West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 4 Mar 1897, p. 5

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for 224e. . for 30c. y 18c. yard, is "if you scare us of where ty of out » keenest nding to f what is ve‘nt got selves Â¥# o ODS. vard ) for $8 0O ) tor $6.50 ) for £5.50 m for £3 E0 £3. u1J for 11¢. itterns 10¢. 20¢. for 150. Xxtta valuge. rts but the ing in thts ‘eim. Our Co and the <px â€"X pPHiF, ST ard. best goods our friends § it so this i you can GODS. Quality ox ard. $1.709 _« â€" DENTISTRERY. . WEREN able distance, if desired. Holstein, January 14th 1897. * « Elliott & Elliott, EARRISTERS. SOLICITORS., CONVEYANCERS. &0 0MA:a; :â€"Op posite TOWN HA, ‘Lowor Town, Durham &A# 5,COO to loan at lowest rates of interest Will be in Priceville the first Wednes day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" mercial Hotel. *\ the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. Residence first door west of th KF‘est Oflice, Durksamm 0 = > <> We are prepared to take building=con tracts and furnish all kinds of Material at living prices. LIOWsXR TOWN We beg to announce to the public thas we have the imill rebuilt and relitted with T h@ best tonic hnown to build you up after sickness of any kind. PLANING AND MATCHING+â€"»~ TONiG ELIXIR KFor after effects of la grippe dc. WATSON BROS DoN& AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BHINGLES ON HAND "sSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSEs, Holâ€" â€" _ stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reasonâ€" Dromore, June 6th, ‘06. 25¢c. a Bottle, for lingering colds. «is ts alis Erost Cream Emu‘sion Godâ€"Liver 01 T‘r. T. G. KHOLT L. D. S. 000008 000000 0+ For a recent Cough or Cold. T‘ry these, Pinol Balsam 1Â¥ PROVED MACHINERY. FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF We have just received a full supply of Munyon‘s Remâ€" edies. W. S. HORSBURGH. + p> MacFARLANE & Oo. NORTIH EGREMONT. ITS NOT ALWAYS THE SIZE OF THE DOSE which cures your ailment. The ~"t thing at the right time is like the < man in the right place. When <~e broubled with a Billious Head â€" you will find there is nothing to like "Gun‘s Liver Pills. " > all in Size," _ ‘"Small in Price, " ** asy to take. " Which THE DURHAM PHABMACY. Roughened Skin. For Chapped {HMands AT RIGHT PRICES. at (€ In Need DU RH A U * Revr. E. 0. Taglor, of (‘hicug&'tpnke to crowded houses in Mitchell on Satâ€" urday, Sunday and Monday evenings last, the crowd on Sunday hbeing so great that scores of ’lpeople were unable to get to the hall. he lectures, which were in the interests of temperance, were by long odds the best ever deliyerâ€" ed in ihtchell, and created much, *nâ€" thusiasm. Mr. ’l‘n({lnr is a thorougbly educated man, and uses beautiful linâ€" guage. He speaks with the greatest ease, and although he is not possessed of a captivating voice, you can‘t help but admire his earnesiness his convinâ€" cing arguments, and his great flow of oratory. His address Sunday night, on *"‘That Boy of Yours," was more on the line of morality than temperance and during the two hours of its deliver his vast audience was beld spell houm{ m l&efiuerknmn‘ed 'l‘;:vlml' who (l')(;nus highly spoken of as the clipping below shows,. His dates are the lgth and 20th, but an o(s)en meeting is to be held first to be addressed by the local clergy, _ Hoop‘s PILLS are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle, raliable, sure, First Guxs â€"The Plebiscite campaign will soon be upon us, The W. C. %‘ {T of this town have taken steps to secure A Potxt to REexExMBER, _ Impure blood is the nasural result of close conâ€" finement in house, school room or shop. Blood is Furified by Mood‘s Sarsaparâ€" illa, and all the disagreeable results of impure blood disappear with the use of this medicine. _If you wish to feel well, keep your blood pure with Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, for the last year and a half. The reâ€" mains of the deceased, who was also a brother of Mis, F. McKinoon and Miss Susan McArhur, arived at Priceville for interment on Feb,. 17th, They were accompaimied by Mrs. McLellan, Miss 8. McArthur and Miss McAbe, Mr. Colin McArthur, formerly a resiâ€" dant of Priceville died on Feb. 15th at the home of his sister, Mrs. McLellan, of Detroit, where he has been remaining rFoR SaLEk OR REXNT,â€"The elegant resâ€" idential property lately occupied by the Rev. Chas. Cameron. _ Close to town 4 acres of ground, elegant house, comâ€" fortable out buildings, ete. This is well worth the attention of any one contemâ€" plating building, Cheaper to buy than to build, Apply to Mr, H. Myers Hunt, representing the type founi.ies of Gwaikin & Son, Torâ€" onto,. grve us a call last week anu securâ€" ed an order which rounds up our already exteusive supply of job and ornamental type. Give us a call and prove our work, Anything from a calling card to a full sheet poster, Reyvy. Cuas, CaxknRronxn. Durkatra, Feb, 17, ‘V7. Uredit Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &¢. will be held on Weq nesday the ivth inst, on the farm of the late C e>, Dowling, some of the stock are ihorobred. Jas. Casson, Auctiwneer, Lydia Thompson, Executrix, Lots 62 and 63, 2nd Con, W, G. R., Bentinet, ars. ‘THE MANAGER, 40 Richmond 8St, West., Toronto, Ont, W ANTED.â€"Intelligent menâ€" with good education to whom $600 and exâ€" penses for the first year would be an inducement. Write wich full particulâ€" euut HPAJ DN XA a Kr n nti» in mfFl P Lost,â€"A pair of black and yellow dogskin mits, with buckskin facing, beâ€" tween Rob Roy Hotel and Durnam. Finder will oblige by leaving themr at Review Office. ||Mr. D. M. Ramsay, of Mt. Forest, preached a fine sermon on Friday at the fame has spread aboard as he has receiyâ€" ed i call to Knox Church Ottawa, stipâ€" end $25.00 offered, Quite a number of our townsfolk took in the Mt, Forest ball Monday uight. Quite a grand affair. Some also went to an Owen Sound ball on Friday night. For SALE.â€"A cutter nearly as good as new, also a set of single Harness, Wiil be sold very reasonable. Apply to ltev, Chas,. Cameron, Upper Town, Durâ€" ham. ‘ Mrs. John Aldred bas teen staying with Mrs. Ed, B urnett the pas. week, nursing her through a dangerous illness Ed has been down a few days also. Mr. C. A. Ba son, Barrister. jr. of Owen Sound intends to hang out his shingle here in a few days, He as secnred rooms in the Calder Block. Mrs, Jas, Watson of Kimberly has been spend‘ng a few pleasant days vis iting her mother Mrs. G. Mighton and other Darham friends. Miss Mary Coleridge of Walter‘s Falls is visiting her granudparents for a few weeks and paid a short visit to her Duiâ€" ham friends. Regular meetings of Epworth League will be held in Methodist Church, Monâ€" day, March 8th. Topic,â€"The call to the work, If the system 1s fortified by Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, which makes rich, red blood, there 1s little danger of sickness, Rev. D, McLeod, Priceville, is seriousâ€" ly il!, and his coungregation and district are filled with heartfelt sorrow. Crushed Oyster Shells, for Poultr men, Highly spoken of wherever uso.-(f.v For sale at the gurhnm Pharmacy. Mr. Thos. McFaddenâ€" is a delegate to the Orange Grand Lodge, which meets in Woedstock this week. Mr. Alex. Traynor of Lumsden, near Regina was visitog at Mr. 8. Orchards last week. Miss Frankie Hughes left last week to visit friends in Chatsworth and Owen Sound, Our Review of Political and General News Matter is crowded out this week. Dromore Presbyterians will bave a Soiree un Friday the 12th inst. Miss Allie McRae visited friends in Chatsworth last week. Mrs. Wim. Lawson, Sr., is visiting in Toronto at present. nurkam, Thur. Mar. 4, °97. Ohe 6t Review, LOCCAL AND GENERA}L WANTED.â€"tarnest Men and Woman to circulate "The Sword of Islam : QOr Suffering Armenia", a thrilling book, Graphic accounts of the Eastern Questâ€" ion, the Turk, Armenian, and Mobhamâ€" medanism with its horrible massacres. Nunwmush smrflzg illustimgi{\% taken on the spot. es, only $1, Agents make ‘:15.&) tnpn::-l).(l) weekly, Books on time. Prospectus free to can vassers, The BRADE:!Yâ€"GABRETON €O. LTD., Toronto, Ont, FirE.â€"The residence of Mrs. Boulâ€" den to the west of the town was burnâ€" ed Tuesday last at 8 a. m. Being out of reach of the engine the brigade had to depend on hooks, buckets and boldâ€" ness and succeeded in saving a storeâ€" house and woodshed only a few feet away atter hot work. The housre was occupied by Mrs. Boulden, Sr., and her daughter inâ€"law. The latter was out milking, when the fire was disâ€" coverd, some neighbors soon gatbered, and succeeded in saving the chief farniture down stairs. Fome valnable furniture upstairs and ali body clothâ€" ing was however destroyed. Much sympathy is expressed for the ladie, as the loss is considerable notwithstand ing insurance. A defective stovepire is supposed to be the cause. The following clipping from the St, Thomas Times, N. Dakota, will be read with interest by all who knew the late Mrs. _ Jas, _ Hamiiton (Mar Brown) **Wednesday morning at 2.5) o‘elock, Mrs, Jas Hamilton passed away at her bhoms nine miles south west of this city, after a brief illness, She was a oung lady of eplendid character andy was much Joved by those who knew her, Besides a husband she leaves a baby onâ€" ly a few days old that will never know a mother‘s tender care, to mourn her sudâ€" den and unexpected demise She was 23 years and 9 months old. _ Rey, Hart, of Hoople, conducted a short funeral seryice Wedvesday afternoon at her late residence and the remains brought to St, Thomas and taken by the husâ€" band to Holstein, Ont., for burial." cCO â€"NOTICE. â€"All acct‘s overdue must be paid within ten days. â€" Otherwise they will be placed in other bands for ; Cnl!ect.ion.â€"â€"}). A. BuacKk. Towx Couret.â€"At Monday‘s meetâ€" ing a byâ€"law was introduced by Mr. Brown granting exemption from taxâ€" ation for 6 years to anyone building a house. etc. of the value of :$700. The committee on town industries got auâ€" thority to advertise in Toronto papers offering free site and exemption from taxes to eligible manufacturers. An exâ€" extrap inducement will be helo out to capitalists by offering them from 30 to A per _ cent of the mmu:Iy they will put up. This to be obtained by private subâ€" scription. WITEH TDR BaApptsts.â€"The Teamectâ€" ing in the Town Hall last Friday evening was a success even under adâ€" verse conditions. _ Mr. Campbell® was the only advertised speaker present, but be is a host in himself, and gave his address which has been highly spoken of wherever given _**Men Wanted." Rey. Mr. Pomeroy spoke on "Church Union " in an edifying way. Pastor Mcâ€" Gregor himself has always semething wenPit. ieris mabbe m us 2c t cens$ Aupta Mi. Jno. Cameron left last Monday to resume his duties as agent for the Trade Journals of the McLean Publishing Coy. The Horticaltural Society of the town is making arrangements for the delivâ€" ery of a free lecture about the 20th inst, Particulars later on. â€"W itE BRICK.â€"50.000 White Brick for Sale. For Time and Terms inquire of H. PARKER. NDurham. The collection Sunday last in the Presâ€" byteriin Church in aid of the Indian Famine Fund amounted to $24.00. The two big do away with all their lines. Assessor W. B ro inds. â€"Private funds to loan property only.â€"A. H. Jackso | During the past week or two we | have sent out a number of acets. lto subscribers in arrears for a year or mmore. â€" These in the agâ€" gregote amount to a considerable sum, which we must realize on We thank those who hare re-‘ sponded by paying the debt, we respect those who have writâ€" ten or called to acknowledge the debt and promised to may shortly and to those who hare done neither we are reluctantly forced to intimate that after the 183th of March if no response is Sorthâ€" coming the accounts will leare our hands, and the credit price will be charged. _A settiement with ourselzes will be much more satisfactory. _ We look for a genereus and hearty response before }the above date and the date on the label placed as much ahead as it has been beâ€" hind C. RAMAGE, Durham, Feb. 28rd, ‘97. SMALL ACCOUN1S. â€"A. H, Jackson, Durbam. railways have united to cheap market tickets on Vollett is o'xvlrvhis on farm If you want Bargains, come this month to. ° Fruits & Confections of all kinds. . The old Stock bought from Mr. T. Moffat will be rushed off at low prices to make room for New Goods arrived and arriving. Frox Wax. CarpEr, Mayor of Durham. â€"I have made a briet perusal ef the book * Life and Reign of Queen Victoria," and believe it to be a work of very high charâ€" acter, whether we consider its mechanica) make up, its literary excellonce, or the in‘ tensely interesting topic ittreatsJof, I am much pleased to possess & copy. Frox Hox, Sir MackEnzs Bowcuu, late Premier of Canada.â€"I am convinced the work will prove not only of interest, but of incaiculable benefit to the student of English history during the reign of one so universally respected and beloyed by her subjects McLachlan Frowm liky. A. Carrax, D. D., General Superintendent of the Metbodist Church, â€"What theme in current history could be more inviting, io«piring and instructive than the " Life and Reign of Queen Viec; toria?" The ends of the earth and the trensures of modern annals; church and throne ; court parliament and people ; col onization, commerce and art are all here in clearest light and llvelieâ€"t energy. Mr Hopkins is a pleasing. judicious and elo; quent writer, _ Such an ruthor with such a theme gives ns in many regards one of the most desirable books of the century. The following testimonials will show the opinion held of it by many worthy people. Her Majesty herself has spokâ€" en Eighly of it and thanked the authâ€" or for an advance copy, _ From Sir Oliver Mowat ;â€"*"*The work is extremeâ€" ly interesting, and manifests the authâ€" or‘s well known ability, â€" The illustra ticns are beautiful and attractive. 1 bhave no doubt the rest of the book will be good, Without being prepared to say l?mt I endorge everv‘hing, I can have no hesltaion in saying that the book is catculated to do d‘(r) good in Canada, as well as elsewhbere, ani I hope it may bhave a large circulation amongst my fellow Canadians. *QUEEN VICTORIA, HER LIFE & REIGN.* We would again call the attention ot our readers to this excellent work at present being presented by Miss S. R, J.*McKinnon, of tnis town. ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS § TOROoNTO Jr. B. Class.â€"George Currie. Jr. A. Class.â€"Sarah Chapraan, Alfred McClocklin. h Intermediate.â€"Hazel Cald well, Allan Robertson. Jr, Part II SI‘B) Class.â€"Eva Campbell, Eddie Innis, Ted Kilmer and Jas. Darâ€" gavel aeq, James Vollet, Jean Crawford. Sr. I class.â€"John McLean, Adeline Dean and Eva Hamlin, aeq. Jr. Part II (A) Class,â€"Karl Cliff, Arthur Allan, Frank Becker, James Mcâ€" Clocklin, Lloyd Bexan. 8r. Part II Class.â€"Maggie Grant, Jno Lloyd and Hugh McCrie aeq, Frank Parker and Hugh Nester aeq, Oliver Hunter. Jr. II Class.â€"Murray Smith, Mamie Douglas, Violet Willis, Willie Lavelle, Maggie McFarlane. Sr. TT Class.â€"Hilda Parker, Willie Mcâ€" {{ay, Harryr Burnet, Mamie McKay! Buiilie Havens. Ir. III Class,â€"Clarence Willis, Edith Grane, Bena Kress, George Burnet, N. Swallow. Sr. 1II Class.â€"Otta Knapp, Annie Colyille, Maggie Hutton, Mary Renton, Jessie Robinson. Jr,. IV Class.â€"Peter Ramage, Dora Davidson, Eva Mockler, Willie Hunter, Lottie Lavelle. Jr. V Class.â€"Walter McCrie, Aggie Sirrs, Jane Hutton, Herbert Gray, Harâ€" ry Kress, Sr, IV Class,â€"Bert Mockler, Annie Lawrence, Joseph Moore, Charlie Laâ€" yelle, Phoebe “Polfe.l Sr. V Class.â€"Lexie Anderson, John Lunney, Wm. Mathews, Joseph Collinâ€" â€"The Ontario Government are Standing quite a siege at present. Temperance men are indignan at the meagre character of the new licence bill. _ Mr. Matheson is " after " the Ed ucation Department with a big stick, ucher members are directing their attacks to the timber policy of the government, it is charged they are exâ€" travagant, and we don‘t know what all _ The fact stands however, the province has interest bearing investâ€" ments, it Is no man‘s debtor, it has a gond educational system. It‘s public institutions are creditable, and it‘s finb! c men are free from scandal o one claims they are perfect. â€"We are to have a Dominion plebisâ€" cite this year. Why ? To ascertain F{ublic opinion on the liquor traffic. eally we cannot see that the expense of a plebiscite is justifiecd if so little reâ€" sult is to follow as we have just seen in the bill introduced into the local house. Temperance people have recson to feel aggrieved that a measure more in accordance with the large majority obtained at the provincial plebiscite is not forthecoming. Circulars h»ve been issued calling a Convention in Toronto on March 11th and the prospects are it will be numerously attended. HONOR ROLL. Durham School for February. A. MeLACHLAN 8, (Moffat‘s Qld Sta Park, Marion TV classâ€"Archie McComb, Jeowel! Mcâ€" Comb, Mary Brown, Bert Whitmore. III claaaâ€"Ally McComb, John Kenuvedy br, II classâ€"Wm. Davis, George Nich: ol, Jenrvie May Benaton, Jr. II classâ€"Kate McArtbhur, Sarabh McArthur. Part II classâ€"Archie MoArtLur, {Jack Benton Honor Ro!l for 8, 8, No. 1 Glevelg. for Fobruary, 1896. Part I classâ€"Sadie McKeown, Grace Edwards Eggs, per dos ... . Chickene. por pair Ducks ** Turkeys, per lb ... Geere ** s Hides, _ ... Calfeking, ... % Sueepskins each . Hay per ton ... ... Straw per ton x Potatoes, per bag Appler tt Wood, 4 feet Wood, 22 inceh s V classâ€"Bella McGilliviay, Robt, Gâ€" Whitmore, Mand McGillivray Oatmea per sack ...... ... Bran per ewt ... .. .. Shorts per ewt Fall Wheat per bushe}... Barley, +* Peas, 4* Oate, ** PP Dr‘d Hogs, per cwt ... Hogs, live weight ... ... Lard per lb Tallow‘ per lb ies > set Butter per ID, Tub ... ... hid Roll iss DURMAM MARKET. Corrected each week by Geo. Sparling. Flour per bbl ............ % 8 00 to $4 80 to send by t (prepaid) to Lydia Thompson of ptol?e 'Fownship of %en- tinck ‘ (Durham Post Office, ) the execâ€" trix of the last Will and Testament, ot the said deceased, or to G. Lefro McCaal of the Town ‘of Durham, So{ djceitor for the said exccutrix, their christian and surname, â€" addresses, and descriptions, the full paaticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts or claims, and the nature of securities (if any) held by them. And that on and after the said last imenâ€" ioned date, the said exeeutrix will proâ€" ceed to distribute the assests of the said deceasod among the parties enâ€" titled thereto regard being had only to the claims of which notice shall hbave been giyen as aboxe required, and the said executrix shall not be responsible for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received as aforesaid, at the time of such distribution. LxprA THoxPsox. Executrix, Durham, Ont. (%. Lerrox McCauL Durkam Ont. Solicitor for the said Executrix. Dated at Durham, this 15th day of February, A. D. 1897. Notice is hereby given that all Creditors and others, haying claims against the said George Dowling, who diea on or about the 29th day of Decâ€" ember1896, including those having ahy general or specific lien omencumbranee upon his estate, or ang part, or share thereot, orfinterest therein, aret on or before the ln the Estate of George Dowling lute of the Township of Bentinck, in the County of Grey, %‘armer. deceased. Pursuant to chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, and Amending Acts : Notice to Creditors. A.OOREO;Jâ€". We JUST RECEIVED the other day GOAT ROBE, WE HAVE A FEW â€" THEY GO AT $6.00 There are a few Overcoats â€" â€" Still to be disposed of DO YOU WANT A coop 20TH DLY OF ARCHE 1897, G BRA t] "K 5 Dozen Corsetsâ€"Style Confined to Ourselvesâ€" High Bustâ€" 3 side steeisâ€"The best Corset yet offered for the moneyâ€" HONOR ROLL. C dalyr 9 ‘¥cGrr.â€"In Glenelg, Tuesday, March W. L Dixox, Teacher. 2ud, to Mr, and Mrs, Thos. McGin:, 10 to 0 10 to O6u to 0 75 to 0 25 te 0 37 to 0 16 to 8 50 to 8 25 to 0 10 to 2 00 to «+ HMard Times Prices for cash. 20 per cent Discount off all all our Mantle Clotas â€" But dont wait too longâ€"If you want any â€" They wont last. un L- CRA N I ut 0,10 10 0®*12 87 0 17 70 10 Robess & Coats By the New Process, which for Finish and Softâ€" ness can‘t be beat. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for 4Â¥ The only Arstâ€"class Kearse in town. T Undertaking and Emba‘ming on latest prinâ€" ciples at reasonable rates. Robe Tanning ! Would intimate that he will contimue th Furniture and l'nderul(im;1 Business esiab lished by his father in Durham in 185% ang will endeavor to give all oid and new custom ors the same entire satisfaction. Furniture of the Best Make ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRA‘M!:I)G AHSPEGIAI.TY The undersigned offers to sell or rent on reasonab‘e terms, lot 32, on ist and 2nd. Con., 8. D. R., Bentinck, composed of 64 acres, nearly all cleared. Oomfortable house, good orchard and well. Close to school and church, 1 mile from Allan Park, 4 from Hanover. For further information apply to "URMTURE ADM URBERTAKMAG Durham, Feb, 16. 1897. {Verest of (nejate Leorge Dowling, in the HASKINS‘ FARM Lot No 62 & 6 CON 2, W, G, R. BENTINCK, conâ€" taining One Hundred Acres more or less, Ys well watered, has a comfortable House and splendid Bank Barn, 1 mile from Durham. & son. The Underniqned offers for Sale the interest of the late George Dowling, in LJ Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware cf all descriptions, Reâ€" pairing a specialty.â€"UPPER TOWK, Remember the stand â€"op te Market, Durbun.p“‘ For particulars apply on the premises to LÂ¥pIa Tnorxrsox Executria of the late Groror Dowume or to Tnomas Haskixs. URH AM. _ Thos. Smith, E. J. SHEWELL Robe Tanning ! FARM for SALE, or to RENT. ow# ES â€"PFULL LINE OFâ€" FOR SALE. nformation apply to J AS. WEBBE?% WATCHES, CLOCKS, E. J, sUNEWELL Durham. t# &

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