West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 18 Feb 1897, p. 4

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i documents to‘be prenatal to ,mtin‘ clergyman. f II- Jonny Cameron went moot of :M week with friend. on the South Mud Mutated plenum with trims. In. Mr. W. of Dundalk. natal In the Pro-hymn Church . on Hunky main; but. in the thymu' ijiGGii mud” main; but. loud Tel-panne- had. [and our Metal-ot on Thur-ads] hat. The We no that Dan Mcutsn. of this town .b inner od '.ntgttt Lieenmm. No need ' my on. 1rt as tet, unsung. in 'mngthan or. pp, into oh “'WMM in alwnyu randy 'll, ~.llt than in geo,,','."",':,'."),'.': with tho i documentsto vaunted to ,mtin‘ etertrrman. f It. Jenny Cannon upent moot of .u week with friend. on the South pagan! Mutated plenum with " Mr. Neil McKinnon is attending the Grand Lodge, Toronto, A. O. U. W. his week Dr. Hutton nursed a. couple of no" Inge" for the last two weeks. In. Mn ie McLean. of Toronto. in minding new month. at her number‘s. In. McLun. South East. Glenelg. Agrand wire. will ho held in the .thytermn Church in this Village. on Wedneodny evening the toth day of Inch. A good Winnie may be ex- focud u the t,Tg'tt'tlt of Priceville .m seldom he ind one in producing 'ttood talent to entertain the audience. We are plated to m that Mr. Arch. flatten in able to be out to the store again after being contined to his room "Luv . time. We hope to hear of his be- . ing all right again soon. Sacrament will be dispensed in the Funky-urian Church next Sunday in English. The usual t,",'/'t'ittst7, gory- - icon will be hold on Fri " and Saturday. ' Henry Hooper. of the South Line. Glands. it busy hauling bricks from Proton Station. Reina-"dam builds brick house next summer. Lots ot sickness at present in the shape of coals. influenai, or la ttrippe, or wink-vol- it mar be. It is not very pious-ht. Alfred Hinh sold recently two hund. red dollars worth of tat cattle. The Sons of Scotland were out in full for" on Tuesday evening. the 9th inet. Pa show true loyalty to the order by .a fa I meeting. They meet monthly. What mi ht have been a fatal accid- out 'o'leau'e'll in our School on Tuesday of last week. During intermission Johny McArthur, son of Mr. Jno, Mc- Arthur, merchant of this town, white in the act of coming down stairs from the upper department, by some way or other lost " 0:15an at. the top of the stairway. g't2t,'tt,'g.t with full force hoadlonq to the ttom. Hewnapickod n unconscious by the teacher, Mr. ,'lu'l't'l,',,'? who thought that life was almost extinct. Dr. Hutton was called upon and we are happy to learn than tho young lad is doing as well as could i houpccted. We hear the stairway is in a very unsafe condition and should be attended to. This is the second ac- cident that has happened for the last your or so. Robert Fisher is engaged for the last week drawing wood " Proton Station Cor Nelson blame”, of that place, The Priceville correspondent to the Chronicle in a recent issue of that paper who somewhat Ineeringly about a young Indy who in the wear of a couple of domestic onimnle which she christened after the Premier. and now line has her expectations fully set upon Tit'%t pecunian eituntion as u re- eull. l e presume t at the young lady in question must. be a new relation to the good eorreapopdent to the Chronicle or else she otherwise might be deprived i of her thinking funnier, and in rouse-l qua-nee thereof lose the anticipated re- l word. What think you Jim ? I srmor. The estimates are ready, and should soon be disposed ot, and let all parties got to work to tormnlste a vigorous mining policy for tne great .new Ontario of the north. --The local House ia now in session. Thete was a brilliant opening. The Frenchman Evanturel is speaker and iaaatisfactory to both panties. Prem. lot Hardy in already showing that he has thinga well in hand, and Mr. Whit- ney and his followers will have no eaay taak_to nun holes in Gove‘rnment ---A din-trons are oocnred in one at the departmental building. at Ottawa which will coat the country about a million dollars. The cause it is thought was a carelela smoker. and there is evidence of carelessness in other ways. A most inetheent tight of the tire was made, owing to rotten hoeennd lrozen hydrants. The four townships near the town will give a good account of themselyes and we hope to see nanny from Proton and Anemesin as well. Mr. G. McKechnie, ex-M. P. P. is also billed to speak, and as he is s most intelligent student of Provincial affairs, will be able to throw much light on ttargent public questions Prov. Secretary Davis has found it impossible to be present, owing to the crush of the session, much as he was anxious to come. Since the triumph of the 23rd of J uue 1896, there hes been a succession of ‘Libersl triumphs in several hard-fought battles Let every sympathiger in these triumphs come out on Tuesday sud take part in legitimate rejoicing over legitimate victories. Bitterness. where my existed, is gone, and it is now possible to make an interesting meeting to discuss national affairs without a thought of ttioatintt over defeat. Mr. othnnor, Q. C., will be there, end, as the heated feelings which inter- rupted his speech at his last appearance in Durham have cooled down, his eloquence and interest in South Grey, will. we hope, be rewarded by a large and enthusiastic gathering ot those who rejoice " the triumph of Liberal prin- eiplee at the last election. On Toad” next there should be a large gathering of the Liberals of South Grey in the Town Hall here. Dr. Landerkin. M. P., will meet his friends publicly for the ftrat time ‘aince the election. and his friends ihclude may more than cast their ballots tor him. Editorial Nuts and Unmmsnt. At 1.30 p. m. on Tue-thy non PRICEVILLB. Rally fro rs Gonwntion. 'er, one of our young men got tired doing nothing. BO he tstarted and made a pair of shun. Be can compete with Dugald McLean u the fall fair' this year. Mr. Normpn McDoumul is having lots of fun with the Getuuns. of Huwksville. Me will be sorry when the gang moves Some of our youlvz lads took 1 dance at. Chas. , ttson'. but They all seemed to lit-ye eninyed ”In. and got n cold to the mrga: We will be pleased to welcome and his German bride in our Vat soon as possible. Hurry Dave as doubt your word. Mile Maggie Hooper paid I tiritnr visit. Come again Miss Mary L. MacDougall has gone to Hopeviile to keep house for her uncle for ac me time. Miss Etrle McDougall visited friends around here last week. Mr. R. McNally was through our Val- loywith a load of fitsh he had brou ht down from Collingwood. Any one that. wants tish knows where to get. it handy now. Master Albert Pierson visited nt his grandfathel 's for a. few days Intel . Mrs. N. Ferguson ,iritiad at Boga.“ Mecoli's, of Diomore. Mr. and Miss McPhail visited their uncle. Mr. Donald Black, in Bentinck, last week. Mr. Archie McLean got struck in the eye with a chip ft.vppg from otf the wood he was working with, but we are glad to see him able to be around again. Miss Maggie McLean is home from Toronto. N iss Janet F orguson is home from Minto. Mr. Thou. McDuugull. was laid up for a few days last week With rheumatism. He is all right again. troubled. ete." Preaching I. ver im- Fressive' discourse therefrom. E, re- erred to the life of the departed lady'ns one that might be well imitated by every true Christian. The remains were taken to the McKeehnio cemetery Durham Road. Glenelg. and laid to rest beside her husband. Thus ended the lifeof another of the pioneers ot this place. l V . V- -___ ---‘ -v JI-ntS 'NV'. _ Mrs. Ferguton was a woman ever ready to minister to the needy whenever she was called upon. She was indeed one of the good mothers of Israel whose counsel was greatly desired in time of trouble. She was a consistent member of the Disciple Baptist Church A large number of friends drove to Flesherton Station to meet the remain; of one who was in former yours, a. resident “of the locality. and formed a large procession to Priceville where the easket was taken from the hearse into the Baptist Church where the crowd assembled and in ab- sence of a clergyman of that church to omcrate the Rev. D. McLeod, pastor of the Presbyterian church, preached the funeral Hermon from the 14th chap. of St. J,ohn l '.'.L1, not. your heads be 1 The Gaelic Sacrament on Sunday last. in the Presbyterian Church was not largely attended, Mr. McLeod was not in the heat of health as he has a severe cold, which in very common at present. Died. at Chicago. on Monday the 8th inut.. Mrs. Martha Fer'guson. native of the Isle of Islay, Argy eshiie. Scotland. Mrs. Ferguson' was a long resident of this village. 3 or 4 years ago she moved to Chicago with her daughter. Miss Maggie Ferguson. Mrs. Ferguson came to the township of (ilenelg about 40 years ago and resided in her earl da 5 With her brother. the late Donnie! hic- Kechme, until she was married to the late John Ferguson, of Proton. Her Q.tyg,e.l departed this life 29years ago. n - -..,_.., M --- __ -____ _ Tl A sleigh load from the township of Arran, Co. of Bruce, consisting of Mr. Mc-Kechnie and wife and a. number of Donald McUannel'n family, drove to Mr. N. McCannel's. They are cousins of Mr. MeCannet, Mr. John McQuatrie received the Ind Intelligence of his brother Murdock's death at _Chicngo, on Saturday the thh inst.. of Pneumonia following pleurisy. Mr. McQuan-ie was raised on ths 2nd con., North Line. G'lenelg, and left the old home some 25 or 30 Years ago when a boy. He leayes a wi e and family to mourn his loss. Society is increasing in number and should be patronized by all who uphold the principles of temperance. BALSAM VALLEY. . lads took in the gluon; hut week. again Maggie: tze, than; Jar-gain. \lcome Dave " Valley as the Valley as some oiiii'jiiito ARCHIVE TORONTO moves Will Caldwell wears s mulling (so. than dun. It's they. Mr. B. Lindsay and his mother Ct Pain!" Ipeuta few days in Durham an? thin part lust week, while on the way to Forum. Min Petty and Mr. Reading of Guelph no visiting at the farmer's lather Mr, B. Potty. Jun, Boyd is employed taking out telegraph poles for Mr. Alex. Cranston. John is hard to heat. with an axe. Rev. Mr. Little exchanged pul its With Rev. Mr. Bell, of Burgoyne. rut. Sabbath. Mrs. McLean. of S. Line. qunelg. with her son John, viaited her brother Mr. Don. Black who is seriously ill with what seems to be blood poisonin . and the doctors, owing to his G','r'l'fflT,l2f,1, have little hope of his recovery. Mr. Hector McDonald, of Walkerton. was also i',fli1i,thi his unt'le, Mr. Black, accom- psnied by r. Robb. McPhail Miss Mpkinnon, of Durham. whiled away a few pleasant days with Miss Maggie Ridden. of this place last week, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. MPArthur, Hope- ville, visited the MeArthur family here for two days lust week. Talk about ups and downs of life? Go to Elmwood and Chesley if you want to hare these. Mr. Don. Stewart a, taken 't contract of drawing 6000 feet of square umber from Mr. R. Mill's, of Sullivan. Poles even where; Messrs J no. Stew- art, H. Ridge“ hud n. McDonald are busy drawing to Elmwood while Messrs D. McArthur, Jno, and H, Wade and S. Crnnston are hustling to Durham. Pressure of business, Mr. Editor. has kept Our budget. late. but will tryand keep in line in future. The entertainment at Yeovil last Friday night under the auspices of the Epworth League “IS a success. Mr. Pearson, Mt, Forest, gave a prucncal address, and Home Mt. Forest ladies furnished the manic. Rumors around that two of our prsmi- neat young man wnll soon embrace wed. lock's joys. One finds his attraction to the north the other to the south. Mimos Elms 1h:nwieklam1 M. Brown left for Toronto Inst week. A unit-ea " Fairbuiru's on Thursday next has a gain" of speaker-4. lay and clerical. and good music promised. The low price of farm produce make, it difficult tor farmers to make both endn meet and it rumored one iarmer struck on . new plan to raise the wind by tstnfring some of his farm into a hide and letting it freeze solid 1 It in alleged the buyer had it tttawed out and found about 25 pounds of sand and dirt and demanded his money back an he did not buy land at 6 eta tl lb. Farmers busy hauling loan. wood, de. The roads near Mt Forest are in a bad coudxtiou with puchholes. Rev. Mr. Burner, Jr. was assisting in special meetings at Orchardvillc last week. Mr. R. Boron passed tin-m with a large oad of grain one week from down the country. Iievcs in changing seed. Mr. D. McKinunon has been appointed Assessor this year again. Goad service means a great deal in public life. Mr. H. H. McLean, of Pricellville, a? tended church here on Sunday morning Mr. James Redford is home from the Lower Settlement and had an attack of the grlppe last. week. Miss Maggie McGillivray has tetut ned home after spending " month at her sisters. Mrs. Henry Patterson, of Glenlg. The so called grippo has confined a. good many of our citizens to their beds for the lust couple of weeks. Mr. John McEnehern is enjoying a vis‘t from his brother Alex. of Stnyner. and one of his daughters this week. Mr. William J, Ellis, student of Wood stock College ocenpied the pulpit tian.. day night. Mr. John Forster is busy hauling home iumber for " new barn. which he intends to build soon. Surely a great doIlar's worth and the privilege besides of obtaining any other paints at greatl y reduced prices. cost, and to hold a ijoiiiGjiiiriijp hibition during or about the first Week of September next. In addition to this ihe Gention is to distribute Hyacinth bulbs next Au- tumn, tqallpitsipbeip, without further 3rd premium-P. Downing Goosebery bushes, 4 Red Cherry Currant bush- es, 2 Columbian Raspberry bushes. --r"" y - vvv- v-vv, “IIJ VIIU VI 'VIIIVII a member may select. Then each member has the choice of one of the following premiums: lat premium-IP, Gladioli bulbs, 2 Cnnnas, 12 Papers flower seeds, 1 Tub’s Begonia, single, 1 Geran'am. 2nd premium--3 Coleus, 1 Heliotrope, l Swainsonia, l Acharanthus, 1 Aboutilon, lGloxinla, l Sanseveria Zealanica. Aggo. of Ontario, (2) The Canadian Horticulturist, (3) A bound copy of the Annual Report, (4) A share in the Annual distribution of plants of that Association, these consist ot tt Japan Lilac, a Lillium Speciosum Itoseiun, 2 plants of Conrail: Raspberry, a Dempsey Pear tree, {my one_ of which This young Society, thanks to ener- getic offieern, and eSpecially Secy. Gorsline, seems to be booming. Tire membership is already very large, and a. circular just issued, sets out that any one paying $1.00 for 1897 be- fore March lst next, secures not only membership but, (I) a eertiteate of Membership in the Fruit Grower's NORTH EAST NURIANBY. THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. SOUTH EGREMONT. WELBECK. MULOCK. Q-. pymsed. through hero aug, last . he- Messrs Hone Benton and Jan White spent. Sunday in Durham, . John Swinhum from Town is {m the employ of W. Benton. Mines McMillin's from dear Priceville accompanied with their brother John visited Miss J. Benton Sundny last. Miss F. McDonald from the Central House. Durham, rpent last week at her Aqpt's. Mrs. A. McMillan. Miss M. Campbel'a from Irish spent last week with Mill ts. Black. A bright little girl Arrived at the home of Mr, A. MeM'il1in's a. short time ago. the is going to stay and all Are well. The Rev. Mr. Norton hom o. Bound occupied the pulpit at Glenelg Centre In“ Sabbath. Mrs. Dunck McIntyre and Mrs. Baldy Benton are also very ill at present, while others Ire eotnplainintr of La- Grippe. Mr and Mrs. D. McInnis has been quite ill of late Dr. Hutton " in attend- ance. they are some better. m, regret to learn of ths severe illness of Mrs. w. Peters of Toronto who is very low with infiamntion nt the huwels in the general hospital. Mrs. Peters is a daughter of Mr. Alex. Martin of 6th can. Glonelg and is well known in this locality. Miss Kate Martin m-riyed home last week from the Queen City in company with Mr. Peters' 4 children. Miss Mart- in returns in n few days, l Mr. and Mrs. M. McMillan spent a few days with their. friends in this burg and Ian the 6th, before their departure for Bad Axe Mich. where they intend pe- "mining on their farm there for a time. Althoysrrihtrving spent the last, three years in Durham. thev preform Srntch- town and Pomona its home sweet home. Mike is an A. l tradesunan and in the line of masmiing and plastering, his equalsate few. lie and his estunahle [Sumner will be much ntissrd front this neighhm hood. We heartly join their umny friendsin wishing them the heat, of good wish 3, success, health, and wealth. and that they Illu§live long to enjoy their new home in unkee land, l Mr. Lora McIntyre has returned to the city. Beautiful weather and eyorylmdy busy. Mr. Geo, Mono and family, of Tees. wnter,nr~ ttptutdirc.,r a short time around visiting old seems and irusul, in Norman: by. Their friends are uulcl Lance them and they will hate a lame circle to wel; come them, Mr Dayid Murice and family. from ll, Columbia were "biting at Mr. o, Munro's in Teeswuei. lutoiy. A load of young people from Varnny and this pun drove to Mr. Rom. Maul]; ew's lust Friday night and spent a pleas; ant time more. We wonder when Gautier! is going to Durham to [my number yin: to his grand. mother? Isuppose he was Visiting his cousins here Tuosday. Cutler niding IS all the go, in this part and our youuu men are by no mmnn out of it, you ought to have seen W. Inst, Snu- dny mghb dashing through (the town North and he was no: alone by an) menus, Mrs. Rut t Notice spent last week with friends In B mt uck. Miss Mary Gadd in employed at Mr, W, CaNssoll'" (base few weeks. "iir.iiidiiftsuirici'ii Ji,, days With Mr, H, Lesson. Mr. Dave and Charlie Pt-tly spent a few days m Mun" last week. Ther, in company With bum and afew others in- land leaving for Mmiwlvu in about two woke. SCOTCH TOWN, CASH Amongst the many other new goods we might mention are New Pents New Shinings & Galateas New Clothing - New [aces & Edgings New Wrapper Cloths New Lace Curtains New Muslims & Lawns New Carpetts We have a couple ot snaps in the Clothing line this week, one for the MEN,' the other for the BOYS. Men's All-wool Tweed Pants, fame tpri and Well finished Goods ' ---- yALLIMésIZFS --- f .00 a pr. Boy's Knicker Pants, Good strong Tweed. 5 tl Sizes to fit boy from 8 to 12 years of age 6 a?" '2i1'i' i,'i'a'ii":i;':' To the ._:iii'f,l' agLADIE-za i))i,lic -u... fs" ii7'iiidihr'"'"ii'"x Spring Goods are coming to Laird daily and amongst the latest arrivals ere som_e novelties m Dress Goods, these are Silk and Wool mixtures 1n very pretty effects and the latest thing in the trede. They come In dress lengths, no two of which are alike, and if you want a stylish dress, these will suit you. We have also some very. pretty tweed effects in light and dark colorings : another correct thing for Spring Dresses. The Store 1s beginning to take on a _..---; SPRING APPEARANCE A The Winter is sliding along and already Sprmg v-sro m TM <TfTTIrP NA“! Rnring Goods are coming to Land 1lltalitFs:llthh0it 2ghlgltlhtMait, ft llllfti (illlllltll CA DER’S BLOCK All Lines of Winter Goods Offered at Special Prices. 7de7,'R'i'7ier"iszimiqBiit'it'?v, l Mr. J, McDougal united ad Pearson [ last week. . _ 091' friend Mr. T. Laurence has. in his i eiit lay. the famous Jeff " hitmore and E. gunk: from Bentinck, they Menjolly gang. I Pump maker Connor from Durham. wukdmng business In our town an f we. . . Mr. John Blotting to iiiFiiiariiTttc imber Tuesday this week, a big dance and a good time expected. Our Shoe Maker A. McDonald is doing a good business in the line of patching he says cash is scarce. M . d M ' N. r,.,fl,,h.t',' L..'?.'??.'..?.'. chLePtrre ViliM Mr. and Mrs, N. McIntyre visitad friends in this burg on Monday. Mite Jessie Benton spent Sundgy and Monday at the old homestead. If you want Bargains, come this month to. The old Stock bought from Mr. T. Moffat will be rushed off at low prices to make room for New Goods arrived and arriving. iiili We have still a few nice hats left and if you want any 'iii:.] thing in that line, see them at once. AT HALF-PRICE 64': they are, going fast. Potatoes, i A opler wond. 4 fort w, Ind Turkuys, per !b (hem " Hidms, ... Calfskins, ... Sheepmins each Hay per ton ... Straw per ton McLachlan Fruits d; Confections of all kinds. Eggs. per doe _--.. Chickens " er ptur Ducks " W ith New Groeeries, New Canned Goods, New Croekery, a Glassware. (Lumen per muck ...... Bran per cw: ... ... Shana pot cwt ... Fall Wholly per bushel Barley, " Peas, " Oats, " Dr'd Hugs. per cm Hugs. live weight ... Lard perlb ... 1'allow' per ll) ... Butter per th, Tub ... _ - " Roll I DURHAM MARKET. Corrected each week by Geo. S; Flour per bbi . McLA CHLANS, _yP'ratrtSy Memd.) OPENING I I! nun ...... to. Z ' bu;hol..... 0 " ... 0 " ... 0 " ... O ' cm ... 8 wht ... ... 8 Pub ... ... O ............ ling ALT 0300:08480 200to 200 Ou to 0 " to 0 25 h. 0 37 to O 16 to 8 60 to 8 25 to 08 to 04 to O 10 to 10 to 0 10 to 90 to 40 to 07 to Gi to 5 00 to M to 40 (o 9 00 to 5 00 to 0 25 to 0 25 to 1 75 to 1 00 to ' Sporty ng. ' and Lower Town. 10 U 6 go n Lit f!f 20.' 0:1 OI 0 17 4 50 3 40 08r 030 (of " 10 70 ' 1liyrts_Ttpming I tori; - - ---- VI." " "In! "NN' "PP" Eggs“! though {Nimruw that could he tt “Hui? and a. Bible that. was lying nu th ttetorn. Boys are luppulod tobe "apnea. Ourolit mu; here m-tnl de. 'diff,,' "a'te..eeieriar' nektt.owitdgo pr It The only Int-clan loom In Ion-J. [Jada-taking and Embclmiu . u ciph- a 'll'l'filll'lld Nut N, Bc-To ensure a good jab the Hides must. be well salted as won an " ken oth Woutd Intimate that he will continue th Furniture and Underukinz Bushman at!" Milled hymn father in Durham mm. ml will end "nor to (ire all old the! new out“. en; the wane cum-u 'testi.,taetion. Furniture of the Best st'ati) FUIZSITURE M'll Lilam'ilitl ELM" tre orrntte Hull has been By the New Process, which for Finish and Soft- ness can't be beat. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dag Skins, Tanned suitable for Satisfaction Guaranteed. ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMINB A SPECIALTY Robe Tanning! . J. SHE WELL Robes t Goats . the Mand, " the Mhrheti nun?” HOPEVILLE. Thos. Smith. " LL LINK or- ONE PRICE f. sun's " it!“ dterrt mn- - DENT on”; '. -0ppos_l w. an prepared l m and fur-mm ll lix I p- 5, coo to loam" interest ( Elliott BARRtSTERS, S Witt In at: I’m-m day in out: muml ”will Motel. For q/ter ciao! The best build you up a any kind. O In“: or Inna) stein, 0m. Putin wsitod ul Mule dint 1m Holstein. Junuury " ther Durham- Block. "(mule-um: bott "tttce, Iturh; FARM I? 00 the 3nd Con, ll. 1"i4 urn-s. " [and cute of cul miti. -Builtte,s. " WEI! T0 WN W. hog In mum that we have llu rrlllu . Kin-hon. “and 'tares 5027". Ntarr Drivo & Implemor Italic. underneath Haul and Soft , Emulsion Pinol 00000‘ ' WI/li 'i [can for n WATS PLANIMi AND laments tt.N Drona". June IHPROVED For a recen “khaki"? FFICE Fills We hate ia “Indy oy edies W. S. BO Has? NORTH li “LEAK! I Home, it box: All) GEAR ROBERT For

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