and [merge-“c Co.“ t tccoruptimtu "om {N (m Tneaa" I40.- 1 u “n In wax-11:1. in mount 'r': C.', 'l.'.' Altrurian “'01.." is l f mu unaizht1inesraof w I pr its! is wdl founded. 1% I public entertain†dc mu Such . co.- of thy live, widow local public argum- g thourcuuls of don“ [lo-r" is a plan of - _ ": tztx'ry road! - .1; . t.npl1cvted bee... d ’ t l . ,::h and duratrutttr. -' :"..:. ".vl the sound m ' V s', T "lv' pumic cm†I» :: ',"':v 3w runny-mm. -.". "3:1midmm- :ERTAINMENT. y hit is proposed, I“ umbrrs are! that it in lo. shnulll be on the look- _ ms of all kind-tb. lahor, secret order - " of nude are IBM 1 affairs. but it hm s district would to J kept tree from an I a. Real estate o' Mulighthmdu. mm Iron Bridge. scope. A body d for this partial. EQVU far better N be: a side issue tha. that would mmitt m an organindu l. We would m 'ps a than than . xm-u from (Imam: :rtry. Whatever (I w "dd be widely " th, r" would be m .111sz " money Iâ€. ï¬rm tly there might n'rtcturiug 0an sl. Th" more faot od wry budding its lu- id to our hum ' , " our nuighbm m, mu pan-coiled , anmvvd. "VOID!!! \ hunt ution hall (I , iv.vrtitutent as W.“ tranrportatimt bein. 1m! its a natural . ._ In-no'f‘lls would b a~'y distributed. ml is, N little-et. A" .1111] only be Opp),- Vs 'w-l: make private ', ' r firm will - l -Ar r Ital.- and IN)" h, . i our friends of “I". 'KL Thcn they will b .. "Again and learn. V“. (Y. l 'tt rarsgtimoogs" 1 ", the has: boon - ::' --Priuters' ha. n THE It' we a practicai v“ 'lunre in (I). can! MM!!!“ warded. d {Ef- oC,nrruuotia a ...T. , CT: TI foe M a“) Is a mu m. advertised a " they have M Am a larger :83 E TOWN. In tty Lem tuaic i", Since M w-ul sofaat I“ - that no - 99» men will n-home, they sick ream)". will readily 1 intelligent sue-h dumb small. Tho wall] be "if! a call In“! st the public t unr citizen u men take I 1mm: for tho I which they the daily and are no not!) 's ults of their mm the met- " who will†rs on the eeti- tiul In 3d". " a numplo of -1' will do " is taken from . are um (I :m d post hemt and that)“ Jaw-d8 of thoe. 'ry. Amulet f. vrgetatrieb W' MM enrich 1' prions would u an! now - Iii, This In- " . t the math- cr".actoo this ..l'i:til'n. "l heto with. 'Z'JI " to float Inhszu‘nmble. , handle tho†mt. This no- ak, s the need It in “trendy ms: of a all! will men he "N come when um and coal tho lack of I an: of made a place. Wo t \vnnld lub- an 'uitt conn- ales to build up. n to tho may. make It di credit. tdottot "- I? f? ALL AKJNDS. 75348352, AT- MT: " mm N7 e have Decided to Continue the WALL Until our Stock is entirely dis- posed o.f. W e hare still a great union; of Pattern' to afar which will assuredly please you. Have you seen our 3 by 6 Window Shade a) 409313.. ALABASTINE l i MOTH Preventive Bags t MOTH PAPER MOTH Camphor and. other insecticides Mac-FARLANE ta, LUCAS. WRIGHT. lanmsrzns. nonmzs. CON MONEY TO LOAN-cow F LO WER TO WN ovarian OFFICE. 9-15 I OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy (Jaldvr' Block. Resuienee first doov west of th Post OfBce, Durham. Will be in Pricevilte the tirst Wednea day in each month. UMce at the Com- Inertial Hotel. Insulin or alumna: LICENSES. Hol- stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a. reason- able distance. it desired. Holstein, January 14th. 1897 iiriiu, Lace Inserting Shade at $100? Both Extra Values. li DURHAM PHARMAGY DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware of all descriptions, Re- iring a speeuuty.-UPPER TOWN, ftlllll'h"si'. . BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. CONVEYANCERS. 8:0. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. l. B. Incas. . - W. R. Wmom‘. - C. anx. - . - orrr,.--otheer hon", 9 a, cunvomeuce of album; in Mu one... Tuolday‘ My GVOIIi":I from 1. DENTISTRY. noes :-0pposlto TOWN HALL. Lower Town, Durham p- 5,000 to loan " lowest nteoof Elliott a Elliott, in different colors. PAPER . S. HORSBURGH. _iiiii'litjii, vs?Miiii'tii' : 'ii'sk' . GORDON. JAB, . - . . Mnkdnlo. max". - - . Owen Sound. x. - . - . . Durhsm. hours. 9 a. m. to 6 p. ur, and. for of clients. Mr. Human vill be 'l‘nemlny leuonduy and Thurr , trout 7.30 to 10 oueiocit 'FICE. CALDER'S BLOCK. Lower Town. fl |- Low an " as; _ soucnons. couvznucsns. at SALE EASY T ERMS DURHAM BA rs ON . dc. .-',"~';-‘ 'sri, up»; ts, r 4;!!! Arn, P. eer"nvlr! " 4., -. Mnior j. B. McLean paid, a visit. to his mother here horn Saturday to Mon- day last. Mr. M. Flynn. editor of the Ayton Advance, was in town last Thursday. ght 6ttt 1mm. Mr. Joe Burnet left for a course at the Central Business College. Toronto, Tues day morning. Hons: Baas.--Get your horsehills at the Review Oifiee. A number of choice cuts to select trout. Mr. Jon. Townsend, Toronto! visited his hrotherand other friends In town from Saturday to Tuesday. Health and vigor are essential for sue. cesu, therefore make make yourself strong and healthy by taking Hood's Saranparilla. SEEDS. --12 different kinds of Turnip seeds, 10 varieties of Ensilatte corn. B. Parker, Druggis & Seedsman Durham The regular meeting of the nprorth League will he held Monday evening at the usual hour. Topic .. A Wise Son.†The regular meeting League will he held M the usual hour. Tupi Don't miss it. Mr. Joseph Strain. a n resident, of Arlemesia. n and prominent member dist. church died a week init . House cleaning has been geneml tor a week hack. We can an oply a limited number of bundles of okl pnpers for tm- der laying carpets at. 5 as. and 10 eta. Dr. Mearns. of Hanover, daughter Nelly was a nest of fora few days. 'l/M to in trot" the Dr. Hanover mum genial. The unvapupem brings the wide- awake buyer and the wide "wake mercho nnt,.-Fov every wide-awake merchant ndvm tises and every wide-awake reader pet-uses the ads 'ts. -- '7 -- II - A A...“ Mr. J. D. Morgan, Dundulk. was in town last week for a, few days attend- ing to same (if his timhcr shipments. He has n. large supply of poles &c., on both lines. IMPROVED itoBsswLssm---lur. Adam Patton hns hills out announcing" his route and stations with his tine “union " Garfield gud." His terms are reason- able. See posters. Lmnnm tinrvsors'r.--Thta Watson Bum. North Egremnnt, have shipped two cars ot huuher Monday last. one {rum Holstein. the other from Durham. Not much in lumlwr these days, but, it is good to soc it moving. Two sivrcioEs.---An old muued Henry Couliu. of IINU‘ Hanoe. well know: IINIIIV\I ll‘ III I ‘7 'e-""'"'. . near Hanover. well known in Proton, took It (lune of slryrhinne last. week and died before mnylinug could he (Line. In Fury, Monday of but week, Jas,P. Madden aged 40 hamged himself in a tit of melancholy. He Lved with his moth- er mid two sisters. l Fon Non'm tunoraNa.---Lnst. Thurs.. l day afternoon Mr. Arthur Jackson Went. off to N. Ctvoliua for a three, month’s am? will) his father there. It. in a litt e startling even in these bicycle days to see a man mm, off for hr away" Carolina on a bike but this is just what Arthur did. though we would expect him Co take lo the rail part. of the way. Under the new regulations of the Board of Licence Contmigsioners, hotels throughout, the district now close at 10 p. Ill. and during prohibited hours. windows of lmr roouH and pnhlir sit. ting ruoxnsurem he free from blinds, l screens, Ate. This went into effect. May lat, and after July lst the age hum ‘nnder which liquor cannot, he sold to minors is raised lo 21. Mar/mm, Thur. May 6, '97. Eggs wanted for cash at G. Bparting'ts, tiPrtsriso,-How nmny are thinking I of spraying their fruit tree this year. The Ireuetit was Clearly â€it last year where ever etticieutly not)“. A word of waruin net to bees might he given. The erg-ct. on them is deadly null to save these useful and pvoflrr0e, wovkev:4 it. ie necessary to wait, till the blossom is . almost vetuly to full off. The olfet't on l the fruit Will be equally good then. l THINK or'I'rcs.--It has been est im-u- l ed that If all the butter made in private tlatit ies was made m ct‘eaum-ries or cheese _ factories, the guilt to Canada would Le I 810a Cow or $31M),(XJU:I. year. This in a. serioua national leak as well as n pviv. ateone. Our people are learning how ever and We hope our merchants will he luau-(i the lntmllingof so much butter ‘. this season seeing so many opportunities 1 extst to take advantage of the Ctr-overu- ', tive plan. THE ELECTRIC RoAn.-Mr. Mt'Naunm-a. Pres. of the once frotnising Huron and Ontario Electric tr; cannot. home last Week from a iiectirr't' meeting in To- ronto ‘well pleased,' according to the Telescope, An agent of Miller Bros. is . . . l __-- -l.---.. n. -vntninu Ln. .1. W, ---" u expected here in a few days to examine the road and form an opinion. of its pos- situlitiem lftdtera personal examina- tion of the road he is convinced there is any money in it. it will be built forth- with, if not, then that in the end of ir. mm" A ",,,vsa,n-Towsssasmr--while Dcrruratrrrsms--rtwNyitsry,rtlvtilt l in Town this week Mr. Jos. Townsend I an old editor of the REVIEW Rave us a I pleasant call. He in still as of old am i enthusiastic Scientist and found time in a. brief stay to beout with his hummer. In a. pecuiinr and interesting Way Mr. Townsend has: made Durham more fam- ous than any citizen she ever had. since by his geoloiicul zeal. he has discovered some fossils te"e, hitherto unknqwu lo l which Scientists of Canada. have nttm h- 1 ed the "rune Durham in the form in our heading. These sumo scientist; l have also recognized Mr. ToWnsend's ( work by nMningsome unique specimen: line: the discoverer. Thus are the two names embalmed in scieutif1e works. Mr. Townsend has made . gift to the Public Library of Part II of the "Pal. comic Fouils" published by the auth ority of the Geological survey of Can- ada. In thin volume are some 'l'."rgltttt of the specimens found by Mr. own- send, and the name. Durham is constant- 2 swearing. J. T. Whitneyâ€, If. G. . l , R. U. 8.. etc. is the author of the work and he makes prominent mention of the was “who: a! WWW" let III In.» IIIQOV ___--- geci,,",g,"d',' collected ht Mr. Townsend. e meeting of the British Science As- sociation in Toronto this summer will cannula“ "ientifle research. LOCAL AND GENERAL of Hanover, with hin was a guest, of Mr, Mills Glad to have n all lnrucctsr HICLHUJB me all amuch respected ' near Flesherwn wr of the Metho- 1d shoe maker of Maple Hill, aigu Saturday geneml for a . .. .. , a? the wide- Mr. Jun. Sutherland left last, week for his summon duties at Ft. William, nav- ignrion being now open. Mr. J. P. Telford and family will occupy the Mckechnie house to the east of Mr, W. B. Vollett's. Messrs Good & Witter have rented the Rmnhongh farm at a rent of $150 and will occupy the residence on Gar- afmxa street. . SUSPENDED mrNnamtm-The trial in Owen Bound last week on the McKenzie burglary case did not resultin detention the Mum-d being set free on suspended setttetit't'. Dr. Ei Lauder m rived from London, EngMnd on Monday last after an al.te,ence.of Mums. He looks well and had an enjoyable lummwal'd trip, ful- lowing a must pvoh'tatrle medical course. at u famous London Institution. Good Q Fon SALE.--A good second hand plmeton, roomy and comfortable, also a sea of single harness, as good as new. Terms reasonable. Apply to Rev. C. Cameron, Durham. FROM RAINY 1hvrert,--1Ve. have re- ceived a long letter from Mr, H. G. NI uni, Emu Itivtwdimtrict, awning very interestingly on “Farming." hut we fhul “(impossibly to maln- room for it this week. We thank Mr. \Vard in the meantime. NOTICE. All perwnq indebted to C. Mi-A rt hue are respectfully requested to call for their accounts and settle. either by mud] or note at; once. All Gtouutsleft. unsettled must be placed into other hands for collection. C. MCABTHUR. FAREWELL PARTY.-Lut Thursday nightover 2nof the lads and [asses of South Bentinck, met. at, the residence of Mr. Geo. Turnbull to spend an evening with the young people wholeft on Mon- - - l. I. Re. A,,!,. I“ In Hunt“! to _ -t.Everrmrerk Blood apt! comer of the mm b ruched try tho blood, and on its “my the condition ot our, arm a. day last liar 'ilu/ik/al District. Mr. David Smith. of the Durharn Fuundry. Was made chairman, and chat, Hung and story made a Very pleasant evening till nfwrmiduight. Theirgning " AS no- pondo. 'Good blood mun- strong navel, good digestion, robust hulth. human blood moon. oorolulo, dyspopolo,rheumo- tum, entarrh or other discuss. The out.“ way to how good blood In to take Booth B-ttin. This medlolno purif1es, Vl- PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN PLEAisED.--- Tne nwmhvrsof she W. F. M. s'ociery of the Preshyreritut Church should be sat- istied With the report, of the Annual Meeting given in hast week‘s Canadian Presbyterian. it, extends to nearly the pages. and "tmrds acmuplehensive view of wimtappmu-s to have been the best meeting of this highly successful meiety lull In the (wonky one yours ot' its ex- invm-e. The Canadian Presbyterian is n Weil-conducted journal. and tttewits the huge circulation " euioys. In its pages will h" found contrihutions on many in- u-h-sting mph s from the foremost, min- istrls and hymen of the denomination. The. publishers offer The Prcsbyteviatt till 31st December next for one dollar. ticed elsewhere. “Hue, end enriches the blood, and nude the olemente of heelth end strength to every nerve, omen end tttttme. It onet- e good appetite, ghee tone-hing eleep out! ouree tin tired “cling. Remember, In the but - itt he! the On. True Blood mm». Hood’s Hood's Pills do. 'a"ta%G"iihi'i. PUBLIC LrrmArtt----The announce- ment in another column of the annual tueetiug of this hotly lu-num-nw(Friday) evening should lw amendml by all tttettt- hers. The Library is (Ming 1 noble war}; in n quirt, miosleutatnous way, and the hmrty support the directors have hitherto got from the town should wrtzunly not become less. We are sure the privllvgo of the library at $1.00a year sitould he highly valued“. New lnmksnre constantly being added and members has e the privlvge of selecting any wmk not nmv on the shelves. We hope the collectors wdl meet with the atsuudau1,tiucr'est4 they have always hull, and that thin yo-nr the Library and 1t.ading ann Wlll be largely patroniz- ed by young and old, as one of the healthiest moral mud intellectual resorts ot the town. C/dt"tTi,MFd EWING (urn-Monday evening last a large number. of friends assembled at the station to have a. last word and handshake with a number of Buntiurk friends who wet- leaning for Dryden P, o., Wahigoon district. Those leaving were Messrs Geo. (Jr.) and Wtu, Turn- bull, Jus. MvDouald and Robert Smith. The wives of the three latter follow in a. few days. ley take with them 2 well parked cars of homes, cattle. etc.. ready to begin operations at their future home. There is something tout-hing in witness- ing shell a migration, alt of them have been neighhotl since their very youth, l have lived in the same block. shared the .tbtne, experiences. and now they leave their home as their fathers did before them to “rough it," in the wilderness. Fortunately their trials will not he so l hard. The iron horse takes them with- in a few miles of their land, they are l nullity; in a block there. again and we euro to the young emigrants our heartiest good wishes, that. they may see it new and hotter Bentinck rise around them " wtthitroon, with the ntmes of Smith. Turnhull and Menon. l aid Yerpetuuted abundantly on the v0 er's late; of our New Ontario. WANTED. --Teaehem, Barristers, Phg'sicians, and others ot similiar tra ning, for high class soliciting. Will gay forty dollars weekly and runway are on demonstration ot necessary {Elie ion" demonstration - ot necessary ability. The Bradlerthtrrettron Co. L'td. Tro, Sarsaparilla 35-25 cure Liver nu; easy to The Annual Spring meetinr of the Van-nay Cheese Factory wil be held Monday eveningâ€. 7 p. In. FATAL tmoortNo.--0ur Hopeville cor- respondent refers to a lamentable can of death by careless handling of flrearuus. Much synmath has heen expressed for the members a; both families. Mr. w. Bothweil, of Fairwell. wns in town on Tuesday. Mr. Aldred. South West of Durham, has tall wheat over a foot in length. Miss Bella McLauchlan, of Pricevitle, and Mr. D. McKinnon, of Fairwell. vis- ilwd at Mr. Allan McKiruson's last Sun- , ny. We are pleased to hettr that Mr, Chas. Gray, Sr. is improving under Dr. Guis treatment. Me. Donaghy, of Mt. Forest. was in town Tuesday on business. A local in the Review lately was the means' of securing Mr. Arrowsmith an urderfrmn Ottawa for some of his nur- 9el'y stock. Of course Review ads; bring trade. Itead them all. ONTARIO ARCHIVES ' TORONTO THE PEOPLE ARE Cosvmcxn -When they read thetestintoniaU of (sures by 1100th Sarsaparills They are written by honest men and women. and me Fain, s1raightforwtyd sutmnems of not. The people have teoufHence In Hood's Snrsaparilla because they know it actually and wrmanently cures, even when other meéicines fail. Hood’s Pills are the only pills, to take wit h Hood's Sarsuparillu. Easy and yet efficient. Council met on Monday evening last, all present except Councillors McKech- nie and Parker. Chairman ot the School Board re- questcd that money eclleeted for school purposes be placed, to their credit in Standnrd Bank. Clerk was instructed tonotify chairman that as soon as saftieient funds are on hand this will be done, and that cheques will be honored in the meantime. Milk License, at the request of Jas. Atkinson was reduced from i110to $5. Request of Mr. McIntyre for consid eration re building operations, laid over until next regular meeting. Fire Brigade wants a flre alarm bell and the matter was referred to fire and light eommittec. A petition from the hotel keepers asking the council to request the License Commissioners to reverse their 10 o'elcck closing law, was, on motion of R. Bull see. by W. Whitmore, car- tied. A. Dargavel asked leave of absence for Gums. as assistant engineer. Not granted. - n c‘ ‘3 n ,,._-,-,I PA_ .u... Pt""'""""" Contract of R. M. Da1gavel for sup plying plank, to corporation at FN a M was accepted. Bd. of Works had $75 placed to their credit. (Surely a modest sum.) A by-lziw wai, put through to prevent homes running at large. Accts were passed as follows t A. Durgavel. 1 mos. salary, 82.91. Geo. Russell, gantry, $17.75. Minute Book, im ()0. Dog tags. 83,00. Ad- vertising $8.10. Printing $2.25. Tel- ephone &e. 710. 3 mos. Electric light, 800. Assessor's salary in part, $3011). Wm. Benton 3 mos. salary as engineer $6.25. Work on streets $1.30. Hrrd- ware $6.00. Blacksmithing $3.30. Filling tanks t C. Seott 7he, It. Torry $1.75, C. Elvidgc $1.75, G, Meikle 81.25 R. Parker $1.25. Total $173.11 Mayor gave notice of motion to have taxes paid semiannually and direct, to the Treasurer in future. WANTED.-rntelligent mph with good Him-nun" to ovhous $600 and ex- P"."""" for the “rat year would he an ittducemeut. Write ivirh full parricul: ars. THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond "sir, . W23} Toronto. Ont, stst " - at present In Durham is the establishment formerly owned by Mr. E. Kilmer the world. A great variety of mired and dry paints, mrnis/tes, oils, ala- llastine and brushes. HIYE OF INDUSTRY Abundance of Bird-Capes, Lamps and Tinware. V. E, Buchan is ain employed 1"" his old petition. ag WANTED. Men and Woman who can work hard talking and writing " hours daily for sixdaysa week, and will be cot" tent with ten dollars weekly, Ad- dress. NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. An assortment of Blacksmith‘s furn- “hinge. Our ahelvea a,iFuTi' with cutlery and general hardware. A half ortoaily Farm and Garden supply of Builder’s material etc. W. BLABK. TOWN COUNCIL. --------io i------ Large shipments of Goods arriving daily. A general variety of Jah-- ing tackle. An immense stock of silver- ware purchased rom some of the but manu acturcrs m m,.-------'. Ad- THE BOOM ' OF THE SEASQE I 1‘: fall blast at 2f)ii,iid rthur’s READY-MAE CLOTHING DRY GOODS, GRUBERIES, AND BOOTS d SHOES ltMil Jackson, Jr" Clerk Div. t, hitlnt L Jackson. Notary Public. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. A general fimsncGl businesatramuseted offtee next docr to Standard Bank Durham FOR SIN-E" 1WATSON BROS Ten acres of Good Land adjoining the town of Durham, on the north side of LamlmmSt. Glenelg, Terms ma. sonablc, rd will be made to suit purchaser. Apply to Andrew thchic on the premises. Or to i IMI‘KUVLU tiltnurTtNGGTe JAB. CALVERT, Durham. ihve are prepared to Luke huilding con Durham, April 12th 1897. inn-Ls and Iurmsh all kinds of Material l in living prices. The undersigned offers to sell or rent on rcasonab e terms, lot 32, on lst and 2nd. Con., S. I). 1t.,ycmtineli, composed of 1;1 acres, nearly all cleared. oomiortable house, good orchard and well. Close to school and church, 1 mile from Allan Paih, 4 front Hanover. For further information apply to We Handle everything in the Barnes line, at right prices. CALL e, SEE OUR l Collars, Pads, tit 'i Bites, Whips, bx, " CONVEYAN CERS. Call and investigate our goods and Prices and we are sure you will go away entirely satisfied. Heavy d Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. woretnanoii, Unsurpassed Fin. Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, lec., M. my We do the trade In Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. woe FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pay ' to 910 per week tot .t'ttAl'."o" wcrb Child an dott. " kit-r. on. " PM “In. Thin u Donn tide. bond noun: for wan Ind &miculm at once. THE SEYMOH tsup LLY Hosanna Temple, Curdeu th.1 MONEY - To LOAN Fruit d; Confectionary Interest 5, lik, d; 6 per cent of all kinds. Harness y, Awarding toseearitv. The om awe: uuu‘u- Easy terms of repayment. On the . . WI." Monthly instalment plan, if desired. tll, tl1rif',! Jer, . t', s e o a ow pnces 0- A. BATSON make room for New Good Calder! Block, Barrister. . . . ' ' m... m.“ armed and mm. FARM for SALE, or to RENT. It means the highest price for 1ilt1t1f1 and BUTTER in exchange for the cheapest GOODS of best QUALITY. OUR COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS A‘RE J ACKSONS. HELP WA.†:fiii." “1133151: Dufham. . LEAVENS, Jr. m, x... Lower Town. FURS. NT .' D'I'ICNIAI‘E. MCARTHUR. ', ,42‘. "e ‘3’" .. _ ' '.' There will stand for service tor ch- seasun ot 1807 at the farm ofthe under- signed LOT 49, CON 2, S. D. It. GLENEIB. that ftne Thorough Bred Bull "THRESTON" ir/pity,",' from the herd of Mr. IL arkor, Durham. TERIS t T6etg. Puyable Feb. 1.1m. . ALFRED HINK& Prop. Prieerille, Mar. 13, '97 We. bag to announce to the public that we have the mill rebuilt. and retitted with dvTfig)Patt :[RNI'I'L’RE MI) [KDERHKIIG Would intimate that he will continue Furniture and Underukin‘i Busing-u on: - .. - A. . n..- __. 4-.“ " irifrOurt. Ind Rywet2ti, Business out linhgsd by his "therin but an: “all“ up _ . _', -1) -. - nun-In- III-nun u; un- “may. ... .. _-_---"" will cnarnor no give .11 old Ilid new clum- ens the me entire “ti-faction. Furniture of the Best Make PLANIMi AND MATCHING Uttdertakttttr and Fmbo‘vmlm on " wtorh~ clploa ll maolublo has. a The only 'tmt-eta" - I. tow..- DONE AND SATISFACPION GUARANTEED. SHINGLES ON HAND AT RIGHT PRICES. Dromore, June 6th, Stk " ilgPR0llEl1 MACHINERY. gdLadllan With New Groceries, New Canned Goods, New Crockery. and Glassware. THOROUGH BRED DURHAI NORTH FAI REMONT. ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIMTY Remembel; E J. SHEWELL --ru'Lr, [All or-- BULL. r the 'ttand-o-ite Market, Dun-bun. old Stock bought OPENING!!! P'iht" J, tagEWlelLL