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Durham Review (1897), 26 Aug 1897, p. 5

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comring in rap« to go in proportion. id as large a scleeâ€" ecial at Wots, OCHA, ecial at 28 cts, a CH8SCY ntere idlmwent plan. _ malt through with disâ€" 1 possible expeuse. ts‘ Sous or ot het inâ€" f fair education to would be an induceâ€" enuaue a few ladies cial at 80 cts. ek by Geo who can work bhard six hours dail 7, for nd will be content ekly. â€" Address, ledical Bu.Jdding, Toronto, Ount," rket priee. SOul Clit NTS and MACHINXâ€" m»y be left at THE ND . BATSON ) larim property mt ER TOWN RAaN . pesse ing ted i you are in town C000 Ob ) ce Agency L0 AN AArmam.... SRANCEB wn ial at 50 cts at 1. i. LiNSCOITT, CH AFR D al at 28 cts. a ODS _ BOOKS MARKET n short notice. ewing Machines. First Mortgage)~ st and ensy terms it Jo cts. a Â¥) Mowers, Prills est in the mar} /v.. for al kinds SUH Wills, Mert l uetioneer. 0 nsurance Comâ€" Larcastre Fire London, Engâ€" Barrister BarTsox, {) 00 le at wareâ€" 10 to 10 to U to 25 to 510 to 40 to 07 to m» England, ince in force npany, and ams, and at (O0 64 wab Mort gage)â€" 40 24 ) i0 to $4 50 Durham Sparting. a yd. to to to to to to to to be to to a yd. yd yd. yds yd. yd, 0 10 12 6 50 5 60 2 0O 60 13 0 78 15 40 10 WORK FOR MEN ANJ» WOMEN, We pay 8 to #10 per week for sasy bhome work Child can do it. Ne Seheme, ‘vool-or Pod diing â€" This is boua file. Send sum& for work ni _ particalars at once. _THE SEYMOURSUP Lf C+ diso uis Tomple, Camden yNJ Issmm OF MARRIAGE LICEXSEs, Holâ€" stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reasonâ€" able distance, if desired. Holstein, January 14th. 1897 N . B,â€"To ensure a good job the Hides must be well salted as soon as ta ken off. By the New Process, which for Finish and Softâ€" nesg can‘t be beat. &\ Horse Hiles, Cow Hides, Dog Skins. Tanned suitable for _ Will be in Priceville the first Wednes day in each month,. Oflice at the Comâ€" mercial Hotel. ()FFI(’E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the â€" Durbham â€" Pharmaey â€" Calder‘ Block. â€" Residence first door west of th Fost Office, Durham. Elliott & Elliott, BARRISTERS. SOLIC!ITORS, CONVEYANCERS. &o. Offices :â€"Opposite TOWN HALL, Lowar Town, Durham F®"~ 5.000 to luan at lowest rates of Rosz Tanning ! DEAI.HR IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware of all descriptions, â€" Reâ€" f;liring a specialty. â€"UPPER TOWN, URH A M. DuURMHAM OFFICZ, Caiosm®‘s BLock, 3â€"45 1 Lower Town. LUCAS, WRIGHT, & BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, &c. MONEY TO LOANâ€"low rares© EASY TERMS LOWER TOWN By such:Standard Authors as Satisfaction Guaranteed. W. CLARK RUSSEL, MARIE CORELLI, HALL CAINE, A. CONAN DOYLE, EDNA LY/ LL, A SUPPLY OF THE Newest Novels . In Cloth and other Bindings with or without Music Presbyterian . . Book of Praise . Dr. T. G. KOLT L. D.S. Large Supply OF PUBLIC and High School Books DENTISTRY. W. S. HORSBURGH. HELP WANT "Dâ€"FE YMALE. interest McFARLANE & Go. Robe Tanning ! I. B. LuCas, + â€" W. H. WergeT, â€" C. Batsox, â€" + > A. CCRPDON. Exercise and Scribbling Books, Pencils, &c. ricbes & Goats Thos. Smith Mukdale. Owen Sound Durhaca. DURH AM Arways FEut TirEp.â€"* I sufifered with severe headache and loss of apâ€" petite and I always felt tired. I conâ€" cluded to try Hood‘s Sarsaparilla and after taking one bottle my headache disappeared. I continued taking it until now I am never troubled with headache and my appetite is good " LaURA GARLAND, 247 Clarmont St. Toâ€" ronto, Ont, Mixr CExTRE.â€"At this point is found these two popular Durhamites John L. and Dr. D. C, MceKenzie. _ We were much pleased to receive a letter from the former this week recounting his good fortune in that land of gold. HMe is owner of claim K. 3890 referred to in the clipping below, the Alice A. being K 191, just adjoining J. L‘s. He is proud of his location and thinks it just as valuable as the Alice A. He hbolds his claim at a large figure, and intends to organize a company to develop it, unless indeed a gilt edged offer tempts him to sell before. The published reâ€" ports from this district are he says not exaggeration, _ We heartily congratuâ€" late our young friend on his brilliant prospects. â€" Here is the item from the Toronto World. _ "The Alice H.â€" Work has just been commenced on the Alice A. a property consisting of locaâ€" tion K. 389 on Little Turtle Riyer to the northeast of the RandoIph. Thougb I did not yisit the claim I am told it is one of the best things yet found, baving a vein 30ft wide which pans gold all the way across its surface,. Development work is to be rithed. " Hood‘s Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headâ€" ache. AorxTs.â€"I am just starting the best thing for money making you have seen for mavy a day, _ Your name and adâ€" dress wiil bring the golden information, R. P. Grasgow, Toronto, Ont, 8. 8. Proxtcs,.â€"About two week ago Trinity Church 8. 8. held their annual outing in the grounds of Saugecen, Park with the usual accessories of swings, plays, etc. followed by the delightfal part, (to the youngsters) of a well set out table of good things. _ Wednesday of last week the Methodist 8. 8. were on the ground and unfortunately much of the day‘s pleasure was marred by rain,. However the indispensable Parker and Connor were equal to the occasion and hbad provided a tent for shelter, and the most was made of an untoward afternoon. The day following the Presâ€" byterians were fortunate in splendid weather, and the woods rang with a merry glee once more, â€" Mr. Allan, Rev. Mr. Jansen and Mr. Grant were the chiet workers, the two latter however drawing the line at tree climbing, Mr. Allan only being excelled in this line by such clever, agile fellows as L. Buchâ€" an, D. Munro, E. McClocklin and others. IN ALGOMA.â€"A recent number of the Rat Portage News contains an interestâ€" ing account of the visit of Hon. John Dryden to his namesake place where a Bentinck colony of Turnbulls, Smiths, ’ McDonalds, etc., are enjoying life and _caving out comfortable homes, Dryâ€" den is now a thriving village where but a year ago was nature‘s wilds, and on the occasion referred to its inhabitants had thrown dull care away and laid themselves out for a picnic. Minister Dryden and others made speeches and a varied programme of masic, recitations, etc. seems to have been carried out as if thoy were in civilized Bentinck still. Well ! Well! After they passed yotes of thanks in the usual way, the good people of Dryden had an evening‘s enâ€" jJoyment, tiil near morning. Guess how ? F. W. Hodson, Superintendent of Farmers‘ Institutes and Secretary of the Dominion Cattle, sheep and Swine Breeders‘ Associations, will occupy a tent on Toronto Fair Grouuds, just east of the Cattle Ring from Sept. 1si to 10th. Visiting farmers, stockmen. etc. are very cordially invited to call, and conâ€" fer with Mr. Hodson or with each other. Public Schools in town reopen Sept, Ist Wednesday of next week. The Model School reopens on Sept,. 2nd and studeuts are requested to be on hand for the opening day. Mr. Chas McDoungall son of Bentinck Collector arrived from Manitoulin on Saturday with 75 head of cattle. 2 car loads were fat cattle and were sent right on from Owen Sound, the others were stockers, The REeviEw till January 1838, for 25cts. Till Jany 1899, $1.25. Subâ€" scribe now, SCHOOL OPEXNINGS.â€"A full supply of all School needs "at right prices." H, Parker, Draggist, Servant Girl wanted, apply to Mrs, Jno, Cameron, Upper Town. To LET.â€"A house in Lower Town, Apply to J. M. HuxTER. PEA HARTESTER.â€"For a good service> able pea havester call at 8. T. Orchard‘s implement warerooms. Purham, Thur. August 197. Ohe Aurham Review. LOCAL AND GENERAL 12 : /# Miss Winnie Park came home Thursâ€" day from a summer‘s outing with friends in Southampton, WAlkerton and other places. S We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs, C. Elyidge in the loss of their little child, which died last Thursday. It was interred in the English Church Cemetery on Saturday. Miss C,. Moody, Lower Town, left for Colorado yesterday. Miss Ethel accomâ€" panies her. Mr. Wm. Moody and a sisâ€" ter are there. While we wish them a pleasant trip and a happy future, we reâ€" gret their loss to the town where the name Moody has long been a well known name _ Musical circles will especâ€" ially regret their loss. y Master Hermie Burnet, of the 4th Con., Glenelg, is visiting at his sister‘s in Stratford this week and will take in the excursion to Niagara. Rev, Chas. and Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. McLean, accompanied by Mrs. Ross, her son and daughter, Mrs. Robt. Rennie, another daughter, left Toronto for a sumnmer outing in Muskoka, about two weeks ago. They have rented a cottage and will be enjoying life in that fine climate. 7 DURHAM IN THE LEap.â€"Messrs Wim. Cameron, Thos. Carson and Angus Patâ€" erson were asked by Hanover Lacrosse team to go to Tara and play with them in a match game. â€" They went and they won, beating Tara 2 to 0. _ Our boys are Lacrosseists and are now looking toâ€" wiards Shelburne, the only reputable club they have not beaten this season. Mr. Wim. Cameron returned to his duties in Montreal on Tuesday. Miss A. Gun, came home last Friday from her holiday outing in Manitoulin. Messrs A. Jackson and Jas. Park atâ€" tended the Firemen‘s tournament in Walkerton on Friday last. Messrs Ross and Fraser who have been guests at Mr. Jno. Cameron‘s for 2 weeks, teft for home on Saturday. Miss Jean Renwick, Dromore, and Miss Jean Hastie, Egerton, visited friends in Durham Saturday last, Mr. V. E. Tanner, of Mt. Forest was guest at Mr. W. Johnston‘s one day last week and we bclieve enjoyed himâ€" self. Dr, Gun left Wednesday morning for Montreal to attend an important Mediâ€" cal Asscciation meeting. Mrs. and Mrs. Jas. Hughes, ot Hanâ€" over, were guests of their cousins the Misses, Hughes, of Town, on Sunday last. Mr. Hector McDonald, who has been teaching in Manitoulin is home on a visit to Bentinek friends. Mr. C. M. Culbertson, V. 8. of Meaâ€" ford was in town a few days lately. Mrs. Culbertson returued with him on Monday. Dr. J,. J. Poole late of Chicago and Miss Lily Poole of Mt, Hope are guests of their sister Mrs, Wolfe. Miss Maggie Colville and her brother John were visiting friends in Hanover and Maple Hill last week. Mr, Rombough, of Toronto, is visiting friends in town. He islooking well. Miss Lottie Beaton is visiting the Turnbull‘s in Walkerton. Mrs. McFarlane and her daughter were visiting friends in Chesley last week. Mr. C. Batty of Palmerston is yisiting her daughter Mrs, Walters. Willie Easton, of Toronto, son of Mr. Easton, a former town clerk of Durham, is visiting at Mr. W, Johnston for his holiday. Miss Lizzie Parrot went to Toronto last Saturday to remain their for a time. Miss Maud Davidson is a guest of Miss McEwan, Mt. Forest this week, WaxTED, CaNvaA8ssER®.â€"*Queen Vicâ€" toria : Her Life and Reign," has capturâ€" ed the British Empire. Extraordinary testimonials from the great men ; send for copy free, Marqus of Lorne says, ‘"The best popular Life of the Queen I have seen." Her Majesty sends a kind letter of appreciation. Selling by thousâ€" ands; gives enthusiastic satisfaction, Canvassers making $15 to $40 weekly, Prospectus free to agents, THE Brapâ€" LEyâ€"GaArRETSON Co; LIMITED, Toronto Ont. t ul in o onl oo e Oee s AOnee Hew PV RLoUHy 491 5, R. Watson got Ist prize for the best collection of grain, and we notice our able and versatile friend is chairman of the .@gricultural exhibits committee. They evidently know a good thing when they see it up there. _ Messrs T. and J, Whitmore, sons of Mr. Jno. Whitmore, north Egremont .also distinguished themselves and won a silver cupin the double scull race, coming in first by half a boat length. Well done Rainy River farmers. We haye gleaned these items from a copy of the Rat Portage News left at our office. FoRT FRANCES.â€"A great celebration was held here lately in honor of the 3rd Annual Civic holiday, It was a kind of fair and sporting day combined, and we notice among the prize winners in but« ter the name of Mrs. R. Watson, Mr. Bocial evening in the League next Monday. Come and be sociable. The new Presbyterian Book of Praise is for sale at McFariane‘s with and withâ€" out music, Call early. PERSONAL MENTION. TORONTO Candidates for Junior and Senior Leaving standing will be required to make 50 per cent of tne aggregate marks allowed in the subjects prescribed in each of the Forms or parts of Forms as well as oneâ€"third in each subject ; 67 per cent. of the aggregate will be required for honors. This examination will be conducted in 1898 by the High School Entrance Board of Examiners, and on the same course of study and under the same Reâ€" gulations as in 1897. Botany will, thereâ€" fore, not be required, and Physiology and Telulperance will, as formerly, be one of the subjects of examination, High School pupils are not eligible to write av this examination. FIRST FORM EXAMINATION, This examination, which is open to all pupils, will be couducted as heretoâ€" fore the course embracing Reading, Writing and Bookâ€"keeping, Drawing, Geography, and Botary. First Form certificate will have the same qualifyâ€" ing value for Teachers‘ certificates as Pubtlic School Leaying certificates. JUNIOR AND SENIOR LEAVING, Regulation 46 is amended so as to alâ€" low at the Form IIL. examination for Junior Leaving the following options :â€" (a) French and Greek. (b) German and Greek. (::) Frence, German, and Chemistry, (d) French, Physics and Che.mistry. (e) German. Physics, and Chemistry. (}) Botany Physics, and UChemistry. The oblifiwry sgubjects of Form JI. for Junior avill:éx are as already preâ€" scribed, â€" viz. :â€"English Comfi»eitmn. English Literature, Ancient History, Algebra, Geometry, and Latin, Inspectors and High School Principals have,been furnished with the following information regarding the requirements for next years High Schooi Examinaâ€" tions :â€" Regulations for 1898 Examinations. From Wednesday‘s papers we cull the following names ot the successful candiâ€" dates : Writing in Owen Sound, 3rd form :â€" M. Hutton, J. James, Edith Leeson, Amy _ Meredith, Gertie Meredith, D. A. McIntosh, John McKinnon, A. Meâ€" Millan, NMettie McMillan, Cassie Putherâ€" bough, E. J. Treadgold, Maggie Weir, John P. Whelan. Form IV;:â€"J, Betty, J. Brown, T. W. Collinson, Hattie E. Moffat, A. W. Robson,. Writing in Harrisonâ€"Form IVâ€"Part I;:â€"Arthur Laidlaw, Lizzie Laidlaw. Writing in Meafordâ€"Form IIIâ€"Lena Wolfe. ’ On Wednesday, 25th inst., at 6 a. m., while the sun was breaking through the clouds and promising a glorious day, a very quiet and vnexpected wedding took place in Trinity Church. The con tracting parties were Mr. C. McArthur‘ Merchant, Durham, and Miss Matria Whitmore. _ Rey. Mr. Connor was the officiating Clergyman, Rev, Mr. Mcâ€" Gregor being present. The bride was led to the altar by her father and was assisted by her cousin Miss Augelne Whitmore both being becomingly atâ€" tired in travelling costume. Mr. Jno. Graham, â€" Edgehill, was groomsman. The ceremony over, the bridal party drove to the Station, where they were plentifully besprinkled with matrimoniâ€" al rice, and as the train rolled out with: the blissful couple, two torpedoes were i exploded, causing quite a sensulinu.‘ Mr, McArthur and his lovely bride will | have the best wishes of a very large circle of friends, and the REVIEW very heartily wishes them a happy future, THE A FULL LINE OF . , SCHOOL SUPPLIES SLATES PENCILS PENS, &c SCHOOL 6 0 0 K S Durham Pharmacy. THIRD AND FOURTH FORM RESULTS. PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. STUDENTS READ THIS. Scribbling Books HYMENEAL. And Stationery AT Edgebillites to the number of about 40 picmoed at Hayward‘s Falis on Tues: day of last week. This has become an unuual eyeut, _A most enjoyable duy was spept by ail preseit, una Mr. and Mrs. Falkingham were as usual all kindness aud made the visiters welcome aud com fortable. Miss Sadie Ector gave a garden party on Friday evoning to ber numerons friends in Edge Hill. Varions games were play: ed on the lawn uniil about 10 o‘clock when the purty witharew into the Louse where a provraumme of music and song was gone through. _ Altogethur a very pleasaut eveuing was spent. Mr. Geo. Wuilliams, of International Bmndge, OUnt. who works ou the Canudian diviion of the N. Y. Central Rwlroad is spending a few well doseryed bolidays on the Aveune. Mr. J. W, Firth and sister visited friend in Proton and other towuships east of us. He reports the crops on his line of travel as looking very well, This takes time and money. We beâ€" lieve if a committee of say one or more could be appointed from the town counâ€" cil each church management, the fire brigade, our Societies, &c, to confer with the cemetery company at some of its meetings a plan of improvement might be decided upon, and means taken to secure some of the improvements we have outlined, A spot could be made that we would be proud of, that would attract outside picnickers and anyway we would be doing something that posâ€" terity would thank us for, and giye ourâ€". selves pleasure meanwhile. ]‘ Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Firth, of Melancthon Tp. were ut Edge HMill on a business trip last week. Among the improvements cecessary are a walk or even a driveway, round the outside of the bounds, an even stretch laid out and made suitable for races and other sports, the tables alâ€" ready there extended and covered, similar protection to booth and cutting tables, and some simple rustic seats placed at accessible spots on the river banks anad other places. The cemetery company we under. stand haye control of the park, and it must be gratifying to them to find it being used for its intended purpose, We think the interest taken in it this summer should stimulate them to take t0 take steps to furtber enhance its attractiveness. This attractiye spot has been utilized this year by our Fire Brigade and three of our Sunday schools for picnic purâ€" poses, and we are disposed to sound a note of praise in honor of the romantic spot, and make a few suggestions, The most complete Live Stock Building in America. â€" More improveâ€" ments and extensive additions this year. Every Stockman, Agriculturâ€" ist, Manufacturer, Dairyman, Artist, Investor, etc., etc. specially invited. Entries close Seot 9th, in all departments. Suceoss assured. 1 THME ARIB PRINCE, has heen s®secured to furnish and Sm HDSSEN BBN ALI euperintend the Stage Attractions. Auction Sele of Booths and Privileges, Aug 15th. on the grounds at 2 p m, For Priza Lists, Programme and Maps, apply to LT.â€"COL. P. B. LBYS, President. _ TEOS A. BROWNE, Secretary SEPT. 8TU TO 187", 1 897. CANADA‘S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION WEST EKRKN FAlR.onpon Fire Insurance Binder Twin Harvesting BIG â€" _â€"â€"_ Marriage Licenses issued. Durham Lower Town Implement Warerooms. SAUGEEN PARK. TUWN EDGE HILL. MACHINERY, Of All KINDS â€"«_â€" TGRLGELr. Everything at BIG 4 Pricesâ€"Which are the lowestâ€"‘ And ONE PRICE TO ALJL 0 0o _ FALL GOODS are coming in. o _ o |.) Om e To the Big 4 for Bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes Tinware, Whips, &c., &c. Promp!ly attended to _ Large amount of maney. to loan at 5 per cent 10 6 per cent interest, At RIGHT PRICES Bean & Go. WAXNTED.â€"Men and women who can work hard talking and writing six hours daily, for six days a week, and will be content with ten dollars weoklg. Adâ€" driess, NEw IDEAS CO., Medical Building T wonto, Ont. August 3.d4, 1897. The undersigned will receive applicaâ€" tions up to Sept,. 15th next for the posiâ€" tion of teacher in 8. 8, No. 1, Glenelg. Must bave a Normal School certificace. Duties to begin Jan. 3, 1898, State exâ€" perience, AuEx. BIixXxIE, Durham P. O, Grora® . TuoxeE®r, Box 257, Portage La Prairie, Man. Lot 49, concession 2, Glenelg. Withâ€" im two miles of the town of Durham. This is a good farm. Good stone house, frame baurn, good orchard, well watered convenient to market, _ Will be sold cheap. â€" For particulars u{;pl{ to Joux McK BonNIE, 2th inst, stulin;; exact age and certifiâ€" cate. 4k *A Durham Model School will re open on Sept, 2nd. Those who haye obtained a {full Primary Cetificate, or a higher standing, and who will be eighteen years of age before the close of the term may be admitted, _ Any who purpose attendâ€" ing should notify me on or before the I On Thursday last our ** Atheletics" ndded another win to their list of vieâ€" tories for this season, when they deâ€" feated the Hanover Lacrossists on their own grounds, by a score of 3 to 1. As several of our regular players were unâ€" able to get away we can excuse our boys if they feel a little proud of their success The players with their positions were : Booth Goal Carson Briggs Point Grant Laughenslaugher C. Point G:iaham Smail 1st Def, Mcelntyre Grant 2nd Def. OUrawrord Wiggins 3rd Def. Sutherland Reaker Centre Patterson Mertlinger S1d Home Wright Weaver 2nd Home Colville MceClung Ist Mome Cameron Wendort QOutside Home MceFarlane Reaburn Inside Home Munro Mr. A. Jackson refereed the fume in an able manner, while Mr. Reaburn, of Hanover and Mr. J. G, Park, of Durâ€" ham, as impartial umpires, cannot be beaten. We think the town should take a greater interest in the f«m« as the boys are playing excellent lacrosse, MODEL SCHOOL REOPENING. MALE TEACKHER WANTED. FARM FOR SALE. Durham Downs Hanover. LACROCSE. or to Joux McKk zon®I®, Rocoky Saugeen, Tnos. ALLAN.

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