West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 11 Mar 1897, p. 6

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In scare at: n of when tlity of our he behest sending to of what is l them. Our u! th, and the he brat goods Duf uur friends wing it no shin yin-n you can 4we'nt got Itselves no its Quality ONE PRICE I") for '.00 tor .0) for hem for 30e. for Ego. I): tor 300. my 18e. yard. .ough it )ODS. e, 25e. put. 'eent , ard. patterns me. lets, bat the thing in this h 2Oe. for 15 ODDS. IS'I‘ " if you yard Ext: a value. yard for lie tt."io $8 m $6.50 " 50 $3. 50 $3. ttt b) .A,a Seeds! Seeds? BARmsTERS,SoLtGiTORS, CONVEYANCERS. tkts 061395 r-OP posits TOWN BA, Lower Town, Durham air 5, ca) to loan at lowest rates ot interest wni b. if: Pricevil1e the an: Wednes day in each month. OfBce at the Uom- uercial Hotel. 1.8le or HARRIAGI “can”. Hol- stein, Ont. Partie. waited upon within a renou- able distance, if desired. "outein, January Mth 18W, OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST or the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. Residence Brst door west of th Post OtBce, Durham. - _ _-_-- __ lye are prepared to take building can trans and furnish all kinds of Material at living prices. nn. beg to announce to the public that we haunt the null rebuilt and vetitted with t O WEI: TO WN " . GARDEN Seeds, at ROC/ik . BOTTOM PLANING AND MATCHING nos: AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND AT RIGHT PRICES. Drmnore. June 6th. 'm. " WATSON EROS Dr. T. C. HOLT L. D. S. iMPROVED MACHINERY. .7Eiil DENTISTRY. ITS NOT ALWAYS THE SIZE i)? THE DOSE ".’hich cures your ailment. The t thing at the right time is like the t man in the right place. When are troubled with a Billions Head- . you will find there is nothing to ' it like "Gan's Liver Pills. " s nail in Size, " “Small in Price, " "Easy to take. " W. S. HORSBURGH. NORTH EGREMOXT. Elliott &. Elliott, EEZaCFARLANE 81 Ci), at THE DURHAM PHARMACY. PRICE-S ss"' (f ll DI'RIIA M THE Prawn: ARE Coxvmcm) When they rend the testiutonials of cures by Hosid's Bnrsaparillm They are written by honest men and women and areplain. straxghxfurward statements of Mct. The people have confidence in Hood's Sur- saparilln because they know it actually and permanently cures, even when other medicines fail. 1vANTED.--earnest Men and Woman to circulate "The Swovd of Islam: Or Fiulfetiug Armenia". a. thrilling hook, Graphic accounts of the Eastern Quest- ion, the Turk. Armenian. and Moham- uwdunism with its horrible nmssnmres. Numerous startling illustrations taken on the spot. 448pages, only $1.00 Agents make 815.00 to $30.00 weekly. Books on time. Pros (-ctuq free to can vussers. The idl1'j1"ifi%Tii'rlli'rflfk co. LTD., Toronto, Ont. At last i"/,,ett,ipS." Normanby Council the petition. of . Barber and others asking tor the formation of two union school sections along the from. of the townships was thrown out. The reasons tor the rejection was that it would unduly weaken sections 1 and 2 3nd would 'feytroyCNo,3entirrlr It Hoods Pills are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sampurilln. Easy and yet "tcient. is an extremely ditncuit problem and something will yet have to bedone to lee better school privilege: to the' gravel Road children'. FoitoEnv.---h numhm- of Nurlnuuhy farmers wore surprised n few days alga to rectu've bank "otilivations that thei" unto: were due. A little enquiry mun established the fart that the hank had been drawn upon to the tune of tseveral hundred of dollars and bogus limos depnsited. The hank isa Hmttiltonone, and the forger in alleged to be a ynnng man who figured in this bad business before. chxn'cxxa Comxcrla,---If the hill ho- f m- th" I. :ialu‘uro passes as intrmlm-rd Durham will have a mayor and six councillors elected hy general vote. thy wan-d system It is presumed being nlml- ished. h is all right as it is here we are well ahle to pay them the handsome sul. m-y they get. Drop the hill. Sinco County Council has decided to hold its sessions "tdim-ttttr points in the County by all "mans let Grey follow suit. Durham is more central than Um-n Hound, and a saving in Inna-mm would ensue. Hesidva it would hour“! nur nmlhorn men to examine the sun: 11 of the county sometimes. Su'y. Gorslino informs us that tl tin for swim-ting premiums by tl Horticultural Sncioty has been extend., to the lst of April, so that there 'ig " time for any one to join this WON] institutioni'and rezm its 1rcnefits, EyitTrNo.--f%r a few minutes Tm (Lav M'emw‘ of law werk, " lax; the y ('Xlt any meniwr 0f t uxplrm. m i!l Rusk. tntusnd a commnl ml fora TN lrie, but by I ttee was c-meguE: harm was done. A Iteprosenttttive of the Salvation Army will oonduet a " beautiful. uniqurr and allmvthe Lantern Aiming" in tho- Town Hall. Thursday evening, at 8 p. m. Suhjc-ct "The Life of the Late Mr». General Knuth." Next matting of the Provincial Orange (hand Lodge will be held in Juluserstou. The: late met-ling in Woodstock was somewhat nun-ml Irv strained relations henna-n Clarke (d?. lace and Rum. Birruingliam. VANTED.-lntclrigent mev with good education to whom $600 and ex- penses tot. the tirst year would be an olttcettttuit, Writewich full particul- ars. THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond b't, West., Toronto, Ont. Wooo.--We have got a generous share this winter, but can take " lictlc more from some who have promised it on Sulmzriptimlz bring it along on those god roads, and ask for your re. eeipt. ' Business men can have a box of mo good envelope neatly printed for one dullur. 1lavd limes put-u, but the" wall advertise your business. Fon HALE.--A cutter ttearly as good as new, also a set of single Harness, Will he sold vely rettsonrtble. Apply to thw. (has. Came-run, UpprwTown, Dur- hum. LosT,-h pair of black and yellow tloxskiu units, with buckskin facing, bo- tween Rob Roy Hotel and Durham. Fimh-r will oblige by leaving them at REVIEW office. ---hoTiCE.-An act-Cs overdue must be paid within ten days. Otherwise tuoy will he olaced in other lmuds for t/','i'fdrl','n'.'fd A. BLACK. Owing to the lunented death of Rev. Mr. McLeod, Priceville, the Sniree planned forthe lUthiust. is postponed i'odetiuitvly. That Hood's Snrsnpnrilla purif1es the Mum! and m-lieves a vast. amount of suf- fering is not a theory but a well known fact. Mr. Earned, one of the oldest rebi- dents of W alkerton, was found dead in his bed one any last weer, having died alone. We huye to thank Rochester friends for late copies of the "Post Express," an excellent Journal. Epworth League meeting in the Mnhodist. Church on Monday 15th, Literary evening everybody welcome. ~Wm'm mucrc.--a.000 White. Brick for Bale. Fm Time and Terms Inquire of H. PARKER. Durham. Bruce Township collector had his roll returned in December, every cent of taxes paid, Crushed Oyster Shells, for Poultry men, Highly a mken oi wherever used. For sale at the burham Phurumc r. ght {are}; 35mm , Jurham, Thur LOCAL AND GENERAL mum-2. “Nolan? t, by pm'ai-Jum " unguisimd before. bremimus by the has been exlvnde I that there I, still join this worthy . Mar. 11, 'gr, m (I ‘l"Sl nu ll h h PERSONS having any Military Property, belonging to No. 4, Co., in their pissession, will please return the same to me, or leave it at Mr. Jag. A. Ht1nter's Office, Upper Town, Durham, within one week aher the Publication Lfthis Notice. March 11th, 1897. td Her. E. o. Taylor, of('himgn, spoke to crowded houses m Mitchell, on Hat,. urday, Sunday and Monday evenings lust, the crowd on Sunday being so great that scores of people were. unable to Let, into the hall. The lect‘nes, which were in the interests of Temper- ance, were hyloug odds the best ever delivered in Mitchell, and created much enthusiasm. Mr. Taylor ism. thoroughly educated man, and use: beautiful language. His address Sunday Night on .. That boy of yours," was more on tho line of morality than Temperance, and during the two hours of its deliver his vast, audience was spell bound. Al: together the address reached high water mark. and should he heard to he fully appreciated." - .." Mitchell Advocate " In the Town Hall, March 16th and 17. MARCH APRIL MAy are the months in which to give especial attention to the. condition of your physical health. " you miss safely through these munths and find yourself strong and vigorous. on the arrival of warmer wenthvr. vou may veasov.ahiy expect that you will he well in summer. Now is tlwtimetn take Homls’: Sarsapurilla, "ecause now is the time when the blood must. be purified. enriched and yitulized, and he- cause Hood‘s Snrsuparilla is the only true blood purifier prmniuemly in public eye to-dny. Hood's, Snrsnpnrilm has pnwor to tnnke you healthy and guard your system against disease. From the Owen Sound Times wrsleatu, that the late ball there was the host everheld in 10mm. The list of actept- unces is a very large one and muuug them we see from Durham the Misses Anderton, Miss S. Gun-hen, Mr. J. ll. Carson, Mr. J, C. Eliiott. Messrs J. A. and H. A. Hunter, Misuml Miss Hunter Miss Hughes, Mr. A. w, H, Lauder, Mines McIUe, Mr. and Mrs. Tclfovd, M l w, ll. lip. "Mr. Taylnr does not use tho Nile ilirmullian'e arguments advanced by most ofliis cdnfrores, lint. tvtuulsentivel.v m-w gmund. In his lecture on '. Buys” he prom-s 'lie muse-5 that lend to mural unit physical tlisovdet. and " Pakiwss. to du- veto' lmiuim. This lecture is nnwh l:rhu(lvi- than the word Temperance would imply. In all liia lot-lures Mr. Tttylot' IN oratnrimd without being at rmirm‘. I trust Mr. Taylor will have a w.ds, lii-izring.” In Town Hall, Mill and 17th iusi. G. w, Jones. The 25th and mm of March have been decided upun fur the performmnce and thetown is looking fnrwanl with a - deal of pleasure lo this well kmmn and attractive piece whirh in the hands of our 10ml talent will be sure not to wife-1'. Admission Reserved Seats. 25 cm. General ad- nnssinn. 15 cts.; children 10 cents, On hehnlf of Public Library. "THE TEMPrm OF FA3rE"-Tltis flue urclwslml I'm-native is at present in preparation by the young ladies of the lawn under the direction and able as- sisulngegf lien El. l’mueroy and Mr. We have made arrangmncnts with the Globe Printing Co, to supply it with a three munlh’s trial trip of the Weekly Gluhe and the REVIEW fol-50 cts, 'rlrac is Weekly Globe 3 “mums. REYIEWL)‘ Immths and the engraving all for 50 cts. The Bum-axing alone sum fur 50 cents, but it can now be secured only .lu-ough theCilohe. Wecan supply Ulohe sub- sc: iirets with a unpy fur was. while [boy last. Call and get one. At at special “looting of the Qum'tm-ly Board of the Methodist '_(,'hurch held but week " was ununiummly decided toinvite the Rey. Mr. Churchill, How of Mulmur, Toronto C'oiifenetice, to he. cmne pastor of the. Methodist, Church here. Mr. Churchill has arm-pied subject to Transfer ts'tationing Coin. miuw, etc. The League meeting last Monday nightwas Missionary in tone. Home practical nesnlts were arrived at. sevepal of the members pledging themselves to a wet'lily coutmiimtiot, to Minimum A happy load of Epwnrth Loaguers quid". fl-wndly visit to the League at Haney last Thursday evening. They report a pleasant and pt'otitaule time. During the past week or two we hare sent out a number of accts. to subscribers in arrears for a year or more. These in the ag- gregate amount to a considerable sum, which we must realize on. We thank those who hare re- sponded by paying the debt, we respect those who have writ- ‘ten or called to acknowledge the debt and promised to my shortly and to those who hare done neither we are reluctantly forced to intimate that after the 13th of March 2/ no response is forth-i routing the accounts will lean" our hands, and the credit price will be Holy/ed. A 'vettstttent with oupselrcs will 1w mu h more satG./aetory. We look for a generate and hearty l't’N/HH/M' Ie/over/te above (late and the date Ot the label pl/cd as mach a/rm/ as it has been be- hind C. RAMA GE, Durham, Feb. Phd, 'y 7. SMALL ACC0UN'1S. NOTICE. SAMUEL J. Mahan. .0 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The book emitted “Queen Victorits, her Life and Reign.” by same author will he found to be an instructive, al- tractive, and useful work, as it treats on the wonderful progress of the nineteenth century in iiterature,arttr, science, Ike., the a Vance in civilization. cmnmerce. growth of constitutional liberty, the atjociousnessof war, and the grout triumphs conferred by peace. rendering It a work worthy of being highly rocoxmnended to the book loving public. 3 .. - t. Queen Vivtmin. her Life Mid Reign," which has been highly commended by the frees, the clergy, and prominent peop e of all ranks See elsewhere Durham, March 9th, 1897. The "Sword of Islam, or Suifering Armenia " by J. Caste] Hopkins should be a welcome book to a. christian uhlic. as it helps to a. correct (/i'l7i?,,tl'e',fu", of the unhappy state of affairs in 513.: henightod f",',',,",',:',?:; The book emit ed "Queen Victoria. "The Sword of Islam, or Suffering Arttsenia,"is a Canadian work giving graphic illustrations and vivnl letter- press descriptions of Armenia, its 'eople.and its Iutrhtttousrulors, The Lululisht‘rs, Messrs. Bradley Garret-on & Co., are devoting one-tenth of all the prvflts to the help of the sufferers, and we understand the local agent, Min 5. R. J. McKinnon, is giving a portion of her profits also for phirwrhivpie pur- poses. She is nlso_ agent: for the hook REPORT or Human}: P. R. for Feb.-, Class IV-Willie Tuctow, Emma Jones. ilarmah Dixon. Class Ill -- Mamie Renwick, T. Renwick, George Reid. Ginsu ll hirv--3lttvrrtxots, Hugh Ren- wick, Alum Leith. Class II Jr.~Jmues Reuwick. Jenner Hay. May Dixon, Part II F3v.--G'otdot, Geddes, Gordon Findlay, Peter Raumge. Part II JV.-- Nut-man Renwick. Willie Dixon. Alex. Renwick-Geo. Cushnie Teacher. I listened to the threw levtutzs by Rev. E. O. Tnylnr with a great deal of irttvpest. He is (I Ynlishetl. eloutierrrspolwt'of excteptioua ability. and deals with the llllljt'cl of Temper- ance nu twientifle principles. His audiences Were large and apprweiatiye and were profoundly impressed by the able manner with which he handled the sulr.iect.- -C', A. P. Fairfield, M. D., Beatusviile." In the Town Hall, (I) Tuesday and Wednesday. 16th and 17th Miss May McCracken, of Durham is the guest of Miss M. Allan. Mr. C. E Stephenson and family, of Durham have taken up their rcsidvnve (m North Wat.. er Sr. Me, (‘hnpnmnmld family of N Eglmnont. Inn: moved to town.---yit, Forest Confed. Orr, TO DAxoTA.--hlvs. Jun. Cameron 1an for lu-r home in Homilies“, Wednetr. day morning afure a stay of sm'm'sil llIUlIllls round the houses of hee hrnlhvm. News”. Dan and Neil Molhmgnll. He: mud nmllwr returns with her, and the h'ue lilinl love of an only daughter will he grnlilivd ivy minislm-inz to her. in tho dosing years of her life. We wish them both tt sure journey. _ W- .-..,...\. Hm died Mummy last and is hurled to- day, \Vednesduy, in Ebenvzor grave- yard. " " syn‘pulhi L. limwn. ti'h nflheir younge day last. hum-m! McLl passe-(l :uuly vewaid. A h s remand p, m. Mow Mr. Jas. A. l nun-mug for Tor, to pmsnmle um} goods for his Jets: Mr. S. Mun-ism] mu" waved to the 2nd Con. lu'ttt' Unhlvin this, week. wishes, them much succv home. Miss Ma gie Rotor, of the 2nd of G'leuelg is ff/f; from (h-ommvk whore she has lu-un visiting her sistvr for the past 5 or 6 week. Rev. Jun. Mulch. well known in Egvemont is 'etiously ill at his home iu"i'oronrc,, The trouble is supposed t l he "ptteniliciria. Mrs, T. H, Sm few days last w Rvcky Suugoen. MnJuu. Moftar, Edge Hill, went to Owen Sound on Friday. Miss Lupin-in. teacher. at the Camera, spout, Saturday with Miss Orchard. Coun. Jno, Williams went Sound Saturday to see his Maysie who is unwell. Mr. Angus McArthur, north of town, came home from the Son Tuesday. A flew .Revet. al week Is the bean tact the-One True Blood moot. Hood's Pills 35$. o! Hood’s Murillo, I at It no tor no other modi- olno. In grout cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of mum non and womon, constitute its most 'ttrecur. od- vertising. Many ot thou cures no Inor- velous. They hovo won the oonndonoo ot the pooplo; have givon Hood’s Sol-upo- rlllo tho largest soles in the world, and haves made nooeomy tor its monuhctnro the groom: isborotory on oath. Hood’s "rssapariiuis known by the clues it ho- made-euro. of scrofula, salt rheum Ind oczoms, cum ot rheumatism, neuroigio and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsio, live: troubles, mun-h -cures which provo \Vs Flloodhi r mm t Cu "iii'))':', " Cum nu: " in favor ' I! Bood’l Burl-paring, I al I toe no other medl- Sarsaparilla I. A. Hunter left Tuesday ‘nr Toronto and other. points Mly nuke n seleetion of spring his depatt:trentrd stove. 0 Smith. of (‘healeyn spent a t week With Mrs. Turnhull. risnn and familv have 2nd Con. of Egremnnl. Guautar Mcchcmun. :o V. ith Mr. and Mrs. J. )1ngr:m!u-r)i‘\ the has st child who died Sun- cure liver ills; any a take, "sy woven“. no. us went to Owen see his daughter TheivrF.iv' ss Ill theip new Tft 'e-or-r-a-ee/ Eggs, per doe ... . Chickens. per put Ducks " Turkeys, per lb ... Oeere " J Hidots, ... ... Calfskin. ... . Sheep-Kin! ouch ., my, per ton ... ... Straw per ton Wr Patna". per bag Anple! " Wood, 4 foot ... Flour per bbl ............ Outmea' per sack ...... ... Bran per cwt ... ... ..' Shorts [10:th ... ... Full Wheat. per bushel... Barley, $6 ... Penn. " ... Oats, " ... Dr'd Hogs. per cwt ... Hoes, live weight ... ... Lard per lb ... ... Tallow' per lb ... ... Batter per tit, Tub ... ... " Roll ... All“: ‘YCU Gums ?-h Temperance Meeting will be held vn the Methodist Church, tonight and will be addressed by resident ministers. This prepares the way for next Tuesday and Wed- nesday, when Rev E. o. Taylor. an eloquent Chicagoan will address meet- ings in the Town Hall at 8. p, m., He will analyze a glass of beer and talk about t That boy of youre" DURHAM MARKET. Corrected each toegk by Geo. Sparlg ng. PRINT uts GET SICK TOO. Mr. Will Harris of' the REVIEW staff is assisting the Flesherton 'Advance' this week. Mr. Tlu1raton's foreman, Mr A. Ile. Dougall, of town being laid off by sickness. Miss Annie Weir of the REVIEW is also under the weather. Mrs. A. Mecomh has been very ill within] attack of La Grippe, nut in recovering. Several in town and vicin- ity are, or have been. Ill with LaGvippe or other diseases. In fact, the town Ins been a sort of hospital fora week or two back. c. Leavensund E Shewell me seriously ill, Mrs. Jno. Catneron. Mr. Mt-Fm-lane, Sn. Yrs. L'. Townsend, Mrs. T. Allen and plenty othexs no doubt have all been down. SERIOUS AccmrrsT.-Whilo loading poles at the Station. on wednesday" last, Mr. Hugh McLean was thrown to the ground hon: the top of a loaded cat, and falling on the iron rail got his leg broken above the knee. Dr. Gun ha. successfully reduced the fracture,'; but M r. McLean will be a prisoner for u month oero even under. the Lest of treatment. We jointhe town in sympa- thizing with an honed industrious than and his family in this severe blow. Mr. Wright also received some severe bruises and Councillor Moon: had tw, narrow escape. I IIArtn Tunas do not exist, mund Ihtr" --- ham, if we may judge from the impos- inn: prm-mzsmn of sleighs Ina-wing imple- ments pun-linseed frmn the Massey! FARM for SALE! or Harris iitun lhrough their agent here,; Mr Calder. Mennnd horses Were dined; to RENT' at M r. (‘ulder's expense. No fewel , ----.-- thaphm') vtg','"g't,g,Ttiv'ul,"u',"d'rsion' The undersigned offera w 'ell or w Lt It'." 2'C, e l I, “0' “l . ll rent on reasonable terms, lot 32, on lat Mrs. d ' C' 'om t as ween very i " , with an attack of Ln Grimm, but in and 2nd. Con., & D. R., Beam recovering. Several in town and vicin. Composed of 64 acres, nearly " ity are, or have been, Ill with La Grim-e cleared. Comfortable house good m- other diseases. In fact, the town ha: . ' ' been a sort of hospital fora week up orchard and well. CIOSC toucbool and two back. c. heavens and E Nheuvil church, 1 mile from Allan Put, d are seriously ill, Mes. Jun. Catneron. from Hanover Mr. Mx-Farlxne, Sn. Mrs. ll. Townsend, , 2 . Mrs. T. Allen and plenty others no For further information .31, to duum have all been down. I JAS. WEBB { Mr. w. J. Mitchell. We of the Chvon- iele, MIN-ts his staffof correspondents tco-ttight. 'l'lwy will, we uudvrsl-md. vxrre-ss their. good will by a hnndsnme go d tune as a memento of their inter- (ammo. . Mr. Harris. Woollen Man ftockwood, spent a few day: cousin, Mr. T. Harris of town a hrmlthy "'Coi'lt of the N. P., u a fair. field and no favors. Mr. Dun. Graham. Jr., Bunessan, has been sormmly ill, but under Dr. Guu's care IS t'evover'ing, The Bowling farm has been Imughb try Mr. Limin.nf town. for $3009. A fewyeat's ago this same farm sold for $450). and a splendid barn has been since. erected LACE CURTAINS: We are always pleased to show our goods tohether you buy or not., Tha's's what we're here for. House CLEANING, TIME Embroidery and Lace New Dress thPdirto hand, and although it TEMPERANCE MEETINGS. We can give you a good Curtain, 35 in. wide, 2; yds. long for 26 cent. std?" And better ones equally ehcap. Is coming around age: in entirely new designs. These are the finest Goods for the price I. have eve: had the pleasure of selling and are greatly admired. We have _ -- 18 Mill cold weather they are selling fast. But then, Price, Quality and Beautiful Goodg-. do the business. Our American Prints " 9 ens a yd , Prussia: Cashmere and Azure Silks M 10 eta, --are-gitsat--sellem, C. L. GRANT. also opened out and are selling new 6300t004w .200to 200 06to 600to Mto 40to 900to ti00to 025w OMto 17lito 100to 10to 010 to GU to 0 75 to 0 25 tn o 87 to 0 16 to 3 60 to 8 25 to 08 to 04 to 0 10 to gain and we have secured some bargains for youln Manufacturer. days with his own. lb. ha.; P., and wants . L. GRANT, 10 00 6 no 0 M o 50 2 oo 10 0212 0:10 " 0 l7 080 8 40 10 OT 05 60 70 I N. B.-To ensure I good job the- Hides must be well lulled u loo. a h I ken oth ' By the New Procetm, .:,, which for Finish and Soft. mess can’t be beat. - J Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for a The. only lint-clan learn " tow-J. Robe Tanning! C'ndortasing and Emb-Imlngou [that - ciples at reasonable at... will enaGvor to kiFe/iiioi Aid Gurakrii' on; the same em ire Manhattan. Would intimate that he will cow-u. t. Furniture and Fruit-ruining Buttigtrttq “I“ litlted by his father in_Dttrhesrp in I... and Furniture 0!” the Best Make 1t'llh'l1't'llll MI) [NDERMKIM HALE“ IN WA'lXJHEr1, CLOCKA o Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and I’IMWHI‘O ct'all descriptions IU. yairilig a specialty.-UPPER '16", Jlill 1AM. Satisfaction Guaranteed. BARRISTER, SOLICITOB. NOTARY. C0NAEYANCElt, M. O.l?ices: ('ulrlm' Block, Lower Town. Remember the stand-499ml“ tho Markot, Inn-hm. ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY 53h Money to loan at lowest nus. C.A-BATSON, E J. SHEWELL LoeTanning I Robes & Coats A. GORDON. 1st2.1lll.ER TOXIN Thos. Smith. --FL'LL LII! or-- E. J. SIE'EL‘: Durhnm. Durham.

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