West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Jun 1897, p. 4

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44 us se c o ; j _ e ‘Feff Of MF, K. Legaste was yoted to the chair and proceeded with an interesting programme, The proceeds of the evening were $12.90, i KOK x Kaw, .. .1 . I CE NE doy, Corbett for a few weeks has again takep her departure for the other side. The Pie Social at Mr, A. Livingston‘s last week proved to be quite a success. There was a good attendance of both peoâ€" ple and pies. _ Mr. Jas, Mather acted the part of auctioneer and did i; well. _ After the pies were disposed of Mr, R. T.~.+. The great annual fete, viz. th Lake picnic is over and was an 1 leled success. The weather was ious, the crowd large and social an efficient committaa as.. 2 4t T s us m HaRye C r H m 2 an efficient commi.:te:‘:nla:;:;gl:;'li‘-}:,',"! y ;\,Ir] C \I‘{'\ltm raised n large barn on thing aystematically and exerted tht*l)l- ‘r( lh al. ) hen finished it will be one of best .flm:“ to effect a pleasant rermin| 0 t'ne n'.mt in No: manby, ;':nb"' which they accomplished successâ€"| ,“. sent it qoeet? â€" K. takinu n a«minks Numerous buyers and pedd constantly seen nowâ€"aâ€"days. T is a gentleman from Englend â€" buy all kinds of farm produce mA liberal price for the same, tem of transacting business, J does not meet with the farmery wl Mr, Edward Sullivan Sr. ar Sullivan, Jr., were the gue Misses Mary and Annie Hale; ton, Sunday last, m L wasrskic.. 1. ", ~cofIUH, is spendâ€" | Mrs. R ran 0 ing bis vacation in Glenelg, â€" He i's |hel * guest of the O‘Hanly family on the 8th, | d Mr. John Butler has recently purchasâ€"| «»â€"d a new zoJ> buggy and was Jrerng its NORTHE merits and domerits Sunday afternoon. He was calling on Traverston friends| â€"Mr. and M and came home via Pomona Schoor, | with friends i Mr. Edward Sullivan Sr. and Mr. Ed,| _ The Christ Sullivan, Jr., were the guests of the‘ Sunday night Misses Mary and Annie Haley, Traversâ€" | on Sundavy ar ton, Sunday last 440000s _ Y . Bunday. Mre. Thos. Winters and ber 3 charmâ€" ing little children, of Toronto, are rustiâ€" cating at ber mother‘s, Mrs. () Hearn, Mr. Thomas Sullivan is delivering toâ€" day at Markdale Station tive head of eattle for which he received the sum of $105, Messtrs Bob and White Anderson and their sister Miss Nelite fram i1 14 Mrs. Dr. Henury, of Bogna; r. A. Derby‘s last week. Mrs. R. Montgomery, who iting ber parents, Mr. an Katie McCormick and her uncle Mr. McLean and a store clerk, all from Walâ€" ~kerton, were visiting at Don, McCUorâ€" «mick‘s on Sunday. . _ ,John McDonald paid a flying trip to «Markdale last Sunday. Mr. Alex, McDonsid, of Markdale, is among us at present, Misses Maggie and Janie Hart ford, of Owen Sound, are on a visit to thetr fnodhther, Mr. Joe McAsey and other riends. Chas. McDonald was visiting at the Centre last Sunday all the way from nmmnnt Archie McLoean, Scotch Town, lately â€"sold a horse to Sam Orchard for the biz ‘sum of $80. John Beaton and Donnie Graham are Agoing down to the Old Settlement. We «wish them health and strength for their future work. Charles Kennedy, of the Gravel, was slightly ill of late, Mr. and Mrs. McGilliveay, of Bentinck, and Mr. and Mrs, Patterson of the Town ‘I'JIZOL visited in this settlement last Our statute labor went by yery quietâ€" 1y here, We had a good pathmaster. Prayet meetings held in the School House are larszely attended, John MeDonald, from 1 urham, was vi!iting at the Centre jately. Ira Pennock has been ferecting an addition to his store which will make it amnore convenient for his tenant Wim. Wallace. Mrs, W. 8. Horsburgh is spending this week with friends in Mt. Forest, R. Robertson was in Southampton on business the latter part of last week. Mrs. W. T. Brown and Mrs. Wim. Kedsley visited at A, Allascon on Wedâ€" nesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson andichildren, of Arthur were guests at the parsonage over Sunday. James Main and wife, of Lake View, yisited at the former‘s father‘s, N, Main, on Wednesday. Veterinary Surgeon A. Seim is at present quite ill but hope soon to hear of his recovery. Wm. Barton, of the Soo Michigan, lormely of this locality, visited his sister Mrs. John Smith last week, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Mrs. A. Jamâ€" ieson and Master Rossie, of Mt. Forest, enjoyed the h«':ritulit.y of N. D. Mcâ€" Kenze on Saturday. resent attending the Conference of the Ltor Da; Saints which met in St. Mary‘s on Friday. Mrs. Wim. Amos and Mrs, Wm. Main visited the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mre, Jas. McMeekin, at Merritt on Wedâ€" nesday of last week. Miss Mary Main, of Murdoch, was the guest of her cousin Miss Mary Main, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mre, Edward Vance, of River yiew, visited friends in this neighborâ€" hood last week. Dr. James McKenzie, of Dakota, spent a few days of last week with his brother N, D. McKenzie. Mrs, Geo. Freeman and children are at present visiting her brother and sister at Penconning, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon visited at Mrs. B8‘s. brother‘s, Mr. David Naismith the Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Cameron are at GLENELG CENTRE. VÂ¥I KERs. M IRISH LALE. » 1 » & " PbUiiicerabintdadcat dfs o cA 21504 Lo effect a Dle‘::'-x;alr::‘t.or(n::? (4* ”.w h.'"‘.bt um mn?b‘v' y accomplished success-] Wasn‘t it qneer 2 N. taking a counple i of giria to the Enderyor and drawing two and Haley families held [ other girls round til} meeting commenced, party at Mr, S, Kelly‘SI We wonder why the young girls are adâ€" ming last. opting a new stvie of dressing their hair 9 Provortmax, |Changes are pleasant and we suppose they M Sss mririliies n ale.,, . | do not wish to remain girls forever. t Â¥ripna OST 29CZ HEC im England who 1 irm produce and f th.e same. Hig s * + &n sn HOLSTEIN. Bognar, visited at T who has been and ;\gr-. Jos, E. soctable and again taken peddlars are . the Trish The latest however, s‘ Aapproyâ€" unparalâ€" 3 propitâ€" 'crrespondence. ho will SV‘ s | _ Master Dongal MePhail MceDonald both of whom are of age should be classed amor trians of note. They left Ifour o‘clock and walked to I back in 5 hrs. making in all y cDonxald hai‘ .e 21 °* VAt and Duancan MceDouald both of whom are but 12 years of age should be elnssed among the pedes. trians of note, They left Priceviile at four o‘clock and walked to Durham and back in 5 hrs. making in all from their respoetive homes about 27 miles. We have been req omission in the last B in counection with the Mcluotyre to B. y. note the presence of person of Miss Janet 1 Miss Aggie Su! was visiting at Mr week,. ’ Mr. and Miss Fee sp | with friends in Egremont ; The Christian Endea Mr. and Mrs. J part of their hone Mr. G. Moore: Mrs. J. Watson is c week. Miss Lonisa Hil‘, of with Miss Wallnce. Mr. 1. Hutton, of Bo at Mr. H. Teeson‘s Ta«t JUnuay night was conducted by on Sunday eyening will be led _ Marshail, Miss Mary Brown, of‘the Corners, has been under the weathert of late, but we hope to hear of her speedy recovery, Miss Annie MeCo: mick, of Walkerton, spent a week recently visiting her home at Bunessan, Mr. and Mrs. Robe Berkley, â€" were the guc Mrs. Ryan one day rece Miss Annie Mc was visiting at h Mc Arthurs, Nort last week. i Miss Kate Lawrence who was visiting her sister Miss Alice Lawrence, of Torâ€" onto, has returned to her home on the South Line. Mr. Sam McComb of the Corners, lost a valuable cow one day last week, which he had bought the day beforse, _ He thinks she was struck by lightning, Mr. and Mrs. Wimn. Bratton visited friends in Bentinek last Sunday, .« Mrs. Archie Little, of Varney was spending a few days recently with her daughters, the Mrs. McComis of this neighborhood. .\. Mr, Peter MeKechnie is enjoving woeek‘s holidays, visiting friends inErin. | _ #ir, and Mrs. R. J. Watson, of Walter‘s I‘ Fulls yisited friends in Priceville last week. Pastor A. D, Darrah and Rev. C. H. Pin!Imore, of Chesley, exchanged pulpits last Babbath, Mr. A. MeKeclinie sold & team of horses in Mt. Forest last week for a good sum. Mrs, Mcl.achlan‘s handsome pnew resilâ€" ence is nenring completion. Mr. C. Layiga returned to Detroit last week, Mr. and Mrs. A. MeArthur, of Dundas, | Ont., yisited Mrs. Alex. Livingston and ‘ other friends receutly. Mr. Dayid MecNichol, M zuest of his sister Mrs. Jo faw days recently, Mr, anod Mrs. R. J. Wats Falls visited friends in Prias The toschers and echolars of t! celebrated the Queen‘s Jubilee in ion. , â€" Another of those pleasant events for | which our community is neted occurred | at the residence of Mr. Jas, Park, on the |16th inst, at 4 o‘clock p. m., wher his ’danghters Rebecca and Isabella were unâ€" ited in marmage, the former to Mr. James MeAuley, of Durham, the latter to Mr, Gilbert Grierscn, now oft Dakota. â€" The ceremony was performed by Rey, Mr, Janâ€" sen on the benutifal lawn in front of the house in the presence of about 130 guests. The brides looked charming in their wedâ€" ding costomes of cadet blue which was very becoming, _A long table of lux nrions viands was than spread on the green which all did ample jnstice to. _ For the evening those who were so inclined tripped the lisht fantastic until far into the morning while the more sober minded enjoyed thermselves in the parlor with imnusic, songs ete, _ Mr and Mrs. Grierson leave for their western home on the 29th. â€" Each received a liarge number of berutiful and yvaluable presents. _ We give best wishes to both couples, _ [In which the ReviEw ioiug. Ed,] | Our Sckool Section held their annual { picnic in Mrs. Bratton‘s bush ou the 11th _ inst. Although the weather was not all _ that conld be desired yet there was a fair attendance. _ Music was furnished by the Allan Park Band. After all bad partaken _of the good things ot the table they were called to order .by the chairman, Mr, Geo. Tuornbull, and were treated to an excelient speech from Rey. Mr. Jansen also songs | and recitations by the scholars. |__ Mr. Robt. Smith, Sr., one of the pioneers of the South Live, but a resident of Fort | Erie for the last six yeurs returned last week to the hows of Lbis son Mr. C. Smith, He bas now resched the adyanced age of | 87 years. _ He was rccompanied by his l niece Miss F. Smith who left again toâ€"day ‘ for Buffalo where she resides. NORTH EAST NORMAXNBY A+# uTt MSGH NY U U â€"ave mscc E m oom â€"eRd e last Balsam Valley with the visit af Mf; . te Lawrence who was visiting Miss Alice Lawrence, of Torâ€" returned to her home on the a Hil‘, of Darh TOP CLIFF. Sll"i\'an' honeymoon , Of Bentinck, was i‘s last Suncay. J. Moore are 81 requested van, of Maple Grove, Patrick Sullivan‘s In«t PRICEVILLE. ROB ROY. e v‘sit of Miss Sarah Way did ho fail to a third party in the McEachorn 2 wobert Douglass, of guests of Mr. and recently, &4 aghe n s on the sick list this spent last Sunday avor meeting on echolars of this school : are spending at his father‘s am, Sundayed to uctice an M. P. P. was che Jolun Nichol for a FhosstE, T. Vince by Miss J. report a guest lblesher Mayor Thompson and MMeJohn Mc Kenzie, Presque Isle, representing the Beet Sugar Manufacturing Company, addressed the council, explaining what had already been done towards estabâ€" lishing this important industry in the County of Grey, and asking that the council appoint from amongst their number, gentlemen who would certify as to the quantity of beets to the acre produced by the farmers this year in , different sections of the country. This The dt(-‘pntutiun was attentively listenâ€" ed to and a comumittee was appointed to confer with the hospital authorities and report to the council, A deputation representing the General and Marine Hospital, consisting of Rev, Mr. Arouill, Exâ€"Mayor McLauchian and Dr. Cameron waited on the council, and after dwelling upon the good work being done by that institution for both town and â€" country, asking that the council clear off the existing indebtedness of about $4000 ao present hampering the work of the hospital. NORA OE Crubattadet‘s and 4 VC boxing leading to the registry u‘fl(' amelled and if necessary taken up ed in. and generally repatred | w view to economizing steam, The i was adopted as read. t P L f Om airat l d 2 t 1 2t3 EB4 To tee, Mr. McDonala chairman, reported : 1. That the inequality between the cost of heating our county buildings and that of heating other county buildâ€" ings of nearly similar class and capacity is not so great as to warrant any matâ€" erial chauge being made in our present system, inasmuch as any probable sayâ€" ng that might be effected by a change (about which saving there is serious doubt) would very possibly be counterâ€" balanced by the cost of reconstructing the present system, Unimportant reports dealing . with accounts presented for pa; were _ read by the chairmen of EF and Printing, Messrs Binnie and and were adopted. With regard to the heating of ¢ buildings the County Property co tee, Mr. McDonald chairmarn" is On Tuesday afternoon several comâ€" munications and accounts were presentâ€" ed and referred to the appropriate comâ€" mittees for action, Couneil met on Monday night, All the members present. â€" Affer the Wardâ€" en‘s address and some routine business adjournment was made to Tuesday afternoon, Miss Sara E. Ferguson has returned home from Proton Station where she has been for the last six months, _ Sara is a general favotite among all. Miss Lizzie Ernest has returned home from Toronto where she has been for a couple of monthbhs receiving treatment for lnm' eyes. â€" She is fully recovyered and she giyes due credit to Dr. Reevs, of Toronto. meisiree to all reimnember, _ The date, Tuesday, June 28th. Perforn.ance comâ€" mences at 1 o‘clock sharp, programwe at 6 o‘clock,. TEWE EoRME TT & 4 CORTWTT 207 Tuesday, June 20th. A first class daneâ€" ing platform 12x38 is pre;\n,red for the oceasion also a good lengt 1y program is in readiness for the great event. â€" The mMeDonald Frothers, of Priceville, are engaged by the committee to furnish music with violin and bagpinves,. _ Come one come all and swell the crowd and bring your best girl or fellow along. We will be pleased to see you all, This picâ€" nic is free to all remember, _ The date, Tuesday: Iine 28th. ‘Partorn arvan nav." The annual Balsam Valley picnic is to be held in Dave McIntyre‘s bush on mail c oi w3 Mn PVA ESmd C N Mr. Abraham Hooper is busy at present bauling stone for the foundation of his baro, The Richie Bros. have the contract of erecting the wall and have it about baif finished. _ Mr, Henry Hooper is also engaged in building the stone} foundation for a brick reâ€"idence which heintends to erect this summer. Mr. Donald MeCannel, of Bruce county is at prosent visiting friends and relations around here also Mr. Gilbert McQueen is visiting at Mr. Neil McCaunel‘s, Sunidale. Mr. N. Mclotyre of your town has a full gang of timber meu at work in this neighborhood at present. _ Mr. Hugh MeDonald has bought a fine grey mare from Mr. Jas. Eccles of Egre: mout for the sum of $46, Mr. Archibald McCuaig has erected a fine bell tower on the accaiemy which does credit to his ingenuity. We wore justly proud of our South line boys. One evoning lately we attended. the barn raising at MeFadden‘s, which baving been finished in good time the stalwart youths $ amused themselves by pnuiting the stove and throwing the sledge. Messrs. Chailes McKinnon and Alex, McDonald came out victorions with the stone, while Mr. Daye McDonald com: plotely out classed the Proton boys throw: ‘ ing the sledge,. These messages have been wired all over, and Mayor Calder has given them to the press The Queen‘s most gracious and touchâ€" ing message this moment received, shall be immediately made known to your Majesty‘s people throughout the Domâ€" inion, and will stir afresh hearts alâ€" ready full. _ On this memorable day we offer the glad tribute of loyal devotion and affectionate homage, God saye and bless the Queen. * From my heart I thank my beloved people, May God bless them." VICTORIA R & I. This was received at Ottawa at 6.12 a. m. of our time and immediately Lord Aberdeen sent off tho following : Government House, Ottawa, 6.12 a. m. (11.22 a. m. Greenwich time.) To the Qneen, London : Buckingham Palace, Tuesday 11 a, m. Governor General of Canada, » ,‘ ”‘aal"" #‘» & <5.:.c;._,' ;7‘1“0 «.2 « i\} THE QUEEN TO CANADIANS. CcoUNnTY couUuNnciL YELLOW VALLEY. (GeVERNOR GENERAL. aling chiefly ollice enâ€" n up, boxâ€" ed with a The ‘(‘[‘OI'L r payment, NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO commitâ€" county nance Sing, | We have a full line of , everyth ng that is req‘ir. edâ€"such as Farm and Garden too‘s of every. ds. seription, Building Ma‘cr. ial. etc. } A fresh assortment â€" of ready mixed and dry paints varnishes and oils. â€" Our paints and top dressing for carriages are the best. A new stock of brushes for . different purposes.‘ Don‘t forget our Silver ware and ‘Tin ware. Our grarite is superior to any other kept in this part of the country, : in full operation in the ware Store vwindow. The main attract‘on in Curham last Saturdays @ _ Durham last Saturday eyenrias was the 474 EO TT ETT ET HZ NT RRCETHTY The balance of our report will appear next Tuesday.â€"O, S, Sun. At â€" Thursday afternoon‘s session, amongst the matters discussed were the finances of the county and a proposal to hold the December scssion in Durham. hus " C en H HARBIVA® Mr. â€" Brown _ inquired whether the county or the townships were responâ€" sible for the maintenace of a certain bridge on the town line of St. Vincent and Sydenham, now badly out of repair, He was informed by Messrs Binnie and Gordon that legally the county was reâ€" sponsible, but that an understanding had been come to a few years ago that the township would maintam such bridges, % B Famg 4j Bm Flamg "il Stove The Grey Rifle Association, representâ€" ed by Messrs J. F. MeCallum, C. C, Pearce and W. P. Telford jr. applied for a grant of $25 towards the prize list of their annual competitions, and the matter was refersed to the Finance Committee. Mr. Bishop‘s position was opposed by Messrs MceColman, McDonald, Quanes, Binnie, and Richardson chiefly on the ground that the rapid growth and prosâ€" perity of Owen Sound justified keeping the assessment at the figures brought in. The motion to refer the figimes back was lost, only Messrs Bishop and Gorâ€" don voting therefor,. On motion of Mr. Bishop, the council went into committee of the whole on this report, Mr. Sing in the chair. Mr. Bishop. seconded by Mr. Gordon, moved that the figures be referred back to the Finance committee for further considerâ€" ation,. Mr. Bishop said it was in contemâ€" plation that the committee should have some kind of valuation of the county every five years, There had been a valuation as far back as 1883, and though slight changes were made in 1884 and 1885 this valuation had remainâ€" ed the basis of the assessment until 1888, In 1888 Owen Sound was assessed at $1,800,000, and in °89 was raised to $2,â€" 300,.00), half a nullion being added to the assessment of this town on mere guess work, The other municipalities had not been raised in anything like the same proportion. Since 1889 the assesâ€". sment of all the municipalities had been reduced 30 per cent, but the result was still most unfair to Owen Sound, as this town should never have been raised so high in 1889, Mr. Bishop maintained that the outside valuatwn of the town at present should not be more than $1,500,000. W. BLACK GIVEZ US A CALL. _ _The principal matter dealt with on _ Wednesday afternoon was the equalizaâ€" tion of the assessment of the several local municipalities,. This matter came up in Report No. 2 of Finance comâ€" mittee, presented by Mr, Binnie, which recommended that the assessment be as follows :â€" _ Artemesia, $1.140.000 ; Benâ€" tinck, 1.385,000; Collingwood, 1.3 0,000; Derby, 740000 ; Egremont. 1.345.000 ; Enuphrasia, 1,170.000 ; Glenelg, 900.000 ; H()‘lanll, 060,000 ; Keppel, 684.000 ; Norâ€" manby, 1,570.000 ; Osprey, 950.000 ; Proâ€" ton* 996,000 ; Sarawak, 226.000 ; St. Vinâ€" cent, ~©1,.420.000; _ Sullivan, 1.214.000; Sydenham, â€"1,230.000 ; Owen â€" Sound, 1,6140,000 ; Meaford, 446.000 ; Durham, 200,000 ; Thornbury, 160 00; Markdale, 135.000; Dundalk, 115.000, Total $19,â€" 956.000, n | Much in Little step was deemed advisable in order that accurate statistics might hbe obtained and certified to by persons of standing, to be laid before the German capitalists now _ interesting themselves in the scheme, The council listened attentiveâ€" ly to the deputation and action will be taken on the matter. E. Buchan, Clerk chest, always ready, alâ€" i ways efficient, always satâ€" isfactary; prevent a cold Pl l Is or fever, cure all liver ills, sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 250 The only Pills to take with LHood‘s Sarsaparilla fsespecially true of Hood‘s Pills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power in so small space. They are a whole medicin Hoods T 8iveip aprham d :AFruit & Confectionery r of all kinds, | â€" The old Stock bought from Mr. T. Moffat will be rushed off at low prices to make room for New Goods arriyed and arriving. ~If you want Bargains, come his month to. 4 With New Groceries, New Canned Goods, New Crockery, and Glassware. Mclhachlan READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING _ . _ DRY €OODS, GROCERIES, AND o BOOTS & skors OF THE SEASON THE BOOM ."‘ _ W P W L OW U P W "at ht Atidintrictininhe wccombeiaics hame css eer omem n mm anmpne e ce c =on ' ‘\J t S e En Qr o D t C 2 ns d tC .. o) Call and investigate our goods and Prices and we are sure you will go away entirely satisfied. 4. MeLACHILAN 5 It means the highost price for EGGS ard BUTTER in exchange |for the cheapest GOODS of best QUALITY, Frull blast at J)Nc f{ rthur‘s C. M°SARTHUR OP NINGIH T bought | LIFE INSURANCE*®Ss2,, Mn Abidess xt riefagh 192 22000 T TDU | Lvoas, Wrient & Barsox ‘Calder‘s Block, Lower Town, lowest -r-utes. n The Star Life, of London England, has $1,000,000 more lnsurnm-eiiu force than Jargest Canadian Company, and offers Insurance on best Plans, and at lowest ratae The Merchantile Fire Insurance imn_vâ€"gmlmnte«d by the Lancastre nsurance Compauy. of London, land, securit y $15,000,000, ) 3. 7 |) 3 110PBRTYâ€"(First Mortgage) On monthly instalment plan, Applications put through with di=â€" patch and at least possible expense, ww wn sn LW FIRE INSURANC Farar Pmpun'rvâ€"(First 1 Lowest rates of interest and of repayment, Towx Prorerty â€"(First ] On monthly instalment nlus, Insurance Agency MONEY TO L0A N cz Loaning â€" A. BATSoN 'â€"-(First, M""R“Kl'i erest and easy terms 2 ascasure Fire of London, Engâ€" We Insurance Comâ€" BtilTiflter Men and Women taking and writin six days a week, . with ten dollars we NEW IDEAS OMecees :â€"Opposi Liliott BARRISTERS. S LW Jewelry and and Flat Ware of pairing a specialt Will be in P. day in each m wercial HMotel. OFFI(‘H FIRS the Durhan Block. Residence Post Office, Durl DURHAM OFFI LUCA®S, P®* 5,000 to lo: interest URH A AND We Lead 1 NOTANIEE, MONEY TO Loat T OIL To EALER INX 1 Pr. T. G (The most DEN LOWER THE MoTH MOoTH MQoTH ubiles ALA Have y Wind or, 9 Shade Fxtra PH C. Baz 1nsetcy McF U‘n ti il 0 1 De Co1 M 12 NXH ) poset Ias til/ Wi L/AI P/ In on

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