West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Jul 1897, p. 1

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loot, r- I new luau-ed Id a gun. tepocket , Sptin Wes "ccool, W11. mng re M'r "----. um 05m. 'Iiable sue is C. Prine mitt st m this Pea Harvesters, Tara"w J will maria a ocmtirvaan the same. We take this opportunity of thudgmg our customers for past patroz'laffo, {and we are cc uvin 2ed that the he :77 'icro,t,t.ricn (Bearing Binders and Mowers Maxwell Binders, Mowers and rlcrse.ilakes. One Car A trw We beg to inform our Gusto?- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash. tis":) its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ('_'-_';_"-' "Large Sales & Small Profits?' LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT " UPPER TOWN, Durham, Jane 15th 1897. wANTED.--rntelligent men with ttood education to whom W) and ex- penses for the ths,t your would he an induct:tytyt.. 1vyjrtAsfyh full particul- is. TUE MANAGER, 4tt Richmond tit. West.. Toronto. Out, ‘an-hrun. A "ur "th. '96. System Goderich and Woodstock Organs. New Williams fa" Sewing Machines. ' GOOD COOKING STOYES left, at and below cost. CANADA CARRIAGE CD’S. CARRIAGES, VOL. XIX,---NO 27. Crhe GASH-- BUGUIES, ste, CHATHAM AND SNOW BALL WAUUONS. CHAS. I‘EICKINNON’S. rs, Tttr/ip Snmzrx, Stat/hers, P/owe, and erely/ other .Imp/emml jar Farm Work. Binder Twine, Best Brands.J I... and. ADOPTED BY, tl., Ci, F: J. 1rateTirii's0Ei2mil. AN (DEL I1acKechniie. We Will Pay Straight Weekly Sglalegs Of trout 920mm mono Hurling to dainty] for onnvussen on “Queen Victrh: Bur Life and 'toiett," utter: trial month on our big commis- ,iion The D. vmond Jubilee is Wining this “In aurfvl "all!" e. heaving all bands Workup; uni) and In”. The ortly Canadian work] Nept- e-l by Hu- Maj n'v an! endorsed by {In Royal I-‘muah'. A beautiful big book n t sum“ Mice Hurry your Ipvlicstion. The BRADLEY-GAB- BETSUN Co., Ind. Toronto, Ont. bet-4.1:: Cugz'u DURHAM. " th iitittlttt Jimmie Gray, John Matheson, Clmtsworth. 3 4 c 3 minute Ttut or Pace, 5 entries, settled in 4 heats l Dollie, Chas Gray, Varney. Flora, Wm. Mathews, Glenelg. Topsy B. -. McIntosh, Dormseh. Harry Cl., Miss M. Reid Listowdi. - H - 2 Harper Grit, Noble Black, Shehwue. 4 Mr. Mills' "Golden Dawn " is the only local animal placed in competition in the trotting events and took second place in 4 heats getting third money only however. an Owen Sound horse taking one first winning, according to racing rules, Second place. ll. Scott handled the ribbons over the "Dawn." The most el, sely contested race was the last heat in the 2.10 trot which was done in 2.42. The following shows the result; 11-h l trot or moo, 4 entries, settled in J hunts: Golden Dawn, W. D. Mills Durham. 2 2 2 2 Maud Il,, Herb. Wilkins, Uwun sound. 3 4 1 3 Allan Jackson, Thus. Jackson, Walkerton. l 1 x 1 Lady Stanton, John 1lathesou, Chatsworth. 4 3 x x Maggie Murphy. E. Murphy, Mn. Forest. 5 5 3 4 Open Run, 0 entries, settled in two heats: Tnte'rlamwr, J. M. Vromau, Fergus. Little Nettic, ml. Wellwood, Duiuialk. Plevnar, Herb Wilkins, o. 50mm]. Jubilee, W. Arohl, Gpeenoek. Rattler, C. l). I'ieree, o. S..,uml. Longspin, ll, T. Kelly, Kinkora. In this event, Longspin I money, 1'lewnat' getting 3rd. Furmers’ Run, 3 entries, settled in heats t Topsy is a colt of the Durnoch Belle, which some years ago was a speedy animal and well known on these tracks. The bicycle races were well contest- ed and proved interesting events. In the men's race -. Collins took first; W. Jones 2nd. While the boy’s race brought oat two competitors, one from Markdale the other from Chatsworth. The Chatsworth ridt r, Matheson,leame in fwst. Minnie 5lorg Thus was the programme carried oat and Durham has demonstrated her ability to have two successful days in one summer. The horseracing was the great at- traction, and some very pretty work was on hand for lovers' of the quality of speed in the .. noble animal. " The trotting events especially were close affairs, and the time in both classss was well up. The lower town hotels were Lusy hives and seemed to be doing a "roar- ing" trade. In the forenoon Markdale and Dur- ham Lacrosse Clubs gave an exhibition of the national game. Some good playing was done on buth sides, bat our boys were greatly out weighted, and the visitors went home with 3 to 1 in their fawn Hanover team came over in the afternoon, bat owing to the full list of horse races the grounds could not be secured top a match. Throughout. the Dominion the day was loyally celebrated, though we have our Ireland in parts of Nova Scotia, which we believe refuse to re- oognize it as a holiday. In Durham the Turf Club took hold of the occasion and succeeded under somewhat dittiealt conditions of mah-- ing a very good day of it. Oar 30th National holiday was fav- oured with ideal weather, the rains of Tuesday- had laid all dust and glad- dened everyone“: heart for the good they were doing. The horsemen were delighted at the splendid track it made and everything was “coleur du rose. tt The local sports have found in Mr. DOMINION DAY. ‘lm'gzm, J Dumlnl k. Heats DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1897. J. McDavitt, Longspin took 2nd Heats IIcatis----. Heats 2 2 2 2 3 4 1 3 1 1 x 1 l 3 x x 5 5 3 4 ONTARIB ARCHIVES TORONTO ._r. n.“ .. nu '5" "an, Lulluul'm ‘56". " at) lle1169d as a place C'/7/i,ti'llu'litrdlt'. and atteel ions of the metal associations during the fair', also a room provided with stoves to pt'elrare food for limin- selyvs and animals, thus proventing the danger arising from the um of those small coal oil stow-s. etc., in or near the stock buildings. There isalso a store- house from which will he sold all Kinds of animal food at thelowest pricvs. By the p. ize list just received the premiums rmnaiu much the same as last year. with the cxception of improying the Hackney Horse Floss, adding a class for grin-tat Put'lrose teams; and in the poultry a (laws for half brtul fowls. thv coming fowl for the fat Ill. and four new vavictics of pheasants. We Holt-:1 now dopartnro in the Dairy Clussvs by open- ing “UP for. domestic cookuu y, eta, and from which good rmulta an- ant icipatcd. Many handsome special vax‘h prizes are donated for coiiiIretitiou. The special attrartions are not, vet complet- ed, but the committee's wit-Clio" in tho past are a gnu. 'ttttlee to tho visitors that a good afternoon and awning: entertain- nwnr. will he provided for with day, The sl euiul train service and vxt-ursion The large and oomtnodious buildings erected inst yeuefot' the cattle, sheep and swine, and thought, too big to till, was prawn to he. nltogvthev mu small to act-mun late the. invreuaed entry. there. fotethe Dirvctors have decided to re- movv the swine into new (gum-lens this your. and are having “building eroded la, foal, long and 156 [um wide, in this way they pmpuae ptovidingidi the tutonttttodatiou li'('ess.u‘y for the 'vception of a n-ry much Imgvrenll'y than thetvtoforv, and. which they feel. sun-s (Loy will have. ' Flu-Hum pt'ovisious have been made tor the comfort of shu‘kmcn and theit. friends. The budding tunnexly nevu- pied by It ladies of the w. C. T. U. has been l. need a little to the soul of the main entrance to the cattle and alive.) building, icing altered so am to profide " large. high, cotyrottttW.seatyrd, I. O. F. Fifth Annual EXCURSION to TORONTO & Niagara Falls. Court Northern Light No. 127, Indep- endent Order of Foresters. Ot Owen Bound, and the various towns south to Shelbunm, “Ugh-ea Gr-ud Exvumun to 'or- onto and Mann Falls, wt C. P, It. the summers Chicom, Chippewa and tfJAif, and the Electric Railway to t Mt Falls, on July 22nd and 23rd 1897. We aw "(annealed by Mr. Thins. A. Bvowne, the m-c'vl‘ury, to say that , ll appliml mus fun-prize lists, pI-ngmmmvs, and their map of Western Ontario will be appceciated and filled with pleasurv. TIM" Pair dates are Seplemher 9th to ruins-arc In-ingm‘rnngml from all points. TTr . u I -- nu. _ The Victoria Jubilee days are. now of the past, and the next iuipmtnnt "events of the year will he the Agricultural Exhibitions of Canada. Them me quite a number of these fairs, but. none of them is ot more importance than the Western Fair at London. commonly spoken of as Canada's Favorite Liye Stock Exhibition, a title which is large- ly the fact, and due to the especial in. teiest taken in these departments by the3rutrtrrement, who are anxious to do overyl hing necessary for 1 he comfort of both the cxliihiwrs and their. unima‘ ' and have in this way osturLlrstsvd in the minds of buyers and sellers that the Wessern Fair is the proper place to do business. I31“. dslx. 02.00 Corbetton, Melancthou and Sholburno. ".75 The {area loNingnu Fall: are in“ 25m mor- than the abcrgt except o. Sound which in was more. This exrursion will ttftord In opportunity to visit friend: in BtttN1tt, St. Cuthorlnno And other ’11:“! in the homily ot Nina“: Fnlll. Tickets mm Owen Sound being gond up to Tua.day night, July 27.11. W. G. M mum, A, M. “manor, A. J. LLOYD, War, Wuuos,"o. H. Mcorrrme. R. Helium“. Committee. W. A. Black a worthy helper, and thtrenergetie part he took in prefer- ation was largely the means of making it a success. . Though the crowd was not large the funds have met alLobligations we be. lieve. T “Id: " Younomknowyon inaction: mammal over." as. c. 1. Hood 5 Oo., Amhatttr-tttartoBood'gmis. mu ttt “to. Smile“, menu. “out. " one an: Roma)", Lowell. Maas. - I ' . - Itteoatrpiiutot-tttt Booms-cm Fiiood's Children tult price. OUR AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. nay to Take 'r' asy to Operate EPills 'i':iit,)),l),,',l",,/ 43962: \Vnhave the lurgvst alssurtmont and almlny tln- t't'ly [Host and tnust iusp_tortsdntsulyrdsfovpturpoy,'atitw All stock curt-fully pitrlsid under our personal mnu-rrl.~mn, and all m-w varie- ties tufted at our lrntl litmus ln-furc Ire ing _ tulognctl. Thaw are the only Lest} nrdmuls (-unnt-t-tt-d with any Nu . in the llmniuiuh. mnts Wanted to Represent Us. ..x'" lal attention gin-n to l'urk. Cette ot' . nd "ruilevutattrvdets listimutos tttto. ed fur supplying entire orchards. oui, étm-k is Canadian grown and ac- cliusatvt't. (Tatulugue (English or Fh ench) free on applmotiun. ' . t Sousa & 1lltlliaglal, Toronto, FONT]! ILL NFRSEIx’IES The Leading Canadian True Man, _;:;‘W’£vrlrzy of foreign concerns 01- of our 1mm when you can purchase as cluvtply of us and got better “We: “-- We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. nm {ED (if, Shrub, Jh,v, We Handle everything in the Harm-s line, at right prices. CALL Sc SEE OUR workmanship Unsurpassed Fins Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, Ike., Ike. Agent for .. . .. FARM "1lyMtitT." and MACHIN- ..__ , t c, __ Noxon‘s Binders, Mowers. Drills Spring Tooth Hal-rows, Lest in the mar ket. Gugtl'ds, Sections, elm. fovull kinds of machines. Pianos. Organs and Sewing M achim-s. Moneyto loan on farm property at lowest rates. "zisii't 1‘ Bites, Whips, i IM., £50. Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. -s=r--ra'ieF"-'"""s. Ji'":'-:,'--,'-]"},,'?.-;.)'." y, Conveyancing, Lenses, Wills, hit rt gages. eu'.., drawn up on short notice. Ilorses bought and add. Waterloo Thretshers for sale at ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sale-s may he left at THE REVIEW OFFICE. tr pper Touyy MACH/Mimi; MACHINE 01L WE PAR1'rifj?/aii"t _ 1ltssst Quality Machine Oil 350 a gallon. POT/MU IUG KULLEFB 1Diiyir)dyirr(?) bug JiILEaR w, O. LEAVENS, Jr. ' T. ORCHARD. S. T. ORCEIARD { PURE PARIS PURPLE _ PURE PARTS C/fit/filling' ‘QPOTATO BOO KILLER $1.00 FOR 100 LE Sharp's Old Stand. FURS. 700 ACRES _iittiitju,, Licensed Auctioneer. Coy, NA.\.':BNTAL TREES. Vines and Seal Puta- (one. liars, Pads, Druggist and Seedsman, Durham Durham, ' WHOLE NO. 1008. Thole will stand for service for the season ot 1897 at the lam: ofthe under- signed t lulrchasod from ue, herd at Mr. 11. 'arkev, Durham. TERMS : 75cts. Payable Feb. I. 1898. ALFRED “INKS. Prop. Priceville, liar. 13, If?. Wont always trouble us BOY LAND Mule it is cheap for its bound to go up, IN UST GET Itiir OF: THE Scull.“ FARM, lot 30, con. G, Bentinck---1tjUacrcs. Will sell or rent. THF. Slrmv'mx 50 Arum, b t 55, can. l, hi. D. It,, liontinck The best 50 acres in l’.<-miuck l rplcndid sell, tine new hunk born. NURMAXHY: Int, 7, cum. 3, 96 acres- good lam“, tip top bank barn, lug dwclling housc-lmrlom about. 5 miles. UNLL thm 'll mum P, 1,ou i, Hyde farm IO) HCl‘l‘h in gum! 1iiuauot,cvviemeti5 The undorsigmd “III keeptfor Ber. vice " I/JI' 'A 2 ty)N. W. G. R. Ben- tinck for the season of1R97 the tine 3 year old well bred bull. 'Conquemr" a descendant of the famous Farmhtun Duke. Full pedigree may be learned on srpplieation. "hutyrs-ai.m m rable 1st ... Usual conditionn. l ' mun). an ll) Tn tuilitiiyiI1ijiN _. Evy Weather HENRY ALEXANDER. Dornoch, May 25 It7. --WI plan Anynne unsung r, dam! ond dwxxlpttnn any Cwqhly “W'Hm'l. ro e, I‘m-I m r "" Invent-nu ll prubnhly yum- ”min 4% mmum-u'mng strictly (mmdvmul. (Liam new,» for “mun-U patent. tn Amorl'tu. We " r,"" u “a,“ :nunm MBre. 15-102m- Ink": brawn Mun O Co. “as". “new unnec- nu we ' till SGIEI ' IFIG AMER! I. _ . A... " MM"! ”unarmed. ’amm-t amule- d uh" .eiettutTe human. newt /iv.term"8Bl. -3 LL“) m months "p""rur"t, 00311th ook on Panes” um free. “It. Arum: sanding (Wily ummn. prubuhly [Mo-H-" ivoutt6e.itial. (“Jul tn_Amerirur. We IE ll, J1lV)l'f",1l 1hon'ttn'rv, Durham. What i cant sell I will rent. 1 have $1,000,000 to lend " " 3 " por cunt. Choose your time to y it buck. Business pnvutemhnrgu THORC THOROUGH BRED DURHAM - MUNN 1 GO., 301 Bmduny. "w Y“ mx 50 ACRES, It t 55, , licntinck The l Itcntinck: splendid s k hum. "t lot 7, can. 3, 96 In, tip top bank hm r house-iam a BRED DURHAM BULL i. MILLER, BULL. ll ll can. 3, 96 8eretr-- hank barn, lug Durham about 5 ,IA-\\ i, Hyde farm .oer n rwtticment 'lmngo. A good er Couveyaneer. I. "

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