West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 25 Feb 1897, p. 4

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Affairs in the east have "got a move on" all at once through the t action of Greece. Turkey was about ' to land a military force on the island . of Crete to subdue in her own peculiar ' way. no doubt, some internal uprioings , mime their;barbarous rulers. Votes ot thankstothc Socy ,Mr. J. I Smith, for his unremitting diligence and ability in an mduous position, to the President, and to the speakers, fol- lowed after which cheers ware given for the Queen, and for the leaders in Domirlon and Provincial aeairg, after which the meeting broke up. A number od Conservatives took in hawking. ll. II. Millér, mage- all which will be week. Mr. J. th'iurid Watson, Norm, Dr. Lnndcrkin, M. P., O'connor, Q. C. were warmly and their >peeches mush onim This being the that meeting of the Aaroeiation since t.he death of Alex. Taylor, Dromzmgg'wbo was ever an active and useful member of the ex- ecutive, it was felt that remgnilinn Hetero J. A. Huru.and Wm. VV’air were appointed Auditors. Artemesia, Dr. Hutton; Bentinck, Jun. Milligan ; Dundalk, Col. Graham; Durham, J W. Crawford; Egremont, Walter Mastic; Gleneltr, G. Binnie; Markdale, P. McCullogh; Normanby. R. Moriee; Proton, Jno. McMurdo. Mr. Jns. McLean moved, Mr. G. Me. Kechnie. seconded that Mr. J. D. Mor. gan,of Dnndnlk be appointed Pres., and by a hearty and unaminous vote the motion was carried, no other name being mentioned. Mr. Morgan is at present suffering from La. Grippe and could not be present. Mr. Telford was honored with lst Vice Pi‘esidcntahip and Mr. D. MeDougall, Bentinek, was re-elected to the second position. Mr. J. J Smith wane-elected Secy. Treat. _ and the executive is as follows '.-- i 'tt Pres. Geo. Binnie wss in the chsir, end after the routine proceedings of minutes and reports, announced that he wished to retire from the President. ship. Mr. Binnie has served 10 years in this position and In a short address thanked them all for the courtesies they had extended to him, and bore testimony to the willingness of the executive and others to assume their share of the work. There are plenty in the riding worthy of the position of President and he thought the honor should go round. At a subsequent stage the thanks of the meeting were tendered to Mr. Binnie for the dcvot ion and ability he had shown as pre- siding omeer of the Association. Tuesday morning was blustery and forbidding and town friends were pre- dieting that the Convention would have to be/declared off, but in spite of the storm a large number from the municipalities of the riding, gathered in the Town Hall, which was nearly filled. A Pine Gathering Fine Spirit. LIBERALS MEET. GREECE. hes mush enj:)yed uusn enjoyed. Mr. a rousing address referred to next unnanl and Mr. received Jack MvK is missed "nytrt,T his com- panions since he has taken his ftighr, near Durham where he has secured A 1 job for the rest of the winter. Some-of the Bells, from ( visiting at Mr, Mckinnoip Miss Liza Green made calls on the 0th last week. Mr, A. McDungall and D. McKinnon. Jr. took n pleasure nip down to Walk- error) last. week accompanied by two fair daunsels. Mrs. Neale-r, at Mr, U. “a last wet-k. Mr, A. Mch Jr. took a ttlen Lust week Mrs. S Wilson had a smut visit, from het. ln'uther, Mr, Humilmn, of North Shore. The Truax camp has completed winter', johand things are quiet North East. Mrs. N. McDuugall has gone io Ham- iltun luspend n, few lmnnhs with her daugh‘crs. She will and ‘uhtodly enjoy her visit and perhaps he alylpto show them mine Scotch pluck as well. -... mum-m au-mmu ttepe ate continn~ ally moving. Last week Mr. Thus. Reil- ford unwed to his farm near Harlow-r which he lmught this winter and Hurry is keeping hull-h hall. Surely the girls of Crawford will not, allow this tube carried on in spite of leap your living past. Last week Mr. Sta----? of Louise, had the misfortune to get his leg broken while felling a ttve. 1 Mrs. N. MoIRmigall has gone io Ham- l ital" t.. n-I\.‘-.- _ I The farmers nrnund here ally moving. Last week Mr ford moved to his farm m- which he Imught this wimp is keeping halt-h hall. Sure of 1'rawtovu will not allow carried on in spite of leap past. Bolton Burrows mm: to Hamilton on Friday to see hit blather John who i, very ill at present, with that fatal disease, consumption. _ V”... l.....,. w otlh-r numemems till well le, night when all returned to the thoroughly riatirdied with the u md resolved to meet some other - _, .,...W...v.., iff Durham. were tl.e guests at Miss Mary Main fur a tuw dars Ian. Week, Last Tuesday eveningn slvigbload of yumxg people, trout near Vurney draw down t, we reilecee of Mr. Wm. Wallur. Holunem. to the mnnher ofuhnnl. twenty where they ppeut. , pleasant tune mth mimic. aiming. psrlor gmnes and [HILJ- -._-, --â€" . ... ‘- Mr. Ira Pennoek was m Hanan-er last Week on bUdHWHS. Misses M. Orclmrl and S, Cniberhou, iff Durham, were tl.e guests at Miss Mary Main fur a tuw dam last Wad: .. -_ .-..‘. '. 'ST' wurI'a'lL RU'S. I Citttuwon's father about two miles from Holstein and on returning home, when opposite James Muvks' sonmthing went, wrong with the hurruss. Mr. (funwron got out to tix it when the hot-so made a bolt and ran away and in turning the corner at the Base' Line the sleigh upset throwing Mil. Cameron out Into the wow. The horse came on to Holstein where it was caught and taken hark to see what had become of the occupants when they wore found to he nothing the worse only it slight shaking up. We saw Jack passing through our vi age theothvr day with his straw Hut on. Guess We are going to have spring: Mr. and Mrs. Manuel], of No_ot'efleld, spent the past, Week with tlteirtlaughto; Mrs. Wud Walla: e. Mr, w. S. Horslvm'g is this week in Michigan intruding Ihe High Court of C. o. F.. being sent as a doiogntu from Court Holstein. The Methodist. Anniversary WM not a very good success owing to weather and min-r (Ixnwlnu-ks. The collections on Sunday mnonntvd to $50 and as we write have not iounul out what ervpjug volhu.ticn and hvtuve Iii-ought. Will know next week. All wow well pleased Willi the two l'!'t'Y instructive- sermons given by Rev. Me. Ponieroy, of Durham. hot h morning and evening, but Monday night being stormy there 'w'bie not so many out to hear Mr. Harvey's lecture as Would hnd Weather been fine, On Tuesday evening of last, woek Douglas Cameron and win wm'ont Mrs. I 4'...s.._......9. l»A' . Mr. 1vtu. anley. f Township of Egremnnt xu-ur Burma, called on week. Armenia will look for help hence- forth from God and Greece. The poor Armenians now know what " the Concert of Europe "means. Will it give them comfort? The fire of Ancient Greece may again astonish the world, and her action in this matter wins the approval of English speaking people every- where. It may be more ambition than mercy that actuates tie Greek, but when one refieets on the barbarities, that have disgraced this century, one feels that the century is further disgraced by tho civilized nations that would tor any reason lend a helping hand to the Turks and that against this little Kingdom. Several days elapsed before they could muster courage to act, but at last, one rea"s with shame, British and continental vessels have prevented by bombardment the landing of Gre.. cian supplies. And where was the helpto come from? By all the Powers, (which ueems an appropriate oath under the circumstances.) from those very nations who fora year and more have been ostensibly laying their heads together to check the cruelties of the barbarous Turk! She landed her troops sure enough, amid the enthusiasm of the natives and in a very short time was getting everything in such order that Turkey was afraid to move until she got help. At the fimt intimatitn of this, with- out a thought ot asking consent of the "eoneert of the big powers" of Europe, little Greece despatched a military force to keep the Turks from landing. "or, of Durham. t McDonald: and 0a CRAWFORD s, from Saugven Kinnnu'slnst Wt Mr. l’unwroy, of Durham, and evening. but, Monday runny ther/e 'wble not so war Mr. Harvey's lecture Weather been fine. Iuruler, formerly of the m,....... N. . - HOLSTEIN. -_ ...--u| Lv\lllllH Immu- brought. Will k. All wow well [uh-used My Instructiw- serum!!!) I " as completed their Igs are quiet back IQ-.. -- ONTARIO ARCHIVES I, - _rrr---zzrrrra, TORONTO . 'i: some special was visiting alu-r friends. but, now living old friends last had a plea- mr. Camera" horse made " I turning the w sleigh ups_et [ nu in the their humus e uight 8 fun ilwr tum. Hamilton on M, were week. last, wool; 'cl'e at. Mrs. miles from MOTAVISH -In Normanl, ' o clay. Fem. 18, suddenly? /'LTl1euari:; disease. following La Gripp" Miss Annie MeTayish. ' McKmxos.-At the residence of her sun, Neil McKinnon, Merchant, Price.. ville, on Sunday, Feb. let. Mrs. Ammlwlla McKiumm. Mch'Amr-McLrrAs -At high man on \Vodnc-duy. by Ihw, Dr. Somerville, Mr. Alex. MoNnhln. second mute on the C, P, It. stemuer Athauasca. and Miss Mary McLean, only. (laughin- of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald MvLisan.---0. S. Advertisvr. McrtosArm---TtrRsmrrcv--At the resid- enceofthe luile's father, Beatinck, by the Rev. Mr. Jansen. usaisted by the Rev. Mr. Uraigie. B. A., of Han- over-.un Feb. 17m. 1807, Janet, only daughter at Mr. Goo. Turnhull, to Jun. i Mr, Ronald, of Bentiuck. LWXNGSTON~IH Holstein. on February 10th, 1307. to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Liv- ingslun a. sun. McDovoArm.-In Buntinck. on Feb. 2lst inst. lo M r. and Mrs. Neil Mubougull of a daughter. A pleasant time was went at Mr. Lynn’s last Friday evening. " number of young people met, and had a gum: nighths "njoyiuent. “a- - ._---- ing. Mr. Thus. Livingston rotnrmnl from Blyth "here he spent the lam uniplc cf tnonths visiting friends. A paris of Hanocerians spent, " very pleasant owning lately at Mr. Henry Brighain’s. Miss Poole. a prospective Missimmry to China, will deliver an address in the Methodist Church hereon Monday en n There is cottsihwalde sickness in this Vic-huh}, mung to La Grippe, Colds, &c. Mr. Herbert Brigham after spending a few qumhs In the vicinity of Louise. is home at present. A Pie Social will be held in the School House here, next Friday even- ing. A good time is expected, and 'ieveu'ybody is invited to be present. Be sure and come. Messrs John and Thomas Bnmfnrd, of Dungunnnn, Co, ll, run, is spending n few tiny: visiting old fricuds and school “laws in this lot-"lily. They lived for- nwrly nmr the Pack, about s' years ago moving In Huron Co. Mr. Ke-nnvdy (Mr. Arch’d Huntev's' father-in-I'uv) has been ailing for a few works. He had n 5641415 attack of La Grippe frmn which he has not. yet re- om'erm'l. He is at present under Dr. Jottueson mm. Mrs. Edward Hopkins, who Iris been ailing for some time, still keeps wry poorly. Under the skiltul fronnnmn of Dr. Park, it is hoped rim! :1 Manure f, r the butter will swan Lake p nae. The Henry Bros. fovmerl.v of Ben- tinck, new of Duluth, Wore down for a few weeks visiting friends and acq- uaintances. Anmngmhcrs thcv visit, cd their friend, Mr. Mnrdick, They returned to their work Monday. _ ,,_ ""m... .."" Tit? nwntul music until the war snm’ of the morning whispvred that it time to depart. Un Wed, the 17th inst. another of those happy events neeured nt, the resi- dence of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. TurnlsuIt (when their only daughter Jane was united in marriage to the man of her choice Mr. Ins. MeRonald. The rere- mony was performed by their pastor the Rev. Mr. Jansen assisted by tho Rev, 1hr. (‘migie of Hanover in the presence ofa large number of guests. Thebride was attired in a fawn dress with orange blossoms, and was support;- ed by her column MissJane Smith, while Mr. John Jack attended to the wants; of them-non]. The ff"".0'"u.v."numbcr'itw about, ti) then ttttt (town to u wont, sumptuou: repnst, whirl: was tastptully prepared and was heartily enjoyed. The evening: was spent m playips,uihines, interspersed With votutl and Instru- mental music until the Wee snm’mws n: n... .......:.__N , . - Mr. Jun. Ross of Manitoba. and his sister from Gx-vy Tp. paid a visit to limit-cousin Mrs. A. Derby on Monday last, . Miss Nellie and Agnes Hunter, of Egreruont visited friends on the South line last, Saturday. Mr. John McDongnId and daughter of Underwood, l'o, Hrllt't‘, p. id n tVingvii" it to thrir McDougald friends on the8th last week. The Boiee and Hopkirk comp cutting another supply of corn H last week, Piiiiirii, When you first, notice your eyes failing, or it seems a strain on them to read or do near work, consult an eye epecialist---oeuy that is permanently located and nmkos a specialty of the There is such a. thing " wearing Spectacles when you ahouldn't and not wearing them when you should. Don't trifle with this precious gift by not heading the dictates of nature. 090’s Greatest Gift to Man IS HIS VISION. " ' a King 8t, Eaot, TEE”??? , r.r'r , . -, Cr.) t, slung old fric-nds ind school %s1nmllity. They lived for. the Pack, about s' years ago hum“ l‘.. MARRIED. YE SPEsZ’IALLi ALLAN PARK. marriage to the ttttttt of her Ins. McRunald. The core- performed by their pastor lp. Jansen assisted by the DIED. BORN. VICKERS. iii I unpmrK company were supply of corn and straw -.---..-..,.-, in}: 3.5135 5 t7atite, "e'2'i, Tood Wits Which cures your ailment.. The right thing at the right time is like the right man in the right place. When yon are troubchd with a Billions Head ache yon will find there is nothing to cure it like. "Gan'g Liver Pills. " ”Sula” in Size}, " .. “Small in Price, " F NOT ALE’AYS THE i SIZE OF THE DOSE "Easy to take. " Take full advantage of the offer by leaving your orderwith the REVIEW today, or sending direct to The Ontario legislature met on 10th February, and the ibmini n Parlia- ment is summoned to meet; about the middle ct March, and more than usuPl interest is being taken in than) ; the Ontario House on account of its new Mining Law, and the Dominion House on account of the Tariff and other questions which must be dealt. with by the New I’urliument and is almost sure to pmlmig its session be. yond the usual time. 3 1-. lmm now to the House Durham, Aug. Tith. at THE DURHAM PHARMACY. _‘.‘ t "(If v ' 'a, a, ‘ _ In! cs, " .','iciyJ'i'kCs= e Jfff, st/i'if, K? fi ( ytC4 l A mum! im'fmn‘. /5Yel' 2,-1UU.UUU Losses paid since minimization, over 22,000,00 Insurance effected on all kinds of pru- Perty at, lowest, current rules. Dwel- Ings and their teotlt,etitt,. insured nu the most favorable terms. Losses promptly and Lilmmliy settled Call or cunnnuniczitv with Unpitarsuhscvihvd Capital pawl up Ar,. "ts, (I‘lt‘l' WESTERN ASSURANCE (j()iiihliiy, You Can Have 'i"fit ii,,laii,g ttride F2 IHR f:' A ND M sf JUNE (MORNING EDITION) TIIE GLOBE, TORONTO, l) aw ---- - (is? if? To the if' 9;,TELADEES CASH if $2.50 Amongst the many other new goods we might mention are New Pants New Shirtings & Galateas New Clothing New I aces & Ejgings New Wrapper Cloths New Lace Curtains N cw Muslims & Lawns New Carpets We have a. couple ot snaps in the Clothing line this week, one for the MEN, the other for the BOYS. Men's All-wool Tweed Pants, fancy stripes and well finished Good: thr ' -.--- ALL SIZES --..._. ill I .00 a pr. Boy's Kniieket. Pants, Good strong Tweed, Sizes to fit boy from 8 to 12 years of age 5 (h S? at tl IS IN SIGHT. Na, Spring Goods are coming to Lana daily and amongst the latest arrivals are some novelties in Dress Goods, these are Silk and Wool mixtures in very pretty effects and the latest thing in the trade. They come in _ dress lengths, no two of which are alike, and if you want a stylish dress. these will suit you. We have also some very pretty tweed effects in light and dark colorings : another correct thing for Spring Dresses. 000 00000 (lllllldl, The Ilripter is sliding along 31nd already Spring C. RA M A G E, -ruh. Agent. @EES‘AEE 4iit Mfifisflifig 'ne D. vminion CADER’S BLOCK $2,000.000 1.1100(1) 2.320.010 2,-luU.UUU The Store is beginning to take on a & SPRING APPEARANCE A All Lines of Winter Goods Offered at Special Prices. Durham, Feb. 17th 1807, TRANSFER or LrcEssE.-I have re- ceived an application fora transfer of the License issued to John Nuuer for the Ronni Hotel Neustadt from one, Charles Miller. Also from Erna, Winkler for a transfer of the rdf/fd: issued to William Winkler for the Qu‘ren’s Hotel, Hanover. A meeting of the Board ot Commissioners will be held on Monday the let of March, " l p. m. at kalcr's Hotel, Hanover, to consider such applications. Tnos. A. HARRIS T License Inspector. If you want Bargains this month to. rushed off' at low prices to make room for Kev Goods arrived and arriving. The old Stock bought from Mr. T. Moff'rt will be {iii o.'t,lil'i We hare still afew nice hats left and if you want anv iii; thing in that line. see them at once. AT HALF-PRICE 24;; they are going fast. Fruits 66 Confectic: of all kinds. With New Groceries, New Canned Goods, New Crockery, and Gla.e.errare. 1/idLadiian Eggs. per dor, ... . Chickens fer pant Dunks .. kanys, per ll, .. Geerc .. . Hidi-s. ... ... Culhkins, ... . Sneedenn each . Hay per ton ... ... Straw p-‘r ton . Potatons, per bag Apples " Wool, 4 feet Wool, 22 Inch Penn, " ilx,pt, ' " Dr'd H, as. per cwt Hoirc, lots wcicht .. Lard per lu ... '1'uiiowt pet lt, ... Butter per ttr, TO ... " Roll Onlu‘ea prr rack ...... Bran per cwt ... ... Slrmls [tor cwt ... Full Witi,at pevluvael Dark y, " Flour per hm DURHAM MARKET. Corrected each week by Geo. Sparlgng. 'P - ain‘t-manna- 3- . AIL-LA CH LA N S. OPENING I I! _ - - -u- I I . A), (Jlufat's Old Stand.) A fi-ij- GLC-.., 'ij'd WM 'er"fPP-ts- , 3 oo to N so 2 00 to 2 0'0 oo to 60 Cu to 70 0 76 to 0 tlit o 16 to 0 17 3 50 to 4 Mt 3 25 t.) 3 4n “8 to 10 ()4 to Ca O 10 to 0.10 10 to 10 O 10 to 0:12 20 lo 3:0 4a to on: Gl" to 071 S, come M u REES to to to Lower Town 35 GU 10 on ti DU o M 0 so 100 D 'BST" P'wravtrnt ttlone sold foe GO cents. but it can now be secured only through theGloia We can supply Glrshe sub- scribers- with a copy for 15cm. while they last, Chut and get one. _ r‘..“‘,u\'lln ' We have made arrange-"mum u Globe Printing Uo. m an rply it three month's trial trip If the , Globe and the REVIEW far 50 cts, ir: Weekly Globe 3 months. He. mnmhs and the eugmvin all fot The Engraving "loin, 2,'lr foe GO but it can nnw he --~-----‘ . . (ll) We have just rem-inn! A smug ufuums' excelleu' and qu-hm' engraving dune in tin-Ha cohus liew Literal Chhinet. The (Hum ing Co. have sm‘lll‘ed the exduw trol of the mum-e. It is 21 at 28 and was arranged front actual graphs by the well-known c., artist. J. D. Kelly, and is being pl by the Tux-unto Lillmguphnu & w . 'tet been: an. perfect as: rt 37 " The only It'll-clan lune ll would intimate that be '1‘ Furniture and I/Lf/ri,"),',,")]: lished by his: fame, .n lmr a w” entt . m or to give all on] m el's me mxueenxrc usziuthlon 'ndertakinst 'rnd Emhn‘m'nc on no"; "a. oipioe u men-bl. rum, N. B.-To ensure a good jub the Hides must be well salted a: smz u ta ken oft. frll.ilrmt MI) “9323“!“ By the which for Horse Hides, Cow Hides, In.“ Skins, Tanned suitable for Remember: - the n “I " :JiinghC 3.932231%"ng I Satisfaction Guarantcz-d ALWAYS or “57935 FEAR-HM LIBERAL CA RINK arranged {rum actual photo- J' the well-known Car.ndmn D. Kelly, and is being In l pared l‘ummo Lillmguplnug Co, Robe Tanning! Ia New Process, I for Finish and Soft- ncss can't be beat. 1 " Ewes t was (mute that be wl'l om.‘ III th gun. mummy.“ [lush-ha an ' h r the .t.tttds-oppoatte the Mark“. Durham. e of the Best fake PM! trip of 1tie Weekly LEVI!" for 5) Ms. That e 3 months. REVIEW3 engrnvin all fur 50 (1M. ukme .015 for GO vents. mos. Smith. sitter. The tid,,, Ai/i. urn-d the exrlmiw mn- Y, yt is 21 x m inches, 'tt ON tux”. WHO A SPINAL" ONE Plll CE 'l"tR"mettty with the 1. J, DJIB‘I‘ELL l"? Tyr 1- thug'A m in "" .3. d new (not... Luau - iaijcuiU. ”wt.“- with at In ”my plum» of the Thin is a Rar Grain. Busimw will lease for tt ply to Buildings cost On the 2nd (‘nd itatrl74 arm-s. l grand Maw nf ci Ion.- weeu'.s Spri & liiteltett. " ltd turn sum. tit) Drive & Implt‘ult Mable: much-men "It‘d and Soft 1 School convenicl PAR f I Bobtail, Janna Wslt he in I’m any in earh mm net-rial Hotel. J 1- a. um fWy"f 1-1:! I the Durh- Block. “(mule-ll I-or, (who. hm 0333:: Opp BARRISTERS W. I." proml‘ Cemrta and futni ll "atrtuett oF MA . Ito-in. Um. Panic. waited athle dip Wo box to PLAY IMi I o WEB Tol any kind. BUD Drama". J u TONIC buiid you DEN IMPROV Frost Emma 5, COO to ll intense: ( Pint 00004 "or after Ema The FéaizF KURT Ito H F, It Wi LES Wm [sigr I. DUN! " It a G L'

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