West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 25 Feb 1897, p. 8

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J. A. HUNTER’S M, that. the h the Big BARGAINS we offer tii, Vvireek.‘ Wool, Wood or Hides) than all we take, we .runsnu NEXT, 15 Bars EXTRA ELECTRIC SOAP 9 cts a Skein, 36 Cenis m, Yes 1 Of course we sell-yarn as a. rule at 40cts tl lb. All pa wool too. Its the best in the world. To make it worth your while to come Bargain Day, however, we say Your supply of Diamond Dru; Pure Clar- ithsd Sugar Syrup. Special for Tuesday at 'ttet. tt lb instead of 4 eta. Not take our word for it, but come any day this week and you may have your choice of " W. E. SANFORD Irish Frieze Ulster Overcoats, Storm Collars " qf them at .3.85. 20 Q! 'em at $4.48 were " 26 of 'em at .545, were 810, and so om Poeithelg the greatest bargains ever Mend in Overcome. Poor Goods by any means, Nothing but the best all the time. ©AMNEB-in "de ”POTS-30 Very poimlar at] 7"] Box Tuesday, tor Mats Try 3 Sox-Nothing like them-They'" wholesome too Just Raceivod 100 lbs of the Delicious (Velvet) Pure M01...” DON T WASTE YOUR ENERGY W it}: an old are. Take the hut opportunity of getting one of 85 et. are: for 49013 ”you’ve wood to tplit 50 yards Loom Damask Table Linen, 59 inches wide, Tuesday', Price, Nets a yd. DEPARTMENTAL STORE tot? Pair; till sizes, Men’s Heavy 1-buphlts Rubbers h tfiiifik My We say Ennis a pair. Buy [jll for the great business we’re doing, - tttsk.--; Cub, Produce, ., " sell almost every- 'hd (ie, All pure at present ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The Pteshrterthu" of Cedarvttle have I b',',','.""??:,',' advertised a tea meeting for“ 2nd I walk to qt a number of Mt, Rummy are ford, out, former rear Coda-ville while getting his turn shod in Ht. Forest was so badly kicked in the face that the Dr. found it account-y to stitch the wound before he could proceed home. A sleigh load of McCannela and Me- Kochnies, tome from Arran Township, Bruce Co., and some from near Pnce- villa with Mr. Neil Mchnnell of the Inter place " guide called on several friends the South and in Mt. Forest this Mr. Alexander Metgachern has por- chased a new cutter and can stay with the most of them now. Mr. Abe Hooper intends raisin s large frame barn next summer and in G. Moore has. we understand. secured the Contract of building it. Mr. Henry Hooper is also making great. pre um- tions for erecting A large brick /e'lg'h'2; during the next summer. Our singnq class is coming along fine- 2,'g'dtr t e tttit of Professor Mc- nald who is a. wi ling and capable “other. The sound of a bell was heard last. Sunday for the first time in the history of Top Cliff School thanks to our genial teacher. Miss Maggie Mchnnel. who is ultra to put the rig t thing in the right .._ ""' """J‘ Mr. and Mrs. McKechnie, of Burgoyne are the quests of Mr. and Mrs. McCUn. nel as are also Mr. Martin MM 'annel and his two sisters, who hail from the same place and who are enjoying them selves immensely among their numerous friends and acquaintances amund here. Anumher of the. boys of this nei h. horhood accompanied hyn few of lie; hamlet. for which our line is noted, took. drive up to Mr. G. Watson's. where they had music, dancing and various other games. Conspicuou- among the merry makers were N. and D. La grippe seems to be one of the bus- iest agent. in this part of the country aathirre are very few of us who have not had some dealings with him lately. n_ -- " ‘l ‘- " _ - Mr. Henry Eckhnrt hadu bee draw- ing wood to Durham on Wednesdnv, There were twenty teams on the drive wollladenod with cord wood. H. is It hustler. - -- -. ...... ”I..." new: passing through here one day last week en mute for Durham, Dear Mr. Editor, as there has never been an?" correspondent in our vicinity I thong I. that if you could find space in your Ilemnt newspaper for it budget I wool become one of your staff also. Top Cliff is situated in the immediate vicinity of the far famed Haunted School and is one of the. most picturesque places imaginable. There seems to he no scarcity of feed around here this winter as there were 19 load? of hay and straw Been 11min: The Council adjourned tViprii mm at 10 a. m. J. S. Brace, Clerk. Lot 21 Gri. FE G. R. 1 so James Staples. Committee work, I 00 Thai. Manddon. Com, work I 00 Countil'l pay sheet 10 00 C. W. Rutledge, Printing Samuel Ritchie, tr curds of wood for Jan. Dillon Wm; Irtenu, repair tlt gingham at Jertymett---Lamh--'rhat By-lnw 863 "filled up be now read a third time, signed. ended. and engrossed on By-low- book --Carried. wiltiam.y-rr-Mrmaden--TUt the Reeve and Mr. Lamb be a committee to examine the budge at Lot 15 con. IO, known as M l?ti2, bridge. with instruc- tions to repair i necetrsarr-Carried. Cheques wete Issued as follows t-- Edwin w. Hunt. services as and- itor ' T oo R. T. Edwardu. services as Mid- itor T m By-lnw No. as. appointing town-hip oft1ars Watt introduced and and a that and second time. k1CPtytdetv--Lamtr-'rhat By-law 863 an filled up he now read a third time, signed. ended. and engrossed on By-law- book --Carried. Ltuptr-rMeMiuan--Tut the Mitrkdnle Stand-rd be awarded the Township 2ii,",td,"s: being the loweot Tender for the wor .--thsriied. Mc0dden---wiuiarmr-prut the Aud- itors 2t,t'it, " te-audited by the Coun- cil be: opted and that 200 copies there of be printed in Pamphlet form for distribution, and that the Auditors be men: 37.0) each for their services.---; n . a; petit 11riliittn.---MeMiuan-That the report of the Committee on Trenaurer's Bee. urities be accepted and engrossed on the minutes.---tfarried. wi1litun.--umt-That the petition of Arch. McLean and 14 others. asking the Council to exam t Mrs. Je‘nkimon of her taxes for 'llldl', less the School taxes, be granted and that the Collector for ward 4 be noufied.--Cnrried. 3)eMiiutt--rMeB'adden-/rhat the Clerk be instructed to notify the Treasurer of Markdnle. to pa: their indebtedness on Interest and sin ing fund to debenture account under Br-Fw 171 to the Treas- urer of Glenelg.-uCarried. . _ , -7- - - -"""e" s lulu Arch McLean and 14 othera paying for the remission of Mrs. Jenkinson’e taxe- for 189& From John McAmy nnd " others prayimr for the formation of a new Public School Section. From U. W. Rutledge an account for Printing. From the uditors. their report, From the Committee on Treasurer’s Securities reporting the some ample. The Council met Feb. 8th [gaunt toadiopretrtent,. all the men) n pre- sent; the Reeve in the chair; minute- ot last meeting reed and approved. Communications reed u follows. from W. Irwin, C, Romano and U. W. Rut- ledqehte'ndere te, Bunting. _ From Fridgy Wm, Ramabottom a SOUTH EGREIONT ----. - Fi---- TOP curnt. ammo cannon. LUCKY Jul. Total “I oo passing MrANrED.-old established whole- sale Houu- want. om- or two honest and industrious teprraenttstivets for this Beet. 1 ion. Can ply a hustler about 312.“) n I risk Je put with, Drawer at, Brqo4 Quite a number of our people are unions to know who mil have. the new 3.!qu Contract hetween here Ind Dun- Some of our people went to Artemnia on Friday the 19th to attend the funer- al of Mrs. Jmeph Maxwell to Swinton Park. I expect your correspondents from there will give particulars of death and funeral. ---- Mr. Max James his returned from 8 weeks visit in Toronto and We hear he has taken to himself a wife. Quite a few of uur people driving a- round now. and others calling at our village, Mr. J. Firth jr. ofGlenelg called here in passing through to Grand River, Mr. J. Tanner and Mr. Chas. Stevenson, of Mt, Forest, out. canvassing for the Mt. Forest Woollen Mill business and have succeeded very well here, Mr. Mc- Intyre, Tunbernmn, of Durham. was here on business, Eld. Gregory of Latter day Saints. in here too straitening up church matters. Mr. N. McAully has his mother, from Melancthon. vi.it.ing him. I That Oult, Mr. McLeash hefole he left here, had I. Ladies' Aid Society or- ganized. we understand to assist in building a new church in our village and one of the plans, was, that each Lady was to mnke a block for a new quilt and they were to collect from all the men they could ten cents each, and eturh man that contrinuted as such was to have his name worked on the quilt. We believe there is quite a. sum raised now, the quilt is to he fixed up and quilted Boon, then sold to the highest‘ bidder, and a. social party held at the i same time. Miss Mt-Cannel, of Mchnig'u school kept time with the music. swinging clubs, her performance was much nd- mired. The entertainment was closed by God Save. the Queen, and all return- ed home well pleased with the evening spent in Bunessan School. The pro- ceeds amounted to 'l3.00. - -"""-""'" """""'"vN lulu 5 Rose. Mr. Sandy Bell, of the Corners, gave several good songs during the evening. Mr. John Gray of Bunessan also trntertained the crowd for a short time by singing, and was encored by cheers from the crowd. The School sang several songs during the evening. A couple of good dialogues were given, the first, "We'll Never Mortgage the Farm" tut excellent one was given by I Misses A. and E. Sirrs, Miss Sharp. and .Messrs S. T. Orchard J. Mack and J. Sharpe. all of Murdoch. The other was iii-ted by Messrs T. Nichol, A. Bell and Misses Maggie Ryan and Susie Kenedy. Among the Speakers were Mr, Chas. Runnage Editor of the Review, Rev, Mr. Humphrey of Prit'evilleotr. Irwin l the Chronicle Editor, Mr. Wm. Allan of Murdoch, Inspector Campbell of Dur- ham, and lastly Mr. John Graham of Edge Hill. Mr. Graham gave one of the leading addresses of the evening, and if he. keeps on at the rate he has been going he will yethe one of Can- ada's greatest orators. Step up John. took very well. in, w. iiiiirdi,, Dro- more’s well known singer gave», song entitled the Thistle, Shamrock. and The entertainment held in the school hurt Friday night passed off very well. The evening was thMr but the crowd was too large for all to get seated. Mr. C. Firth occupied the chair. We will tty as well as possible to describe the pro- gramme. The tivst was a song by the school. The string band then gave a piece of music which was very good. Among the sougsten were: Mr. Bam Orchard, of Murdoch. who sang a, song and was encored. Mr, Orclmrd'u songs are. always appreciated as they are both comic. and humorous. Miss Gertie Ste. wart. of Durham gun- " selection which Several friends and acquaintances at- tended the funeral of Alex. McPherson jr. son of A. McPherson near Cedarville last Friday the deceased was only 26 yr- of age. he went to Manitoba a few years ago where he taught school for some time. his intention being to study for ministry. He contracted a heavy cold a year ago last July which settled on his lungs and he found it necessary to make for home where he breathed his last. on Wednesday night. He was a member of the Cedarville Presbyterian church. The large number which turned out to the funeralshowed the respect in which he was held, We notice that the Yeovi1worrettpond- once to the Mt. Forest Representative referred to one of their young men haw- ing treated himself to a brand new cut. er, we also have it from good authority that the same young man takes a drive South about twice a week whether he in seeking a. we] mer climate or seeking some one to keep the house warm where he is we have not heard. _ on the pregame. The Woodland Y. P. B. C. E. have an- nounced a collection next Wednesday evening for the Indie famine fund, the Feirheirn Y, P. S. C. B. took up a col- lection last Tuesday evening for the India famine. fund. 88. HOPEV ILLE. a.-. ROB ROY ‘-u "‘G-.. Ton. comm (BIBS. Att-ills-ein bmineu tnnuctod one. “I. door to Sun dud Bank Duh- - to lend. Honey mm for Ma. hm bought and tom. David Jackson. Jr,, 0...: Die. u “all E Jackson, Noun Public. land Vanuatu-s, Full] Stocks in, all other lines. taken in exchange for Goods. Robes of all kinds from " upwards, Just the us This is the senson to make your wife or sister the preeent of I ine or Organ. I have a full stock of the celebrated Raymond will give you 15 per cent discount for the next 60 den. “all Doherty & Kern Organs. MONEY. I have plenty of it to advance on good Fem or T ate low rate of Interest and salable tonne " In”): entirely Confidentai. CUTTERS. The finest lot ever seen in Durham and nay Come and get your choice. when the large stock is on hand. snow come: they will go like hot cakes. Doc. 16th 1896. ___ d dose give: immediate relief. . . . Many Testimonials 50c a bottle. Dr. Bttdd's White Pine 'der,',',:',',',,',',,,, for COUGHS COLDS and all diseases ofthe THROAT and LUNGS. -- Having decided to conduct the bwn'neu alarm ba aim in Steven and Winter Goode, fo 'lflRl,'. eat and beat assorted Stock g, Slaves of Qoqgtng niova, Heating Siam-u. or Stat lung-sacs Agentu, ravmg (welded to conduct the bwn'neu alone, I have received to trio. arei, ba aim in Steven and Winter Goode, for the new! man... I but. 'lf'Mt) eat and best assorted Stock g, Stone: ever "oum in town. all kind. of (hazing doves, Ileati Steven, or Slam, Coal More: a- Fur-m and at prices you can "OU,'l' to buy. couou BALSAW (il7iiiiii? T(()))jlg JACKSON & FUR illlllllli8 & BULBS Me per bottle, m“”.. IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. Head Wear Body Wear Foot Wear of the best quality and Values, Second to None. C. McARTHUR Iaauer of Marriage Licences. [Dalglish's Old SundJ Is ready for the Snow WITH Test 'em once. you'il ul' .-.Brigm. New it Cheap. Especially adulted for Whooping Cough, Sold only by . upwards, Just the lesson to My. Phgglltllltllllis A limited Supply of Wood sister the present of A Sowing In!» :elcbrated Raymond lnchineo And next 60 days. Full gtuek of Boll. . C'ALQNE IL.. ini Call an WAR All kit Organ EVE DOU past couv W111 W " "" an

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