West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 25 Mar 1897, p. 5

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t3 _ *HALEâ€"§] w TAXE A TON!C <o m oo o uP en ip tp P Thats what you ought to do, Our Tonic Elixir 50cts a bottle is a good sensible tonic, Just the one to sharpen your appeâ€" tite and put new "go" in your nerves and musc‘es. Come toduy ane begin takin : it righ‘ away. You‘ll firid it just vhit :o ir system useds. AT \ the Durham â€"Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. Residence first door west of th Past Offilce, Durham. Will be in Priceville the tirst Wednes daÂ¥ in each month. Office at the Comâ€" Will be in P day in each m mercial Hotel LIXE LEAD IN YCUR STOMACH. LOWER TOWN IISL‘lR OF MARRIAGE LICENSEs, Holâ€" stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reasonâ€" able distance, it desired. Holatein, January 14th. 1897 to do. DI-Z.\LER IN WATCHES, CLOCK$§ Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware of all descriptions, Reâ€" }miring a specialty,.â€"UPPER TOWRN, URIH A M. Just sick enough to feel heavyâ€"hecled, lazy, and listless, to have no appetite, to sleep badly, to have what y eat feel Not sick eaough to take to bed or call a doctor, but juast sick cnouctk to not know what Peoples, 0 oga 6 p*¢ IELD dROF BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, CONAEYANCER, &c. Offices : Caulder Block, Lower Town, Durham. gora Patent‘," What profitable to in vent."and . ilzeson Patents‘. Advice free. F ees mogerate IAARION 4& "ARIPN, Expents, Tomple Building, #3 St James St., Montreal Treonly irmof @radnate Erginers inthe Domi mion transmacting patents business esc:usivelg Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. FFiCE FIRST DOOR â€"EAST OF DENTISTRY. C. A. BATSON, Monsy to loan at lowest rates. W. S. HORSBURGH. HacFARLAN® & Go at THE DURHAM PHARMACY. A. CORDON. GSEEDS A 0 0n d ¢a I URH A M BK WANTED.â€"Intelligent men _ with good education to whom $800 and exâ€" penses for the first year would be an inducement. _ Write wich full particulâ€" ars. THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond 8St, West., Toronto, Ont, NOTICE. All persous indebted to C. McArthur are respectfully requested to call for their accounts and settle either by cash or note at once. All accounts left uusettled must be placed into other hands for collection. C, McArtuunr. FoR SaALE or RExtT.â€"The elegant resâ€" idential property lately occupied by the Rev, Chas. Cameron. _ Close to town 4 acres of ground, elegant bhouse, comâ€" fortable out buildings, etc. This is well worth the attention of any one contemâ€" plating building, Cheaper to buy than to build. Apply to _ % aive importationa jJust arriyed in WAGGONS, {)RILIS. bUGGIES, CARTS, PLOUGHS, STOVES (at cost price), &¢. â€" Fire Insw ance promptâ€" ly attended to,. _ Money to loan,. Marâ€" riage Licenses issued, Lower TownImâ€" plement warerooms. Special sale of wall paper at MacFarâ€" lane‘s Drug Store. Srprixo Goons.â€"Watch Calder‘s ad. next week for full particulars of extenâ€" sive importationa just arrived in WaxTED.â€"Intelligent men with good education, who want to better theit posâ€" itions, and would be content tor a year with $600 and expenses, _ Write us with description and occupation, and we will make a proposition for now or the futâ€" ure. _ Also needed, reliable men for Australia. _ Write toâ€"day for we are in a hurry.â€"Tu® MaxaAoER, 48 Richmond St, West, Toronto, Ont. "Nor Exactuy Riaxt," â€" Thousands of people are in this condition, They are not sick and yet by no means well, _A single bottle of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla would do them a world of good, _ It would tone the stomach, create an apâ€" petite, purify and enrich the blood _ and give wonderful vigor and yitalit7, Now is the time to take it. WaxTEo. â€" CanvassErs.â€"â€"" Queen Victoria ; Her Life and Reign," has capâ€" tured the British Empire _ Extraordinâ€" ary testimonials from the grsat men ; send for copy free. The Marquis of Lorne says, "The best popular life of the Queen I have seen." I-ler Majest send a kind letter of appreciation. Sel{- ing by thousands; gives enthusiastic satisfaction. _ Cost a mint of money, but large circulation justifies low retail, $3.00. Lots of historic illustrations, Large Bookâ€"over all 256}x104 inches. Men and women of standing in the comâ€" murity making $15 to $40 a week. Exâ€" clusive teâ€"ritory. _ Prospectus free to agents. . Books on time._ THE BRADâ€" LEYâ€"GARRETSON CO. L‘To., Toronto, Hoop‘s PILLS cure nausea, sick headâ€" ache, indigestion, billousness, All drugâ€" gists, 25c. Ont, Snow going, blackb‘rds coming, surely it is spring, mud galore more in store just the very thing. [LaTER.â€"Plain prose mus* suffice to say that our poet is a little too * previous ‘ a heavy fall of snow having tiken place. It was mean.] Tnsg Sarvation Arxyy.â€"Staff Capt. Turner, of the Salvation Army, will conâ€" duct meetings in the Orange Hall, March 27th and 28th assisted by Adjt. Taylor, Don‘t fail to come and bring your friends with you. 500 Tin sap pails, regular 15 cts. this week 8 cts, each at J. A. Hunter‘s. AUCTION SALEK,â€"Auctioneer McKay on Wednesday, March 31st disposes of the farm stock, implements, &¢ _ of Mr. Dan McMillen, lot 30, con. 2, N, D. R., Glenelg. Sale at 1 o‘clock. No reserve. We have received from our regular Priceville correspondent a fine biograph ical sketch of the late Rev, D. McLeod, which we nold over reluctantly so as to appear entire in one issue. You can‘t afford to miss the treat of the season. Everyone is going to see the "Temple of Fame" on the 25th and 2Bth insts. Tickets, 25 cents. Messrs D. Mcintyre, Balsam Valley, and A, McDonald, Luulash, crme home Tuesday from Heidelburg, looking well after a winter‘s work timbering. Business men can have a box of 500 qnndouvelupvs neatly printed for one dollar. Hard times prices, but these will advertise your business. Goop PIGS.â€"Mr. Jno. Allan delivered four pigs Monday last which went 163 Ibe. and only 6 mos. 5 days old. Good for winter feeding. â€"NOTICE â€"All acet‘s overdue must be paid within ten days, _ Otherwise they will be placed in other hands for Cullection.-â€"â€"j. A. Buack. New pens for vertical writing at Macâ€" Farlane‘s Drug Store. Havre you taken in J. A. Hunter‘s great $5.00 bargain on page 1 ? Another drop in flour. We are sellin‘f ‘good ‘ at $1.80 per cwt., bag included, G. Sparling, Weekly Globe for 3 months and Picture of Liberal Cabmet ouly 40 cts, Get it during the Session. Servant girl wanted. Apply to Mrs. J. W. Crawford. § Two mullinery apprentices wanted at Ramsay & Morlock‘s. eemmmmermenes + s 0 % omm memmermns, +. 0. Ehe 6reg Rreview. Purkham, Thur. Mar. 25 97 LOCAL AND GENERAL Rev. Cuas. CaxERON. SexsIBLE SUgGGErsTION.â€"The ‘ Temple of Fame ‘ entertainment promises to câ€" clipse anything ever seen in Durham and is sure todraw a crowded house. As it is largely spectacular, a suggestion has been made that ladies go prepared to remoye their hats, as is customary in some places, so that no craning of necks may be necessary to take in the very uvnique display. Mr. Wm. Harris came home from Flesherton on Sunday Iast having been two weeks in the Advance office during the ilIness of Â¥r. A. McDougall, who returned to work on Monday. Will has formed a high opinion of Flesherton and its people. ARRIVED SAFEâ€"A letter received from Mra, John Cameron, Bottinzau, North Pakota, announces the safe arâ€" riyval of her mother and berself at ber western home. Theaged lady stood the journey well. They spent a day in Chicago, and met Mrs. Cameron‘s son, and her two nieces, daughiers of Mr. Mal. Cameron, Latona, Mrs. J. W. Hunt and Miss Lizzie Cameron. She found all well at home ; lots of snow, Rry. D. McVicar.â€"We briefly notâ€" iced last week the call to Rev. 5 Mcâ€" Vicar, Dromore, from the Victoria Presbyterian Church, Mentreal, _A salary of $800 and a manse is promised, and as there is only one charge, with a rery limited field, (geographically) as a pastorate, the position is one which would suit admirably Mr. McVicar‘s studious habits, The present charge of Amos and Kuox is a yery cumberous one, The Montreal Star last week gave a portrait and cut and the Witness of last Saturday has a better cut and the fellowing letter press : "*Rev. Donald McVicar, of Dromore Ont , who has been called to the pastorâ€" ate of Victoria Presbyterian Church, of this city, to succeed the Rev, W. D. Reid, who resigned a few months ago, was born near the town of Surathroy, Ont., in the county of Middlesex. He received his preliminary education at the Collegiate lustitute, Strathroy, and qualified for a teacher at the bz)rmal School, Toronto, holding that position lor nearly ftive years. l§e entered Mcâ€" Gill University in the fall of 1888 and Mrr. Thos, McComb, Sr., who spent the winter at her daughter‘s, Mrs. Andrew Brown, in Minto, came home last Woednesday by train "all by her lonesome" smart as a young lady of 20 instead of her age 89 years past. She is at present the guest of her daughter, Mrs, Alex. McComb, Lower Town, graduated in artis in 1800 ; studied theoâ€" logy in the Presbyterian College and graduated in 1892. In May of the saime year Mr, McVicar was liceused to preach and was called to the pastorate of'Amos Church, Dromore. and Knox Church, Ncermanby, Ount., in July. During his course at McGill Mr. McVicar taught for one term as mathematical teacher in Mrs, Lay‘s school, and for three months as second headmaster of the Royal Arthur school, of this city. He won the Balfour scholarship in 1831 while at the Presbyterian College and the Urescent street scholarship and a prize in archiâ€" tecture at his graduation. Ovyer a hunâ€" dred members bave been added to the churches over which he presided, nameâ€" Iy 76 at Amos and 27 at Knox Church, Mr, JcVicar was married in February, 1893, to Miss llufnii; McLean, daughter of the Rev. A, McLean, of Blyth, Ont. They have one child, " WANTED.â€"Earnest Men and Woman to circulate "The Sword of Islam: Or Suffering Armenia", a tbrilling book, Graphic accounts of the Eastern Questâ€" ion, the Turk, Armenian, and Mohamâ€" medanism with its horrible massacres. Numerous startling illustrations taken on the spot, 448 pages, only $1,90 Agents make $15.00 to $30.00 weekly. Books on time. â€" Prospectus free to can vassers, The BRADLEYâ€"GARRETON CO. LTD., Torouto, Ont. Miss May McCracken, who has been vis:ting here for the past two weeks reâ€" turned to her home in Durham on Monâ€" day,â€"Mr. Arthur McCannel has acceptâ€" ed a position with Mr. J. M. Findlay in Taylor‘s store, Dromore.â€"Confed. Mr. Jnoo. McArthur, Dornoch, lately returned from Rat Portage district for a brief visit. We have to thank him for some pocket specimens of gold bearing ore which are reprsesentative of his district, _ He returns there in a short time haying an ‘"‘interest" in that minâ€" ing country. Mr, Jas. Moore, who has a good posiâ€" tion in Colborne, Ont., came to his parents‘ home in Normanby for a few week‘s vacation. â€" Pleased to haye a call from our friend and old pupii. Messrs Peter and Neil Campbell and Neil McCaaul left last Tuesday ?ur Maniâ€" toba where they intend to stzry for scme time, Inspector Campbell fcontemplates a trip to Britain this interesting jubjlee year, and will visit Islay, the home of uis ancestors, and other points of the three kingdoims, »irs, D. Coleridge, Sr., Greenside is visiting her daugnier, JMrs. C, Ran.â€" aze, of the * Review‘ this week. Mesâ€"rse Ed, Zingg, Lou Flannigan and F, McGrade speut Sunday with Mr. E, Milligan and Mr, WV wm. Johnston, Oh!| Say! haye you marked your seals for tae * Teimple of Fame," _ Plan ai Durhaim Puarmacy. Mr. Jas. Lioyd, of Chatsworth, came home to see his family, including the new arrival. last week end. Rev, Mt1. Little is assistiug Rev. Mr. Thom, Flesh=rton, in bolaing revival services, this week, Mr, Win. Lawson, Sr,, returned from Toronto Junction Saturday last, after a & mouth‘s yvisit. Mr. A. Gordon, jeweller, is summoned on the jury which is required at the aâ€" ssize next imonth, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ector, of the Avenue, were visiting friends in Artemesia and Pricevilie, last week, Mr. Jno. A. Black has so far recovered from his iilness as to get up the hill Monday last. Mr, Mal. Cameron, Latona, is yisiting his sister, in Howick. She is poorly at present, Mrs. Magwood and little son, of Arâ€" thur, are guests at the Methodist Parâ€" Mrs. Biack has had a bad attack of la grippe, but is recovering. Another of the old time residents of Egremont has been laid to rest in Mapleâ€" wood Cemetery in the person of k.r. Thos, Chapman, who died on Saturday last and was buried on Monday the 2nc¢, Mr. Chapman was born in the County of Fermanagh, Ireland, about the year 1815. He came to Egremont about the year ‘47, and settled on the farm on waich he diel. He was married on New Year‘s day ‘55 to his now bereaved partner. In the early sixties, he seryed in the township as councillor, for several years, He was always spoken of as being a very industrious, saving man, also of having a very lively, humorous disposition, until these last few years, old age and feebleness crept over him and towards the last he became very inâ€" firm,. A wife five sons and two daughâ€" ters survive him. Three sons and two daughters having gone on before. Of his children who surviye him, William is a resident of Mount Forest ; John, of Markdale; David, of the U. S.; Mrs, Grierson, of Egremont ; Mrs. R. White, of Artemesia ; while Samuel and George remain at home,. The sympathy and respect giyen to Mrs, Chapman and tamily was shown by the large number of friends and neighbors who attended the funeral which was conducted by the Rev. Mi. Connor, of Durham. The {_ext' being " As the tree falls so shall it ie." Each shareholder shall be entitled to Oo(;i)urchase from the Company all goods for his own or family use at manufacturer‘s prices. Mr. John McRae, of Owen Sound, was on a business trip to the Grove last week. Miss Sarah Black was the guest of Miss Maggie McQuarric during the storm a weak ago Sunday. No doubt she was looking for the Chronicle to see an account of the large load of logs that was hauled at Massy Station some time Miss Muir, of Priceville, on Friday oyening of last week paid her farewell visit to the Grove as she is intending leaving for Caledonia shoitly. CAMPBELLâ€"In Glenelg, on March 21st, the wife of Mr, George Campbell of a son. What we would like to know : Who the young cmi‘ple were that were out in the rain on Friday night ? If John got his feet thawed out yet ? The Company proposes to manutactâ€" ure what is known as ‘"Staple Lines" of Boots & Shoes in peg and riveted work, using first class materal and workmanship so as to successfully comâ€" pete with other manufacturers. The business of the said Company to be conducted strict‘ly on a cash basis in both buying and selling thus enâ€" ahling them to buy in the cheapest market and manufacture at the lowest possible cost. John MceArthur and Miss Cassie Mcâ€" Kinnoon, of Priceville, passed through the Grove en route to Pomona lately in a handsome turnout. We regret the balance of the budget has to be held over. The officers of the Company to conâ€" sist of a President, Vice Pres , Secreâ€" tary, Treasurer and two Directors, who shall be elected annually by a vote of the shareholders: each share entitling the holder therecf to one vote. The capital of the said Company to be $3000 divided into two hundred ghares of $15 each, which shares are to be payable as follows:â€"20%, on the first day of June, A D. 1897 and the balance to be payable in 20%, calls upâ€" on 3U days notice as the directors of the said Company may direct. Such payâ€" ments or calls are to be paid to the Treasurer of the Company. poses. She is also agent for the book * Queen Victoria, her Life and Reign," The company shall be a limited liability joiat stock company, incorporâ€" ated under the Joint Stock Company‘s Act : no shareholder to be liable for a greater amount than his share or shares call for. Of the Dnrham Boot and Shoe manâ€" ufacturing Coy, (Ltd.) ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORONTO | are the only pills to take \Hood‘s Pills witr Rooan lpuuunus Hood‘s ‘Almost to the exelusion of all others. ‘Try it Prepared only by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass,. With Hood‘s Sarsapaâ€" rilla, " Sales Talk," and I al k show that this mediâ€" cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accordâ€" ed any other proprietary medicine. This As simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than ‘any other. It is not what we say, but ;what Hood‘s Barsaparilia does, that tells the story. All advertisements of Hood‘s Barsapaerilla, like Hood‘s Sarsaparilla itâ€" self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superiative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy Sales ~ Sarsaparilla‘ Part of MAPLE GROVE. PROSPECTUS MURDOCH. There will stand for service for the season of 1897 at the farm of the underâ€" signed LOT 49, CON 2, S. D. R. GLENELG, that fine Thorough Bred Bull "THRESTON" Burchased from the herd of Mr. H. arker, Durham. TERMS : 75cts. Payable Feb. 1.1898. ALFRED HINKS,. Prop. Priceville, Mar. 13, ‘97 Cheap, and on easy terms, 4 miles from Durham. Apply to JOHN FIRTH, Durham, MorIcEâ€"In Normanby, on Friday the 19th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. R, Morice a daughter. IrvINE.â€"At Toronto Junction, on I0th inst., to Mr. and Mrs, Hamiiton Irvine a daughter. Lroxpâ€"In Durham, on Sunday 21st of March, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lloyd, a daughter. Sagexxâ€"Marrurwsâ€"In Trinity Church on March 24tch by the Rev, W. J. Conâ€" nor, Elien Margaret Matthews, sof Egremont, to Henry Schenk, of Egâ€" McIntyre and Gardiner, marble and granite dealers, of Mount Forest have the larglm stock in Ontario to select from, No agents. Rai‘way fare allowâ€" ed to purchasers, â€" All work guaranteed Eggs, per doz ... .. Chickens. per pair Ducks ** Furkeys, per lb ... (G=ere ** w Hides, Calfskins, ... i Sueep.kins each _ .. Hay per ton ... ... Straw per ton s Potatoes, _ per bag Apples _ . ** Wood, 4 feet Wood, 22 mnch % It was bred by 8. H. Todd & Son, Wakeman, Ohio, and has a splendid record, _ Pedigree may be seen on application. TERMS, ONE DOLLAR. Jxo, McKrconxi®. ocSaugeen, Nov 28, 1826. s SSf Bcortâ€"In Normanby, on the 23rd inst., at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Qatmea per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts per ecwt Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, *+* Peas, +* Oats, ** Dr‘d Hogs, per owb Hogs, live weight ... Lard per lb Tallow* per Ib Butter per Ib, Tab ... *4 Roll The undersigned will keep for service at his premises LOT 17 CON. 1. W. G. R. BENTINCK, the aboye well bred DURHAM MARKET. Corrected each week by Geo, Sparling. boar. Flour per bbl ...... New Dress Goods to hand, and although it LACE CURTAINS We are alivays pleased to show our goods whether you buy or not, Thet#‘s what we‘re here for. CHESTER WHITE BOAR, Embroidery and Lace House CLEANING TIME remont, . Barber, Mr. Henry Ball. THOROUGH BRED DURHAM We can give you a good Curtain, 35 in. wide, 24 yds. long for 25 cents pyas* And better ones equally cheap. Is coming around again and we haye secured some bargains for you in in entirely new designs. These are the finest Goods for the price we have eve> had the pleasure of selling and are greatly admired. We have also opened out and are seiling new FARM FOR §4A1 "Washington" is still cold weather they are selling tast. _ But then, Price, Quality and Beautiful Goodsâ€"ao the business. Our American Prints at 9 cts a vd , Prussian Cashmere and Azure Silks at 10 cte, â€"areâ€"greatâ€"sellers. THOROUGHBRED. C. L. GRANT. FIFTY ACRE MARRIED. BULLâ€" BORN. DIED. a smecm G. L. CGRANT, $ 8 20 to $4 50 1 65 to 1 65 65 so 65 0 7p to 0 75 0 25 tc 0 80 0 87 to 87 0 16 to 0 17 4 80 to 5 00 4 50 to 4 50 08B to 10 04 to 04 0 8 to O 10 10 to 11 0 10 to O 10 25 to 80 50 to 50 03 to 08 05 to 05 5 00 to € 00 25 to 40 40 to 75 8 00 to 10 00 A O0 to 6 00 0 25 to 0O 39 0 50 to O 50 1 75 o 1 75 1 00 to 1 00 LE 4 50 10 04 0 10 11 : PLANIMNG AND MATCHING WATSON BROS The indersigned kaving beon restored to healta by simple means, aftor suffering for severa) years with ase cerelung affection, and that dread disease Consumption,is anxions to make known to his fellow lu;rers the means of cure, Tothose who desireit, he wi‘l cheerfuliy send (free of charge) a ecpy of the preseripton used, which they wili find a sure cure for l.onn-nrllo-. Astbma, Caâ€" tarrh, Bronch#tis.and all throatandlunrg Maiâ€" adies. He hr;‘ws all sufferers will try thisremedy, as it ! invaluable. Those dosiringthe preseription wh‘‘ pwill sostthem nothing, and may prove‘s ble ssing, will please address W e are prefp:u'x-d to take building con tracts and furnish all kinds of Material at living prices, Remember the stand â€"opposite the Market, Durham. tÂ¥ The only Arstâ€"class Hearse in town. CA The undersigned coffers to sell or rent on reasonab‘le terms, lot 32, on 1st and 2nd. Con., 8. D. R., Bentinck, composed of 64 acres, nearly all cleared. Oomfortable house, good orchard and well. Close to school and church, 1 mile from Allan Park, 4 from Hanover. For further information apply to JAS. WEBBH{ RBV. BDWARD A WILSOX, BrocklIyn New York. Would intimate that he will continue 6 Furniture and Undertaking Busine«s esia lished by his father in Durham in 1858 an will endeavor to give all old and new custem ers the same entire satisfaction. Undertaking and Emba\ming on latessp xinâ€" ciples at reasonable "«tes, We beg to announce to the public that we have the null rebuilt and refitted with Frrriture of the Best Nake ALWAYS ON HANXD. PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY FURMITURE AND UNBERTAKING DONXE AND SATI8SFACTION GUARANXTEED. SHINGLES ON HANXD Dromore, June 6th, ‘06. TO CONSU MPTIVES Anvone sending a eketch and description may gulckiy scertain, free, whether a» invention is probably patestable. Communications strictly confidential, Oldest agency foreecuring patents it Americs. We nave a VW ashiugton ofice, Paients tuken through BMuun & Co. receive #pocial nol.ce in the *) *9" f SCIExTIFIG AMERICEN, _ basntifully illnstrated, largest ctroulstion finzfluflon aczunmd. vM,y.tofluwflm +4 aiv man{he â€" Enasmimen annies and Mdds s montne enc croed exdion ane Hake HOOK OK PATENTS sout free. Address MVUNN & CO. 861 Broadwey. hoew iufi. % IMPROVED MACHINERY. NORTH ZEGREMONT. B. J. SHEWELL FARM for SALE, or to RENT. LOWER TOWN â€"FULL LINE OFâ€" AT RIGHT PRICES. E. J, sEBEWELL * TRADE MARKE, DLEICK3, COPYHICHTS &e. Durham. 4#

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