West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 11 Feb 1897, p. 5

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tor fue. mt forget coneider in“: iri/t", an! .wa in the mph-l MM ER! .nz. Tarot“. in. for AU. ".'?tuiatoir0oAt ,omé odd this win- atll Jr's}; LU acyuhtt free-MI SOC-:8, on Int-t .rir 1w. we I. now " Tou. 1Ll ning l rsrrr:resete KEEP IT. M3 mocha tho "EWr, " m: the indict liu. " {ANY VI"I'IO oh 37m lift n an my ditxo Dog b the lil in .. l2. WHEN Pinol Balsam Emulsion Goa-Liver Oil 25c. a Bottle, for Iingefing colds. OOOOO‘ 0000000‘ For a. recent Cough or Cold. Host Cream who} .- 'iireiaiiid iai, -- ' -, TONILEUXIR The best tonic known to Luild you up after sickness of any kind. For after efecis of la grippe de. We are tn',','.',',",'] to take hnilding can tracta ond urlnsh all kinds of Material at living priest). We bag to ammum-e to the public that we, have the null rebuilt and vetitted with LO WER TOWI an RRTSV'ITRS. SOLICITORS. doNvEYANGERSlkts o has : Opposite TOWN HA.“ h I ----_- an": up gl if 5. L00 to loan at lowest mm of PLANIM] AND MATCHING/ (y?f,Y"f FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder' Block. ltesuience first door west of th Post tMice, Durham. Will be in Priceville the tirst \Vvdnes day in each month. 19t1tce at the Com- Will be in Pr day in each In: unprcinl Hotel. DONE AND SATISFACTum GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND . I'"":,'.'.?, orr MARRIAGE “can“. "or stein. Ont. Parties waited upon within a reason- able distance, it drsired, HoUtein, January 14th 1897. AT RIGHT PRICES. Dromore. Juno Oil). '06. 50 IMPROVED MACHINERY. mm: -iRitt SALE. We hare jest "reeired a [all supply of Mung/nn’s Rem- On the Md Con. Normanby. contain- ing 174 sun-es. 140 cleared. A 1 soil in “mud state of cultivation free from nox- Imn Weeds. Spring Creek. tgtoneHou" & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank Barn 50x70. Stone Basement Stables. Drive & Implement. House 30:00. Stone Stables underneath. Root House 10x50. Hard and Suit, Water. Churches and School convenient. 45 miles from Dur- Buildings cost over Ul the lousy Pr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S asked. one-third down. This is a Rare Bargain. Stock Ch.P.iry Buainm meant. If not a will tease. for a term of years. . ply to EacFARLANE & Co. DENTISTRY. NORTH EGREMONT. interest ATSON BROS EIIiott a ggjott, W. S. HORSBURGH. A SNAP?, For Chappeil Hands Roughened skin. edies. ROBERT WATSON Jr., l knot-wood P. o., On ' dtba_anb MARRIAGE nonsense. Hol- Try thare, Lowe? 'rijdii," Durham In Need DURHAM Ap- ith, Gag gamma Servant girl wanted. Apply to J. L. Browne. p otographer. HERE'S A CtgANcte.-Until March .1st 1317 the. Upper Town Gallery will give ladies and gentlemen 45 years of “it! and over one cabinet photo, best. finis , for 25 cents. FOR SALE.--A cutter nearly as good as new, also a. set of single Harness, Will be sold very reasonable. Apply to Rev. Chas. Cameron, Upper Town, Dur- ham. Durham, Thur. Feb. ff, Tr. chkkirisYCeiGtFsWis. at Tony's Gallery Upper Town, The best way to cure dilease is to drive". from the system by purifying uhe blood with Hood 5 sarsaisaHlla. --N0'riCIih--All acct°s overdue must. he paid within ten days. Otherwise they will he laced in other hands for 'c"/,irelJr!/o1n'."U A. BLACK. srmsrBra.--Warden Ayl-worth. of Lennox and Addington devoted the prire of the tVarden's dinner to the In- dian Relief Fund. . Will all the Indies inter ested in getting up the “Temple of Fame” .tyr Lhe AM» (gangs iriaiTaTte%iiei% tie Reading Room Saturday next. the 13th. at 3, o' clock p. In. G.-W. JONES, Beer. Entertainment Committee. A S'TARTLiNO TrguronAst.--.The. REV- IEW last Satmduy momma received the following teleprsun from Hat Port- age "Entered action against C. P. R, for 810,000. Jun. McArthur". At present writing we are not aware of the circum- stance: that wavrnnt this piece of newh or Owen Sound is establishing a beet sugar industry and for a bonus of tMo, 000. The U. P. It willconstruct another elevator. capacity 800,000 bushels. The Co. is also enlarging the flour sheds to willohhls. capacity and freight sheds along the wharf are also to be enlarged. She expects to be " city by 1900. W' hat in Durham going (0 do? The w. C. T. U. of Durham have in- vited the Rev. E. 0 Taylor. of Chicago, to speak hereon the ple-lniscil e campaign. He is comintrairout the middle of March. He has just conducted a series of Tem- perance addresses ' in Munlmha. and cnnms with the highest recmmnendn- lion from those who heard him these from Miss Willard and others. Further particulars later on. THE Btetrr WAX To Ctrme.- Disease is to establish health. Pure. rich blood means gnod heal! h. Hood's Salsnpnrilln is the One True Blood Purifier. It tones the whole. system. gives appetite a” strength and causes weakness. nut "tte ”Pas and pain to disappear. 5 mher medicine: has such a rwnrd of wonderful cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla. ' Hmm's PILLS are the best after-dinner pill l assist digestion, prevent constipat- " 'A5c, Great prep.u'tttions a tt being math for the scheol entertainment in b'. S. No. 1, Glenelg, on the 19th inst. Mr. Dixon and bis pupils are putting great encrg} into it, and it is bound to be u. success. D. K. McArthur, merchant, Hope- ville was in town Tues lay. Mr. Jabez Bank: is visiting friends in Durham at. present, and included the Review in his rounds. He returns to North Bay in a week or so. woodysntifsrm ryodue..ulrsT in ex- Mr. Wm. Scatter, Sidney, N. Dakota formerly of Dromore, has been visit- ing at his old home, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leask's, North Wremont. Mr. Lensk and Will visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Jos. Snell in Wiarton, last week, returning on Monday. We were much pleased to have a call from our young friend, and wish him much success in his western home, where the Review always reaches him, THE ANNUAL ItAcrrrtcort's AND Bex- Erarcrr's "ALu--'I'ltit, event came " Monday evening last, and about, 75 mm pies assemlvlt‘d to do justice to the m-cnsimi. Over 30 couples muno from van Sound, Walkerlou. Mr. Forest. Palmerston, and other places. The hull was artistically decorated, With speciui Henri: fittings, and the plsdotay have a delightful drawing mum aspect. The supper ttiM? provided by the lady pat- ronesses, and the many high compli- ments paid by the guests to the, salads, trifles. PM”, ac. speaks volumes top the skit and taste of the 15min. The . . " - _------ A d \n Arnn- ll Uruguuu- Illltvv--.n . W.“ ' supper GjMt provided by the lady put- ronesses, and the many high compli- ments paid by the guests to the salads, trities, Fellios. are. speaks volumes top the skil and taste of the Indies. The music was" chief feature of the even- ingheing supplied by the famous Gi- liomm -Marcinnno Cduoiuatiort orches- tra, of Toronto. Altogether the event ellpsed anything of the kind yet held in Durham, but why the lilnliagement should ignore the local printing otmres and go to Walkerton for theiritrvittttion curdsis not quite clear. Itis a bad ex- ample. It is all well enough to ecoucmzze on [lair Pins and Collar Buttons, but when you come to economiziug on your health its poor economy. Buying chap drugs is like sli'liug down from In eight story window on I straw rope. Our Dmgs are the purest and beat you can buy. If you are buying Drugs to take, the Best are the Cheapest. The Durham Pharmacy, LOCAL AND GENERAL CHEAP DRUGS ARE Dam T.ttrts'G I PharmaCY. Caldcr’s Block. CORINTH Botmm,--The Baptists ot Centre Bentinck scored anothel success on Thursday evening of last week. They Rot a delightful evening. splendid roads, starry Eky, a charming young moon With its horns ready to embrace a. brilliant Venus not far off, and both of them had sense enough to retire after allowing the audience to assemble. So attractive was the drive that. it is said E. K-a & A. B--n went by Tohermorr to get there, hut whether they went home by Hanover or Priceville we did not learn. The s caking was of at high character, and the music supplied )y the Misses Brown and their brother was much upfreciated. Archie's rendering of aDar y Preacher’s ideas was fimt clans. Mr. Galbraith Rave two solos with guitar tiectompttniment, which gtt.it,f well,nnd a song by Rev. Mr. urns. Mrs. Burns, ticcotnpanyist, with Mr, Brunt assisting brought a rousing encore. Dr. Mean", Hanover, made an ideal chairman. Rev. Mr, Little spoke of the .. triangular man, " show- ing in his able manner how to develop the young hysicully, mentally and '2'l'i,i,ttg1llp, liilev. N r. Couch, Elmwood addresso hllnself tn young men, point- ing our hindrances to character using apt illustrations, and striking warnings. Rev. Mr. Anderson, Crawford, spoke cn memory, how to develop it, anti clinched a. nice address by mlmnnixhiug the young to remember their Creator, and the more mature to rmnemher the Hah- lmth Day. Mr. Phillimove, Chesley. spoke most profitably on Christian unity, and looked for much from it in the nearfutuve. The speakin was of nhigh charm-tor As usual 'tf,,, Ladies had sumptuous provision made for inner man, and the collection netted $31. Carnival at the Skating Rink to-night. Good Prizes, great fan. Mr. and Mrs, John Black spent Satur- 'l,",?.' and Sunday with friends in Ches- ey. A contribution on the Curfew Bell from the w, C. T, U. is unavoidably left, over. Mr. Arch. McDougall, of the Flasher- ton Advance stuff is spending this week at his home here. .--WmTri; 1hucx.-G0.000 White Brick for Sula. Fm Time and Terms inquire. o' ll. PARKER. Durham. Miss E. Calder spent a. few days at her bros. Mayor Calder, she Nun-lied home to Calderwood yesterday morning. A party of friends fronrFldge Hill, and other friends from lawn spent a pleas- ant evening at Mr, Wm. Lawson's, Je., Tuesday evening. All are cordially invited to the Liter My meeting of the Epwoeth League of the Methodist Church next Monday the 15th inst. at 8 o'clock. Mr. Mich. McMillan and family left this morning for North Burns, Mich.. where he will divide his interest be- tween his farm and his trade. Mr.Dutwan McKinnon was a rpointed Assessor for the Township of l'l//,l'i','G', for 1897 at the Council meeting on Mon- day. A meritorious nppuintuwnt. Businessmen can have a box of 500 oodeuvelopvs neatly minted for (me Cl'/.0', Hard times prions. hut these will advertise your business. LA-Gr-e.----)'. Andrew, Anti-- Grippe Pills? A yalnahle remedy in La- Grippe, (‘atau-rhal Complications. Cold in the head. &c, H, PARKER, Druggist. Durham. Rev. W. E. Norton. Owen Sound. will preach in the Baptist Hunt-h morn- ing: and f viu:ivo: 0'; Sunday next, Rev. Mr. ticGrcp,ttr will takv his place in Owen Smmd. LN‘EEISE C,oMsiwoaoN.---The old board has been reppointeti, Messrs W. Cald- well Durham. Thus. Poehlman, Ilan- over. -- Phelan. Proton, will again deter- mine the license ltoldevquestiou, BARGAINS~Mn John (‘mneron has decided to vetite from business and will offer his stock of: Crockery, G'roceties, &c, at reduced mtes for the next, 30 days, at cost, and below cost. Must Le sold. Call and see it. Rev. Mr. Jansen left. Monday morning fur lnnorkip, wherwhe has n lecturing tout arranged. Next week he goes to (h-nrgvmwn and district. All in the interests of the Lt'pl'l' mission. Mount Forest, pzilwrs it';,'?. very highly of his run-m lu-lnrvs t It“), which were very successful, EBvoavzrcvs.---On Friday evening, Feb. 12,tlw Methodists of Vickor's appoint- Im-nt will hold it Wanna-ling, for which a h'ue programme of Music, Ad- dresses, Recitatious, &v. is being pre- pared, The Durham Choir will he pr'es?: ent, Rev. Mr. Pomeroy and others will deliver. "ddrvsses, Tea will he served from 7.30. Adnission 25cts. and Kris. "Scotty" McPherson, a. professional trump painter, who was reported dead, is spending the winter month. In Owen Sound jail. Governor Miller ascertained that "9tcotty" could handle the paint, brush and set him to work on the roun- ty buildings. When he gets out in the spring hiq board and iodging will he more than paid for. PRESS Hosous.---At ihe meeting of the Press Association in Toronto. last week Major J B. Mclmnn. sun io? Mes. C. McLean of town, was elected Presi- dent. We congratulate. J. B, whose energy and uhilily has brought him to the top. At the same meeting the ques- tion of imposing postage. on genuine newspapers was negatived 2 to l. Thc funeral of he late Mrs. Jae. Ham- ilton. nee Miss Mary Brown, was Yet' largely attended. A Urge number fol: hired the remains from her parents' residence in Holstein and many more met the rortege at Amos Church grave- yard. The sympathy was feelinglv shown on nll sides towards husband, p .rents and other relatives. Min " Mcliinnon of town has accept- ed of the Bradley Gun-etson, Co., Puli- lishPrs. Toronto, the Agency for town of Durham and Glonelg, for' the hook. “Queen Victoria, Her Life and Reign.’ The book is good and will take well, and a ptrf of .t',ipiel,t, made will be given 1 in aid of the resltyterian Church D",'" ham, 'r-s-mp-Tse-tt Flasherton, on Feb. 3, '97, by Rev. D. McGre or, Durham. Daniel Tolton. Erin, to iff,") tie Bell Smith. Toronto. MARRIED. no Seemed tom” In i Clan-med Choke-l Went About With No Peer. In reply to the question in what sn. gagementa he considered himself tt have been in the greatest danger of lay ing " life Napoleon once said, “I: the commencement of my campaigns. " Indeed if further proof were demanded to Show that he did not spare himself at Toulon it is only necessary to add that, during the 10 weeks of its siege, Napoleon, in addition to a bayonet Wound in his thigh, had three horse! shot under him, while at the siege ot Acre during the expedition to Egypt he lost no fewer than four in the same manner. "nrocemrrromthttut.out' ESCAPE-:8 During the last days of his life, when captivity, disappointment and sickneu had well nigh completed their work, it is said that the ngnny of his fatal dia. ease drew from him on many occasions the pitiful cry of, "Why did the cannon balls spare me?" During his long military career Na. poleon fought 60 battles, while Cesar fought but 50. In the early part of his career he Was utterly reckless of danger while on the battlefield, and this spirit of fearlessness contributed largely to tho love and esteem in which he was held by his armies. There was a curious belief among the English in N apoleon's time that he had never been wounded, l and indeed the report was current that l he carefully, if not in a cowardly man- I ner, refrained from exposing himself. Nothing could be more contrary to the truth, for ho was in reality several times severely wounded, but as he wish. ed to impress upon his troops the belief that good fortune never deserted hint. and that, like Achilles, he was well nigh invulnerable he alWays made a secret of his many dangers. Be there fore enjoined once for all upon the part of his imme Hate stat! the most absolute silence regarding all circumstances of this nature, for it is almost impossible to calculate tho confusion and disorder which would have resulted from the slightest report or the smallest doubt relative to his existence. Upon the sin- gle thread of this man's life depended not only the fate and government of I great empire, but the whole policy and destiny of Europe as well. A policeman on duty in the Jefferson I Market police court remarked that in the course of 18 years' service he had seen a great many men brought up on tho charge of insulting women in the street or elsewhere. "They do not re- semble one another much. ,, he said, “except that in every instance they wear full beards. I don't remember of ever seeing a clean shaven, thoroughly smart looking man at the bar on that charge. Their whiskers are never trim- med to a point either, but always grow l in a straggling or careless way. I have never noted any exception to this, and, so far as my opinion goes, I think that any man who gets up in tho morning, takes a bath and shares himself with a bit of cold steel is apt to start out and be decent, whereas the whiskered man is not. I read an article by Chauncey Depew once. in which he said that the passing of the cold steel over his face in the morning always drove the fanciful ideas of the night out of his head and straightened him out for a hard and sensible day's work. I guess there is a good deal in it, though I am notable to reason these things out as Mr. Dopew does But you can go bail for one thing, and that is, whenever you road in the papers that a man has been arrested for l insulting women you can picture him i in your mind‘s eye as having a shabby _ set of whiskers. "--Ncw York Sun. Some years ago the state department at Washington received through the minister of Ecuador to the United States specimens of a plant known as oundumngo, found in the province of Loya, in Ecuador, to which marvelous qualities in curing cancer were ascribed. The physicians in South America experi- mented on this substance and reported most wonderful cures. Its virtues are said to have been discovered by accident. An Indian had been tmtferiug fearfully for a long time from internal cancer. and his wife undertook to relieve him by shortening his life by poison. For this purpose she selected the cunduran- tro, making a demotion of the bark. To her astonishment the tirst dose appeared to benefit the patient, and by the con- tinuance of this remedy he was oom- pletely cured in a short tima-New York Advertiser, It has been shown by recent experi- ments that there is practically no dime. ence in cost between cooking by elec- tricity and by coal, while the advan- tages of the former method in point of comfort, cleanliness and safety are con- siderable. Of every 100 tons of coal burned in an ordinary cooking stove 9rs tons are, it is said, practically wasted. whereas with electricity the expense is not so much on the fuel as on labor and interest on machinery. -anvention. If you want a stopper for a bottle of acid or any substance that would natu- rally call for a glass stopper because of the danger that the cork would beeaten up by the contents of the bottle, take the cork and steep it in "sauna It will then be impervious to acids of any kind, and no action ot chemicals will decay it. It will, in Net, be " good for ull purposes an a glue stopper.--" York Dispatch. Soap tablets are the latest tom 1 compressed merchandise. They come pulsed in pretty boxee. each tablet “out the size of a lozenge. Naturally they are chiefly valuable in traveling. but tho slippery cake of the home dill! gay oonvéiimitly gin W mane-'3:- . Coat of Electric Cooking. Boards Ind Monk. "..- ..-. -a.~ .. W‘ARCHIVES' TORONTO " Cures (Juicer. A Bottle Stopper. S.” A s. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FEW --- THEY GO AT $6.00 There are a few Overcoats " " Still to be disposed of at Hard Times Pricag for cash. We JUST RECEIVED the other day Mtmmt.--At the residence of her son I" V e -v-- Thomas, on Tuesday, Feb. 9 Mrs. --- Wm. MeGirr, aged 95 yrs 3 mar. All accounts must be settled byeuh ioBmrArtr--/r'he deceased lady or note on, or before Much lst 1897, survived her husbsnd about 4 months tatte.t' that date, eolleetion will be pltus- only. For many years in delicate ed In other left . health she been assiduously cared rorl H. Pamsaa, Drumtist bv her son and daughter-in-law, buti Durham. about two weeks ago, she became! worse than usual, and on Tuesday, she i NOTICE. ijiised away. She comes oi a long lived race, a brother being still alive at the age of 97, while her mother passed the 100th mark. It was a. merciful removal, as for many years she has been helplessly dependent on tingsgmwhose de'vocioh never failed. The funeral will take place Thursday at 1 p. m. aaratitaacllyltill"0llllt?"Siiib We have iuit received A sample copy of amost exuellent and life-like photo-_ engraving done in three colors of the new Liberal Cabinet. The Globe Print- ing Co. have secured the exclusive con- trol of the picture. It is 21 x 28 inches. and was arranged from actual photo- graphs hrv) the well-known Conadmn artist. J. . Kelly, and is being prepared by the Toronto Lithmrraphinq Co., which bospenks perfect work. wAwrmr-Bmou'r MEN AND Wow RN canvass”: for Canada and Australia. “Queen Victoria Her Life and Reign," Introduction by Lord Duffel-in. A thril- ling new hook. Solos nmrvellous. The The Queen as girl. wife, mother, mon- arch. Reads like romance. Grandlyil- lustrated. Big commission. Books on time. Prospectus free to canvasscra. Exclusive territorv. Lots of money in it. Tate BRADLEY-GARRETBOX Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ont. l l l A. GORDON. DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware. of all descriptions, Re. - . 'vhnv~n mu7' and Flat Ware or an ueBurtVb"""'t m- gaining a tirjkiaitr--UPPUt TOWN, URHAM. The undersigned offers to sell or rent on reasonable terms, lot 32, on lst and 2nd. Con., S. D. R.,Bentinck, composed of 64 acres, nearly all cleared. Oumtortable house. good orchard and well. Close to school and church. 1 mile from Allan Park, 4 from Hanover. For further information apply to JAS. WEBBER WESTERN jiiiiijihiit COMPANy. I 'ri/irirNiow(vBiiRAL CABINET. Uspital mlmribed mum”) Capital paid up 1.000.000 Assets, over 2ge0,000 Annual income. over 2,400,000 [was paid since organization. over gt,000,00 Insurance efteetod on I“ kinds o,',!.'.'?,: rel-3'1; TGa- Gsrrent mm. Dwe iugo and their content. insured on a moot. favorable terms. Losses promptly 1nd Liberally nettled Call or communicate with C. Ap MA‘GE‘ A Durham, Aug. 27th. ItB6 5 Dozen Coraeta--tgtyie Confined to ourselves--- High Bust- 3 side gteehr--The best Corset yet offered tor the money-- FARM for SALE. or to RENT. FIRE AND MARINE. Only 75 cents a. DIED. GOAT ROBE, WE HAVE A Durham. Six} il. Airutt. 20 per cent Discount " all all our Mantle Cloths - But dent wait too long-df you want any - They wont last. . L. GRANT. gown» 1.000.000 2,'320,000 2,400,000 ' 2.000.00 Diver on the All Debts due us must he Settled before March lat next. Debts left un- settled will he placed in Court for Collection. Dec. 18th 1806. NOTICE. All pemns indepted to C. McArthur are respectfully requested to call for their stamp!» and settle et,',' can [or U"eor mun-"w .-.._ _- V .,, by cash or note at once. All irwodrirsittupettird nun-L he placed into other hands for eP11Pp: We Can Give Positions to person ot til grades of ability. Agents. hook- keeirem,eler1P, tumors. sons, hwy-en. meclmuica. phuiciuns. preachers. students, married nudgmalo wanna. Positions no worth from 0400 to $2.500. per "mum. We have paid several manners 050 weekly for seals. Many have atarted poor uud become rich With us, Puticul- lars upon npplimtions. and if satisfactory and necenury. a personal interview may be 'rrtanged. This is an hollow! mlyerliu- ment, and if you want to better your poaitiom write before you 81001). State “lury expected. Neither Ionian nor itippiers need apply. The BRADLEY-- -- ------sarmar aVl\ I 'rn 'I‘IWNIIK'IT‘ G'XImETsox ONT. Vmoy new“: Mt, For.“ 000’s Greatest Gift to Man Don't trifle with this precious gift by not heading the dictates of nature. There is such . thing " veering Spectacles when you shouldn't and not wearing them when you should. When you first notice your eye. Idling, or it seems a stain on them to red or do near work, consult en eye trpeetu1iirt--orto that is permanently loaned and makes A spec-iahyof the eye. This way lou wiil have canton. and cave what monry can". buy. PROF. CHI I'M?” a MARIE)", Burun- Tamnlo ands-u; " " Inn! St.. Mounted -rGiitrtiot “no ”than bun-rimmi- -'_-, ---" " 4....- Maud! Band a “my town: ”unnu- vm... ___ -e V- tft u Paton? ," Whu proatetm' to tnreet'uad Prize-on Mn whAdgco (as. "ir, monarch. " t'.etr?tta,a, ttfp. If?.?!: Rt _fd'2,'J,,',ft 'A ”Illuu ”nu-w... 7.. .-- - , or am... new" nut-from t'tit2l2'la' M W “and, EYE SPECIALIST I? King St. East. 1mm. ONT. IS HIS VISiON. NOTICE. . R. TIIE TABLE. 517.1132 -' The BRADLEY-- e CO., LTD,. '1'01t0NTO. N. G. u. IcKechnle. MIN. C. McAnTlmn. €33.21” . C" 'iiiy3ii'iiL"rii4 Arrive, 10 I to " " U of 51 'et

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