on are ’ETS & cant af- ethe old N't.UF.N. Wop-y O " Eh! [an '0'- -r. Jock-o! PM F.u, mtrrrrty for '0'. trouble 11 le it is cheap up, 'OF.. Len in Hyde farm -rman settlement ml.;.{e. A good tin", Durham. l will rent. LI) to lend " " "r." your t we to p- “In. el use: isplend IREDITORS. atoms. only use mm 960 Belt! " "e 'w said decou- " mama and nicnlam ct their a statement of eld by them. given that after e the said Exce- distribmc the sod among the . having regard hich notice has "paired, and the q be liable " part thereof I) rrson of when. Liane been re- he time the uid hank barn. " )urlmun about , iLLER, mst. re id to throw?! 'lla','.'. , Grey, .rlieitor J. L. Smith M. thur, the Ear- Lower Town. and :ather \or l uvo_.unut. an don , NJ he 31st doy d Blast the PE CLOTHS WHY 11.15 UR SUPER POM : Minn this nth " 1597, at the nck are, on or L, A. D. tten Pan)! Itl. m. Mr mh for '0'. nr “an! on "r 'n Durham Execuwn. LY AND lot ."O, con. Will all ts 1 Black, late minck in the ALS ARE belt pursuant onset! Statut- tt' HI), sect- V and when tln. estate of ' township at at Grey Teo- tt 9f Ctr, com 1, r. best Mt " soil, Bt:q acre-- or TTRNIP, CARROT LUCAS, WRIGHT. C BATSON. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. CONVEY‘NCERS. dc. MONEY TO LOAN-cow unn- EABY TERMS DURHAM OFFICE. CALDER'a BLOCK. , as I Lower Town. - Tv'uiiri ii iiiiliaii; the tlrst Wednes day in each month. ottice at the Com- mercial Hotel. OFFH‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder' Block. Rank-me first door west of th Post Office, Durham. _ _ --- . IT,'.'..,',' or lARRlAGE message. Hal. stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reason- Ahle distance, if desired. Holstein, January 14th. Ian LO WEP. TO "w DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware of all descriptions, Re. BHiring a specia1tr--UPPER TOWN, URUAM. I . Elliott a Elliott, BARRISTERSSOLICITORS. . CONVEYANCERS. &o. omoes :---opposite TOWN BALI... Lower Town, Durham ’- 5,000 to loan at lowest unset 'i/ll DURHAM PHARMAGY SEED The Best Varieties at the Right Price. jl, ll I. B. rucu. . - . . Mandala. w. H. Wumn'r, . - . Owen Round. C. kin-nos. - . . . Durban. Nonfomeo hnun.9 I. m. we p. m., Bud, for couvonmucu of client-I. Mr. But-on will be m at: "mee. Monday Walnoiduy uni Thun- due tunings hum now 10 O'clock MANGEL Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. DENTISTRY. (li MONTH HacFARLANE 8160. W. S. HORSBURGH. interest A. GORDON. DRUG THIS HCFADLANE’S STORE WALL PAPER SALE DI'RIIAM "n. workman who neodoth 'not to he tcnhnmed " He leaves also with the na- Iurnm‘e that his work bu heen anrec- iated both by his brethren of the ree hytory and the congregation among;r whom he will number lifelong friends. His text for his closing pontoon was tak- en from the 2nd verse of the 3rd Epistle of John “I Wllh above all things that thou mayest. pro-per and be in health." He shuwrd the condition. of spiritual .health under three heads I. The rela- tion of church member. to on. "tother ARBITRATOE APPomTEn.--An agit- ation has been going on for same time to have the separate school on town line, (Hum-lg and Auvmwiu in: an! into " tutitttttrtlt "thold. and (Hum-lg Courcil (.n Mondnv appointed Mr. Thus. Daria as theh. arbitrator, Admin-sf» hm up- pointed Mr.J1m. McArthuv. and thece with Inspector ('aun )lwll will decide the mutter. Messrs 'th09. Sullivan and Hum. Ryan urged the nppointment of an arhitvutor while Messrs Arrnvsm'th and H. Patterson opposed it. There seems to be a. good position here for a common school the position being can- trnl l,etween Pricevillo. Markdule. F'lesherum Station and Pomona. NEW FRATERNAL b'omwrt---organ- iler \Vash. G. Collins succeeded Inst 't tytrsltirt 'trtttipgrt I' (Znum'il if“ the "none PILLS not easily and promptlv on the liver and bowels. Cure kick headache. C O. C. v. (Canadian Order of Chow" Friends) Itt town. It statts out with a membership of over an and we may ex- pect its social attractions to be captivat- ing since it welcomes both sexes to its benefits. The following isn lint of its fiet otticers:--C,hief Councillor, lop. (hunphell; Vice Ch. Cotuuu'llov, Mrs. C. Ravtmge; Serretury. W. D. Mills: Asst. Sec-v†Mrs. T. Allan: Trent. Mr. T. Allan; Chaplain, Miss H. Hughes; Mae shall, Mr. Leighton; Guard, Mr. Jones; Sentry ' Mr. Sutherland: Asst. Marshall, Misu Sadie Carson; Physician. Dr. Jamieson: Organist, Miss Culbertson. Ma or Calder in Phat Chief Councillor, ; “(Deputy of the Grand Council. ANOTHER IhmoLAtte.--ARmr.trr FOL. Lowrt.-Cht Sunday evening last about 7.15 a young 1mm was observed to go up to Miss McKenzie's front door, give tt mp, and the usual wait. bringing no re- sponse. unlk round to the hawk. Not returning, Mrl. McCriu-ken and Mrs Kil- nwr proceeded to investigate and found the burglar at work. Seeing he was ob- served he got out on the. opposite side of the house and ran northwards. The alarm was It once given and a. chase in utituted. with the result, that n w of our own boys, J. M. Watt, was placed un- der arrest and taken before Mayor Cal- der, who deferred action until next day. At the c tttpt, a large number assembled to witness the arraignment before Mesr srs 1'alder and Mockler. J. P.'s and the evidence submitted induced the magis- trues to commit him for trial, bail of two being asked. Intense sympathy is felt for. his aged grandmother and other. relatives and we earnestly hope that whatever the lesult of the trial. a unlu- tmy lesson may have been taught all out young men to avoid all appearance of evil. Me Namxmon Tora, Mr: about [1003’s sHitt"iuIrrtrilla and advised me to try it-. This is the kind of unvertisiug which gives Hood's Farmpnrilln the largest. miles in the world. Friend tolls friend that Hood‘s S'arsnparilla wires; that it gives strength. health, vitality and vig- m-, and whole neighborhoods use it as a family medicilw. 8111mm: JUDGE Mortnraos.---Thu, docket on Tuesda last was not large through some ot the cases were lengthy. The claim of D, McDonald against. Wil. sun re well cleaning was not nllowrd. This shows that a health Inspector has no right to 114er f1tptsncial obligations. A. McCimig v J, Muir. A long standing debt of $30 was the trouble. Defendvub claimed nmhilitv to pay, and the judge ruled that the matter he sonled by next June court Ur judgment. would then he given for plaintiff. Mctuiluppealed for McCuaig. Unison for Muir, FAREWELL sRmtMos.--Rer. Mr. Mc- Vicar. Dromore, on Snmlny host closed his first pastorate of nonrlv five you". He was the choice of the congregations of Amos and Knox Churches in 1812 and since then has labored with great fidelity and devotion in this very extended f1eld. That his work has heen IncCess- fnl is admitted on all sides. and the " cord of growth? in both congregations is an evidence of this. "is on“ to Victoria church. Montreal. is a. compliment to his ability. and while regretting to leave the field where his that pastoral work for his Master was dove, he has the satisfaction of knowing that in a. new sphere, with less exacting demand. on " time and attention. he will be able further to fit himself for_th_e pooitum pf NOTICE. All persons indebted to C. McArthur are respectfully requested to call for their accounts and settle either by cash or note at once. All accounts left unsettled must be placed into other hands for collection. C. McAR'mUR. 1vAyTED.-rrntelluent men with good e location. who want to better their pos- itions, and would he content tor a year with $600 and expenses. Write us ui'h description and occupation, and we will make a proposition for now or the lot- ure. Also needed, reliable men for Australia. \Vrite to-day for we are in a hurry.---THE MANAGER, 46 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont. A course of Hood’s Sursaparillu taken now will build up the system and prev- ent serious illness later on. Get only Hood's. wyeEp.---rntetrigent men with good education to whom saw and ex- penses tor the first year would be an inducement, Write wish full particul- srs. THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond St. West.. Toronto, Ont. The regular meeting of the Epworth League will be held on Monday evgning 'l12,e Topic " In Paine of a. Simple t e." .2tj000 dozen eggs wanted for which htgbest possible cash price mil be paid; at G. Sparling’u. an: Gag Durham, Thur. April 2229? LOCAL AND GENERAL Mr. Jun. (‘a moron. of the McLean Pal, Coy . came home to wand Easter with his family, Mr. R. Max-ice went to Toronto. Mon- dav, m 1leleirate m Grand Camp Sous of Scotland from the local camp here. Miss Arrowsmith spent a frw days last week end at M r. Dulmghy’s Mt. For- est, Mr. G. W, Jones. of the Standard Bank, and Miss \anlace. telephone 'p- emuâ€: spent Eastet. Sunday and Mon- dnynt their respective [mules In Har- risum. Messrs w. A. MucFm-lane. T. G. Cur- Aon, J. Law-Us, and w. Burris spent Good Friday in Flosherton. . The Br'nssels Post in a. glowing ac- count of the Temple of Fame there last week cowplituersts Miss E. Whelan for her ptwforinaroce of "Jephtlm's daugh- ter." M rs. and Mims Beith "ttern long stay with Mrs, A. Davidson. have gone mo. Sound, Miss hum accompanies them. Mes. Pascoe and Mrs. Donn, Toronto, were visiting at, Mr. John Wright's for Easter. Me. Woodman. urgalnlzer for the A, o, U. W, will he in town. Monday next (ma vi it to Durham Lodge. A full at. temlanco is desirable. Mrs. Andrews and daughter. of near Ingersoll. is visiting the farmer's sister, Mrs. li. w. Lesson. Rev. Mr. Marshall, Conn, is a guest of Nov. Mr. Kitvhing to-day, wednesday. He is on hand to nrgv the License Com- missinners to refuse the new application at, Cedarville. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLean of the fivn, of McLean Huh Co.. spent a few days with tlnat'otuttep'stttothe, last, wvek, IMF-s Allie McRae left this morning to attend Kindeecravden in connection with the Ottawa Nnrnml School and will spend two days with friends In Hamil- ton, on the way. Mr. w. B. Vullett took a trip to Strat- fm-d last work to visit his son Rubi. and family. Hub. is' in Durham this week on an onfurved hblidny. having had tti o flug rs crushed. Miss Main, of Holstein, was the guest of friends in town on Friday and Sutur- day. Ontario Educational Association meats in 'i'ovouto this week. Mr. Irwin we belie-19 is in attendance as delegate from S. Grey. lnsp. Campbell and Mr. Allan intended to be there also. Mr. Lenlie O'Connor, and children are visiting in Brussels. They nave resided in Durham for several years. hut Mr. O’Connor expects to take a situation in Toronto. in crmnretion with the electri- cal department of the citr---Brussels Pout. Rev. Mr. Davidson, of Agnes, Mon- tteal Conrerence is spending the week an the Methodist Parsonage. Miss Jessie Johnston and May Stum- derskpaid a. visit to Dumoch friends this wee . (‘nEAMERY APPorsTMRN'r.---we, are much pleased to learn that Mr. Jno. Wilson. Jr. l’rnnmre has been seiected by the Mckevhnie Bros. to take charge ofth (-reauwry for this seaann. We patrwreitultstethe firm in securing Mr. Wilson, as his record at home and at. college was an excellent "ne. Miss Pomeroy, of Toronto, is spending hep Easter holidays under the parental roof. Mrs. Dr. J amieeon and Inn, purtook of Easter egg-s in Toronto. Mir. Jun. Bates and Mrs. $gwafBeld of Gnderivh, sister and niece respective- lynf Mr. It. Parker visited here from Friday till Tuesday. Their first visit to the town we regret wanther conditions worr unfavorable to their getting around nicely. One must go from home to hear news. Toronto and London panels inform us that a Conservative Convention will he held in South Grey soon. and the Mark. dale Standard last week has the name of J. D. Morgan. Dundalk, Pres. of the South Grey Liberal Association. as the coming Reform candidate for the local in this riding. Durham and vicinity is noted for the number. of its tenchers and students so at Easter they musterin full force. A. mong emers around we note Misses Gertieund Amy Meredith, M, Weir, E, Leeson and Messrs McIntosh, Collinson. Whelan, Watt, and two McDonalds from Owen Sound. Miss M. Leeson, Bel-Rely, Mr. J. Vollet, Hopeyille, Miss Sutherland from Wingham, Misses Scott front Pmmnnnd No 12 Evremunl. Miss Hupkim. frnm Nornmnhy. Miss Patter- son.()rrhard. Mr. IV. Buchan, Crawford, Mr. F. Grant. waikerton, Mr. John Lavalle, Stratford, Miss M. McCreary. Yeovil, Miss A. McKenzie. Neuslad', Miss M. McKenzie, Elmwood, Miss M. Bull, Otatugeville, accompanied by Mr. John Tuener. Miss Small. teaeher, Dornoch, is visit- ing an Miss qu'son’s. T Mr. Arch. Davidson came home to his native hills tor a few days' holiday last. week. He in in the midst of a dairy ing commvnity in Huron Co., and has weighed in more butter during lost win- ter then he ever did m . summer in Durham. Butter in winter cheese in summons the Huron farmer's Idea of dairying though having a fine. full wheat. country which Mr. 19; â€on.†is looking well this spring. it) to their Pastor (3) to God. It won I foithful expoeition. plain but dignified and pointed out "a clearly the (longer: in the future path the oongregntion. as the; germ-ed unto him, and t e care than on heexercioed to avoid those dangers A. the choir in Knox church struck up "God he with you till we meet again " as a closing hymn, the in- cident wu affecting " breathing the that note of separation. Many remain- ed to shake hands with Mr. and Mrs. McVicnr who leave for their new sphere with the natural regrets but the warm- est wishes of awarm hearted people. The R- voice: the some double trentitnernt towards a. one time fustor and former college mate, on wel as to his estimable wife. PERSONAL SCHOOL FltrTEttTAINMrtNT.--Att enter- taimnent of more than average preten- tiousness was held in Clark’s schoolhouse hentinrk. Friday last. Mr. Galbraith is the teacher. and, an abounding energy and lots of town friends made an enter- tainment of which 'Arehy ' was no doubt proud. The room was tastefully decorated and filled with an audience almost exclusively young people. The platform was screened to perfection and the entertainment good of its kind though in a few points not just what is expected at a school entertainment. Mr. Irwin. of the 'Cluumicle.' filled the. chair with tact and ability. iving in his op- ening remarks at sketdl) of our School 8 stem and its possibilities. A song by the children nmde one wish there had been more of them on the programme. Miss Fletcher showed up well in " dia- logue. Mr. Saunders sang 6t Far, far, a way " in rutiy?,"it.tte, and was followed by Mr. Hugh to can. Pricaville, in a iathet ic recitation entitled ' Osler Joe.' ltdr. Leightnn's 'Turn Over'trhowed a deep fund of appreciative humor and re- ceived an encore. Mr. Jas. Uollinson told of a brakesman’s devotion to duty in an effective style. Mr. Galbraith is a willing helper in town circles so in re turn the " boys " turned out over a doz- en strong to assist him. There was the orchestra composed of Messrs " Mun ' Sutherland. Jones, Will Vail. Jas. Car- son and others. Leighton made an ir- resistibly funny negro character. while Mr. Jon. Cochrane gave variety as a colored clog dancer which forced the audience to break the rule of '. no en- core. " Will Lauder. Carson and Leigh- ton gave a laughable farce Simlny Silnpkins. Mr. Jas. A. Hunter gave a song. Mr. C. Ram tge said a few words and In a number of other “events " the Durham contin ent tipoved largely. “Marrying for Mime " was a well ren- dered dialogue, and the violin duett of Messrs Collinson and Morton showed considerable skill. The young hut Mc- Lean told the story of the man who harnessed hiscow in good style, while the dialogue " Honest and Honorable†by Misses McLean and Putherhough, had a fine moral when humility was re- wardcd by Thos. Ewan (the rich uncle.) Misses Smith and Fletcher gave. an amusing interview between an old maid and her neice. Sweet old '* Rosalie. the. Prairie Flower, " lost nothing at the hands of the Misses Ewan. Miss Mc- Lean and Mr. Sanders showed the evils of a b6 Porcupine Temper, " and an en- gineer's bravery was vigorously told by Mr. Duncan McLean. Alex. Fletcher and Jas, Putherbough Bguvod in a dial- ogue. whose potntluv in the wit of an Irish servant. The teacher himself gave able assistance in song and in- " rumental music. Thanks were tender- ed to the chairman, and the National Anthem closed the meeting. The Dur- ham boys will not soon forget the hos- pitable entertainment furnished them after the. meeting by Mr. and Mrs. R. Grisr-on. nor the mud and the wild music of the morning hours. Proceeds were $13.25. to be applied to inside ro- novation. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Tn: Fm: tsnraAme.--We intended to say somethin about the work of the Fire 'ltJi'llefe. The Telford tire afforded some very hard practice. without accomplishing much good. Had it been a dry season, and the wind in the north a most serious destruetion would certainly have "ccurred. The hose again proved unsatisfactory, the crowd again left the ftvemen to tug the engineto place. there is no team pro- vided, no signal system is yet, adopted. Our fivetuett are working at a grew diss mlimnt-nge. our town is very inefficient, ly protected. What is to be done? In the absence of the Vierc.Pretr. of the themrv Dep't, Mr. G'.W. Jones. the Epwertlt League Ind impmmptu speeches on a variety of suh'et-ts,-clmr- utter electricity, vacations, (girls, Boys, and a number of other equally interest,- ing, ltwas excellent practice for the young people. The " Erho " wns an up- to-date number as usual, Rev. Mr. Pometoytwaa at Berlin this week acting as one of the examiners ir.- to the merits of the young ministers now on probation in this the Hamilton Uonferonce. The most of Durham's citizens had their first sleep we.l over Sunday night last when shout one o'eloek in the morning they were mused by the cry of fire and the ringing of the fire bell. A strong Southwest. wind blow- ing prevented many from hearing it, those who did soon found that the old. almost historic [and calico, for many ears e no rest entia ropert ' wu I my to the flames. $11. lirgllf,l 'ld familiehad left for Owen Bound a. few days fore and were thus spared the danger e1yWaf. ‘of‘ a qidnis‘rht Kiwi}: 'Te'lrord mink. the are sprang from s detective Move, but it is certain the tire, hgd mgdejood ted- 3:33: iii'iiG'iTiiriiiiieiTroirPiiii, Ten acres of Good Land “joining "' F -l.--'-_-- Slang; teuet,1get1 Ii'l,'rr8grf,t the town of Durhtun, on the north side The old Stock bought 'ld ttleLt,el, left for Owen Bound a. of LambwnSt. Glenelg. Term rev from Mr- I. Moffat will In few days fore and were thus APY?! gamble, 3nd will be made to suit . trt"nftr.r akt2,r,r"u'2 tPt),', mm“ Apply to Andrew “We rushed " at low pnces to sprung m . detective stove, but it i. on the premioes. or to mm make room for New Goods certain the tire bad made get Find- J " CALVERT. m. . d d . . my, the roof being ttll oh use, before t Durham, April 12th 1891. 311170 on mung. Hood’s Sales WMEth-pr alumni-mun I al k thew that m - ciu ha enjoyed public condom. at wrong. to c -t-ttthnn-qedo - our. plvpdcury was». m ' limp!) bonus. tt pout-c- - "it and produ- - can an 'Ati-tttttue-tgt “mothers. "I. from only by c. 1. Hood b Co., Lowell. lee the “on. Alumina-u of - “with. an Hood’- "r-tlt. u- nit. no hone-t. We in. ma doc-ind “pp-ilk, and “It with It: â€have “his“ "It. in why the pi. In. nub. and†tn a. “a m -r a, m. -rt a not what may. but ;win. 3000. â€pain: do... syn: 'e' J. P. Telford's Residence in Ashes. Hood's Pm. ",eP,id'i,rtg1St2tft to - rfA82 N Sarsaparilla/ A MIDNIGHT BLAZE. EETaIIé THE BOOM OF THE SEASON came to his assistance. A rush was made to save something. and the kitchen stove and furnishings. some silver, clothing le., were taken out Later the front parlor window was smashed in, and piano, stove, carpet. fancy chairs. table and some brie-a- brac were taken out uninjured, unfor- tunately u lot of valuable books and some musical instruments, and a splen- did get of elegnnt chine, diMeult to re- place, we: overlooked. Early in the fire Mr. Harris hnd . nun-ow escape from falling pincer in the hall, and it was won evident that their was noth- ing to do but watch the wrongly built {rune house burn down. [lousecleaners should see our stock of fresh Paints, Whiting, Alabam'ne and Brtuho, A Half Of Farming TOOLS Car load Just Arrived A Lot at TINWARE at very LOW PRICES Give us a call and we will try to 93131: Lo_11: neighbor} Gran.) Harris Le Bg Blast at Jl)flfrgftth..x._t', W. BLAGK'S A general financial butrinetatrtsmmcted Office next door to Standard Bank Durham BaVid Jalain, JP" Clerk Die. u 1itlttit ll. Jackson. Notary Public. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money Invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. The direction of the wind and the wet night proved, a greater protection than the fiie-engiqe, which hid water playing cn the flames Mty minutes after the alarm was given. The pre senee of the Bremen gave a. certain eon- _. ' - -__ - -- - not READY-MADE CLOTHING DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Mil BOOTS d SHOES scum: u: Ivuc unv.--.. “WV - __ Menee, but the demure would not have been greater had the engine been left in the hall. Much eympethy is felt for Kr. and Mrs. Telford who have tr small insur- ence on the furniture. The house was insured for 8800, which in neeured to Mr. Thee. Lauder Br. FOR SALE» CONVEYANCERS. Call and investigate our goods and Prices and we are sure you will go away entirely tstaitshed. (Successor to E. Kilmer,) FOR Cheap Hardware J ACKSONS. It means the highest price for EGGS and BUTTER in exchange for the cheapest GOODS of best QUALITY. OUR COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS ARE CI MCARTHUR. is,‘ and . Firth i WATSON BROS " The only Iru-clua lune In - Would intimate that, he will continuo Furniture and Undertaking Buslneuu out. lished by hire father in Durham in“ n will endeavor to give all old and new canton on the an): entire satisfaction. Undertaking and Embalminc on lawnm- olploo u uncouth]. um. Furniture of the Best Make FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING We are pix-{pared to take building con tracts and urnish all kinds of Mantis] at living prices. W0 beg to announce to the public that we have the null rebuilt and retitted with AdLadlllan Fruit & Confectionuy of all kinds. The old Stock bought from Mr. I. Moifkt will be PLANIM] AND MATCHING OPENING I I I With New Groceries, New Canned Goods, New Crockery, and Glassware. DONE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND AT RIG HT PRICES. Dromore, June 6th. '96. " IMPROVED MACHINERY. Member the amid-o posits the Mun-hot. During. ALWAYS oN HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY E. J. SHEWELL NORTH EGREMONT. -I'ULL LII: or- E. J. - Ella f