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Grey Review, 18 Feb 1897, p. 7

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M) . Toronto. Mnef al into Stl",? (big long I... tunnel“ I. on n11 poi-CI. at Allowed " "mi bun depot“ ot0ta0 Button and "all” In; " a mun... “I; IING DER :ESTFRIEND mod 82,000.00. 'qtple,ana Mil uld ttob tride In Lake South Anor- ul no! mm with n and , le i n my viue ”more. ttie that hare led t. NuyM~out. - . on. take a bt ls an“! of the Ml! twins no EVEN YEARS R001"? its been!” tho mug dig-as“ and t or Canada M cured more dee. ulnm than n, 'rt And it (he. KELLY, Aqent. Ir. ll “WWI mm a Proprlolol IN CANADA. Mb GENCY. BANK I”, J2t _ _ Morning. HEALTH wit"! ME. It 0AM Goo. P. Raid. Mm:- 'mlth [VERY m REVIEW no Vibes: 1 down ant may nervous 1,000.00. 600.60. A In: or ”(My-live lean Who New look: like a In " "etr-Me - " the III] It." Tet. John Adm of the village of Tucker, Kankakee county, Td., after a life ex- oeeding by 3 number of year: the three- wore years and ten allotted by the Psalmist as the limit of man's use. he. beams young min. The search for the elixir at life has occupied the ettention of more than one man since Ponce de Loon invaded the flowery (enthuses ot Florida in tho hope of finding 3 fountain whose we- tars would reswre his lost youth, hut never before has there zone on record the case u one who, utter reaching an advanced age. has received the blue- THE WONDERFUL REJUVENATION OF OLD JOHN ADAMS. ing of youth renewed. A short time ago John Adm had all the appearance and all the peculiarities of n men whose life race has been mt run. He had e right to the evidence of sge. for he was 85 years old. Now the casual ob. server and even those who have known him for yesrs and here watched him grow from manhood to old ego may he pardoned it at times they mistake him for a. man much younger than he is. John Adams od I. tow months ago and John Adams od to-dny are different persons. One is 3 man bowed beneath the weight of years. He is bald, except for a fringe of gray hair. toothless. and time has so dimmed his eyes that he is aghast blind. That is the John Ad.. amp, that was. To-day his head is cov- and w ith a growth of dark-brown hair and his eyes are bright and clear. and he has cut several. teeth. 1Iow the change has been brought about no man can say. So far as in known and according to his own state- ment, Mr. Adams has done nothing to renew his youth. It team: A REVOLT OF NATURE, against the laws of time which an. force . decay at the bodily forces and a revivilication of a. nearly worn-out body. At first. glance Mr. Adamslookn like a man no more than 40 your] at age. mm in. Adam believes that the rejuvenation which has begun will be fualy carried out. He expects to gee his skin either replaced by new or fill- ed out end the wrinkles moothed away. Where the renewal of youth “ill “to? he does not attempt to say. but he when: that in e great meas- ure, at least, his former powers have been restored, and he is confident that under the stimulus so unexpectedly given his faculties he will live many years past the common age of man. To a certain .extent, though juet why In hardly clear, Mr. Adams ls tempted to lay the return of his youth In the manner of life which he has fulluwed of late years. Be has always hevn remarkelily regular in. his ha its. and temperate in all things. even to alatemimttsness. Be drinks no tea, coffee. nor alcoholic 'stimulants, and, indeed, has hardly tasted any of these in his life. ‘In spite ot his age he Cases have been reported in which a set of teeth have appeared in per- sons of an advanced age otter those which have served them through life have dropped out. But. it in doubtful whether ever borore the entire appear- ance oi an aged person has been chang- ed book to that at youth. Indeed, the case at Mr. Adm eppeerl to be unique. As yet the change is incomplete. Duh hair has replaced the gray locks which had mien out, new team have taken the place of those worn away by sov- emy years of use, and night has re- turned to him. But his skin in still wrinkled and has the ptsrelxment-lik? appearance which canes with age, and his mustache and beard. which ad be.. gun to turn gray, show no signs of rmu-_w1ng_ their color, .. .. .. with no stoop, scarcely a slope to his shoulders, and weighs 198 pounds. But the fact to which he attributes the greater part of his regh1verystiop Is that tor the cast ten years he has been ac- (unturned to rise at 5.30 o'clock every morning. rain or shine, summer or “(In- ter, and walk a distance of two miles to the house of his son for breakfast. Just how much this has to do with the return of his youth Mr. Adams cannot say, but that it has had a decided In- t.uenoe he is fully convinced. He has never surrendered to the attacks of tune; he has never given up and ad- mitted that he is an did man. Instead of seeking sheltered nooks and sunny mrners when it income apparent to hun that the wear of his years was hav- mg its effect upon him,' ht.ha.s been up every morning at the fixed hour aflnd taken his daily walk before break- ast. . NERVE AND TEETH. Bad norm uni had teeth win be found to go together in an oxtmrdi- nary number ot cases. The hustle and bustle of our modern life, which is no trying to the nerves, has " actually daterinental effect upon tho toot . The effect of Mr. Adam's rejuvenation upon his neighbors is various. Moro than one believes firmly that the old man has discovered that wonderful. fluid so long sought by the old alche- mists and by the bredulous of all ages which is supposed to have the power of riskingl the old young. Others_ look upon t e affair as a latter-day miracle '.sry) mnsider the. aid gentleman espec- ially favored by a divine powertper- haps for no apparent purge”; perhaps. lemme Some great war in reserved for him. The majority, however, re- gard the matter as simply a freak of nature. as it robably is; a renewslot youth 'througg some strange rebellion of life against. time. women. Certainly, whatever mar he the Gauge. the mate is strange enough to excite comment, and it has had the effect of not only raising the interest of the citizens ot Tucker to a. high point, but pt bringing out more than one seeker h% the 133mm:- Jd life nut',' banana " r. A am. loving I pa he has unknowingly banana!” upon some secret by which youth my be re- called and life measurably prolonged, and hopeful. of discovering what that Mm. Hudnnt's free offer to Invalid Ladies, on no 82. will interest Ill RUM OLD AGE TU YOUTH TALL AND STRAIGHT, Ail HISIOHCIII tmlilt A LARGE LIST OF VALUABLE PRIZES OFFERED FOR CORRECT' ANSWERS TO THE QUES- TIONS ASKED. 1. lit whee you mm ”mm Queen at Radium. 2. In what yeu' did the nun. ttf Water.. Joo take plnoe. 8. In what year did the Betti. of Quoenston Heights occur. 4. la what year did Quebec fltg eur- render to the Iinthish-rhio onda ed French rule in Canada. 5. In what yesr was the British North America' Act passed. , Tug Ladies' Journal will (in tree to tho first person sending s correct sus- wer to all the above questions, the tirtst prize (tbs bicycle) in the list below. I'he sender of the second set of cox-root: answers, another bio ole equal to “the first, sud so on till h'f these but prises an given sway. Will You Be One at the 80““qu VII-on? The Induce-cat In Great and tho ‘in Gold.' Viiâ€"v _“â€" --.-_ -"--" Sixteen t.o Fy?rinims.--Eauh Five Dol- Number oete.--A handsome up-to-dnte, has]: and. bicycle. by a. well known maker, (ladies' or gentleman'. wheel as my be preferred.) Two to ts'evtut.--Eaott Ten Dollars in . Gout. . Blunt. 9? Jiituen.-Each Seven Dollars . cycle same as No. l, same choice. Fifty-two to one Hundred.-Each Two Dollars and a mm in Gold., After these prizes will follow the middle list. To the sender of the mid- dle wt of correct answers in the whole competition, counting all the correct sets of answers tram first to last, will he given Number One of these . Bandeau Gum Watch. . i'sixty and *t'ixtrom.--Eaeh a Bicycle um. as described for Nos. l, 50 and -. AI in first list. Sixty-two to One Hundr.d.--Each a. halt dozen silver plated Fork; Then will lollow the consolation prizeswhen to thunder of the last. set of correct answer: will be given yo. one (the bicycle). and no on counting from the last rmivod up to on. hum and. when each condor of correct uno- wers. up to one hundred lnolqnive wilt be (we): the prizes as per this lint of LAST OR CONEOLATION PRIZES. HUNTING BY WRIC LIGHT. A story me. from India wont s "ypt?rt.aayyn," who hunts ftT by the 'ile.cttie light at night. 6 alts on a. raised pdatform in the jungle, and sus- Yenda a fifty candIo-power Incandescent amp over the bait. which is placed about 30 feet awsi. Batteriqs supply current for the lig t, and n gwltch near the hunter's hqnd gnawe- hip) Y? tin-m3 No. one-A Bicycle, sumo " No. on. in first list. l Two .,to Seterausepr-1ilqNt a_ handsome nilvu pitted Tu Bot of 4 pieces. Eighteen to Thirtr-atush a luminous Gun Ring. Thttr:?ms Jo J.h.1rtrfi-Etush Ten Ian in can _ Fifttono to Six: -ogte--Bnah Flu Dol- n In Cum! Sixtv-two to Eiahtr-two,-A (in. Gold -. _Gom‘Ring, ___ _. f - 1araidYiaikC"i" “u" T"" Cr." Fifty tnd Fittroyr--meh another Bi- MIDDLE LIST OF PRIZES. Number one.-A thoroughty up-to. data Bicycle, same as has. 1, 50 and 51 in first list. he to Thr-tty-tive.--; a. not of ope dozen teat heavy pxated Tea or Dim nor Knives. Twenty-Six to Forty.-Each Ten Dol- lars in gold. . Fora-cup to Fit_ttryip3t.-Aaah u Ladies' Eighty-three to Ninotr-Eaeh Seven . Dollars in Cal; Ninety-one to Ons-hundred-auth 3 fine Gold \Vatoht' Each person competing must: send one dollar for one goat's subscription to THE LADIES‘ J URNAL, which is an old established and widely circu- lated monthly publication. It eon- siete of thirty-six large pages. with all the latest lesbian: wel l luetmted. serial and short storiee, 1ttti,t,ttg, our boys and girls. houdhol and domes- tio, in short something to interest on err member of the family. It is well worth the small subscription price. even if you do not get I prize: but all the prizes offered above will be given. No charges of any kind will be exact- ed from prize Winners. on the light when he in rttdr. t.o shoot. The bright glare ttrmporariQ blinds the tiger, and a good shot can be had be- fore he has tune to get away. Tcn days will be allowed after date of closing for letters to reach tho Journal office from distant points, but must not but later post-mark than 80th.. April, '97. The decision of the whining” of The Ladies Journal must considered final. ' Full names and sddrenaes of winners of prizes will be; given in tha. April number of the Journal. No Winner's name will tm published, however. if a logged: is made not to do so. dress and In“. all ordeulpayoble to The Ladle! Journal, aroma, Canada. Ifoliara uiaisijii" _-.- --, -- Ihitttit.x -ty Fittqunch Tiara. Dol,. L/ttti Iii) if f..,.,) 'itil * a " ., Any person: can compete any num- ber of times, but . dollar must haunt with each set of answer! and tho Journal will be sent for a yur to any desired address. " All five queqtionc must be. answered correctly to secure my pnze. The competition will remain; open from now till last day of April next. THE FIRST PRIZES. Outlay “I. INDY LII " "" am. n. aid ii - tit',ttl.T,tTrt "r, 'l1ttPn.srra. il2ai2'fS i6 w. a ttt = - Hum-luau lg! Two Peril women were recently Per" auaded by a. Bpiritualiatio medium that their bodies enveloped the spirit.- of Mary Stuart and Quegh Elizabeth. Un- fortunately Mary Stuart discovered that Ehzabeth’l nephew embodied the spur- it of Boterell, and the two, taking all thrs Yin-gin Queen's money, eloped. mak- mg 1_t_neceasnry for the police to be A Gpenyille Country Man Speaks His Mind-i-NO Like a New .l)pin-c11.ed by Four Boxes of Dodd'a Kidney Pills. Cardinal, Feb. 8. (speeia1).--Mi. 1to.t> ert Mantosh. . farmer very widely known in this county, and living near this village has been in a painful and t.1s.uyrorouii condition an the result of kidney disease affecting the bladder. When gelled upon he said: . "During three years, until quite ro- oently cured b using four boxes of Dodd 3 Kidney his. I hams been an Intense sufferer from kidney disease which kept going from bad to .worse tltyyt0s I was dogtqring all the time." 'Undor advice I began using Dodd'l Kidney Pills at once realizing great help I now feel like a new man arid am Perfectly cured of kidney trouble in any arm. The Southern Railway and the Flor- ida Central and Peninsular Railroad are now operating the famous New York and Florida, Limited, between New York and Jacksonville and St. Augustine. This train is composed of Pal man's latest improved compart- ment cairn, dining cars, drawing room sleeping cars and library observation can. leaving New York dank, except Sundays. at 12.10 noon. and whing- intggn 6.217 p.m., running solid throng. to .. vannah, Jacksonville and St. Au. suiting via.., Te.hbaqr. Charla“. . LampMt.-YPu look at that coffee as lflyou'd him to throw it out of tho window. Bparder-0, no. I never than the Be Not Deceived. A Cctuth, Hague- neau or Group, are not LO be tuned with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will an you much trouble. Sold by Bil drugglata. Cure tho Cough with Shiloh'a Cure. The beat Cough Cure. Relieves Grout) promptly. One million bottles sold In year. 40 doses for 26 cents. Bold by " druggistl. . The raising or cucumbgrs ls becom- Lng one of the great industries of Northern Indiana. mam all the farmer. of Wheat- land, Wyo., have the ground prepared for spring seeding. Bu‘uLuc. Vic... an; unnuub. _ u... u"... and Columbia, reaching Savannah al 11.29 Batt., Jacksonville. 8.80 .m., and St. Au uqtine. 4.43 pan., dd next. day. 1li'li train also carries through sleeper New York to Augusta, Ga., with connection at Trenton, S. c., for Aiken, S. C. _ _ -w.s. . .. This train is in addition to the re- gular double daily limited trams. leav- mg Washington da.ily at 11.15 am. and 10.43D8.m., arrivmg in shotgun- ville at 9. mm. and 9.00 pan., aspec- tnLely thtylex.t f.ur .. A. L L. ......, .. .___- M, For further information. time table: and sleeping car reservations, call on B. P. Fraser, No. 19 Exchange street. Buffalo. N.Y., or write to L. S. Brown, General rAftri'ltv' Passenger Department, Southern ailway, Washington. D.C. A Peculiar“! on the "tget-The market- ing or the Crop. The largest of the estimates made months ago of last year's enormous apple crop on this continent have been more than verified as far as verification is possible. The crop was by far the greatest ever known. A peculiarity of many of the apples of this great crop is that they have ripened after picking more rapidly than apples usu- ally do. Many apples are as ripe now as they ordinarily would he on March l, and this condition of things exists all over the United StaLes and Canada. Greenings especially have ripened and scalded so that it has been necessary to crowd many of them on the market in advance of the time for which they were held. For example, many green- ings that had been held for February have been put on the market and sold. The stock of apples in growers' and dealers' hands is still very heavy, but the tremendous consumption. due to the great supply and low prloes, have clean- ed up to a considerable degree the sup- plies Put away last fall, and causeda re- newa of inquiry. There is said to be now a. favorable grasped for a more satisfactory sale o the remainder of the apples held throughout the coun- try. tiybs.eqqtmtir the same state of affairs‘ exists in Europe. There the alpple crop last fall was smaller than usua ' but the exports to Europe from American ports have been far greater than usual, and they have continued large; the mar- kets there have been overstocked at times, and some American shiygments have resulted in loss to the s trg: the proceeds not covering cost of B ip- ment. Extremely low prices have. however, helped in Europe as here to close up stoc s, and there is now a re- newed inquiry for apples from the Uiited King om and From continental ports. A very extensive receiver and shipper of American apples said that this might result in such increase of shipments as to bring- about another glut in European markets; but it was thought that of apples hardy enough to export the supp ies remaining, are not so great as to take at reasonable rice. t e quantities that will he sent. in. exports of apples last week from the United States and Canada amount- ed to about 75,000 barrels, of which be.. tween 30.000 and 40.000 barrels were shipped tram Halifax. . in email pets like those ie ordipery use. Each pet is wrapped in a. bit of the muslin and placed on} bed of rose leaves specially prepared m on earthen jar. On top another layer of the fresh and delleete rose leave. ls trg, before the jar in filled with 3. BO id chunk of ice. Then the jar is placed in s refrig- erator and allowed toxemia there for 10 hours, when the not: or. ready for the customer. - PERFUMED BUTTER. Perfumed butter on the dinner table In the lateet fad of wealthy people in London. The dairies where this butter in mede ere .5! odoroue _aa e tkoriatu a kra" this' 1ilikididFot I perfumer. tttg ftrst.plqgs mg butter ia,.maas FLORIDA WINTER SERVICE. PLAYING IT TO A FINISH. A FARMER IN TROUBLE. THE GREAT APPLE CROP. TENDER HEARTED. From the Prescott Journal. There is no man in the township of Itiifghift"yg,,, who is better known than Mr. Jo Sherman. He is one of the many Canadians who at the out- break of the American rebellion. Igained the army of the North, and to t ex- posures and hardships which he. on- dured during that trying and portions time, does he owe to ma years otsuf- fering which he has since undergone. The writer remembers 1tl'lX Mr. Sherman a few years ago when ewes so crippled with rheumatism that it was impossible for him to walk, and having heard that a cure. had .been effected. determined to investigate the matter for himself. When the re. ggrter called at Mr. Sherman's home found him in the yard handling an axe and chopping wood like a young man. and he found him also quite will- Ing to relate his tti'u1hexgfiitlfj". " I have suffered with r eumatism for twenty years," said Mr. Sherman; “and -..._.-, ,-__._, _...._ -__e----" _ I have doctored with four different doctors and yet I kept getting worse and worse. I was bent dou- ble with the pain in my book and both legs were so drawn up that I was Im- able to straighten them. and for four months when I wanted to move about I had to do so on my hands and knees. I tried manly medicines but F, no benefit and had given up al hope of being able to walk tet; One of my sons tried to Benn; 0 me to use Dr. Williams’ Pin Pills but Irefua- ed to take any more medicine. At last one day my son 'brought home three boxes of the ills, and after they Had been in the Eouse for over two weeks, I at. last consented to take them, vprno.“ Kain warm” {gamma}! lou qnq do me any good. fore t ey were gone, however, I could feel that my back was getting stronger and could straighten up. It required no further persuasion to get me to take the pills and from that time on I he- gnn to get better,. until now with the nid of a light cone. I/san walk all over Veterans of the War Repaid in Sur. fering and Disease. In Over Twenty Te- an. John m - Idem In. tho MINI ot isis '1thin "'atTirLid." Hint of a buggy, and do most of the, qhqres round the house and barns. I feel twenty years younger. and I consider Dr. I' illlisms' Pink Pills the most wonderful medi- cine for rheumatism in the nvhoie world. I began them only to please my son and it; was amost agreeable surprise to me when I found my legs limher. and my Mack gaining new strength. I can cheer ully recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to the suffering rheumatics of the world. An analysis shows that Dr. Wil.. liams' Pink Pills contain in a con- densed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific far such diseases as locommor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neu- ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpita- tion of the heart, nervous prostration. all diseases depending upon vitiaied humors in the blood. surhasscrotula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are 'also a. specific for troubles. peculiar lo_fe- plow of health to pale and sallow bheeks. In meat they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of what- ever nature. . iLiriirraetraGupiiai'ons irregular- ities, and all forms of weakness. They build up_ gheb]ood, artd rtss:tort,,t1P, The Viennese take their pleasure: as regularly as they do their meals; hut they do not neglect business, 'or Inez late hours. One thing, perhaps, whie helps to keep the young Viennese of moderate means and 'sexiporniipl mind reguiar in his evening hours. is the fact that he must pay to get into his own room after 10 o'clock. Vienna is one vast system of apartment houses, and a. htruspitmytteI ig inyshprgt of_ea.ch one. At 10 o'clock he. locksvtho front door, and any one desiring to get in after the hour must pay for admittance, and the old resident has no more right to a key than the ephemeral lodger. DREADFULLY NERVOUS. Gentat-...r was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Claret Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Brtr- tem. I was troubled with Ctmatipa- tion, Kidnely and Bowel trouble. Your To: soon e, conned my system no thor- oughly thut I rigid? regainedhealth on strength. rs. . A. Sweet. Harb- ford, Conn. Bold by :11 druggistn. VISIONS OF BIRDS. Innis. British naturalists declare that the kestrel is possessed of such wonder- ful powers of sight that it is able to see a. mouse when it is_iistslf. at _su_ch The origin of tri ht is more highly de- vrshpped ip birds lgum i}; any: tther Eni; iCGiFCfrt thaw that it is in- visible to the naked human eye. THE ADVANCE AGENT OF HEALTH A LEGACY or DISEASE. QUEER VIENNESE CUSTOM. 'riii:r'ic'riki'i"i'"iii')"ii"s"i TORONTO Wan Fae-51mm. Rheum-ll:- . The npvlitytti.on of Noreilitto-rterver ruin tmms-which pomessea Inch .rmuwel- on. rower over all nerve pun. 'fl,',",', great y to prove thnt it can, Norm me not: on the nerves. soothes them, drive. Rig out, and in this way (in. valid. ' it and be convinced. Ksrl'a Clover Root To. In n pleuugt but“; malno- the bowels, purl- tu. the hi . Clears the 't',%t.io,'t Elsa to unto And pleasant to 25 can . Sold by " druggiutn. A machine corks 16,000 bottle- daily. Guile! Ono. Om or Touno. I. ”you Coon-n. run J. Gun-v Indus oath st he In tho tttl'gttlth' ot the arm ot F. J. CHI!!! 8 COM! I. buttons!!- the filttt Toledo. Con- tr iM, tMate .fett,t,8h,ttil I a. :HEVEIFFJE . m can of on Human DOLLARS would: sud every one of Cunt-h maul-no. in our“ hymn-cot HALL'I Cancun Cons. A A FRANK J. CHENEY. View): policemen must be tob- when. 'i'Grira, " -_- “it; "diroiTrasiiitUF." E.iigik" A A. W. GIJABON. I II“- l Notary mum. no“ my on 2St',hetf,,'e,'a'rt out!“ I II. II or s on C If... “a." F.u.Tiik'ii"i"i'"iiiCiiiliam mums-nun A FINANCIAL SUCCESS. Wen your theatrical eqtertainmepty tor charity I. success! asked one girl. Yes indeed! We fl 0107.25. Indeed! You mus have had e urge audience. No; we took in 37.25 at the ticket office and (other gave us 0100 never to do it seem. The Cough Which Lingers-, Bev. A. D. Buckley. ot Ruthie. mm: --"1 with til to FIN: wtat a bio-Inc Dr. Anew‘a Cawrhal was: II in cm ot Oman-h. I haw. been troubled with this disuse for "are. but the ttret Lime I used this remedy I rocoivod most delightful re let. and now regard lay-0|! entiro‘y cured after the no of the remedy for two month. " a dolichttul to nu and my rehash”. " the top. It has more teachers. more stud. enu.uq was many more young men Ind women who li,0,tl positions, than any other Cnnadim But no“ School. Get partlculu'i. Enter Lav time. Write W. B. SHAW! _ _ 1W1“: munowwmumm Dr. Ann" Cbul'thnl Powder tn In Cu. of thitarrh , n Be on. In Ten Ilium. st All With“ "torntstiottal Patmst But-on. " “clinch“. Toronto. Lennon oxpu-Ienco. Lowe» an. lntornstbn free. G. o. humus, Mm R. A. anlb. Mud Bummer. VI‘ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. Young men. learn tocut, no better trade, wrtu for circular Slim! full information, Lilo ngenta for Me In) 1's Ladies Garment M Ina Machine. 313 Yougc st. To INVEHTORS. 3. a. mun. BA.-A, Milu.-gas. 11-100. LLB. [030310. swor- te P219". m3 CdiiTf aiiuUtiaLiitLitr all) 09mm pay, any... Inga-null],ti . cent! hkndld E III cut and Good Sella Work 1'.l-'ll'l'r'l Mnced ttte-- CAN RHEUMATISM BE CURED‘ Te"MNW.--Gttrttwd and Yam ism. A MINISTER“ DESIRE. THE J. 0. KING M., 1.Tlk, because of a run-down condition d the system. andis not affected by ordinary cough medicines, will yield readily to Scott’s Emulsion because J. ll, KING M. Ltd., itgivesstrengthto theweakenedbodyand mab1esittathrtmrdrdt'sease.i-oog' The Patent Sleeper Innolo “I (owl- I 0.030% L 'tvii'x,'lem,t a.“ . an amino. I“. light and quitrte not. Hannah. I. Tub. I. lulu. -q--. Patents alumna In all countries MONEY MAKER PRICES ONLY 315, $20, 830 CREW!“ RIMS. " Georgemwn, hi. KNITTING MACHINES . . " I. not the be”; It In "t tlf/ttti ruecMu Ll with t o SLEEPER ht SOLI 9nd ttttod with quk Mamas; ii an; minim It”: and Gili contort. PAneipal THIS IS FOR YOU-oo' your tamilytmmheadtotootiithmtr ONTARIO. ourid, “Jinn; uu-. Hon and wi. men who hue med Putmm'l Com Ex- tmotor testify that it in the best, not: without pun. and 1mm U. Pum‘l Painle- Corn Extractor. . Germany has mound igo new. boob in an“. - . J EALOUS RIVALS (hunch Turn Back tho Tide. Ihr Danny! for Dr. A new'. um. f PilU is t Wr'l'li'. ' It}. the Old Glory. "The Survival of m Fitted" nod "Jealousy its Own I Mayor." Cheap to buy, but dhmondl in qual- Ety-thnidl Mw- outed may "B." tir brash, pain after eating. " ' who, never (fair, operate plemutly. M!t.ioaesain' iri . mounts-t :lldrug- Gaylon Tea. Ptft'g “a. “a so1dateti,4itti0& can“ pull; Watson’s Cough Drops PERFECT . . . In "vor and qullty Canada Permanent LOAN All) SAVINGS 00. Columbia and N orttrWest Terrier!” McIntyre Bmck Winnipeg. law; " Z. BME'ITE. uiariif. for Qua- i'm 12 Place d Anna looked. Qua. ; W. J. !_REAY. Hunger for human Proving 'utitaa, W. J. ICIUI‘I'IV. Hunger for Dual-h- Froohold Loan Building. Toronto. Ont. DIOR.” In Expenses ot Msnuemont.........0|82.su " In Total Di.bur-iiuc............. 8869162 In uabilitiea.......................... 849.612 3 bath Clnimn mil in MM. .8 3.967.023 " Death chum paid can. 0mmin!lon.... ...... 18.87.1356!) A MM. lull-:80!" I "v" mm " It, 'hs30fH9ie,_Mtsrtyrer. tor MHurtoba, Brim.” an ample ruouroel ot M Om on“. I Dinar- to nuke Mum on In] In“ In“ 1+r,"btrstes of many. M oerthy met In": Dbl. um- ot reg-yuan. no“. (mud on Imp-owl In And on roductiu Town and (My 2I"tt Immo- Ind Municipnl Denture. Punt A. lie-Mon marbe nude throw}: the Comp-nil ueit Xynim, or " tho Cline- the Compnny. . HERBERT MAhUN. Wu Dun-mar. M [nCuh Inetome.,..................0 2mm Ink-vented Asset; mun-‘4 In Net Surriatr..,.........,o.. .. 147.4)! In New Ravine-s Received... .... 15.1mm: “Busineuintorce......... ...... 16.3“.“ In Number ot Felicia in Force. 12,571 New Business Received..' BUGLE” 00 tite Basin“: Written.... 73,026,330 00 oulBueineee in Force... as M061 00 MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION. Bolton has I Workin‘mn’l Politics! an». ' t '.'.0 "' m ofti-6eogtto It. M M ofBeo.--Winnipag. In: VW.I¢ OIXTIEI‘I'II AMI!“ "Aunt Covering Year Ending Decomhor “it. In INORIAIII. TiittmtytCsBEsTrttEtiiy 'jjf0rr0rirl1ll Ana-monk System. Hutu! Principl- ’(n-éoiroiifnif -- - - [mullet A. Bmuuun. Widen. 305. 807. am Brown". New You City. DUNIN'S BAKING POWDER iron TWENTY-anus nuns lC'l'.W.Iu-ul- and DI... use“? SALE In Cumin; MEN AND WOMEN AGREE OLD AND RELIABLI Milli-0d "" mum hm“ m... mus u ..... manual . .. "r."00' .... 15,112.10! W ..... magenta g ti 9|

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