West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 25 Feb 1897, p. 5

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nd in tiy â€"nts with the ply it with a _ the Weekly W ets. That is, Review 3 all for 50 ets. fn;‘ A) crnto.: only throus Â¥ Globe "“L s. while they n Caz:adian ing pi Q"\w aplhing Co, rk., ug anning ! K:';-'acess, h snd Eoftâ€" o ren t we £G ning 1 *¢ im tty for Xelusiy k* PÂ¥ ratos pr. posite BDE2TiXHNq VViiD 1E W P\ Hides, Dog talsr‘e for si Laks 2+ IDCJCS, «1 photoâ€" atea to w m, HE ALTY 1 job tke 3 LL the w N4 &8 a>4 Uo Le «s .l'np.' 10( 4»« _the rintâ€" conâ€" 45 This is a Rare Bargain. _ Stock or Grain. â€" Business meant. _ If not sold will lease for a term of years. Apâ€" ply to On the 2nd Con. Normanby, containâ€" ing 174 acres. 140 cleared. A 1 soil in grand state of cultivation free from noxâ€" lons weeids, Spring Creek. Stone House & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank Barn 30x70, Stone Basement Stables. Drive & Implement House 30x60, Stone 8tables underneath. ‘Root House 10x50. Hard and Soft Water. Churches and Echool convenient. 4} miles from Durâ€" ham. Daildings cost over half the Money FARiA FOR SALE. Ism-ln OF MARRIAGE LICENSEs, Holâ€" stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reasonâ€" able distance, it desired. Ho‘lstein, January 14th 1897. Will be in Priceville the tirst Wednes day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" mercial Hotel. (\PI"I(TE FiRST DOOR EAST OF 2 the Durbham Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. Residence first door west of th l‘o:t Ofiice, Durham. ® r=» # Eliiott 4& Elliott, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. CONVEYANCERS. &o. 0A :»s :â€"Opposite TOWN HA. Lower Town, Durham P2~ 5, (00 to luvan at lowest rates of interost We are prepared to take building con tracts and furnish all kinds of Material at living prices, We beg to anuounce to the public that wae have the mill rebuilt and refitted with PLANING AND MATCHING<~~ T‘r. T. G. MHCLT L. D. §. IOW£ER TOWN DONE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BIHUIINGLES ON IAND AT RIGHT PRICES. Dromore, June 6th, ‘66. 5e V ATSON BROS Thoe best tonie known to build you up after sichkness of any kind. A SNAP ! DENTISTRY. arw. i ~p AGECOL TONIO ELIXIR Eur after effects of la gr‘vpe dc. W. S. HORSBURGH. IUMPROVED MACHINERY. Frost Cream For Chapped Hands Emuision Codâ€"Liver QOil 25c. a Bottle, for lingering colds, Pinol Balsam 0 0 0001 0000 00 0+ For a recent Cough or Cold. ROBERT WATSOyr Jr., Isherwood P. O., Un asked, oneâ€"tnird down. WHEXN NOLTII EGNEMONT. §at We hate just received a full supply of Munyon‘s Remâ€" edies, FARLAN® & Go. Roughened Skin. dbis site stte Try these, In Meed DURH A M Famimuy RrEcxtox.â€"On Tuesday last Mr and Mrs. Jno. Morice, Normanby, had the pleasure, not enjoyed for 10 or 12 years back of having the whole of their family around them at one time. The family consists of four sons and four daughters, David, Robert, James and John. the daughters being Mts. Geo Movre, Teeswater; Mrs. R. Ferguson and Mrs. Green, Cumnock and Miss Mary at home. The unusual meeting was celebrated by much kindly feeling, a drive to Mt. Forest to have a famiry photograph taken, David and family return in a short time to B. C and earthly mutations render it very unlikeâ€" ly that they will all meet agaun in the Hesh. Hoop‘s PILLS are the best faumily cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle. reliable, sure. Blood is purifed by Hood‘s Sarsaparâ€" illa, and all the diragrecable results of impure blood disappear with the use of this medicine, If“f'ou wish to feel well, keep your blood pure with Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, TrutHu IN NtTax®Lt.â€"Impure blood is the natural result of close confinement in _house, school room or shop. Â¥assers, The BRADLEYâ€"GARRETON CO. LTD., Torouto, Ont. WANTED.â€"Eanest Menand Woman to cireulate "The Sword of Islamn: â€" O: Suffeting Armenia", a thrilling book, Graphic accounts of the Eastein Questâ€" ion, the Turk, Armenian, and Mohamâ€" medanisin with its horritle massacres. Numerous startling illustrations taken on the spot, â€" 448 pages, ounly $1,80 Agents make $15.0 to $30,00 weekly. Books on time. â€" Prospectus free,to canâ€" Dr, Gun paid a flying trip to Innerkip on Saturday to consult in a difflcult case with his son Dr. Arthur, He found the young couple well and had the pleaâ€" sure of mecting with Rev, Mr. Straith late of Holstein. Arthur is building up a line practice, is very successfur and winning golden opinions. Provixctan Rerports.â€"The familiar "Red Books" of the Provincial Governâ€" ment are artiving and can be inspected by the curious at our office;~â€" The Anâ€" nual Reports of the Live Stock Associaâ€" tions, University of Torouto, Inswarce Report, Iunatic and Idiot Asylum, Blind Asylum just received. _ Also the firs instalment of ‘"Votes and Proceedâ€" ings, and other maitter, HMere is a problem : A farmer owned a pig ind wanted to weigh it. The man weighed 200 and his wife: 135 They put a board across the fence so when they sat upon the ends it _ exactly _ balanced. They then changed places his wife taking the pig upon hber lap just balancing the board again. â€" What is the weight of tae porker? | Mr. Adam Cranston, Peabody, well known to the mmusical fraternity of South Grey, was visiting his sister Mrs. Binnie, and his many other friends here last week _ We were glad to meet the genial blind gentleman, whose mental eyes and memory are not yet dim. Mr. R. Wa‘s@on, north of town, met with what might have been a serious accident about two weeks ago, He step ped through an open hatchway falling avout 10 feet and escaped serious injury. Glad to see him out L\st week, though he will not be himscif for some time yet. _ WANTED.â€"Intelligent mern â€" with good education to whom $600 and exâ€" penses for the first year would be an inducement. _ Wrice wich full particalâ€" ars. THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond 8St, West., Toronto, Ont,. The Dunnville G@azette, published by R,. White, formerly of the Durham Chronicle. lately took a step in advance by donning a new dress of type and otherwise improved th@ make up. â€" Conâ€" gratulations Brother White, A Pie Social will be held in Allan Park school house, Friday 26th, to morrow evening, to raise funds for the annual Picuic. The band will be in ‘atterdance and everyone expects a pleasant even~ ing. The Baptists, tomorrow Friday night, will own the town with their big teaâ€" meeting in the Town Hall. _ Dr. Jamieâ€" son in the chair, _ Admission 25 and 15¢ A grand list of speakers, The Owen Sound people havye carried the Byâ€"law granting $40000 to the C. P, R. to build a new elevator and other docking extensions. Owen Sound is laying up something for a reckoning dav. Mrs. A. 8, Hunter bad an attractive private party at her residence Friday evening last, Mi. and Mrs. Jas. Gun Jr. were the bonorâ€"d guests on the occasion. For SaLr.â€"A cutter nearly as good as new, also a set of single Harness, Will be sold very reasonable. Apply to Kev, Chas. Cameron, Uppor Town, Durâ€" ham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carson, and Mrs, Hopkins, of Durham, drove over on Monday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Adams.â€"Han, Post. The Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday next, at Il1 a. in. Mrs. J. P. Telford had a pleasant "At Home" from four to half past six on Thursday last, and many friends called. Rev. Mr. Ramsay, Mt. Forest, has reâ€" ceived a cail from a Presbyterian conâ€" gregation in Ottawa. 7 Rev. Mr. Thom, Arthur, has received and we understand accepted a call to the Flesherton Pres. Congregation. Best Cabinet Photos, at the Upper Town Gallery only $1.50 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call. Rev. Ramsay Mt. Forest, will preach in the Pres. Church here toâ€"morrow, Friday, afternoon at 2;30 p. m, Hurham, Thur. Feb. 25, 97 Ehe 6reg Arview. LOCAL AND GENERAL _ Wraeporm®G Bsi1rs.â€"On Wednesday of last week a very happ company asâ€" sembled at the lmspimhf:: home of Mr, and Mrs, George Turubull, Bentinck, the occasion being the marriage of their only daughter Miss Jane Turnbull to Mr. James McRonald of the same townâ€" ship, The high esteem in which the young couple are held was sh »wn by the nuinber of Yr(-sents they received which were both numerous and valuâ€" able, _A pleasint evening was spent with music and song, Mr. Thos. Milligan and Mr, Alex., Grierson being the chief entertainers in this line with their comic singing _ All went home well pleased with the time spent and wishâ€" mng the happy couple health, wealth and prosperity and all the happiness that married flesh is heir to. [Our Vickers correspondent_also refers more fully to this event, The REvIEW exâ€" temis warmest wishes to the young couple,â€"Ed.] { 1 e (nove an‘ iEvIEW +as been an immensely popularcombination this year. It has cosc us money but we were anxious to meet the hard t.mes. The (¢/obe has increased in size since last year, so has the RrviEw. Appearances indicate that postage on newspapers will be reimposed and it will be imposâ€" sible to keep the clubbing rate so low as $1.35. Subscribe now and get the benâ€" efit of the interosting reading connected wih the meetings of the two parliaâ€" ments. â€" See our Daily Globe offer elseâ€" where, viie oi Mrs, D â€"nald McKivnon, mother of the well known MeKinnvon family, died at the residence of her son Neil, in Priceville on Sunday last, and was buried on Tuesday in the old cemetery, Durham Roai, Glenelg _ The removai of tins " Mother in Israel " calls for an extended notice, which we truct to have next week from onr a‘le Priceville corressondent. Mr. J. McCool, B, A., well known in Paisley, Hanover and Section No. 1 Normianby, has been appointed Asâ€" sistant English Master at the London Coll. Institute. _ He is to get $1000 a year and a raise of $25 a year until $1100 is reached. We congratulate our friend on the success which has crowned his push and ability. Mr. R. Parker, who hbas lad a fins muâ€"ic class in Varney for some montlis past wul bave a immusical treat in the Orange Hall there on Tuesiay next. The storum prevented this luâ€"t Tuesday t ough the @utertainers were all on hand. Admission 15 cents and 10 ceuts. Tues. day evining next has been â€" sadly â€" neglected, puslication to give time for ca; aud proofreading. Our Priceville correspondent supplies us this woek with a selesto | gaalie hyinao, entitled " Leanaivh An Aish," but as the gae‘re education of our ateff and ourselyves THE FAMINE FUND.â€"The Fund at the office of the Montreal Star for Famine Suiferers in India has turned thirt yâ€"tive thousand dollars ($35,000). _ An average of $1,700 a day for twenty days, lge largest food fund in the history of Canâ€" ada. The ehurches =nd schools by the hundred are contributing to the Staur Fund. «nd in this, which we shall give in part next week. It fortms interesting reading. If the goddess of winter is eansitive to flattery she mu=t blush frequently at the many compliments« puid to the " tine weathor " we aro having. _ Roads ano taiwverature all that could be dosi: ed. We have receiyed an interesting acâ€" count of the life of Peter Rmith, one of the oldest of the piounsers in Bruco County sud in Thix. which. swa abalTl . eram ies cilkl ladres and gentlemen and over one cabinet L for 25 cents. Hrre‘s A COnaxcr.â€"Until March 1st 1827 the Upper Pown Gallery will give lurlime smm seneepra onl ioh Dqi 1 Grippe Pills? A ya Grippe, Catarrhal in tile head. &c, H Durham. â€"NOTICE â€"All acet‘s ¢ be paid within ten days they will be placed in ot} (;‘nh'ection.â€"}. A. Btacwk Goob COLLECTION.â€"Knox Normuwby, on Sunday last toc collection for India sufferers ing to $15.50, â€"Private funds to loan on â€"farm property only.â€"A. H, Jackson, Durham. Hood‘s Sarsapatilla is known to be an honest medicine, and it actually cures when others fall. Take it now. We are selling yery good flour at $1.25, $2.00, $2.25, $2.40, per ewt. Satisfaction Guaranteed, â€"Geo, Sparâ€" ling. with ourselres will be much more sati.sfactmy. We look for a generaus and hearty response before {the above date and the date on the label placed â€" as much ahead as it has been beâ€" hind C. RAMAGE, Durham, Feb. 22rd, ‘97. During the past week or two we hate sent out a number of accts. to subscribers in arrears for a Yyear or more. These in the agâ€" gregate amount to a considerable sum, which we must realize on. We thank those who have reâ€" ’spouded by paying the debt, we _respect those who have writâ€" ten or called to acknowledge the debt and promised to nay shortly and to those iwho hare done neither we are reluctantly forced to intimate that after the 13th of March if no response is Sorthâ€" coming the accounts will leave our hands, and the credit price will be charged. _ A settlement HIEY ETTEITUS 4 ion.â€"J. A. BuacK,. GRIPPE.â€"Dr. Andrew, _ Anti 9l a & 1 P SMALL ACCOUN1S. UIs? _A yaluiable remedy in Laâ€" artarrhal Complications, Cold + oude Pn ¥¥ 3~ * regliected, wa difer en 4o years of'iqfc t photo, best finish acet‘s overdue must I seE ORelsy VORE , FaARKER, Druggist, «~â€"lRnox â€" Church, y last tock up a sufferers amountâ€" iys. _ Otherwise other hands for reful setting wealth | ,, NOTICE. All persons indepted to C. piness | McArthur are respectfuilly requested to [Our call for their accounts and settle either ; more : PY cashâ€" or note at once., _ All w ex. Accounts left unsettled must be placed young | int* other hands for collection. i C, McArtHUR. i . To Officers and Members of the I. O. Foresters. GENTLEMEN, Allow me on my own behalf and behalf of the relatives to express thanks for the prompt manner in which your society has settled the claim of your lite brother George Dowling. ~The kindness and promptness shown speaks well for the fraternal and business spirit of your noble order and I hope it may ever prosper, Yours faithfully, LÂ¥pIA THoxmPsox, Durham, Feb. 22nd, 1837 Town InpustrRIEs. â€"The Cominittee appointed last week to consider the inâ€" dustrial deve‘opment of the town met Tuesday evening. They have deterâ€" mined to advise the council to offer tax exemption and a free site to the right parties, and will also advise them to advertize in Toronto papers for eligible industries. No scheme for local assisâ€" tance was matured,; but a hopeful feelâ€" ing prevails that we are on the eve of som«=thing better. _ All are determined to go cautiousiy as past booms have ofâ€" ten proved bombshells. ceeing ies it ind o l neiiie N. The Baptist Missionary delegation announced ilast week gaye an interestâ€" ing talk on Missions to a rather slim auaience last niâ€"ht. An excellent map showed the extent of Baptist zeal in the province and it is very considerâ€" able. The Carnival in Walkerton on Friâ€" day night drew a large number west. The race going to lf:u'lcy Davidson, of Toronto, with Jones 2nd. _ The race was regarded by a good many as a fake. At the recent meeting of the 4A, O. U. W. in Toronto, Separation from the main body was carried unanimously, and Ontario now stands alone. Graâ€" d d assessments have also been introâ€" duced. We are sorry to learn that Mr.] Laidâ€" law‘s youngest chiid is dange; ousiyill. Lizzie and Arthur came homef from | Harriston H. School, on Tuesday. A dauglhter of Mr. C. McKinnon‘s has been quite ill, and indeed sickness is the rule. 7e | pose cts. | ener /. { 106, 3 " C | ags w @gâ€" | run 1 whic ble dals OMâ€" | butte t*~: w. ane ' cithe Our Rob Roy correspondent has such a full account of Mr. Dixon‘s school entertainment that we have little to add. The abundance of outside speakers made the programme rather long, and some of tne little ones did not get their "‘pieces" said. _ Mr. Dixon must feel pleased that his extensive preparation labors have met with success. Mr, D. is a workerand his section knows it. A Hravyy Loss.â€"Mr. D. Jackson sold a fine yearling Vurham bull Tuesday for $50 to some party in Fergus who failed to control the animal. Tt broke loose and scoured the country Tuesday night, and died Wednesday, we;presume from exposure and oyerheating. Miss Maâ€"y Falkingham has left town to go to Manitoba. Miss 8, MceKinnon and Miss Lizzie Burnett visited at Mr. ‘F. McCombs at Bunessan and took in the Dixon school entertainment. * Mr. Jaines Mack and Miss Elisa of the Corners, took in the service at the Methâ€" odist Church on Sunday eyening. Mrs, Win. Calder and S8, McKinnon spene Tuesday in Priceville. Mr, Spicer‘s «ged parents live on the 10th con. of Egremont, Mrs. James Coutts, of Yeovil, is a sister to Mrs. kouse, and daughter to Mrs. Waldron. The sympathy of the township goces out to the survivers in thelr terrible loss. _ The despatch says all were highly respected and no cause for the deed is known. John Spicer, a brother of Thos.‘ was passing the house and as was his cusâ€" tom, called to the occupants. No ansâ€" wer being received, he stopped his team, and entered the house to find 4 dead bodies, and two more, Mr and Mrs. Spicer in the barn. ‘I‘wo daughâ€" ters of Mr. Spicer were from home and thus escaped the blood1 villains. hn Ampnon en o ts Th nlait ied BP9 ce dA is As s ho is ) 80 years of age, his daughter Mrs. Wm. Rouse, and Mrs. Rouse‘s twin boys. Saturday‘s dailies contained an acâ€" count of the butchery, suppused to be by Indians, of Rev, Thos. Spicer, at one time a blacksmith in Yeovil, his wife, his motherâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. Waldron, BV 3 o ce ty o s P e 1+ & L P The McKechnie firm of this town have bought the Creamery, and proâ€" pose to run it. With characteristic energy they have got in a supply of ice, and their knowledge of business as well as butter will enable them to run the institution on a business basis, which will be a boon to the farmer and dairyman who finds his home made butter a drug on the market, ‘ ___ We believe in coâ€"operative dairying, either in butter or cheese, and at the present junceture. this move has in it the elements of success, from the steps at present being taken by Minister Fisher to provide cold storage for perâ€" ishable products. We wish our enterprising townsmen every success and congratulate the farming community on the prospects of a profitable outlet for their dairy ing efforts. _ We shall return to this again. IMPORTANT CREAMERY CHANGE. FOUL MURDER IN DAKOTA Ofan Egremont Family. CARD OF THANKS. TORONTO Executrix. Rev, Chas. Cameron,. _ Close to town 4 acres of ground, elegant house, comâ€" fortable out buildings, etc. This is well worth the attention of any one contemâ€" plating building, Cheaper to buy than to build. Appr to KEV. Cnas, CaxE®nox. Durham, Feb, 17, ‘07. â€"WhHITE Brick.â€"50.000 White Brick for Sale. Fo:i Time and Terms inquire of H. PaRKER. Durham. FOR SALE OR RENT,â€"The elegant resâ€" idential property lately occupied by the 1. . Jod L\ sÂ¥ wus I to send by post (prepaid) to L.ydia Thompson of the ‘Towrship of Benâ€" tinck ‘ (Durham Post Office, ) the cexecâ€" srix of the last Will and Testament, of the said deceased, or to G. Lefroy McCaul of the Town of Durham, Solâ€" icitor for the said ex.cutrix, their christian and surname. addresses, and descriptions, the full praaticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts or claims, and the nature of securities (if any) held by them. And that on and after the said last menâ€" ioned date, the said exceutrix will proâ€" ceed to distribute the assests of the said deccased among the partics enâ€" titled thereto regard being had only to the claims of which notice shall have been giyen as above required, and the said exccusrix shall not be responsible for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been recceived as aforesaid, at the time of such distribution. LypIA TrEoMPsONX. Executrix, ‘ Durham, Ont. : G. Lerroy McCaUL Durkain Oni. | Solieitor for the said Executrix. ] Dated at Durham, this 15th day of February, A. D. 1897. | Notice is hereby given that all Creditors and others, haying claims against the said George Dowling, who diea on or about the 29th day of Decâ€" ember1896, including those ha ving any general or specific lien orfencumbranee upon his estate, or any part, or share thereof, orf interest therein, aret on or before the P P 1p. 20TH DAY 0F kARCH 1897, . 'n the Estate of George Dowling late ; of she Township of Bentinek, in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Pursuant to chapter 110 of the Revised ‘ Statutes of Ontario, and Amending I' Acts : Notice to Creditors We Still to be disposed of GoOoaAT ROBE, WE HAVE A FEW â€" THEY GO AT $6â€"00 There are a few Overcoats =â€" â€" DO YOU WaANT A coop C eA TeJ E* beis o s ie oi Abaiaie Fnal l ie Co2, 0) lt .2 c ar 57. +7 5 Dozen Corsetsâ€"Style Confined to Ourselves iHigh Bustâ€" 3 side steeisâ€"The boest Corset yet offered for the moneyâ€" OBITUAKY. JUST RECEIVED the other day Only 75 cents a s. L. CGRANT. x HMard Times Prices for cash. 20 per cent Discount off Mantle Cloins â€" But dor longâ€"If you want any â€" last. All DeMs due us must h« before March Ist next, Del«#s rettled will be placed in ° Collection, Dec. 18.4 1866, All accounts must be settled by cash or note on, or before March 1st 1897, after that date, collection will be plaeâ€" ed in other hands. H. ParkEr, Druggist Durkham. cleared. Ouomfortable house, good orchard and well. Close to school ana church, 1 mile from Allan Park, 4 from Hanover. For further information apply to JAS. WLBBER Durham. The Undersigned offers for Sale the interest of the late George Dowling, in the HASKINS‘ FARM Lot No 62 & 63 CcoN 2, wW, G, R. BENTINCK, conâ€" taining One Hundred Acres more or less, ?s well watered, has a comfortable House and splendid Rank Ban , 1 mile from Durham, For particulars apply on the premises to LÂ¥yota THomrsox Executrix of the lute GBoror Dowure or to TnoMAs Haskixs. DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and ", »ctacles, Silver and Flat Ware of al} wescriptions, â€" Reâ€" airing a specialty. â€"UPPER TOWN, i)URlIAM. Is the best â€"in fact the One True Blood Purifier, cure nausea HOOd,s Pills b‘lhousuu;. Hood‘s That is just the truth about Hood‘s Sarâ€" saparilla. We know it possesses merit because it cures, not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, gb‘o.olutaely, permanently, when all others a TV FITIamad wes‘ i. ) i4 fail to do any good whatever Made and Merit Maintains the confidence of the people in Hood‘s Sarsaparilia. Ife medicine cures you when sick; if it makes wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond @ll question that medicine possesses merit. Mlade Sarsaparillia & CCRSON. NOTICE. FOR SATT N. G. & J. McKecknie. us must be Settled ount o1l, all all our But dont wait too t any â€"They wont cure nausea, Indlm LNE IEELEE LZ _ Jeft u.; ‘ourt â€"for . We repeat

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