West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 11 Mar 1897, p. 8

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ED a. Iona, IXr. J, "gueted Provinco I honed. tf child to giving mics and I of tho mt the . Pro- p from [no out 1prettos iork for 1 we " wot. but an “some r951“ I'MJM " the " dur- minis. Md could white than a cut- [wound I as. a and DE hearq let be: bat, b lamp. ty - o! M- Inch WORK -.--ul " n bu but" al of- lac- " N rs In the Mr. Chil- woth " than My ty M re- and rm- tho rill“ And bra '1: " too ll A] I, [wrsunul vourage and large 'pifri'Giii. ir " 13 Prince George who, when the Czarovitclt, now Nicholas IL of Buasia, “.14 attiwked by a Japanese fanatic. sum! the future' Emperor's life by :91:- i/yt the. would-be assassin in his noo- life grip. l'n-- Greeks wanted their guns King In i'thgv his, religion and "conver- INi' to th" Greek (thumb. but .h? ry- ins-Ii, and remained in the faith In 'tici: it. was brought. up, the Luther- m IN hnn George was 22 years old the 'l'mvvh" and the Greeks told him Ii unis “luv to get married, so he chose {urn WIC, Olgn. ttus daughter ot Duke 1hmstan! in.- of Russia, a brother of the fur Ahxander II. Th" King's oldest son, the Duke of Spurn. is married to a sister p.t..the liv-ruuiu mu lord, Sudden William. [Ls second son, Prince Geo S, who has nnw gon" to Crete with as Grecian rtyyt"/.!.e,tl.te: is a PPM man et, great It was a youngsters people" and Otto fled L ers looked and King Suggest. his ping and r Hhrn King George ms born In. l‘Huur was»; poor use church mom. 211 lrin3, wtwn George was 8 years old, in alum-r became King of Denmark .1141 tl", funny fortunes brightened. l- : Inklln Pierce was inaugurated Presi- mm ot' the United States that year mil the following year Perry opened J mu) to the. commerce of the world. J41: In and the royal house ot Denmark it. g kw said to have begun their career 'N l‘u-inrs anon; civllued nations 9t luv swap tune. The four eldeseclnl- .;:--n “(we newl made King Christian (l’l-wlwl'mk, the grown Prince; Aly.yan- nun l. now Princess ot Wales; Wlllmm, u '" Mug of Greece, and Mane Dag- , w, urn-mums Empress of Ruasia) I an. lo "feel their outs" when they lr “ml that their tar.her.wasa ng v::‘l tn tl In.- days of pinching and con- r,, my: to keep up N'i"PPnuelat' past. ', &iikoo hung George astonished Europe by mowing what a constitutional mon- arch willy could do in the way of lor- ermnvnt in an emergency. Tricouplu ind nulynnnis were fighting each oth- er fiercely. The Cabinet resigned and fix" King tried in vain to form another. ii" tried combination Cabinets. striightout. Cabinets and all sorts of (Ruin-H, but the politicians acted like chidrvn and "wouidn't play." St last the King trot tired and said hr guessed he would get along with- out a Cabinet for a while. So he did, and Grecian affairs ran along smooth- ly until the politicians got over their sulks and consented to take office. The pimple were delifhtod,_for tho King; formulated no tt my, did nothing. mi fact. except to o the routine work of all the Minister. and. keen tho 'i'iii't of linvt‘l'ument running In routine Uf mu- ('1') “emu: om and w m Ian. WEI " THE KING SAYS GOES. Snvt-ml times before the Ministers trave said war, but the King said pom and [name it was. A few years ago the King. Whether this feeling of reliance would survive the shock of un umucr-unsful wan- or not is another qw-slinn. but, as it is now. it the King snw \\"Ir. war it is, and the people no with him. ' Wurld has subjects who lean upon him as much as the Greeks lean upon King (Io-urge. The politicians mar fight hTMprly and party feeling may run h gh, but the people rely for real gov- ernnwnt, not on the Ministers. but on the K Jer..?. Ever 'ttt :i' [gag “algal: n mm- dear old mother (she was [ um 1hrut---ortly 45--when her good ['1 Hum value) used to Lake the ehil no a wulkmg and mint out to them .- lodging inn cheap quarter ot..co: nlingen whore their father lived ‘n-n Ito was a young lieutenant, try- 4 irt kwp soul, and body together on Tn" 'gt-ntlomnn over nt the palm” thinks of things, and what ho is going to do, always posses”. great interest for the Athenians. They look to him to st mightan affairs out when the stein of government gets tangled, an it not infrs-qupnrly does in Greece. No constitutional monarch In the “WWII! has subjects who lmn Imm- B..'-.. _ nu-ugre par. HOW GEORGE BEC I u as a tuxblent and dieorganized ”alum Hut the young man came to gn over, and has great barn at a l m- was in the midst of a stragglmg . lg". " hick stood where Athens once 1 been. To-d:) it is the centre pf . of the [DOSE beautiful capitals m I?“ Alwayl Holy "on n. Instead of I”. Cabinets-lor- of Poor hmh, In! Incl fame I. In” and lands. It is common to beam- King George of Groeca spoken of in Athens, as “the grmloman over at the pahum." " that pretentious structure is situated in the centre of the modern city, the remark is generally accommnied bye jurk of the head towards the white walls which show through the dusty tun-s of the surrounding park. What tho "gentlornan over at the palace" thinks of things, and what he is going to do, always possesses rrreat int-urn" wn val t d th THE GREEKS ALL STAND BY THEIR FORCEFUL SOVEREIGN. "A. I. G." , n PN, W " n IN' a good object lesson for the 4mm, and they 'rew up “good "e" and married weal. When King Mud from Greece in 1868 the Pow- mkml ulrout for a new monarch, lung (Minion was not slow to uni {us boy William, thena strap- "nd 1wumxkablÂ¥ handsome boy of mix no bad ha fus, and with un- 1 force of character. So the Greeks th-- Great Powers sent the youth tr \Iln-ns, and Prince WUliaim of wk became George I., King of the l’UOR BUT HONEST PARENTS ’HEIR KING lllfllilIfl HERD with; an“... Woman beau- Ring George in Athens, in "the the palace." A. _ _ - ,7, W,,,,_- ____. fa "‘.'" ”-11! an». .1117“: In IIICKSOIP eionu Society of New York, etapnla- ville " 9.08 nan. and 9.50 pam, respec- ting tint while he lived he ghoul re tively the next thy. . eeive annually a. nun equel to 8 yer For fur.ther intonation. time tables cent. on the amount given. He denied and sleeping on renervetione. cell on himulf what others connider the com- B. P. Fraser. No. 19 Emil-age street. forts of life, and we. grand of his econ- l Buffnlo. N.Y.. or write to L. . Brown. omiee. boasting that e had worn the General Agent, Pnuenw Depnrtment. nine out to church for about 60 years. Southern ulwey. Washington. DC. we ago our .88.” in securities. to Massachusetts Ihptiat Associatugn and "0.9.0039 thy yous; 1.1m. My Deacon Capon in dead. Bis title to distinction is um, living all this life of 87 years on a wooded and rocky farm. near Sharon. Maas., not! following no pursuit but farming. and economiz- ing. he accumulnted a fortune of .190.- 000. Ot thin can be mad. over some Andi Hts Tutmxony to tho Merits of Del Ann ew's Canal-thud Powdor for at urn-h and Gold tn an Hoad-aN “In " " Puma". Mr. John sicndwudu. tho genial purul- ot the cm R liner .. Agltatraaca," was. “tuned pr. gnupw a Latarrhal.t owner for out! In [In -.. an“. - -............ . -7".-- .-. --._ ._ -77, head. it us very onecuve. easy wepply. and end pleasant For cant-rt: n bee no can“. I have tested near , every cat srrtt cute made. and “and none to con p In with it. I recom- mend ig first, last and a.w.;ya." A POPULAR C P. . OFFICE- For Constipation take KariN Cloyor Raot Tea, the great Blood Purifier. (jures Headache. Nervousneas, Erulr none on an! 8900. and make. the bend There is no foundation for the P.." port that the Duke of Connaught, will 09 qp‘garly date, baptised ty y.utrank iff 'iialfGi'arudf. trul Forat highness has no wish to obtain a baton at pro- One of the steamship compqniea at EnÂ¥land has ordered a stegunshgp to be bui t: for the "sole usu of invalida." He-Holding a girl's hand is like th prgface_to the book of flirtatioa. Stop that Cough! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A 250.bot- Us of f3hilolN Cam may sue your life. "Was under: diGtgPCdiirmeht a_nd have been compelled to resort to m- st‘r‘gm‘ental .rtlief may] time; _ "I have taken eighteen boxes of Budd's Kidney Pills and am satisfied with results being perfectly relieved of all suffering." . "For over two years I have been an intense sufferer from kidney disease with occasional acute attacks of in- flammation of the bladder." _ C a Few Boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Owen Sound. March 1 .is.p.eyuu)--'Ttys people of this town are talking The of another cure credited to Dodd's id- ney Pills. This is the case of Mr: W. Cruse. caretaker of town buildings. who when seen had this to any of the gtMitter:- T I wonder why Shanon had kinds of cheese at his Wale party , He probably believes that there is strength. With LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as they can not reach the an. of the alum. Onunh la n blood or 4'onw.jtutitrnal disuse. and In order " new it you mus. an intomat remedial). Hall'- Caurrh Caro in taken Internally. and om al- rnctly on who blo- d Ind mucous surf-cu. Hull's Catarrh Cure ll not squad. medicine, It was proscribed by on. of the but Dbl-Wm In this country for . can, and in A regular at scrlpuon. It in compoood of the " tonic: known. combined with the but blood farmer-I. noun? directly on the mucous sur- It; no. The per not comblnatimt ot the two in. tb" dionto id What produce: such wonderful 'AIN".',' In coring Court-b. Sand for mumonlr no. r. J. CHENEY & Cm, Props, Toledo. o. Sold by drugglatc, price tat. - ,,,_ H... “W,” ... .'i'hereupoti he drew the ring from his finger, and all ped it upon the bank presldent's littYe finger. But it was- n't there when the latter looked at his hand. Instead, it glittered upon the little finger of the prottsaaor'a left hand. The change had been effected by a skilful hit of palming. She-I never read preface; wore upon the little finger of big left hand a tt.rikingzlooking ring with a heavy setting. The president of the bank commented upon the odd appear- ance of the ring. " Yes." the magician said, " that in an odd ring. It was given to me by the Emperor of Austria. But you can by}: it if pp will accept it.? H in the palms of his hands, blew in them, and then. unrolling the ball, spread out the sheet unharmed. . In another bank he performed a trick that was any”; a._fayurite of his. He Lesreu that this was needless. Hermann then declared that perhaps the accident might not be so bad after all. lHe rolled the torn bits into aball The magician seemed angered at his elumaineas, and in a rage tore the sheet into small fragments. Then he offer- ed to make good the loss with money from his mm pocket. The cashier pro- tegged that this was needless. a Few THEY WORKED WONDERS, ' we Years of Bladder Torment-Mad Attacks of 1nt1tmmtstiom-thured by He asked to be allowed to examine the sheet of bank notes, and while looking at it he rattled off one of his pet stories, and got the cashier and his friend and the stranger all interest- ed. In the midst of the story some heavy object fell from a desk and NP parently startled the magician, who, in his fright, tore the sheet of notes in half. ’ '1 see you are a magician, too." laid Hermann. jocularly. "You're making money. That's 'something I an do Mr self at all timea." mum“, m called out many storie- ot the pranks he was accustomed to play in the course of his travels, about the world. One of these has to do with a visit of his to a bank, where he. ao- companied by two friends, had an ilk terview with the cashier. The talk had hardly begun before the visitor drew a cigar out of the cashier's Vandyke beard. The cigar he quickly multiplied into enough to go around. The cashier had been busy clipping new bank-notes from printed shoots issued bank-notes from by the Treasury. STEA MSHIP FOR INVALIIB. Two "vortte Trick» Jr the late Pretest- Ian-nun. The death of Herrmann, the famous magician, has called out many Itoriea A, FL, - . - elm-Ann. CANNOT In em WORST PAID OF MEN. TO BE PASSED OVER. A COMBINATION. MAGIC AT THE BANK. that in union had so many Welsh rarebit St. A ustine, 4.43 p.m., are next do]. 3311: train also carries through nigger New York to Augusta. Gi., wit connection at Trenton," S. C., for Aiken. & 9. I l This train is in addition to the re- gulat double daily limited trains, leav- mg Washington 6:in at. 11.15 Ban. ae.yl 10.48 an., animus“ in Jocksona ville at 1'dl an. and tr. p.m., respec- tigoly the next dar. . Auguwtine. This train is composed of Pu] man’s latest improved compart- meat cans. diningl cars. drawing ropm sleeping can an library observation cars. leaving New York lf% exgept i,',ute,t'tati, 12.10 noop, amid tghmg}; on am, runnm so 1 our to gym}; Jacksonville and St. Au- gustm. via.. Lynchbuxga Charlotte and Columbia. reaching numb at r1,1aAttan.,,.inuritie"iiii;',' 8.80 p.m., and . The Southern Railway and the Flor- Ida. Central and Peninsular Railroad are now 0%rating the famous New York and lorida. Limited. between New York 994 Jacksonville and St. I would not marry a. woman who did nogknpw how to cook. Oh, I might LiaiiGir a. little thing like that, if she had money enough to pay my board. THE BEST REMEDY FOR CORNS I: Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Rapid. painless, its action is a. marvel to all who have tried it. Fancy gettipg rid of painful coma in twenty-four hours. "Pubnam'a" does it. Did you get a. valentine this year. Miss Elderly! Yes I did! she snapped. and now I'm just lying low to see if I can't find out who sent it. Then she gave her hair an extra twist that brought one ear nearly to the crown of her head. At a. meeting of the Board of Direc- tors, held t"g',et1,f,tb?i Hon. George A. Cox was re-e acted President, and Mr. I J. Kenny vicosPreaident for the ensuing year. The election) of directors for the _en- 811qu Fear was then proceeded with, and resulted in the unanimous re-eleo- non of the following gentlemen, v12., Hum. Geo. A. Cox, Hon. S. C. Wood, Messrs. Robert Beaty, G. R. R. Geck- burn, George MaMurrich. H. N. Baird, W. R. Brook, J. K. Osborne and J. J. Kenny. _ _ - The vicedmGrfeirr',' SUTiyg. Kenny, seopnded the adoption of the report, watch w,as.tsar.rittd gnamimogsly._ the premium income of the company wussuch as might: naturally have been looked for under the circumstances. An amount of $5,732.38 had been written _ off for depreciation in securities, which ‘Wes necessary to brin them to their ‘market value at the 'dui of the year, and which must be regarded see very moderate shrinkage on total assets of upwards otrsyoaiidaauarter millions. Briefly speaking he said that the fig- ures in the report submitted showed that while the country had done a somewhat reduced volume of business; there had been a fair margin of profit on the year's transaetiona-das shown is the revenue account-and, after pay- ing the usual dividend of 10 per .tety.It" tynd making allowance for depreciation in securities, there wasan increase in the? reserve fund of 814,000, while the gam of close upon 838,000 was shown in the net surplus, after making full pro- Vision to cover the liability on out- standing risks. These results, he, thought, might: be taken, without fur- ther comment from him, as satisfactory proof that the business was one. sound Outing. and that the officers end Nrenta of the company were conducting its affairs with due regard to the inter- e.sts of shareholders, and at the same time maintaining for the “Western? the position it huslong' held in the estima- “9P. ot,.tht, im.rufringi,pubrur., -- ’Reserve fund ...... ..l... ...... 1,086,908.21 'Cash capital ...... ....“ ...... ... 1,000,000.00 Subscribed capital ...... ... .._ 1,000,000.00 [Security to policyholders. lk086,908.21 The annual report of the directors ghavrng been read, the President, m ‘munng iisadoptiod, stated that he was 1ltts,ti1, to be able tosay that the year _ad not been marked by any serious individual losses such as he had had to refer to at the lust annual meeting, The business of the comg‘any had been carried on] upon the same lines as had been followed in the past,and the rea; stilts, as shown in the statements sub-1 mitted, were, he thought, upon tho! whole, as favorable as the most .san- guine shareholder couldhave anticipat- ed, bearing in mind the prevailing eon- dition of general business throughout the continent during the year 1890 9.318 comparatively small falling off in Qiyiqelnds on stock rr,"',"'."'"'""" V“ BLINK "I". no , Iota! assets ".... ...... ...... ... yyijiiriiri'iiir."iiiiivis".Vi'tift'r"t""i2 ao- knowledgmg the efficlent. services at the'officers and agents of the company during tho past year, ' SUMMARY -,..9A'.Cr:W1, FINANCIAL Total cash 1110de ...:_..'.... $2,336,727.95 thal "endicure, includ- mg appruprmtlon lor) losses under adjustment. 2,217,019.52 now mounts to 01.086.908.21. I Omng to the reduction in the volume of business transacted. the amount gecessary to provide for running off the liabilit on unexpired policies is "r. 804.88 fees than at the close of 1895. After making provision for this and all other liabilities, the net surplus 11333931; increased to '816,252.3A. FLORIDA WINTER SERVICE. - -- ,w...’ unvluuuua, IL L116 rate of 10 per cent. per annum, Imve been declared; 05,752.38 has been written, off for depreciation in securities, and the balance added to r2ye1.vt!.f.1yyi, winch the. OF SHAREHOLDERE The annual meeting of aha: ot the above 00mm Was he :35ch in an. city on Thur-m WESTERN jitlllilnf tll, MIGHT BE OVERLOOKED. Balaaum ...... at... an; .n A COMIC AFFAIR. STATEirisiRT.' ' 100,000.00 2,324,427.Itt a 119,708.43 MEETING BISMARCK'S HEALTH. " feel tired, but I am not sick," ia' the pathetic remark of Prince Bis- marck. And then he goes on to ex- plain that it is all because he has nothing to do. The Prince was very weary whey. he had the weight of the! empire on hig, shoulders. In the midst of parliamentary struggles, his talk at the evening receptions in his own house was always at its best This is not the only case where an active man has found that there is no labor so great as that of killing time. The unifier of Germany was intended to die in the harness. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new blood, build up the nerves. and thus drive disease from the system. In hun- dreds of cases they have cared after all other medicines had failed, thus ea- tabiishing the claim that they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern medical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes. beari the full trade mark. " Dr. 'sev1u"/i1f7%'lfl Pills for Pale People." Protect your- self from imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box. began using them. Before I had fin- ished my second box there was no room to doubt that they were helping me. I kept on taking the Pink Pills, and my malady. winch the doctors had fail- ed to successfully diagnose, was rap- idly leaving me. The pain also left my neck and shoulders, and utter a cou- ple of months treatment I became strong and healthy. 1 am now in my 77th year and thank God that I am able to go about with a. feeling of good health. I still continue taking the gills occasionally, feeling sure that or a person of my age they are an excellent tonic. After the failure ofso much medical treatmentl feel sure that nothing else than Pink Pills could have regtgretlpme to, wr P1sehrtt condition." stead of goinito the dixjrGiri saga game Pint Pil _ and returned home and et in case I should die suddenly. I did not seem to be getting any better under the treatment and nnal y lelt the city determined to umsult a doctor nearer home. I was again examined and the idea that I had heart disease was scout- ed, the doctor saying there was many a man following the plow whose heart was in a worse shape than mine. I re- .mai-ned under the treatment of this ', doctor for a long time, but got no bet- ter. Then my case was made worse by an attack of la grippe, which left behind it a terrible pain in my neck and shoulders. This became so severe that l could not raise my head from my pillow without putting my hand to it and liftim it up. I doo- tored on until 1 was trying my sixth doctor. and instead of getting better was getting worse. The last doctor I (had advised me to wait until the heat of summer was over when he would blister me for the pains in my neck and shoulders, which he felt sure would [ relieve it. I was on my way to Rich-, mood to undergo this blistering when; 1 met Mr. Geo. Argue, of North Gower, l who told me of the wondertul cure Dr. _ Williams' Pink Pills had wrought inl him, and advised me strong? to ii) them. i went on to Hickman ' bat ire j Mr. David Moore is a well known and much esteemed farmer living in the county of Carleton, some six miles from Ithe Village of Richmond. Mr. Moore has been an invalid for some years, and ,physicians failed to agree as to his all- ‘ment. Not only this but their treat- -ment failed to restore him to health. IMr. Moore gives the following account .of his illness and eventual re- 'le.ttrrtsti.oIt to health. He says .s-"My {first sickness came on me when I was <69 years of age. Prior to that I had [always been a strong healthy man. I I had a bad cough and was growing weak ted, in bad health generally. 1 went ito North Gawer to consult a, doctor, who after examining me and. Mr. I Moore I am very sorry to tell you that your case is very serious, so much BO, ( that I doubt it you can live two months. :He said my trouble was a combination lof asthma and bronchitis, and he gave ime some medicine and some leaves to smoke which he said might relieve me. 1 took neither because 1 felt sure I had neither trouble he said, and that he did er 1 went to Ottawa and. consulted one of the most prominent physicians there. He gave a thorough examination and pronounced my ailment heart trouble, and said I was liable in my present condition to drop dead at any moment. time and undeigo his treatment. lle wrote a few lines on a piece of paper givmg my name and place of resid- ence and trouble, to carry in my ritt et in case 1 should die suddenly. did The Remarkable Experience " One Who Wu " Invalid For Years-Six Doctors Treated Him Without Beno- Fit-He Owes His Renewed Health to Following a. Friend's Advice. ngm the Ottawa Journal. THAT WAS WHAT A DOCTOR TOLD MR. DAVID MOORE. ONTZRIO ARETVEE TORONTO TWO MUNTHS Ill LIVE. A GENTS WANTED-MO, or female to sell the famous "Foam Yeast, in every city, town and village. Write for circular and premium list. Big profits. DnAIt vnAnm nn m . FOAM YEAST d6ridiiriiri", Bat the Great South American Kid- ney Cure a. arcane: Remedy for a gnome Chai; s, Cured Mn. A M. onus of Barnum). P.Q.. Quickly sud Permanently. This is her :ualtmony: " I was taken sick in January. 189$. l ittWf sever-l at tho best Inc a] pm a clans an we- treated " them fur kidnsy discnze mull the autumn ot theumo gem- win-out. receiving much bernttit. I then man min; Jo1ur South American Kidney Cure. and ncrnvcd great tsenette almost immediately. I Mel navy wet I am quite cured. Ihave taken no medicine tor some long h ot timo and Inn not had a mum: of the night.- cat amnion: of the disease." Plt,r.tifPPcrtyyt,t.a_p.ttrrguu. ruled: Passengers from Euro e vi: this line no landed in New Yer]? at Desbrosses or Cortlandt streets. in close proxim- ity to all European steamship docks. Don't fail to ask for tickets and sleep- ing car accommodation via Lehigh Valley route, agau Grand Trunk city and station offices. 1 ', FANS IN THE CASE. : The man who says he loves to work, Makes statement {use and rash; He really means he doesn't shirk, Because his toil brings cash. [ The Lehigh Valley. R. R., in connec- tion with tho Grand Trunk Railway, have the first through train service be- tween Toronto, Hamilton. London and grincipnl points in Ontario, to New ork City. Only line running Pullman buffet sieexfing cars. Time two hours absad of " gather lines. t" Herr Zachllle's collection ot armor, which was exhibited at the Chicago'l World's Fair, " to be sold by auction in London. WHAT Inc. A. E. SALTER SAYS. Buffalo. tt.E "-Gentar.-From my per- lonal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh'a Cure in one. of udvanood C.onttutnptiod, I am pro- Erod to say it In the most remarkable medy “git his eVer been brought to my attention. It has certainly sued may from Consumption. MR. GRATEBAR TO PHILIP. It in 'ltf,r,ttihttp., true, Philip, said Mi. Grate' r, that it is better to be a. live dog than l (lead lion; but that doeat't mean. Philip, that you should be satisfied to rennin a dog. tttt53L22, auitas-Ther Act Plea-tir-, 40 t Done: In L Triad, 20 Cents. Never have that tired feeling) it you keep your Iivgr active, land r. Ag- now'a Liver Pills are a liver madam Take One After Dinner. Dr. “new. Liver Pills Are u Pie... sant and sze Liver Rteuutor-Ther tetimauto Digestion. and Counteract the too Common Error of Over-Elt- Jose Echegaray, Spain's great play- wright. is 64 years old. His in an en- gineer ugd. a mathematician. He wu once a minister of state. He has writ- tn fifty-two plays. ,_. __v;..w :11qu lulu Fer. ' and affords relief almost instant- ly. Th. whole range of medicine " ford; no parallel to Nerviline u apnin reliever. NEURAIJGIA'S PERSISTENT AGONY Baa bat ope source of relief. Nerviliue worn pun 'sure-penetrates to the ir- ritated Puzgquotyeg them into re. mgr LINE TO NEW YORK OUT o. TI"! TOILS FOB BIG EATERS. 'lt))'; For Weak and Tnflaaned Eyes, or Chronic Granulation of the Lids, Ulceration of the Glands. u-No Inconveni- A Miih8 FAILING REMEDY (Should ancient “5.1.7:.” il) “WWII" “If CIIIDIII ION“ “an “an“ - During Marsh and Aprll Sims: igaijiiig mum W v. v v I -mr_ BATE, 'ttro. ttmi, Tltl ' mm ”OPE" Sheet M Ala] Ctsilt B, Term Com: Tile Rod Black Ylf Green 'lt',h Slum Maui 000 Dives. Felt, hr. 'ngl'lll'hb",lt ilur. can... Downpipen. &c.. oupplted the Ludo. Telephone Igh. Adquldo g Whine:- an f?, t?.hlTNti E-iii-si/iii' Watson’s Cough Drops 11LitfriJitijliji" Jami TORONTO CUTTING 0011001.. Y. - men, loan to out. no luau (uh. I ttEgyy.thhi'jjii'iiiiii, Shiloh'o Column: Ion Cur. can. when other. ML pit in the bulk Cough Cum. Ind no homo should ho without. it. Pie-aunt to “to and In. right to tho not. Do on know win-re tho had pl. TI,"' go not 310 to church to. Jon?“ I POP - iahintr. I '.P.C .37 Jule-cu E In... all and “In Wat 1.l2llvlrJd'h1 tho- --- _v. - e - m 82m: ht. $2.832: 'ill'dllrlt “a B. 0. Huh. aa.-a. Miux--gaa. lulu. um A Colon!“ Mtg will be aiia LGiid " . an to loan ormtto " min ll.- (nan-II a... "- M'%g!'¥£a BAKINE: .lPt1llimllttt""' 'itt..,UiM,h;N-'1'tWiritN - v'â€"â€"'â€"--I I I‘ILI LARGEST SALE IN CANA'W IOI.W.Wo-oul DI... Itta' iisii'i'jiiiiiii"iri"ii' any thicifiiriir."" H ." iiUW, Mt Eloot'l Mfg co., MOTORS. DYNAMOS Phone 5515' ---eeM'e_e_r- a would. a. m. rm 7 Phone nu. 255 "me.. It. ll" Huntin- Repairs to all makes cl machines. Experimental work carried out. Wow it ifairiric tGoiGiriaCG WILL RUN RATING, POWER " UNIT. . . BAITIM “Mb .9 tll anam- Itt E's-am tr il

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