West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 18 Mar 1897, p. 5

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()l"l"l('E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durbam â€" Pharmacy Calder® Block. â€" Residence first door west of th kost Office, Durham. Will be in Priceville the first Wednes *®day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" mercial llotel, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, 4 CONVEYANCERS. &o. OM}as :â€"Op posite TOWN HA, Lower Town, Burham m 5.000 :o loan at lowest rates of interest FIMSLD . ., DEAI.ER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS | Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver | and Flat Ware of all descriptions, Reâ€"| f)oiring a specialty. â€"UPPER 'lle, t URH AM. Holstein, January 14th,. 1897 . . GARDEN seeds, at ROCHK BOTTOM LOWsR TOWN teeds| W‘‘ch cures your ailment. The r ing at the right time is like the r‘x‘‘* _ ininthe right place. When you are scoubled with a Billious Headâ€" > will find there is nothing to cure it like "Gun‘s Liver Pills." Small in Size," _ "Small in Price," * Easy to take." ITS NOT ALWAYS THE SIZE OF THE DOSE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, CONAEYANCER, &e. Offices : Calder Block, Lower Town, Durham. ‘SAUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSEs, Holâ€" »â€"â€" stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reasonâ€" able distance, it desired. Ir. T. G. HOLT L. D. S§. DENTISTRY. Money to loan at lowest rates. C. A. BATSON, . S$. HORSBURGH. VacrARLANE & Go. at THE DURHAM PHARMACY Elliott & Elliott, sreds] A. CORDON. PRICES (( DURH A M LEcTUORE.â€"* The Horticultural Capaâ€" bilities of a town lot" is the subject of a lecture by Mr., A. McNsil, of Wiudsor, a practical gardener, in the Town Hall Saturday evening, 20th inst, at 7:30. The lecture is under the auspices of the Horticultural Society of this town and should be largely aitended. _ Make a note of it, DROMORE.â€"The blizzard of Friday last prevented the holding of Amos;Ch. Boiree till Tuesday night, when good rcads and glorious weather prevailed, The postponement no doubt prevented a larger auaience from assembling, but the affair passed off yery pleasantly. More anon. L TEMPERANCE LECTURE.â€"Rev. E.,0. Taylor, of Chicago, was greeted wid\ a full house Tuesday evening and his lecture proved a treat, His lecture was an earnest plea for careful, thoughtful and persistent home training, as a safeâ€" guard against manr y temmptations present ed by the evil tendencies of modern society. sELF DENIAL WEEK.â€"The Presbyâ€" terian Church is this week following tne exaimple of the Salvation Army, by asking its members to observe a week of seli denial, and give the saving for a Foreign Mission object, Are you doing it? lt so, send the proceeds of your selfâ€" denial to Rev, R. P. McKay, Conâ€" federation Life Building, Toronto; it will be acknowledged in thefGlobe and Mail and Empire, A telegram was received last week by Mis. Hugh McGillivray, Gienvroaden, that her husband was dead in Manitoba. No particulars have been received as yet. â€" Much syimpathy is felt for the widow and three young children who are thus dep â€"ived of a breadwinner. Later.â€"A leiter has been received from his brother D. M, McGillivray, who was with hiin at the time of his death, thai iuflammation of thelungs was the cause of his death. _ He died on the 31d of Maich at Oak Ruver, Manitoba, A Curtous CoincIDENcE.â€" _ The folâ€" lowing â€" inlteresting _ coincidence _ was furnished us last week by "Rob" Gray, well known here and now station master in Hamilton, to which position he has risen after several years of faithâ€" ful and valued work. _ Well. Five years ago on a visit home, before he was well settled down a younger brother came in and asked if he wanted x shot as a wild duck was at the barn. Of course Rob got the Duck. Last summer under J""'Cis"ly similar conâ€" ditions a pariridge fell by his hands, and Wednesday of last week, on his arrival to see his father hbe was just in the house when he was asked to l]mve A shot at a coon, He got the coon too, and at his next visit expecis to have a deer or a bear awaiting his arrival. The Canada Presbyterian in an »rticle on the new License Bill has the followâ€" ing : * We trust that the Ontario Government, some of whose members are such pronounced tmn‘)ernnce men. will revise this bill and bring it more into accord with the enlightened Chrisâ€" tian and temperance sentinment of the land â€" Notwithstanding all that we so frequently hear to the contrary, it is a fact that with regurd to the power of the people to prevent the renewal of a m license, OUntario is far behind the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Bruns wick, Manitoba, and eyen Quebec. Nothing can be said in favor of the barâ€"room. â€" It is esentially the enemy of society. Evzlx'where it promotes poverty, wretchedness and crime;and Woop.â€"We haye got a generous sbhare this winter, but can take a little more from some who have promised it on Subscription: bring it along on these good roads, and ask for your reâ€" ceipt. We have to thank the management of Hanover Choral Society, for compliâ€" reentary tickets to their closing concert in Telford‘s Hall, Friday, March 19th. A brilliant program is provided. **The Temple of Fame" as presented in the Town Hall on the 25th and 26ih insts. promises to be the best thing rendered in town for some tiume, Don‘t miss it, Plan for either night at Durâ€" bham Pharmacy. â€"Electric Hanson cabs are now in use on new York streets says the last number of the "Sciertfic American," which gives a fine cut of the elegant horseless vehicles. _ 15 miles an hour is the maxinum of speed. â€"NOTICE â€"All accet‘s overdue must be paid within ten days, _ Otherwise they will be placed in other hands for ()ollection.~£ A. Buack. Business men can have a bor of 500 500(1 envelopes neatly printed for one ollar. _ HMard times prices, but these will udvertise your business. it yields no revenue which it does not first, many times over, take from the people without giying any adequate return." Tuesday, June 22nd, has been selecâ€" ted by the British Government as the day on which the 6Uth anniversary of the Queen‘s coronation will be celebra ted. â€" Thre 20th is the exact date. Not1cE.â€"A special meeting of the Directors oft the Public Library wil! be held in the Reading Room, on Friday evening at 8 p. m,. sharp. _ A foll at tendauce requested. Dr. (Gen, Pres. Mr. Wim. Caldwell has, we underâ€" stand, secured tie mail contract beâ€" tween Durbam and Walkerton. Weekly Globe for 3 months and Pictiume of Liberal Cabinet ouly 44 ci>, Ge: it uuring the Session. â€"} HITE BRICK.â€"30.000 White Brick for Saie. Fot Tume ana Terms mquire 0f H. PARKER. Purbam. Don‘t forget Epworth Leagae Mon uay, March, 2uu. VTopic,â€"*ATine Cx.gut of the Kinguom," Slim Fair Tuesday;7 cows,. 1 c«lf and 1 tnul we were mformea. _ A busy dey bowever, and a great business uone in exchanging and buying seeu oals. Ehe 6n Acrinw. turham, Thur. Mar LGCAL AND GENERAL h 18,"I7P. ! Winder," the &l)lsposit,ion is that in masâ€" i tic;tinmin f the fish wound up the i watch y. _ Rev. Cnas. Caxrrox. The Literary meeting of the Epworth League held tins week was a somewhat exciting contess on the pponunciation of jawâ€"breaking Bible names, Sides were chosen, visitors, of whom there were more than usual percentage, as well as the members cheerfully consenting to be staggered at the first word. The Epworth Echo a monthly Journal pubâ€" lished in the interests of the local League was an interesting number, Mr. G. W. Jones is the editor and all contributions must be sent to him. The load that went to Zion on Friday night had to work their way there havâ€" ing to tramp a road out of the snowâ€" drifts four the horses, but they got there, Even a party composed of a preacher, Editor, Lawyer and a group of musicians a pumpâ€"maker, with some of their lady friends, had to take the weather as they found it, like ordinary mortals. You can‘t afford to miss the treat of the season. Everyone is going to see the * Temple of Fame" on the 25th and 20th insts. Tickets, 25 cents. WANTED.â€"Intelligent mev with good education to whom $600 and exâ€" penses for the first year would be an inducement. Write wich full particulâ€" ars. THE MANAGER, 490 Richmond 8St, West., Toronto. Ont, NOTICE. All persuus indebted to C. McArthur are respectfully requested to call for their accounts and settle either by cash or note at once. All accounts left unsettled must be placed into other hands for collection. C. McArtHuUR. The Seszsion of Hampden congregaâ€" gation offered a prize of a bible to any of the S. S. scholars who could repeat the whole of the Shorter Catechism without a mistake. _ The following have earned their prize and have also received a diploma from the General Assembly : Bella Byers, Maggie Heuâ€" detson, Clara Muir, Maggie Geddes, Katie Watt, Hattie Byers. roR Sack OR RENT,â€"The elegant resâ€" idential property lately occupied by the Rev, Chas. Cameron. _ Close to town 4 acres of ground, elegant house, comâ€" rortable out buildings, etc. This is well worth the attention of any one contemâ€" plating building, Cheaper to buy than to build. Apply to _ T Mr. Jase. and Miss Dowling, who came here during their brother s last illness, left for N. Dak. Monday mornâ€" ing. Jolin spends atew weeks in Minâ€" to, round their old home, before joining them. Rev. Johin Mutch, Toronto, died last week after a briet illness much regretâ€" ted by many triends, lay and clerical. His early home was near Yeovil, in Egremont, where members of his famâ€" ily still live. A Goon TIMEPIECE.â€"Here is a fish story, for the truth of wh ch we cannot vouch, but which all fishermau, young or old, will eu"oy. It comes from an English journal, the Northampton Daily Reporter :â€"Last g:ring. while a party of tourists were fishing " up north," a well known Iawyer lost his gold watch from the boat in which he was sitting. Last week he made another visit to the l lakes, and during the first day‘s sport | caught an eight pound trout. His asâ€" | tonishment can be imagined when he | found the watch lodged in the throat Rev. D. McVicar, B. A., of Dromore, bhas received a unanimous call to Vicâ€" toria Church, Montreal, with a generous salary attached. _ The Montreal Star gives a good likeness of him and an apâ€" preciative sketch,. Mr. Robt. Gray, Station Master, Hamâ€" ilton, wife and tamily were up last week on a visit to the parents of both, Mi. C. Gray, 8r., and Mr. R. Cochrane, of town. of the trout, The watch was running, and the time correc., It being a " stem winder," the supposition is that in masâ€" Miss Lydia Thompscn, guardian of the children of the late Geo. Dowling, will move to the Gadd farm, Normanâ€" by, at an early date. Messrs John and Wm. Ewen, Rocky Suaugeen left Monday for the far West near Regina, where another brother is located for 2 years. The Corbettâ€"Fitzsimmons fight lasted 14 rounds and by a fou} Corbett lost it, though Fitzsimmons was most * punâ€" ished." Greece and Europe may now begin their show, Miss Maggie Anderson, daughter of Mr. Geo. Auderson, near Edge Hill, reâ€" turned on Tuesday to Portage La Prairie where she has lived for the last 5 years. Mr, E. Q. Taylor‘s lecture last night was excellent in its way. _ Well reasonâ€" ed out, interesting and instructive, The hall was nearly full. _ The proceeds of both meetings amounted to &5. Mayor Caider occupied the chair. Miss Ramsay, Chesley, returned this week to take charge of the millinery deâ€" partment of Messrs Ramsay & Morlock‘s store, Miss Ida McEwen, Mt. Forest, who has been staying with her grandmother, Mrs, Little, Varney, was visiting at Miss Louie Dayidsoun‘s this week. Mr. Chas. Gray, Sr., has been quite ill recently and under the doctor‘s care. Mr. Harry Large of Guelph snent Sunday with his grandâ€"mother Mr:. Porter, Mr. O‘Connor, Flectrician, intends leaving town at an early date, having secured an improved position. Mr. and Miss Scot of Owen Sound spent a couple of days last week with their uncle Mr. 8. Scott. Oh! Say! have {o seats for the "Temple at Durham Pharmacy. Mrs, Win Smith, f near Durham, is very ill at present. _ We hope to hear soun ol her recoyery. * Mr. Hugh McArthur (zear Edge Hill) left for Boitineau, N. Dakota, Tuesday, where he intends to remain for some tiume. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Little of 0. Sound are the guests of Mrs. Turubull, Rocky Saugeen. Mr. Christv Williams, Jr., Fort Erie, is on a visit to Glenelg friends after a long absence. Mavor Caider is around again after a few day‘s severe illness, Mr. Jas. A, Hunter is under the weathâ€" &r this week, Two millinery apprentices wanted at Ramsay & Morlock‘s. ave {ou marked Eour Temple of Fame." lan On Friday Wm. Mitchell, of the 12th con. of Egremont, moved his wife into our village where she intends staying with her brother, John Roberts, while her busband goes to Rainy River for the summer months. _ We welcome her to our midst. Mr. Thos. Stephenson has again seâ€" cured the contract of carrying the mail from Nenagh to Holstein. Mrs. Robt. Robertson, of Orcha d, spent a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John G. S.ith. Mr. James Hamilton, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Holâ€" stein for the past few weeks, returned to his home near St. Thomas, N. D., on Monday. The E. L. of C. E. intend holding a Social on Tuesday, 23rd inst., at the residence of Mr. Thos Brown. Admisâ€" ison, Single, 15 cts. or 25 cts. a couple. All are welcome. WANTED.â€"Karnest Men and Woman to circulate ‘"The Sword of Islam: Or Suffering Armenia", a thrilling hbook, Graphic accounts of the Eastern Questâ€" ion, the Turk, Armenian, and Mohamâ€" medanism with its horrible massacres. N\‘J‘meroush smrtli&g illustlm;i;n&l) taken on the spot, pages, only $1, Agents make $15.00 to &».oo weekly. Books on time. PrmKEctus free to can. vassers, The BRADLEYâ€"GARRETON CO. LTD., Torouto, Ont. The farmers and others have been busy for the past two weeks getting in their stock of ice for the summer. Mrs. Wm. Seaman visited her sisterâ€" inâ€"law, Mrs. Geo. Dickson, of Mt. Forest, over Sunday. We are sorry this week to have to announce the death of Rev. John Mutch. which took place at Teronto on Friday. _ Mr. Mutch spent his boyâ€" hood‘s days in the township of Egreâ€" mont near Holstein. JaAcksox.â€"In Holland, on the 24th Feb., the wife otf Thos,. Jackson, of a daughter. WrELsH.â€"In Bentinck, on the 10th March, the wife of James Welsh. of a daughter. HARBOTTLEâ€"In Durham, on March l1th to Mr. and Mrs. John Harbottle a son. WaTtsonâ€"In Egremont, on March 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Watson a daughter. "The Sword of Islam, or Suffering Armenia," is a Canadian work fiving graphic illustrations and vivid letterâ€" press descriptions of Armenia, its r)ooplo. and its harbatrous rulers, The ublishers, Messrs. Bradley Garretson & Co., are devoting oneâ€"tenth of all the profits to the help of the sufferers, and we understand the local agent, Miss S. R. J. McKinnon, is giving a pertion of her profits also for phih.nt.hmgic purâ€" poses. She is also agent for the book The social which was held at H. Ham‘s lass Wednesday evening was well attended The young people enâ€" joyed themselves with games until about 8 o‘ciock, when lunch was served after which they had singing, reading and speech making. Mr. George Dowling who has been away in Virginia, U. S., for the “Put three years, returned home on Weeâ€" nesday looking hale and hearty. {J_ncle Sam‘s Land must agree with iiim. Quite a number in our village have been laid up with La (Grippe for the past two weeks. Miss Mary Allen was in Harriston last week attendi=g the marriage of her aunt, Miss Bel‘a Sterrat, to Ed. Walker, of South Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sharp, of Dunâ€" dalk, spent Sunday at W. J. Sharp‘s. the press, the clergy, and promi peop& of all Mhrgg.. elsewhere poses. She is also agent for the book * Queen Victoria, ber Life and Reign," which has been highly commended by Mr. Wm. Swanston, of Rockwoud, attended the marriage of his cousin, Mr. J. A. Swanston, son of Ex-DeEuty- Reeye James Swanston, to Miss Ellen Nicho!, daughter of Hugh Nichol, Esq,, which took place last Wednesday. Andrew Fielding of Guelph, yisited at A. Swanston‘s last Tuesday. Wm. Amos moved his family to Mt. Forest last week where he intends to resiae for some time. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Thair visited at Arthur, Alma and Fergus last week. . are the only pills to take Hood‘s Pills n flood'zgmquuh. ‘Almost to the exelusion of all others. Try it Prepared only by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, Hood‘s With Hood‘s Sarsapaâ€" rilla, " Sales Talk," and l a' k show that this mediâ€" cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accordâ€" ed any other proprietary medicine. This As simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than ‘any other. It is not what we say, but ; what Hood‘s Barsaparilia does, that tells ‘the story. All advertisements of Hood‘s Sarsaperiila, like Hood‘s Sarsaparillsa itâ€" self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superiative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy Sales ~ Sarsaparilla‘ ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORONTO HOLSTEIN. BORN. one yeat.....................§ 1 36 Taz RrvIigw and Weekly Mail ONC YOMEB: «++ :s ««1ar« :14 ¢r: :+ â€" 4 D0 THhx® REvIEw and Toronto Daly Hides, _ ... ... 5 00 to Calfukins, â€" ... iss * wee 25 to Sneep.kins each ... ... 40 to Uay per ton ... ... ... 8 00 to Straw per ton ... ... 8 00 so Potatoes, per bag â€" ... O 25 to Apples © ** ... 0O 50 to Wood, 4 feet »:1.‘ I To %o Wood, 922 inch «se s« . 1 OU %o World one year............. Tax RaviEw and Weekly Sun.. Taur REvIizw and Montreal Weekly Witness............ THsg REvIEW and Farming...... Tus Rsvisw and F.milty; ilenld and Weeklv Star(& Premium There will stand for seryice for the season of 1897 at the farm of the underâ€" Priceville, Mar. 13, ‘97. Oatmea per sack ...... ... Brun per cwt ... .. .. Shorts por cwt Fall Whoat per bushel... Barley, t Peas, *# ass Oate, ** aes Dr‘d Hogs, per cwt ... Hoge, live weight ... ... Lard per lb se Tallow* per lb Butter per Ib, Tab ... ... ** Auoll Eggs, per dor .. ... .. Chickens, per pair Ducske t* Curkoys, per Ib ... ... Calder‘s Block, IT Lower THs ReyIEw and Weekly Globe LOT 49, CON. 2, 8. D. R. GLENELG, that fine Thorough Bred Bull rchased from the herd of Mr. H. « x Parker, Durham: | Satisfaction Guaranteed. TERMS : 75ets.â€" Payable Fob. l.l.“.' N. B.â€"To ensure a good job the ALFRED HINKS, Prop. Hides must be well saited as scoon as ta Interest 5, 5%, & 6 per cent According to security. Easy terms of repayment. _ On the Monthly instaiment plan, if desired. It was bred by 8. H. Todd & Son, Wakeman, Ohia, and has a eplendid record, Pedigree may be seen on application. TERMS, ONE DOLLAR. â€" Jxo. MoKEcR®IE. Glubbiig Rates. DURHAM MARKET. Corrected each week by Geo. Sparling. Flour per bbl Ihe undersigned wiil keep for service at hiué)remiun LOT 17 CON. 1. W. G. R. BENTINCK, the aboye well bred MONEY New Dress Goods to hand, and although it LACE CURTAINS We are always pleased to show our goods whether you buy or not. Thas‘s what we‘re here for. Embroidery and Lace House CLEANING TIME CHESTER WHITE BOAR, The undersigned will keep for service We can give you a good Curtain, 35 in. wide, 24 yds. long for 25 cents AP* _ And better ones equally eheap. THOROUGH BRED DURHANM Is coming avound again and we haye secured some bargains for you in in entirely new designs. These are the finest Goods for the price we have eve> had the pleasure of selling and are greatl y admired We have also opened out and are seiling new Picture) one year.... o cSaugeer, Nov 28, 1806. is still cold weather they are selling tast. But then, Price, Quality and Beautiful Goodsâ€"ao the business. Our American Prints at 9 cts a vd , Prussian Cashmere and Azure Silks at 10 cts, â€"areâ€"greatâ€"sellers. "Washington" SR n P on Lower Town. To Loan C. L. GRANT. THOROUGHBRED. irssssseesss* % $ 90 to §4 50 BULL. C. A. Barsou, C. L. CRANT, 10 to 0 16 to 26 to 50 to 03 to 05 to 5 00 to 0 7qp to 0 25 tc 0 87 to 0 16 to 4 80 to 4 60 to 1 65 to 04 to Barrister. 75 10 00 0 10 11 0 10 87 0 17 0 74 C 39 1 75 2 16 1 75 05 10 We are prefpared to take building con Lracts and furnish all kinds of Materiak at living prices. &Â¥ The only firstâ€"clasa Bearse in town. ®A We beg to sunounce to the public that we have the mmill rebuilt and refitted with The undersigned offers to sell or rent on reasonab‘e terms, lot 32, on 1st and 2nd. Con., 8. D. R., Bentinck, composei. of 64 acres, nearly all cleared. Ouomfortable house, good orchard and well. Close to school and church, 1 mile from Allan Park, 4 from Hanover. For further information apply to JAS. WLBBE?( Would intimate that he will contimue t Furniture and Underlnkim{l Businre s esia lished by his father in Durham in 1888 an will endeavor to give all old and new cus‘teom ers the same entire satisfaction. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Bkins, Tanned suitable for Robe Tanning ! By the New Process, ken off, Furniture of the Best Fake Undertaking and Emba)ming on latestp riaâ€" ciplos at reasonable rater. which for Finish and Softâ€" ness can‘t be beat. Thos. Smith. tfURMITURE AMND TX BRTAKIKG PLANING AND MATCHING WATSON BROS DONE AND SATI8FACTION GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND Dromore, June 6th, ‘06. IMPROVED MACHINERY. Remember the «tandâ€"â€"opposite the Market, Durhnm.po. ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY NORTH EGREMONT. FARM for SALE, or to RENT. E. J. SHEWELL Robe Tanning ! Robes & Coats LOWER TOWN â€"FULL LINE OFâ€" AT RIGHT PRICES. E. J, sHEWELL Durham.

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