West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 18 Mar 1897, p. 4

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af t’ 4 & § ° & + % Kor such a stormy day. Wrs. Augus Gillies. A native of Rosshire, Scotland, died on Monday, the 8th inst. at the residâ€" ence ol ber sonâ€"in law, Mr. Joseyh Hooper, Glenelg, where tor some years .she has had the care of a loving darghter, _ She was the mos! er of Mrs. Jno. MeKelyie, in town, in whose home many of the 37 years, which have elapsed since the ‘death of her husband, were spent. In his lifetime she resided near Latona, and her death recalls him whom many still reâ€" memle a lo l missionary and colâ€" porteur who did a good work at a time which required resolution and strength. _ Hi. beoks are yet to be found in some houses in the two townâ€" ships and many of this generation reâ€" member his preaching. Mr. Wm. Moore. In Normanby, on Thursday the 11th Anst. at the ripe age of 84. "Deceased was a native of Lincolnshire, England, and came to this ccuntry in 1853 living for many years near «uelph. As he never married, for the past 20 years he made his home with his brother, Mr. Geo. Moore, and in his declining days was ministered to with tender ecare. He was upright in _character, and when in health bli;u seat ihn chn{‘crh \ was seldom empty. is nephe % Geo, Moore, Te â€"swater, u«? l(:.'Wm. Moore, Flesherton, were over at the funeral, which was largely attended U lc s en oi s 2 1 . He very touchingly reminded ‘them that eighteen years ago 2nd of August last Mr, McLeod was inducted into the Priceville chirge, the three ministers ‘)rvwnt being the late Rev. Mr. Park, Jurhain, Rev, Mr, Morrison, Cedaryilie, and himself, he being the only one still in harness, He paid a warm tribute to the worth of the deceased and made a striking raference to the custom of black draping while the departed just are reâ€" presented in apocalyptic vision as being clad in robes of white, No doubt Mr. McLeod would have a monument at his fruve but a better monument was the eautiful church they were met in, to which they had givren much thought and care. _A better monument still was the lasting impressi m .e u«. made on the spiritual life of .us people, which would, in its effects, outlast all tangible memorials, Mr. McRobbie said he had intended to be with them the night previous in their pleasure, and it gave him a melanâ€" choly satisfaction to be with them in their sorrow. He spoke of the conseqâ€" vuence of man‘s first disobedience, the loss of the presence of God, being one of the greatest of theconsequence of sin. Death was one of these, but the Christâ€" ian looked to the dark future with conâ€" Bdence owing to the rays of light which scripture truth had pierced through it, «It helped us to conceive of the futnrc- life by benutiful figures, such as rivers of pleasure, trees of life, etc. The body was carried to the densely cked graveyard near by and after a mml_\' service, his brethren of the Sons o Scotland paid their last tribute to him in their beautifal burial service. and deposited their sprigs of eyergreen in his tomb. He then very eloquently pictured some of the glories of the future. We should be free from the contamination of sin, will haye perfect peace, and the Kve-c-nce of Christ himself would make eaven heaven. We cannot with our imperfect natures take in the glory. Jacob fainted at the sight of Joseph‘s waggons. The Queen of Sheba lost her spirit at Solomon‘s lories, much more would a sight of fiom‘cn surprise us while it would seâ€" duce us from all earthly entanglements. He then took a retrospective view of the d: c «se 1, who had g ven : is atrength his prety, his scholarship, his devotion to them. _ His whole carte had been for his people, what had they given in reâ€" turn. Mis greatest pleasure would be to see all walking in the way of life to which his eaching and his example conâ€" tinually direc.ed them. Rev. Mr. Crozier was the moderator of t ie occasion, and before calling on Mr. Mc boie, who was to be ch.ef speaker, made a brief but interesting address which touched many hearts, His brethren of the Orangeville Presâ€" bytery were in session the day he died, and four of their number were present at his bbsequies: Reverends CUCrozier, Grand Valiley ; McKenzie, Orangeville; MeRobbiec, Shelburne; and Harriston, Dundalk _ Rev. Mr. Humphreys, of the Methodist church, Priceville, also took part. For nearly 18 years he had gone out and in among a warmbearted and affecâ€" tionate peope, and so when death snapâ€" ped the tie it was to be expected that all would mourn, while to many, outâ€" mde his own family his removal seemed & personal loss. _ The loving husband, the kind father, the faithful pastor bas gone to his reward, and his people will cherish his memory. His congregation had planned for a soiree. but his death coming the day beâ€" fore it was at once abandoned. The lev. gentleman has not been robust for some years, the care and oversight of a large congregation, spread over a wide ares, having been a trying task to him physically, though his deâ€" votion to duty never flagged while he avas al all able. While death is one of the comm »mest incidents of everyday life, it is not often in this district that a pastor in active service bas died in the midst of blsln.-o- ple a« was the case with the Rey. Donâ€" ald McLeod, of Priceville, who died on Tuesday, March O9th last, after only a few weeks illness. He sleeps among his people, the livin id the d'?ul as he would have wi:'lhed.8 C Th UEATH iULbL REV. DONALD McLEGD, B. A. La Grippe is prevelent around here at present. Mesers. Chae. McQueen, Don. McCannel and several members of ‘the latter‘s family are down with it. Our Post Office l:as done yery mwell for the first year, giving every eatisfaction and there is much talk of a daily mail to meet the requirements of the extensive business done here, Mr. Jobn McArtbur returned home from Rat Portage last week. Nr. Robt, Milis has rented his farm and moved to the vicinity of Chatsworth. He iutenids to continue farming in that seotion of the comutry. Bob will be greatly miss â€" ed around here as he was a great favorite with all who formed his acqnaintance. The wife and family intend t follow soon Success Bob, Mr. John Lang has rentod his farm to Mr. William Hadson. _ Hs intends to go. to Manitoba in the spring. . Mr, Willism Ledingbam has returmed to Mouse Jaw. Munitoba, after spending vhe winter with friends here. A sleigh load of our youths spent | pleasant evening at the residence of Mr M. Camerou last Friday night. Miss Aunie McLyment retnrned home from Owen Sound last Saturday, Mr. Joba Mcelutosh and Wiiliam Ranâ€" erings bas returned home after spending the past two months in the Dyer Bay timber wocds. They report dull times. Mrs, John Duggan has been laid up with la grippe for the pass two weeks. We hopo she wiil soon be abie to get around ug1‘n, Quite a number of our farmers are busy hauling poles to town and taking home oats. That‘s what pays load both ways. The snow storm this week has left the roads in a bad condition for travel, Mr. Michae!l Duggan, of Sydenbham yisted the old home here laâ€"t week, Well, M1i, Editor, as there has been no one corresponding tor some time I thoug‘ht I would write and let the readers of the Reyisw know of the hbappenings of our YVills, Mr. Randolph Middaugh died on Sunâ€" day morning. the 1l4th inst., after an illness of a few weeks. Mr. Middaugh won for himself a large number of frienda since he became a resident of our village and his numerous friends in this localit; regret bis departure by death so unexpectedly. Iris remains were laid to rest in Flesherton cemetery. on Tuesday last, followed by a large crowd of symrathizers conveying the remains to their last resting place. Mrs. Middaugh has the sympathetic feeling of all who formeda her acquaintâ€" ance in her sad bereavement. The contract of erecting a belfry was let at the school house, section No. 10, Glenelg. but as we have no business to go that far into the countr{ we will refrain from trespassing any further. | thP * + stealiiecton i is isint iminhet" D Bsichhe td L c 908 c x , We see a grand entertainment .is Q?E be in connection with the Methodis congregation in Watson‘s Hall in this town on Friday evening, the 19th inst. As our Methodist friends are never beâ€" hind in this respect we presume thit an enjoyable evening will Le SREUEs : »«o We are sorry to lose our old friend, the * Mayor"* Thos. Ginn, in a few weeks as the old gentleman intends to follow his sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. Gowland, when be moves away. _ The old gentleâ€" man is getting pretty frail now and cannot, according to the course of nature, see many more winters. Rev. Mr. Havrison, of Dundalk, supâ€" plied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church last Sabbath. Owing to the severe storm the assembly was sinall, But as the Rev. gentleman who offiâ€" ciated drove a distance of sixteen miles on that stormy morning where was there room for excuse for the Hearers not to come 3 or 4 miles if they even had to walk it. But where there is no will there is no way. The Church is to be supplied for the next six .weeks. Rev. Itlr. Wilson, of Orangeville, will preach on Sunday, the 21st inat. ... . . . We bave to thank the Editor for the correct manner in which he published our Gaelic Hymn. _ The reader cannot discern the Jiff:xence as to the eduncaâ€" tion of the Editor, whether it was in the Gaelic Department of the Society of Edinburgh or otherwise. However, the bymn is taken down without a single mistake. Thanks. The largest gathering tFlulm‘hly eyer seen in Priceyille was on Thursday, the 11th inst., on the occasion of the death of the Rev. D. McLeod. As the Editor was ammongst the number that swelled the asnem’hlylwe ‘refmin from saying e csvie S s uen sls in DEX wA anything further, knowing that he will ably give all the information on the solemn occasion. â€" However, we feel it our duty as a particular friend of the departed to giyea short sketch of his career amongst us in a future issue of the Revirw. The fair on Monday â€"was somewhat of a small attendance.with but few buyers on account of the stormy weather. _A few cat le changed hands at such prices as were offered. Jno. Simpson, Jr., is suffering with a sore leg for the last week or itwo. We hope to hear of the young man gelting all right again soon. io B td /‘ This old and well known resident of Egremont passed away Monday last. and is buried toâ€"day (Wednesday), Mr. Bothwell was a successful tarmer and cattleman, and his industry and intelligence secured him a competence for his declining ysars. *»% The last few days have been very stormy and Marchâ€"like weather. On Sunday last it blew a regular hurricane. On Sunday last, at his home in Priceâ€" ville, this gentleman passed away. He was highly respected wherever known, and Durbham was looking torâ€" ward with pleasure to number him amengst her citizens. :Such was not to be. We extend our sympathy. Mr. Stewart Bothwell. Mr. Randolph Middaugh. BOOTHVILLE. DORNOCH PRICEVILLE. ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO IMUST GET RID OF : THxr® ScaNLAN FarM, lot 30, con. 5, Bentinckâ€"100 acres. _ Will sell or . rent. Tur Sumurrox 50 AcrEs, let 55, con. 1, 8.. D. R., Bentinck. ‘The best 50 acres in Bentinck : splendid soil, fine new bank barn. NoraaxBy : lot 7, con 3, 96 acresâ€" good tarm, tip top bank barn, log dwelling houseâ€"Durham about 5 miles. Horuaxp TowxnsHIP, Lewis Eyde farm ~_100 acres in good German settiement â€"will sell or exchange. A good place. Tne RoxBover PropErRTY, Durham. What I cant sell I will rent. 1 have $1,000,000 to iena ai 5; and 5§ per cent. Choose your time to pay it back. Business private, charges moderate. ‘ H. H. MILLER, _ Wont always trouble: us, BUY LAND while it is cheap for its bound to go up, Grasshoppers and Dry Weather ‘to send by post (prepaid) to Lydia Thompson of the ‘Towrship of Benâ€" tinck * (Durham Post Office,) the execâ€" trix of the last Will and Testament, of the said deceased, or to G. Lefroy McCaul of the Town of Durham, Solâ€" jeitor for the said ex. cutrix, their christian and surnume, addresses, and descriptions, the full paaticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts or claims, and the nature of securities (if any) held by them. And Sbat on and after the said last menâ€" ioned date, the said executrix will proâ€" ceed to distribute the assests of the said deceased among the parties enâ€" titled thereto regard being had only to the claims of which notice shall have been giyen as above required, and the said execusrix shall not be responsible for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been reccived as aforesaid, at the time of such distribution. LyxpIa THomrsox,. Executrix, Durham, Ont. G. Lerroy McCaut Durl.am Ont. Solicitor for the said Executrix. Dated at Durbam, this 15th day of February, A. D. 1897. â€"~Notice is hereby given that all ‘Creilitors and others, hbaying claims against the said George Dowling, who diea on or about the 29th day of Decâ€" emper1896,. including those having any general or specific lien orencumbranee upon his estate, or any part, or share thereof, or interest therein, are on or tefore the e > t 4 ~_20TH DAY OF MARCH :667, In the Estate of George Dowling lite .7 of the Township of Bentinck, in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Pursuant to chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, and Amending Acts: Also we hear that J. A. Swanston was married to Miss Ellie Nichol, but we leave this to report more fully for your Yeovil correspondent. Mr. Sirrs and his sister were guests a the Queen mansion last Sunday. Mr. Malcolm Sin'(-luir, of the 8th conâ€" cession, is on the sick list. Wedding bells are ringing this week. We expect to hear cow bells and guns, tin Ynns. etc. next week. _ Mr. Edward Walker wasinarried last Wednesday to Miss Bella Sterrat, of Harriston. They are both well known in the south of Egremont, â€" The bride is a dang‘te of the late Isanc Sterrat, of this town shir and a sister of Mrs, D. Aiien, Holstein. Notice to Cred t s One day last week while some of our farmers were getting ice on the river. one who we call (Billy slipped corner ways into the water and came out with the assistance of some of the boys with a puir of ice tongs. Billy was dry from the chin up. Quite a few of the patrons of the creamery went to Holstein on Saturday to help fiill the cold s.orage with ice. The recent thaw has stopped operaâ€" tions in the ice business. Lisst Wednesday a bold chap by the name of Mr. Dancan Patton entered the residence of Mr. Duncau M Milian and in sight and from the misist of the family took away Katie the «lie>t daugliter and not one of those assetul‘ed said one word against him. _ The Rv. Mr. Morrison was right there, The wedding beils are ringing still. 17 teams passed throush Boothyil‘e Tnesdiy morning en route for Durham all with seed oats. Mr. Jas. Wilson and hi sister, Lizzcie are away visiting their grandp»rents, Mr. and Mrs. Weir, of Singbampton, also at Meatord and Owen Sound. Mrs. Hugh Wilson, of Singhamption, 18 visiting at the parental bome. The friends are pleased so see her again. We understand that Mr. Dagal McCaill is going to leave our neishborh<â€"od. We wish im succes in his new home. Miss G. Wilson is engaged st Alex MeLean‘s. ‘That saccountâ€" for Alex. R pass‘ng through ou Satuday evening. We are pleased to lhhear that Mr. John MceDovald is getting beiter and alâ€"o Mrs, D. Gaibraith, Proton. The Hanover Conveyancer. ! sOUTH EGREMONT. A ts‘ + we4 @ore 4 6 «6 W 2 o nc on WB t e EPBE . o Ned Somnth B HERRCT cmd We ces bagd . ) in aa, db puran ,:‘-,_\ hok anat u.e .0 LtX e o ahant o e oo i in ie e ioi c in * n 4(9R W 4ay in each month. flce \ mercial llotel, hok BARRISTERS,. SoLiCITO CONVEY At OM31es :â€"Op posite TOWN Lower To m 5,(00) :0 loan at low FIZELD . Ol"l"l(‘lc FIRST DOOR the Durbham Pharma Block. Residence first doo: kest OfMfice, Durham. . Will be in Priceville the t DEALER IN WATCHE® Jewelry and Spectad and Flat Ware of all descri pairing a specialty. â€"UPPI wWicech cures your ail; r‘s‘~ c"ving at the right tin ryr"* _ *n in the right pli you are ~oubled with a Bi » + will find there is eure it like "Gun‘s Liver *"*Smaill in Size," _ "Sm SEEOS ZLOW&sR TOWN Iu!!la OoF MARRIAGE LIC stein, Ont. Parties waited upon with able distance, it des Molstein, January 14th. 189 . . GARL Seeds, at ROCKH BOTT ITS NOT ALWA sIZE OF THE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONAEYANCER, 4 Ofiwl ; Cailder Block Pr. T. G. KOLT ** Easy to take. " W!)ich DENTIS C. A. BATS Money to loan at low ‘THE DURIIAM PH AFP W. S$. HORSB FacFARLAN3 Elliott & El BB A. CORD TeR .3\_\ IJ "A, 3 L ;’i «}~ . PRLC AT at

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