On Tneaday last the executive at the Liberal Annotation of .this Riding met at the Knapp Home. The meeting we» a repreeentotive one and harmoni- ous a betitte a harmonious party. J. D. Morgan, Dundalk; P. McCul- hch, Inhale: Wm. McMurdo and ox-reove McPhail, Proton; G. Binnie Don. Graham, Wm. Smith and Hugh HeFnyden, Glenelg; Dan. McDougall, Taco. Clark, Jag. Bart and R. Watson, Bentinck; R. Marlee, Normanby; W. Hume, Egremont I J. W. Crawford, Mayor Calder, J. A. Black, T Mel, tie and Secy. J. J. Smith, Durham. Pruident Binnie was in the chair, And the following. among others, were The Annual Convention is to be held on February 19th, and as there never he: been e twelvcmonth into which so many victories tor Liberals and liberal principles have been crowded as in the put one, it is the intention to make it a good one and we hope the etrorta of the committee will be rewarded by a. large attendance. Provmcid Seey. E J. Davis, Dr. Lenderkin and other speakers are ex- peeled. Particulars next week. TO give the hie! sketch we promised hot week of the npeeches of Messrs Allan Ind Irwin at the Farmer's Institute muting 1t Elmwood c--. Mr. James Allan then gave an address upon Fruitgrowing. The ground should he proper? prepared, thoroughly drain- ed, cleanec and fenced. Plant only a few varieties. two or three Summer and fail kinds, but chiefly of the Standard winter varieties. he would plant the Red Astrnchan, Duchess of Oldenburg. Snow. Golden Russet. Seek no Futher. King of Tomliliins, Ontario, \Vaggoner and Sry. hey should he rarefnlly plantet m the. spring about, 30 or 40 feet apart and kept in rultivution for a few ears. After the orchard has begun to {not Would plough lightly every spring and sow with pens and when they are ripe. turn in the pigs and let them eat the peas and unripe Worn-y fruit that may fall. Pick the fruit before it. is too ripe, properly M5011 and pack for mark- cl. The January Ses.ion of the new County (‘ouueil of Grey commenced Tuesday afternoon. After signing their declaration and qttalitication of ofRve the Inemhors took their seats. All were present with the exception of Mr. Tumor. They are as follows: - Mr. Wm. Irvine lead a paper on “Bind making†be not iced the advisa- bility of haviniz good roads. In spring our roads are f tr from being good. and under the present system never will be good. The evils of the present system arethe road heats are too small. some heats do good work while some do not. Puthumsters are. changed every year. and sometimes utterly unlit. for the pos- ition, the work must he all done at once. and n me reserved for after neressary "pairs. He. would reenmmend larger road dist ricta,',tttat the overseer. he a per- )nnnm; omeer, appointed by the Muni- 4'ipality, having passed an examination and ohtnined "certificate as to his fit- ness for the position. The Provinriui Board instructor to he utilized for the purpose. That the t'emunetation of overseen: he the same as given to mem- hers of Council. That thev ex send all grants made he the Council to their res- pective districts and generally lune mtpervision over the roads the whole you. No. 2. Townships of Keppel. Derby and Suniyan. AJamu And, nun and Tot- ten. Division No l. Owen Round and Town- tltipof 'lsarawak,-Chas. Gordon, w. A No. 6. Township. of Osprey and Col- ilngwuod and town of Thornhnrv. Neil 3brColman and D, K. Preston, After the roll was called. Mr. Sing .moved that. on account of the incle- ment-y of the weather the council ad- journed till seven o'clock in the even- Ing. Bx-\Vnrden Anderson seconded the motion, which carried. Mr. Bishop he- ’ll. the only councillor to oppose it. TUESDAY EVENING. Clerk Rutherford took the chair and received the following nominatiom for itrt,'dt"itticd,ttti; Jas. Allan. Geo. Brown. y. _ichards ln, nod Neil McCul- No. 3. Township: of Bentinck and Glemeltr and town at Durham.--Geotge Jimmie. Charles McKinnon. No. 4. Townships of Nurmanby and "Etrremont.-Jns. Allan, A. Schenk. mo. On the third hiiiiiitirr.iiili, wu elected having mounds votes to Mc Richaeoon's. T. No. G. Tamnsbips of Arremosia. and Prnlnn and villages of Markdale and J9tmdtuk.-Natheik Richardson. George watson. No. tr, Township of Sydonhnm and Motland.--F'.otaniee, John McDonald. No. T, Townships of Euphrasia and St. Vincent and town of Meuord,---its R. Sing. G. A Brown. omen ndiour.oed till ten p'clqck â€My morning, The Warden elect, upon being intro- duced hy his nominators. Messrs. An- donor: And Binnie. said that he was nut gimme surprised with the result, of the eloction As the people in the part. of country he represented thought they had I right. to the Ai.ratdenthiii. Theft - notlnng special that her knew of: that would come hafore the council. He ', . 1nted out that tome rchetna should; trld',"ld'l to reduce the cost of heating mCounty holdings and aid that all I nbould hu'endue regard to economy. ' Tho following were then sprinted a _ Special committee to strike t . stand-i in. eommittees for the Fear:---)-. l, Bani. thlurdson. Anderson. Preston. P LIBERAL CONVENTION THE ELIWOOD MEETING. ..-_---, - o o -_ --..- NEW COUNTY COUNCIL. WEBDAY Imam“). All the manners were mt except Mr. Totten. The special committee. Mr. Binnie chairman. appointed the night previous to strike the standing committees re- pn-ted as follows-, - PrsANce--Bisdtop, Anderson. Binnie, Schenk. Richardson, Preston, Sing, Mc- Donald. ROADS mm 1huDme-Gotdon, Totten. McKinnon, Schenk, Watson. McColman Brown, Quauco. COUNTY Pnomm'rt-Anderson, Wat- son. MoUnlman, Bing. McKinnon, Mc- Donald. Gordon. ihus'rmo.--'Ntten. Bing, Gordon. watson, Quance, McKinnon, McDonald, Schenk. il'.i','Sig,1"ti.dlidt1'i Totten, Binnie. Richardson. Preston, mwn, Quam-e. WAtenresN C'aucarrrram.--The War- den, Messrs Binnie and Richardson. COMMUNICATIONS AND MtearomALs.--- Bishop. Brown, Preston, McColman. Anderson. The various commute" then met and elected their ohuirumn as follows in the order an gins" "hovet--Binnie. Gots don, McDonald. Richardson, Bing, Pres- ton. A mong the comm unimtions presented and read by the Wnrden were these :-7 Letters from Means John Mckenzie, C. A. Fleming, w. J. Allison. Ch 19. Mc- lnnis, Jnol Lyons. Thus. Hamburg. Thos. Duigman. C). Graham. Jno. Black, Thus. Mi-Auley. Alex. Stephen, K. Roke and Jun. Thompson asking to he appointed county mulitor fur_1897: Jno. A. Robertson asking to he sent as County student to the Ontario Agricult- ural College: w. C. T. U., re ptison re- form. The Clerk read his report. regard- ing the recent county council elections, and the rust of such. i Wool has heen rereived here that ' Wm. Williams. a. son of C. Willirms, of Edge Hill, died yery suddenly at the 1 Sun where he was working. Binnie--Mekinnon--Thnt, leave be granted to Introduce hy-lnw No. 528 to appoint, county auditors for 18in.-. Grnnted. _ Anderson-Schenk-That leave he gr-mted to introduce by-law No. 529 to u 'point members of the Judicial Board 0} Audit 'or1897.--G'rtutted. Ning-Brown-That a Special com. mittee he appointed to consider the ac- counts of the several Returning oft1ccrs in connection with the election of County Councillors for this your consist- ing of Messrs Binnie. Richardson, Pres- ton, Bishop and the mover. --Carvitsd. The bylaws wete read a first and second time. Misses Mary A. and Ida Scarlett. came up from Toronto to attend the funeral of their niece. Council adjuurnod till two o'clock Thursday afti'rnoon.--Advertiaer, Miss M. A, Dezell, dress maker, has left fot' her home in Badgeruw. where sm- has a lot of work on hand. She in- tends to return here in the spring. Mrs. Thomas Campbell attended the "reliminary trial of the Ballard, in Shelburne. Our roads are most impassable with snow drifts. We are glad to have to report that, Mrs. Maxwell who has been seriously ill for some time is recovering. Dan McEm-hern had a bee drawing timber Inst Friday to Dundalk. Mrs. James Reid left a few days ago for Detroit where she will visit friends for a short tune. On Thursday evening the 28th "In. Mrs. Ferguson, mother of Mrs. A! ll. Barnett and Mrs. Ed. Burnet, of Durham died. She was buried in the Methodist churchyard. mm mm. on Saturday after noon. The funeral was vary large. On Saturday the 29th, Hour Swinton Park, Wm. Haw. a farmer, died. Jie was hurivd on Sunday 31st "It. in Swin- ton Park Presbyterian 1'huveh count-wry. Mrs. E. Burnet, of Durham. has been here attending to new mother. Mr, Witt. Reid paid n visit to Ilolttein lately. Mrs. Mead is visiting friends in Tor- mm). On Monday the 25th. Jan. we thought we had the Covttet--iritzsinttttons big light coming off in our town. Two youngmon ad dis‘mtml in oneot our uhopsand to settlet “Humor agreed to go to the tavern stable and settleJhe matter, Qtwenshern' rules. They walk, ed said. by side down the road, some.- times slowing to have " loud talk "and attract t e attention of the people. When the tavern keeper saw them go- ing into his stable he went out to pre- vent any such scones there. It was easily stopped. ' . Miss Flo Hardy is the guest of Miss Bertha Jatnes. Miss Minnie Reid is visiting her uncle Mr. Jas. Reid. We umlorstnntl that some of the children from l’rweville took a drive enmwurd lately H. took the loud. For the Inst two weeks we ntenti?sned of sickness here and since u number of tho muses proved fatal. On Tuesday, Adam Srurletl's girl, nearly two y,Cars old died. She was hurried on Frida the 29th. at the Methodist Church, 10K con. There wasu large fmwml. Jl'lw Rev. Mr. Humphries officiated. _ The roads we in splendid condition now for breaking sleight ' Mr. Hiram Dean is home from the Lower Sou lement. Mr. Geo A. Kennedy has returned to Collingwood, Mr. Wm. R. Edge and M rs. Jno. Muf- fat are visiting friends at wnlkerton this week. Mr. Jun. Allen, who has been staying with his Fnrents here for some time has gone mck to his home in Grand Rapids. Mich. Mrs. Wm. Jason. of Bumdon. Mum. in at present spending a few weeks with friends here. . Mrs. Dan Greenwood in lt,J'gi',t,tt,, vis- ning friends at Hanover. an Belmore. Mr. R. Ector was. tmow bound in Bruce last week. EDGE mu. ECHOES. YELLOW VALLEY. HOPEVILLE. -..-.. TOM. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mrs. J. Pierson and daughter -issit. ing " her when. Mr, Donuld McDongull this week. Mr. L. Frock. is busy drawing telegraph poles, _ A - Mr, Pete MeArthar, from Piioevillo, while wounding Ins way to a dance " Dro more not “tuck in a tsnowUitt Ind broke his cutter. We we" sorry for the young lady having to stand in the cold. but it Was good enough for Pete, wlnle he did not get his fingers frozen as he did the lam. time he was around than corners. Mr. C. Lamont arrived home last weak after spending a couple of meek: With her lather In Vaughan. Miss Janet Ferguson ha- gono to visit friends in Minto and Hartistou. Mr. Ted Bnomma And Mrs. N. McIntyre were to town last week. Ted enjoyed his drise very much. Mus. D. McDonnull was visiting friends In thin place on Monday last. Miss Jane Mephail its spending a few Guys with her sister, Mrs. Neil bleLeau, of Proton Station. The Mir-sea McLenus were the guests of Mrs. Sandy MuCDULIuld one an, [at week. M Isa Eflie McDongall is visiting at Mr, John Pierson this week. Bev. D. McLeod will have pray er meet. ing at Mr. John McDonald's next Taos. day. Mr.C. McLe n, of Artemoaia, with a road of yrung people tried to get to Dro. more lisst Wednesday, We think he did not get there however. He came back early. Ihstsppoiuhneuns are bu] to bests 001m. The rough weather 1;? somewhat disagreeable. good time coming. Mr. Andy Morrison returned to King- stun two weeksago to resume. his studies for the ministry. Success Andy. Death has made another visit amosgst us and called away Mr. Green. Last summer Mr. Green took a paralytic stroke and at, times tsuffered Intense pain till a week last Saturday he was called home. Heleavos a widow and grown up family to mourn his loss. Miss Jessie McDonald was engaged sewing at. Lamlash last week, Mr. Wm. Bovd, Br., while climbing up a ladder in the burn two weeks ago slipped' falling backwards, striking his head on a buggy and cutting it. Four stitches Were necessary. but he is in a fair way of weaver-y. Mr. J. McMillan moved a small barn last week. Mr. A. McLean had the contract he is hard to beat at mnving buildings. Some were hungry for their suppers. Ive, are Sorry to hear tho t M r. D. Mc- Ftuslane is under the weather jmn. now we hope sum: to hear of his rcovery. Mr.U. McMillan has applied for the contract of can-ring the mail from Dru. more and Yeovi to Holstein. Mr. Wilson is supplying Mrs. Booth with ayenrs wood, his aim Tom is " Singlmlnpmn learning the Blacksmith- ing. We are glad tu say M rs. Booth is much better. Mr. Kinsman's team broke loose. from the Cheese Facuny last Saturday. Mr. McQueen headed them down his lane Which was full of snow. they soon gave in, and no damage was done: The seventh Annual meeting of th. Boothville Factory foul: placi- nn Jan. 2lst fur theynrpuse of electing manag- ers.and ether husiness. The )ruspects are good for another year if all do their part. We are surprised to near that one of the leading men of the west side Spoke in such scathing terms about the condition of the factory. We claim that Boothyille has one of the best makers and cheese factories in the county. There is a making room 30x30. th press room 30x3). a. caring mom 80x130 capable cf tntrangii00rheesi, at a time, it. is lathed. plastered and all finished with Hardwond flooring, and shiplathcd on the otttmde, also a butler and engine mom, with all the latest improvements known to the trade among which)“ M r. N ' MvLeod has begun tohaul cord' wood to Fles'nerton Bt. Neil basalong pile of it. Mr. D. McCunnel in busy hauling wboot to Dmmm e. Mr. J. Marshall feels indebted to the item in the Review for the return of his who. Hurrah. Mr. Smnuel Orr left our town and moved to the northern regions where he has taken up a. farm. We Are having lots of snow and good roads. Mr. A. McKinnon shipped load of cattle, sheep and pigs this week from Durham. A jeweller drove along the 9th con, a. few days ago and since then H. number of the yuung ladies carry a gold watch. I wonder who will he he ucky girls Thursday night? And when the ads Tent on Sunday. Miss Maggie McKinnon returned to Tovouto last week. Some one will he lonesome. Briss, Flam McDonald was visiting around Crawford hut week. a No. 1 government ssmuei'i. Mr. Sam Kinnol an alle and tnf1uontitU member anda public ttyet man was oleclrd President for t e year. Me in the right man in the right place, MP. Duncan McKinnon got his knee out. while splitting wood at Jim McIn- tosh's, We hope it will sum: be all right as it dont become D to be crip- pled. The remains of Mr. Wm. Haw were intelred Sabbath last, he was one of the pioneers of the tnwnahip. He suf- fered oouiiderylrly from dropsy. While on his sick bed he “hid the ventral)!» Rev. Mr. Morrison of Cedarville wean- duet his funeral services, he also en ag- ed Mr. V. Hill to make his comm ng. Hills‘mwed his skiil in that line and turned out a Leaut.fu' casket which does him credit. Mr, Valentino Peffer is moving from here to a farm he has taken up near Han- m-cr. Val will be missed an he was a good neighbor. Mr. Duncan Livingstone has been tV way to Bruce fur the last three weeks. BALSAI VALLEY. CRAWFORD. BOOTH VILLE. .0. last. week was but there inn Quite a. lot of in; cattle are being picked up junt now. Mina Spence. of Owen Sound is it guost at Mr. John McQueen. Mr. P. Moody lost a valuable horse a week ago. after lowering the animal in- toa pitau imywst was LhonghL advis- ablmand at the discomfort, of cold 1005 and frozen hands Vet. Moody pronoun- ced "Infhuntnatiort of the Int,,ittsitets. " Mr. Chan. McIu-nis soacht refuge front the storm on Witd:uwlay Highs at Mr. J, Mt-Quoen‘s he tts' returning from Owen Sound and wax trudging his way lame on foot tlirouch storm and drifts. He WM one uf the Auditor, of the Co. of Grey for 1896. The Minted Mchvon, of Calliugwml spout. lust week aisitusg lrieuds “muml hero. One night 1th Wool: in the ab-ence of Emmy of Mr. than McQueen, excepting his brat-her John who than with him. a vieious!orrliinier, trump otitered the house, and rrlr.tiraiohtt lus supper. He gut that, then asked for a bed and was refused, He threatened to throw him down nmirs. but inthe middle of the fray the snlwut fem of Angus McCuunel appeared. and the nooundrel took to his heels and has acumen heard of since. One of prominent farmers knows now what it is m take a, bag of grain out of a hopper', he will likely stick to his Inn-gain next Lime. Mrs, J. Webher has been under the weather this past week, Mrs. H. Leeson han been ill tor time. We are glad to hear she is $3:- what better. It was somewhat funny to see that young man dsar hunting in the storm. Wonder what attraction the town line bu for D, of our line. Misses M. Fee and J. Mnrahail left last week for Guelph. Mrs, W, Mitchell and Miss Keith visited at Mrs Diekleruanu on their wary from Williamat’ord to Holstein. Mr. L. and Mice J. Hutton. H tto ' Hill viuited at Miss Lillie Leecgn L'i'l Sunday. Hide end Merit Maintains the eorttldertee of the people in Hood’s Bereaperille. It I medicine cum you when lick; it it makes wonderful cures everywhere,then beyond ellqneetion that medicinepoueuee merit. That to jut the truth shout Bood’l Ser- uperlllu. We know it poem merit Incense it cures,'not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of men. m, know it cures, theolutely, permanently, when all other. an to do any goott whatever. We repeat (llhikiji'iidll's II the ttttgt-in tact mobile True Blood Punter. Hood's Pills 'G'L"2rii."'ll"i'L"i'i? The - People's Storeén. . IMlllerit Though we aim mostly at your Dry Goods Trade, dont forget a rot) e ri es we sell groceries too, and at prices it will pay you to comider carefully. Take a run orer this list .' dd ai Flue Uyson Tea, worth 20 ate. . 1b. -* h F T lbs for I dollar, or 15 eta 3 lb. Flue Japan Tea, worth 25 cents. 5 lbs for 1 dollar, Choice Japan Tea. our own special importation, {wally worth 40e tt lb. " 4 lb for $1. h 4 packtges good Corn Burch. 4 It: for 25 eenta, 6 lbs gocd Flga for 26 centl. 6 cam good Ccrn for 95 can“. Sarsaparilla NORTH EAST NORMANBY. - --" GBOCERIES. or B O O T S & S IE O E S The leadership, we claim, is proved by our tmTisyttsati.ng, trade and by the prices we sell goods at Buying& Selling entirelv for cash, we have no bid debts to counteract, an e’ve finished Stock-Taking and of course we have found a. few remnants and some odd lines 'vl.ich we are bound to clear out. We've sold a pile of Dress Goods this win- ter but the prices have done it, and will still do it?" If yon Want anything in this line come and see what we can do for yen. entirely tcfcash, we hm can afford to sell closer. GASH That‘s what we are lit Y G O O D B, SNAPS IN DRESS GOODS. ‘-.o cure nausea. Indigestion, 1tu.tillillrit,iitAr'tt _l,tllltt/,l,lti3j,hht,it,lafit, CALDER’S BLOCK i?,ytlt per rack ...... l Brau per cwb ... ... ', Sh tta per ewt ... l Full W.nsat per bushel ', Bar'uy, ‘° 1ciricymi.?,y ASSURANCE I GQEPANy, . Crtpital subset-â€ml 82,000.000 l Capital paid up V 1.000100 i Assets, uVer 2.35M!†, Annual income. over 2,i00dr00 I Losses paid since organization, I aver '22,0t0,t0 i Insurance efNctod on all kinds of pro- ;lwrty at, lowest, current. rates. Dwel- I ingsund theipcourettts insured nu (he ' must favorable terms. I . Losses pmmptly and Liberally settled I Call or couunmiicate with DURHAM MARKET. Corrected each week by Geo. Sparlgng. Flour per bid Peas, Oats, Eggs, per dor. . . .. Chickens pr pm: Dunks .. Tmkeys, per lb ... Geese , .. .4 Hidns. ... ... Calfskins. ... . Sheep.kius each .. Hay per ton ... ... Straw pvr ton ., Potatoes, pun-1mg Apples " Wood, 4 feet ... Wand. 22 Much . We were pleased to have a letter this week from an old pupil. now a teaehev, Miss Annie Smith, late of IToI-umnhy, She sends some papers. whose columns giveonea vivid idea of the wonderful city which ba" grown up Ill our Westem province. Our cot'respondent, says of the city and situation: "I have: saw anything to compare with it for husiuoss and stir, it has u population of nhout. seven thousand at present and it is ox- poctul to have ten thousand hefore summer. People are coming in here, " the rate of fiw hundm-d tt month, so you may imagine what a. commotion and stir there is. " is the richest min- ing town in Canada. It. is generally he. lieved to he a very ungodly place hut I think there are a great nmny places worse than Rowland. There u-n a great numberlof earnest Christian work. ers heme. Both the Methodist. and Pres- brterinrt church have been holding Re. vival meetings since we came. and " great, manly people. especially young men, (as they are in the majority here.) have been converted. The Salvation Durham, Aug. 2711!. 1800 FIR E A .VD MJ HIKE. FROM ROSHLANI) B. C lt snap. ......... , 4 00 to 95 00 l...... ... 2 M to 2 " ... ... 60 to 60 ... ... 6U to T) oumel... " 85 to o ll" ' ... 0 25 u 0 30 ' ... 0 39 to 89 ' ... 0 l7 to 0 18 cwt ... 4 co to 4 an t ... ... 8 26 to 8 w ... ... 08 to 10 ... ... 04 to oi, J, ... ... 0 10 to o 12 XND whether you’re after C. RA MAGE. MM Sub. Agent. Choico Mixed Pickles. 10 eettte 3 bottle, 14 Bars Electric Soup for M cents. 5 lb Bus Primrose Soap tor 18 ants. 10 lbs Sulphur for 25 cents. 4 dos, clothes pins for Canned Herring m Tomato Sauce 16e 3 lbs Beat Baking Soda for 10 cents. 12 to 0 15 to 20 to 40 ts 07 to 05 to 4 60 to M to 40 to 9 00 to 5 00 to 0 25 to 0 25 t" l 50 m l 00 to lo, $2,000.000 1.000.000 2.2mm") 2,100.0» ' new“) Lower Town. Ir) so 07 05 A 50 M 60 10 00 0 on o 'M 0 50 tt m 89 0 18 4 an 8 4U 10 og o I.?, " Robe Tanning! Army is doing a Rreat deal of Rood. tV mung the very rough element easpecittll.v. There are Young People's meetings aNo, 80 you use it is not Ouch a lmd place "ftaw all. of course a. per-um cannot "tttexpect a rough and wicked crowd of people in l place like this. Horse HiJes, Cow Hides, Dog Skins Tanned suitable for Themnin (union of conversation hope aretttittinq and Investmentnin minim; and real estate. Quite A number he" tnudenuuall fmtune already. I know one youngmnn who came here at year and a half up» with only three dollars to hm name nod today he in worth twenty-ave thounand and expects to be worth 5 mt deal more in a few month: There are datum . of tmch young men and likely to be hundreds of them before the your is out " Bythe New Process, which for Finish and Soft- ness can’t be beat. Now Rood peoitU (loin " try to iret on the next man " Runlnnd. N, Bc-To ensure a. good job the Hides must. be well salted " one. u " kvn off. - xiii“; TriritdG." -- 1" Th only Imam. loam In - on Hm unto ariiUGtiiialia Cndomklng and “banning on nun Ull- oiple! st Insoluble NW. 'r1'til11% MI) I,'liml1'imil Would int‘mnte that be win trrctttat't. ti Furniture and Undertakln Bt"tirtee.. " " lintsed try him father") 'l/J/L',',] In trlr.t." will fncirm or to give Bil old a d n. w can“: Furniiiirc of the ta: Satisfaetion th1aranteed. mm"tmtse.tt, - yt.eMk-ettrtroe1to the ’l . ' v mum of the tat ma ALWAYS ON "AND. PICTURE rename A SPECIALTY E. J. SHEWELL Robe Tanning l. P113333 31 Coats Thos, Smith. - FULL â€NI or-- ONE PRI PE E. J. "ew.", LL a. or fl for 250. " f" ti ttt ti lot ‘1 " _ Plush Bud Oak +1..“ "IN CUBS ami other w m cat. Plush for 3 O Dressing C uses Plush & Cellulo Perfume Cases Shaving Cases LO Wh'tt " I n IT VI. beg to :znnm that W!- hate the. tviit Hm W. In prv'mrmi h. W'.IIIJ1-llllll\llq p 5, (U) ti, las, iggtcrcat Ell iott Al BARRISTERS sou one» : Opposite Lou O"/'Y'f VI'ts'l the Hut-Lu, Block. l‘l")llt'l.t¢ Poo: "Mce, l’al‘lm Will he in p, db, in each up menial "oiel. I'll!!! or MAIKHI.‘ 'stein, (Jul. Putin waited up aisle dis! 'Hm Holstein. January 1 Ne cut ssric 'rod like this: A bums in FARM F On the 2.ud Con. 1 in; 174 :u-rrs. Ilu' fraud slum of cult n "In weeds. Spring C Kitchen. Wood ti lino-n M70. Slums Defeo h lulplenwnt “MN†undo-meal h "ml and mm W School convenient. WATSO PLANING ANI) .‘ Buildings cost This in a “are Grain. Bll'iillt‘Ml I“! New for a My to OHINCLl-Zs oN ll AT Dromnre. June IMPROVED " Pr. T. G. F, DENT NORTH VA W. S. HO titd%l, First Come DUKE " " ROBERT Inked. one " u " " GUAltt "