West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Jun 1897, p. 5

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ns k Agency Cld Atma l Â¥A, some eltics 0USES DUW\,. for EGGS 8 lfor the INK ~A Mly MA w > C tC YÂ¥ TSson JA TSON 1d W are expense ~» England, ince‘in force npany, and a1s, and at UTIStep M Mi Tigage)â€" casy term® F} with disâ€" ann -.-n.gâ€"fl rtgage) A e Compâ€" re Fire Men and Women who can work hard taking and writing six hours daily, for six days a week, and will be content with ten dollars weekly. _ Address, _ ~ 3 m # Liliott & Elliott, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. CONVEYANCERS. &o. Offices :â€"Opposite TOWN HALL, Lower Town, Durham ®*"~ 5.000 to luan at lowest rates of DBALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware of all descriptions, Reâ€" }))airin;: a specialty.â€"UPPER TOWN, UR AM. OFFI(‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. Residence first door west of th l‘ost Office, Durham. Will be in Priceville the first Wednes day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" wercial Hotel. DURMHAM OFFICE, Caiosa‘s Siock LUCAS, *‘ TOILET SCaPS ano PE â€"~FUME®S, * We Lead In Fine NEW IDEAS Co., Brantford, Ont UCAS, WHGAT, & BATSON. LANRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAAIES, CONVEYANCERS, ac. MONEY TO LOANâ€"1ow mares EA3Y TERMS bDr. T. G. MOLT L. D. S. To Be Had Only At interest (The most Exequisite,) DENTISTRY. LOWER TOWN THE MOTH Preventive Bags MOTH PAPER MOTH Camphor and other insecticides McFARLAN3 â€" &{o, ubiles ALABASTINE $ $ A. CORDON. * DURKAM PHARVMAGCY I. B. Lucas, â€" W. H. WrrosT, C. Batsox, â€" â€" Have you seen our 3 by 6 Window Shade at 40cts,, or, our Lace Inserting Shade at $1.00? RBoth Extra Values. 10 eemmare Until our Stock is entirely digâ€" posed of, e have still a great rariety of Pattern& to ofer which wilt j assuredly please you. WANTED. in differert colors. utilee Viciet. (The F. iolet. The Best of Perfumes.) inest ubflee Markdale, Oweu Sound Durham. Lower Town DURIL A M iolet. In the midst of Jubilee festivities, picnies, &e. the great meeting in Droâ€" more on Friday July 2nd will occupy a prominent place, _A full and varied programme is provided, with eminent speakers, good music, &c, To meet the wishes of many Endeavorers, a small nominal charge is made for dinner and tea. There should be a large attendance at this interesting and useful Annval Convention. Scnoor LovyaLty,â€"On the afternoon of Friday June 18th, about 100 children and parents gathered at Latona schoolâ€" house to celebrate the Diamond Jubilce of our Queen, Mr, Cranston was apâ€" pointed chairman and after the singing of "The Maple Leaf" gavea fow well worded remarks about the life of our Queen, Mr, A. Smich being the next called on tried to impress on the childâ€" ren the goodness of the Queen in her early life. After another song sung by the school, Dr. J. L. Smith spoke to the children on the greatness of our Queen also telling them how obedient she was to her teacher. Several other advesses being given and "God Saye the Queen" sung, the whole party repaired to L. C. Smith‘s grove where an ample ter was provided by the ladies of the section while the younger members enjoyed themselyes swinging and other games, After tea the Rev. J. Auderson M. A., of Williamsford gave an excellent adâ€" dress which was much appreciated by all, "*God Save the Queen " being sung again and three cheers given for the Queen and three for the ladies of the section the ‘mrty ]prepared for gcing home. _ Much credit and praise was given Miss Skene and pupils for the handsome and tastefully arranged deâ€" corations in the school. , Hoods Pills act ensily and on the liver and bowels. headache. WIsE Msx Ixsow build upou a poor fou. architecture 0z ia ne ion of sand is insecurc symptoms by narcoi. pounds is equally da: eptive. The true w health is to mauke y rich and nourishing I Sarsaparilla. I NoDE TT hh drnAveliin m s 1 2110 i4 If l After interrogat ing all the children seen in the yard he canught Jenay Wrea one morning quietly making hetr nest thereâ€" in as a fit and proper place. Thinking it easier to coax than drive he put out a putup log with a notice on it + build here," and putting one of the Durhaim Fishing Club Trespasser‘s Notices on the pump, thejob was doneâ€"aud everyâ€" body happy. _ ENJOYÂ¥ING@ MONTREAL.â€"Rev. Mr. Mcâ€" Vicar, late of Dromore, in a recent letter, writes, (though not intended for publication.) * 1 enjoy my work here very much and we are delighted with our new hoime‘t Yesierday we took a trip up the mountain via elevator. â€" The Mountain Park is the nearest approach to Paradise of anything I have ever seen or imagined. The view of the city and St. Lawrence is quite beyond descripâ€" tion. City and mountain will be a blaze of illumination ou cae 22nd, \ wiih is pump for the past two weeks, pumping out small sticks by the hand full, every time he went for Water. io. g11% " wich his pump for NarTroxat _ Wursuarx‘s MrEfr.â€" Messrs A. W. H. Lauder, and Jas, Carson leaye on Monday morning for Chatham to attend the great srmius meet,. The committee make ample proâ€" vision to entertain delecates even to previding homes graced wiih abtractive young ladies for the visitors. _ No wonder their meets are a succese Mr, Jno. O, Moore, of Wilson, N. Y., son of Mr. Geo. Moore, of Ntn'nmnhy, is at present on his wedding tour, visitâ€" ing his many friends in this neigh bor. hood, _ We were much picased to meet an old pupil on Jubilee Day, and make the acquaintance of his lovely bride, We wish thein both bon voyage through life, GaARDEX ParTy.â€"On Tuesday evenâ€" ing next a farewell Garden Party will be held in the grounds of Mr. R, Parker, at which the usual refreshments and a fine musical programme will be furnishâ€" ed. Admission 10 cis, and 5 cts. Tuaesâ€" day the 20th inst. The full amount of Insurance the house recently occupied by Mr, ford, of this town bas been pron }mid by the Waterloo Mutuai nsurance Co, through their agent Stevenson, of Mi. Forest. Mr. B. A LitTtLR® OrF.â€"Our issue this week is hurriedly gotten up owing to the great holiday event falling on our busiâ€" est day, consequently we ask the indulâ€" gence of readers and correspondents if a few irregularities appear, Port Elgin will celebrate Dominmh Day in great style, striking out into the line of special abtractions, Arab troupes, Baltoon ascensions, &c. We thank the committee for a complimentary Haxrpoex Proxtc.â€"This annual event, always good is to be held in Der by‘s bush on Dominion Day. A programme of sports, &c is being arranged that will keep up its excellent record, A Crescent wheelâ€" of weeksâ€"as good guaranteed, will be . bargain for one week Igat J. A. Hunter, 8. 8. No. 9 Proxtc.â€"The school i section. Miss Large, teacher, will 7 in McGirr‘s bush n the 30th inst active committee are making the ; sary artangements, Eht Grer Retinw. ytuietly making her nest thereâ€" it and proper place. Thinking o coax than drive he put out g with a notice on it * build id putting one of the Durham ueir meets are a success, H. Townsend has had trouble LOCAL AND GENERAL Your "Ut t is folly to ction, either in 4. A loundatâ€" and to deaden on Peisye: comâ€" PPOH ES .;:’.1: d(‘l." _ to buld up t Mood â€" pure tukiing Mood‘s â€"used only a couple as newâ€"and fully offered atâ€"a oraat â€"The school in this im, of i“’nlkerton, k \LVm. Johnston‘s, 2C °C dboa great oulyâ€"call and see C GJor water, children seen ‘en promptly n d & E: romptly ube sick p ~24, ‘07 . ©e upon Mr. Telâ€" Park and Boys Brigade Race :â€"A. Melntyre, D. Munre. Egg in Spoon Race:â€"D. Murro, Thos. Arnot. _ Men‘s Race, 100 §:al'ds +â€"Wim, Meâ€" Cailoch and Wim. Leighton were each given 1st money, Arthur Vair 2nd, Girls Race :â€"Kate Cameron 1st, Lina Whitmore 2nad. Military Race:â€"Wm. Matthews 1st, Chas. Saunders 2nd. Potato Races:â€"Arthur Vair Ist, D. Munro 2nd. Slow Bict cle Race:â€"G. W. Jones, a Trophy. ins on ampbell disport each took ha‘f niblâ€"l'ey were faithfully earried out and the following are the prizewinners : RACES. Boys under 1¢:â€"Allie Mcelintyre, and D Munto Were Aa NB n frat "minxs and Fire Mr, It was an imposing array for our little town, and one long to be rememâ€" bered by the young people, who 60 years from now will recall with pride that they helped to celebrate the Diaâ€" mond Jubilee of the best Queen that ever liyed, picoic t. An necesâ€" The Societies were out in force and marched side by side. Those repreâ€" sented as far as we could find were the Orangemen, the I. 0. E. , the Sons of Sceotland, the Workmen and the Odd Feltows. Some had brought their own badges but all pleasantly adopted the Diamond Jubilee Queen badges. Capt. H. A. Hunter and his lieutenâ€" ants had the military ready, Prof, Peel and the Battalion Band. _ The Firemen with gaily decorated engine & reelâ€" and bicyelists with resplen-‘ dent.wheels were on hand, and formâ€" 1 ing at the Drill Shed all marched to grounds to the music of the band and it should not be forgotten to the meloay of the bagpipes played by Mr. Jno. Stewart, Bunessan. Early in the forenoon visitors began to pour in and by noon or little after it the streets had‘ an unwontedly gay and lively appearance differing from other past crowds in tlie large percentâ€" age of children, Badges, buttons, ribbons and the Maple leaf were the comimon personal decorations. THE PROCESSIOXN, With commendable promptitude the hundreds of children from town and country were got into line, Messrs,. Allan, Mills and Jno. Kerr taking charge of this feature. Everybody was delighted 1 was found that the clerk of the er was a loyal Briton and exce slight inconvenience from dust procession, a better day could n been haa. ivuowing morning additions were made and rever before were warm hearts aroused by the sight of so many nationâ€" al emblems and tokens of loyalty to Queen and country. thefeeling of Ioyal itsel!, and flag aite; pearance, evergree position and before assumed a Pav ann th s o ue v> / TV will scarcely agree with Macaulay who says : **The British Sovereign is as much a creature of Parliament as the pettiest taxgatherer in the realm." But since the Act of Settlement any way this has been the prevailing yiew. MONXDAYy, UCOF i t O udn £>n0 hh mds h 2l 4.43 ty 3 > fearlessly expresses, and the doctrine of " the Diyvine Right of Kings" could have found few more staunch upholdâ€" ers say 200 and odd years ago. â€" He will searcely agree with Macaulay wiho says s **‘Tha Rptaia® qil o hV C °_\ ,, [ PFvc! seTfmons, a full church in the morning being swelled by the visâ€" iting I. 0. F. who marched in a body from their hall. _ The church was beautifully adorned with national col ors emblems. etc., and the special serâ€" viee appointed _ for all Anglican churches _ was beautifully rendered Mr, Connor is a vigorous preacker holding pronounced views which he fearlessly expresses, and the doctrine it i 66 4 byou Pad sds ons menen d onb t kev. Mr. Connor on bot] had special sermons, a full the morning being swelled iting I. 0. F. who marched from their hall. _ The ecl beautifully adorned with ns C Li ; _\ "} o6 ‘mreens were placed in sition and before evening the town sumed a gay appearance. â€" On the lowing morning addifinti« wase nxes 4C Eight little girls recited an introduc tory piece displaying when in position the word V IC T o RI A, and other little performers did their parts well. Mr. Allan vresided. w evel s Gne id T1 (ooginen l L FRIDAY, The celebrations began with a unitâ€" ed meeting of Durham Schools in the Town Hall. They formed in procesâ€" sion and marched very prettily with flags and boughs showing careful trainâ€" ing. The hall was completely filled with the little folks and their friends, f and & programme of loyal addresses, etc. with music made a pleasant afterâ€" noon. _ The Speakers were Rev. Messrs Connor, Jansen, and Kitching, â€" Dr, Gun and the local editors. Mr. Janâ€" sen‘s effort was a particularly happy one, though he was wrong in supposâ€" ing he only of those present had seen the Queen. _ Mr. Swallow, Sr. has seen her frequently. DURHAM HAS QUEEN‘$S WEATHER. Successful Lo;:;l;emonstration. \ sameze The Jubilee celebration is over and the committee and all concerned are much gratified at the loyal support given to the arrangements for the great celebration. ew tio ts wer puuday, and celirg of 19y JUBILEE FE3TIVITIES. THE SPORTS Te ui lat n h ormerstIndac! Bhii ko a tie in first place and Nn und excepting a rnience from dust in the better day could not haye TUESDA Y renoon visitors began V noon or little after it an unwontedly gay arance differingy from °re Nying on Accession id as Menday wore on yalty began to show iter dlag made its apâ€" pevakirivie sovclls x 1 00f SUNDAYy. dclizht‘ed when it fy of the weath both occasions , Carp or THaAxKs.â€"Captain Hunter and his staff beg to return their hearty thanks to the musical and literary t:lent of the programme especially Mrs. Dass, Miss Stewart and Miss Black . to managers R. MceFarlane and Jas. R. Gun, to the Mayor for preâ€" siding and to the public for their supâ€" port at the concert in aid of the Boy‘s fi(x)'igadu on Jubilee Day. / BrxpERS.â€"Kate Cochrane begs to inâ€" form the Public, she has on exhibition at herfwareroom in Durham, one of the celebrated Peter Hamilton light steel Birders with Roller bearings and all the latest improvements, This Binder has a steet deck, runs tight, is warranted to give perfect satisfaction in evyery reâ€" spect and do firs» class work. Please call and inspect before being persuaded | to buy elsewhere, No trouble to show | goods, C +» | The County Council will not come to Durham in December. The move ment originating with Mr. Binnie, we believe was defeated by a majority of one. . This is too bad. ‘It would do the Council good to see the south, and save mileage as Durbam is more central than 0. Sound. ( on " do? _ Long life to Diamound Dixon. PRoMPT ~PAYMENT â€"Messrs Bean and Browne had the pleasure the other day of presenting on behalf of the C. 0. F. to Mrs. Shewell, a check for £1000 insurance held by the late E. J. Shewell in that Society. Within 10 days of completiocn of papers is a good record for the C. 0. F. A LOYAL FAMILY.â€"Mr. W. L. Dixon EGREMONT COUNCIL, was one of the pushers at the celebraâ€" 5 4 { aaCu > tion on Tuesday, Mrs. Dixon stayed at Council met Jane 12th. Minutes of home and issued a jubilee edition of the| previouns mee ting read and cunfirmed on Dixon family in the attractive form of | motion of Bye and Rusnell. a _ daughte: Nof trouble in getting Lerthâ€"Melnoisâ€"That the Clerk notify e l‘m;ue igh th"f lad_v..‘ . Victoria it | Com. from Proton to meet Com, from on 108 Lome ie to Dimmng (shs: | Eetomont as on an rursiile To repuir d X | Ext. and Proton townline between the PDiBakFom T); srirmith uce 2 iiamg & ko uit Icr CrEam Partors,â€"Mr. A. Mcâ€" Lachlang has had his upstair premises fitted out in the snuggest style, for those wanting the cooling refreshment., The contidence of the people in Hood‘s Sarsaparilla is due to its unequalled \reâ€" cord of wonderful cures. Mr, Muuro SutherlandJeft for Stratâ€" ford last Saturday to spend his holidays there and at Sarnia, Mrs. Geo. McKelvie returned to Torâ€" outo on Monday in time for the Jubilee sight. _ Another handsome wheel, wooden nandle â€" barsâ€"Christie saddleâ€"Duntop tiresâ€"arrived today and was placed in J. A. Hunter‘s Livery,. 1 C m n oe s Es ___Mrs, H. A. Kent and son, of Saginaw, ‘ wards and Mich. and Miss A. Wilcoxson, of Port | spent except Perry, are guests at Mr. 8, Arrowâ€"| Carried. smith‘s at present, | Lambâ€"Me Mr, R. H. Hughes, Hanover, was a ney be paid i guest of his cousins the Misses Hughes, | af Jof 5, con. of town, for a few days this week, Iwushed away Mr. Robt, Vollet, of Stratford, was ried. visiting _ his â€" pareats _ last Sunday ©r"tj5 and. Monday, He purposed spending | V ‘”'3'“_‘?_, Jubilee day in Toronto aud yiew the | siut of 6. 39 great procession there, D Jas. Dilion an TORONTO HarxEss.â€"A sett of second hand single harness, as good as new for sale cheap. Can be seen by enquiring at this office. M Pang 11 . _ _ _ TTTCFTO ~CRP (aEOWTLYâ€" PeLSSCG _ Mrs. Calvert, Orchardville, we | and the court rose. regret to say, met wite a serious miss| _ After adjournment of the Court ¢ hap, the only one of the day. Going Bevision the council proceeded to gey down the hill sha gained an impetus | eral business, the Reeve in the chai; so strong: as to carry her against the | minutes of former meeting read ani fence and in trying to save herself confirmed. Messrs H. D. Irwin and broke both her ‘arms. All will wish| \Win. Loughrey presented a petition her a speedy recovery. and addressed the council praying fo Of the speaking, other s orts, and the' appointment (")t an al‘l)ltl‘at,t.:l‘ t other features, more next week, arbitrate on the gmevances said t« $ exist in Markdale Public Sehool. I The town has made an acquisition in Miss Black. ‘This lady‘s first apâ€" pea ance in Durham has made a good impression. _ HMer voice bas a fine comâ€" pass and is well under control. Miss M. Gordon kept her audience as still as a mouse with the burial of Dundee. _ This young lady has inâ€" creased her already good repuzatiunj as a public reciter, | The singing of Mrs. Dass, formerly Miss Sutherland, was a treat, especâ€" lally her first selection. Her well trained voice and cultivated taste makes her an excellent entertainer. Mrs. Isaac, Lower town, is another who has Coronation memories, as a school girl in Plymouth she took part in the ceremonies and still treasures a little medal she received that day. Mr. Wm. Mather was on the ground, and was perhaps the only one present who took part in the coronation cereâ€" monies in 1838. _ He played in a band on that day and his yoice has yet a lusty loyal ring. NOTES, The broom drill, on the fine platform erected by the committee, was enthusâ€" lastically cheered by the delighted crowds. â€" This is a most creditable perâ€" formance, and is just such a spectacular show as the thronged hillside desgired. __ The ‘contert under the auspices of the Boys‘ Brigade was a decided sucâ€" cess, the Hall being packed to the door with an attentive and appreciative andience. The Mayor was in the chair and most cf the performers had to reply to the envores, About $36 was realized. Our extended report must he over this week. | Dog in harness Races :â€"â€"McDon-? ald, Fraser Paterson. | Bicycle Rac@*â€"Jas. Carson, G. W. f Jones. ' Byeâ€"Leithâ€"That F. Doupe and Jncob | Queen be allowed to do their statute labor fm) sideline opposite lors 5 and 6, con. 7. J aud C‘erk to notify pat):master.â€"Carried, SWY are ‘iu:g ' Wi the | SNNL C }J:ls. ] r'at.-l Wi #*YS | Jas. 1 {Lhc Al orâ€" wil lee , Reeve« ‘the R Leithâ€"Rusnvellâ€"That the Reeve ex. amine the Lmage opposite Wwm. Ellis, Holstein, and report at next meeting.â€" Carried Mclunisâ€" Byeâ€"That the petition of Joln Dyce and 12 otheis asking amid to improve Egt, and Proton townline between cons 11 and 12 be entertained and $20 be granted, providing Proton grauis an equivalent.â€"Carried. , Melunisâ€"Leithâ€"That this Council agree to pay dor timber for 2 culverts in ]G«o. Sackett‘s beat, _ Suul culvert to be | put in by statute labor.â€"Carried, Leithâ€"Rusnel!â€"That foregoing report be necepted.â€"Carried, Measrs Dickson and Bye reported that they bad concluded an agreement with Mt. Forest respeâ€"ting a divisien of boundâ€" ary lines as follows : Ept‘s, portion of Sligo road being from Mr. Doyle‘s emall gate to Base line and portion of Base Line is to the South East ecroor of G, Osburn‘s lot on Base Line, 10 Mesers Dickson and they had given Mr. Kin imnformation re Bently. Mclounisâ€"Rusnell!â€"That ter expeud $3 in building sideline between leots 24 a, and 9.â€"Carried. 4th and 6th cous. mnount not t $20, providing Proton grants an ent,â€"Carried. | _ The coune jat 10 a. m. chgp t i Come to Durham July Ist and take in the sports. | Carried, & Lambâ€"MeMillanâ€"That Wm ney be paid #2 for repairing C at lot 5, con. 10, the same havin Willismsâ€"MeFaddenâ€"â€" That the sum of $6.39 be paid for seed grain for Jas, Dilion and Mrs. Ginn. Oarried. Williamsâ€"MeFaddenâ€"That _ Mis. Jas. Leslie be exempt from taxes to the amount of $10 for 1896, Carried. Williamsâ€"MeFadden â€" That the Reeve be paid £1.50 for looking after the Roll for ward 8, as the collector lied berovre comple.ing his collections. he Roll ied beto ‘arried, TA n w ers f each war third time : on Byâ€"Law MceMillan Ofriee rator and & McFadd« Assessment Court of Re linally pas be paid £35 ary, and s School Seet By Laws E1 Y ie 0 t aninnninies tnels suintc otut) SAW Ssaeiceeca 2 and the court rose. After adjournment of the Court of Bevision the council proceeded to gepâ€" nwvaÂ¥ L..0.% F T , [ "il eniered for lot 46, con. 2, 8, D. R. ; John Hogan and Wim. Watt were entered as M F. Assessments were reduced as follows : James Meâ€" Fadden reduced $80, Thee. G. Lauder reauced $100, James G. Wilson rduced $50, James Calvert reduced $ ), and James Nelson reduced $50, with these changes the Roll was finally passed MR thie: usc lu t | Appeals were heard and changes made as follows : D. McCullough and | Wimn. L. Young enterced for lot 18, con, 9, as owners ; R. J. Conkey entered tenant for Park lot 3, Priceville ; Jno, McArthur entered as owner for lot 47, con. 2, N. D. R.; Wm. Ince entered for lot 22, con, ; N. D. R.,; as owner ; lot 40, eon. 3, N. D. R., assesed to Jno. Keyland instead of Hugh Melnnis ; Arch. Little entercd as tenant for lot 1 0f8, ‘con. 1, EG. R. ; W. H. Arrowâ€" smith entered for lot 19, con. 5; Alex. MeDonald entered for lot 46, con. 2, 8, D. R. ; John Hogan and Wim. Watt were entered as M F. Assessments were reduced as follows : James Mceâ€" Fadden reduced $80, Thes. G. Lauder reauced $100, James G. Wilson rduced 35“. Iames UAsloaPt raAmaak hn _ a The Council met May 29th, : ganized as a Court of Revision necessary declaravions made an and the Reeye was moyed chair. @Millanâ€"Lambâ€"That commissionâ€" or the different wards receive £50 as appropriations to be spent in Is and that no more money be t except by order of Council. DOMINION DaAy RACES cies and if the weather is & The event has been : from surrounding towns are Arrangements are completed for a An active Committee are makin; prizes are offered. The track is in cles and if The Wellthsy 1. aucican. GLENELG COURT or REYVISION ind ovb appointing a introduced and rea. id time, and on motic and MeMillan was : and ordered to be e w book. â€"McrFaddenâ€"That _ Mis. )e exempt from taxes to f $10 for 1896. . Carried. â€"MeFadden â€" That the ons, 83CB adjourned to July Roll as revise ision be now ado d, and that the being balunce 0 9 €6 for eanali by sprin io Cl #58 owner for lof 47, . R. ; Wm. Ince entered n. 4, N. D. R., as owner ; , N. D. R., assesed to Jno. stead of Hugh Melnnis ; entercd as tenant for lot 1 V MRMC BR WoW Araug J. 8 Buack, Clerk Williams appoin Bye reported that ston the required equalizing ied. Hagsh Hunâ€" a eculvert on id 25, Cons. £ ing Culvert having been loods. â€" Carâ€" nade and filed movyed to the Honor Our National Day exceed | l« equivalâ€" | @1 np 1lownship an arbit id a first an af Afa ryÂ¥ )t is suitable there is bound to b en widely advertised and large are expected. read tC Ass at by 118 1 lor a good day making all ne and orâ€" i. _ The d BC the the and ssor salâ€" two Not unlike most places, Manitoulin Island has its disadvantages, for Few lands we find but have their charn s And few but have their drawhacks, Hoping, Mi. Editor, that I have not taken up too much space, 1 remain Yours Traly, A tenflzmry resident of Manitoulin Island, IAIP, and and iimis is an excellent place for stock, ~ | there being a large run t!nr cattle on ac~ f | count of the shallowness of the soil in some parts. The rock in some places covered with perhaps from two to six inches of soil, and this, though too shalâ€" â€"â€" |low to work, affords excellent pasture, There are hundreds of acres of this kind of land together, and one farmer might ‘-' profitably keep twenty five or thirty , | cows during the summer, â€" But notwithâ€" standing the shallowness of the soil, it is all growa un principally with poplar \| and paper birch. _ Grass and red clover | can often be ‘seen from one to two feet + , high among the poplars, | _ Lumbering, a few years Ago, was a leading imdustry befuore the Michael‘s Bay Company broke. _ A large number of men found employment here during the winter taking out logs, railway ties, and fence posts, â€" But, nevertheless, lumbering is carried on to a small exâ€" tent yet. â€" During each of the last two winters the Indians had the contract of taking out fifty thousand ties on the Reserve, _ These contracts they comâ€" pleted before spring. Fishing is also an important industry, At the mouth of South Bay 1s a fishing village, where quite a number of men make their homes during the fishing season. Tons of fish are landed here every week. Some of the fifty five or sixty picturesque inland lakes also conâ€" tain fish : salmon, bass, etc., and in one _or two creeks flowing into Souch Bay there is an abundance of fish for a short time in the spring. | Pike and suckers go up these creeks and remain two or threefweeks. Waggon loads of these are caught by the farmers The chef port of Manitoulm is Maniâ€" towaning, situated near the head of Manitowaning Bay, Large numbers of cattle, sheeK. lambs and hogs are shipâ€" rd from this peort every summer and all. _ Generally one or two boats call here daily either going up or down the lakes. a to to GRY * Sant? ts# in widlicicacs ns s BBRE 4 1 1 > 1 : obtain the staff of life by iarming on a small scale. fishing, and in other ways too numerous to mention. Kome parts of the Island are rugged, but the greater part of it is fit for agriâ€" culture, Most of this is good farming land, and is well adapted to growin hay, which is always a good crop, Ans oats fairly good." There are usually more peas sown in this part of the 1sâ€" land than oats, as the land appears to be more suitable for peas, l"uh wheat last year, was a very good cmr. averag» ing in some cases about fort y bushels to the acre, There is generally a greater amount of rainfall here thas in Grey, owing to greater evaporation, caused by the presâ€" ence of so many small lakes and also by being anrroundedfby water, Two years ago,. when crops were almost a total failure in some parts of Grey, the Manâ€" itoulin, I think, * held its own," though the summer was unusvally dry, Many of the farmers here, who were formerly residents of different parts of Grey, have made for themselves (-mufm'lubie homes. sanitowaning Indian lReserve dred red men 1 Lhe island is t sunmer months annual visits of : The Island is s or ninety miles thirty miles wid. I will endeavor to give the readers of your valuable paper a few facts concernâ€" ing theGrand !M;miluulin Island. The vorm **mmracndt" in wriupkr on memneuss s dd y o AORPE °0C uay s sport next D all necessary arrang good condition for eit | _ Byeâ€"Ruasnel} â€"That i & commtnication from 3. sorigitor e Bentley‘s whter aciion be taken.â€"Carried, Byeâ€"Laithâ€"That the C Holstein proceed at once streets and sidewalks, an ceed $40 and report at n Carried. AND ATHLETIC SPORTS performed its due on townline, but . Eropril(ion for g Egt. and Genely { Byeâ€"Rusne!}â€" be alopted.â€"Car: 1 onaition for either horses or is bound to be a successful day, oun, amng and South Bays is an eserve, where about seven hunâ€" men make their homes. These e staif of life by larming on a le. fishing, and in other ways wide is truly grand Leith â€"Carried, ras excelleut pasture, ds of acres of this kind and one farmer might twenty fl-w or thirty " p,, 65200 dutin . _ This is shown i scores of tourists, . infWandiisemidusat us s 11 adapted to growin vays a good crop, nns d. _ There are usually in this part of the Isâ€" as the land appears to reported that Glenelg had due share of statute labor it could not make any apâ€" _ gravellivg this season on lg townline, mewhey ong. ar ent place for stock, run }nr cattle on acâ€" wness of the soil in ock in some places arrangements and large That in reference to from J, A, MeMullen, ‘‘s whtercourse that no That foreg numbers of visitors 1 cral 1rey D l hursday July 1st 1 Island, ipproprist« wl 1 W Meesrs Bye ) repair ling ebank road «t Rusnel) °_ "C,, hmoeve § Pathmaster®* , goavel tor 96 LLAX, Clork commussioner of rbout eig] from five rlion east Bavys is Uis Counecil in July 10th iness.â€"Carâ€" Bolmg report the Manâ€" ‘ though . Many 30 U rugged, for agriâ€" farming p{rnwing presâ€" so hy years total mnts he to Mrs, whty ti t} al to of in (> bi«â€" As 9 m 5 ~ 9 &

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