West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Jun 1897, p. 8

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Turnip sowing and “being L the on?" of the day. Mr. Sam MeMurJo, of Prot 'n, in It present Wilding we genuine Russell hoe for Mrs. MrKechnie. of thin plaee. “in in . truce “on“? of taking notice of and it when; credit. on the builder and th?. fun: " well... I The Ionizer of the past week has been Inc nnd the crops no improving a little .nd the rte-poem no very good If the weather continues so. Quite a number of ynung people from around here Isrent a very plenum" time on Hamilton's Lake Saturday afternoon. Mr. Chas. Gadd is supplying all wants alt wants in tinware on this line at pros- out. Mc J. H. Sharpe spent a days at the beginning' of ttr Dundalk. Mr Jun. Snell. of Dtartttore, I vely fine sen-mu to quite a mglion in the School “out "onmg, Mr. and Mrs. w. J. and Muss Ethel Sharp. of lbslstein, and Mrs. Geo. and Miss Rum Sharp. of Dundalk. were guests of Mrs. D. sharp and family last week. Rev. Mr. Jansen he Prayer Mrs-ting in thet night. Attendance hm Mr. Chas. Moftat was in o, week as a witness on McArthur case. Rev. Mr. Gray, of ape-mung " NW week tar Mn. H. Banks. The crops in this neighborhood are making rapid strides those June days. Mr. R. Edge has the tinest fleld of full wheat. We have such in our tnwels. Mr. and Mrs. 1vnt. Iveir have been yisiting Mrs. W's. sister. Mrs. Wm. Motraf, ot Greenoch. Mr. C. I where hr, Jubilee. Mr. Dan Greenwood has been on the trick list. The Pathmasters are exercising their authority tltese days. Mr. A. Hunter. of Tovonto, is spend- ing n. few wet-Ks with his cumin Mrs. T. Banks. Mr. R. Evtor was out in Bruce Co recently visiting his daughter, Mrs. Jno, Mothst. Mr. and Nornmnhy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Ah'hoson. of Dromore visited the latter's mnther, Mrs. Jas. Henry a week Ago Sunday. We noticed in the Grecnside News a couple of weeks ago about us taking n the m-Wszun the 20.1.. We would ME them to rc-meuxber that we chose our ground tirst. Mrs. Um. Watson, of Farewell was the gum! of her part-ms here Mr. and Mrs.' Thus. Dailey last Thursday. Mrs. "an? Shank visited he;- parents here Mr. an Mrs. James Matthews last Sunday. Mr. Andrew and Miss Aggie Hunter were visiting at Mrs. Lnnghlnu’s last Sunday. w, Rev. Mr. 1trderson has purchased a new buggy which will he mun camfur- table riding In bot weather than a cart. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nichol, of Hamil. 'on, were up for a week visiting at the lulter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Allan Me. Duugnil, of this place. We were glam! torree Mrs. Tavlor form erly of here, but now of Chesley, in Church last Sunday. A number frum the 8th were guests M. title Lediughmn party last Thursday nix t. m 1"Nnrville, "mus dead. This is the first trrenk in the family of eight girls and three tross. The community sym- Pathizes with them in their sore trouble. . Mr. and Mrs. John Brown Were visit. lng friends in (Hem-lg Centre lately. Miss Aggie Boyce was home from To- rontn to attend her sister's wedding and returned again last, week. Mr. I9umutn McLean, of Aberdeen, ac- cumpvniecl by Miss kate McKinnon, ot the sch, took a trip to Bruce and San- Keen last Saturday to visit among friends. EdgehillJuhilee Picnic Friday July, In Miss Maggie Boyd paid a visit to the old home a can le of weeks ago and re turned again to Wa11dC't'f,1". As the Boyce and Ledinuham wedding were nu well re 'resented in Four last issue it will nut Le necessary for me to give- any particulars _only it was an en- Joyable wedding. But. as life is un- certain lust Sunday evening Mr. Wm. Boyce', hume was some what changed when 'hey received the sorrowful news that their: 1litughter, Mrs. Wtu. Brown, of (Team-villa. was dead. This is the first trrenk in the fumilyuf eight gills unll three MAN. The I'omrnuuity sym- Pathize, with" then, in 'hnir sasrsatrrsoisL, [ A lady and a gentleman from Mann: Forest were visitin nt Wm, Boyce s foe " couple of days Fast week. Crawford must have some attraction " Mr. Hectur 1lcDonaid, of Wnlkerton, ia CCCMionally seen around here. - -""r serum" In now nyernna no doubt cveryhodv will he prepared for tht greal Diamond Jubilee. . riveting in the Grange; u..lii' his: Mtendam-e large. BALSAI VALLEY EDGE HILL ECHOES may Intended for last tuck. )lt-Fnyden is in ann Bound wtll remain till after the Sharpe spent a couple of wginning of the week in Mrs. ROM. Henry visited friends hut. Saturday and - -7 O O O MURDOCH season ignow orernnd no -,-' ' M"-""---'" "e-I..-'"-"----" ' , C MERRITT. CRAWFORD. ot laurel, I; eeks With his mow. preached ite n Inrgv cun- House Sunday a pgftponed 'orrest)ortdertee. has been s daugh- F'. last Benton , Mr. George\Villmmson in preparing , for the building of a new meat house. , George is a hustler. l Our advire to a certain young man I who visits our Valley "csenally is to attend to his dutim on Sunday nights, (or one of the PricevCie youths may take his place. even if he' does only leave her half way the first night. Pr Letice make, perfeict, L Watters an Sunday. Our friend Mr, Wm. the danger of tobacco days ugh. After tal cw hing smoke he plac lessly in his pocket started out for an H did not tret very far wh his clothes were on fire, was near at hand we tire was soon put out. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Nichol spent a few daysof lust week in Collingwood, visiting the hitters parents. Mr. James Watson of Priceville spent Sunday at his futhcr-in-lam"s Mr, David Hetulvrson. Misses Annie James and Maud W at- sun. Were the guest-I of Miss Jennie IV D.t'. McArdle went to Goderich to the harbor works. Adam Scarlett has heon at Owen Sunml ms a witness on the Betton v. Me- Al'thur law suit. The Iculies' Aid society held a meet,- mg in I). Allan's house on Friday the llth, they adjourned fur two weeks, Mrs. Burnet. is getting over a spell of nivkness. Mr. and Mrs. J. w. 2 rejoicing over the bhth born. a girl. Mr. Ainsworth Jack and Mr. John Ruswll mum to Swinton Park last week to consult with the 1hvrur.vtcrian church ponpic- to get them to atnalgamate with rho Esplin m- Hopeyille people. It 18 only on certain conditions that they will do so. " The Presbyterian Congregation has gut now fairly vstntrlished in the Orange Hall. They have had seats put m. Mr. Angus Whittaker was employed at the Globe hotel inputting wood one day last week. Mr. Wm. Gurdhouse, of Eaton Bros, Brewery, Owen Sound. “as in town this week delivermg his summer orders. Billy is a great hustler and a. genenl fav. orite among the boys. Mr, Adam Comesky is visiting at his unele's Mr. Jan. Dyee this week. Mr. E. Seargent has purehttsed the trot. ting mare lately driven by Mr. Fred Me. Artharhtnd is training her for Duudalk “mes. Nasty will makeit warm for some of them. Mr, Henry Piper had quito an accident one evening last week, while leading I cow along tho road east of'this burg. He met a young 1mm and his sweetheart. The cow got seared, pulling Harry over the bank into the creek and got awav. Harry started after her with a ptur of wet feet saying "I will get even with Tom yet." Mr. Andrew McAuley paid Buffaloa mi: on Saturday. He reports the stock market good. Mrs. D. Ferguson, of Durham, was via- sting at Ci, Ilaiv'ts last week. Mr. Sam Parlsow, the enterprising im. plv-uuut agent, of Durham, was around in re taking orders for binder twine, Me an cured neurl) all the orders A number from this pm took in the Irish Luke picnic and report a good tune. A cumin young man from Flosherton Station, en mute to Irish Lake Plenic came this “my ior his best girl, but made: slight mistake in the place be called at, Mr, D. McIntyre spent Sunday " Mal. colm Me3lillac's near Bones-an. Mr. Peter Ferguson has pin-chased l new bike from one of the leading merch. ants of Durham, Pete u already an ex- pert. rider, Mr. Norman MeDousoill spent para of last week in New Minising, Mich. His business was in 'contteotion with his blothex's death and burial. He returned home on Tuesday via Steamer Manitoba to Owen Sound. A little boy armed at the homo-3 of Wil. Gm Stewart last Week. He was burefoot. ed and alone and is going to any in spite of everybody. Miss Janet Flockart, of Wolftown. Be. companied by Mr. McGregor visited Bal- sum Valley last week, Miss Mary Lamont ls tmending a few weeks with friends in Toronto at present. Mr. and Mrs. Nestor, of Durham. visit ed at. D. 1loIutyre's last week, Also Sam and Kate Ferguson no ytsit, ing at their friend‘s in and ground Har, "stun. Min-s Sun sud May McCormick are at present on a Visit to friends in Minto, Still another fence but ofa different style which D. McIntvro accompanied by O. Konold " building and ismpto dete with the Russell fence. They Ire expats builders and will take largo contracts slug summer. iend Mr, Wm. Reid experienced {or of tohaceo smoking a. few 0. After taking his regulw smoke he placed his pipe care- FLESHERTON STATION. YELLOW VALLEY. locket after kind: he HOPEVILLE. ¢--. evening stroll but. when he found that ire, as a large ditch we believe that the w. A rmslrnng are of their first Ton. ', ".Prieerille, Mar. 13, '07, LOT49 CON. 2, S. D. R. GLENELG, that tine Thorough Bred Bull "TRREST0N" purchased from the herd of Mr. II. arker, Durham. TEENS .' 75cts. Payable Feb. 1.1898. ALFRED RISKS. Prop. Thete will stand for service for the season ot 1897 at the farm of the ander. signed They are absolutely pure muL hvnlthful. Guaranteed to curu‘ 1lluutmatism, yhiatiea, Neuralgia, , Lumlmgo, and all forms of Kidney ', and Liver troubles. ' BEWARE or srumous Immune/vs. 1 Try our - Rheumatic Specifie or Kidney and Liver Pills. THE PHRENOLINE REMEDIES New Prints from 5 cts. up. New Dress Goods from 8 cts. up New Lace Curtains from 25 cts. a pr ...~ ,, .. . YE, a w"g$%mm1wm c Lemona--12h cents a. dozen. Best machine oil, 88 cents a gallon. What stones, 5 cents each. Horse pokes 80 cents each (snaps,) Femung wire-All kinds cheap. Tin covered butter pails, 10 cents each Tin milk pans, 3 for 25 cents (large./ Best corn starch, tll cts, package. 1 lb Selected Valencia raisins, 8.1 lbs, 25 ehr A tow more remnants Factory Cotton, Bargains in Boots and Shoes. Only by H. PARKER, Durham. Big Line of WHIPS from 10 cts. up to 80 cts. for, GOOD RA\\'HH)1C. 55:32; White Granite & Tin Ware Before getting our prices-We WILL NOT BE UN- DERSOLD. We sell the best Canadian and American brands at less money than any other agent, dealer or anyone, Win or lose we will not be undersold. Remember this and leave your order mth us but leave it early---We've only one our load. A number of snaps in each Department will be singled out for our bargain seekers each Tuesday-They will be 0argains--Batter is now taken on Bargain Days-pack yours in our Tin Covered Pails. THOROUGH BRED DURHAM BIG " DON'T BUY YOUR BINDER TWINE Take the lead everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being resmred to health and happiness daily, IS OUR BARGAIN DAY New Table Oil Cloth, 45 inch cred, 25 cts. a yd. New Spring Shoes-a delight g gf J'Aj,,htr6)j5ys HE thes and Snacks .owcst Prices. L336 BULL. 53L il.ti. p l HIESIIAY UPPER T O “7 N ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 'i',iir',',AN dk cc. Kidney; 't ca-' st, ' , q , ms. oo s r.t1s1ttyffRrkaht',- ; " to $10 per week tor on: Child out Jolt. No Artsrassr.gt I dung This lt. 00m: n lr. Sand st bum an: Minn n', ,utr'e. THE til 'PLY ‘10 u and», T‘uzllrll'. Can: den The REVIEW to J an. I, '98 only 50cts. to New Subscribers. n the best - In fact the-One True Blood PttrtNe. Hood’s Pills 'iLrl'u'l11','i.' That is just the truth about Hood’l Bu: Iaparilla. We know it possesses merit because it Cures/not once or twice or I hundred times, bat in thousands sud thousands of cases. We know it curs, absolutely, permanently, when Ill other. tail to do any good whatever. We repent Made and Merit Maintains theeonfidenee ot the people in Hood’s Snrsaparilla. It- medicine cute: you when lick; it it make. wonderful cures overywhere,then beyond on question that medicine possesses merit, 'IOND of all wool single and twisted yarns, all eulors--Wool sheeting--- Single and double fold-ull wool, Ready Made Clothing, an enormous stock at. nil-heard of I riccs. Extra heavy ticking. Reg.25 eta. 0. yard 19 cents ayurd. Crash Towellmq -soft finish- Reg. 10 cents yard, Wool Season 5 cameo. yard. HELP "" N'l‘i' "--.ttygagat - '01:}; Ffllt MEN AND_WthhdEN. We Ihtlliii'ii"idui"irli), ila I " I T . , - . ill l it I ' , BPARTMENTAL STORE suma- wt N'l‘i Sarsaparilla 4:3 A few more partially soiled ---WooI Blankets Left-- Vtwy low prices. hes wide, white or col L1'rsrk cal! and sec them. ':l.l1s'yyit.ac. 'fi.; N-tl,?:,, LELAL-LL fil."1,fiFZl.l'§Tl§ETT:EflJP-l177.“?- y.?,,),-; '3ji'sii :2f.i' cure nausea, Indigestion, "'.tae__,_, --_e- -- Stand 5714le THE SHYJ Gnu: den , b' ttid HF, F. We pay ' home m n a!“ or l’rd In? for won: Wyuittivp .fora. up. (IO. st.l'mllll l WILSDR, Exactly: Hm York - _ ,,._. 4..» .uuuuu n guri' l'lll'e for .c:"e-.ei'.oii,aaiaii,' l'n- Inn-h. "rm-chiln-mud all tllrnutund lm g "ul- ttdies lie 11"?” all milieu-rs will try thlnrmmouy astt..n!1\'"llm}l‘: 1'yytlttiriruttyAFdicAiftfa' w! . F (will 'osttheut nmhlug,»ud may pram a bl, ssiuc, will please address Tur, :trtttrtsip.ned having been rostorudtu henna ,y maple menus, attcr intreriug for several years , inn 1' MP, 'err'luttgutttttion,uud' thutdroud disenm Ct"o-tion.ir_ anxious to make knuru to his n-lluw gum-rpm the means ot cure. To Ihtma who .19 ' pit, he wiHcheurfnlly svudUrce ot charge” an I?!“ we prenuriptou med, m inch they will tUsd n Burt, rure for "'_""eae.r.ii.oo,haiaiii,' (".- torrtt. urn-Irhilnmud all thrnntuudlul g VIII. It‘ll”. lie hung! all Suffer-(1e will ,‘vaLh - -_- . """s'seeseaesbeaeeeseseae,s, i"""'";)']'.,?"""" [t i',,,!, "ht t', , Fumuzrc of the hat Ra ALWAS S ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECMLTY Would intimate that she willcontinue the Furniture and Undertaking Bun-due“ can-m- Ham-d by hv-r tmhur in Durham in 1568 mm will ctidrutvor to Hive all old and new cunwm era the same 0mm tsatisfaction. Jj3F'hFir(/h/ G GOODS! i'ijtr'..il'l'ljt'lg AND t'.1'y,lll'l'ililh'g Fire Insurance "t DRILLS j mews STOVES Goods, eousistfng q/' A car-load of Massey Harm's Drill». A ear-load of' the Adam's Wuppro. . A car-load of Buggies and Carts. T, base are going Jast, mum and yet your choice. MISS SHE WE LL l Satisfaction Guaranteed. '""""b"sdtet',"p,ecog.po"tc the , N. B.---To ensure a good job the Tm on, lint-clan num- " low-3&1 Hides must be well salted as soon as ta ken off. -"_-.--------. _ MESS SHEWELL I have heavy Stocks of al! kinds of t print - - Marriage Licenses issued. Durham Lower Town Implement Wareroottrs. CO N S 17.121 PTI VHS : W LLS . Every Farmer should have a Massey Harris Drill ttite J Spring. It is the best Drill in the “we... ws Don't forget our Celebrated Percival Plow. Ask lydtir neighbor about it who has one, and he will toft'ttt' ft is the best. Come and see it for yourself. VES We have a number left, and would like 'to clean the!!! out at cost price. if you want a bargain hero is your chance. 'All kinds of Narrows, churns, Ke.. kept In Stock. “ ‘AAA 'i"i'"eieprpr,ei a 0". o o 07““??? --rtrLL LINE 'W-- And ft, Suit qf niee light tweed for 85 that l few years ago would hate cost $8.00 or 89.00. 2mm mu THOUGHT We have the lowpriced suits in stock, and while they last will sell at above prices. We have btteer goods for a little more. 0f 11w deference in the price of Clothing now, and say ten years ago, or less, then You Would Have Paid, $5 tr til, You Can Buy Today for Wit, - lll1.t?E.ttlt ciiiirii no make kmwu to his Mauro. Tolhuno who madame of chum?” .‘vs Inch. they will tiuti {est rake guarantee is gr will apt fhririk For a man's suit of Blue Serge that 'rontptly Illh'mlcd to to toutrui., m'r cam [il _il.lptt_'ll)tpping! :ce¢¢ec __ "mm. m. "um-r cultivation. the lot is a. good house. and h also a good hearing Orvhurd For term- of sale or rent apply to JOHN MclNNlS. The undersigned offers rent that desirahie park yullage of Prim-villa forts: by the late James (lumen): (aims 13 acres all mun... ,...n. tr5ici).v?s1aiiiLesrtr. LOWER TOWN Byth New Process, which fur Finish and soft- ness can’t be beat. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for ndcd to Large anwuul of mane]? law ccttt to unpu- cent interest. . unuormgned offers for all: or that desirable park lot, in the ya of -Priceviiie, fun-[newly owned "late James Cameron. Lat con- 13 acres all under. trultivnt.t,", (In PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. Robe Tanning! {was & Coats Thos. Smith. all under. cultivar-Gi'. Un good house. and Inn-n, tirins, {)....|... “A Priceville o A few GOOD t' St. West" Tommi; imiuwnu-nl Wri " i urn. THE MANAtir Rood educnt um rinses lot. the "dueemettt l a I 'Pl 'l Durham, June 15th LARGE STOC Maxwell Binder: Pea fftcres/,w, One Car J Deerin A . y N' “ FF] . , thanking past pa convince W111 me " 'l/tiii'),?,':"), It"tmo, arg Godorlch CANAD tak Intelt to w) first l its er th “(I

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