West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 18 Feb 1897, p. 8

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J A. fill0NTEP'S Naw AmuvAz,s.--Cox's Gelatine, Crosse & Blackwell’s chow chow, Peerless Lobsters, Erie canned Pine Apples, French Petite Peas, Portugal Sardines, Boy Brand Peaches. We Trout on 2, them our “ 3 Quart " Granite Pudding I91nhes.--- Round Deep onee---first quahtr--Nrgain Day at 23e. each. In taking stock we find thingr--herO one--- IF YOU WANT PRINTS 1 Gal. Tin Coal Oil Cans. Pet stopper, Tuesday 22 cents BOO-pure Irish Linen Shirt Fronts worth ntiously up to 25 cents, your choice Tuesday " 2 cents each. [No limit.] Our Special Stqck ot Boots dt, Shoetr--Most of them ." Whitham s" are new Ill sitpth--Dont bay be- tore seemg ours. We keep everythmq. Men Gaiters (Double extension soles) worth $3.00, Tuesday $1.85 a pair. Wymyps new, neat Drown Vici Kid, turned Oxford shoes at 82.00. e ' Boss blood laced Tan Boots, Razor Toes. Child's shoes in spring heels, etc, .You serve to your guests_create as distinct an im- pressron among them as your silver, your linen or your china. If you want dilicious teas and the very finest flavored coffees you can surely depend on getting them here-Better be sure than sorry, KOLONA CEYLON TYjiA--An Lead Pathets- 28 cts. lb. worth 500. " SAILOR BOY,' Japan Tea 25c. lb. 10 lbs. Golden Syrup in neat covered Tin Pails, To-day complete 40 cents each. THE TEA AND COFFEE Bargain Its not the-store that promises, but the store that does that grows strong m the people's confidence-we Weigt. every word we print thougbtmlly in the scales of fiat-We measure every veins we put before you 'rttrefullr-tts A result this is a sinenxe store. Everybody knows just what to expect, and expects just what the; find-The very best at the low. est [oseible price. The very best " BUTTER COLOR” 10 cts- instead of . 15 cents a bottle. Don’t come hereuvo haven't a yard In the note. Sold 1000'g of yards during the big Sale, but if you can vat until our newest. of new prints "rire from Manchester, it will re- pay "u-lt-tser they must 'be new-4n httven't a yard in stock. Watt plane. WHITHAM’S SHOES look well, fit well, wear wall. Therefore the balance Men’s N . Ill. 811th DEPARTMENTAL STORE - - G DOZEN CAPS THE SALE PRICE 39 cents each, Regular BOe Finest Linen Toweling 1llhlirfrlliw SHAPE CORDUROY Apron Ginghamsr--wivh border, GRANITE TEA POTS. 87 Inches wide. Tc-day IO centaa yard. 21 inches wide with pretty border and very fine texture. Regal): " cts. yard, Tuesday 11c. yad. 95 cents each. PEAKED GAPS, Ttissiirrjiiiini 49 cents each. Baker’s Dozen Cashmere Shawls That were $1.86, To-dty Large and good-M of them ably 33 cent: each. Ill $1.10 pr. Feb. 23 1897 reg, 1.25 to 81.50 ONTARIO ARCHIVES _-_ TORONTO Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs. Dongs! McCannel in the loss of their infant son which occurred on Fri-lav the 12th. For 2 days and nights the little sufferer bore much pun. Much credit is given to Dr. Sneeth for the kind and care- tut attendance end that he had done his best to rcleive the little unmet-or, Archie McLeod had 3. Spell of keeping Bachelor Hall his brother Neil and wife was visiting friends. The young people of Bnownlvills spent. tt pleasant evening at Mr. War. Bsnwick'n Dromore; Lunghie McDougnl was floor manager of course. The Wilson boys are home now utter afew weeks taking outaaw logs for their uncle Hugh WHSun. Ni. John McKinnon was engaged with' Donald McRae, last week, Mr. Stuart Wilson returned home aftera. few weeks down the country, among friends, also attending a wed- ding.. Mish Minnie Kitchen Master, and Miss Sophia. Steude. Walkerton, took m thy party, last week. Mr. Sandy who alwnys keeps the hall (trolling took a drive back north the other day and began talking trade with W. McIntosh after a long pause Mr. McIntoshconsidered the trade a wise one, and traded his oxen for a horse. Mr. Duncan McKinnon was appointed Assessor at hurt Council meeting, and began Ins duties last week. A bran new cut'er passed through our burg one evening last week to r, “'1 on the 8th. which means some plr.vsanc th ives for some one. M r. Richard and M IS! Ideline 130 we tnokatrip down to their' sister‘s 52125. W. Brown. Mt. Forest last, week. A large wood hoe took place at Mr. Steade’s one day last week, for the boys and a quilting bee foo the girls, and when night came on they all united in a hoe-down till the wee sum.’ hours of the morning. We notice that Mark is still in the lime business. On Thursday last n painful accident befell Mrs. Donald McDonald while out in the barn slipped and tell, she receiv- ed such injuries as will keep her In the house for some time. Mr. Pat McAthur is in the employ of Kennedy Bros. at present, cutting wood. Mr. Mike Neil was the guest of Mr, Duncan Muir, last Sunday. Mrs. A. McLean Sh, Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Henry, are suffering from a severe attack of La Grippe. Mr. Arthur MoClocklin of the 4th live who met with an accident some time ago and had several of his nabs broken hv falling off a tree, was visiting his old friends in the Grove last week. Miss Hannah Sullivan hit! returned home from Enoslmrg. where she has been teaching school for the last three years. Born.-On January 2Ith, the wife of Mr. Angus McLeod, of a daughter. Mrs. E, Carson, Vandeleur, is spend- inga few weeks with her sons Alex. and Sum. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDonald, Price- ville visited Jhe latter’s mother on Monday last, we are pieased to see herable to be around again after her severe Illness. Messrs A. and D. accotupanied by thir gie, 312mm Saturday with eunedy Bros. Mr. Fred M (Arthur our lively buyer and shipper sent away by the C. P. It. a. carlmul of very choice orkers and turkeys. for which he paid gm- prices. Mr, James Patterson and Misis Annie McKinnon of Bruce visited friends in Pricevillc on \Vodnusdny last. Our quiet little hurg was thrown into astute of excitement Friday night by unseemly and baistmons language pro- ceedlng from three men too liberally furnished with grog. After beating the air a while they passed on their way. Misses Annie Sinclair. Anms McKin- non. and Maggie M ::Quarrie, visited Mrs. Alex, Carson, one evening recently. we notice that the b'cotehtown corn and bunion doctor has moved his office hom Pomona to Irish Lake, P. o. He has takeuy'nto his employ and able as- snnnt in Captain ll. Patients treated any.tlt.ne Irtween 7and 11 p. m. Con- sufration free. .- “fl _-__ Mr. M. J. Boulger of Dundalk passed through the Groye last. Sunday in route for Markdale. Twin lambs arrived at Dougald Mc- Donald‘s on Friduy eve, we believe they are the fbst of the season. We omitted to chronicle last week the arrival of a SOP. This event occur- ed on Jan. 25th, to Mrs. J, Ferguson. Mr. Jas. Sullivan caught a. red squir- rel in his mink trap, which he had get in the wood-shed. Mr. Harry Morrow, left for Proton Station where he has secured a. position with the Boyd Bros. Mr, Angus Whittiker and Miss Sarah Hazard won the guests of Mr. A. C. McLean, one eveulng last week. Mr. R. McLeod and Miss Jane War- ling, Flesberton Station. visited friends in the Grove. but. week. Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlan who have been visiting their daughter Mrs. R. Pa rk, Eugenia b alls for the last week returned home on Satmday. Several loads of Priceviile and Flo-h- erton young folks gave Mr. D. Stewart a surprise one evening last week, a pleasant. time was spent fm several hours. Loads of wood and logs may be seen wending their way to market. The good sleighing being well used. The Royal Tempura are getting up a tine entertainment which will be put on the gourd: about, the middle of the wont ' BOOTHVILLE. CRAWFORD. MAPLE GROV E.. Mclnnin, Osgmy, sister, Miss lag- and Sunday lust. tu, EDWIN 1 WILSON. Brooklyn Haw Yum The undersigned having been restored tohultn by simple moans, ulcer outlet-inc tor several years with use Tttrotting sstteetion,tsudthatdrsaddi- Connumpllon.is anxious to nuke know tt to his fellow itttthtrerts the means of core, To those who desire it, he vi” chem-lull)! send (free of elm we) . or pyof tho preusovipton used, whwh they w ill ttmt a. sure cure for (lonlqnlupllou. Amman, q". lnrrh.BroueMIin.and a." thrrmtnndlnrg Vial. "ter. He hopes n11 Sufferers will try thlsremody as " . .mvnlunlnlp. 'iuiLTGiiridkiGrGGiiia%' wh' mm manna» ttot'aiug,aud mny prov. 's bk wing, will plane address Council adjourned to meet at Allan Park on 25th May nAt as n Cunrl. vi Revision and for the transaction of ofbusiuou. Fence Viewers; John McLean, Robt Ledingham. J, W. Smith. Mathew Campbell, Wat, McCulloch, James Park George I’unia Mm Patterson, Thomas Francis, Wm Irvin, Robert Laidlaw m. Tlum;s Ch Kt. Rom] connuissiouers for Hammer;- Jame» H.Admus, D. Weppusr, a John Hullman. Pound Keepers; John Me. Callum. Alex. Lvdingl.'am, George Skeue. And Lwiugstmo. Thus Hutton. Wm. Woudurf, Hugh T) ruman, James Park, John Dodaworlh. Andrew Hualie, Henry Gabe]. {James Park, Julm Schmidt. John Chit. ‘tlck. Richard napkins, Robert Brahma, ‘Win. Brown. Cou6&7; Wm, Dunne, C, Iloffmau, Geo. Ric». James Garner, James Hyatt, Geo. Brunt. D. Clank Con8 & 9: James Bouidon, John Black, Louis Long. Limes Wilkinson, Find Stimplo, Dongahl McDonald, Win. Home, Alex McDonald, Ruben Twamley. Con 10 & 11: John Pep. per, Fred “Jade, Cline Kingees, Robert Laidlaw sr. John boson. Henry Lem. ke, Aux, McDainaid, Alex. Campbell, Con 12 k Ill; David Barton, John Robertson. P, McKi-nna, J. Wilson, Thou, Rustic, James MoClemoni, Thou, Fltuanagau. Con 14 a 15: C. Uelberg. James Anderson,. Frimk Cronin, Wm. Hewuaon, Alex McGregor. Dennis O'Brien, Jag Moxie), Wm. Monk. John Aikinaon, Wm. Holgson, Wm. Lister. Met at Elniwood on Monday the 8th inst. Members all present. Minutea of January Meeting read and passed. Committee on Treasurer‘a Bureties re- ported the same as good and satis- factory. The Auditor's Report for the year 1896 was accepted and peered and 200 Copies of the same ordered to be printed and the Auditor’s paid their Salary of $8.00 “ch Duncan Me. Kinnon was reappointed Assessor for 1 the current year " 3. Salary of $75.00 "or all services as Assessor. The tend. er of the Hanover “Post" for printing was accepted. The Clerk was order- ed to notify Patl:mtuteris, Pound Keepers and Fence Viewers of this appointment. Mr. Kilmer Wee allowed right of way to erect Telephone poles on conceseion 2 a 8 W, G. R... from Aberdeen to Hutton'e Hill thence on gravelrosd to Durham, ordered that a By-law be prepared and passed at next 'meetinst of Council to be held at Allan Park on Mth day of May next to allow the Ktlmer Co. to put up Electric light poles on Aberdeen Side Road and on Garal'raxs. Road to Ihtrharn--Pattutr objecting to this being done to let their oirfsettons be known at that meeting. The Collector was allowed a rebate of $37 05 in 1895, Roll being an error of Taxes on personal property ot Goodeve Estate in 1802 and returned to County. The following accounts were ordered to he paid:--Treassurer 0100 00 Salary for 1896; G, Collinuon 81 50 Cutting away Jam at Aberdeen bxigde, Glenelg Council " 50 lull oust of work on Garefraxa reed lot 21; Angus Browne 50o remixing {Scrum-r; Registrar tor South Grey SI tro march re, 'i'revutrcs' Snrcties; Geo. Mightun $1 oo for one monthht rent of house rent to Jameb‘mith an indigent; Dr, Benn $5.03 for attend- ance on Dice's child; Drs, Landetkin and Mearnu " 60 each for examination of one Charlton a Lunatic; Dr. Lank. erliiu acc't of] 82.50 for fiiiug History Papers in the case Were laid over, {or lurther Consideration. Widows Reid and Briggs‘ Tuxes for 1896 were order. ed to be rem'tted. Cheques were issued to Mrs. Finnerty and James Smith for " 00 their quantity allowance as Indig ents, The following 1htthuuv.tera werr appointed," Gunman road ..-Dan Smith Jr, Geo. Skene, Jr, William Craneton. Alex Stewart, Archie McLean, Alex Ferguson, Robert Watson, Wm. Ritchie, T, Grarby. Con 2 & 3 W. G. ll. ; Chas. Clark, James Lvdiughem, Duncan McArthur, Donald McDonald. Duncan McLean, John Dalgliih, Donald Mr.- Lean, Neil Clark, Robert Ewen, John Lluff, Charles Lawrence, Snml E. Lane. rill, Wm. Petty, John Aidied. Durham road: And Map,wood, Moses Jacklm, Archie Hunter. Henry Brigham, Joseph Edmonds, T. n. Lawrence. Con. 2 h 3 S.D.R.; Peter Spielmaker, John 1IeTavius, Chas. Fuisnmn, Wm. Wil- lis, Andrew Meyer ir, James Whyte, Holt Ulvarltou, Win. Grierson. Con 2&3 N D,ll.: James Green, John Gender. John Noble, Alex, Mervyn,; Wm. Peur;rou.rlu Hopkins jr, George Baily. Con 4& 5 ; Alexander Christie, TO CON so MPTIVES BENTIE CK COUNCIL. llttid Jackson, It,, Cure Dir. U hthnr E. Jackson. Notary mm. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. - to lend. loney Invested for Parties. Farm: bought. and sold. Full Stocks In all other lines. A limited taken in exchange for Goods. Supply ot Wood A gene“! financial business unmatched Ofhoe nut door to Shad-ad Bunk Duh“! This is the season to ma ke your wife or sister the present of a Sewing Inch- inelor Organ. J have a. flan stock of the celebrnted Raymond Machines and wi give you Mi' cent iscount for the next 60 do a. Full Doherty & Ram 8rgans. y Mk of Bell, MONEY. I have plenty of it to advance on good Farm or Town Home. ' at a low rate of Interest and suitable terms for l hon-o Loans entirely ConMentai. t is “m Having decided to conduct the business alarm, I have resolved fo give oped“! bargains in Stores and Winter Goods, for the new! sixty dayl. I have the largest and beat assorted Stock 01; Slaves Pt'er ah own in town, all kind. of Coo ing stoves, Heating Stoves, ox Stoves, Coal Stove: & km and at prices you can aford to buy. CUTTERS. The finest lot ever seen in Durham and any down in price. Come and get your choice when the large stock is on hand. " noon at the snow comes they will go like hot cakes. Robes of all kinds from Ct, upwards, Just the season to buy. MIDWER 'f(iriE1 tit (iii) Ado” gives immediate relief.... Many Testimonial: in it: fawn...” and soc a bottle. D r. Budd's Wttite Pine 'tfe/ge/ilk",,,,, for COUGHS COLDS and all diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. CONVEYAN CERS. Dee, 16th 1896. COUCH BALSAMW FUR BOUGHS 84 BULBS J ACKSONS. _ Me per bottle. IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. Head Wear Body !'Wear Foot Wear of the best quality and C. MCARTHUR (ltdtr--lhht, New it Cheap. -- ‘me i, Values, Second to None. Is tttily tor the Snow WITH Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Test 'em once, you’ll call again. Especially adapted for Whooping Cough. tit, EAEKEE» Sold only by Wm. CALDER [Dalglish’s Old Btand,l Por Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Sore throat, etc. “unsung. g 00.. F." 'c i DURHAM. EM [thanking past pat convince All kinds Organs a WAREHO Call and In Cha "Large EVERYT [ES I)urhn V0 L. mer ake tha Sys its ers

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