West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Jun 1897, p. 3

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AGENCY, business tm-.u hn GS BANK. »zlats because ta become diseased a vrine builds up the n which come these the year the otw_l’z meral debility. lect, has become im« e wholo system gets : _sapeak of it as # Nervine resto the ces that lnu'gd to s. A stimulant may ill not cure nervous has cured more desâ€" ‘rrousness than any ‘where. And it does son that it cures in« vÂ¥q centres are _ uld be no vietlfis ‘vine rebuilds a vre tissues. and henee ts in discases of thi# wou! CINE, â€" T HEALTH Yâ€"SEVEN YEAR& * causes of indiges s up the health comâ€" orized up NNS €ING VDER ank of Canada «. orioo>nd, Rointt i4 » playedâ€"out, misow ame can take a bo# ms are run y Morning, J KELLY, quickly giving year, IN m‘" ldlbr.?rom BEST FRIEND LE iN CANADA. le and $2,000,008 1,000,00€¢8 Last summer one of my best cows out one of her teats in stepping over never simke or kick her or use any violence oxee&t to milk her in spite of all she can do. milker can milk ber sitting on a stool never P AR AARDCTITTT Ees one 2520098500 aBd posver of endurance. The princi&lo is tne same made use of by Rarey, Gleasâ€" on and other noted horse trainers. In a singleâ€"handed contest the animal is made to exhaust its strength without Rccomplishing its object of becoming master, and lfnelds to the superior powâ€" er and intelligence of man. â€" After a er and intelligence of man. After a kicking cow has been once subdued she need not be tied up short, and the Perha(i)s at the next milking she has regaimed confidence and will want to fight again; if so, there is no way but to accommodate her. Again defeated, she will probably stand as peaceably as any cow for a month or maybe longâ€" er, when another fit of delirium econnipâ€" tions will come on, and there will have to 1e an‘ot.he}' trial of strength and me. My method is exceedingly simâ€" ple, and is the same 1 use in breakâ€" img heilfers. in the first place their heads are tied up short, so that they cannot surge ahead or back up. The pail is not placed directly under the cow but a little way out. I bend over, standing with my feet well braced, put my head in her groin, take a firm hold of her near hind teat with my left hand and hold on to it with a viseâ€"like gri}). [ don‘t try to milk any with the left hand when the struggle is on, and she is straining every nerve to kick it loose in order to hit me or the pail. Findâ€" ing that I can "hold the fort" she changes her tactics and tries to kick with her left foot, but of course canâ€" not hit the pail or stop me from milkâ€" ing. Aiter making three or four violâ€" ent struggles, each one more furious that the one preceding it, her strength begins to fail, and she loses confidence in her ability to kick me loose and alâ€" lows :herself to be milked because she ln..: tgu.nd out . she cannot prevent it. There is no question that cows can be confined with straps or ropes so that they cannot kick, several such devices having been described in this paper; but to tie up and untic a cow requires time, and time if not money, is a part of our lives. I have had some furious kickers, says a writer, but only one that I had to tie, and she was not a natural kickâ€" er at all, but had an obstructed teat which had to be probed, and she bad a decded objection to having it operâ€" ated upon. I can milk any kicking cow when tied in the siable by the head, or in a stanchion, no matter how strong she is, or how violent and determined she may be in her efforts to prevent ter. Bome cows fell many dollars short. of paying for their feed; others paid & profit of $40. Bold as milk, the case would bave been a little different, if a price of four cents a quart could be obtained. ‘Then the poor cow for butâ€" ter would have had $18 to her credit and the bast one $89, and if made inâ€" to cheese at 8 1â€"2 cents a Mn&' the best cow would have made a profit of over $40, and the poorest about a third as much. Bo it is seen that there are three points of view in this matter. A cow may be a poor butter cow, and if milk is sold by the quart, turn . & fair profit, and if cheese is made, quite a different result follows, and the best butter cow runs her owner in debt in the milk market. Over all is this fact that the same food makes rien milk for one cow and thin ior another, and it may take even more food to make the thim milk than the other. Cows shrink and dry off, let the food be what it may, and ten per cent. of them go to the shambles yearly, and which ones it will be, no man knoweth until the day thereof. â€" Dairyving is a lottery at best, but it is an affair in which each man loads and turns his own wheel; and makes his own drawings, securing the eepital prize always, and a lot of minor drawings, besides. Oftentimes he in ratâ€" ing his cows without testing, and findâ€" ing out for sure, confounds the minor drawing for the actual prize card ticket. Do _v'ouTmow which is your actually best cow cow and estimating the feed, how many pounds of milk, of wisast per cent, fat, wnd how long she will bold out. ‘The small cow often eats as much as the larger one, outmilks her and outclasses her in butter making. The engine can be bimilt over, a new iurnace pui in,and ecomemy secured with extra power adâ€" ded; but the cow is never built over. Bhe stays with us eicher a paying pPrOâ€" ducer oraboarder. As a boarder, she consumes the profits of the better cow. At the experiment stations interesting experiments are beling carriea on in reâ€" gard to this difference in cows and their npfiuprmllon of food, as relaied to the milk supply. Charging pasturage at $1 per week, and hay, grain and silage at actual market rates, and crediting milk butter and cheese and whey at tho Going rates, it was found that with the herdâ€" and it is to be supposed that these cows Tats much above the averageâ€"the food fed to some cows reisrned three tiumes the produce as did others. In one trial the food cost of a pownd ofi butter was 8 1â€"2 cents apound, and from arother cow 13 1â€"2 cents, while the bherd as a whole ranged between the 81â€"2 cents wad about 18 cents for food cost of butâ€" HOW Cam the man with a 1,000â€"pound cow say any suck tning of her with certainâ€" ty? No man can tell, by looking at the motive, there are ten tons of coal and 2,000 gallons of water, and that means that i can pull so many cars and so many tons of freight, so many miles." 4HE ELEMENT OF UNCERTAINTY. In the different industries of the farm, thers is no one that demands so much , _ Or PRACTICAL FARMING. TO MILK KICKING Cows 7. bath, and Ladybird was me-i.:s bis pink footsole. Suddenly she cried out with delight ; h Oh, msmma! He winked his toes beâ€" gainst my cheek. ‘ +o }4 woromenk Great Britain‘s second oldest lkb in commission, the G bui in 1784, has been loldmom uip. Rhadbnnuaodfermn{h‘y.rlun[ powder bulk at Portsmou Nelson‘s to result fatally for either. It is a case of endurance, the one who weakens first being declared the vanquished. The majority of those who witnessed this particular fight preferred to do so from the flat roof of the stable, well out of harm‘s way, but Ni Tsam, in a Eurwix\an frock coat, and jewelled turâ€" ban, looked on from the stable yard, in dangerous proximity to the trampâ€" ll:}g feet of the beasts inside the wall. o blood was spilled, but a fierce light glowed in the eyes of the combaâ€" tants, and the fierce grinding of flesh, as the muscular trunks knotted over zfmd under . each 1obh‘;in' with %errifig orce, was intensely disagreeable, an like no other sound on earth. Many rupees changed hands when the fight was over. Ni Tsam is a very wealthy rajab, and has fifty or more ehfi;h::ts moored by chains around his pa Elephants are naturally valuable creatures, and care is taken to have them too well matched for the contest ed in the native States; then only by invitation from the rajabh, a favor rarely procured by a white man withâ€" out the exercise of considerable influâ€" ence. The fight shown herewith took place a* short time ago near Jeypore, in the stoneâ€"walled inclosure a&round Ni Tesam‘s elephant stables. The monâ€" sters had been starved for some days before the encounter, and were goaded io madness by their du.rinf riders. There is always a stone wall between the combatants, to {ilvo the riders a chance to save their lives, for they are the only ones in any real danger, and are often killed by gemc hurled from the necks of the infuriated beasts and dashed to death against the stone wall or trodden to pulp under their massive feet. Here you have three members of a family restored to health by the use of your medicine, and you would almost covet their good gealth and genial ways largely resulting from _ such health. They wish you to freely use these facts to help other sufferers, and An Elephant Fight Over Which Many Rupees Changed Hands. When an Indian prince pines for exâ€" citement, he orders an elephant fight. This is a saport not permitted in Engâ€" lish territory, and can only be witnessâ€" use of PDr. Williams‘ Pink Pills was begun, and under them he recovered and is now a strong healthy boy. Mr. Warman, the boy‘s father, also adds his _ testimonial to the great value of Pink Pills, saying: â€" "I suffered for years with a bad back, until I used Or. Williams‘ Pink Pills and they cured me." Miss Annie Warâ€" man adds this evidence with enthuâ€" giasm and freedom: "I was weak and sickly and did not know the blessing of good health till I took Dr. Williams‘ I am able as their pastor to certifv to the facls above stated. Sincerely Xou.rs. W M. LA WSON, Methodist Minister. Pink Pills I used eight boxes and have since enjoyed the best of health. In fact X am never sick now." The little new angel was having hls pledifinns t + weiiermatiiired dtP se t ~allile sinindca d o. L 4 ACZ son Alden was sickly from birth He could hardly ever retain food, and his parenis bad but little hopes that he would live lorg and the doctors who attended him were of the same opinâ€" ion. ‘Tili seven years of age he conâ€" tinued in that condition. Then the Dear Sirsâ€"1 am glad to furnish you the following voluntarily given testimonial, with the fullest permisâ€" gion to give the names and place. They do this as a thankâ€"offering to God and your medicine. Mrs. Wm. Warman of Molus River, near here, says her ie B ons w +2 SNbathe n e w Atnngaatntk es sn tye Richibucto, N.B., April 26th Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co. Dr. Willlams‘ Pink Pills Restored Their Health and They Wish Other Sufferers to Mnow Itâ€"A Letter That Will Bring Hope to Many â€" No Other Medicius Gets Such Voluntarzy Pratse. The following letter written by the Rev. Wm. Lawson, Methodist minister at Richibucto, N.B., attests in the strongest maaner the merits of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, and a perusal of it will suggest why this great mediâ€" cine is so popular in thousands of homes throughout the Dominionâ€"it cures when other medicines fail. that is for sale. A ULERGYMAN WRITES ON BEHALF OF GRATEFUL PEOPLE. _ DON‘T RAISE SCRUB STOCK. Serub stock is a luxury that the busiâ€" ness farmer can not afford because he must know that every animal will pay its way, and pay a profit on the feed and care; they must have early maturâ€" ity and superior quality. ‘The wealthy busimess men who are ambitious to have a farm and stook can not afford to keep any serub stock, but get the best pureâ€" bred stock, which is cheap enough now for every farmer to buy. Yet thouâ€" sands of farmers are breeding, raising and wasting feed on serub stock that millionaire farmers can not afford,and will not tolerate these scrubs that eat more and sell for half what high grades do. Look at the market and you see 10 per cent of the cattle and horses sell for double the price the nineâ€"tenths sell for. Yet these farmers complain that cattle and horses do not pay. Cattle at bcents and 6 cents do pay, and horses at $150 to $200 pay well to raise, and the markets are more eager to buy at the high prices all the highâ€"class stock A THANK OFFERING. ba ire. had blown down scrow the feme hod oc coms «l uc Jubpilce GoOmpetition out of the pasture. This one did not ommz P on mm go tgi dt,he lgwast plaoet £°::qm oth-l commectges ers did, and out one test yery bediy. $3,500.00. it touched, and kicked Iuflmn_lfl when I took hold of it. I had to milk it by force as already described, and after she was conquered ahe would stand and quiver with pain while the wounded teat was being milked. Umless a kickâ€" ing cow is"fie?yâ€"_fi}d'om.tbrâ€"m it does not pay to bother with them. They will bring all they are worth for teat had to be milked; but as it was very sore and painful she did not want er bulk at Portsmouth. Nelson‘s ry is the only older ship in the ! SPORT OF PRINCES. NameB p‘nd addresses of a few winâ€" nera in previons contests:â€" Pianos, Miss B. Daintry Yates, 64 William St., Kingston, Ont.; Miss. Bella :fl: Ladies‘ J«u%:a it hvgll'iidrfi subscr rom any ize. um x% JOUR= NALC. 74 Adeiaide Bt. ‘Wast, Toronto, All the above gifts will be distributâ€"= ed fairly. They say they cannot afâ€" ford to risk their reputation {for square dealing after being nearly twenâ€" ty rieara in business in Toronto. They have given away hundreds of pianos, bicycles, tea sets, and other valuable articles, to increase their subâ€" scription list in the urut. They want now to reach a still greater circulaâ€" :’gn.. and therefore make the above ers. Every cflo&tpr will hbave full value for their ar investment in pttirg the Ladies‘ Journal, as it is well wo These gifts are offered subscribers diâ€" reoct in this manner, instead of being given to agents for getting up clubs as before. All gifts won by competitors in the United States will be delivered on that side of the line free of duty. _ J The utmost care will be taken to have the gifts awarded striotly in the order answers are received, but the decision of the publishers of the Journal must be considered final. First come, first considered. Don‘t delay sending in. A complete list of the winners will be published in the first issue of the Jourâ€" nal after close of oo&petition. Sept. Each person competing must send one dollar with their answers for one year‘s subscription to the Ladies‘ Journal, a handsome monthly publication of thirâ€" ‘t]y-six large pages, well illustrated. The ournal will be sent to any desired adâ€" dress. A year‘s subscription will be & lfngchdwprec'iated present to send a riend. These gifts will be sent _ wwithout charge to the winners, they only being required to pay freight or express charges when received. One hundred and sixtyâ€"one to 200â€" Each one dozen, in neat case, Dessert or Tea Knives, heavy Silver Plate. All five questions must be answered correctly to secure any prize. Fiftyâ€"one to seveniyâ€"Each a balf dozen Quadruple Silver plate Tea Spoons, neat pattern. _ Sovemly-twé to Eightyâ€"oneâ€"Each a baautifully bound large vol., in cloth and gold History of the Bible. Two to twentyâ€"Each a half dozen Quadruple Silver plate Table Bpoons, choice design. * Twentyâ€"one to fortyâ€"Each a boy‘s or girl‘s Nickel Silver Watoh. _Seventyâ€"oneâ€"A set of Cooper‘s Novâ€" els in 16 vols., well bound in cloth. Competition will remain open only till 80th Sept. next. No answers receivâ€" ed after that date, except those from a distance, and they must not bear a later postmark than Sept. 30th. Then will come the last or Consolaâ€" tion series, when to the senders of the last two hundred correct answers, beâ€" ginning with the last one received and counting back. will be given the folâ€" lowing :â€" LAST OR CONSOLATION SERIES. A beautiful fine toned Upright Piano by celebrated Canadian makers, (valued at $400). _ Fortyâ€"one to fiftyâ€"Each a fine black Ca_s.ahpere Dress Length _ _ Eightyâ€"two to 150â€"Each a wellâ€"bound vol. of revised version (New _ Testaâ€" ment. Eightyâ€"oneâ€"A Lady‘s Bicycle, all atâ€" tachments $85. _ _ One hundred and fifty to 160â€" Each five dollars in cash. Two hundred and one to 203â€"Each a lady‘s _ Bicycle. Firstâ€"class machine, with all attachments. One hundred and twentyâ€"sight to 200 â€"Each a well bound vol. revised verâ€" gion New Testament. Sixtyâ€"seven bo'eightyâ€"-lthch a gentleâ€" man‘s fine silver open face Watob. Eightyâ€"one to on»e hundredâ€"Each a half doz. Quadruple Bilver plate Dessert Spoons. Very noat design. One hundr»d and one to 136â€"Each a balf _ doz. Quadruple Silver plate Dinâ€" ner Forks. One hundred and twentyâ€"seven to 140 â€"Fach a bandsome pair solid silver Sugn.r ‘Tongs; very nhaste. Beventeen to thirtyâ€"Each a lady‘s or gentleman‘s Fine Gold Watch. C wlb ko C ECE PE EO OSCTWUVE O V ERVIAIEe Thirtyâ€"one to fiftyâ€"Each a wellâ€" bound ]yen.rly volume _ of Chambers‘ Journal. l«iftf to sixtyâ€"sixâ€"Each a neat litâ€" tle Salt and Pepper Cruet _ cash. it ts mds es cantoncti iB ts t ts tdsc Pc4 Rixteenâ€"One Large Volume ‘‘Birds of America," bandsomely bound in morâ€" r?'g.fimagnificently illustrated, valued a k O Whar 20. PE ECCCE MOCDY CHRMOT UV VEU. Thirtyâ€"four to fortyâ€"nineâ€"Each a beautifuily chased Napiin Ring. Fi%â€"A handsome Upright Piano, valued at $400, by oele{;lr"al.gted Canadâ€" ian firm. _ Fiftyâ€"one to ninetyâ€"Each a fine Gold Ring, set with precious stones. Ninetyâ€"one to 100â€"Each Five Dollars in cash. One hundred and one to 145â€"Fach a set of Extra Quadruple Plate Dinâ€" ner or Tea Knives One hundred and fortyâ€"six to 200â€" FEach a fine Silver Souvenir Spoon of Toronto. _ Two hundred and one to 211â€"Each Twenty Dollars in cash THE BECOND OR MIDDLE SERIES. Then will follow the second series. These two hundred and three prizes will be given to the senders of the two hundred and three middle correct anâ€" swers of the whole competition. One to sevenâ€"Each a handsome upâ€" toâ€"date lady‘s or gentleman‘s Bicycle. E‘ight to fifteenâ€"Each Five Dollats in g\emdruple Sal t (4 pieces) 2. How oftem did this Jubilee occur ? 8. What Queen is first referred to in the Bible ? 4. What King did she visit in state ? 5. How m;niya years did David (whom Queen Victoria is said by some to be a direct descendant) reign over Israel. The following gifts will be made to the senders otnghe first 211 correct ans wers to the above five questions. THE FIRST SERIES. One to ten â€"Each a thoroughly upâ€" toâ€"date bicycle, lady‘s or gentleman's wheel, as may be preferred. _ _ Thirtyâ€"threeâ€"Swiss Music Box, playâ€" ing 10 pepular airs, valued at ‘3.’.5. Eleven to twentyâ€"fiveâ€"Each a lady‘s or gentleman‘s fine gold watch. . 1. Where is the Fiftieth Jubilee Year first referred to in the Bible ? Valuable Gifts for Diligent Sunds Study â€"Brain Twisters for Bible Readersâ€"Watches, Pianos, _Twentyâ€"six to thirtyâ€"two.â€"Each _ a Lupd‘r_up_{e Silver Plate five o‘clock Tea ABSOLUTELY FREF Mrs. Harkinsâ€"My, but you had a narâ€" row escape to-u'u;'. Mr. Harkinsâ€"\What do you mean t Mrs. Harkinsâ€"The minister was here, but left just before Willie got home from school. So he dowsa‘t Enow yet what you said when you were trying lt)hxf other night, to learrn to ride the 8. Mrs. Mugsger, Wife of Capt. Charles Murger, of Sydney, C. B., Got Relief in 80 Minutes From Heart Disease of Four Years Standing, and Declaros She Owes Hg- Life to Dr. Agneow‘s Oure for the Heart. "It affords me i:eu pleasure to commend Dr. Agnew‘s Curefor the Heart. 1 was sorely aflicted with heart trouble, accompanied with dizziness, paipitation and smothering sensaâ€" tions,. For over four years I was treated by be«t physicians, and used «!l remodies known to man, I determined to try Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart. Ths first dose gave me relief inside of thirty minutes. I used two bot los ADd fee! toâ€"day I have bean completely cured." Dr. Agnew‘s OQintment rslieves in one dsg.' cures tetier, salt rheum, piles, scald henm eczema, barbers‘ itch, ulsers, blotchos and nij er. piions of the skin. It is scething an quisting, and acts like magitc in the cure of all baby humore. 85 cents. A WESTMINSTER CHRISTEXNING. The youngest daughter of Beerbohm Tree was christened recently at St. Margaret‘s, Westminster, by â€" Canon Eyton. Her godmother is the Duchess of Portland and her two godfathers are Lord Granby and Lord Rowton. Itching, Bmlns Skin Disease Curod for ing 5 Conts, Last year, in Suffield, Conn., 1,250 acras were devoted to the cuiture of tobacco, and tha yield averaged $250 per acre. The seaport and lake towns of â€" the United States bhave a population of over 16,000,000 Karl‘s Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Refulales the bowels, puriâ€" fies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. FRAx~K J. OHENEY. Aworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 3th day of December, A. D. 1898. { ;;’Q } A. W. Gi EASON, neege! Notary Public. Hali‘s Cstarrh Cure is taken internally and acte directly on the blood and mucous eurfaces Oof the system. Send for testimoniale, froe. F G. CHENEY & CO., Poledo, 0. Sold b{.Drunixu. 15¢. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. ‘PROMOTION OF GENERAL HAPPIâ€" Brate or On10, CiTy or Torrno, } s8, Lvoas Cou®ty. a FRaNK J. CBENEY makes oath that ho is the senior gertnor of the firm of F. J.Cexncy & Co., domg usiness in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm wilt pay the sum of ONKE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of (‘a #rrh that canrnot bo cured br the use of Haut‘s C:TARRH CURE Is secured by Nervilineâ€"the great nerveâ€"pain cure. ‘The highly penetratâ€" img properties of Nerviline make it never falli-nfi in all cases of rheumaâ€" tism, meuralgia, cramps, pains in the back and side, lumbago, &6. We heartâ€" ily commend it. It is questionable if any breach of etiquette is so general as that of perâ€" mitting invitations to weddings to go without acknowledgment. If the courâ€" tesy of sending you an invitation has been extended, it is a mark of ignorance or illâ€"breeding to allow it to remain unnoticed. A form of acknowledgment now in favor is, with each wedding inâ€" vitation an envelope is sent, printed on the flap: "Please present at thechurch with your card inclosed." If 3nartiea; receiving same do not atten the church, then the cards should be sent to the residence. If the envelope is not : inclosed with the invitation, your card. should be inclosed in an envelope and sent by mail. A favor worthy of reâ€" ceptiton is worthy of an acknowledgâ€" ment. ary ool[?e course, and take up their studies after they graduate. A THEORY®, Brownâ€"What is a postâ€"graduate course anyhow? Jone&â€"\{ don‘t know exactly, but I think it‘s some arrangement to enable the students to devote themselves exâ€" clusively to athletics during the ordinâ€" Archer TORONTO PA wE Smeath Y+ § Say WEDDING INVITATIONS, HEARTY HEHALSR. A CLOSE CALL W P C 872 From any part of To any part of Ontario, 2 8! UU Manitoba. Tickets Good for 60 Days. See the Winâ€" nipeg Exhibition, Junly 19 to 24. MANITOBA "*ERoUR.ioN. The Caradian Pacific Raiiway will ran Three Excursions to Manitoba on June 29, July 6 and 20. f igh ade, be iful h Bicycles $21.50, Tishsrnis sesuay B2 free, Power Cycle Co, Iodianapolis, Ind, lf.s Be careful what you say over the line, Mrs. Brightly; you may be sure the telephone girl is listening. Of course she is. Indeed I‘m not, yelled the hello maid, and the sizzling, crack!ing sound with which she broke the combination causâ€" ed both of the women to rum. LE C Ceyion Tea ./}M%; $ The introdurtion of fancy boxes for candies was due to the demand on the part of customers for boliday, birthday and festival presents in neat and atâ€" tractive packages. Be Not Deceived. A Cough, Hoarseâ€" ness or Croup, are not io be _ trifled with. A dose in time of Snuoh‘s Cure will save you much trouble, Sold by all druggists, terimen?s, then piace on ice, when it will opea sparkling. coo) and deli<s0u8, ‘The ginger beer can be obt . ined in ail drug ani grocery stores in 10 cent bottles to make two «allons. DOctTOoRs RECOMMEND The collection of postage stamps which ranks third in the world is owned by F. W. Ayer, of Bangor, Me. He recentâ€" ly sold a sintgle stampof the Hawniiar issue of 1851 for thirtyâ€"five hundred dolâ€" ars BHow did your meeting in favor of international arbitration and universal peace come off, Slims? Broke up in a fight. Adams Extract Fieischmann‘s Yeast Bugar s * Cream of Tartar _ . Lukewarm Water ©URaC * * * Two ‘uounda Cream of Tartar _ . * _ One haif ounce. Lukewarm Water = * _ Two gailons. Diesolve the sugar, croam of tartar and yeast in the water, ada the exlract, and bottle ; plaee in a warm p‘ace for tweutyâ€"four hours until 1t terments, then piace on ico, when it wi‘l onea "SALADA with one hand, Frank Butler, of Waâ€" terville, Maine, recently lifted awei%ht of one thousand pounds. He asserts that no other man in the State can equal this feat of strength Cure the Cough with Shiloh‘s Cure, The best Cough Cure, Relieves Croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents Sold by all drmeriate The mistake of a Chicago drugg substituting carbolic acid _ for harmless medicine in an eyeâ€"wash ed a child to loss the sight of c ita eyes Rev. Dr. Bochror, of Buffalo, u&:â€"“ My wite and I were both troubicd with distressing catarrh, but.“we halv:d e-,]oyod hfr?dom tm this vating ma since the we firs used Br. Agnew‘s O.h’rrhal Povd:! Its ao tion was insta» taneous, giving the most grateâ€" fu) relief within ten minutes after first opru cution. We consider it a godse: d to humanity, and believe that no case can be so chronic or deeply seated that it will not immediately relieve ADd bermanantr _2 22‘w DREADFULLY NERYVOUS, Gents:â€"I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Kari‘s Clover Root Tea It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sysâ€" tem. __I was troubled with Constipaâ€" tion, Kidney and Bowel trouble. Yoar Tea soon cleansed my system so thorâ€" oughly that I rapidl regained health !.ng_lt‘!‘englh- â€" Mrs. g A. Bweet. Hart. For any information, maps, etc., write to Ww. D. sCoTT, Manitoba Government Emigration Agent. 80 Y ork Street, Toronto. C NEOT ka lc CCC TT VPT HQ relieve and permanently cure." Gents:â€"I was dreadf for relief took your K Tea. _ It quieted m strengthened my wh. tem. __I was trouble tion, Kidney and Bow Tea soon cleansed my oughly that I rapldlg a.ns strength. _ Mrs. $ ford, Conn, Sold by all The profit on an indu managed hen, says a | averages two and oneâ€" day, all the year roun Chinese male infants, . a month old, have their A banquet is usually a p; mony MAN AND wirs IN DISTREBE rom Chronic Catarrhâ€"But Instantanâ€" # eous Relief FPollews the First Ap. lication of Dr. A{now's Catarrhal Bowderâ€"Dou't. Neglect the Simplest Cold in the Bouf it May Develop Into this NMaaâ€". 22q‘ *@, PRY 1 ; j 6140 of corn! The principle gon which Putnam‘s Painless Corn tractor acts is enlirelx new. _ It removes the corn layer bi ayer, withâ€" out any 'Prun whatever. It never fails either. ‘Trv i+ lunch counter i am 80 worried over feeble health, HERES A LIMMTLR® NUQTr With one hand You needn‘t be Why ? _ 2 Cif a gfj‘)d houseâ€"wife.who uses SAPOLIO it is well said"The mouse is muzzled in her house‘Try itand keep your house clean:â€"All grocers keep itâ€" AB BAD AT THE SENATE Intno ipi. yiC _ HORd, it May Develop Into this Dis, ting Msa.dy Ahnoo! Before You san Realize 1+ r""&ifi M o . z /}..‘.J @irt BREERS VERF Cleanliness and neatness about a house are necessary to insure comfort, Man likes comfort, and if he can‘t find it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do you want cleanliness, comfort anée happiness? Try SAPOLIO and you will be surprised at ~Uf STOPPED THE CONFAB Adams‘ Gingor Boer in l h stva ie sls esc 4c â€" Th © 4ry it. Proveaserm VITALITy UNIMPAIRED. You Can Realise It ; + TBpIdL ained health l _ Mrs. g rAe.gSueet, Hartâ€" Sold by all druggists. toâ€"day RECIPK, a Chicago druggist, in 8 a hansas farmer, oneâ€"tenth cents per round. + One half to one cake, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, ts, when they are heir heads shaved. & part of the cereâ€" acid _ for some piece of pie at a ©yeâ€"wash, causâ€" sight of one of trious and well my busband‘s TO CRACK Canadian Typograph o. Ltd, WINDSOR, ONT. Its Bearings are dust and oil proof. Is ociled but once a year. + Will last a lifetime. Get a catalogue. Canada Permanent LOAXN AKND SAViNGS CO, E ) P BAMUEL ROGERS, President. Use our Mion, Pesricss or Gem Axric Greass Directors to mauke FOR FARMER®‘ use. Snsist on hsv‘m% Pocriess Oll. Dealers sell 10 to their best trade. 20 years before the people Takes merit to win 12 gold msdals A prise winncr is better than a g{lu loser. Buy the genuine, it‘s as cheay as the imitations. Sole proprietors The QUEEN OITY iL OG., Lt‘d., TORONTS. Wc t P t e e e y delay, at low rates of interest, and on the mo» faro® able v.-rmldn-{nymont. Lowns granted on Improve@ Farms and on Froductive Town and City l:’rm- Mortgages and Municipal Dobentures Porct Ap iontion may be made through the Company‘s Logad Talmers, or at the Oftices of the Gompaty. " * MERIT SLATE, SHEETâ€"METAL, TLE & CraveL roofead nfi'i’x".fi'a"&'&f%f{i“ igre: hoevel To bows on 26 Reeting bics fes" Cutere Telophone 1958." Aactaide “d-fl #te.s BOYS ® 7/ "P~"Vâ€"Gerrard and Youge Bte., ts uad, it here more students, and as M 9n Bypret,modng mge. mad n ente sn ns lars. To oy oo oo op Pucincss PCE Same m Hoad Officeâ€"Toronto St., Toronto. Braoch Officesâ€"Winnipeg, Man.; Vancouver, B.G . HLREBERT MASOGN, Managiog ©FTERBOROUGH®. â€" -EI 'E-_K%'»‘ NQ.QEQQL?‘ This in a word, is expressive of the reputation enjoyed by the Patdâ€"u>p Capital _ â€" _ » 2,000,000 le resources of this Com enable re LA make ._tlun‘o'q on ;hulvfl.b 'fll: MANUFACTURED BY THE T ME i P _ Aitiine‘ 2s 5.. h Whiteatitiinlhâ€"rcssnaad Atauocue and orr our Proces armne Rovieg w- can earn a Nickei Piat ; atch and Obain by selli a few articles to: “L at 1 each. Etate your fat or" eupation, and we will mai vode. No money req &unuhctunn‘ Agency Oc oronto. This notice will not appear again. ! CARRIACE TOPS When you buy a carriage make eurze that the Top has a Rolier Ourâ€" tair. Some unâ€" mrulouo doa!â€" ere for tho sake of a little extra proil may try and sell you & o‘ommo:\hl( 1 Inâ€" girt on hay & maoflwn“. It w .‘ atalltimer anc unde all con» ditioas ,ive you WO »iipeim > $ C 4 |

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