West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Aug 1897, p. 8

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3 If you want to make $150.00 during July and August, in a good cause, write pr wire me quickly. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont. Dawsen‘s Golden Chaff New Columbia Imperial Ambver Ba::‘? person wishing ene of these sets should write to the Experimentalist, Agricultural C:Hege, Guelph, mentionâ€" ing which set he desires ; and the grain, with instructions for testing, and the blank form on which to ruLmrt, will be furnished free of cost to his address. ntil the supply of grain for distributâ€" k becomes exhausted, _ 8SKT xo. 1 8ET xo. 2. Dawson‘s Golden Chaf Dawson‘s Goid«n Cbaff Early Genesee Giant Pride of Gomesee p‘] Red Ciawson Poole ort the results after harvest next vear. l‘be seed will be sent out in the order in The average results of an experiâ€" ment conducted ftor five years in sue eession, in sowing winter wheat at dif ferent dates in the autumn, show that e seedings of Sefteu:ber 2nd and 8rd gave } of a bushel per acre more‘"than the seedings of September 7th and 9th and 7}$ bushels per acre more than the seedings ot September 17th and 20th It is found that is is not usually advisâ€" able to sow winter wheat in the vicinity .of Guelph later than September 9th. PREVEXTION OF SMUT IN wHEZ\T. An experiment in treating seed wheat for the prevention of smut has been conducted for two years with quite satisfactory results. _ Infected geed wheat not treated for smut proâ€" duced a crop containing an average of 2146 smut balls per bushel of grain f while that treated with Potassium sulphide produced an average of 109 .bals)so( smut ; that treated with Cepâ€" per Sulphate, 12 balls of smut; and that treated with hot water 9 balls of smut per bushel of grain. _ The hot water treatment which is one of the @heapest and most effectual remedics, consists in immersing seed wheat for fitteen minctes in hot water at a tem perature of 132 degrees F. The water should not go beiow 130 and not above 135 degrees. Not only is the hot water treatment vory eifectual in killing the smut spores, but it frequently improves the productive power of the seed, as shown by the the increased yeald of grain per acre. _ Every farmer in smut infected districts should treat sufâ€" ficient seed to insure the harvesting of Clean grain for seed next year. DISTRIBUTING OF SEKRD FOR TESTING PURPOSE*, The following three sets of winter awheat varicties will be sent free, by mail in oneâ€"half pound lots of each varâ€" jety, to farmers applying for them, who ’ will carefully test the three kinds in the set in which they choose, and will reâ€" which the applivulinu; are vl(‘u.ly“ed ;I'\' long as the supply lasts, , was conuucted in Guplicate. «dn the average of four years‘ experâ€" Aments in cutting two yvarieties of grain .at five different stages of ripening,ithe results show that the grain cut before wat wity does not give as large a yvield as th..t which was allowed to tecome dully ripened _ ‘The details of this exâ€" periment can be more fully studied when they are printed in the annual report of the College for 1897. * hy C " io: ui o "etainte Ainczacaiads Indrabsiad Seiard ud 6 45 bushels per acre more than .shrunken seed ; and 423 bushels per .aere more than the seed which had «been broken w‘th the machine in thrashing. _ The same number of winâ€" ter wheat grains were used in the dif iferent selections, and the experiment was conducted in duplicate. Large plamp seed sown in the auâ€" tumn of 1896 produced 3g bushels per aere more than the small plamp seed ; Lana upon which peas were used as a green manure in 1896 produced a .considerable larger yield of winter wheat per acre than similar land upon which rape or buckwheat had been us .ed as a green manure, or which had been worked as a bare summer fallow. ‘This experiment was conducted in duplicate, but tor only one year. It is Althuagh the comparative order of «the yields of these seven varieties are not the same in 1887 as in the average .of four years, still the fact that they gave the largest yields in both cases among all the yvarieties tested is a very important feature in the experiâ€" . ment. ___C, A. ZaAVITZ, Experimentalist icyltyral College, Guelph, Aug. 14th, being repeated this season in a similar way. In an experiment with ninety one varieties of winter wheat, grown under similar conditions in 1897, it is found <that the seven varieties which stand highest in yield of grain per acre are the same seven varieties which have given the largest yield of grain per acre among eightyâ€"six varieties grown .on the experimental plots tor four years in succession. â€" The following list gives «the names of theseseven varieties with ithe average yield per acre fr four years, and aiso with the average yield per acre for this season. VariktrkEs Ayerage yield Yield. 1897 . 4 years $ Dawsor‘s Golden Chaff, _ 53.4 bus. 33.5 bus. Early Red Ciawson, 50 6 58.4 " ‘ Ezjptian 4 50.4 " 528 " Farly cenesee Giant, Reliable, Golden Drop, Impertal Amber, ‘have been devtted to winter wheat experiments this season at the Ontario Agricultural »College. Owing to the late harvest and exceedingly wet seaâ€" â€"son no Winter Wheat Bulletin can be issued this year in time to be of much practical seryice before the period of winter wheat seeding is reached. ; RESULT OF _ WINTER WHEAT EXPERâ€" One hundred and eightyâ€"nine plots IMENTS AT THE ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLâ€" TEACHERS 49 0 51.0 P, heith $1: 75 ; Graue hiil and ditch weet side‘ 50 it 6 in. tire, ditch 2 fi. deep, i0 Aibert Yake §$6 75; Tightening nuts on bridge and cleaning di.:t off bridge, to ; Walter Belton $4 ; 260 1t, of tile diich 18 PP ITHY NCEETIIA a4 rde, 16 ft. wide posts at each end in al.l". to Geo Beiton. $3) ; Grade on top of Iiil 14 rods, 20 ft. wide posts and railing to P. Keith $12: 75 ; Graue hi and ditch west gndo‘ 60 t 6 in. tile: diromn t Be: Spvus, engl Bye and Rusze!l reported on sidebank roud Raisuells bill as follows: â€"Gradin 22 rde«, 16 ft. widke nosts at auay _ "p s l ao Melunisâ€"Byeâ€"That C. MecInnis reâ€" pair the bmdges at lots 13 14 and put a railing on the one at lot 14, Rusuellâ€"Byeâ€"â€"That Win report be adopted aud ord Carrie i. about removal of said dli“\'()u'-’â€"."" Byeâ€"Leithâ€"â€"That the reeve‘s report re, Contt‘s bridge be alopted, and that he carry out fhis recom mendations.â€"Carried. Ww. 8, Horsburgh, com, for Holstein, yave a detailed statement of expenditare of $32 02 com. tax ot rateprnyers in said village, on streets and sidewalks. mUavenittg Opposite 10ts 22, con. 22 to Jos Philips for $14. Work completed, payâ€" ment recommended, Byeâ€"Rusnellâ€"That councillor Leith‘s veport be adopted and orders granted, ind he receive $1 com.â€"Carred. Melnuisâ€"Rusvellâ€"That Win. Wilfer be pard $9 payment of board for Wm. Willams for six weeks from the 30th day f June laâ€"t.â€"Cartied. The reeve reporied that he had examinâ€" ed bridge known as Coutt‘s Baselme. and recommended a new bridge 35 f6. span, «dso clearing driftwood be‘ow the bridge, and that Geo, Shielis be imnterviewed about removal of said Aviftcrn..3 Gentliemen.â€"The members of Egreâ€" mont conseil beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your resolutson passed in Mt. Forest by the Town Council ? We shal long remomber our yisit to Mt. For. est on Jubilee day, and the kindvess reâ€" ceived by the cilizeus of that towu.â€"Carâ€" ried. Mr, Leith reported that he let the job of a culvert opposite lots 19, con. 17â€" 18 to Thos. Walmsley for $7.75, Also 24 15 rods, ditching opposite lots 19, con. 17 to Daniel Robertson tor $7.25. Also 26 rods gravyelling Opposite lots 22, con, 22 to Jos Philips for $14. Work completed, payâ€" ment recommended, Leithâ€"MceInnisâ€"To the Mayor and Conncil of Mt, Fore:t. In reply to a resolution passed snd forâ€" warded by the council of Mt. Forst to this conveil the following.motion was present. + ; Leithâ€"Rusnellâ€"That the reeve‘s rsâ€" port be adopted and order granted.â€"Carâ€" ried. The reeve reported that he got the coyâ€" ermmg and rep. the bridge at Ellis‘ Black. smith shop, Holstein, by Wim. S. Hors burgh for $2.25 and recommended payâ€" imeut of the same. Byeâ€"Leith That foregoing report adopted orders granted.â€"Carried, Byeâ€" Mceirnisâ€"‘That Coun. Leith 1 in a eulvert on sideline north of S kett‘s corner,â€"Carried \r. Ruasuell reported that he let 16 rods graling on Egremont avd Prâ€"toum townâ€" ‘ine, to Juhn Dory for $2.40, rep. culvert 20¢, total $2.60 Egt‘s. share $1.30 also litching on said townline 18 rds, to J. Kuipt for $2.16 and filling hole with «tones ind eauth $2.28, total $4.44, Egi‘s, share $2 22. _ Work completed, payment recomâ€" imended. Council met Aus, 13th on motion of Leith and Russnell, that the minutes as amended and read be adopted. Yeas, Dickson, Leith, Bye and Rusnell, Nays, MceInnis.â€"Carried, Mr. McInnis reported that he let the jJob of rep. bridge at Jas, Coutts‘ to \Vm,‘Ale:deen for $3.25 and one addiâ€" tional log for 40¢, towal $3,65. Also reâ€" movying drift wood and underbrush at Merchant‘s bridge, to Alex. Merchant for $3.97. _ Work completed. payment recommended. Letthâ€"Russnellâ€"That foregoing reâ€" ports be adopted and orders granted.â€" Carried, # ROGERKS Eaxtra No. 1 " Peerless" Machine Oil (Cheaper in larger quantities to Threshers and others; positivel SNATHS and CRADLES now in stock. SCYTHES and SCYTHE STONES. BEST XX X White Wine Vinegar ‘ Fearman‘s Delicious Hams & Shoulders 32 cents a Gallon. always in Stock. tz x Hadn‘t an otd one left over. See these. Of course they‘re the latest. Lo Acta >mmmww Deal out your next Tinnet of Butter here. There‘s a pleasure in ighess Prices For Butter & Eggs. being able to get everything you want at prices that please, ALL UNDER OME Roopm, c*3 New Fall Boots & Shoes KINDS LCONGEST WEARING â€" THE EGREMONT COUNCIL. Large range of Dark and Heavy Shirtings, JUST IN. Also, a Snap in COTTONADE SHIRTINGS _ Regular, 20 cts., going at 15â€"cts a yard. f 24444420088 4 packages Best American Corn Starch, for 25 cents Tuesday. French Sard‘nes, 5 cts a Box. Mixed Pickles, 8ctsa Bottle. #8@* Our 5 cent Pickling spice is a star. in larger quantities to Threshers and others; positively the best &â€"c};éz-qâ€"x;t E)â€"il-i-n'C;b;n'd‘;‘) NEW FALL FELT BLACK AND DARK BRUOWN FEDORA HATS,* eeenemmnmnsmmenenntem n ammmnee s anenteeenmemmmemnemnmennes c mmmmmemmzsasdtzns on aame sn commmanyamntenanmme mm e acemewnr mc ol =â€"c . dations.â€"Carried. com. for Holstein, it of expenditare rateprnyers in said Vim. Horsbursh‘s order granted.â€" Leith put I. A. HUNEER S Bought in Lots big enough to lessen ; the pricesâ€"Hence we naturally do the 1" : largest slice of the Boot sellingâ€"This Zg ; month we‘ve‘ all the sizes â€" Next%:gj] i monthâ€"but likely enoagh they‘ll beyy =sold before next month comes. For%l 2the boys : a great school boot in ciled 25 g grained leather, double thick soles,â€"ax." y Men‘s too, ail priced fairly. fi "OMQQOQQQQSQO‘Q‘“‘QM“ a0 T comol es 8 han c secans Bm B o 9 "oke APAR Te PnAE between Cope, 7â€"8 at lots 20 and 21, and the clesk prepare the neces=ary Byâ€"law for that purpose and that ali puriies affected by eaid Byâ€"law be duly nutified to that effect.â€"Carried, Resolved that the lollowing acconnt~ he paid :â€"Chas. Kerr rep. scraper, 25 ; J.... Renwick. com. tax $1 ; Juas. Couits, timâ€" ber $1.50; Jn«. Hincks, grayel $1.23; R..1 Sim, do. 20¢ ; do. timber $1 ; F G. Dillon. ¥°"‘ g10 on printiog acconnt.â€"Carsied. Melunisâ€"Byeâ€"That leaye be rgranted to intro.Ince a Byâ€"law for the purpose of altering the road nllowance n iderosd McInnieâ€"Le%t,hâ€"'l'hnt for be adopted.â€"Carried. Melunisâ€"Leithâ€"That C. paid $18 on printiog acconnt to have a new bridge burit.â€"GCuried. The reeve reported thâ€"t he had seen George Shilds respeciing removal of drift nnod and he agreed to remove it hix self. Leithâ€"Rusoeltâ€"That foregoing report be adopted and Mr. Mclunis be lustructed to have a new bridoe burit _â€"(CM..»in3 Mr. Melnunis reported that since the driftwood was removed from Merchant‘s bridge it appears to be necessary to build a new bridge. It should be of two separ ate structures and the space between filed in. Leith Rasneliâ€"That f be nsdopred.â€"Carried, _ That foregoing report be adopted, and orders granted, and Mr. Bye receme $3 and Wim. Rusuell $2 as com.â€"Curried. __ A communication from Wm. MeLuhan claiming damages to a yehicle while traâ€" velling on Egremont and Proton townline wasâ€" read. _ Resolved that no action be taken in the ca<e.â€"Carried. The reeve reported that he had exam ined the diiches at John Plulips‘ con. 15 16 and recommenied spending #15, that 10 rods be maude on con. to connect with Bunston‘s dram, and 50 rods on sideroad, l balance to be spent on con. ed. inches deep 24 inches tile to David Bye $7.50, He found tiles. 12 posts 8 1t. 4 inclhes in ground 4} (t. higb, close board. ed, to Dayid Bye $7; 180 ft. railing 5 in. thick, spiked and wired to poâ€"ts, 40 ft. round logs for protection at tirn at East end of sidebank roal to Dav} Bye for #8.75. Work done, payiment recomn. en â€" READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING _ _ DRY ۩OODS, GROCERIES, AND | BOOTS & sHors OF THE SEASON THE BOOM Call and investigate our goods and Prices and we are sure you will go away entirely satisficd. a ull blast at It means the highest price for EGGS and BUTTER in exchange for the cheapest GOODS of best QUALITY, OUR COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS aArr ‘2°72 JV9G whii £0 away enlirely satisfied. C. MARTHLUFR ‘â€"Tllat C. Rq.ma.qe ve â€"That foregoing repor 12 wegoing report . Thick and Lasting ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORoNTO 1 H®s Durham, by ; die HUGH MacKAY, AvcrrornErr, | 4 the following valuable farm prupert.y:g]i[.'}; in the ‘Township of Bentinck in the Aip: Conuty of Grey, containing by ad. ’g} measurement 150 acres (more or lch,)fi_'_-!‘E of splendid farm land, composed of lot j 3',[: number 23 in the 12th Concession of | 5i;; the Township of Bentinck and als>] 4}â€" that part of lot 22 on the said l2tlnla‘t‘ concession of the said township of | l‘g' ’Bem,inck, conveyed by une Elizabeth 192 Wilson to one Peter Kiechtel by decd | 2 already registered in the Registry 37 Oflice for the South Riding of the ghz County of Grey, and in said deed ar more particularly described. _ For _j? terms and particulars apply to . ans MRS. J. H. HUXNTER, or to J. A, HUNTER, | 4C D.ited at Durham August 2nd ‘97 | at the hour of two o‘clock p. L power of Sale contained in a certain on Indenture of Mortgage made by one ; JC Edward James Cross, which will be air produced at time of sale. there will be 8e «ffered for Sale by Public Auction, on 3,3: SATURDAY, the 4h of Sopt. 97. }¢ OF FARM PROPERTY IN THE Township of Bentirek in Co. of CGrey School trustees will please haye eslimates io that date. Mceliunisâ€"TLeithâ€"That meet on Sept. 29th, to a aud strike the rates and C Carried, gravel $2.83 ; F. Jorsan . Hamilton, do, §$3.13; P. D $1,50; H, Donulis, gravel do. 70¢; Thos. Hill com Evans, timber §1‘25 ; Jno I Jas. E(‘Cl*‘»“. do. 81 B0 + \V / ts Ned Toet Jolm MeDounal4. do. express charges 20¢; seraper 153, NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF BRITISH HOTEL JJe rthur‘s Mortgage Sale â€" London Styles, where to get them has taught us Experience 9 ce o ons 29th, to appoins collectors rates and other business.â€" UPPER YOWN GO0O Years loraan do $4 10 ; Jno,. 8 ; P. Dickson,. timber _ gravel $3 ; 1D). Keth, ill ecom. trx $2; W in 5 ; Jno Ker, grave} $1 * hss snnX 6 W. Cowan. do. 40e $8.83 ; H. Ham & ALLAN, Clerk. ) 380 Urqubart, re; . mn. at the per Gallon a‘journ to their Insurance effected on all kinds of proâ€" rert y at_lowest carrent rates, Dwel‘ ings and their contents insured on the most favorable terms. Losses promptly and Liberally settled RV. BBWAR A WISOY, Brocdiyn Haw To WESTERN ASSUAANCE! â€" JACKsONS 42 The only frstâ€"class Heartse in town. %% TO Call or communicate with Un derteking gne Fmbo‘ming on ~atest rin ciplos at reasonable ~~toe,. Furniture of the Best Fake ALWAYS ON HAXD. PICTURE FRAMINC A SFEOiAL7TY Would intimate that she will contimue the Furniture and Undertaking Business esiabâ€" lished by her father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give all o‘d and new cu=tem ors the same entire satisfociion FU;MTURE AND UXD NMIWENS Office Remember the «standâ€"â€"opposite the Market, Durham, FIRE AND MARINE. MISS SHXZWELL %} +. C.» 5 CoXNSUMPTIYES MISS SHE WE LL GOMPANY. ©Ield Aam Ro z‘ pe" "* BAhe â€"FULL LiNE OFâ€"â€" Butter and Eggs Bargains in Children‘s Suits For the month of July. We interd making this, One 9 the best, if not The best months for Children‘s suits We lave evrer had. C. RAMAGE ‘â€" HARQ GIVING A DRIVE IN SOME ODD PAIRS OF OXFORDS. FRANT SAD . L. GRANT, went taken in Exch: We have a few pieces of light prints, regular price 12zlc, they are large patâ€" terns. Now to clear out, we make them 8Bce. _ At these prices they should not last 10nJ. APrrems.. _ ‘Money to lond. Noney invested tor '.f Parties. Farms bought and sola. A general financial business transacted Office next door to Standard Bauk Durham David JACKSON, JF.» ciers piv. o Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissiconers. The undersigned offers for rent that desirable park lot, village of â€" Priceyilfe, formerly by the late James Cameron, tains 13 acres all under cultivati the lot is a good house, an« also a good henvring Orcland LOWER TOWN WANTED.â€"Intelligent mer»_ with good education to whom $600 and exâ€" poenses for the first year would be an inducement. _ Wwrice wich full particuls ars, THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond St, West., Toronto. Ont. F have tried several remedies for rheuâ€" matism, so.ue of which did me a certain amounlt of good, but nothing that I have taken has done so much for me as your Phrenoline, and I have much pleaâ€" sure in recommending it vo other euf* fors. 571 St. PaTrIcK StrReet, OTrawa, July 31st, 1896 To the Phrenoline Medwine Co., Ltd, Oltarwa, Ont. GEXTLEMEX.â€"On the advice of a friend tried one bottle of your famous rheunmatic remedy, Phrenoline, and t my surprise it cured me of rheumatism, from which I haye suffered for many years. It also cured nme of dyss\epsiu, 1. which I was suffering at the time, what I fsel now like a new man. CcoNVEYaAaAxcERrs. Rhenzatism & Dyspepsia Curst. Yours very truly Only by H. PARKER, Durham. Ur § 13 acres all under cultivation. On lot is a good house, and barn a good beavring Orchard r terms of sale or rent apply to % igned) J A ME3 CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau canal PARK LOT or Bale or to Rent. ol sale or rent apply to JOIHN MeINXtS, sefs dysllwpsiu, from at the time, so Priceville _ sale or t, in the y owned Lot conâ€" Durham, June 15 A few GO0 LARGE ST Pea Harces One Car zt â€" CAN Maxwell Bi "TLseri thunkg past Co nvinJ will m "Lar TDDuw~h

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