Mu. Jano Smiley is waiting at. her â€bulkheads. I'- Ada Middleton was home during Aho M itlate.. and death of her father {FL-mm on Tuesday to Albany, this} MéCErinié'R: Mr. C. SnydeF. Ut. Forget visited his beotttre Mr. Henry Snyder. but week. lb Croft Toronto is visiting Miss .18.. "-i...-_c - - ~--» ‘\'ll’\ll‘l"ll. ThoCrawtord 'oriety of C. E. yisited their trrethren here on Tuesday night. and spout. vet-{pleasant and profttalrle frgh; Mica 'ctur made a tine report “the remote Convention. Miss Ctvssie Weber was the leader of the evening In. Turnbnll in aw-w on an extended meit to friends in Owen Sound, and will “to in the Mackinaw trip. Ii. Mime Ector left \Vednosday Min for a few week's trip to the Bruce genimula to visit her sister and .othor friends. Quite a number of our C. E. Workers look in the Dr III-ore Convention. and were highly pleawed with the Dmumre people and the work of the conyentiort. The sweeping condemnation of pri Jon and criminal methods, roused the hoollome of the judges present, but the urguments and in some cases Met so to show that even " the end of the 19th century there is mach room " improvement in the treatment ot crim. inals if we follow the dictum that it is the duty ot organized society to pre- vent offences and not to avenge them. (5) Two or more reformatories, on 'the Brockway plan, for eorri,s,rible of- ionders of the male sex and ofany age gbovo sixteen. (6) One wontan's reformtttory. (7) one or more penitentiaries for the incorrigible class ' V W... -. 'A 'te . ' 1tr.a=s-L--ith. in. 'UU argued for the wide extension .d releaseaon‘probation, almost going the length of advocating their gener ,-al application to first offenders. Next, the desired to see the extension of the :admirable methods of the reiormatory, the Elmira or Brockway system, the sentence being indeterminate, Even " incorrigibles he believed in indeter- minate sentences, only with a stricter sense. " likely to be more permanent. Be summarized his views of the Irae- Meal work to be done as follows c-- A SUIMARY _ '(l) abandoment of county jails bv l every State " a factor in its penal system. (2) Reform schools for boys and girls. I (3) One or more houses of correction and reformation for misdemeannnts, .such as inebriates, vugrants, ete., with thorough provision for hard work, and a hospital for habitual dvttnkards. . (I) A series of' houses of detention tor persona awaiting trial and for wit new, each State being districted into groups ot counties for this purpose. " ,ouul who an work bud nun 'alll ll been daily, for In any. n vole“. will he can“ with ton donu- vooka, A. t 9, ISW [DIAS co,, Brannon] Ont Iron. Mr. Garrett, State delegate Atom Penusylvavia had an elaborate Amparo! which we give the elosung ,pungnph and the summary. Jopies. The moral elitstsitieation of pri- soners receives great attention, the recognition ofgrades of crime, a sur- veillance "stem by which casual ol .undnmwmld be restored to societ) are some of the schemes proposed. A very important gathering was in was. in Toronto last week and this called the "Charities Conference. "l.' It ,tattes cognizance of all matters connect. .od with thtprevention and correction of crime. extending of course from, “youth! upwards. Seientitie Charity, Private Charities, Organized charity municipal and .county are sample (8) One hospital for the criminal in ent, audit is gratifying to find that Chief Beer. Balfour has formulated a Julienne tor opening of tourist routes :throngh the west of Ireland which has .compelled the nntiottaliata one after an. other to warmly thunk the govern- --c'rtte one dark spot on the fair field " Jubilee reJoicings was found in Ire- "and, when the black flag was hoisted, "unttneiatory speeches made and in 'other ways disapproval expressed of :Ibo Queen and her government. Tlmt there is something wrong is very evid- -An interesting and or old papyrl Julia; alleged words ot Christ and Wm evidently about 60 years after who maxim has been found on the 1M." of the Libyan desert. Each :uying begins with the words, "Jesus m" and the whole Christian world dt b though: will be aroused when the mac: is published. It has been said that Waterloo relics were actually gntttttttisetttred in Birmingham and vetnmlly disposed of on the battlefield 'hrcxplorm to find! Can anything Hike this be going on m the cunning CHARITIES AND PRISON REFORM. .Eiturial Note and um. ROCKY SAUGEEN. naked. one-third down. This is a Rare Bargain. Stock or Grain. Buniness meant. If not so†will lease for a term of years. AP piy to Buildings cost mr half the Money On the 2nd Con. Nurnmnhy, contain ing 174 art-es. 140 cleared. A 1 soil in grand state of cultivation free from nox- inus weeds. Spring Creek. StruneHmlse & Kitchen. Wand Shednttached. Bank Barn 50s70, Stone Basement Stables. Drivo & implement Home 30x60, Stone Stables underneath. Root. House 10x50. Hard and Soft. Water. Churches and femur] convenient. H miles from Dur- mm FARM FOR SALE. Mr. and Mn. Smith, Brownmille spent Sunday with Miss Cassie McPhail, What we would like to know: It the recovery of the it'.',",',.':.'), which Was lost at the B. V. ionic, was the work of a private detective? Who it was that stole Donald’s coat? If the boys waited till Donald Came, night of the raising ? Quito a numb†from here at'ended Jirlv,e Hill picnic tun-1 report it to have been a. cmnplete success. Mr. Hugh McDonald had an under. luuahiug has on Samulay. He got quite a lame ramp of land “wavered of its natur- a] adornment, Alum-t eterJbody around here tookiu the Balsam Valley picnic, where they all spent a lirefy afternoon There was quite a Inn's crowd and everyone seemingly enjoyed themselves. Mr, Abraham Hooper raised his lui'ge frmne barn last week, evtlrylyody worked with u will and eve~ytlnng went well. A platform was lad and those who felt in: oliued kept time mth the music until the small honrof the night where ever30ne struck for homo. Miss Maggie McCanueI ourgeninl teach. or in at present. apvuding her well earned hnlulnys among mend: in and mound Smmidale. "ody s again. Mr. John McKiuuon has returned home from Alumna where he has been teaching when: for the post year. Every. muly seems happy to have him among no "wing has oomnnsucad around here Most of " willtutn out 2l tons to the acre. Master John McDonald was up trom Brampton on a yinib and attended the B. V. picnic. Muster Charles McKinnon has left for the low er tsettlements to seek employment. wiil be missed around here. The McCrncken funeral detained many who would otherwise have gone. On the arrival of the train at night they were met by a good many at the station and after a little more music, the brethren and their visiting friends sought their homes, once more having honored the glorious 12th. Best dressed Orangeman, Hat valu- ed at 82.00 was Won by Mr. Irwin from Drayton. Two splendid bicycle races were Bart ofthe attractions, and also a base all match between Cargill and Pal. merson which tshowed good play though Palmerston won by 29 to 9. Ber, unitarmed Lodge, $5.00,|went to Glenelg. Largest O, Y. Briton Lodge $10.00. Best uniformed Y. B. Lodge $5.00. Lodge Coming longest distance tlo went to Cargill. The prizes offered were won as fol. lows: Largest Orange Lodge in Uniform rogalia, $10.00 went to Cedarville. The procession was (ver a mile long, and the Bags and banners at intervltlg presented an imposing appearance, the streets and bulldings being ate tt'aetivuly decorated. There were about 22 lodges present including 4 young Briton Lodges. Gieenside Lodge drove down. of the immense crowds. Other speak- ers were Mayor Halstead Rev. Wm. Bevan, Rev. D. Williamson, Rev. T. J. Sabine and Co. Master Thos, MC- Faddcn. The procession was long and en- thusiastie, and presented the usual features of youth and age taking part in the historic “Milk,†in commem- oration of the pious and immortal memory M' Wm. III Prince of Orange. Rev. Mr. Jansen was one of the chief speakers cf the day, and acquit- ted himself to the intense satishtetion Mt. Forest seldom if ever had such a crowd, it being estimated that 8000 people were in town that day. Three of the lodgesfrmmthis district went down. some- grtting on at Varney, a special being kindlv furnished them by the G. T. H. about 10 o'clock. Durham was perfectly quiet except an hour or two in the morning, when a lunch of color was seen on the streets, the beautiful lily being much in evidence and a few tunes on the fite and drum bands as they gathered to. gether for their trip to Mt. Forest. The clerk of the weather is an Orangeman, for he not only cut off' the heat a day before, but gave a shower to lay the dust and made one of the pleasantest days of the your for the great parade. ROBERT WATSON Jr.. THE GLORIOUS TWELFTH. TOP CLIFF. Isherw ood P. o., On Dromore, July 5th 1897. "tre, mm (1/1111 line ef GASKETS. COFFINS, SHROUDS and UN DERTAKIN G Material Kept in Stock. Ever ready in the hour of need. No tn trips required. EMBALMING DONE IF DESIRFDA A full line of ' WHIPS, SNAPS, BRUSHES, Curry combs Fly N ets. DUSTERS SWEAT PADS, COLLARS, HARNESS OIL, Driving Gloves and Robes IVORALL KINDS OF Light & Heavy Harness OUR SILVER IVA RE IS SUPERIOR Our Granite-WNW is admitted by awry person to be the Beet in the Mar/cat. first class H E ARI, Hive, with a full line our Brushes such as Table Brash, Shoe Brash. Stove Brush, Horse Brash, Scrub Brush, Finger Brush, Carpet Sweeper, &c. stock of FORKS, SPADES, SI’IUVEL", HUIIS, SUYTIIES, SIUKLES, HANDLES, 1 &C. See OUR Jfachine Oil, Pain/ (Iii, Coal Oil, Harness Oil, Castor Oil, Buggy Oil, A ar/e, Grease, lloof (lintmrut, Fly Enter/lu'lmtor, Pine Tar, dc. See our DRY and MIXED Paints for House, Carriage, Wagon, and Implement use. Lined to Order REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AS We are bound to have a good harvest, be sure you have the necessary tools. , Call and see our large WE HAVE A NO. 1 CLOTHES- WRINGER. HARVEST , DON'T FORGET Fllood's 'Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try IL Prepared only by C. I Hood a Co., Lowell, MAâ€. ’With Hood’s Sarawa- rills,“ Sales Talk," and a I show that this medi- cine has enjoyed public eortflderMte and patronage to a greater extentthsn accord- ed any other proprietary medicine. This is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures then any other. It is not what we say, but ,what Hood's Sarsnpsrille does, that telh the story. All advertisements ot Hood’s Sumpsrilla, like Hood’s Sumparilla it- self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding eontidettee in it, and buy Sales - . are the only pills to take rlood's Pills mth Hood's 3arsaparills ht BLAGK. Go to Dromore W. E. Burr/mu, Clerk V Sarsaparillar ' McMILLAN. HEARSE for [W. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . No two CASH AND ONE'PEI'CE CALDER’S BLOCK .. x1 3 Pieces New Grass Linens, were 15 clearing 15c. 5 Pieces Reversible Scotch Ginghams, were 20 tshdring 8e c, Pieces Wool Delaine. pretty pntterns. were 25 10 Pieces Fancy Prints, large patterns, were Heavy Crash Towelling 4c tl yd. 72 inch Twilled Sheeting 15e 11 yd. Heavy Twilled Flannelctte ce a yd. Fancy Check Klanuelette, good weight In every department. A g‘ance at the paices will Show that we mean business. WE WILL HAVE A we are in a better position than ever to cater TO YOUR wants. Everybody's celebrating these days so we must do the same and Of our well-wishers told us it was impossible to do a. strickly cash business in this town we decided otherwise and the result has fully justified the decision. Each year has seen a decided increase in the business and new in our new store with "-trl_. - In every line of Summer goods we are [raking reducti clear them out if the pnces can be made low enough yr to mention other things but we impress this fact on yt SN APS in Clothing SNAPS 1 SNAPS in Parasols SNAP! SNAPS in Dress Goods SN A SNAPS in Lace Curtains RA Mï¬AngMbiv§ZEDCK Balance of LADIES' TAN OXFORDS worth $1.00 LADIES’ BLACK " LADIES' PRUNELLA SLIPPERS, Worth 60 LADIES" CARPET SLIPPERS " 35 LADIES' TRILBY OXFORDS " 1.50 LADIES' FINE TIPPED OXFORDS " 1.50 Children', Olive Strap Slippers, sizes 3 to 1 Childreu's Chocolate Button Boots sizes 3 Children's Strap Slippers, sizes 8 to 10 Men's Grain Leather Boots, Land made (5lEll)ii1ijglEi?i (2iljii9i))ifi(iii &li,E SUMMER GOODS Three years "ago-we opened out in this town with a deter. mination to build up a business, we started with the motto. of “Cash and One Price " and although many STAPLES name of our stock of Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery at ACTUAL COST Bring along your Butter and Eggs. We pay the highest market price for them Prints and Blouse Cloths. BOOTS & SHOES Midsummer Clearing Sale MORE ROOM A LARGER STOCK And GOOD SELECTION -sss--tw- my 7he J/ext frhirty Days â€â€73 clearing 12he. clearing 12h. clearing 12l. a yd m , sizes 3 to 7 worth 606 Clearing at Me 45 inch Whste Victorin Lawn 2 Pieces Newest Orgmdie Muslin }3 Pieces New Faney Dimitiel. we" 2't 5 Puma Plain Color In Clumbren mud tO Pieces best Crumms Print: 41 inch Bleached Circular Pillow Cot: n, 72 inch Twilled Bleached Sheeting 25e u Heavy Hack Linen Towels 25e a pr. a low enough. We will nol mieâ€" time his fact on you that here you will find, SNAPS in myiery & Gloves s1PAUn.tiiiiGiir Under-ware 3 to 7 worth 750. " reductions 8Niitriiiiiiri't 2G"fi's'n't',r'l'ia,.a " " LOWER TOWN. m Clumbreyn Ind Linouvlzjég Clearing at " cents " cents " 60 cents " 26 cents " " clearing Me, ' W 12} clcnmg 10c. I. were 12k " " We are bound to I. 18e a yd. a yd. 7lie during Itl. cloning lik. electing Ilk, Mekhgacartts- In Juli M ls, May of r. Mid Mn Cun- In Bet, July Tut, the Jr. of a duugh 'ui-rn Holst? and In. Hem twins. I hor a Ride must he ken "tr. By the N which for Horse Hide Skins, Tu Will he id Pt. day in fad: nu unit-rial irrtel. Robe " the hurha Block. 1tesuiet Pool 0m.-.-, INI and 20 years (â€new '. -Opp BARRISTER 37nd Flat IN wiring a _ 8ttisfacti DURHAM th " 7 L O WEI! T1 P 5.100 b itttercst Dr. T. G. One Bot um!†Hunts FFit ‘F. Fit R Lime FLY " INSty l' SALEM I Je wel r) POTir Ellio Ro All lhf ness Robe: C. BAT-u - NOTARI To I In All Ft at