West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 25 Feb 1897, p. 1

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ugu Rrer, the price. I the Inch and Bell. u "r in! "il kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. Chas. McKinnon aitx'er'alltataEiELAcllMlli: And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Call and Inspect and be Convinced. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be "Large Bales & Small 1?rofits') EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH I)urlunn. Aug“. 9th, . Our specials just now are DOUBLE FOLD DRESS GOODS " 20 and 25c. rant. CALL AM) see man. VOL. XIX.---N0. 8. Syst e allttS, The GASH--, I dk J. McKechnie. CHAS. McKINNON. BEAN dk GO. UPPER T O W N ADOPTED BY ---milAL1ilR IN-. ., G. d; J. McKECHNIE. m i, itiheit litittittt). . ... I-A,-‘ to be found anywhere. Only" four houses last winter, now we boast of two stores, land office, mill, good frame school, a Colonization house and wharf just complete. a number of new houses and other improvements during the year. We are lookini to have some dredging done on "T e Bor"at the mouth of River, Am glad to report no licensed Hotel here. A few of us are tighting to keep them out. However we are told that our efforts will be of no avail. Climate here seems to be very much like home. Land good clay, no stone not even for building without going to the lake shore miles away trom here. I suppose you know we obtained a Diploma for {train at Toronto Exhibition' last fall. helped to get the samples and we had but a I few hours to do so. I write these things because I believe you will be interest. 1 ed in the newer parts of Ontario. My ; own business is in a good healthy con- dition. It has paid well even during‘ last season when it was not expeeteti) to do so. Have never for a momenti been sorry I gave up teaching. We) have some notion of building a Pres‘ byterian Church here this coming sum- mer. Oar members increase monthly. l Would like to be able to visit Durham again soon but cannot tor some time ii) least. [intend running down to To. ronto but in all probability will not have time .to visit home ". [The REVIEW is very pleased to hear from our Ciend Angus, and will be de. lighted to have more from his pen at any time. Ed.] "queen Victoria,. Her Life and Reign," by J. Caste]! Hopkins, author of "The Sword of Islam," Life and Work of Mr. Gladstone," etc., with a preface by the Mmqui. of Dufferin and Ava. The Brtuiley-Gartetson Co., Toronto and Brantford: Mr. Hopkins. in this large handsome- ly bound and illustmted volume, gives what may be called an imperial history of the Queen's great reign. His well- known British views have the fullest scope in the handling of such a subject, and he carries the reader not only through the pleasant and useful days of Her Majesty’s life. the wonderfully happy married years, and the record of the Queen in her control of foreign tdbirs and iMqenee over her ministers. contemporary sovezigns. leaders " home and abroad, but into the various countries of the Empire-ireland, India. Canada. Australasia, and South Africa. In these latter chapters he traces the force of the Queen's name and personal- ity and the "stiaence of the monarchiea1 institutions upon the development and progress of the British Empire. His lchepter upon the Queen's inftuenee in lthe United States is of special interest. band it very Welcome since Dan came to Liskenrd. Of course I get "The Globe” we get it on Saturday so that .wehave the news fresh even in this Itt away corner of Ontario. Judging from the weather here you must have had no winter yet. That is till to day. The merctry is away down near af'. However it has been a most ojoyable winter, warm days tor last month, Five inches of snow gives us good sleuthing. Supppoee you wonder what Liskeard is like. We think vie-are going to‘hav‘e one of the prettiest pieces “I was so busy for some months I could scarcely answer business corre- pondence and letters of enquiry asto th‘s Temiseamang (emphasis on last tyllable.) I have often thought of writing you for the REV! aw and must apologize for not doing so. I hare band it very Welcome since Dan came 7 Two weeks ago we gave some ex- tracts from a letter of Mr. Jas. Hastie, Jr. from the new district of Rainy Rirer. To day we give similar ex- tracts from u still newer district of our vast province, being farther north and east: Liskeard and vicinity. Mr. Angus McKelvey, who, it will be remembered, was drowned last summer, and gota publicity which " he abhors " writes about the end of Jana. ary as follows: --over 850000 has been collected inCanadn for India's needs, a large mm indicative of a tine humanitarian feeling. Whtptftselintrisrit indicative of when pearly il times that sum was are!" in festivities " the Bradley Mar. tn_bail! Much of it to perish in a night. --Milliottaire, Rochefellcr has pro- mised to pay 8246,000 of a debt of 8446- 000 incurred by the Missionary Union Home and Foreign of the U. States, {raided they will raise the balance y next July. T -A3olorado is making a bid for buli- bou by legalizing prize fiithtintr, but there must be no liquor and the Bab. bath pay must be respected! Really now Toromo -'-'-. Bu: aria] Note and Comment. OUR NEW ONTARIO. BOOK REVIEW DURHAM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY. M 1897. Muurt"--Brer-'rut Wm, Banana. be appointed Irbitntor for the wwmlnip of Egremont. on the petition of ramp-yon of B. B. No. l -turried. McIunis-Leittr-T.ut trust». of Ball, Holstein. be pdd " for Nomination meeting.--%rried. McGinniu-Loilh -Tlnt D. Allan be paid 835 20 upon entitled. from Rogiatntion General. {on tor ted-wring 109 btrtim, 17 marriages and BO doubt. soul 176. “$00 "ols.-Air'terd. The auditors presented their "port which "I onminod by tho council um] nudnted by the Reeve. Bre--Ruanall --lrhu the Auditors' re- port be adopted and they receive " ouch for their Bet vices. und that 200 copiol be prt'nhed,-Aurried. Geo, Hepburn And " others mounted I petition Impeding tho formttion of two union school. on O. S. It. “and sec- tions nddrouod tho council. Lsite---Rmmerll-Tlmt the property mo. & It, Gardner Con, I, be placed Beat 10, Con. 2 & 8.--Carrtod, Mernni-mvuto1l--rut the petition of W. S. Horslmrgh and 28 other. be left over until next meeting of Cotmeil.-.Car. lied. Lsiut--Rasne1l--'rut H. Hun be paid Me. Exmen Chtsrgestc--Cnrrted, Munuis-Rannelt--That thin council udjourn to meet unin on 27th Much in tho Temperauco Ball. Holstein. toe gonenl btttsin-.-Carrud, Bye--mvirusll--that the petition of Thea Caldwell and 16 others In A. Boyle, thnt the leave obtain tho necelury inlormu‘ tion, and, if nocesuary. renew the former gtant,---ctsrrud. Leith-m-ll- Tlmt W. R. Kingston be paid 01.00 for legal tdvico for 1896.-- Carried. By- law No 87 tor appointing to Assess- or Irutited, the null readings to. The blanks were Med m with tho mum of Jan. G. Wilson. Slim-y $06, and By-lnw No 88 for appointing l’atlnnuters also puma! the usual readings &o. Leith-Menus-Tut Wm. Wnldor re- ceive 91.25 for board per week, Ind 250!- per week, for attend-ace on W. Williams for six weeks from Jan, lat 1897 on'tmg to 't0.-I'arried. The new reported upon Tfeuurcr's nineties. which wan accepted. coat of search Tiie other expanses Tlie. Leith-Bye-Tut the nova be paid foregoing aat'ta,--4hsrried We-islands-moat Geo. Cleaver be shunned ttous Statute hdroe,-Currud. Mutmu--Loith--Tut nu. Ds co be paid $16. M for completion of unveiling Ext. & Proton towuline upon eortttUete of move of Protaet.--Ctwrioi, Meratua--Buauoi-TuU this Council purchase nix ro al ”upon from Goo cu. der for the sum of "U-Carried, Leith-Bye-That Chas Rama“. be " waded the printing for the Township of Egremom for 1897. tur the mm of ttu.-- Carried. Lsiur-ttiusrnnis-.-Tut Juo Want the Sat. ployed to do his Statute labor in than.“ years in upstate road diviuons beginning with the 8outh Besat.--carriad. Min B, R. J. Mek innon is the agent for the work in Durham and surround- ing towns ups. We have examined the prospectus, and in paper typography. and binding is of an excellence befltting the literary style of the well-known author J. Caste" Hopkins. Miss Mc- Kinnon also handles “The Sword of Islam. or, Buffering Armenia " by the same author, and at the present junct- ure in Eastern affairs this book is inten- s 'ly interesting, Council met Feb. 18th, Minutes of prey- ions meeting troMrtned: i Th, Llnetmtione in the hook contrib- ute n pictorial history of the reign. The Royal family, the leedere in many bundle-a of the national lite, and all the Queen's Prime Ministers are given. The preface in eloquent to . degree, and rhemrteristic in every w ' " Lad Durrerinu powers of description. In it he deals with our relations with Greet Britain and the Staten. and weeks warmly of the Queen" punt qualitie and career. while at the some time ex-e pressing thorough confidence in the author’s ability to handle the great enhject. EGREMONT COUNCIL. WU‘ARCHIVI TORONTO D. Aunt. Clerk. ik'i2 of in HER MAJESTY'S DIAMOND JUBL. LEE curl-it. "Queen View": t Mer Life and Reign" into every home. Per lone who never sold hook. an orders fut. Preface the moat elequent of Lord Dullerin'l achievemenu. No hook so highly sited. We need more cun- yauen. guy to make thee to moo a. week, Books on time. mpectue free to amuse”. A trut will want nothing and it nus tillgmn- emptv ooeket-hooi. TheBRA LE GARRETON Co.L'rD.. Toronto, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Don. McKechnie. Bur- goyne. were visiting at. their cousin’s. Mr. arch. MeKechnie. Rocky Saugeen. last week. They were accompanied by McKechnie'l brother. Mr, Malcolm Me- Cnnnel. Mr. and Mm. Jan. Anderson, Owen Bound, visited at Mm. Andenon'l fath- er's. Mr. J no. Davis, hat week. Mr. Chan. Dickison. Curiek. wu a guest of Mr. Dan. Greenwood'. fort few days. Mt. Jasper: father ofMrs, Dan. Green- wood, from Emmy. Manual):u visib- od Glam-lg friends but. week. duiuil. he um choorlully lend (free at charge) t iTsrii'ri%"o' pnud’nou used, Whlch may will Bud . can air. for 'httt'rtttt, Aunt-u. (2-- and. Bronchial-33ml u l throunnd Ian. I“. Idle- no horn nll ttutterertr will try thirmimerdr, “it: .mvnluu lo. Thoonlpsiriustthiproeriptiois " will wo-tthem nothing. and may pron .. bl; allay, will plane sadne- REV. EDWARD 1 WILSON, Brooklyn In Yuk. Tho undersigned having been restored tabultn by limplo mount, utter sullen-inc for seven] yet." with " no :uelunf tsthsetiott,tstut tundra-d disease Com-up“... I anxious to make known to his tylt9w _|u!l'erel_'_l_tlgo mean- of cure. To than who Agenu Wanted. Write tor terms. ttnd but: how to secure a gold watch at ttrd','.'. clock. without the can of a r. 690de conte- tre an tuttylfeattots REVIEW AND BUN, 81.25. Suh- And my other paper you wish at equally low rates. Let nu have your order m good time. Cash must. monqnuy all orders. Address Bun re-organised. It is strictly independent. and " A Brsuuuter" u c - contributor " m comm. no market reports or: actrnorrudr od to be the tuned and moot accurate ”bu-{led in. Cnplda._ . . 1 oneyearn....................8135 Ta: anmw and Weekly Mail oneynr..................... 130 TB: Blvmw and Family Herald and Weeklv Btari& Premium Pieture)one PN"'.. .. ...... l " Tme REVIEW and Toronto Daily Now: one year.............. 175 Tm: Rmmw and Torrnto Daily Star one yet"............... 175 Tm: Blvuzw and Toronto Dally World one Tear............. 2 " THE Rlvllw and Weekly Sun.. 1 25 Tan REVIIW and Montreal Weekly Witness............ THE REVIEW and Farming ..... It the. the but “ma-r pm In he Dominion. It connin- . that! story from Lon- don Truth. weekly. It -ius-oe40ootttmuqod mum mm; in each lane. Three 90p!” “ll be new: to my three adareuu (outside this my). the to we perfod for a dollar. The ' an and Weekly Globe combined will be sent to the end of 1897 for One Dollar. Address all orders to tIE SUN 'lell!l,1,/P"m m. Thu - will be sent " any Midi-on in Canada (outside of Toronto) to the end " 'sr for BO can". Cheapest and Best Reading TH! 1htrmw .nd Weekly Globe Clubbing Rates. all)“ “I'm. - . It not relieved. Dillon- tom P or blood poisoning. Hood's I tr Plus “lamb” the Win, itg'td',Nt"ggu'rtitt,. rdtf"a'rTig ffl'.'." Howrah a It. with 'll'll,'h 'l'alflli%'t new“ by an“ liver. which prevent- disu- uognd per-mud tofu-nomad purifyi- mmuuh. The touow mum Biliousness Ililood's THE BUN u the Can“; TO CONSU MPTIVES C. RAMAGE, Tm: REVIEW 015cc. Durham. Ont. EDGE HILL. urihe NOW. Lin Canada 175 It wee bred by B. M. Todd t Son, Wakeman, Ohio: and han 3 rpleudid record. Pedigree may be seen on appiieation. nus. O" DOLLAR. no. McKrrcmrtgt. oc8eugeen. Nov a. Itm. The undersigned will tee for service at Magnum-ea LOT 17 0013. l. w. G. B. B NTINCK, the Above well bud Bunions men an In" t he: of MO terlt'"htT :1me primal for on. ullu. Hard timee pricu. but than will “Ivor-Lin your basins-u. The undersigned offers, for ule or rent that desirable park lot, in the Village of Priceville, formerly owned by thelato James Cameron. Lot con- tains 13 acres all under cultivation. On the lot is a good house, and barn, also a Rood hearing Orchard For terms of sale or rent apply to JOHN MclNNlS. " __ to no per week tot QUAIL home' iok" Child «I doit. So ache-o. hot Pol Ind 2,ThUtg it on”. THE SE" LL! o In...“ Tomplo,andon I) Deeds, Mortgages, Lenses and that writings neatly and quickly ptepared a nmnable cost. ---Ai1 Business Confidential---- Lock Box 28. H. B. MILLER, Collects Notes and Accounts-nc chug. if no ccliection. Cheap Farms for " e Mug he you think it is not, but H. M. MIL ER, the Hanover Lonveynnmr, is lending lots of it at 55 r cent, and an can good loans at L',',',',',.-'-'??,'),', low- Terms as any remnant! 1e person mly desire. Nurserymen and Fruit Grow- ers. Toronto Can. Over 700 Acres under Cultivation 10 l-S m We are the only Canadian Nursery paying salary and expenses from the start. Liberal commission to part time men. Large list of specialties, all having been tested " our trial orch- ards. If you want a sure thing tor the Winter, write us. Ion to Engage with as " Summon. New season just opening ' new stile of plate buck l more Intrud- irean yet lighter than ever. All Supplies Furnished Free. We do the tnde In I“! Fun. Highest Price Paid. CHESTER WHITE I t A R. WANTED Money is Plenty. TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed Fine Choice in Valli“. Grim Hone 311nm. he" a. Heavy d Light hntn It. for.“ Van-o] CALL * Mail OUR Collars, Pads. ' i Bites, Whips lac" dx. We Handle everything in the lime. line, " right prices. IIIJ‘ WANT 'i--rMV woe FOB MEN AND WOMEN. Wow,“ In no nnr tank for mv ham: - Hanover P. o. " Telephone." THE NEW LIBERAL CABINET. M3135- P?" wink it ilpot, hut H. R Harness !! C. LEAVENS, Jr. PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. WHOLE N0. 989. thi. Ii’bonarndo. somi.ums, tor wait Minn it on“. THE s'lir'h"llo'l' BUP- "Washington" Ire. MILLERas-w a. T. I. "I! TABLE. STONE & WELLINETIIN THOROUGHBRED. FURS. The Hanover Don veynn cor in Priceville. E

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