' about it who , wand]. no! price. If Mn run (CT, in ,9 'ay’s L pring fo loan at I! in the S/ s. “war We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. WAREHOUSE, 53.115232: Town, Durham. ~~3EALBR Tri- All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs a P3221993. ':rcvsrrrrgh'achines', Etc. We beg to inform our Custom: ers and the Public generallgg that we have adopted the Cal-35 System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be "Large Sales & Small Profits." Chem. Maxwï¬zmon And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Call and inspect and be Convinced. New Prints from 5 cts. up. New Dress Goods from 8 cts. up New Lace Curtains from 25 cts a, pr up. EVERYTHING BOUGEIT FOR CASH See our Lines of Ttervh" m. A "rc. 01 h. '96. Big Line of WHIPS from 10 cts. up to 80 cts. for a GOOD RAWHIDE. "LL " a V Ei'w " W-. " New Table Oil Cloth, 45 inches wide, white or col- ored, 25 cts. a yd. New Spring Shoes-e delight-tral] and see tLem. r_"%" I White Granite & Tin Ware. The CASH . dk J. McKechniE-a CHAS. MCKINNON. irlaiv,t I “a. BEAN dk CO. ADOPTED BY UPPER _s:lj,'iii,'j,i, 'rowN'i'i'ii stem i' If: m- alp~;luu . G. d; J. 11.EcE1ilfWN1E, _iiiii'( ttt n) iliittit ilihttjiittt) ' If} i .--The Prctnir l" ill (1 n few of his col 3 leagues were want-(1 up m hy a large ldoputntiun “will the guld region of C, m-w Ontario urging: assistance towards gthe cunwlc'iun of the Ontario and illnin)‘ River llnilwuy. This Railway Humid enable several water stretches l to be utilizcd, among others, those con- lnccted by the Fort Frances Locks be. lgun by Mr. McKenzie. Mr. Laurie: ', was gratified to tind that though Mr. i, McKenzie had been so much maligned ill I' beginning this work, the wisdom of it was now becoming apparent. ‘liarly consideration was promised. House to c..ll even clerical privilege in question when it is alleged the priests "of Champlain Co., denounce French Liberals as "allies of the devil on. whom the dogs should be set." Could clerical fanaticism go further? We- honor the people of Quebec, who, by their votes have shown thatinstrue. tions from their priests make them do as they please. ---The reading by Mr, 'l‘arte of the document signed by the Lib, ml Rom- an Catholics, appealing to the Hype for Yecdom from ecclesiastical opposition, caused a genuine sensation in parlia- ment. A strong effort is being mane by the opposition to make It appear a political and not a spiritual movement. J. Ross Robertson hits the nail on the hmul when he says, "so l, in: as our trHitie"d troubles: are settled in ()tlawn f care nut wln-ro the spiritual troubles of my Kunmn Catholic friends are, snttlcd. I certainly think it was time. they appealed." --lifr. Tatte made one of the best speeches eve: made in Parliament on the school question and the mission to Rome, calling Irom a Conservative M. P. "admirationfor the frank and fear. less manner in which he handled the question." Mr. Tarte says he has nothing to conceal and acts throughout " an honest and fearless statesman might be expected to do. 1 ---hfr. Morin, a Conservative M. P. » asked Postmaster General Mulock why in certain Mail contract had been can- ‘celled. Mr. Mulock hud'nt the slight- Heat objection to tell. Tenders were !askcd in 1892, the lowest tender 0930 Ibeing passed over and one of 91170 accepted. This contract expired Dec. ;1896. Bat in January 1896, nearly a ; year before its termination. it was re- -Seven or eight Conservatives have spoken in the debate on the School bill all washing their hands of it, re- gretting its introduction into the de- bate, thus givinga slap at Sir Chas. who was the flrsit at any length to bring it up. Until Sir Jonah Tapper is thrown overboard the Conservative party wil have rough seas and trouble in making port. -------i.i-------- -To Canadians who remember the waste of weeks that usually occured at the opening of every Session of par- liament under the late government it is gratifying to see the promptncss with which inmmant measures are now introduced. Already have been introduced Lgislation looking towards the abolishing pf the Franchise Act and the Superannuation System. An Alien Labor Act, to meet the American legislation, and the Plebtseite are just ready for discussion, and the great Tariff measure is casting its shadow before. The government is fulfilling its pledges. --The election 'n Champlain to-day (Wednesday) occupies all minds. It has never yet returned a Liberal and the exciting contest should be an object lesson to the papal ablegate now in our midst. The intempemte lan. guage of the priests is strangelv at variance with the broad minded utter- ances of the pope himself. -lrhat the address was allowed to pass without a division shows that the opposition are sawing off the evil day when their weakness will be shown. They are good at the staving off pro- -llas any member yen risen in the Editorial Iota and [ mment. PEEPS INTO PARLIAMENT. ~~rooo~~-~- 909 $00 -----_- Q0. DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1897. -0- 6.. ncwed fort yearstromJnn. 1 1897!! lit minors, other than ludgrrs, are!$50. 19": without tender of any kind, and at the l â€Pill fr/yet)?,.?,)'",,',",':'),",,',,"."" proprle- } my“??? old fiMare of 911702! This is but :13“; “‘ ttttUI 'rc'ttoa..ii"e. inn-Hue. sample of the crooked work Mr. Ma- " ti. “New"? "0 Pew liei'yy's am to ........_ . . I K? wanted fur places within tln'H‘.’ lock has to deal with, and goes to show _ humh'vi feet of a church of mint ation. j indeed "that it was time " ttchange.'", al inatitution. :’ t Mr. Mulock cancelled the contract! T. The clause ohliging- municiynl-' culled fortenders and is now getting ititsto. contribute to. the "le.""""'. of! itdonefors321a vear less, a saving cnturcmg Ioeat option lam, IS with.) V U. A -.------- .0 aInSA ml... ..-w-se_..b ALI drawn tiltogether. l . Changes announced in the Legisla- tune. in 4 years of 31281. The report did not say if Mr. Morin wanted more. 3. Holders ot shop licenses are al- lowed to sell packages of fifty cigars or tire pounds of tobacco. The change in the License Law, an nounced by Hon. Richard Harcourt will be as follows t l. In case oi a reduction in the num- berof Licenses in any municipality. the reduction is to take effect on the let of May of that your, and to coin tinue until the by-law is altered or repealed, the set period of three. years mentioned in the original bill being now set aside. Such a by-law can only be passed after notice has been given prior to November 15 of the pre- eeeding year, the notice to he Signed by one hundred municipal electors, and in towns by five hundred. 2. Liquor stores are allowed to sell unbroken paekagetrto not 1935 than one half pint. 4. The restrictions of drug store liquor sales are made more stringent and are clearly indicated. The de mand for medical eertitieates and re- gistration will apply to all compounds where liquors are mixed with other ingredients. but “legally qualified." Penalties are imposed lor selling liquor: 5. The regulations prohibiting the sale of liquor to persons of either sex under 21 years 0 age are made more stringent. Bonn Me guests or lodgers excepted by the original bill, are mt now excepted, and, in addition, clubs are prohibited providing or selling te)': to minors whether members or ot erwise. or whether the characters of the clubs or associations gave them power to sell to members. Moreover, io be consumed a the pretuiseilruiked with soda water, etc. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO - . U Fora da s more only. we say $46.00 brescent 161 cyctes After that “X00 will be our price -Buy now. Every purchaser will be taught to ride-FREE OF CHARGE -itt our RIDING ACADEMY, which will be started in a few days-under able management. " moderate charge will be made to not: purchasers. ' This tml",',',',',?, will be under the management of a Pill skilled machinist. Charges Bicycle Repairzng TI 2,y'irhtt'itlt, of course, and a ull supply of B cycle accessories will always 9 an n . Eh' , , ‘ , ‘ ' I F , l " - - L e t A: -1r -, L .1 ' , " Mm, ' ' ‘ i b ' , llfMe/l L . a, ' ~ _ ? u r _ I tf, M's 5 V ‘ Ell?, f H' ,V 'e. -r, _ L L. V '= L a .7 se, a Bai, . I MI IEi , IB. , ,3, ‘ r ‘ LT, Th 5 ttt Ls r l 3,“ itil?! 9.9111 , yr , --L-"<~ my? - "i: It. ' (ii.) gh) , 5, ' , T Aâ€. . H L ,, l \ tr . b', , L A. v.1 _ Fire 'sr, 131:1; 4/ The " Clereland " (Gold Medal,) Best wheel in the worH--Wodel 22---$75,t)O The Cleveland, Ladies’ Wheel, all nickel plated, last yrs, price, $115. our price, $85.00 (Better pay for a name than for Repairs.) " Grescent Bicycles†" TIFF M', " . 9mm: ', f EC.' _.','. mm: h...~'1 THE LICENSE LAW, ' a! M4,!- tat. ‘ ' N rum "*.'.-~"'~"-*.. 4::e_~_._~:m F' v a; . "’ '?' ' 'Y' _ria3'i.e%'ri'i'y,iieili'/.il'i1 wSW m Fei-if/tie-Xi'?, a. BICYCLE SUITS. BICYCLE CAPS, BICYCLE SWEATERS, BICVCLE TWEEDS. Examine thoroughly what you buy-Dont purchase from Catalopes- All our Wheelsjully guaranteed one year. M 33:11-11! 3.33 .913“ " ts." We are District Agents for all the HIGHEST GRADE WnEELfi--Cail and sed our Stock -The largest in Town. ' aï¬ï¬ï¬iTmW$3W¢mWï¬ï¬i 'i,'rilrit) ----aeaea%dii3l C YcLEiRii%farie.aer---- J. EVERYTHING IN GARDEN TOOLS ---AT--- Bargain Day Prices Alter April 1 the tariff on 1008me orders up to 32.50 will be 3 cents; on orders over $2.50 and up to 85, 4 cents; over 85 and up to810, (scents; over $10 and up to £320, 10 cents; over $20 and up to .30. 12 cents; aver $30 and up tow, 15 cents; over $40 and up (0850, 20 cents; over 850 and up to 860, 24 cents; over th'O and up to $70 28 cents; over 870 and up to t80, 32 cents; over $8) and up to $90. 36 cents; our 09.) and up to t100, 40 cenw. The change is made in or ler to com- rete with the express companies for the urgvl orders. Ileretofu re the commission on post oitiee, orders up to ill has been 2 cents; on sums over $5 and up to co), 500nm; over t10 up to $20, li) cents; over t2U and up to tAO, 20 cents; over $40 and up man, 30cents, over $00 and up an 880, 400mm: over t80 and up to 8100, 50 cents. 9. The municipality may by by law, -_-- -tr' -_-- __Vv -- - . 7’ if V V ' order that the licensed places close at' --H.N' THE-- an earlier or open at a later hom- than 3 Town of Durham, At the Knapp House now. I at Tel: 1l'clock, a. 111.. __.--- a†--------- 1 When all applications for Licenses CH ANGIE IN POST OFFICE ORDERS. fur the License your of 1897-98 will be _-_. considered. The nvtuber ot Licenses Heretofcre the commission on post issued for theyear18'Mr97 Wttb". oNee orders up to $1 has been 2 cents ; j Tainan! mmâ€: Tum: 4 Bhop tt on sums over .55 and up to 610, 5asnts; ! {3:33:33} {filmy If J, II 3 over t10 up tc $20. 10 cents; over t2U p1'E'u'i',t, D â€14an s,' '. a " It " O . a _ tttht" ioM “1' t . " 6 ., l and [113.†'tfdy, 20 cents; IB' Ir,' tlo and 1 Towns! it. at r"il'elrllt " 'd " 0 up togiO, 30 cents, over $00 and up‘TuIMhipof l‘mum " 3 " o The rateson orderu payable in the United Kingdom and in foreign coun- tries and the British parseaaiotts stand as they Are. For the sake of comparison the tariff charges by the Dotuiriion express cm.- pungeis appended as follows t Not over $8, l over " not over $5, 4.); over " nnl over .10. tk: over10, um. over $2). 10ct tnrer “L nut. over 'IO, PA-, over tt-r-ert-'m--yMT=rr.ict Ci uycu on. "In uvtl'w. 1-1; vvtl qua. [ w.. -.v 1'“ 'NT .. .". over ‘10. tte: over 10, not. over bw, Child T.?? dott. " 'whr-' '“k‘,"' rtf over 820. nut. over wo, PA-, over 1'yyu'.l',l1t,t,'."e,'Y: , "irs.t,t."t!l'co'rlGrrrf not our 810, 150; over 840. no! o'. t ;.!.YCo Insulin Temple, (rm not nu D fif- PAZ’LT ME til TAL STORE . Ladies' and len's~List Price "in .9559. N CD TIC Ei" uniclllnl _ [$50. 180; (NO! $.30, not over anâ€. an: lover $00. not m â€-375. 25c; over 875. ,nntluver $100, ilk; over 3100, M. same I rules. The number of Applications for Li. censes tor 1897-78, am: Tuna-f l‘urusm Town-hip of “and; Tum 'ship of Norumnby Ville ot Dun-lull: Township of Homiuck Torutttsipot Emu-mum t'omasLip at Prcton Of whom Donald Molinchorn of the Townshipof Prawn is applying for 1 new Lion-me (Wine and new) for tho House and Premises. situate in the Village of (Sedan-ville. All petitions relating to the {naming or relusal ot Licenses mun he filed with the Inspeeuw at. least four days before April 22nd. 1897. All parties intercsu-d will govern themselvcl accordingly. Thursdaytha 22nd d April 1897. NOTICE is hereby given that the T. A. HARRIS, Inspector. Durham April 2nd, It97. To HOTEL and all “you: run urmrsi WOMEN. Wepay a to I") per week b" -m\ I‘mâ€? tet -- - .. - _ a -‘A ---_. -A board of Lrrrisr. (kmumsxuxsns fur the LICENSE Manner of Sacra GREY, will meet on OUR STOCK " HARDWARE ALWAYS FULL AND COMPLETE. III‘IIJ' WANT n, FH'IAIJC. WHOLE N0. 975. KEEPERS SHOP KEEPERS whom it may concern. et?.ziii': - i)i"iiii1?f,: "O, not aver 300. Ate Tavern 4 10 Shgp ll