West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Jun 1897, p. 1

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pring sk your i1 you it ent. cess, id Softâ€" at outâ€" canâ€" ealer tg nteed. »xl job tke DOL as t n them is your riceville LOt conâ€" ation. â€" On ind â€" barn, ply to 55/ ill this râ€"sale or \l'. in '-h‘ ing ! neul ney ith. owne B t New Prints from 5 cts. up. Nsw Dress Goods from 8 cts. up Eow Lace Curtains from 25 cts a pr up. 3 samuet regiu 4B %fiirxn II:’% [issfa And Sold at Lowest Possiple Prices. Call and inspoct and be Convinced. WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. â€"DEALER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. See our TLines of Chas. McKinnon We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are ccouvinced that the new system will meris a continuarce of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." Big Line of WHIPS from 10 cts. up to 80 cts. for a GOOD RAWHLIDE. EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH BIQ : ® .. A) s toy Durhsasm, Aug. 9th,*06. New Table Oil Cloth, 45 inches wido, white or colâ€" ored, 25 cts. a yd. New Sprinz Shoesâ€"â€"a delightâ€"call and see them. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash system, which means Cash or its equivalent, anrnd that our Motto will be White Granite & Tin Ware. VOLi.. XIX.â€"NO 23 m UP at & «38 T O ER % w n § n ig._2 nonepoppomapre CHAS. McKINNON. The CASH BEAN & CO. N., G & J. McKECHNIE. ADOPTED BY| 5 t e rni: . McKechnie. he (Oren _ Review, At this coronation, when the threel swords for the three kingdoms werel' brought to be carried before him, the ) The coronation was celebrated with briliiant "justs and turneies" which the king and queen witnessed from a ‘fairie house covered with tapestric." Enwarp VL Edward VI. was crowned February 20th, 1546. *‘*He rode through Lonâ€" don into Westminister," says Holinshed with as great roraltie as might be, the streets oeing hung, and pageants in divers places erected to testifie the good willes of the citizens. to be their sovereign ; to which all :Jac;::i):“ ; assented. He was ercwned by archâ€" Ps bishop Bouchier, June 29th, 1461, COl | Epwarp V. ! Preparations were made for the corâ€" | onation of Edward V., but the barons 'land commons refuse to accept any of | _ Miss Hatt the late king‘s sons as their sovercign, ifl"}:(‘lll):ll: §57 'aml tendered the crown to Richard! Wh:‘u e | duke of Gloucester. W here ou ' Riciaro III. ltho tight ? | _ Richard IIL and his queen. Anne, i;‘:;:(tlhh'lpx(.l:;: | daughter of the earl of Warwick, WAS8| Mr,. Wim.( crowned on the 5th July, 1483, " with (last Thursd. ,tlm self same provision," says (Grafton, | lh\"”_""l‘:""“l“ * that was appointed for the coronation h(,‘,,:('.sl:.:::f'] lof his nephew." The king and qnecnl Mr. R. Gr received the sacrament from the hands | week visiti !of the cardinal archbishop of C:mtcr-!‘:;:',',';;‘: $ pis bury, and one host, or consecmtedl Mr. Win. ’waf‘er. was divided between them. , spent last 8 i Megie viL hok thm ‘ Henry VIL was crowned ] Qctober | tefling him 30th, 1485, and his queen, Elizabeth, }‘11‘"“- pra October 30th, 1487. The latter wz18|“fB:";"|t(_',‘; (;' remarkable for the procession by water | around V ar from the palace of Greenwich to the} oX se gt Tower, instead of from Westminster |. AGENTsS as was usual. One of the barges, | best thing f called the bachelors‘ barge, centained , f‘flfll;e{;;r\:'l;fi an extraordinary pageant, an enormâ€"| jon, _ ous red dragon which spouted streams | R. P. G o fire into the Thames. S iticass UrEary VIIL Henry VIIL was extremely fond of | The P pageantry, and he was particularly anxious about the ceremonials of his coronation. _ ‘The Londoners sef'onded’ § his desires, and when, after having’? ::fpf:‘;i: created twentyâ€"four knights of the $ Bath, he rode through London from P4â€"E4SAWr. the Tower, June 22, 1509, the streets PHBENUU] were hung with tapestry and cloth of a arras, and a great part of the south ifihanmatm gide of the Cheap and part of Cornhilt Spgmfig were hung with cloth of gold. | "Thre third course was dates in comâ€" ’-posr.. creame motle, carpe deor, turbut tench, pearch with goin, fresh sturgion | with welks, porperous rosted, crevesse de eau doure, pranis, eeles soasted with lampric, a leech called the white leech, flourished with hawthorn leaves at®i red hawes; a marchpane garnish ’ ed with diverse figures of angels." Hexry VIL Henry VI. was crowned at Westâ€" minister, Nov. 6th, 1429, being then only in the ninth year of his age. The coronation feast was celebrated at Westminister with great splendour. Epwarp IV. | The monarch had his title confirmed by the forms otf popular election. Imâ€" mediately after his victory ovcrl Henry VI. he came to Londen, and‘ returned thanks to (God at St. Paul‘s church. He was then conducted ini solemn procession to Westminster, and p‘aced on the King‘s Bench, in the | Hall, which was filled with people. | It was then demanded of the commons! whether they would accept this prince Hexry V. ’ Henry V. was crowned on ‘the Oth of April, 1413. Katherine of France, the Queen of Henry V., was crowned on the 24th of February, 1420 ; the account which Holinshed gives X the magnificence displayed ‘upon this occasion is far teo characteristic of the age to be omifted. " After the great solemnization of the foresaid coronaâ€" tion in the church of St. Petoer‘s at Westminister, was ended, the queene was conveied to dinner." (We give‘ merely the last course :) l Some Coronation Anecdotes, during the last 800 years of English History. From the Lonadon Siun, Jue 38 1838 he Past and _the Present of English Royalty, Diamond Jubilse Literature. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 10 i8$7. ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO a « PHREROLINE PLLS Men and Women who can work bhard taking and writing six hours daily, for six days a week, and will be content with ten dollars weekly, Address, _ Manufactu‘d on Honor & Sold on Merit THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET PLEASANT, PURE AND HEALTHFEFUL PHBENULINB l Guaranteed to cure Rheonmatiem AGENTS. I am just starting the best thing for money making you have seen for many a day, Your name and rddress will bring the golden informaté Bertie Carson and Miss Lulla Dickson, of Glen _ Eden, were visiting friends around Varney Sunday last. Mr. Wm. Fee left on Thursday for Duck Lake. _ He received a telegram telling him that his brother Erank was dead. Mr. R. Gray, of Hamilton, was up last week visiting his father, who, we are sorry to say has been poorly for some time. Mr. Win. McCalmon, of Mt, Forest, spent last Sunday at home. Mr, Wm. Crawford received a, telegram last Thursday stating that his brother Thomas was dead. Mr, Frank Leeson was visiting the old homestead last week, Miss Hattie Eden left on Thursday for Arthur where she intends visiting friends for a week or so, What we would like to know ; Where our constable was the night of the fight? What Jim intends to do with the toad ? and why Bill went home and left his coat and hat ? She was crowned the 25th of Janâ€" uary, 1558, by Oglethorpe bishop of Carlisle, the see of Canterbury being vacant by the death of Cardinal Pole, servation, who had brought her thorow great dangers unto that present digâ€" nitie." ’ Among the city pageants, the most remarkable was that of 8t Paul‘s "cathcdral, thus described by Holinâ€" 'shed:â€"“Thm‘e was one Peter, a ' Putchman, that stood on the weatherâ€" |cock of Paule‘s steeple, holding a |streamer in his hand of five yards '!loxlg, and waiving there of, stood sameâ€" | times on ome foot and shook the other. 'and then kneeled on his knees, to the great marvell of all people, The said ‘ 'Petcr had sixteen pounds, thirteene shillings, four pense for his costes, and ’paines, and all his stuffe," Entzaseru. «* All things in readinesse, upon the : fourteenth of January, with great| !triumphcs and sumptuous shows, shecf passed thorow London, towards Westâ€" | minister, to receive her imperial] | crowne ; but before shee entered her| chariot in the Tower, acknowledging | that the seat was God‘s into which shee ’ was to enter, and shee his viceregent| to wield the English seeptre ; in tlmti royall assembly, with eyes and lmnds' elevated to heaven, upon her knces, . she prayed for his assistance, as Solomon did for wisedome [ when he like charge ; with a thankfal rememâ€" brance unto God for his contingal preâ€", Only by H. PARKER, Durham. king observed, that there was yet one [waming, and called for the BuBux. "*That, " said he, ‘"ig the sword of the spirit, and ought in all right to govern 'us, who use these for the people‘s ‘safety, by God‘s appointmrent. QUEEx Mary. Mary, the first female sovereign of ‘this realim, was crowned on the Ist o October, 1553, by Stephâ€"n Gardiner, bishop of Winchester, the archbishopsi of York and Canterbury, being prisonâ€" ers_ in the Tower, | NEW IDEAS Co., Brantford, Ont R, P. GLASGOW, Toronto, Ont %" e CORRESPCNBEENCE. PHRENOLINE â€"â€"â€" + 0 4 Medicines WANTED. VARNEY. * <ge + + A sure cure for Headache, nizziness Constipation, Indiâ€" gestion, Biliousness _ Brights Disease, Diabetes. Paralysis Convulsions, Heart Disease, jetc., etc. Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago Gout and Neuralgia, lt o A10 per week for easy bome work | Child can doit. No Seheme, Books or Hrd | dhimg This is bone fide, . send stump for work and particulars «.t once, _THE SEYMOURSUP | ‘PLY Co Masonic Temple, Camden yN.J | 20,000 feet Rock Elm Logs wanted. Must be of good quality and 8 feet long. Will pay $8.00 per M. cash at Mill. ROBT. RENWICK, Dromore Saw Mill. [ There will stand for service for the ! season of 18097 at the farim of the underâ€" signed LOT 49 CON. 28. DoR. GLENELG, ,‘Uut fine Thorough Bred Bull Eggs, per doz ... . Onickeos. per pair Ducks 4* Tuarkeys, per Jb ... Potatoes, _ per bag Flour per bbl |........ Oatmea per sack ... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts per ewt Fall Wheat per busb Barley, & Peas, $* Oats, ++ Dr‘d Hogs, per ewtb Hogs, live weight .. Lard per lb Tallow* per lb Butter per Ib, Tab ... a+ R”“ and it may fill your empty pocket ho The BRA DLEY GARRETSON Co, L DURHIAM MARKET Corrected each week by Gro. $ CarRIEs *"*Queen and Reign" into who never sold be Preface the mo Duiferin‘s achiey highly praised. _\ "THRESTOXN" urchased from the cherd of Mr. IH Parker, Durham. TERMS : 7T5cts. Payable Feb. 1. 18082 f ALERED HINKS. Prop “/OKK FOR MEN AND WOMEN, Wepay & in &0 nat umaob Py wide Fihmas "qvmedls Dromore, June 5. RAPE SBED.â€"Qarter‘s broad leavyâ€" ed sowing Pape. AMERIGA_ AND CANADIAN seeps. GAR & FLOWER SEEDS. __ _ GeKo. RéoSsren, P8fham tP?. 0o or to JamrEs Carso,x Durham F Eue CC se NCE C" GRVY Baughol purple top swede, London gxlu‘ple top swede, King of.swedeâ€"purple top, Sutton‘s champion purple top swede. YELLOW and arky TURNIPS, Aberdgen purple top do «_ greon top Dcvo*\ire grey stone __ Lipeoln red globe. CARROTS.â€"Carter‘s Giart Yosge i art 12nr. ‘Sges E"e’}‘g"fafiaé'f.?ifibz AHSAGgHgHY 2 yellow , Altringham Srarige carbot tring and long MA NGEL WURTZEL. â€"Carter long red mammoth. and saw “125 mangel. Import of Ficld and Ga: Damara. Leading Field : The Main Crop Seecs, HRELP WANTEâ€" Qâ€"BBst. A L6 Gabbage, Gauliflows THOROUGH BRED DURHAM Devonshire Lineoln rod APE SHED. owing Pape. ERICAN ans GARDEN & L0OGS WANTED. CLOVER & cRz.SsSs + w Nt BULL;. oronto, C FIELD SEEDS. take orders fast loqguent of Lor nts. No book s H. PAREKER, Goods / SGeeds / €88820%e4%ee0ee and Garden Seeds, f spectus free cost nothing pariing SEEDS. Druggist and Seedsman, Durhanr. and ©clery PDlants in Seasom. j raen Seeds, for 1897, per Steamer and Garden Seeds. Garden Seeds. nir 30 87 18 | 1 MUST GET RID OF ; TI‘ur Scaxrax Farm, lot 30, con. 5, ! _ Bentineckâ€"100 acres. _ Will sell or | rent. | Tu® Svatrrox 50 Acres, Ict 55, con. 1, 8. D. R., Bentinck . The best 50 _ _ aeres in Bentinck : splendid scil, fine new bank barn. NoramaxBy : Jlot 7, con. 3, 96 acresâ€" good tarm, tip top bank barn, log dwelling houseâ€"Durkam about 5 miles. Hommaxp Towxsntr, Lewis Eyde farm 100 acres in good German settiement â€"will sell or exchange. A good place. Tus Romnovenx Property, Durham. i What I cant sell I will rent. _1 have 8$1,000,000 to lend at 5¢ and 514 per cent. Choose your time to pay it back, _ Business private, charges moderate. Full pedigree may be learned on application. The undersigned will keep'for serâ€" vice at LOT 9, 2. 00N. W, G. R. Benâ€" tinck for the season of 187 the fine 3 year old well bred bull *‘Conqueror‘" a descendant of the famous Farmham Duke. TERMSâ€"$1,00 payable 1st January, Uscal conditions. Wont always trouble us BUY LAND while it is cheap for its bound to go up, Grasshoppers and Dry Weather Insurance effected on all kinds of proâ€" lwrty at lowest current rates. . Dwelâ€" ings and their contents insured on the most favorable terms, Losses promptly and Liberally settled Call or communicate with â€" Capital subscribed | Capital pard up Assets, over Annual income, over Losses paid since organization, over ‘TESTERN ASSURANCR COMPANY. AGCNTS. New edition of "Queen Vie~ toria" â€" now â€" ready. Enlargedâ€"thirtyâ€" two full page plates added. Best hiss tory of the Queen and the NVictorian Era published, â€" The only Canadian book accepted by Her Majesty. Sales enormous : canvassets | knocking the bottom out of ali records. Easy to make thirty dollars weekly from now to Diamond Jubsilee, â€" Particulars free The BRADLEYâ€"GARRETSON co, 1/td, Toronto, Ont. CORN, Comptons Eurl’/f.-l ngel of Midâ€" nightâ€"Giant Cubanâ€"Large white Flint and Huron Dent, TARESâ€"Beansâ€"Onion Sets and Potâ€" ato Onion«, (iround Oil Cake, Flax Seed, Linseed meal, and British Horse and Cattle Apice, Land lasterâ€"Land Saltâ€" Barre Salt â€"und Rock Salt, Land Plaster is a direct food for Corm and nearly doubles the Crop, Row on planted rows or hills, and a second dusting when the corn is about six inches nigh, Pauris Green, Paris Purple, Carbonâ€" ate of Copper, Sulphate of Copper, Hellebore, /nsccl Powder, Moth Camâ€" phor, Camphor Paper, Potato Bug Killer, HUrexrkr Argxiaxoer. Dornoch, May 25 ‘9%. WHOLE NO 1004. FIELD CORXN, One Oar Mammoi selage, and Leami Corn,. THORO®BRED DURHAM BULL. FIRE AND MARINE. ir Mammoth Southern Saweet Enâ€" and Leamings improved Yellow The Hanover Conveyancer. ©, RAMAGE, #2,000,000â€" 1,000,000 2,320,000 2,400,000 22,000, 00 A gant

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