West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 28 Jan 1897, p. 1

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uUÂ¥, od C\ We take this opportunity of thunking our customers for past patronage, and we are couvinced that the new system will meris a continuarce of the samse. All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pignos, Sewing Machines, Etc. WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durhanm. We beg to inform our Cu:tomâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, ard that our Motto will be "Large Saies & Small Profits." Chas McKinnon Call and inspect and be Convinced. T)D U E. EXCA.RA ADOPTED BY N G. & J. McKechniei, EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH Durham, Aug. 9tbh, °96. BIQ ol ~ c on tm Our specials just now are DOUBLE FOLD DRESS GOODS AT 20 and 25¢ a yard. CALL AND SEE THEM. G s T € m VOi. XIX,â€"NO. 4. And Sold at Lowest Possiple Prices. The â€"CASH«â€"â€" CHAS. McKINNON. % UPPER € T O W N BEAN & CO. â€"DEALER INâ€" .. G. & J. McXECHNIE The Oren 1 ~ â€"Montagueo, Haggart, Caron, and some say Hugh John MacDonald are reported to be leaving politics for min ing. _ The Toronto Star dubs thein "Enthuas astic in Prosperity,Quitters in Adversity, " The Tuppers, father and son, are still left howeyer, and with Foster will be the chief lights of the o ce great party. â€"Mr. Tarte fell sick and "La Miiâ€" erve" piou«<ly points ont that it is a sign of heaven‘s displeasure for ap proving the school settlement. _ Mr. Tarte got well and asks Minerye in turn wh t it thinks of Archbishop Fabre dying who opposed the school settlement? Tarte by name and tairte â€"Hon. Ed. Blake has been chosen to a most responsible position : leader of the whole Irish representation in an effort to secure a lessening of Irish tax ation, which, it is claimed, has been about 3 million dollars too much yearly. All parties have sunk their differences in the meantime, and Cangdians will find themselves watching with intercest the fight of their eminent country man. â€"Manitoba patrons are arranging to mpress _ on the tariff commission( & who will soon go west, the neces=y of sedeeming pre election promises as to the tariff question. They unhesita tingly condemn the principle of proâ€" tection. â€"Toronto was in darkness for an evening last week owing to the desâ€" truction by fire of the buildings conâ€" taining the electric light plant. Machâ€" inery from outside points was rushed in by special train to replace the serâ€" vice. â€" Another little African War, King "Obbah" of Benin had consented to receive a British delegation for a palâ€" aver as to the extension of trade with or through his country. The expeditâ€" ion, consisting of Consul General Philliphs and other British officials, some civilians, attendants, &c., left for Benin city, unarmed, so as to imâ€" press the peaceable nature of their mission upon the kingx. by Byâ€"e‘cctions will take place on Feb. 4th in N. Ontario, Brant, and East Simcoe. The Globe points out how Liberals in power are carrying out what they urged in opposition ; viz., to have sumultancous elections. N. Grey, Suabury an Queen‘s were held the same day, and subsequently Saskâ€" katchewan and Cornwall and Storâ€" mont were held simultaneously. ‘This was the sad and fatal mistake. About 250 carriers were sent on ahead, end in a tew hours some of the party came upon a pile of mutilated corpses, not one haying escaped, _ While gurâ€" veying the bloody havoc, they too were set upon by natives with modern weapons, and only two of them escapâ€" ed, and nearly dead, reached the coast, and gave the news The bloody King who delights in human sacriâ€" fices, will have to answer for his bobby before long, as a military exâ€" pedition is now under way, and his chastisement will be complete. Thus will another ayvenve of British trade be opened up over the corpses of Hriâ€" ain‘s daring sons. â€"Revelations are being made in the Kingston Penitentiary which place certain officials under suspicion of haying profited by commissions on public contracts. â€"Mr. Evanturel, M. P. P. for an eastern Ontario County, has been apâ€" pointed to the speâ€"kership of the local Legislature, â€" He is French and Cathoâ€" lic and ncted tor his abili‘y, courtesy and fairness. â€"An interprovincial convention of the Y. M. C. A. was held in Ottawa last week, and were heartily welcomâ€" ed by Mayor Bingham, a Roman Catholieâ€" â€"Sir Samuel Henry Svrong, Chicf Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada has been appointed a Privy Councillor. The oniy Canadians so honored hitherâ€" to were Sir John A. McDonald and Sir John Thompson. Editorial Note and Comment. natui‘e, DURHAM, THUKsDaY, sanbsanÂ¥ 28 1887. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The attention of the civilized world is at present centered on the above city and country with a mourntul inter est. To hear of hnman beings,â€"to Canadians fellow subjectsâ€"being out off by thousands by the combined forces of plague and famine, is pathetic in the extreme, and one day last w el, to udd to the horror, earthquake shockhs reported in the plague strcken city. The world has known for some time that famine producing conditions preyailed in India, but not until within a few weeks past has the world‘s consciousâ€" ness and conscience been aroused to the exten of the disaster, and now, in all British lands funds are be‘ng raised to relieye the suffering and save the dying. That is if the sufferers will allow them. _ A strange fatalism . prevails among the natives that the disaster is a visitation from their gods, and remedies and sanitary measures to re: lieve the suffering are looked upon with suspicion, and in some cases are met with hostile opposition, which it is feared may lead to an outbreak. This famine comes as a surprise to many, who thought the extension ot the railyay system the e would be an effeetual prev ntive of acute suffering and death owing to reaqy means of transportation. _ Moreover, the experi: ence of the Indian authorities, in famine fighting is not small, but both sources of preventation have been in: adequate it seems in this case. a THE REvVIEW and Weekly Globe me YeAH.........t.+s+r5sess8 ThE REviEw and Weekly Mail ONCYERL.. .11 . : cxkarss1rs s s THnx Review and Family Herald and Weeklv Star(& Premium Picture) one year............ THE ReEvirw and Toronto Daily News one yenr.............. THnr Revi®kw and Toronto Daily Star one year............... THhx® ReEview and Toronto Daly World one year............. THE® RevIEw and Weekly Sun.. THE ReEvirw and _ Montreal Weekly Witness............ _ Rulief works on an extensive scale are in operation, and money and pro: visions will in the next month or two pour in from many quarters. . The Montreal Star has opened a fund, and Premier Laurier has headed the list with ‘"the offering of a poor man" being a check for $100. The offering was accompanied by the followinff letter :â€" ‘‘Dear Sirssâ€"It is certainly quite proper that we shou‘d assist, everyone to the extent of his atility, our fellow: British subjects in India who are now suffering all the tortures of hunger. Words, however, will avail little in such an emergency. â€" Ia so far as I am concerned. I preter to send you the offering of a poor man, $100, which you will please add to the fund. * Yours, respectfully, " WiIurRIp LAaURIER, " THnx® RevIEw and Farming..... I do further believe that, when w« approach the United State in that spirit that of seltâ€"respect and dignity, w« shall succeed, and if we fail we shall i . i1. & . OUrSCIVES,". And any other paper you wish at equally low rates. Let us have your order in good time. Cash must accompany all orders. Address _ ‘If it be my privilege to go to the U ited States to speak of better trade relations between Canada and that country, I wilsay : ‘We come here not as supplicats, rot in any hosiile spirit to the land to which we owe alâ€" legiance, but we come here as free men to talk to free men, and it you will accept a t eaty on this basis let us neâ€" gotiate; but if you expect that we come here to stab the country to which we belong, we tell you that we shall do nothing of the kind. (Cheers.) W¢ will ever be true to our allegiance. CGlubbinsg Rates. â€"At a banqu t given last week by Mayor of Montreal Premier Laurier made a notable speech. He claims that Montreal should one day rival New York and predicts that the trade of the American and Canadian west will yet pass through Montreal. Speakâ€" ing of attempts to secure trade relaâ€" tions with the States he said, " We inâ€" tend, so far as we can, t have better trade relations with the neighbor to the south of us, but if it is expected in the United S ates or any where else that:the price we shall haye to pay means any l stility to England, we shall have n neof i. (Loud cheers.) C C. RAMAGE, THnr ReviEw Office, Durbham, Ont. BOMBAYâ€"INDIA. *4 <@> + $ 1 35 2 1b 1 70 3 1 7 1 70 SEViC i Without any douhbt the premium pictâ€" ure offered by the Family Herald and ’W'erkly Star is the grandest picture | ever offered new.-s‘mpw readers, There [ is a perfect scramble from all parts of _world to secure a copy, Some subscribâ€" | ers who have n-cch'e(i it would not part |,with it for a $10 bill, The pnhliu{am-s will withdraw the premium shortly. To the FAMILY HERAALD & w, sSTAR, Montreal. We send the Family JHerald and Weekly Star twice as many suwâ€" scribers and three times as much money as we send all other newspapers comâ€" bined. In fact, no other newspaper s@einls The following letter »peaks for itself:â€" Office of the Kincardine Review, Kincardine, Dec. 26th, 1896. the *ORPHANS PRAYER" to all names sent in by the REYIEW on or beâ€" fore 15th February,. The Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star is the recognized leader of all Weeklics in America, We offer The indersigned h.viu%b«on restored to health by simple meawus, after suffering for several years with nsersre|ungaifection,und that dread disease Couo-:‘ruon. ‘s anxious to make knowa» to his fellow sufferers the im eans of cure, ‘Tothese wheo desireit, ho #i‘l ~meorfully send (‘ree of charge) a ec py of the preseript on u.enl,;« lu..h‘ sh:y wili find NoiE ogghs 8 m ol dsc Lk F i BV o C MPnCP ho R e algs uis T. a sure cure for Cenmumption, Asthma, Caâ€" garrh, Bronchitis,and 11 throatandlurg Naiâ€" adies. He hopes all sufferers will try thisremedy, ar it invaluable. Those desiringthe preseription wh~ s willsostthem nothing, and may prove‘s blc ising, will please addrces We haye made arrm’nyvmvms. howâ€" ever, with the Family Herald publishâ€" ers, whereby they guxrantee to supply The Orphan‘s Prayer. "Tanily Rerald and Weekly Star," Gun reâ€"organized. It is strictly independent, and " A Bystander® is a regular contributor to its columns. Its market reports are acknowledgâ€" ed to be the fullest and most accurate published in Canada. f i Cheapest and Best Reading It gives the best farmers‘ page in the Dominion. It contains a short etory from Lonâ€" don Truth, weelkiy. It gives an average of 40 columns of bright reading in each issue. Three coples will be sent to any three addresses (outside this city), for the mame period for a dollar. bear how to secure a gold watch or mur' clock, without the cost of al P * | \ Sipecimen copies free on application. / REVIEW AND SUN. $1.25. Sutbâ€" scribe NOW . This paper will be sent to any address in Oanada (outside of Toronto) to the end of ‘D7 for 50 conts. The ®#un and Weekly Globe combined will be sent to the end of 1897 for One Dollar. Address al orders to i ht SUN PRINTING COMPANY, «1». | TORONTO. «« THE ORPHAN‘S PRAYES," 2V. EOWARD A WLESOX, Mrocklya Now Tork. Darhkam Varney Holstcin Mt, Forest Send subscriptions to : Dxsanr Sirs:â€" THE BUN is the Canada Farmer?# Agents Wanted. Write for terms, and TO CONsSUMFPTIVES Don‘t Fail to Secure a Copy. fs especially true of Hood‘s Pills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power i so small space. They are a whole medicin chest, always ready, alâ€" a ways efficient, always satâ€" fsfactiry ; prevent a cold Pl I Is or fever, cure all liver ills, sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 20 The only Pills to take with Hood‘s Sarsaparilia Hood‘s Much in Little L&ST CHANCE o be "in it." Yours truly, (Signed). Crark& Bros. _â€"__(One Year) and The rEvIEW (< ne year). G. T. R. TIME TABLE. All for $1:75. â€"in Canada 7 20 1 62 Loave â€"â€"~FORâ€" & 0 4 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" REVIEW OFFICE, p.m 24 Durhaim. Arrivs, 10 25 10 17 10 05 9 62 {1 Harness ! May be you think it is not, but H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conveyancer, is lendirg lots of it at 5§ per cent and on extra good loans at lvsa-('(mts lowâ€" Terims as any resxsonalle person may dexire. Collects Notes and Accountsâ€"no charge if no ecliection. Cheap Farms for Sale Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and ther writings neatly and quickly prepared at reasonable cost. The undersignued offers for sale or rent that desirable park lot, in the village of â€" Priceville, formerly owned by the late James Cameron. Lot conâ€" tains 13 acres all under cultivation. On the lot is a good house, and barn, also a good bearing Orchard For terms of sale or rent apply to JOHN McINNIS8, 1 ca of T eas KUN~MA TEA Nurserymen and Fruit Growâ€" ers. Toronto Can. Over 700 Acres under Cultivation 10 1â€"3 m â€"â€"All Business Confidentialâ€"â€" Lock Box 28. H. H. MILLER, CALL & SEE OUR We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. We Handle everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. WOBK FOR MEN ANJ» WOMEN. Wepay 86 to $10 per week for easy bome work Child can do it. Ne Serbemr, ‘oohor Ped diimg This is bous Adc. bend strmp for wouk and rruoulu- at once. THZ SEYMOR SUPâ€" L LY ColurooricJ emple, Car: dep‘ KJJ C Crockery & Glassware. Dinner. Tea & Toilet Sets At Popular Prices. J. CAMERON A delicious blend put up in 4 lbs. and 1 lbs, Lead Packages We are the only Canadian Nursery paying salary and expeuses from the start. _ Liberal commission to part time men. Large list of specialties, all having been tested at our trial orchâ€" ards. If you want a sure thing tor the Winter, write us. Workmanship Unsurpasse d Five Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse SBlankets, &c., &e. Men to Engageâ€"with us as Salesmen. New season just opening ; new style of plate bock ; more attractâ€" iye and yet lighter than ever. All Supplies F::rnished Free. Money is Plenty. WANTED Hanover P. O, *"*Telephone." Also a full assortment of Try it, and you will be perfectly satisfied. Sold for 30c }bâ€" Eold for 40c¢â€" *b Sold for 50c ib C. LEAVENS, Jr. WHOLE NO. 965. HLELP WANT: Dâ€"EFEKNALE. PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. H.H. MILLER =â€"â€" STONE & WELLINGTON T 1.E FURS. â€" Bites, Whips, &c., &c. Collars, Pads, The Hanover Conveyancer Priceville.

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