West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Jun 1897, p. 5

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A SPEC!:ALTY pct" ‘onery nsurance Comâ€" ]n‘ll‘l'awt re Fim London, Engâ€" t #¢ WELL don En irance"if “lllpan, P!uns. a la@n H A ng. ck bought at will be Agzency barrister BATsONX, UVAXDERTAKIN: irse in te@rs. C3 10M TSOoN @xpe prices to w Goods #I * W C L L Mort gCage)â€" ‘est Kake c‘in force with disâ€" ngland, Â¥. and and at uw Cus=t C C 34 gI C @rms [ 1] Tv € U nid DEAI.ER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware of all descriptions, Reâ€" i))airing a specialty.â€"UPPER TOWN, URHAM. Eliiott & Elliott, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. CONVEYANCERS. & Offiees :â€"Opposite TOWN HALL, Lower Town, Durham **" 5.000 to luan at lowest rates of Will be in Priceville the first Wednes day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" mercial Hotel. H DURHAM OFFICE, CaipEem‘s Biock, 3â€" 257 Lower Town. () \ the Durbham Pharmacy Calder‘® Block. â€" Residence first door west of th Fost Office, Durhsam. . â€"._‘ .. // LUVCAS. wWRIGHT, & _ BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, &c. MONEY TO LOANâ€"zow mares EASY TERMS MOTH Camphor and othor insecticides MacFARLANS â€"&00. MOTH Preventive Bags MOTH PAPER LOWER TOWN ALABASTINE $ $ Have you seen our 3 by 6 VWindow Shade at 4O0cts,., or, our Lase Insorting Shade at $100? Both E‘xtra Valuss. $ 2+ * +s OLs Until our Stock is eatirely disâ€" posed of. We have still a great rariety of Patterns to offer which will assuredly please you. | We have Decided to Continue the WALL ssSUER OF MARRIAGE LICEXSEs, Holâ€" stein, Ont. Pariies waited upon within a reasonâ€" able distance, it desired. »ls‘cin, January 14th. 1897 Or. T. G. KMKOLT L. D. S THE FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF DENTISTRY. JOBILEE WY intcrest. VI. $. HORSBURGH. WATCH FOR OUR 1. B, LUCA4S, + W. H. Wiont, €C. BAaTso®, â€" > A. CQOCRDON. * DURHAM PHARMACY in differert colors. PAPEBR NEXT WEEK SAL® Murkdale, Owen Sound Darham. DU RH A M CurRISTIAX Expravor,.â€"The Annnal Convention of this body will be held in Amos Church, Dromore, on Friday, July 2104. The programmes are out. and the work outlined seems to promise an inâ€" teresting session, â€"Rev, A. T. McGregor Woodstock, an enthusiastic worker is to be present, and of local clergymen we notice Rev. Messrs Little, Dornoch; Craigie, Hanover ; Hunter, Markdale; Humphrey, | rlcevilie. Mr. Blakeston, Priceville, is also down to lead in &n "Open Parlament, What is your Socâ€" iety Doing ?" and from the well known ability of the Priceville principal much life will be thrown into the discussion, Mr. John Cooper, Hampden, is Presidâ€" ent. and has been a most successful one since the formation of the Society. Dromore penlple are prepm-inr to give them a royal welcome _ Stabling and bay for teams are free a nominal &arge of 15 cents and 10 cents for dinner and tea respectively being made. _ Rememâ€" ber the date July 2nd. Should the day nrove fine an immense crowd may be 1 »oked for. faith in medicines, now in gmr;d health and * able to do my own work," because Hood‘s Sarsaparilla has power to enâ€" rich and purify the blood and make the weak strongâ€"this is experience of a host of people. Tir®», NERvOUS, SLEERPLESSâ€"Men and womenâ€"how gratefally they write about Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. _ Once helpâ€" less and discomaged, having lost all Hood‘s Pills are the best family cathâ€" artic and liver medicize. _ Gentle, reâ€" liable sure. SHowWwING SPEED.â€"We notice in last week‘s Guelph Herald that " Chicago Belle" formerly owned and tramed by Mr. Robt, Scott, of this town, took fif'fl place among 10 starters, the winner do ing the mile in 2.2645. At Hamburg last Saturday she took 4th place with 9 starters, the winner doing it in 2.22¢. "Bob" has yet another little horse which could beat the "Belle," and the future may see it work under the 2,20 * Bob" has yet which could beat future may see it mark yet. WANTED.â€"Intelligent | men with good education to whom $800 and exâ€" penses for the first year would be an inducement. Write wich full particulâ€" ars. THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond St, West., Toronto. Ount, J. A. Hunter sold another " Crescent" Bicycle on Saturday, this makes four of these popular wheels sold this season. ryy a~ They are worth $75, he sells them at $45 $45. Dromovre Mail we learn toâ€"day, Tuesâ€" day, did not reach there last week. It left hers usual time and way. _ Our readers there know we are always on time and we regret that some transportâ€" ation mistake has occured. The consectation meeting of the Epâ€" wortn League will be held on Monday night, â€" Be sure to come. R. Renwick. the Dromore Sawmuller wants elin logs for cash. See ad. Tthe RsviEw from now to January 1s 1808 for 50 cents. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs at MceArthw‘s. nPurham, Thur. June, 10, The band will play, the Fire Company will exhibit and give a hose reel race, races for young and o‘d will be run for prizes, there is no money making in view, and therefore we trust that this unique holiday will be thoroughly enjoyed by the loyal citizens of 8, Grey in Durkam. Eht BOrep Acviae. At 4 p m. it is the intention to have the whole company gather in front of an improvised platform and listen to a few brief patriotic speeches and songs, including of course the now 60 year old refrain of ** God saye the Queen. " Steps are being taken to securs a large and representative procession comâ€" prised of the Military, the Fraternal Societies, the Fire Brigade, School childâ€" ren, citizens and other corporate bodies,. ‘The band will enliven the day. A grand meet will take place at the Drill Shed at 12.30 p. m. and a procession with British or Canadian flags only, ounting and Maple boughs displayed will march to the Agricultural grounds where a programme of sports is arranged with liberal prizes. The Farmers‘ Institute moved last January in this matter, and as their summer meeting came off only on Ist June some delay has occurred. They found it difficult to be the organizing body, but granted $25to any committee that would take it up. A committee has been formed, with the Mayor chairâ€" man, consisting of prominent business men and others, who have secured subâ€" stantial additions to the subscription sheet, and their efforts to get up a suitable demonstration will be successful we are sure. Our other holidays are always with us,a they will come again in due course. â€" This will never come again to us. _ Over 300 millions of people in some way or another are celebrating the dav. They are not worshipping the Queen, they are not servilely flattering, but underlying all the fervid enthusiasm of the time is a deep sense of the blessings of stable government which is forcibly impressed upon us by the long, long reign. Let the old flag be in abundant evidance. Let country and town vie with each other in making a brilliant display, and let no unkindly or indifferent word mar the harmony of an occasion which will never occur again, in all human probability, in the lifetime of the youngest child. While this ishould be peculiarly a children‘s day, it lends itself happily t> the mixture of young and old on an veccasion without a peer in the history of civilized peoples, therefore we hope that on Tuesday week an assembly will take place in our toewn which will kave no parallel in the history of the "oldest inhabitant" while it will make for the young a memory which will stimulate their patriotism and increase their devotion toward4s the mighty empire of which we form a part. Since our last issue active steps have been taken to bring about a celâ€" ebration on the 22nd of June worthy of the town and district we liye in, and an appropriate testimony of its inhabitants to the many virtues we ackrowâ€" ledge in our Gracious Queen, to the blessings we enjoy as members of the empire of which she is the honored head, and to our sense of the progress and importance of our own land since the far gone day of June 20, 183.7 DURHAM TO CELEBRATE JUBILEE DAY. LOCAL AND GENERAL DAY FOR TEHEH YToUNCG, Aa paY Fom Es A LOYAL DAY IN HONOR 0F OUR QUEEN. ) 97 | COMPLIMENTARY. â€"Fast Bruce Teachâ€" er‘s met in Convencion in Wiarton last | week. The Bruce Herald has the folâ€" lowing complimentary notice of our | worthy Inspector : \_ "The presence of Mr, N. W. Campbell L. P. & tI())r 8. Grey, added greatly to the / interest and success of the meeting. His \treatment of * Arithmetic in the Public Schools" and "Causes of Failure at | Entrarce Examinations" was thorough, \ and while seyeral persons did not agree : with some of his remarks about the value of arithmetic yet every person | was delighted and profited by kis earnest practical talks. His address on Thursâ€" day evening on *"*The Education that is Wanted" was thoughtful and pointed. Many of the characteristics of the men and women who were wanted might be found in the *Want‘ colunn of our daily newspapers and the education that was wanted was such as would fit our boys and giâ€"s to fill the positions there advertised." _ Mr. J, A, Sunell, M. A., was elected President. _ Judges were also appointed tor the exhibition next fall, Messrs Jones and Sutbherland adâ€" dressed the beard on behalf of the Bicycle club, asking the privelege of consiructing a Bicycle track on the grounds and also soliciting some assistâ€" ance towards its ecâ€"nstruction. A comâ€" mittee was appointed to make all possible arrangements with the club. A meeting of the Board of Directors of the above society, met in the Knapp House here on Saturday afternoon. The members of the board were all present. _ The prize list was finally passed atter a few minor changes had been made, _A committee was appoinâ€" ted to meet the Poultry Association and arrange a satisfactary prize list for that class. It was decided to give contributors to the special prize list, a membership badge for use at the annual exhibition. Monrs Curative power is contained in Hood‘s Sarsaparilla than in any other similar preparation. _ It costs the proâ€" prietor ard manufacturer: more, â€" It costs the jobber more and it is worth more to the consumer,. More skill is reâ€" qvired in its preparation and it combines more remedial qualities than any other medicine, Consequently it has a record of more cures and its sales are more than those of any other preparation Hood‘s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine to huy because it is an honest medicine and thousands of testimonials prove that it does actually and permanently cure disease, Cleveland (Swell Special) Bicycle that ecost $100.00 (almost new, guaranteed till September 1.) Only one, will be sold, for $60.00 cash. The best and easiest running wheel in the world. At J. A. Hnnter‘s, Rush in your Butter and Eggs to Mcâ€" Arthur‘s where you can get the highest price and cheapest goods. Boils, pimples and eruptions, scrofula, salt rheum and all other manifestations of impure blood are cured by Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, Any quanti y of Butter and Eggs is wanted 1t McArthur‘s for the next three weeks,. The highest price paid. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. &A DAXE POR ALLT. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ! JAag. ATKIN@ON, Milkman. ; Lot 56, Con. 2, N, D. R., Glenelg. Two Steers, yearlings, one lightish gray, the other red and white with short tail. Lost about last week in May. â€"Information l:(!PM‘dinR them will be thankfully received, _ THr Far WEsST.â€"Last week‘s Hanâ€" over Post contaims an interesting letter from Mr, W. J. Mitchell, late editor of the Chronicle, who writes from Grand Forks, Dakota, while on his way to the Pacific coast, . We give some brief extracts; here is one will interest the prohibitionists : ‘North Dakota is a proâ€" hibition istate, but Graad Forks must not be taken as a test town as the Red river here forms the dividing line beâ€" tween South Dakota and Minnesota and that acros the river is East Gd. Forks, where rum and license reigns. The latter has. less than one thousand of population and owes its existence entirely to the existence of prohibâ€" ition in the adjoining state. The street is almost lined with saloons, 4 or 5 of the business places sell liquor or are gambling houses and human life is held cheap. Robbories are notfinfrequent and a murder was committed about ten days ago in one of these dens, The victim wes enticed into a gambling den, robâ€" bed of money and life and then taken out the back entrance and placed upon a railway track to give it the appearâ€" ance of an accident. Grand Forks draws its supply of water from the Red river which is rid of some of its impurâ€" ities by means of a $40,000 filter, but to one accustomed to the clear as crystal aqua of (Grey county it is looked upon with suspicion. This town I would sa is a dull one from early spring to fu.lr. but after harvest picks up and until the grain is sold it is said to be quite fast enough to suit everybody.â€" Here is another deseription of the city of Spoâ€" kane,. The city of Spokanc is a very pretty place. It is situated upon a plateau and surrounded by mountain peaks, Through the town runs the Spokane river with half a dozen water falls furnishing power almost as great, I should think, as the Mississipni at Minneapolis, The streets are not as well graded as in some eastern towns of the same size, but the public buildings are very fine. The city hall, viewed at a distance has a charming appearance, the brick being so well colored that the building re embles marble, From what little I have already heard Spokane is not in a very prosremns state,. There are many â€" unemployed â€" menâ€"indeed " outâ€"ofâ€"works" are to be found all along the lineâ€"but a remarkable nuiaâ€". ber of wellâ€"dressed men with apparently nothing to do are to be seen here. I do not as yet know why this is but will find out. Spokane is the point where passengers for British Columbia turn north but I think I will first go on to Seattle on the Pacific and leaye for that place this evening and will write on my arrival. Metnoonrst _ CHaxNGars.â€"â€"The only changes in the Mt. Forest District is the Rev,. Mr. Pomeroy goes to Southampton while Mr, Jas. Ferguson, of that plac» comes here, _ We regret to lose Mr. Pon.eroy, for in addition to his usefulâ€" ness and faithfulness in his own calling, he has taken a very active interest in Town affairs, notably in the important work of the Public Library, Mr. R. B, Culbertson will go to Toronâ€" to for the convocation on Friday and receive his degree of Bachelor of Mediâ€" ecme from the hands of Hon. Edward Blake, _ Mr. Elliot, who left here on Monday via Owen Sound, will do like wise, â€" He captured " honors." We exâ€" tend our congratulations to both gentleâ€" men. The League intends sending a delegate to the International Convention to be held in Toronto, July 15th to 18th inâ€" clusive. _ Miss Orchard is the fortunate one chosen to bring back inspiration and heloful ideas from that immense gathering of young people. Mr. Wm. Fee, Varney, left:last week for the North West, having received a telegram that his brother Frank was dead, As his brother was unmarried and had considerable property, Mr, Fee will administer the estate. Mr, Duncan McLean, Pt. Elgin, visitâ€" ed friends on the Avenue, Glenelg, and at Mrs, Turnbull‘s near the Rocky last week,. â€" It is 40 years since he last yisitâ€" ed his cousins, the MceFaydens, Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Hunter, Misses E. McFarlane and Jessie Hunter, and Messrs Robt. and Wm. McFarlane were guests ai the Ledinghamâ€"RBoyce unptâ€" ials last Wednesday, June 2n(f. Bicvor® McE®tT.â€"On Thursday 8 p. m. a meeting of the Saugeen bicycle club will be held in the Durham Pharmacy. All on hand please for Jubilee Day. Mr. Jas. Duansmoor, Hamilton, visited his father at the Rocky, and the Greenâ€" wood families in Glenelg last week, Mrs, Geo, McKelvey, Toronto, arrived on a visit at her fatherâ€"inâ€"law‘s, Mr. Jno, McKelvie, iast Wednesday, and also visited Egremont friends since. Miss L. Thompson in company with Mr. Jas. Dowling visited friends of the latter in Holland, last week, Mr. H. H. Miller, the Hanover Conâ€" veyancer, was in town Tuesday, having been in Egremont on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe and sons spent the first part of this week at Pt. Hope, the parental home of bothb. Miss Jennie Robertson, of Toronto, now of Priceville, was the guest of Miss 8. McKinnon on Tuesday, Mr, C. C. McFayden visited his brethâ€" ren of the Scots Grey‘s Camp, Priceville, Tuesday night. Mr, Moses Jacklin, a well known Benâ€" tinck man, gave the REVIEW a pleasâ€" ant call Wednesday. Messrs Jno, McArthur and J. McGowâ€" an, of Priceville, were in town, Wedâ€" nesday, Mrs. McGowan. Fergus, is at present nursinf her sister Mrs. Austin, who is very ill, Miss McKenzie, of Durham, is visitâ€" il;w: at Mr. T. 8, Coppenger‘s,â€"Hanover ost, Mss Wilson, of Harriston, srent Satâ€" urday and Sunday at Mr, Laidlaw‘s. Miss O‘Niel, of Hanover, was visiting at Mrs. John Wright‘s this week. Mr, Dan IXnechtel, Hanover‘s Furnitâ€" ure King, was in town last week. Mr. Leuchlan McLauchlan visited friends in town on Tuesday. LOST, * «m s a 4 _ Dromore, June 5. 20.000 feet Rock Elm Legs wanted. Must be of good quality and 8 feet long. Will pay $8.00 per M. cash at Mill. ROBT. REXNWICK, Dromore Saw Mill. The music will be the great feature of the service, and the decorations magniâ€" ficent. The Rector will preach from 2 Sam. 16. 16.," God saye the King, " subâ€" ject.â€"1 Solomon‘s glorious and peaceful reign, 2 Queen Victoria‘s glorious and Brospemus rei%n, contrasted. Eyening rov, 8. 15., "By Me kings reign," subâ€" ject, * The Divine Right of King‘s," Is it scriptural? Thne collections will be special and in aid of the funds of the congregation. . Let every member bring a Jubilee offering. 1 That beautiful form of prayer with thanksgiving annexed to the book of Common Prayer in 1837 for use in all churches, on the 20th of June, will be used in every church throughout the British Empire, by special ()rger of the Archhi,ho[) of Canterbury, as the 20th of June falls on a Sunday this year beâ€" ing the Queens Diamond Jubilee, we hope to see Trinity Church crowded and trust that every member resident in town and country will come out on this occasion first, as true christians and semndl{:wu'ue and loyal subjects of Queen Victoria, Arranggments are being made for a Jubilee Service to be held in Trinity Church Durham, on Sunday the 20th inst, both morning and evening, in comâ€" memoration of the 60th anniversary of the Queen‘s accession te the throne of G:. Britain. Law. â€"McArtrur v Bearox, â€"ThiS is an action to declare that John Mce: Arthur, Jr. and M. K. Beaton, of Glenâ€" elg were partners in getting out tim ber last fall. _ The action is being tried today before Chief Justice Sir W m. Meredith at Owen Sound. Barrister Elliott, whose hands are full these days is for the defendant and Lucas & Wright, Owen Sound, for Plaintiff. Derny.â€"In Bentinck, on the 8th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. A. Derby a son, Molxxisâ€"In Glenelg, on Wednesday Qth inst., a daughter to Mr. and Mrs, Mclunis. A Montreal Star cable shows that Laurier‘s reception is to be a Royal afâ€" fair, The Colonial Office instructs that he is to be given distinct honors and precedence in all festivities, _A special train takes him to Scotland and back, Mr, Jos. Chamberlain will welcome him and all England seems about to * go off in a Laurier boom. SuocckssEUL OPERATION,â€"â€"On Wedâ€" nesday, Dr, Park assisted by Drs. Gun and fi A, Smith performed a serious operation on Mrs, T. Milligan for canâ€" cer, _ At latest report she was doing well. * A writ has been issued in the High Court of Justice by Elijsh Page against Mr. T. Milligan of Bentinck for $2000, damages for libel and slander. â€" Barrisâ€" ter El?intt has received instructions to look after the defense. Barrister Elliott was in attendance on legal business at Osgood Hall, Toronto, on Saturday and Monday, _ He also atâ€" tended County Court sittings in Owen Sound on Tuesday, The Gendron and Reliance wheels manufactured by the Gendron Mfg. Co, Toronto. _A few on hand at C. McKinâ€" non‘s, cheap and or easy term‘s. These are high grade wheels. Elijah Page, who is sueing several Bentinck farmers is also going to enter suit against several Normanby farmers for infringement of his patent fence. Mr, Donaghy, Mt, Forest, was in town yesterday, Miss Stewart, Listowel, is a guest at Mr. Jas. Carson‘s. Maxwell Binders, Deering Binders, roller and ball bearings, in stock at C, McKinnon‘s. Call and see them., JUBILEE THANKSGIVING SERâ€" VICE, Mr, A. Davidson went to Owen Sound ts week. READYâ€"MADE CLOtHiIng _ _ DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND BOOTS & SHOES OF THE SEASON [In Feull blast at THE BOOM Call and investigate our goods and Prices and we are sure you will go away entirely satisfied. L0OGS WANTED. It means the highest price for EGCGS and BUTTER in exchange |for the cheapest GOODS of best QUALITY. OUR COMPLETE DEPARTMEXTS ArE BORN. , M°ARTHUFR. B+ NOTICE. All persous indebted to C. McA rthur are respectfully requested to call for their accounts and settle either by cash or note at onte, A accounts left unsettled must be place into other hands for collection. Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed F{ne Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &e. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. CALL & SEE OUR | Collars, Pads, %r{% l Bites, Whips, | &c., &c. Our shelves are ‘loaded with a great variety of small hardâ€" ware as well as our show cases with superb silverware. No trouble to show goods. Give us a call and be convincâ€" ed of the bargains. We Handle everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. Last Saturday to see the Leading Hardware Store in this part of the country where new goous were being onened out ? We have a large stock of Farm and Garden tools, horse pokes, curry combs and brushâ€" es, sheep shears, etc. Our graniteware thing superior and well as our tinware. DID YOU SER THE RACE See our immense stock of dry and mixed paints also oils of every kind, A general financial businesstransacted Oflice next door to Standard Bank David JACK8O0R, JF.» ciex niv. o Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sola. Durham Harness ! CONVEYANCERS. W. BLAOCK N( c [ rthur‘s W. £E. Buchan, Clerk. . LEAVENS, Jr. JACKSONS. FURS. C, McARTEUR, is someâ€" cheap as \ $

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