- - .....w.. nuance " oGreat Britain. By these treaties, made in the early :sixties any favors intrude extended to Britain was also to be extended to Germany and Belgium and indeed a good many others, however Britain has telt that these treaties Were a mistake, since German myutuitustarine competi- tion was seriously injuring her in the world’s markets and indeed in her own as the legend " made in Ger may " ebundantly tegtitied. International eomity however stood l in the way, and all discussions and ,pmposus ended in talk, till now. and we are proud tosay it. Canada has been the means of cutting the Gordian Knot and no small part of the credit is do. to the feat': and able reare- eoentstive Cam I sent to the.Juhilee, Sir Wilfred Lauder. I WE TWO. Britain and Her Colonies. The most far reaching event of the week has and mhtedly been the "de mouneing " of th'c German and Belgian .I‘mm' fawn-n: mn“‘-‘ " _ _ 7 --Weanwhile somebody shou‘d en- It? into Bellevxlle's conduct. Were t y anxious to get rid of him? And take the risk of infecting a whole city? It may be all right, but there seems a lesson in the thing which should be taught by the Provincial Boa rd of Health. and we hope that this incident may place boards' of Health ewrv- where on the alert, with plenty of Dr. .Sheard‘s to control them. ---A Cholera Scare. This is what 'Toronto had when last Saturday night their chief health oftieer Dr. Sheard got a telephone message from Belleville that a boat had just left there for Tor, "onto with a cholera suspect on board. Dr. Sheard was the man for the occas- ion. With promptness and tact he :laid all his plans and alter an allnight's effort was ready to meet the steamer on the buy and order it to quarantine. The man was found seriously ill from xthe dread disease, and with all pos mble denpatch was Cot into a boat and 'taken up the Don to the cholera isolat- ion hospital, already waiting tor him. His clothes were burned, the boat sank, and the men properly lumigateu. Meanwhile Dr. S. and his assistants l were attending to the 79 of cr.w and gpnssengers who will have an enforced two weeks of idleness thrust up.n them. They were all re-vaeeinated sand every precaution taken. in the most ot his Jubilee utterances, showing clearly! how Britain would .'not be led away by such claptrap. Almost the same day it must have been. Britain was conrteonsly notify- ing Germany and Belgium that the 'treaties must go, and thus givinga inmost fluttering testimony to the Frem. ier's positions. Yes, Sir Charles was :‘lost, is lost, and will be lost, to the end of the chapter, appar- .ently just as surely as he has lost that Hints High 'ymmistsioperrhip, he gave mp to ttttht Conservative battles. --A Cartoon by Bengough a few ' days ago represented Sir Chas. Tapper as a tiny waif " Lost in London " with policeman John Bull speaking very gpatronizingly to it, the while twostrap ping fellows (Laurier and Chamber John) are striding by arm in arm and Hooking Very much at home. Ben- .gough wan prophetic: Sir Chas. made a speech denouncing, not the tre.aties, but the position taken by Sir Wilfred .ronnd" after the manner of our own Dominion we suppose. The Irish party ‘will not be caught by this, but wants something special, and therein will nuke a big mistake. Local pallia- ‘ments for ireland, Scotland, Wales, and perhaps 3 for England, outside of London. with a central body as we have at Ottawa to look after Empire affairs, will yet bu found necessary and profitable. . --TrxNtttle has amen in India on the .frontier, where rebellions and war like natives have attacked British garri eons. Taken in conjunction with ris. iiugs in Bombay and other places, grave fears of future trunble are entertained from the fanaticism that marks east- ern peoples. o-'rtte United States has called tut international conference on the Beal 'Question for this (all, end Gt. Britain ana, with I generous promptnesa, ruched to be represented. an Century. -British Liberals are, it is said, taking steps to “go one better" than Mr. Gladstone in the matter ot Home Rule. The plan is "Home Rule all --Greeee pays Turkey 24.a)0.000 .indelnnity. on the full discharge of which, Theme will be vacated- that is if the Sultan keeps his' word. e V UCI"",'," IIIIII f."? favored nation , treaties A great. relittimtirgtthtiintt is pro- d to and: the beginning of the ------i. ------ - by Ua at, me residence of with»; its: 'iii'.it day evening by the Prerbyterian S. B. A vet y succesq G at the reridenee of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. King and Mr. Al- bert and Miss Mercy King. of Grand Valley, visited friends here last week. Master Winie 'ihortreed, of Gulf. is visi_ting his grandmother, Mm. Short- rend. "DH ‘1‘ ..u_yir, u| U. Donna, Visited her. aunt, Nts, Ann McKechnie. recently. Mr. T. H. Atkinson spent. Sunday in p, irevilie. Mr. A. J. Don-och. Pastor of the Bagp- tist Church. here, wil exchange pulp.ts with Rev. Win. Mergur, of Durham. next Subhillh. Mrs. McLeod has returned home from Gait where she has been waiting for a me time. Miss Kate McKechnie is home from Breaualsur), Ulengurry Co. Miss Tenn Mt-lntyre. of Toronto, spent a few days with her parents here. Miss Martha and Master Angus Arts Kechme are spendin a. pleasant week visiting friends' in O. LUt Miss A. Cnshnie, of Fieshertou Sla- tion, visited Miss F. James last week. Miss Armwsmith, of Durham. was the guest of the Misses McKechnie oyer Sunday. ,, V- _.. _., .._ . w: lugs SIIHIPS to the fave of the citizen and We have no donht hut the farmers enjoy the pleasant sun- shine too. Miss Emma Robertson is ypendingn ( month at home with her mot her. _ Mr. Moss, of Toronto. visited his sister ln-law. Mus. MeMicked, last week. Mr. A. Buiters was in Hanover on Sat urdny. The H. O. S. intend holding" picnic in this Village next Friday. Miss Edith FitrtWlrertteid, of Toronto, _ is the guest. of Miss Lottie Robertson. Miss Maggie McIntyre, of o. Sound. Visited her. aunt, Mrs. Ann McKechnie. recently. Mes Dunlap, of Gnderich, is at {wes- ent, visiting her brother Wen. Kcds ie. 8. A. Pennovk,of Mount Fun-st, spent the latter iiart of last week with his father, Mr. m Pennm-k. Rev, John Morrison, of Cedarville. peeached in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath nun-hing. ' Sacrament was dispensed on Said-nth in the Mttthoslirct “Inn-uh n... Rev. J. Gem-go howling has had erected on his barn a wind will for the pur mse of pumping watt-r and running". (Jumper which wili slave labor In pumping by mud. Your. (-mros ondent was shown 26 stalks of rye wmch grow from one seed nu the farm of Ira Pennock. They were aver 4 feet long. Mr Editor, news is stun-m this week as the funnel-s are busy " irh their hay after last work’s downpour of min. They must, he up and mining and make huv while the sun shines. Some have gut, their. full wheat out while others are hwy cutting and report It being an Ph". vellum crop. Mr. [Ilnnphruys preached a. practical temporam-v sen-mun at the hall Sunday night illttitrrtting with certain experi- ments. An opening shot of thecam. paign plehiscite. Mm. L. McDougall, (nee Lizzie Sterne) !eft, this week to join her husband in Manitoba. with the host Wishesuf her many friends. Miss Lizzie Isaac IS home from Laurie ton fur " short stay. The fine we; _ "I"""""'""""'""'" of the, Colonies is placed before her peo- ple, and we will be spared the hamil. 1r tion of such ludicious mistakes as that shown last week when the Mayor ot Owen Sound received a letter ad.. dressed “Lord Marr of Ontario, Owen Sound, Canada, U. S. A. We Would do we“ ourselves, to acquire a little more knowledge Of our sister colonivs, of whom we know less than we should. of Canada has had a. standing chance and cnoice either to remain with the tent stock or unite with the bitt gather, who went liousekee ing for himself. Bat allurements and) restric- tions have been alike unavailing to win her, and she has made herehoiee. Can we doubt then, that other colonies. having no such Itllurements, will also cling to the globe encircling empire and Mrengti.en her withthuir strength. The United States will surely now wake upirom the dreams which many over there have, that Canadians are held to Britain, and would be pleased to escape. Britain herself it is to be hoped will see that accurate knowledge 1_"A|.. ~l 77 . . .. -- We all rejoice. Nothing like it has ever been Seen under the sun. A strong nation elects to throw aside her compeers and renew her strength and her youth by association fiscally and otherwise with her own robust off. spring. m The spectacle of a eonfederatcd Col. ony, liviue alongside of a British ram. with whom they must ever have much in common owing to their position, adopting a policy plainly pro British under existing condition has fairly captured British statesmen and British men. and we have-the editiying spec~ tacle of a British Conservative Govern- ment adopting with greatest satisfac- tion ttppt1rently, a policy outlined and promoted by Canadian Libeials. M Arjtt Eyizy Wilson has "it?! out. was (lispohsed l the Mmhmlist Churett Isaac omciatinx. PRICEVILLE. at her brings smiles in the Enidenl’arty was held HOLSTLIN. DROEORE. and we have no doubt g the Boosm--In Smith’s Falls, on July llth, to Rey. and Mrs. Boone a. daughter. Aug. 4:11.117. A small ind cow with white spot on forehead. First missed Friday morning. Milking. one sore tent. Any informariG as to her whereabouts will he thankfully received by DAVID ALLAN, Clerk, Holstein. Aug, 4th, 1897. Elections are called upon to examine the said List, and, if any mnissions or any other errols are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. , Notice is hereby given, that I have l transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 5 and 6of the Voters' List Act. the copies required by said sections to he so transmitted or de. liven-ed of the list. made puriuvant, to said Act, of all persons appeal ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of tha said numicipality to be entitled to vote. in the said municipality at. Elections for members of the Legislative Assemlvly and at Municipal Elections; and that said list was thir posted up at, my office at Holsteln. on the 4th day of August, 18:77, and remains there for inspection. Municipality of the vanship of Eyre moat, Uou My of Grey. .V v -"v _ I" Turning hay to get it unifurmly wet on both sitlvs has been the order of the. day furthehwt couple of weeks. Spring grain looks splendid, but, the fruitiprus- pects are not as was generallv textual-uni. Mr. w. Bray is whiling :Iwnyu few weeks at the family heatth after A sea- son spent masoning in Syderrham tp. Turning hay to get it uniformly wet Merchant D. K. MvArlhu", of Hope- ville, spent a few days of last week very pleasantly with his klnsmon the Mc- Arthur family. , Mr. D. Robertson, of Chestey. is at present a temporary resident, of our vil- Iago. He is at, present engaged in filling up his thrashing outfit preparatory to hundlhlg some of the lengthy g niu sum hereulrouts. F Last Friday anotherof the old settlers responded to death's roll call in the per- son of Mrs. Patrick Flnnniga‘n at the ripe age of 68 years. Deceased was un- iversnlly respected and her demise is much regretted. A large concourse of kind neighbors and friends followed the remains lo their last resting place in the It. C. remetery beside her husband who preceeded her ten years ago. Father Buckley, of Owen Sound, preach- ed a, very appropriate burial sermon at the grave. Mr. Louis Hay had an experience dur- ing the storm of last Friday that he is not likely to forget for some thue. Be- ing: engaged in closing the barn doors they we: e struck by lightning shivering the Isoavds in all directions and knocked Louis insonsiblo fur some time but is at present. fullv iccovetwd. ---r..- The farm on the Garafraxa Road a. little east of here lone known as the Young form has changed hands. Mr. Rom. Marshall, of Varm-y, we learn, is the purchaser at " very low figure to what it was furmorly valued at. Messrs w. A. Anderson and T. Boyle, of Crawford woregumts of H. H. Itiddelt fur a. short time the beginning of the trt'e.cvnt week. M rs. J. McNally, Of Travetston, was a guest at her furmer home here for a week lately. Miss Cassie Pulherhough spent last week pleasant-1y with cousins and rel- alives in the vicinity of Clem-lg Centre. Miss Mary Fletcher is enjoying the invigorating breezes of Geoegitrn Bax? in the vicinity of Owen Snundut pres- ent. and Y. P. S. C. E. Excellent instru- mental music was furnished hv Messrs Mt'Arrltuv, McLean and McLachlan. Good singing hy the S R. choir, recita- tions by Misses, Annie Hngmlh, Mamie McLean and Myrtle McArthur,. reading by Miss Jenny Mt'Arthur. A stnry was told hi our' jovial Pedagogue, Mr. w. J. Bin eston ; an addrcss was given by Rev. J. Humphries and Mr. Matthewn ably filled the chair. The receipts u- nmumed to nearly 820.00. Mrs. Fm d and Miss Hakim Mt-Luclmm, Turnnlu. yisiled their father. Mr. John McLuuhlnn. “II tho tteat- In he: thebno True Blood Pundit. VOTERS' LIST, 1897 Fikii'iid'si 'Iede end Merit mum th-tnthUndt of the people in Booth Here-penile. In medicine curse you when Meir; it it mk- wonderful curee everywhenJhen bayou! ellqueetion that medicinepoueeeee merit. Tint In Nat the truth shout Hood’s thm sspsrms. We know It possesses med. bee-unit "curesjnot once or twice or I hundred times, but in thousends sud thousands of uses. We know it cuts, absolutely, permanently, when ell others an to do my good whatever. We â€pest a I " weave: a s 4 . cure nausea. Indigestion. Hood', Pills bluouuuu. 25am looks splendid, but, the {width}; are not as was generally expected. Madeâ€? Marie? Sarsaparilla ci.,; LOST. BORN. I. A. C. PATERSON, Lower Town. WELBECK. .c-.. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I Orr A'o. f MA CH INI?, 01L _ is Superior and takes the lead from all other cheaper oil. A new line of Silrer, Gran.. ite, and Tinu'are. MOWERS and We still have some Section Guards and heads for A fresh Stock of Plaster Paris, Portland and Thoro'd Cement. Don’t forget our\ CARPET SWEEPERS CLOTHES WRINGERS AND FLY TRAPS I? See our New Jnstarrivod. Also Another Shipment or-- Cradles, Scythes, Snaths Forks and Shovels. ill mm . HAND RAKES W. BLACK. CASH AND ONE PRICE. CALDER/S BLOCK LOl FOR THIS WEEK WE OFFER SPECIAL m DRESS soaps _ - -__H WE’VE GOT A LOT OF BOYS SUITS. About 50 in all, in sizes from 22 to 29, which have to be cleared out by the let of next month. Most of them are three piece suits and they Were sold at " $4. " to make quick work of them we say tfrcvueluar 6 dozen lot --of-- Preserving Kettles RAMSAY & MORLOCK. BIN DEBS For your choice. If you have any Boys between 5 a years of age this is an opportunity of a lifetime. j) (iiEijil? UN (gijrf'lEiii(liit, 2fiij' Two Dollars tiiv --t..-._ _".'.-----"---- if SPECIALS IN BOOTS IND SHOES, ftatt Dress Goods orrrhung This wank. Firemen’s Picnic August 6th. Dromoro, July 5th 1897, Hive, with (I full line J.)" r GASKETS. COFFINS. SHROUDS and UNDERTAKING Material Kept in 8toar. Ever ready in the hour of need. No two u-ips required. EMBALMIIEG DONE IF DESIRFD. A ytret class WHIPS, SNAPS, BRUSHES. Curry combs Fly Nets, DUSTERS ' SWEAT PADS, COLLARS, HARNESS on, A full line of FOR ALL KINDS OF Light tl Heavy Harness With five delgntt‘n'l -tties in the: August COSMOPOLITAN. one might Jmlstei, that, it, was intended solely fol light. reading in mid summer; lmtn wound glance shuws that it, contains“ Well much of serious inn-rest. The seumd Impet- by the special commissioner sent D' h . Tm: UoHMoPoLITAN to India. tells " Cale, the like of which has never be. fore ztplwured in anv tj,"i",1f"d.: We lime in histories sot-mu -lmnd ail-counts of great fauniues but they lack that I startling distitictness which comes fmnil behohhiig ttt first hand the sightsile-l scribed. Twenty millions of pimple slowly starving todenth, many of then, In sight of the railways! No American can form any idea of the stale affairs now existing in India. Mr. Hawthornl has gone into the interior and suimli mnongst the dead and (lying. It. is the. first time that. we hare hurl an American investigation of the condition of affairs‘ in India. The report will open theeyes I of the ('inlizud world and especially the? English Parliament In the net-05m of " extraordinary exertion in Lehalfot those I I 'ttttfortunate millions. & oriviiriroiis; and Robes Lined to Order REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 'éPECIALs IN census Go to Dromore c. gauij( Late Literary News. HEARSE for - -- -- v... luau nuuu “nub uuu - head of the dog, and ho and without I groan. Thu rabbit 1-5.1: a short distnnm and then Finppcd and luukcd back, an it to mock me. Ot C'ottWe I paid for th, dog, l',tri,r, friend has never WWW": me. an have unt- gnuu hunt! . ill-WA -Cineiunatt Enquizrar. M An Unlucky Shot. “I am not a very good shot," and n 3. Coleman, "and thin fact. gnve me . mt deal of trouble at one time. I ba- Mod 3 nimble " from . friend and went hunting. The am’ tteel Mama rat- tlod when ho found that 1 know noth- ing About bunting. Rabbit Imm- rabbit Wu rtarted up. and I nursed them u but as they came. Finally tho dogmw tired um concluded to catch (new on his own hook. He soon sty.rtvd another. and as it jumpul the dog jump-x! an r s'.', 13st.†I lired. The shot want into the : Whllo women still do their mending nod I dunlng. they do it an odd haunt wlout f more Is no special loss of time. If tholr l time In too valuable for tion to do this. I It In cheaper for them to buy now how. l Tho some to true of the vocation of cun- ning fruit. It would pay no woman to go I into the business of canning fruit exeopt I In woalthy funnies, who no wllllng to pay a (one: prloo tor skilled labor. Ewn I then the would be Holy to be In tho hu- millnlng which 'of being cloned with l’ the â€want, II so large . number of tum- meu In this country have nootheroritorion l utttuy autumnal: than that of woulth. “on. “1.3ng to women to which tho same objection must apply. They would not pay. Whom women can on fruit He not“ their own “105mm for it, they will sooner or latter and A mono-3m] mum totr It, providing the work h well dam And is conducted on busine- peutcitrU.-- Now York Tribune. In England the word “lady help" ban . definite meaning and hupllca A position which would never by madden: be com founded with that of an ordlnury domogtio Invent. Thom an "any (uuolrul voca- tions IURM to 'nlnnn in n-l‘lnl. Hm The number of women who work for a living must "c'oessarily be limitul. Thu, Majority of women by the natural law.- ot heaven must always be wives and moth. oru under the protection ot home lite bud [absorbed in home coma. It is only the unfortunate few who no compelled m new loot than homo cum to turn ""pttrt' out» side. It has been the (union of law to turn all Ion-o! homo duties into Minu- noratlvo work. Among other suggestions " employment“ women is that of Stork- lng turning. The, truth or the matter In I that such employment would pay no our. not even the scrubwomun or tgcutttstttma who works at ti a any. Tho coui- or haw- intt stockings darned properly at, this rum Would more than cover the full cost of the stocking, Inch out strides has mmmrmw wring mule in those roe/cut years. So it would be only a Very rich woman " in: dainty hose who could mum to MN a mocking clamor. In l‘nln tho my in gMasartr---Pte+-R Emu-g E'tttetaomi,ittsr--xtarht new; Ami Tender 2Poart--<n_'. Khulna. m Woe. or ma... I A great deal of nonsense has been writ,- I ten In these latter days on woman‘s wt " l tton, as though n woman, when undvr t .r l necessltg of earning her brand. had no: a right to do anything that she could do 'wcll and successfully. Success worm to be all that the world roguhu, or, M that matter, that It over mqulr-d. True it is that irupcutmentas have boon thrown in the way of woman's work than are now rc- movcd. It ls also true that Una-can.- many Vocatlons that nu: honor adapted to mon than women and When: women one not as successful in the attempt " such calllngn as men. In the some way, than: no oer: tain calllngs in which Women have always been more notably snowman than men and command today, as specialists. highâ€- pricas. There are many vocations now opened to the employment of educated women who are willlng to work hard In is successful and. SENSE AND NONSENSE ON THE SUB. JECT OF WOMAN'S WORK WOMAN AND H031 E. LOWER TOWN '_------- a . . - 11-25%†33E] " _ f Robe Kidm must be A" ken "lf. 0mm : -Oppa " you want July and Alums or witysy, tttf".. O \Vill he in Pr day in each "" “with“ Huh-l. Horse IIiJe Skins, Ta Rein By the N which for DEALER IN Jcnvlry l and Flat Ware p.1iliug a spcc'r Elliot BARRISTERS. I'm" 0mm. [bu bURHAM on 10043. Wt CARRIS‘ 'WOT‘RIEI Wan 10 LO, Rllwv'rmx I All . un- All 'One “at t h ’Louvm m 'nwnn or In . stein. Ont. Parties wait“ Mule dist Mn. Janna HIRES Satisfacti Lime oe 1'" a5,'UX9to Dr. T. G. TOW mm M PLY PAD AVS/rv 'T SEAW 1 FFK'IC m DEN £122 POTaT SE the [hm-Inc At. Tterudem autumn Ro I. B. Ltrra W. ll. W C. Maxtsoti, T. ti." " tless kt