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Durham Review (1897), 7 Oct 1897, p. 4

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m: mm mm. F" MLEY ADD NSTKTUENT I the an In is ton nderv e far a. ‘I " " or DDRESSES HIS ' t ”do 3." tar-t sum-'- run-nick“- " bull] do for h Jack turned , .mrl mum: y see my do. on 1' go. fo irrtl She P. W aha walk. thus Thltb, - now. u u a. ,'.ir,','ist tut man's! on it on ." 'e the“, intt t we mm: a'. L rtxtl w word? ox k I Eml. pp: till Lt tl the I in 'i'igi' W ta and phr.. t um: s e .Peaa' n rttan bear. Inn name v Rising from ued a few 3 spoke, "Frnm the v ret this tar [mom]! I trio fin, a: tll in tshe ti In w,m dare am“: could r unuld he I I assure ya r, than abs fore he no MI tat clear t oat, Then aim ft. Dar, te uf the C can in mm rkis, Thurah Hm warnum fr'u' (howl Labor at pres no». me" H 0m. 'd Bitt, Jun.- 5103. h. mud to ask it Tt Pl: 110 k all Itte dear old i, tly " rabr mug fin; h t'.odT “is tres. on]; le “unfifrug‘; ""Tio (xiii. my diol On I The taco t mm a. the his 'lsattd tre, Trust I re there no otl "No other I It if you win ,Wen 'teat ‘ _ “no wntte too in to I h person. Orly “math MW: as to k mwty w” mu assured anybody. te, . the p o , tlf, detective noun Paine ' ' handy“ if the wall, I! {Hi-bmkan rio, "I do, only rim it. but . rm asking an d tho cold a math cum. I (fiend Br: t orderec ab scar, walked were locee the, matte, It tug-glut t undat- rout min lympa mun 3 At the a Fran] in"! _mitrat u, “only tal {Illa at a ya aa b well Go, Pale and land in J ‘nswn h and again tile roll new" audit; than on iw Coached doxteton rank, de " requ futon, 9od lot "tonsil m puma :losed h I low, Not so ken-boo a. l " d the? u my} .5 Two Ones, w he-ii/ij'"';;;'"'-)"-'-"-"; -, Five. In than tori]. ir idorat fol ----- CHAPTER m. [able to substapt I next. afternoon, burning with “what: itt 'dt lover. Jack lay restlosaly whim -,Ai.c- -.- ' . _- It bot, ,_v--.- awn", an; Iona." Jun? ore‘ F 7 e 7 " " - 'hi, i.1.)ia'?lf;'Pitr. piers h'l'fi't v -._.‘..~ uni-uh, wno ll once disownod his unfortunate son, and forbade his family over to mention his name satin J,2ftt'.t ‘mo‘fln 'ttr gm: " Muted -~-- ..... nuance unrant, who u 'A Alma-4| 1.2. __p_ . ' 51M no; -the'n" '5" 1o iii'i,2p/i lamp. .84: 'ttsts 3? away,“ as. claim in tht him aod th Jada"; on"; mane: tall out. ttmt- 3w her." -iGtri", Mr. ulnl Mrs. Jamea Mather, Benuuek, um ruled Amos Church nu Sunday last. Snormncnt “ ill he dispensed in ANT-R Church on the 17Ih of this mouth, A Mr. Yeuman's “ill conduct the services on Ihr. duy and Sunday. Tne old weigh scales having: Henna] their tlay have been renewed, a stone fmlndntmn being: placed mrler them. Mr. Geo. Lothian Inning done the work. Mr. MM Mrs. Hastie, of E their [uremia and other Iriml Ycovll In“! werk. Me. John Torry. Orchard, was the gum! of the Daly fmmly. Sunday last. Miss Shawn Animus We u,' rule, is reeoveriru,r, Miss Mary Whituurve visited at Mr. Thos. Brown‘s and other. friends in this part fur " few days last. week. Thtmhing is the order' of the day. Mr. Wm. Sim is threshing in this part. Me Robert Henvy iv., tank in the PX- mn-sinn to the Falls last week. Miss Sarah Brown, of Holstein, visited her many friends on the 20th. fur a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilder, of Mus.. kukn. 3.”: at present. visiting the (owner's brother, Mr. Wm. Wilder, Mr. Andrew and Miss Maggie Lindsay of Ulmwlg, were visiting at Mr. IL, Henry's Sunday Inst. ,,,, _ I _rP.MBr ... "Huh.“ H"""""' 'E38le'80"tPi. v v. Son N Were remleled Irv Messrs Haulage, fitstlie, Lothian, Smith and Mr Mather, fatheeof tin-groom rave some grand old Scotch songs whith was "l" predated by all. Mr. Raunage and his choir. in which the bride and groom look part Rave some fine songs. Misses \Vilson. Renwick and Watt also favored us with songs. Excellent. recitations were given by Mr. George Lothian and Andrew Derby. Norlnnnhy. When the wee sma' hours of the morning whispers ed it was time to depart, " large mun- her joined their hands and sang the old Scotch song, “Anld Lung Fi.suw."andall departed well pleased with the e\'en~ ing’s enjoyment. Mr. mid Mrs Mather left on Thursday for their home in Ben- linck followed by the good “ashes of the entire community. On \Vodnesday of last week the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter was the seene of a very enjoyable affair when their eldest daughter Nellie was united in nmrriage to Me. James Mather. of Bentinck. The bride wiv- attired in gray trimmed with silk lace and ribbon and was attended by hex sister-Agnes while Mr. John Nichol supported the gloom through the trying ordeal. The reremony Was performed by the Rev. Mr. Millet, of Holstein. on the lawr1 in front of the house. and was witnessed by about 125 guests. After :the knot was securely tied they all pal-took of a sonartuous repast. which veflects credit on t lose who prepared it, The )resents whieh were both numerous and costly showed the esteem in which the bride was held. A V6'l'N" enjoyable evening was spent, in songs, games. 'I'eittttions, Miss Jane Reid. who has spent tho past. 3weeks visiting her pun-Ms Me. and Mrs. P. Reid, returnvd In Hr. Cath. wins last. Friday. non-an Moliigclo an shi, was the balls at tho FOIOI't when she spent the summon How did spa work it? st. ugh-wed not to be introduced to any ol the our" girls Luv Ana Alanna Ll.“ behlnd hi -. - a {tuck than. On n... “as." Rum”! - P"""'. van-y- un tttty other the origami“! Whoch i/r'l'rtoie"lLhf,fttt, Ware mun. . St, Tauri,. and tho Poatmark of MAD MEN ALL '10 HERSELF. Flori than: “(Giggle ad the "not: wl DROMORE. [when of ngrum, viriitru1 other lriund-z hem and in MERRITT. e pleased to Mrs. R. Lung, of Brant, spent a week around Mulovk lately. Rev. G; Burns returnde home. two weeks ago after enjog'ing a month’s visit around Woodstek . Mr. Charlie McDougull left for the Manitoulin Islands last week to luy some more cattle. Mr. P. O’Neill returned home last, week after attending the Toronto Ex- hibition and visiting frivnds in Flasher» tun and his son Rev. T, o'Neill, of Chel- tenhnm. Mr. Malcolm MtrCalhun took in the Niagara excutsion and spent a few days in Hmnilmn on his return. Ive notice same attraction as 0119 of the fair ones returned to Hmniltun of late. Miss Katie McCallum. who has been in Durham fur the last month returned home last. week looking halennd hearty. Mrs. G. J. Burnes is enjoying a visit from her mother at present from St. Williams. Mrs. P O'Neill is visiting her daugh- lvr Mrs, Miles, uf Tive, ton, at present. Quite 1 numlwr from here went to the Dnmlalk show on Friday lust. We hear of one you)”: womur. who lost her pm 6 containing $20. We [war of some petty thawing in the milk houses, around here. We hear of bears lwmg seen. one went into the out fielrl of Wm. Dean, 10th con- Ptitou, and would not scan: worth " cent foe when Witt, wan to drive him out. he would not go Sn William thought it best not to dispute OWIWI‘Sllip but left the bear in possctssnrnof tl e 0.1m. Where are all our hunleru now ? - ,w.“ ......‘...-n u. I... at night and rise again shortly a'terwards. T decided to build a cabin here and start- ed the men out to get the logs. The month of June was ahwlntely tropical. (i't,a'fii.?l1jisii,iiii't,ii'i gun registering 95 m 533 an egg w nojadrop of rain. On, the 10th bf £13; I finish- except for labor and the boat. which except for labor Mt he boat., which I broke vup and use for flooring. being " and: sold the tSerb-ttt when I left for 3500. July 12th-aoetut festive gentle- manorid " for I breakfast consist- hg a dozen and I half of new; at New“: W. W. Hall and D. K. Me- Arthur took a business trip m Mt. Forest ft lu Hail: they have putehased tho Wumlleu Mills there. Mr. Pete, McKec’mw. of Egremont and Miss Catherine McKrclmiP. of thi,, place. were. united in marriage last week, On the waiting list we have had Miss Dans, of Glenelg. at her uncle Allan's on Sunday the 25111, and the sumo day at J, McArdle's, the visitors were his son J. W. Mehrdle. J, Spronle. of Mark- Jule; Mr. J. C. Caldwell, Alnnzn C nMwell one of medn’s Athletes am] Master James Caldwell, of Gait. At Mr. Air- worth', there were Messrs',,'Jaek and David Minn mu! later we have Mr. David Buchnmmn, the Prtuihyteriau all! lent who lormerly labored here. Rev, G. J. Burns wears *' - m. . k-r men um nun darn gut twenty mLinutA-a to 12 at 'nl/l' 2“. mm. “an- .. --1t, -Ps . -‘ Mr. D Cnlerldgn ir., and his sister, Mrs. Wm. Run-nun. vimtwl Walter's Falls The hiemls last week. Ruth-l Our Furniture mm, Mr. John Wilson, is ham): hie stock replenished this week from tt Woodstock establishment. Plouuming is getting behind owing to the dry weather and the threshing which is beenmiug general. Date and wheat are turning out well. Pan are poor. The sheds in connection mth "Rmmell Hall" have Iwen at lust shiugiml. and will now give cumforlahEe shelter. NOTES " HIS riii7 TO THE YUKON COUNTRY. am SEGRETAN’S maii, HOPEVI LLE. MULOCK. a pleasant TORONTO w... tht. can. an hem In indo- l ”div-and Guiiati (ilirri'ii/,'"lh7 miUble and his courage superb. No , pr .trar.dtnterss in the tun [umsesuion of offker at I royal review, marching " 4 thair "ight. the head of his man and passing the.l muting pout. could hue t‘lrriecl a mom martan boning than did this mun u he went forth to meet his death. MOLAERS FOR HORSES His appeannoe was trim and Mean. In Germany 3nd Austria molm has even to futidiouaneau. mmuy been tried an food fur harm. An ho advawd down the length of I being sy.lysritutrd in part for can not the squnne. a distnnce of at. lent 10tt i 352'. l'2r'irii,ySii,t glyph? 3:133:33 nah. " w“ quietly putting " . ', by the Dom And to (in than unlock chant. and when the squad balm ho appeal-anon. 82h58taitBe t.Ram e"... 2 25 PL. R. 'ill' 'i/ttl".'.'!'.". .. I00Capt. Sigmule.......... 10089115!" ield........... lOOPt. Valton............. 100Ber t.Wetrer........./ 75 FPila'Jfil'ff.rr.r..c. 75 Sergt. Dayia........... 75 Capt. Hunter........ . ., 75 Pt. w. A. Weber...... 75 Pt. McKechnie. . .. . . . .. 76 Lieut.()ochrane........ Regimental My1ctr-cRanges 200, 400 and 500 yards: 200 yds. standing; 400 and 500 any position with head to target ; Snider Rifles; n handicap of 4 points on all viftes other. than Govern. ment issue ; seven shots at. each range. Prize. Umnpanv. Pointu. 8 5 Cor'pl. H. Vnnwyck. . . . . ..No. 3 76 4 Covpl. Caton". . ... . . 8 72 3 Set-gt. A. Spence. . . . . . . . .. 3 68 3PtJ,H, Currie.......... l tri 3 Staff Sen-gt J F. McCallmn 8 65 3 (‘m-pl. T. Currie. . . . t . . . . . . l 65 iittyrrirt.Welrtrer.......C.'.' 6 64 3Pt. S Penny............. I 63 2 Staff. Sergt. Rmnage. . . .. 4 61 2Pt,.E.Frizzel...... ..... ft (I) #et.R.,lyhnson.......C..' 3 53 2(1‘EWL Cleland............] 2 h2 '2PtH)lark........ ......... " 45 a'2,l1erort._t"ield...,....C.C. 6 44 2 Capt. Hunter... ......... 4 43 '.2et.u.TelmN.....Cy.'..' 8 43 IPs H.h.wo1tou......d.' 6 41 IrplervI.hrtll.........C.'.' 2 41 IPt.A. Little...... ....... 8 37 -1et.w,Peatson.....C.'.", l 37 l rttpt.Bproule .... '...... 6 36 "il"li;il'l';'l1eicrrcr.r. 4 35 .1ryp!eRoree.........C.C' 7 34 lPt Hupt..............C.' 7 32 lSer t. Watt...., "....... 2 31 .'1.i7t'.Tinli'dy".r.y.'..y.y.y.r.: 2 30 1sertrt.fhuu.......r.r.'.r.' 6 80 FLESHERTON EXTRA SERIES HANK. Nos, 4 and BCOmpanies, range an yds. position kneeling, Snider ri es, seven shots. A handicap of one point on all rifle,, other than Government issue. Prize. Conlnnnv 'hst-c., 7V.~ "_- -.. nun-us. INO. I Company being second wllh a score of 212 points and No. 6 Company third with a. scope of M. No. 6 Company took the prize awarded to the (‘ompany having the largest. number of rompelib ors. The scores are as follows t ,VV _-.‘ \\vlll t‘ll‘a' ion was held at Flesherton on July'éan and it was intended that the matches to Owen Sound and Menford should take place immediately after it, hut, the wet weather in the latter part of July we» vented the, carrying out of the arrange- ment, and as the harvest had begun he. for the closeof the wet season the Pe- suit. has been that the cmnpebition has extended over " period of nearly two months. In the team competition No. 8 Company succeeded in taking the first prize wit.th fit-ore of 2.77 points. No. l 1 funny..." hgh..-.... .".Wiiiwqw- __,.., The annual cotttpetition of th ' . " 31st, Battalot Ritie Assucmlinu was com- 'A1t.'dil,thhit..f:/'gi range on September t I. 'he . . . ' . ' "r.hg.t b'!,',,',".?! stze1tfll_iy_the 509mm. Mr. Hugh McKinnon rammed Ln Slmlluw Lake last week to engage in (an rpcnter work. smile over the arrival of a. young daugh- ter which came to their home lately. Messes Hector and Charlie McKei-hnie of Glimelg, were the guests of M. Mc- Keclmie last Sunday. Mst Battalion Rifle Matches. Sash and_ Door Ali'iiii=i:=ii"i, +0+ Company: - Points ...iNo No. 3 76 8 72 . 3 68 . l 67 t 8 65 . l 65 , 6 64 ' I 63 , 4 61 8 no 3 St 2 52 6 " 6 44 4 " 8 43 6 41 2 " f? 37 l 37 6 S6 4 35 7 34 7 32 2 31 2 30 6 80 HANK. 17 16 16 l4 l3 In Germany 3nd Austria mou+ has mwnuy been tried an food for harm. being tsulmt.ituted in put for corn III‘ min. When mixed in proper rule with other food it is said ty In mil liked by tho hours. And to (no then "look Handrail“. 343W T'm'rrrN'" tstash'., A

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