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Durham Review (1897), 7 Oct 1897, p. 9

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sransacted 00 all pointe. allowod at eq@rreat auk doposits ol #1 tiou and every fas at a Liatance . CAN A DA. rine: pal tabe i luobap Ua!ptoo‘ 3tated EX YEAiRa RLL'. “...- . Toronto "I(.n’ Li o ip come ER t meis A 8@ Morning. overy & that ENCY FRIEND Geo. P. Reid, Manages A NK CORZ3 , [X ADYVANCKR or & Propristo® of Canada i a 5 CGARAFRAXA I EVERT RETVEV $3,000,004 1,000,00€ 600,008 In less than eighteen months from the sensational find at Buningyong., 50000 people tented on the Ballarat field, picking, dishing or kicking for gold. From that day, in 1854, until now there have never been less than 40,00) miners on the field. There are now nearly 100000 people in the city of Ballarat, living on the hundreds of ~â€"miles of drives beneath it, the Band ind Albion claim aglone baving nearâ€" ly 100 miles of drives and shafits nearâ€" ly 3,000 feet deep. So mad was the rush and so eager the crowd that no one thought of taking time to build a house. For yearsâ€"until the alluvial country was immeasurably turne.l over or pegged into fixed claims and the Bendigo "rush" diverted the streamâ€" the city of Ballarat was a city of white tents. The first brick chimney was a curios.ty. It remains to be said that. the aborâ€" iginal meaning of baalâ€"aâ€"arat is "withâ€" out a rat." The fact is that there is not a rat in the mogern well builtcity of 100 000 inhavbitants. Those who have attempted to explain this curious cirâ€" cumstance say that it is because of the mineral character of the whole country. Perhaps the hungry miners either exterminated the breed by eatâ€" ing them or so cleaned upall the availâ€" able food at the terribly high price of it that the domestic mouse starved on the cheee cloth. Miners arrived much faâ€"ter than food. They walked, and rode everything, which could carry them, seldom thinking of food or the price of it. But that is true of every gold field. and every feverish rush to a new field. The sucooed'mi generâ€" ations of man never did profit by the poverty, suffering and failures of the ones before it in gold mining. _ The old fever hes lost nonme of its fervor or folly. The old surface miner left Ballarat diggings nearly a quarter of acentury azo when systematic reefing set it to m.ne the rock in the boweis of the earth. _ The last sâ€"nsation on this faâ€" mous field was in i87+ when the Hirschâ€" field "pot" was siruck, Some one found a sandlode in & yard and folâ€" lowed it into a gutter. It was called "golden gully." It was simply asandâ€" wash lodged in a small rift, or was the filling up of a small ditch from some rich source. More than 1,000 ounces of gold were tazen from it, which nctted the owner $25,000, and set every crazy loon to digging up his yard for an expected find. There were over 20 "Mother Hirschfield," "sister Hirschfield," and "Queen Hirschfiel<," and with some designating number or prefix namel aiter the original ditch It is now extinct. Another, the "Goliâ€"Pointâ€"Gutter," took out $300,000 0. ailuvial gold In its ten years of tent and semiâ€" tent life Baliarat put more than twice as much gold in the ground in search of the metal than she took out. It came from other parts, so she did not feel the strain. And as millions of it came from abroad. Australia did not feel it. mhe only fo.t the unrest and the temporary high price of living enâ€" tailed. ‘Lhe cost of living in such an inacâ€" per uay. Thus 190.00) mineis were putâ€" ting $1,000,000 a cay in the ground and taking out less than $250,000. But no one thou@ht of that. Men everyâ€" where was making rich finds, and the goid escorts were carrying away large amounts of gold. These were inflamâ€" mabie facts which lured anew batch and painted a new yeilow hope to the erstwhiie unlucky diggers. Bendigo was 70 miles away and was as rich nearly as Ballarat, whiles nuggety patches chained the road between at Maryboro, Cluneo, Cuswick and other places. One could almost speak from man to man along the whole distance, fo: men tramped Lack andforth excitâ€" i by each new sensational find, passâ€" inz the news along. Every hill and dale was alive with men in The gold escorts which carried the fabulous treasures into Melbourne gave that 100 miies of country the aspect of a military patrol. Every tongue told of the new Eldorado, but no one toid of the suliering and chagrin of the uniucky ones, ana no one found his head cool enouzh to figure out the los an alluvial field was to the counâ€" try. Men foolishiy sold their farms, stock, stores, boats, jewels or whatâ€" evaer they had and rushed pell mell to this excited canvas city, hail prepared, and either ate and tramped out their goid in search oi more gold or had it mercilessly taken from them. ut tool or pan, who simply walked about the field and picked up the yelâ€" low ‘"pebbled" as they could find them among the sand and stones which they scalttered with the toes of theirshoes. They kicked for gold; strange to say, they were highly rewarded for their silly effortâ€"silly from aminer‘s standâ€" point. Ru KLONDIKE. _ Aund the Diggings were Really Richerâ€"Men who Kicked Fortuuces from the Sandâ€"A Big Nugget. IN ITS TIME WAs JUST AS BAD AS AUSTRALIAN GOLD CRAZE | Kidnoy Trouble Cured. BEARCH OF THE CRAVED METAL, IN FORTYâ€"FOUR DAYS. IT STILL STANDS. | enumerated some of kis ailments and how he was cured. About two years ago he said, "my whole digestive apâ€" | paratus seemed to become _ disâ€" ordered. Bome _ days I _ could move around, then again Iwould ta, powers of modern business men, and exposes them to the attacks of certain diseases. Considering that much depends on heath in this strugâ€" gle, it behooves those who would be | victorious, to guard against the first ‘approach of _ disease. _ Neglect of ear.y adjustment of digestive and kidney disordersis often fraught with dire results, added to this is the unparâ€" donable trifling with health by e:genâ€" menting withail manner of worthless decoctions. It is simpiy invaluable to maks the acqurintance of asafe and effective remedy suchas Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. James Macpherson, hotel keeper in the vilage of Lancaster, G.engarry county, has done business tor a number of years in Lancaster, and having successfuily catered for the patronage of the travelling public ;therefom isla.vorabiz known not only at home but also abroad. In converâ€" sation with a nev;l?pcper reporter he | enumerated some Fis allments and Is Not More Entbhusiastic Than Are the Praises of the Thousands who are Living Toâ€"day â€" Because _ of South American Kidney Cure. Thousands verify what is claimed of South American Kidney Cure. Greatâ€" est, safest, quickest acting, permaâ€" nent results. A specific for kidney disâ€" orders in younz or old, male or female. It enjoys the distinction of a hearty recommendation by most eminent m- sicians. It relieves distressing kidney discase in six bours. Never fails to the circulation, and eradicates from the system all solidsand foreign subâ€" stances which clog up these sanitery organs of the human anatomy. You test what others have proved. These words from a letter received toâ€"day: "I despaired ,of recovery until I used South American Kidney Cure." discase in six bours. Never fails to cure if persisted in. Acts directli on tha â€" ateanlatinm amed awaiAautkun ram The readers of this paper will be pleased to {earn that there is atleast one dreaded discass that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh,. Hail‘s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known lto the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a conâ€" stitutional disea=c, requires a consiitutional treatment. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is taken inâ€" lernally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby deâ€" ntroylna’ the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength byâ€"building up the conatitution and assisting natnre in doinÂ¥ ite work. The proprietors have so much faith in it« curative powers, that they offer One Hunâ€" dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials, Address, F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bald bi_mzlsu. T5¢c. Hall‘s ily Pills are the best Nevada is the most sparsely settled state in America. There are nearly two und a half square miles to each inhabitant ; next comes Idaho, with one inhabitant to each square mile. remew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imitaâ€" tions by insisting that every box you purchase is emclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Pink Pills for Pale People. Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills cur% by going to the root of the disease. They Macpherson bhave derived much benefit from the use of Dr. Willlams‘ Pink Pills, and I can cordially recommend ltnlxl::lm to those who are suffering simiâ€" y.ll Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills cure by Dr. Andres, Beaver Hall, Montreal, writes _ "For burns and sores it is really far better than any remedy I know of; it is mild and safe to use, and it makes a splendid plaster. Where an Anodyae is required, and when Acoâ€" nite or Belledonna might be dangerous, a ‘Quickeure‘ plaster gives relief in fifâ€" teen minutes." medi I see, said the gypsy, a dark woman who will cause yow trouble in money matters. H. H. Little, Campbellford, writes: " About one year ago Ihad a severe attack of typhoid fever and it left my system in a very weak and nervous condition, in fact, so badly that 1 deâ€" spaired of recovery, I was induced to try South American Nervine, In a remarkably short time my health imâ€" vroved, and when I had taken a few bottles I was completely cured and have better health since than for years before." Would be No Inducement to the Sufâ€" ferer if it Stood Between Him and Perfect Health. Great heavens! murmured Chollie. Is that washerwoman going to hold me laundwy for wansom again ? He Buffered CGreatly from Liduey Troub‘c and Indigestionâ€"HMe Bectored for a Long Time Without Geiting Any Relief. From the Standard, Cornwall. The march of the world‘s progress is forced, protracted and continuous, the competition for . supremacy is keen. The man of business must keer rank if he would secure any covetable meaâ€" sure of success. ‘The watchfulness, vigilance and thougbht involved in modern superintendency Qroduea al severe strain on the physical and menâ€" A WELLâ€"KNOWN HOTELâ€"KEEPER RELATES HIS EXPERIENCE THE KLONDYKE‘S WEALTH. $100 REWARD, $100. THE GOLD RUSH CLAIRVOYANCE. Mrs. John Fisher, Woodstock, N. B., writes: "I hnd been sguffering for over three years from muscular rheumatism and on one occasion I had a very acute attack of sciatica. For several weeks I was umable to walk or attend to my household duties. Tried several reâ€" medies and physivians failed to give me relief. I saw South American Rheuâ€" matic Oura advertised and bmglb.t & bottle. It did me a wonderful lot of good. Four bottles effected a perfect and permaneint cure." ‘Thin Boarderâ€"I don‘t see how dyou manage to fare so well as this boardin house. I have industriously courtefi the landltdÂ¥ and all her daughters, but I‘m haif starved. Fat Boarderâ€"I courted the cook. There‘s not a thing her beauty mars, She has most all she wishes, She loves to grasp the handleâ€"bars, But she will not handle dishes. Tortured and Tormented with Rheumâ€" atism and Sciaticaâ€"South American Rheumatic Cure Works the Wonder. "What do you regard as the most important event of the century?" askâ€" ed the philosopher. ‘"Well," answered the wheelman, "the finish is about as satis‘actory as any part of the rur." Mrs. Cumsoâ€"‘"Your husbaind dresses very quietly." Mrs. Cawkerâ€""Does bhe? You ought to hear him when he can‘t find his collars or his cuf{â€"buttons beâ€" come mislaid." _ Socratootsâ€"No; because she‘s always blowing him up. St.oY that Cough! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A #25¢c. botâ€" tle of Shiloh‘s Cure may sa*~ your life. bomnnna A TIRED HUSBAND. Socratootsâ€"Mrs. _ Primpas calls her husband her Little . Pneumatic Tire. Spatsâ€"Isn‘t it because he makes her path smooth? _ _ e Profemsor Joseph N. Henry, M. D., lecturer on Dermatology, Bellevue Hosâ€" pital, New York, writes "I have used *Phenoâ€"Banum,‘â€"‘Quickeure,‘ â€" in chronic skin disease: namely, Psorâ€" Mrs. E. B. Garneaun, wife of Presiâ€" dent, Quebes: Board of Trade, writes: "‘Wiuickeure‘ bhes always givein inâ€" stant relief to my children." "I have i)‘lusl: had a note from Willie‘s teacher, said Mrs. ‘Parvenu, and she says that he is very deficient ln“s'gelling. a1 3 is 1. kuAui _ What in thunder is he studying spelling for? demanded Mr. Parvenu angrily. Does his teacher mean . to Plasters that contain the powerful poisons Aconite or Belladonna should be used on‘y when your pbysician permits, as your system might be Boisonei by absorption of the dru%a. Doctors now use plasters made with "Quickcure‘ spread on canton flanâ€" nel, linen or cotton, which give more prompt relief from pain than any known means; the effect is almost beâ€" yond belief. ly ilasis, and obstinate ulceration of the leg, due to varicositas; and also in suppurative dermatitis. I have found it to be of marked service, and consider it a very good preparaâ€" insinuate that he won‘t be rich enough to hire a typewriter? A small boy, the Rev. Dr. Lambuth relates, teased his father for a watch till he was forbidden to mention the matter again. _ At family prayers next morning, when asked for his Scripture verse, the youngster repeatâ€" ed,‘ What L say unto you, I say unto Mrs. R. H. Smith, wife of President Quebec Bank, writes "‘Quickeure‘ stopped toothache and its use preventâ€" ed any further trouble during a trip to Europe and hback." TREATMENT OF SKIN DISEASES IN BELLEVUE HOSPITAL, NEW YORK WR 0 CC m C allâ€"watch. jump on us. . e > D: ide} r. Holfordâ€"Walker, now £0 W10C:Y known as the physician of Rotherbam House, lsabella street, Toronto, Di8 PM!~ yate hospita! for the treatment Of 4) seases of the nervous systeWD, SUTEi‘@! diseases of women, rheumatis® and diâ€" seases of the heart, has just TetUTN®d from & three months‘ visit to the CO~ t"_neflt and England, spendiD€g three weeks in Nanbeim, Germany, 8t90Yâ€" ing Dr. Schott‘s method for the treatâ€" ment of the various forms of beart diâ€" sease. While in London be iDV@=tâ€" gated the Tallerman dry bot air CY!iNâ€" der method, by which means the vArâ€"~ ious forms of rheumatism, even _ tO rheumatoid arthritis, are now _ YerY quickly cured; and hes secured a cy}â€" inder in orderto carry out this successâ€" ful method in his hospital. Dr. Holâ€" fordâ€"Walker who has aqways kept well abreast of the times in new advances in his profession has evidently kept his eyes open when abroad in the inâ€" terests of his patients while at the same time enjoying with Mrs. Holâ€" fordâ€"Walker a wellâ€"earned holiday. family. : s.. > "f©‘"/ Boy or girlt P Neither. â€" Man. Brotherâ€"inâ€"law. PNERULE TYE A dama‘ Extngt * « One bottle, Cleishna.mn‘s Yeast â€"~ One half to one cake Sugar « + ~ Two Fcnnds ETM of Tartar _ â€" + One half ounce, ukewarm Water > Two gallons Dissolve the water. cream of tartar and yeast in the water, add the extract and bottle; plase in a warm :Xue fer twontyâ€"four hours until it {etm#nta, then place on ioo. when it will open sparkiing. coo) and deliclous. ‘The ginger beer :an be obtained in all drug and alrooery stores in 10 cant botties to make two gallons. We can‘t afford to go thr0u8) world with gloomy faces. Not much we can‘t,; if We < make our creditors think _ ** getting ready to fail, and theY Spatsâ€"She must love him dearâ€" Socratootsâ€"I don‘t think so CAUSE FOR GLOOM. Barber looks awfully glum these iys. J ¥§"P- Another addition to _ hbis ADAMS‘ GINGER BEER. BOUND TO HAVE IT. SECRET OF sUCCESS. POISONOUS PLASTERS. A SHREWD MERCHANT A PAIN CRIPPLE. NOT NECESSAâ€"Y RECIPE ALB BC e . and they will this MWhoever is mean in hbis youth runs a great risk of becoming a scoundreol in riper years; meanness leads to vilâ€" lainly with fatal attraction. â€"Cherbuâ€" And were the concluding words of the professor‘s lecture to the medical students, do not promise too much. I know a physician of real ability who promised a patient whose legs he had Lug{; amputated, that he would have im on his feet within two weeks. I was then in constant misery, from rheumatic pain and the dread of passâ€" inf urine which was of a very dark color and caused me the most intense misery. I realized miodanger but from someâ€" thing I read about Dodd‘s Kidney Pills I miade up my mind to use them, and commenced at once." PROMINENT BUSINES$ MAJ "I have used twenty boxes, have reâ€" gained my weight and I am now as ?itim,ng and well as ever before in my e." * Willlam Lee Esq.. Mayor of Parish of Quebec, writes "I have used ‘Qu‘ckâ€" cure‘ for most pain{ul rheumat‘sm and got almost instaut relief, and the pain has not returned since last Spring, it also healed a wound caused by a rusty nail in a marvellous manner. Tconsider it the bealing remedy of the age. We do not fear even toothache now, as we always keep ‘Quickcure‘ on hand." His Testimony Right to the Pointâ€" Cured by Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. Every druggist in the city of Quebec, without exception, testilies to the universal satisfaction expressâ€" ed by their customers, as to the merâ€" its of "Quickcure" for all kinds of pain. Shiloh‘s Consumption Cure _ cures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the sPot. Easy to make and nt to take. 25 mnhya Sold by all gr;:k::lm. The city of Quezaitenago, in Gauteâ€" mala, has been captured by the rebels, The Case of John S. Morgan of Bridgewater. Bridgewater, N.S. (Special.)â€"No busiâ€" ness man is better or more favorably known in thislirart of Nova Scotia than Mr. John S. Morgan, tinsmith of this town. For eighteen years he suffered from one stage to another in the proâ€" gress of kidney disease, but without help until be got hold of Dodd‘s Kj(_l- ‘‘ When I commenced using Dodd‘s Kidney Pills I was entirely unfit for the duties or enjoyments of life and they have saved and prolonged it. I trust my testimony may be the means of dving good to others." But I thought you were not on very good terms with ier now. § Neither I am, but this is her fortieth birthday, and she knows I am the only one who knows it. EXTRACT FROM EDITORIAL IN "DOMINION DENTAL JOURNAL.*" Since the article appeared by Dr. Tevers in the last issue, a large number of testimonials from outside and imâ€" partial sources, have been sent to us as to the value of "Quickcure." Eminâ€" ent physicians express the same opinâ€" ion from practical experience in its use in boils and wounds. We have had practical proof of its value in a burn, and repeated experience in its efficacy in exposed pulps, and various patholoâ€" gical conditions of the gums and the miouth. Dr. Ievers, of Quebec city, for over eleven years bad such inâ€" variable success with his preparation. that he had little trouble to persuade many _ of _ his co!lea%ues experiâ€" ment in the same direction, and the general â€" consensus _ of professional opin.ion has been decidedly in its faâ€" vor." Visitorâ€"What is that strange nose overhead ? Mrs. SmT%the-â€"Oh, it‘s only the lawn mower. The girl upset a bottle of my husband‘s hair restorer on the matâ€" tress, and it has to be shaved every evening. IN NOVA SCOTIA ANOTHER TRIUMPH ney Pills. He tells the story in his own words, and says:â€" " It commenced with backache about eighteen years ago, with lameness, and pains in my limbs, . "I was under the doctor‘s care sevâ€" eral times, and took several remedies aside from doctor‘s medicine, but gradâ€" uallrv came to be badly crippled up." " In the autumn of ninetyâ€"four I beâ€" gan to run down in flesh and strength rapidly until I was about forty pounds under my usual weight." _ s Messrs McKellar & Gilroy, of Alvinâ€" ston, on Friday shipped 400 head of cattle, averaging in weight from 1,400 to 1,500 pounds, via Montreal, and conâ€" signed to the English markets. _ One steer weighed 2,165 pounds and $105 was paid for him. Karl‘s Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. wuhtea the bowels. puriâ€" fies the blood. Clears the complexion I love to see her parted lips I love her pearly teeth, I love to ssan her dainty tongue Within its ruby sheath; But, ah, there is a difference like The one ‘twixt night and dawnâ€" For when L tell my love to her I hate to seae her yawn. A VISIT OF CONGRATULATION. What a fovely bougquet! ____ _ Yes ; I‘m taking it to Mrs. Wells, is is her birthday. 2 A STURDY GROWTH. A DFFERENCE. TOO MUCH. TORONTO ut aes Â¥ «e “A“ED_.A FIRST CLASS MAN in every city and town in Canâ€" ada, to introduce our Houschold Specialties, Dominion Specialty Co., 29 Melinda St., Toronto 1(0â€"acre mortgaged farms in the countios o? Middlesex, EKssex, Kent and Lambton for rale very cheap ; rma!l amount down, balance a a low rate of interest. For list, apply to WILLIAM F. BULLEN, Manager Bnhrlo Loan & Debenture Co., London. FOR SALE. Ma&ss:"%s,.. a moders .‘t’t.’hlo, oil't"of Lon,d:l. ..N? :?':“‘“;W,smoopg.. Slate, Sheetâ€" Metal Tile &Gravel Rocfers Sheet Metal Coilings, ‘Terra Uobta Tile, Red, Black and Green Roofing fllnti Metal Corâ€" mnices, Felt, Tar, Rooting Pitch, Ete, Gutie:s, Downpipes, &c., supplied the brade. Al.lll'l' COLLECE, Bellevilie, Ont.â€"Open to both sexes. Bplendid Record of 5 Senior Matriculatants, all successful; 8 Benior Leavrâ€" ing, 7 successful ; 8 Junior Luvia, all eucâ€" ceseful, or 95 per cent. successful. mmercial courses thorough and practical. For circular, Address PrINCIPAL DyER pATENTS Ceylon Tea :t» xm o @.DUTHIE & SONS Manufacturers DooO0TORS REOOMMEND â€"â€" Truth Building, 78 ADELAIDR 81. WEST. "CALADA t By virtue of the unprecedented pumh.% GREAT‘ POPU I_AR OFFER ! ln’uln le order, of one hundred thouean seenesrvmencemenmnnmnencennsemremanmenemennertemmenemmemenmmumnmuan (loo'soo)‘cog. of wh mkno' masterwork of the Century we are now enabled to offer it to the public at far less than the publishers‘ prlcul Thousands of ponon:‘ who heretofore have not felt able whrurchuo it, will eagerly welc me thig opportunity to secure at reduced price * The Greatest Achievement of Modera Times. Telephone 1996 Adclaide & Widmer Sts., Looking out over the many homes of this country, we see thousâ€" ands of women wearing away their lives in household drudgery that might be materially lessened by the use of a few cakes of SAPOLIO. If an hour is saved each time a cake is used, if one less wrinkle gathâ€" ers upon the face because the toil is lightened, she must be a foolish woman who would hesitate to make the experiment, and he a churiâ€" ish husband who would grudge the few cents which it costs. EVERAL GOOD IMPROVED 5# AND If your grocer sends you anything in place of SAPOLIO, send it back and insist upon having just what you ordered. SAPOLIO alâ€" ways gives satisfaction. On floors, tables, and painted work it acts like a charm. For scouring pots, pans, and metals it has no equal. Everything shines after it, and even the children delight in using it in their attempts to help around the house. &# Grocers often substitute cheaper gonds for SAPOLIO to make a better profit, Send back su«‘! ~rticles and insist on having just what you ordered 4 C 54:'â€"11'!" m â€"-.â€"-v-_ Poiedon ihee t Cae ds Life B1d6., Toronte. Coming to Toronto will find flats of any size, with power, heat, elevator, and all conveniences. A REAL LUXURY! m sBS ey‘t t y $ C h)‘ 3 Te nesey Pie figh ~ tries by 0. H. RICHES, g‘no.::‘px'm in Oane grine hw f1 0-"!217‘:2 W PC 887 THIS 18 FoR YoOuâ€" CREELMAN BROS., Georgetown, Oot KNITTING a:‘zmmamm“r.n eat onthosisam the world ever, As the Bf. James‘s Budget, Loncon, declares : * It is the admira» tion of Literary land. . . . It should be the fln‘ldo of Literary ferinnie e painaneminantemates pews rey as wei! as all classes hwil\gutn- and women everywhore, dariDictocy: Our Great Offer of $| 2 legent!ly bound in exuttest@.The Complete \V‘OI? J‘f Anmigsp ard Clothe your family from head to foot with our Prices only $15, $20, $30, YOU FOOL z> N 4. râ€").â€"slaknpiate ® wu 450. MJ Rishmont B1 We, Yieronto,. Ont.. Oanada WAEP-U.I(‘ Life en t es Ccures Scratches, Harness G€alls and Sores Patent Soda Water Bottles â€"9 on Harris has for saile, William St. Toron ‘QUICKDBAL FOR TYPEWRITERS WRITE us al scionse by B. J. J M. W Snd roanas mpeoied ren mm o (ncel d w# bpy.. AGBRHL ......g..!.“?u for dmln! THECOOK‘SBESTFRIEND DUNNS BAKING POWDER FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARA BOTTLES. LaARGEST SalCP i© Camap» MACHINES, oLD AND RSLIABLE MONEY MAKER of " Light on Dark 3 Follorles P 4

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