West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 11 Mar 1897, p. 9

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A+ #y Since our last budget there has been a change in the weather, some of the roads are nearly impassable. Mr. and Mis. W. J. Wiison returned home on Friday. They were yisiting their daughter, Mis Hugh Wilson at Binghampton. Forbes h:u‘lin large bee last week and «d#ance at night. It was the best of the the The low price of farm produce has caused many of our farmers to engage in the wood and sawâ€"log business this winter and a great deal of timber has ‘dbeen cut down and taken to market, the favorable winter has helped thoss engagedin it and although the price was small it has been a great benefit to boys. Miss Maggie McCannel returned home from Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs John Calder visited at Mr. George Haw‘s last week. us ds 1is 404 MB i iisin hn ie us some thing soon at the rate he is buying cows, Get your guns and beils ready The young man who visited at Mr. A, Clark‘s Sunday night is reminded that the dog is missing since. Mr. Philip‘s sale last week was a good one. â€" Much credit is given to the Aucâ€" tioneer Mr. D McPhail for the able manner he discharged his new duties. _Miss Morrison, of Mintois visiting her «uncle Mr. John McEachern. Miss McKenzie, dressmaker, Dromore, is engaged at Mr. Jas, Swanston‘s at Mr. Jas. Hays, jr., cf Varney, is haul ing hay from Mr. Robt. Connolly‘s. Feed is getting scarce. Mr. Thos, Piilps‘ sale was well attendâ€" ed on Tuesday last, we are sorry to lose Mr. Philps and his faunily from our midst but wish them all suceess in their mew home in Manitoba. present. Mr. F. Shields now rejoices over his fifth son. Mr. Hugh Sinclair has been confined to the house since Christmas with a sore eye, which still gives him mucn pain and anxiety. At the annual meeting of the patrous of the Cheese Factory the Auditor‘s reâ€" nort showed receipts amounting to $8â€" 678,2, Expenditure $800.80, Patrons reâ€" ceived $2877.42, Balance on band 7,07. A special meeting will be held on Satâ€" urcéay 6th March to let the hauling of the milk and other business. many, Hoping for better times uuder Laurier we plod along. Last week‘s thaw lowered the snow drifts considerable, and made the sleighâ€" ingq better, Mr, Hogarth, of Flesherton Station, moved back to our burg last week and ein now be found behind the counter bhere now, Mr. Alex, McDonad and Miss Sarah McDonald of Toronto are the guests of Mr, MceDonaid at present. Miss Flora McLean is home from Torâ€" onto looking hale and hearty. Mr., Angus Mclaughlan is busy draw ing lumber from Markdale for his new house, Angus is a hustler, Mr, Jno, MaLaughlan is also getting material on the ground for a new house, Mr. Geo, Moore of Durham has the contract. Mr. R,. Middaugh is keeping very poorly, we soon hope to see him arournd again. Rev. Mr, Humphrics preached in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday owing to Mr, McLeod‘s illness, Mr. and Mrs, Francis McLeod, of Saunâ€" nidale passed through our burg last week after visiting friends a~ Top C iff, Miss Maggie Ferguson leayes this Wweek for Chicago. Rev, Mr. McLeod is improving, alâ€" though yet very low. Mr. Jas, Frame leaves this week for Manitoba. Intended for last week. Jas. Murdoch spent last week about Mre. R. J. Kine is at present visitng with her mother, Mrs. Watters, Mre«. James Reid returned home a tew days ago after spending a few weeks with ber dauzbter Mrs Fowler of Detrict. Miss Minnie Reid who has been keepâ€" ing house; for her uucle returuned bome last Saturday. * A load from the gravel visited Mr. This Nichols one evening lately. Hagh says the togs on the harne*s sre soo long now, but he thinks the owner can tie a knot on them. It is rumor»d that one of our young mesn who drives a white horse bad the misfortune of tumbling out of his catter on Suasdaey night lately which resulted in a long lonolr‘:"l“. you will haya to go bocmmenitatats sBAAA YELLOW vVALLEY PRICEVILLE. YEOVIL. Mr. Joseph Maxwell held his sale of farm stock and implements last Wednesâ€" day and sold everything for its full values We understand that Mr. Maxwell intends leaving our neighborhood Tuesday, and will settle on a farm on the South Line. We |r sume that the recent thaw reâ€" sulted in bad roads in this neighhborhood as Mrs, George Williamson upset a big load of straw while teaming to their own barn lately. Last Monday night while the inmates of Mr. Dowes housefwere fast asleep fire broke out in one of the rooms which caused much exitement for a time, but 2s water was close at hand, we belieye that little damage was done, The anunual meeting of the Priceville Metbhodist Sunday School was held last Monday night, the following offlcers were elected.â€"Superintendent Mr. W. 3 Blakeâ€" ston. _ Secretary Mr. Eddie Watson, Treasurer Mr. Wwm, Watson jr. Teachors Elected Mr, W. ;. Blakeston, Mrs. Blakeston, Mrs. Jas. Watson, Mr. George Tryon. That Quilt.â€"The Committee has out tickets to draw on this quilt on the 19:b. Au error appeared in our last week‘s reâ€" port stating Mrs. Marck was present wheu it skould have been Mr. March. The Beaton & MceArthur timber men bhave moyed their camp to Fleshertoun. Pete MeaArthur took a trip home in com! pany with Chas. Stephenson. _ Mr. A. H. Burnets had quite a long stay in Durbkam last week. Our peop‘e aro geiting up ice for summer use. Mrs, W. B, McDonald, widow is laid up with La Grippe. Miss Mary Degeli, her neice, is with ber, Well Mr. Editor : â€"Moving is the order of the day around those parts Mr. Armâ€" strong of Luther who has rented Mr. Johu Batchelor‘s farm also Mr. MeKinuie of same place who has reated Mr. Joseph Ellis‘s furum are all about to move and this eorner is kept 10 confasion, but never mind we will have all the more neighbors and wili have a little town. No word came as to who would get the Mait Contract as I write. Our mail man has got anotuer fancy dog. * â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"# #â€" 4e â€"_â€"_._...« Mr, J. Mitebeli lost a valuavle horse last week. Mr. A. Jackson of Gordouyille was visit at Mr. A, Boyd‘s last week. Mr. A, Dean‘s wood bee on the 27th we hear was a success. Mr. Joo sack‘s foot which he eat a while ago pleased to say is healing rapidly. Eider Gregory of Is D. 8. Charch, who has been preachiug here for the past week has retarned back to Mayburue where be will remain for a time. Mr L. Kennedy we believe is on the sick list, hope soon to hear of his recovery, Mr, Rutherford Ro{ger, of Guelph is visiting at his nephews, where he has not been for about thirty years. Also Mr, A. Jack‘s children are very sick and Mr. T. Campbell‘s chiliren, I guess it must be La Grippe, Mr. J. Smith had a paraly tic stroke this weoek. Mrs. C. McLean was visiting as the parâ€" ental bhome Mr. Dezell‘s. Mi, A, Bryce rceived a letter from SpringGeld Mo. stating that his danghter, Mrs Alliston had passed away. She leaves a bhasband and three chrild: en to mourn her loss : Plieasant as the air of eveuing When it flouts smong the trees. Pesceful be thy siient slumber Peacelul in the grave so low, Thon no more will join our number Thou no more our â€"ougs will kpow. Miss T. Mitchell we hear is yery low hope she will soon bo able again to Juin our number, A new visitor appeared in the Loure of (teorge Woo s ey the other ..oruing. we liwk ho will stay for a wh.le. & Â¥Y* _ _ to @10 perâ€"week for -;\.;{:bome' work Child car do it. â€" No Rekberse, Beokse or Ped dting This is bone fAie. Send stamp for work and particulars at once. THF SEYMOR 8SUP LULYCo Masosic Temple, Camdern NJ Derbam T 20 Varvey 1 25 Holstein 7 88 Mt, Forest T ar Batfe, cortain and sure. ant C _ HHEW Eruggists. 2¢. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Mood‘s Sarsaparilia. and easy to operate, is true f Hood‘s Pills, which are ap to date in every respect. HKoods When you take Hood‘s Pills. The big, oldâ€"fashâ€" loned, sugarâ€"coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not in it with Hood‘s. Fasy to take Sister thou Goeutle as Pleasant as When it 1 Pesceful be Peace/lul : Thon no m “'OKK FOR MEX AND WOMEN. Wepay $ to @10 perâ€"week for »asy bome work No Gripe® Â¥ZLP WANTSDBâ€"FEMALE. G. T. R. TIME TABLE. PROTON CENTRE. TLFs HOPEvILLE. wast mild and levely, the summer breeze s the air of evemin floats among the tre« a thy silent slumber : rccived a letter from stating that his danghter, l passed away. She leaves three chrild:en to mourn w4 ons n Leave Pills O new ces w wl t Masur. Arrive, 10 % 10 17 10 05 ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO tho Continued from last week, | Fina!lly, a councilman named Crank inâ€" troduced a bill to repal the license ordinâ€" ance, to close up all holes and prohibit the opening of any more. Strange to say, it was violently opposed. The friends of the existing ordinauce called attention to the heuyy incregse in the public reyonue because of the license fees. ‘Yes,‘ suid Mr, Crank that is true, but nevertheless our taxes are beavier than ever, and our peoâ€" ple, save the owners of hkoles, are poorer than ever.‘ ‘Well,‘ they rejoined, *Mr. Crank was trying to restrict the personal literiiea of the citizens of Tumbldown. The owners of the hules had a right to get a li.ing. Nobody was obliged to tuimble into them. But if any man wauted to tumble in, it was his inslienable right as a | Aweriean citizen to do so.‘ Finally, the council decided to submit the proposel ordinance to & vote of the people. ‘Thg newspapers did not discuss the matter, but allowed the friends and opponents of ths mensnre io ~r nt their arguments as adâ€" vertisements, and to pay for them. The Curistians of the town were about eyenly di.ided. Hulf of the clergy supported the prolubitory ordinance, Of the other hali the wajority kep 6 silent. Butsome spoke cut agamst it. The Rey. Dr, Sensational said that he was uot gong to butt his head against a stone wall. Moreoyer, he did not believe in rentoring temptation. Chrnstians needed temptation so as te resist it. The Rey. Dr. Silyer Tougnue said that he did not like to have hbis utâ€" ‘ tention constaatly called to the evils in the community. He preferred to look on the bright side of life. HMe would turn 1Js gaze from the holes, and fix it npon the stars. â€" He reminded his hearers that the angelic strains whieh startled the shepords on the plaics of Bethlehom were now reâ€" echomg round the worll. The Rev. Nir. Handsome, who had some owners of holes in his congregation, said that the evil was great, but tho remedy was inadcquate. The new law con!d not be enforces. Pro hibition would nâ€"t prohibit. Whereyer 1 had been tried the number of holes had inâ€" creased, This was difficuit to comprehend but the reyerend gontleman youched for l the statement. Well, the day for voting on the prohibiâ€" tion ordinance amived, and it was rejectod by an overwhelming majority, An a‘surb story this, you say. So it is. A lut of fools, you eay, were the people of Tumllstown. So they were. There was not ons redesming featnre about the holes in Tambletown, They were bad and all bad. So there is sot one redeeming feature about our saloons.{They are bad and entirely bad. _ Anl yet they exist and thriye, turnu men into brutes and happy horaes into bhovels. mnitiply crime and political corruption, and send thou sands upon thousands to eternal wose, by permission of the Et«to, and by the conâ€" nivance of the great majority _ of our Chrisiian voters.â€"‘Bpiscopal Recorder,‘ But I sabmit that this story illustrates precisely the way in which our goyernâ€" ment and our Christian people deal with the saloons. f TARM FOR SALE. Dr This is a Rare Bargain. _ Stock or Grain. â€" Business meant. _ If not sold will lease for a term of years. Apâ€" ?QWMMOM i e & 2A aL {y F --:-r ' ‘N:'"‘;‘r e ssig | z. M in‘rd gy\ ofye} «w { :498 yA d. w / ' ,‘,l% ';. Nug 4 ioowomonmn A SNAP ! LO Holes in Tumbletown. HOW IS YOUR SU39 BY W. W. LATHORPE, ESQ. $000000900000090000000000000080000000006000006846 ROBERT WATSOpr: Jr., Isherwood P. O., Un asked, oneâ€"tnird down. #08¢099000000000000008 000600000 00000006 If | were a mother I| would insist The prosperity of farming toâ€"dar deâ€" pends more on the methods emp oyed than on government rule. Take seeds for example. Many farmers who are alive to their own interests in other thing are careless in buying seeds. They seem to thir) that a seed is a ssed and there it ends. If there were more knowl: edge about seeds and greater care exerâ€" cised in their selection, there would be risher crops and better returns. Realizing this D. M,. Frrry & Co,, the famous seed firm, of Windsor, Ont., have embo‘ed in their IMustrated Anâ€" nual for 18907 much valuable informaâ€" tion about seed and their selection. It contains the information gleaned from many years practical experience in the seed vusiness, and the newest and best things about gardens and gardening. Such a book issued by a firm of unâ€" questioned reliability is of the highest value to every one who plants a seed, Although the cost of printing and emâ€" bellishing it with beautiful illustrations has been great, it is sent free to any one making application to the aboye firm. Their seeds are sold by all the leading dealersâ€"if your merchant does not keep them, send to them,. The day of the old bellâ€"cord on <trains is ipparently about over, owing to the in senious contrivance which has been adopted by the Grand Trunk Railway, in the form of a steain whistle in each car which the conductor may operate without leaving train, _ It will not only be used as a warning when the express trains are about to start, but will also, through the steam pipes, form a conâ€" nection and mode of communication hbe» tween the conducter and the engine driver. Should the train ** break loose" at any point, the whistle will not onlr warn the engineer of the fact, but will even locate the break,. as the length of the whistle before the air exhausts will depend on the proximity of the break to the engine. The pipes which are used are aimost hidden from sight at the side of the cars.â€"#Ezx. on havin Shorey‘s Clothing for my boys. heir Ciothing is all sewn with linen thread, the material is all thoroughly sponged and shrunk, and the workmanship is guaranteed not to rip. â€" Might just as well have it, when it doesn‘t cost any more than inferior makes. You can always be sure of getting it by insisting on seeing the guarantee ticket which is in the pocket of each .g.a.n’{lgn‘t" udia t us w en AAAAAAAAE (MORNING EDITION) trom now to the elose of the Dominion House The Ontario Legislature met on 10th February, and the Dominicn Parliaâ€" ment is summoned to meet about the middle of March, and more _ than usual interest is being taken in them ; the Ontario House on account of its new Mining Law, and the Dominion House on account of the Tariff and other questions which must be dealt with by the New Parliament and is almost ‘sure to prolong its session beâ€" yond the usual time. Take full advantage _ of the offer by leaving your order with the ReviEew toâ€"day, or sending direct to We have just received a sample copy of a most excellent and lifeâ€"like photoâ€" engraving done in three colors of the new Liberal Cabinet,. The Globe Printâ€" ing Co. have secured the exclusive conâ€" trol of the picture. _ It is 21 x 28 inches, and was arranged from actual photoâ€" graphs by the wellâ€" known Canadian artist, J. D. Kelly, and is being preparesa by the Toronto Lithogiaphing Co, NOTICH. All persons indebted to C McArthur are respect{fully requested tC call for their accounts aiid settle either by _ cash orâ€" note at once, All accounts left unsettled must be placed into other hands for collection. C. McArthuUor. which bespeaks perfect work. WESTSRHN ASSURANC COMPANY, Capital subscribed $2,000,000 Capital paid up 1,000,000 Assets, over 2,320,000 Annual income, over 2,400,000 Losses paid since organization, over 22,000,00 Insurance effected on all kinds of proâ€" ]wrty at lowest current rates. . Dwelâ€" ings and their contents insured on the most favorable terms. Losses promptly and Liberally settled Call or communicate with |__ _ Durhkham, Aug. 27th,. 1806 THE FARMER AND POLITICS. FIRE AND MARINE. o Aminp CGlobrs LIBERAL CABINET. You Can Have THE GLOBE, TORONTO. s FOR $:.50 C. RAMAGE, ___Sub, Agent. f ie 3 s *fl?s; W $2,000,000 1.000.000 2,320.000 2,400,000 ©22,000,00 13 ma Pn PTIELD & â€"GARDEN S E E D S f 4s "X." P A RKER®‘S A88882%8%88¢e A8e8seeesece2e00ee Having decided to conduct the business alone, I have resolved to give apecial bargains in Stoves and Winter Goods, for the next sixty days. I have the (m'zest and best assorted Stock of Stoves ever shown in town, all kinds of Cooking stoves, Heating Stoves, Box Sigves, Coal Stoves & Furnaces and at prices you can afford to buy. CUTTERS, The finest lot everseen in Durham and away down in price. Come and get your choice when the large stock is on hand. As soon as tha snow comes they will go like hot cakes. ‘This is the season to make your wife or sister the present of a Sewinz Machâ€" ine or Organ. I have a full stock of the celebrated Raymond Machines and will give you 15 85:’ cent discount forthe next 60 days. Full swck of Beli, Doherty & Karn Organs. . I have plenty of it to advance en good Farm or Town Mortgages mMONEY at a low rate of Interest and suitable terms for the borrow“::r‘ Loans entirely ConfiGertal. Full Stocks in all other lines. A limited Supply of Wood taken in exchange for Goods. LOWER TOWI Robes of all kinds from 87. upwards, just the season to buy. D&Yid JaCkBDII, Jl‘.. Cleork Civ. u Aithur H Jackson, Notary Public. Land Valuators, â€" Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Monoy to lend. KMoney invested for Parties. Farms bought and solda. CONVEYANCERS. A general financial business transacted Office next door to Etandardâ€" Bank Durbam Dec, 16th 1896. JACKSONS. R&AAMAR%R%S8e.0e Head Wear Body Wear Foot Wear of the best quality and YValues, Second to None. IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. Goodsâ€"â€"â€"Bright, New & Cheap. Â¥a4 . McARTHUR Is ready for the Snow WITH Test ‘em once, you‘il eall again. AND Issuer of Marriage Licenses, DRUGSTORE. [Dalglish‘s ‘Old Stand,] throat,, et: For Coughs, qql‘dsv Bronâ€" & CALDER LOWER TOWN DURMIAM , WATBON & CO., Prorpacrons. Kred â€" New Prints f1 New Dress G Wew Lace Cu WAREHOU Call and insp All kinds of Organs & Pi We take thaunking past patr convinced See our Lines of Chas. "Large 8 EV SRYT H And So DDDurhsm. ig Line of W New Sprin New Table merlh ers i that sBysts« its e Whi VOL..

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