West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 4 Mar 1897, p. 8

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Sb ht J. A. HUNTERS DEPARTMENTAL STORE - t.“.2: ONTARIO "a-ttcr, TORONTO ia-Ahurmt.-Dr. Andrew. Anti-- 9Appe Pills? A ynluulrle remedyin La, fPith Catarrhdt Gnmplieasttoei I. Cold 'll kt, head. he. H, PARKER. Dragging at In. foiivef. a ,_.-- VIII-IV" win-Itch“: Inf u-rvice in an eloquent manner, both " the house and at the ve. Her rennin: were laid to regt I'a'e"Lei. husband in f,eelll.t'uhnrteS' put-gun Road (Help amt-Inc‘s Uemete ', Durham Road (Help pig. on Fahuary grd. Thus ended the earthly pilgl image of a beloved Mother who has gone to join those gone before her in the place where there: is no part- ing. but. where joy and happiness reigns at ner tuner-a]. Her Pastor. Rev. tiniig Mod being prick, Rev.?r. Hun-mire, of the Atthiidut Chute couduc the On Summing Evening the 2lst. Feb. at her son's rev-i once. Mr Neil McKinnon. Pricevllle, Annabella McLean, relict of the late Donald McKinnon of the town- ship of Egremum, at the ago of Eighty Seven yen". Mrs. McKinnnu was in native of the late of Time. Argyle Shin- Scotland. and emigrated to this Country about 50 {em agommne to the Tyra, ship of G enele in the year 1861 and luc- ated with her husband and falling; on,) Lot No 11. Con 1. South Durham I had. Gienelg. known now us Roh IT Her humble dwelling was A ply e o refuge to many I._ weary haveller who was I Mr. Joseph Aussum has been drawing I brick for some lime for what purpose-we are not sure hut we fancy it is for Tene. bring his dwelling house,' Mr. Assam en- joys the comforts of life. and why not for he is well worth of its comforts. We me pleased to find Squire Fergu- son'quite hearty yet, he generally ab tenas meetings of importance. Mr. John McAully one of our Town Fathers is very low and hmdly expect- ed to recover. We. remind all again of the annual Sniree in the Preshrterian church here on March mm. "l are invited. Mrs. James Watson is suffering from an attack of acute headache which she is'mbject to at times. .mun tum Alex. MeLarn of the South _ Line Artemesia sold a team of heavy l, draught. the other day for $140. Wenmde amistake in announcing that the 1ihtrertninGGi' in connection with the‘Sons of Temperance) came all! some time ago. Itswas {unnamed till last Thursday evening. ownng 10 so much alekuess in the locality. We believe they 2rad quite an enjoyable evening. A good pro rmmne was placed in the ch iirman'a goods and was well render. ed by all taking part. Proceeds of the evening 87.50. No preaching in the Presbyterian chumh last Sunday on account. of the Pastor in sickness. m, bad quiten storm on Saturday Int, cold 1nd frosty. Some of the nmds running North and Smath wen pretty well blockaded for ade, or two. John and Alex. Man'rn of the South ypt értemesini sold a team of hem-v Mr. nnd Mrs. Allan Molnnis wu-e for the last week or two unable to be out of bed for the most of the time on account. of the general eotypim'nton the round. but, we are pleased to hear of them get- ting hotter again. Mr. John Simpson. Jr., of Chicago in home to his fatifer's in this village. We think John is to remain for acme time. Mrs Maxwell, Artetnesin, died week before last. She was buried at Swin- ton Park, Proton. She was ndaughter of the late Mr. Aldrorn. Swinton Park. Rev. Peter McNuh, Bible and Tract Society agent. held his Annual meeting in the Presbyterian: Church last Tues- day evening the 23rd Fob. on “count of of the inclement-y of the weather, the crowd was rather mm". l V__...-.. .v. nu: yup“. Mr. Randolph Midiatttrtt, we under- stand is: little unwell too, but we hope to hear of him awn attending to his business again. Owing to Mm. McKinnon'. funeral on Tue-day of lat. week a large number of good Reformer- were detained from at.- tending the convention in Durham. However, we are pteasrr.d to see and to heat, thot. there was I good representa- tion all over the county. and lithough we ware drained froth putting in ttttl appearwce at the large and in aentia1, meeting. yet we cluim to be M good i subjects to the cause " thoee who had the privilege of being there. We were {Leased to find that our (cod friend Dr. 1 nderkin was nhle to he preeent and we hopethnt be may enjoythe privi- lege of attending many "convention in the future. Rev. C. McLeod is improving some- what from his illness, He has had a severe’attack of La. Grippe with other ailments it left the Rev. gentleman in a. critical condition. He was to have had Communion a couple of Sablnths ago. but it had to he postponed. It will be some time before' he will be able to re- eume his studies for the pulpit. u: any mu new" be not". twoul your: at the hmineu he will be ennui of becoming so Editor. Our young friend will p one pardon In fordruwing his attention to an error which twinin- ed in his bad et, unintentiom {of tonne. i. e. the it!!! " Top Gill! at col was was for the fhat time on Sunday 'thrttt. which in not correct. It was max on Tuesday after it arrived and not meddled with on Sunday " all. OBITUARY. ~90 _..----. Drtar.--0n \Vrdnesdy morning 17th of February. Mrs. Joseph Wixweit and 47 years. The (learned has been In failing health for home time, hut shout three day. (“one her death ”as anyti- set in her all", which “fueled the entire trtem. She. with her husband and fmnily rune to our neighborhood About two years ago and since that. time bu ained the "aged. of the Man ‘friends PII,",.,', part. t? e funeral too! place on Friday last to Swinton Park Cemetery. The sow-vice Wu: performs; by the Rev. Mr. McFadden. We, ex. tend to the corn-owing harbour! Ind family our heartfelt sympathy in their sore bonnet-Invent. She In". ttehimt hernfomil; of Ghnyl and l flrl, tho, with their other mourn the on at . him! another. . .l ", We are glad to have to report that Mr. Thoums Nichol who has had a sev- en. attack of La Grippe is able to be around again. Mr. Arch. McDonald has secured a situation in NehronU store. Proton tit. We Wish our friend success. _ Mr, Wm. Allan, of Ihrremont spent Thursday afternoon with his brother- in-law, Mr. Wut. Reid. Miss Emma Johnston, of Pricevillo. was the guest of M iss "my Willlmmon a few days ago. Mr. and Ws. G. Currie, of Prure vin- ited the former's sister. Mrs. Water. last. week. Miss Mary Williamson and Carrie Watt, n visited Miss Bella McKinnon, last Tuesday. - fl.“ -_._ way" “lulu. A numbel of our young people attend- rd the literary "muting of the Epwnrth Leann Society in Prifiville. lust, Frid- IT, night and report. ' very enjoyable I III. Quite a. lively time around our Valle? at present. Wood is coming from " directions. While many of our south lines cue busy teaming out their grain, I A dance mug held at M r. w. Kearney',. on the 18th inst.. when quite a numhel of ielect and invited people made things lively till late next morn. \Ve ttndes. stand that the Kingston boys were the promoters. Eighteen dollars and seventy cents Wu the means of the Edge Hill Social and we woul any now Zion. go and do likewise. mumy ur we mama say "mended to do run. but. by the wuly Jzu-kJ dashed down the road she mm d have' a very short stay there, Ir. Owns, the Bentinck mule jabber mu roulid here on Sunday the 14th. Mrs, w. Hour y Eben; the last weeks visiting friends around o. S y in Tmynm- H't'ympayird, her hm-l Most of mar .s,vtr(Liiorae attended the Pie Social at. Edge Hill on the 18th inst. they all report having a good time. Some of the Chrintian people, saving the poverty and misery and mime produced by the ”caused holes, devised measures for relief. Societies were formed, the metal.- en of which took a plmlge never to fall in. to tha holes. A few ere naval in thm my, bat only a low. Institutions called 'cuwa’ were anal-lubed. where thaw who had fallen m, were ant. to Ire cured of their tendency to keep on falling in ; but only a very few were sued by this memus Thn work ofdesttuetiou went on. The men of Tumlplvtuwu continued to tumble nlo th: an holes and their houses and fences continued to mm In down, (Concluded next week.) i 1 men tell In twice or (liner, and many were titus0y ftutilly killed by the tall. So thut widows and orpuntstdereased nndwultip- lied in Tuml-lctowu. The rumors of the holes were hrud of htrutur boys and young men and et en yum);- Wmmm Into their pitfalls. Many who CII in, Astor burg taken out, felt a strung-o impala to (-nmnm crime. They quanellm. they "lsused tLeir families, they committed murder. Crime increased [rightfully In Tumhlowwu A large jail had to be built, whereas a. MIMI Irck- up bud sumced before tho ad- vent of the holes. The poorlmuse was on- lurgud mull " In tone times nu lug an it was before and a low and Inger hospital Ina built Be, welt. One night he Li this hole open end engeerded. A neighbor fell into it. 'oi9tttttd him. tools all the money he could ihsd in the unturtnnete men'e pock- ete. then he celled en Imhnlence ml sent him to the hospital. The next night. mother mantel] into the hole. nith the like reenlt. A policemen celled and non- ded John thet he must put herriore eronnd the hole " night. John eeid he would go before the town eouncil that night and eee them about it. He did to end offered to pey Moo e peer lor the privilege of koep' lins: the hole open. Stu-nae to my, I mljtril, of the council yo el to eecept the offer, end it Wee noctdted. John mute money by rohting all the victims who fell into hie hole. Other men heceme axiom to make money in the lame Way. Ilhey apohed for the nine privilege. The eoun' eil paused an ordinance that my man ot good moral chenctor might be lieen,od to l keep a hole open on the payment at Moo e year, and to the town became full ot holes The farmers end people in neighboring yillegee celled it "Tambliwn? The owners of the licensed holee grew rich. But those who fell into them grew poor. Whnueter they fell in they were robbed. No one mm killed by the liret (all. Bat, theme to say. when it man lell once he wanted to go near the hole 'at,'niu. There was some luxcinntinn about it. And so On an: principal street, . human} i Brute bps a “as. he mus sou tot many: "t [and at it 'lust him may]: thought he wu curhot"sst in In: but get rich. he commenced budding n no]; undu- hin amount. Ho bog“: walk byhdimipg . sleep hole in the I dream, I lived in . teotiaoTi,. The ”out. were gunner-ll, happy. Thus Ill no poeutr And an lit“. crim. YELLOW VALLEY. u umu or “may: boys and young oxen yum): Woman Into their Many who frll in, later how; r. felt I Human impahe to cnmnm They qvmreelled. they ulnuso-d ----- O O ---- ZION NEWS. irh'if iii-v, -._.- he mun/J; Lili M tits macho-ans ly luuue to m" Cl CAI ti' V294}: robbed. I. But, once he Thero AIM so A oneral financial budan 9100 next door to Btandard Bulk John - to lend. - Invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. lltn'il Jackson. Jr,, curt Dir. u Iitlttt E Jahm, Notary mu. Land Valuation, Ill v lent ofittouvaneeon good Form or Town Nong- on MONEY. Ttlt'lht,,itg Interest and suitable terms for the 'IT/SC.'. Loans entirely Contidectc Full Stocks In all other lines. A limited Supply ot Wood taken In exchange for Goods. _ Inner of Man-icy: Licence. CUTTERS, The itnest lot ever Been in Durham and away dawn ia price. Come and got your choice when the large stock is on hand. A: loot) " the snow come: they will go like hot cakes. Robes of all kinds from " upwards, just the season to buy. This is the season to ma kc your wife or sister the present of 3 Sewing Huh ine or Org-n. I have . full stock of the celebrated Raymond Machines and will give you 15 percent discount forthe next 60 days. Full stuck at Bell, Doherty & Kern Organs. CONVEYAN CERS. Doc. 16th 1896. A dose given immediate relief. . . . Many 50c a bottle. Dr. Bmlld's White Pine 'ie g',t.'n'at,u,oa for COUGHS COLDS and all diseases of the ‘mm W 1111394.: and LUNGS. lung-an“ Agents, -- sd Ewing decided fo conduct the bmim alone, I lulu Mrgain: in Stoves and Winter Goods, for the in Me (at',', and beat assorted Stock "d Stowe ever " of Fo. 'ng “ova. Heating Stanza. 2m- mm... n... my...” mum w camuwt the amines. alone, I have "saliva! In give cps-rial Mr aina in Stoves and Winter Goods, for the new! airly dug/c. I have Me 7a eat and beat assorted Stock g, Slave; ever Rheum in lawn. all Nun's of (Jogging clover, Heati Stoves, air. Slaves. Coat Stoves & 1"u I‘ul'w': and at price: you can t'gr,est to (mu. COUGH BALSAMM JACKSONS. C()jjjjijiij), T((i) WW] M GUUGHS 84 BULBS 26e per bottle. .._ IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS: Head Wear Body Wear Foot Wear of the best quality and Values, Second to None. Mortars. . McARTHUR - '"'yi,Wa" Is ready gr the Snow wrrn '0rd to Lik Especially adapted for Whooping -Bright, lite t Cheap. Sold only by Wm. CALDER l P [lliti)liiah1liit, -- - yy,:', [Dnlglhh‘l Old Rand.) - i))'f/),"'g,1,e,': Iillatt 3:32;, a?" Gum "I". rang (0.. m- Testimonial: i LOWER TOWN DURHAM. sd.t$$1o‘s$s‘ in it: favor....:£ and DURHAM. Cout. Vic take thanking past pat convince All kinds Organs a WARE BO Cha Call and i New Print New Drew, New Lace New l Large EVERYT I)urh:u Fee our Lines of BIG Big Line of lluc.. marl ers that Syrst its f Nor

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