘..& ;'\néi‘\g Test ‘em once, you‘il call again. Tssuer of Mar;riage Licenses, BEAN & CO. BIG 4. Druggist & Seed:man, Durhar And a [Dalglish‘s Old Stand,] *4%4%4%@4% @4 44 &4 W. CALDER )\ & LOWER TOWN DURHAM. & "Large We take thanking past pat convince Cha WAREH Call and i EVERY Durh s DOUB VOl. ers tha Syi its

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