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Durham Review (1897), 26 Aug 1897, p. 4

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A He will refer to the so called " Seanâ€" «lal " in gelling the Engledue Syndicate rights to a portion of our mineral land and should point out the area disposed of in relation to the whole is about comparable to the difference in size beteen a postaze stamp and a page of the ReviEw. He should point out also the immense increase to the knowâ€" ledge of this district that has ensued from this transaction, and the profit is likely to follow the introduetion of forcign eapital. These are the salient features,© the **Faets for Irish Electors" the " Eye opener " *‘ His hour has come" clock, the **Mowat must go" chestnut, &c. &e. are all stored away in a secret recess behind the back bottom drawer of the party‘s attic trunk of which the lock is rusty and the key los;. present high state of efficiency in the High Schools, and while he will desire a higher state of effliciency in the public schools, will likely in all fairâ€" ness point out that High School proficiâ€" ency comes fonPublic S efticiency, & inform his hearers that if the 3rd Class teachers papers of the 7‘s were put before entrance pupils now they would laugh at them. On Agricultuire he will announce that the government have not spent too much, but that they did not spend it wisely but jast where he will change the system, whether e will withdraw the grants to Farmers‘ Institutes, or interfere with the professional meetings addressed by competent men sent by government, or strike a blow atr the O. A. C. itself, our notes do not say. He will pay a compliment to the He will announce himself ready to andertake the task of husbanding the resources of the province in all possible «lirections, and reducing the controllaâ€" ible expenditure to avoid direct taxaâ€" tion just as Hardy and a liberal goyâ€" ernment have so successfully done. The Hon. Gentleman will speak on a new system of andit which will be a protection to the treasury. _ Is it not «quite clear where this needs protection, at least no specific case has been made out showing that b odling or other scandai has kept our surplus down to a few millions only while other govâ€" «ernments of Conservative stripe ran up a more than ornamental debt. He will show the necessity of investâ€" igation into the extent and condition of the timber lands of the province with a view to their protection, and will ot «course give due credit to Hardy‘s govâ€" ernment for their system of public auction sales, (when necessary) to the highest bidder, not forgetting the latest instance ot Hardy‘s statesmanship in providing for the manufacture ot the «timber in Ontario. He will show that he will regulate the laws in relation to the sale of intoxicating liquors in line with comâ€" mon sense and public opinion, noting, of course, how such a system for the last 20 years has been productive of good results. The Provincial Conservative leader is to speak in Owen Sound on Aug. 30th and in Markdale also, the day after we think. It is not yet announceâ€" ed when Durham is to be favored but no doubt such an important centre will not be overlooked. Much good will follow this meeting of the brainiest men of the age and not the least will be the advertisement they will give Canada this Jubilee year. A multitude of papers have been read, some of popular interest. some too abstruse for common folks. Engâ€" land‘s coal supply will, it is stated outlast her oxygen, Canada has more oxygen, than coal, and her economic minerals promise to keep her well to to the front in the coming century, We are startled to learn that man has roved this earth, for millions of years, | and the eviaence of it is fouud in old stone and bronze implements. In Ge: graphy, in Chemistry, in Geology, in many scienees, a feast is being enâ€" joyed by those whose time and inclinâ€" ation allow them to be interested. The receptions, civic provincial and otherwise, were all that could be deâ€" ‘sired. _ Lord and Lady Aberdeen, Premier Hardy, G. W. Ross, SirOliver Mowat, Mayor Shaw and other no tables said many complimentarythings in their weleomings, aad the President, Sir John Evans, Lords Kelvin and Lister, and other visitors spoke appreâ€" ciatively of the country and their reâ€" eeption. The British Association for the ad ‘vancement of Science is over 60 years «old and only twice has it met outside «of the British Islands. _ Once about 11 ~years ago in Montreal, and this year ‘in Toronto. To say that Toronto is «delighted is putting it imildly, it is adding distinctly to her fame as a Con yention city, and indirectly it is bene AMAiting the Province and the Dominion «by having these brain workers here. â€"Hon Mr: Sifton is no carpet minisâ€" ter. He goes himself to the port of Dyea, and will see Major Walsh, the new administrator over the summit. Impartial law will be administered. American miners are objecting to the royalties to be exacted, but when they receive the same treatment as Canadâ€" ians the government will be justified in using force if necessary to compel respect. Mr. Sifton is all right. { Etiterial Note and Comment. HARDYâ€"V. S.â€"WHITNEY. SCIENCE. WANTED I can pay ten dollars weekly to a lady of maâ€" ture age, refinement and tact to spend her time w a good cause. The mission band will take charge of meeting on ‘Thur+day night. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Gâ€"rdon were guests of their daughier Mrs. R. J. P on Sunday last. Mty. Wm, MeceCalmon. of Mt, Forest spent Sunday at home, Charlâ€"y has to carry a gun since he shaved his whiskers off to keep the g‘rls away. Mr James Allan is home again after apending a month or so down the country. We are glad to l:ave him with us again. Since Will started harvesting be had to get a new run of teeth. of Angust was a i eat §6.65. The Methodist church people are hayâ€" ing the church beautified with a coat of calsomine and repainted inside and and other improvements, Miss Emma Brown, of Orchard was a guest of the Misses Keith the latter part of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rawn of South bend were guests at W. 8. Horsburgh‘s on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Tribe and *Mrs. Stephen Seiaman were in Hanover on Tuesday on business, Miss Maggie Horsburgh, of Mt, Forest spent a few days the fore part of last week with friends here. Miss Mabel Cameron visited her friend Miss Minnie Watson at South Bend on Sunday, Willie Williamson,fof Wagram formâ€" erly, of MHolsvein visited relatives here on Sabbath, the new agricultural --l;Qlllv-'l.l.(‘*.‘aI‘i}"” comâ€" pleted. Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. George Huni, of Letter Breen visitâ€" ed at George Freeman‘s on Sabbath. Mr. Crosby and Miss Jennet Reid, of Harriston spent Sabbath with Jriends here. The Rev. John Morrison, of Cedaryille w il preach in Gaelic in the Presbyterâ€" im Church here next Sunday at 11 o‘clock in the forenoon, Everpone that understands the language should avaul themselyes of hearing the venetable gentleman. _ Aithough deprived of his natural vision he is possessed with spiritual vision. The student, Mr; Barâ€" ber, of Cedarville, and Mr. Matheson will exchange pulpits next Sabbath. Mr. Barber will accompany Mr. Morriâ€" son and wili preach in English at 12.30 and at 7 in the evening. Mrs. Flowers, who was visiting at her father‘s, Mr. Win, Smellie will Jeaye for her home in Toronto this week. Old Mrs. Batchelor, who is x centuriâ€" an goes around with ber staff to supâ€" port her. _ She imagines her. friends want to get rid of her in a quiet way Her memory is getting defective. Lots of the potato tops are getting withered and to look at some plots of them one would think it is nearly potâ€" ato harvest time. Some report rot, but we did not see any yet. The Mr, John McKinnon, who was spendâ€" ing his holidays at his father‘s place left for Algoma to resume his work at school teaching, _ He promises to write giving us a short history of the eyents in that part of the country. He gets the nEviEw and we need not remind him of fultilling his promise as he will we know, keep it. Miss McArthur, of Toronto, accomâ€" }‘:mit-d oy her cousin, Miss Maggie Mcâ€" unis, of Bunessan, attended Church here last Sunday. The masons have the stone work for Mrs, Wim, McDonald is ver;f low and cannot live many days now. We heard that Mrs. Donald Campbell of this town had a narrow escape of beâ€" ing drowned one day last week by fallâ€" ing off a log while ceressing the river. Only for the timely afsistance of Mr, Neil McKechnie she would be gone. We are sorry to hear of Mrs, Water‘s illness. The venerable lady owing to her advanced years will have not much hopes of getting over ber trouble being a tumor and cannot stand an operation. Rey, Mr. Lester, of Meaford, preached in the Disciples Church for the last two Sundays. &'e heard he intends holding Revival meetings in the near future, whether it is so or not we cannot say for certain. Rey. Mr, McGregor and Darroch exâ€" changed pulpits last Sundav. Quite a number of our Ymnth failed at the recent examination, but there is no use giving up. ‘Try again, Hector McDonald is building a kitchâ€" en to his dwelling house. ’ Jas. McDonald (Red Jim) got a dab with a pitch fork in the hand but not so bad as first rumored. _ He is able to be about. We don‘t hear of anyoune going to the Klondvke in our locality, but a letter received from Angas McDonald states that his brother Archie left for Klondyke on the Ist of Aug. Archie was not satisfied with $95 a month at Alaska, (Douglass City) but nundertook the hardships to Yukoun River in search of more gold, â€" However, we wish the brave fe-fiuw eyery success, hoping he may return sife and sound withfa load of gold. | The weather is rather unsettled lookâ€" ing yet and indicates more rain. The harvest in general is getting near nmdr and a few good, hot, sunny days will bring it all to be ready for the sickle. As in other places complaints may be heard that tge pea crop is a general failure, Soring wheat is rather light in the kernel with lots of straw. Fall wheat in some instances is taurving out good with the exception of a few places that was winter killed. _ Alfred Hinks thrashed of 7 acres only about 70 bushels while John Buarnet, of Artemesia, brought a load of 21 dozen sheayes to a uoithorfs barn who was thrashing and vielded 8 bags, which maukes quite a contrast between the two. Literary meeting held on the 12th VARNEY, HOLSTHIN, . H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont. + & + ,â€". * <@ + PRICEVILLE. sueces». â€"Proceeds were the . J. Eden + ELyIDGRâ€"In Durham, on Thin sday, ‘__18th August, Clayton, youngest son of Mr. C. Elvidge, aged 3 mos. 16 dys McCLEMENT â€" STEHNFELDT. â€" At the| Manse, Dornoch, on August 11th. 1897, ' WaxTED, by the Rev. John Little, Mr. Thomas ) a 2 ... .i McArtzUrâ€"WHITMOREâ€"â€"In Trinity Church, Durham, on Wednesday, s c Aug. 25th. by the Rev. W, J. Connor, Mr. Chas. McArthur, Merchant, Durâ€" Dromore, July 5th 1897. ham. to Miss Maria Whitmore, of Durbam. I suvitismesmnemens snn vcn mereancaes se ... MCDoxaLoâ€"In Glenelg, on the 11th inst.. the wife of Wm. Neil McDonald | of a daughter. f ' Eversâ€"In Williamsford, on toe 15th inst., the wife of Fred. Evers of a son. . LocH#Eapâ€"In Glenelg, on the Ist inst. the wife of W m. Lochead of a son. CAULFIELDâ€"In (Glenelg, on the 1st inst, the wife of Martivn Caulfield of a daughâ€" Mr. Charlie MceDougall has returned from the Manitoulin Island with a band some drove of cattle last week,. â€" Charlie is a hustler. Miss Flora McDonald has been engaged at Mcintoch for a couple of weeks while Miss Mary Melotosh is visiting friends near Toronto. Mr. W. J. Ellis occupied the pulpit here a week last Sunday night Mr, Alex. McGillivray and danghter, of Chatswortl:, was enjoying a couple of days with his parents this week. Mr=Dave Melntyro accompaned by Miâ€"s Nester, of Duatham, wers visiting at the McDonalu‘s, on the 8th. list week, Da«ve is a jolly good fellow ind nobody can deny, especially among the ftair ones. Come again Dave. Mr. George Firth and Miss Mary, of Glenelg, Sundayed at Join MceKechnie‘s this week. McClyment, Bentinck, to Miss Chiisâ€" tena Steinfeldt of the same township. Mrs. H. MeDonald returned from the Manitontin Iâ€"land two weeks ago loking well, Also her son Hector, who has been in that part for the last two years. Al: though prospects are good and times lively in this part we nnderstaun Mr. MeDonald is to returu soon again as he has eecured & situation in Manitowaning. Quite a numtber of bicyclists from Mc. Forest wheeled througsh our burgh last Siturday evering en route for Mr. Boyee‘s where, no douvt, a pleusint time was spent. Miss Jessie Beaton and Miss Neity Brown, ot Durham, were the gnuests of Miss Maggie McQGilliyray a week last Sun: day. * As the vacation season is over news is scarce. â€" Therefore, wo omitted to write tor some time. The best whole mixed pickling spice at the Big 4. ’ A GrEAT SPECTACLE.â€"The proposed reproduction of a portion of _ Her Majesty‘s Great Diamond Jubilee Proâ€" cession in London, with ceremonies in front of St Paul‘s Cathedral, and imâ€" mense tableaux of incidents durmg the Queen‘s Reign, at the Toronto Exhibiâ€" tion from the 830th of August to fith Sept., is creating much interesi through out the Dominion, and thousands will go to Toronto to seeit from all partsâ€" All the uniforms, costumes, carriages and state harness, is being brought from England, and the actual decoraâ€" tions used in London. The attractions at the Toronto Fair this year will be greater and better than ever, The ex-) hibits in all departments exceed an?’ previous year. â€" The iluminations will; be grand and cost a lot of money. lt,’ will be a fitting conclusion to the Jubsilee year, and will be well worth going to see. _ The usual cheap fares and ex(-ur-l sions will be given, Cattle huyers are plenty here and a fair price is given, Thrashing has commenced aud Albert Haw has purchased a steamer, On Tuesday the 17th the Sunday School children held a Garden Party at Mrs. Harvey‘s, Ilth con. and a yery leasant time was spent. The student, Kir. Barber. was in attendance. On Friday, the 20th, a taffy pull was held in Allen‘s Hall. ’ The Presbyterian Church meeting held here last Monday was well attendâ€" ed, _ The Rev. JMr. McKellar, of Conn. Moderator of the Presl?vtary presided, The choosing of a site for the church was the main question and the Minister ruling that none should vote only mnemâ€" bers enrolled bas caused a dissatisfacâ€" tion in some quarters, This village was proposed as an amendment to the old site as much better and more satis-{ factory. However, the old site 1} miles south of here was chosen by a mujurity‘ of 4 votes. The votes stood : old site 32 votes, Hopeyille 28 votes. | ‘Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try it Prepared only by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than ‘any other. It is not what we say, but what Hood‘s Sarsaparillia does, that tells the story. All advertisements of Hood‘s Barsaparilla, like Hood‘s Sarsaparilla itâ€" sel{, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy With Hood‘s Sarsapaâ€" ‘ rilla, " Sales Talk," and I al k show that this mediâ€" cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accordâ€" ed any other proprietary medicine. This Hood‘s «10 NC Only piMS 10 ISRO Hood‘s Pills with Hoog‘s Sarsaparilia. Sales ~ Sarsaparilla‘ MARRIED. DIED. MULOCK, BORN. FOPEVILLE. are the only pills to take ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO ins, | CASKETS. COFFINS, . nxlxi"' sSHROUDS and uth UNDERTAKING Material se Kept in Stock. Toxt, WAXNTED,â€"Solicitors for **Canada, An Encyclopedia of the Country," in Five Royal Quarto Volumes,. No deâ€" 1 serimg,. Commission paid weekly, A canvasser reports his first week making over seventy dollars profit. Tur Linsg Ever ready in the bour of need. No two trips required. EMBALMING DONE IF DESIRFD. A first class HEARS | Tlire, with a full line of WHIPS, SNAPS, BRUSHES, Curry combs Ely Nets, DUSTERS SWEAT PADS, COLLARS, HARNESS OIL, Driving Gloves and Robes Lined to Order A fuil line of FOR ALL KINDS OF Light & Heayy Harnsss Why buy of foreign concerns or of middlemen when you can purchase as cheaply of us and get better value. Our stock is Canadian grown and acâ€" climated. Catalogue (English or French) free on application, c mak Stone & Wellington, Toronto: Special attention given to Park, Cemâ€" etery and Boulevard orders _ Estimates furnished for supplying entire orchards. Shrubs, Roses, Vines and Seed Puta-" toes, ‘V’E have the largest assortment and employ the very Luest and most‘ improved nw'l;udsfm'pmlpngnling. All stock, carefuily packed under _ our personal supervision, and all new varieâ€"| ties tested at our trial farms before be | ing catalogued. _ These are the only | testing orchaids connected with any| Nursery in the Dominion. i raum an ameste res. Harvest FONTHILL NURSERIES The Leading Canadian Tree Men, REPAIRING A SPECIALTT Agents Wanted to Represent Us. Goods Dress CASH AND ONE PRICHE. CALDER‘S BLOCK LO Go to Dromore NEW DRESS GOOoDS . McMILLAN, 700 ACRES. FRAMSAY & MORPLOCK Durham, Aug, 16th, 1897 Notice is hereby given, that I hayve transmitted or deliyered to the persons mentioned in Sections 5 and 6 of the Voters‘ List Act, the copies required by said sections to hbe so transmittec or deâ€" livered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons apperting by the last revised Assessment Roll of th> said municipality to be ectitled to vote in the said municipality at Elections fm-l members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipai Elections; and that: said list was first posted up at my office I at Durham, on the 14th day of August, | 1897, and remains there for inspection, ’ Elections are called upon to examine the said List, and, if ary omissions op any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law, > Ge:o. RussELL, ‘ Clerk, Pal L 24 2l 2000 w ENE o M O on s Municipality of the OUR SILVERWARE, GRANITE WARE and TINWARE are up to date and cheap,. 7# A few Oil Barrels for sale. st come first served Don‘t miss he c hance and be sorry for it. JUST ARRIVED OKF Cradles Scythes Snaths Rakes Forks Reaping Hooks HARVEST MITS We are determined to keep the farmers supplied with too!s if possible. A FRESH SUPPLY X TooLls! VOTERS‘ LIST, 1897 MACHINE OoIL W. BLACK. We still have a few Secâ€" tions, Guards and Heads for Binders. Fine French Twill Serge 44 inches wide, o oi t Tsd sees se . Bratotcd. c it disiie A i in cce t n t ind BSpecial at 80 cts. a yd. Fancy Shot Effect Dress Goods, newest colaring, Special at 50 cts. a yd, Fancy All Wool Tartans, suitable for waists, Special at 50 cts. a yd. Heayy Ocating Serge, The New Fall Dress Goods have been coming in ray« ‘ounty of Grey, Butter and Eggs wanted at highest market pricec. â€"AND ") 272 o the persons ctions 5 and 6 of the the copies required by _ so transmittec or deâ€" made pursuant to said Town of Durham, @ n s pesting by the last Roll of tha said ctitled to vote in Y at Elections for islative Assembly ections; and that t,:(l up at my office Black and Navy. 54 inches wide, D0 e sell_____. auew.. * l WANTID.â€"F'm-uwru' Sous or other inâ€" | dustrious persons of fair education to l whom $60 a month would be an induceâ€" |ment. . 1 conld also engage a few ladies lv':-‘ their own homes.â€"T. H. LINSCOIT, Men and Women who can work hard talking and writing six hours dail 7, for six days a week, and will be content with ten dollars weekly, Address, NEW IDEA CO., Medical Bu.dding, _ Toronto, Ont lowest rates, Conveyancing, Leases, Wills, Mort Rages, ele., drawn up on short notice. Horses bought and sold. Waterloo Threshers for sule at wareâ€" rooms. â€" Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left at Tu® Review Orrice., Noxon‘s Binders, Mowers, Drills Bpring Tooth Harrows, best in the ,‘.'“‘; ‘ ket. Guards, Bections, erc., for all kinds of muchines, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on farm property at FARM IMPLEMENTS and MACHINâ€" . BRY, ° ___ Eggs, per doz ... ... Chickens per pair Potatoes, per bag Dachks «* Turkeys, per lb ... }Flour per bbl ............ $ 8 20 to $4 50 Ontmea per sack ......... 1 75 to 2 00 Bran per ewt ... ... ... 60 to 69 Shorts por ewt 15 to 15 Fall Wheat per bushel ... O 70 to 0 78 Barley, ** i1 O 25 to 9 30 Peas, ** .. O 40 to 40 Oats, ** in O 20 to O 22 Drd Hogs, per cwt ... 6 00 to 6 50 Hogs, live weight ... ... 5 50 to 5 60 Lard peéer lb 08 to _ 10 Tullow* per lb i#A im .: 4 10 â€"O©5 Buiter per Ib, Tab ... ... 0 10 to 0O 10 s Roll * 10 to 12 Eggs, per doz ... ... ... 0O 9 to 0 0% Chickens prer pair es 2b to â€" 80 Potatoes, per bag ... O 50 to _ 75 Dachks ** 40 to bQ Turkeys, per Ib ... ... 07 to â€" 08 DURHAM MARKET. Corrected each week by Geo. Sparling. Ltcas, Wrrent & Barsox, Calder‘s Block, heavy weight, Special at 28 cts. Loaning The Star Life, of London England, bhas $1,000,000 more Insurance in force than largest Canadian Company, and offers Iusuâ€"ance on best Plans, and ai lowest rates, suikk ", C. A. BATSON S. T. ORCH AR D Agent for LIFE INSURANCE®®® The Merchantile Fire Insurance Comâ€" lmuy»â€"guu-runteo‘d by the Lancastre Fire nsurance Company, of London, Engâ€" land, security $15,000,000, Fara ProPERTYâ€"(First Mortgage)~â€" Lowest rates of interest and ensy terms of repayment, Towx ProreRrTyâ€"(First Mortgage)â€" On monthly instalment plan. Applications put through with disâ€" patch and at least possible expense, 2) td FIRE INSURANCE Insurance Agency MONEY TO LOAN mm , Black and Colâ€" ons, Special at 50 cts. LOWER TOWN Lower Town., Wanted Licensed Auctioneer. Special at 35 cts AND Torento, Ount, Barrister Durham a yd, a yd. a yd. a yd. Uf C+ diso Child can d @ioag Ti m 4 p ar 104 Holstein, Jant Hides must b ken off. AlDl By the N which for Horse Hi J Skins. T () Rosz OMces : D]'Z.\l.lil.‘ T Jewelry and Flat Was pairing a spe Bnn'mg M & URH AM BARRISTER DURHW AM O LOWE R T ‘S8UER OF M + stein, Ont Parties wait able di WOBK POR ba 10 Satisfac By such‘ W. CLA MARI HAl New In Cloth with BAaAR®RI NOTARI MONEY TO i Prog Hig Boo r. T FFIC3H the | HELP W interest sUPJP Ellio McF Ro W . H . W C. Barso ness to @10 y Exe Boo U) 18 d» To

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