West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 18 Feb 1897, p. 5

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_,',',.-,-!,: ning ! Wes . , Dog I’m-s t: Emits” n... hblo fur Doc fur-w. u'. oh m "" Ir d " nun- continue II has been tcould he I lying on In! to he tarted de- nvlodgo or told the ”“1?- u)- m t e r- "otha 'ai nd Soft- mith. M13318 ‘ntbt 331-- It. the , hero by old mom- the 9m ch wilt ho mead. MU? t Jc'att able min, a Prvshy. at. won as ta WE LL cess, low-:- To. a»: the Elliott a. Elilott, 8ARRISTERS.SOLICITORS. CoNVEYANcERS.lktr 0013.33 : -0pposlte TOWN HA. Lower Town, Durham p 5, coo to Ivan at lowest rates of interest Will be ii, Pricwine the tirst Wednes day in each month. tMice at the Com- mercial Hotel. Inc-nor lABRlAGl ucaxsxs. Hol- stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reason- nhle dUtanrr, if desired. Holstein, January 14th 1891. We no prepared to take building con 3nd. and furnish all kinds of Material in living prices. , I tho Durham Pharmacy Calder' Block. Random-e first door west of th Pet, "tttce, Durham. FARM FOR SALE. . On_t.h 2nd Con. Normanby. contain- "13144 MM. 140 cleared. A 1 soil in [and page tt cqltivgtiog fee (planar a" weeds. Spring Creek. swneHouu A Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank Burn 50x70. Stone Basement Sublet. Drive & Implement Home Sh00, Btone Stable. underneath. Root House 10:50. Marti nnd Bott Water. Churches and 'ehoot convenient. " miles from Dur- f) Building: at our half the lousy asked. one-third down. This in a Rare Bargain. Stock or Gran. Bunions meant. " not sold 'Jil' lease for a term of years. Ap- P ' to We beg to announce to the public that we have the mill rebuilt and retitted with IO WEI? TOWN The best tonic known to build you up after sickness of any kind. TOMB EUXIR PLANIMI AND MATCHING” For after efeetr of Ja grippe de. WATSON BROS I 'rost Cream For Chapped Hands Emulsion God-Liver i)il . Do." AND srnsncuos G UARANTEED. MUST-LES ON HAND Dromore, June 0th. m. Pinol Balsam - - For a. recent Cough or Cold. WHEN Dr. T. C. HOLT L. D. S. IMPROVED MACHINERY. DENTISTRY. FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF A SNAP!, We hare just received au.f' 1 supply of 3ftmyon" Item, adieu. W. S. HORSBURGH. N ORTII EGREMONT. tianllullll & (h . a Bottle, for lingering CONS. ROBERT WATSON Jr" “banana P. o.. tta Roughened Skin. AT RIGHT PRICES. Try th In Need 's tte, , DURHAM BAPTIST TEA MEETING.-On Friday evening. Feb. 26. the town hall will be the scene of one..of the famous Baptist sovinl gatherings. Sume tine speakers are billed and excellent music promised, Dr. Jamiesnn will new 'Y the chair. Ten saved from ft to 8. Admission 230. and 15c. We have made nrrangrments with the Globe Printing Co. to an ply it with a three month's trial trip up the Weekly Globe and the REVIEW for tn cts. That is Weekly Globe 3 months. REV‘XEW3 months and the engraving all for 50 as. The Engraving alone sold for 50 cents, hut it, can now be secured only through the Globe. MY NFXOHBOR ToLD ME about Hood's Sarsaparilla and advised me to try it-- This is the kind of advertising which gives Hood'te Sarsnpnrilln the largest, sales in the world. Friend tells friend that Hood's Btusaparilla cures; that it gives strength, health, vitality and vig- or, and whole neighborhoods use it an A family medicine. BARoAINs--uv. John C'tuueron has decided to retin- trom business and will offer his stuck or. Ctockery, Groceries, dtc. at reduced rates fur the next 30 days, at cost, and below cost. M ust be sold. Call nnd see it. A Succsssmn sqtDEsr.--N. J. Me Arthur. B. A.. is well known to the peo- ple of 8. Grey as an all round good scholar, an athlete and a genial good fellow. He made his mark in Cannda. and now. more's the pity, finds in Uncle Sam's domains a wider field fox his use- fulness. He Wintezat St. Paul, Minn., about last Christmas on an examination toqunlify him there. and succeeded in taking the highest marks of any candi- date in the state of Minnesota. He is now Prin. of a High School. in Le Sneur. huOmistents under han and has a Buperintepdtry'y over another school as well. The REVIEW is pleased to note his success Mr. Wm. Moore, the Fleshertnn har- ness-maker. paid Normanhy and Ben- tinck friends a visit. over the week end, and did not forget the REVIEW. He looks as if Fletsherton agreed with him. AUCTION SALE-M r. Dugnld Mckech- nie has instructed Auctioneer Noble, of Markdale, to sell by Public Auction nt lot 22, mm. 2. E. G R., Glenelg, on Tues- Jay. Fel, Z3rd, 1897.21 fine lot of stock implements, furniture. 920. hrtle at 1 o'clock, 11 mos. credit. No resen‘o. HOOD’S PILLS not email? and prompt] on the liver and howe s, Cure tic headache, The Methodists, of Vat ney, last Brn- day surpassed thentselves by raising $14 and nun-e promised to the, Missions of the Church. Mr. Marshall. of Urdu!" ville was the eloquent. speaker. Camp DRUGS ARE Dun Tttuso- It is all. wall enough to econcmlze on Hui: Pins and collar Buttons, but when'you come to economizing on your health its poor economy. Buymg chap drugs is like sliding down from on eight story window on a straw rope. Our Drugs are the purest and beat you on buy. If you ore buying Drugs to like, the Belt. are the Cheapest. Tho Durham Pharmacy, I Golda“: Blot k. Merchant Beadle. of Lamlash, was in town Sn: nulny last. He has just lately been nppuinteal postmaster there and we understand it is a. most popular appoint- ment. FOR. SALE.-A cutter nearly as good as new, also a. set of single Harness, Will be said very renwnuble. Apply to Rev. Chm. Cameron, Upper Town, Dur.. ham. --N0T1CE.--Al1 acct'l overdue must he paid within ton days. Otherwise ttt,It, will he laced in other bands for Col Jd,'n'."U A. BLACK. Best Cabinet Photos, at the Upper Town Gallery only $1.50 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cull. We are _eiJt'ty to learn that Mrs. u. Mighton slam-ml and {an mum.“ " stone an has not been well since. J. A. Hunter has just received a large slepluens of ladies' rubbers, ttil Sizes. Mrs. Poole, of Tara. mother of Mrs. Wolfe, is spendihg some pleasant weeks with her daughter. All Reformers in the Riding are cordially invited to be pres ent. G. Emmi, Pres. B. Grey Ref Assoc. J. J. SMITH. Betsy. S. Grey Ref. Assoc. glit (am; 3mm. Dr. Lmderkin M. P., H. P, O’Connor Esq. Q. c, G. Mc- Kechnie, ex-M. P. P., and others, will address the meet- ing on Public Questions. Durham, Thur. Feb. 18, '97 The annual meeting of the South Grey Reform Associa- tion will be held in the Town Hall, Durham, on Tuesday, February 23rd, 1897 at 1.30 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing officers for the cur- rent year, and for the transact- ion of general business. REFORM (y)lmllfrli)li, LOCAL AND GENERAL TRANSFER or LICENSE. --r have re- ceived an application for a. transfer of the License issued to John Nauer for the lloval Hotel Neustadt from one Charles Miller. Also from Eliza Winkler for a transfer of the License issued to William Winkler for the Qunen’s Hotel, Hanover. A meeting of the Board ot Commissioners will be held on Monday the lat of March, at 1 p. m. at kaler's Hotel, Hanover, to consider such applies tlons. THOS. A. HARRIS License Inspector. Exmsmm To DISEASE Does not nec- essarily Inc-an the oontpaet,iott of disease mrnvided the system is in a vignrous con- dition, with the blood pure and all the ("guns in healthy :wtion. When in such a condition cuntngimi is readily resisted and the disease germs can find no lodg- ment. Hood's Sarsnpm-illa is the best medicine to build I?) the system bemuso it makes pure, rich blood. and pure blood is the basin of good health, In cold weather it is es eciall necessar to keep up the healthnno i,u',"ds",',' the¥>ody is subject to greater exposure and more liable to disease». Hood's Sarsapmilla is the safeguard of health, Mr, Jim. Muher, well known in Glen- eig centre was in town Monday. If you want to know why he looks so pleased it is because he is oonneeted with a gang of tinihcrmcn near Chtituville who have turned out the but. work of the season t so say the Millers. And then they have taken out the Largest. mick at Oak ever handled there. containing 245 cubic feet. A tuateof 6(le feet this m-nsnn is not had. Archie Black. son of Neil Black is in the same company. Do you read Farming? The Fehlt number in a medal Dairy number, which in times of low grain rices should prove of special interest. 7. W. Wheaton, B. A., 8005'. of the Dnirymenh Association of Western Canada is hon- ored by having his photograph placed on the cover. A flue ortrnit of Ex- Governor Hoard, of {ivistwntin also appears. All dairyrnen speak highly of this genial American. whose paper "Board's Dnirynum" has a national reputation. Portraits of Prof. Rohert. non. D. Derhyshire. Imp. Millan, Henry Wade, and many other prominent men nppenr. and from the calf to the cow with her varied {products many papers of interest are ound. Report: of the Annual Meeting of the Creameries, Cheese-factories and Poultry Associat- ions ere given at length. Private au. r ingie not neglected, and other nrti one are found of great interest. You -Ln..l.l Ln.... " " Ln Dun-nab Dun-- " should have it. “The Bryant Press." Toronto, Publishers. $1.00 a. year. ths der through through us, and "cure best terms. Durham, Feb. 17th 1897. McLMAN--At Nicola Lake, British Col- umbia, on December 27th, 1896, the wife of Alex. McLean, of " daughter. IrooArtTt-m4 GleneIg Centre, near Township Hall. on Tuesday Feb. 16th Mr, Andrew Fogarty, aged 74 years. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore, Teeswntor, and family are home wth friends in Nornmnhy for a few days. We were Pleased to have a call from Mr, Moore. Je take: home with him some samples of British Columbia ore, showing gold, silver, and lead. These were obtained by his hrother-in-lmv Mr. Morice, who with his wife and child have been upend- ing a few weeks " his father'l in Nor- mnulwnnd will return before long to ilwir for west, home in British Colum- no. 1vANTrrm--Bruanz MEN AND WOM- EN canvasszom for Canada and Australia. "Queen Victoria Her Life and Reign." Intmduclion by Lord Dufferin. A thril- ling new book. Sales marvellous. The The quen as girl. wife, mother, mon- arch. Reads like rnnmnoe. Gmndly il. lustrutcd. Big trotutuission. Books on time. Pt'ospticttts free to canvnssers. Exclusive territorv. Lots of mnney in it. Tm: BitArrLErtJAtuurrsoN Co. Ltd., Toxonto, Ont. We have just received A sample copy ofamost, excellent mm life-like phuto- engraving done in three colors of the new Liberal Cabinet. The Globe Print- ing Co. have secured the exclusive con- trol of the picture. It is 21 x 28 inches, and was arranged from actual photo. graphs bx the well-known Canadian dram, J. A, . Kelly, and is hein prepared by Hm 'l'm‘mntn 'ifi'td's'l')')icl'ntl, Co., which lu npcirrcs perfect “ark. The Literary meeting of the Epworth League on Munday was a great success. The basement being about full many outsiders being presenl.. Mr. Jones was loafer and managed to enliven the meeting with his energy and tact. A symposium of Bible characters and an esmy was a. yalunhlo feature of the evening. The reading of the Echo was instructive as well as amusing. Mr. John Grant. B. Columbia, was in town fair day hnvine come home from his far west duties for " week or two. He is lookin well, brings good news of Messrs Jno. EVatson, Thus. Binnie and other 3 Grey residents. He Is interest- ed in mining of course but has no faith in paper mining or buying ctr, cent shares. Dr. Gun was telephoned for by Dr. Brown, of Holstein) Monday last, for consultation on a case in Egremont township. The patient we believe is Mrs. Jno, Drimmie, and we hope to hear of her recovery. Mr. Albert Patterson, Howick, paid 3 visit to his suter. and hmlher-ln-law Mr. and Mrs. Beau. his sister Nettie who has been here for the past couple of weeks, Went home with him. HERE'S A CBAscE.--Until March lat 1897 the Upper Town Gallery will give ladies and gentlemen 45 years of age and over one cabinet photo-, best ttnik ' for 25 cents. La-Gr-m-Dr. Andrew. Anti--. Grippe Pills ? A valuable remedy in La- f,',1iii',ei, Cntarrhal Complications. Cpld m t e head. &e, H, PARKER, Druggist, Durham. Lug. Experience proves the merit of Hood'. Samparilla. lt care. all forms of blood diseases, tones the stomach, build. Up the nerves. We are selling yer good flour at $1.25, $2.00; 82.25, {2.40, per cwt. §atisfaction fhuranteed.-tKo, Spar- BORN. DIED. -. sp.'. Notice is hereby given that all Creditors and others, having claims against the said George Dowling, who died on or about the 29th day of Dec- ember1896. including those having any general or 'Teeifie lien otfenearnbrana uFon his estate, or any part, O" 3 litre thereof, or interest therein, are' on or before the 20TH DAY OF MARCH 1897, In the Estate of George Bowling late of the Tpwnship of Bentinek, in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Pursuant to chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, and Amending Acts: to send by post (Prepaid) to Lydia. Thompson of the "ownship of Ben- tinek' (Durham Post 9ffiee,) the exec- trix of the last Will and Testament, ot the said deceased, or to G. Lefroy McCaul of the Town of' Durham, Sol- icitor for the said exeeatrix, their christian and surname. addresses, and descriptions, the full paatieulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts or claims, and the nature of securities (if any) held by them. And that on and after the said last men- ioned date, the said executrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assests of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto regard being had only to the claims ot which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said executrix shall not be responsible for the said assets or any part thereof toany person or persons at whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received as aforesaid, " the time of such distribution. LYDIA THOMPSON. Executrix. Durham, Ont. G. Lmov MOCAUL Durham Ont. Solicitor for the said Executrix. Dated at Durham, this 15th day of February, A. D. 1897. A Missionary conference will be held in the Birth: Church, Durham on the 24th, (I edncsday)to be pres- idedpvqr by Revs. J P. McEwen and A. P, MeDiarm'd, Superintendent at Home, and Foreign Missions. Sessions toopen at 2.30 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. All invited to come. Notice to tJreditdiii, Intruded fer last week. Mr, and Mrs. James Donny nee Mrs. R. Irwin, who were untried st the I Fon SALE on ftrtNT,--The elegant res- idential Irroperty lately ocvupied by the Rev. “has. (hum-run. Close to town, 4 acre-s of ground. elegant house, com- fm-tuhle out, buildings," etc. This " well worth the nttention of any one contem- plating building. Cheaper to buy than to build. A [1pr to 11w. CHAS. CAMERON. Durham, Feb. 17, '97. The tone of the meeting was excel- lent and We hope subsequent steps will Show that the town is awake to its in. terests by supporting in every legal and moral way possible tho effort to keep our population with us and at the same time attract others to take advantage of our portion and resour- ces. Postmaster McKenzie is this week as a. delegate u. Lodge of the A. O. U. w. --WHITE Bruct-60.000 White Brick for Sale. Fun Time and Terms inquire of H. PARKER. Durham. Mr. Ed, Burnet, returned Wednesday from the Sun, where he has been ein- ployed tot the past, few months. To arrive at some conclusion a com- mittee consisting of the Mayor, G. Me. Kechnie, H. Parker, J. W. Crawford Reeve Sparling, and Jas. Brown were appointed to formulate some scheme and call a meeting of the citizens at an early date to dlscuss it and take action. The duty of' the hour is for every ratepayer to be public spirited enough to aaccept the finding of the majority loyallv. We cannot all get what we want, but all will be benefitted if a hearty loyal agreement be arrived at. Then again what shape should en- eot1ragentent or assistance take ? Mr. Mekeehnie showed clearly bounsmg was out of the question, the only public assistance pussi le being to grant ex- emption from taxes, and if possible give a free site. The Mayor believes that 85000 could be raised privately and offered to cap italists with twice that amount or more, under proper guarantees, to establish 50131 thing. . A Chair or Furniture factory, Box Factory, Carriage and Waggon factory and other industries were spoken of. Some would like to begin on a small scan others with stronger faith would launch out, All were agreed on these lines, but at course differences of opinion were to be expected when it came to say just what should be done. Mr. G. Mekeehnie was voted to the chair and outlined the situation as above. Mayor Calder and Messrs Crawford, Jas. Brown, H. Parker, lt. McFarlane and others all gave their opinions treely as to the necessity of something being done to relieve the present situation, An informal meeting of the business men of'the town was held in the Town Hall, Tuesday evening, to take into consideration the steps necessarv to secure as soon as possible the establish. ment ot an industry or industries here to give employment to the working classes of the town, too many of whom are now out of empoylment THE DUTY OF THE HOUR. RIO"ARCHIVI TORONTO HOLSTEIN. is to in Toronto the Grand Misses Alma and Annie Ruwn of s. Bend are visitors at, w. H. Horslturgh's this week. Miss R. Kin of Newhridge is the guest of her Cousin Missal. Doupe for a few days this week. Quite a number of young p90 ole went to Yeovil, to attend the E, L Sat-ml given by the young [maple of that vill- nge and report haying a good time. Miss Nellie Robertson of Mt. Forest, was the guest of Misses Burrows over Sunday. The Anniversary in the Methodiat. Church will beheld on next Sunday and Monday, Rev. Mr Pomemy of Durham will preach morning and evening, and Rev. Harve of Clifford will deliver a lecture on {o and Fro in Celestial City on Monday evening, a silver collection. Mrs. Letith of Spry who has been here attending the funeral of sister Mrs Jas. Hamilton is Visiting her parents Mr and Mrs. T. Brown Miss Murry of London IS the guest, of the Misses Troupe. Mr. Thos. Trilw who has been in Michigan for the past 2 months with his son Morice returned home. Arthur and Miss Ella Hunt of River- view, are visiting at Wttt Seaman. Miss Ida Keith visited in Yeovil but. week. Mr. S. T, Orclnrd has Axum returned to our midst after a month'a Evening in Durham. Welcome but. This week we are sorry to have to announce the death of Mary Brown the wife ot James Hamilton which took _ place at St. Thomas North Dakota on) Peb. Sed,, Mr. Hamilton on rived here on Monday afternoon with the corpse after a. long lonesome journey, What makes it more sad is that, they were only mar- ried almut. a year ago in Egremont, n few days after thev left, for their home. in the west where. Mr, II. had already been and made propmutt on: wh erthey expect tolmve u long and happy life but the brittle thread W'tn lnokrn. De-l ceased was the youngest daughter of Thos. and Mary Ill-own. fornu-rly of Egremont. hut now of Holstein. The funeral took plare on Tuesday to Amm Cemetery Dromore. The lrereaved famil ' have the sympat hy of the neighborhood). 3 Mrs. Bowman of Doon is visiting Mrs. Thos.. Brown. Mr. & T. Chapman upon: . few duys of Inst week with friend. in Artemeuzn and while there took m the sights of Eugenia F ails, Mr. John [Inrshurgh moved into Holstein on Tuesday into the house. he purchased from Mr. Mulch. Mr. Herbert Ash. ton in law of Mr, Jas. Mchekin rotureed to his home in Buffalo on Sunday hust. Mr. Wm. Black and his sister, Mrs. P. Leslie. are at present spetahng a couple ' f week: ih Ho<pelun Max, Browne in in Durham for a few days' visiting his uncie J, L. Browne. Miss Tillie Irvin cf South Bend in the guest, of Miss T, Muin for a. few days this week, J. H. Reid left on Snlurdny foe his human. Monsmin N. W. T after s end- ing a couple of mouths at the old Emma of his lmyhtmd. Mr. D. Ferguson. of Proton, is at pres- ent visiting his uncle Mr. N. D. McKen- In. Max Dixon who has been in N. Dakota for the mat few womhs returned home on tCJ/tuf,', last. Max says he likes the country fine, and it must agree with him as he is looking well. Alex. McGillivray. of South East Nor. man by visited his sister Mrs. D. Chune. run Sulurduy Inst. Mrs, Robert iVilliuntson of Gordon- ville is visiting her parents Mrs. John Hombm gh, groom's brother's in Acton, Mo ndny Isl ebuary, were visiting at M rs. D's. faith ot'ts for a few days last week, Miss Emily Geoat is visiving friends near Bolton.' J. L. Browne of Durham visitnd his brother W. L. Browne on Tuesday last. GOAT ROBE, WE HAVE A FEW - THEY G0 AT $6.00 There are a few Overcoats " " We JUST RECEIVED the other day Still to be disposed of pt) YOU WANT A GOOD el8alE1t,.aaLaytir'aly"giiii 5 Dozen Corsets-Style Confined to ()ursolves-- High Bust- 3 side 'iteets---The best Corset yet offered for the 1uoney--- Only- PIE; cents a, P MURDOCH. 1-5 20 per cent Discount off all all our Mantle Cloths - But dont wait too long-rf you want any - They wont last. G,,, L. GRA NT. at Hard Times Prices for cash. The Undersigned offers for Sale the interest. ofthe late (Se-mgr Dowlitw, in the IIASKINS' FARM Lot Nqudk (B CON 2, w. G, R, HFhNTINt'K, um- The. undersigned offers to sell or rent on reasonable terms, lot 32, on lst and 2nd. Gm., S. D. R.,Bentinek, composed of 61 acres, nearly all cleared. oomfortable house, good orchard and well. Close to whool and church, 1 mile from Allan Park, t from Hanover. For further information apply to JAS. WEBBER The sale which took place an Mrs. Geo Pollock’s, Sr.. on Monday last. was fairly well attended. Bidding was brink and prices were high. F All atteounta must be settled by cash or note on, or before March ist 1897, after that date, collection will be plac- ed in other bands. H. PARKER, Druggist Durham. Mr, George Bradley. l former resident of these parts. but “ho is now living neur Mount Forest. we are sorry to have to re port, buried his little child Mont ail month's old on Saturday hot, Quite: number of the young people from these path intend to patronize the cancer; In Bnnessnn when] on Frisky evening it the weather prove favorable. U Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware of' all descriptions, ite. gaining a speeialty.-UPPE1t TOWN, URHAM. All Debts due us must. he Sealed before lurch lst next. Dem: left un- uettled wilt he placed in Court for Collecuon. NOTICE. All persona indepmd m c. MeArthur are tetipeetfuily. rmumtod to call fur their acmnnns and settle 'eillwr try cash or iaote at, once. All accounts leftunsettlrd must he placed into other haudq for collection. C. McAm-avn. Mr, Thus. IAwrotiee and Mr. D. Mu Coskery were guests of Mr. Wm, Sirr .3 Sunday. and aim ut’rnded use evening sonic. in the School House. Mr, Jae. Baird in lawn tsuffering flora . severe attack of quimvy. On Wednosday the 10th of February. Mr. ROI-er: White. " Artemesia and Miss Susan Chapman, of Earemom, were an ited in marriage, the Rev. Mr. Kitchmg performing the ceremony. Mr. Hmuuel Chapman, brother of the bride, supported the bride. The happy couple left the same evening tot their home in Arlemeein The beat. wit-hes of llur many friends following them. tuining' one Hundred Acres mam or less. ls well watered. has a cotnforttthle House and splendid Bunk Barn, 1 mile from Durham. F or particulars apply on the promise. to LYDIA Tunnn‘mm Exm-utrix of the lute GEURAEE buwuzm or to THOMAS HAsKlNH. Durham, Felt, IO. 1897. Dec. mm 1896. EALER IN WATCHFS, CLOCKS FARM for SALE, or to RENT. A. GORDON. FOR SALE. NOTICE. NOTICE. N. G. a J. chechmc. Durham. ,s

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