West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Oct 1897, p. 6

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Two fine exhibits of the Photoâ€" grapher‘s art, by Browne. of Durham, and Chapman of Mt. Forest, adorned the hall. Not being in the ‘"‘World" of Eg:emont no prizes were given, The directors feel a great big ‘thank you ‘ to these gentlemen for their interest. Horse, Cattle and Sheep Classes were well represented. Pigs and Poultry not quite so well. Frait and grain is slimmer than usual in quantity. The ladies‘ work shows no falling off in quantity and certainly not in quality. A marked feature being the fresh new clean appearance of everything, not the mauled and fingered look of those Shows where professiona! exhibitors are allowed to empty their barrels on the shelves. In the bush G. Calder‘s exhibit of pulpers, ploughs and other articles had many admirers, E. C. Wood, Mt. Forest, showed some fine carriages and Mr. Livingstone, of Durham, interested farmers for 1898 with his pea harvester attachment, plows, etc. * The prize list we shall give in tull next week. In the Hall the work of the dett tingers of Mrs Wim. Mountain and Miss Maggie Adams again take many prizes. â€" Miss M. Main‘s art work won praise and prizes. _ Exâ€"Reeve Murdock took four 1sts in fruit. T. Orchard got the red ribbon in tub butter, and director Swanston‘s homeâ€" made cheese looked a toothsome article. Tanner & Co. exmbited a large quantity of cloths and yarns, and near it was a modest but pretty flower disâ€" play. The directors have not so far offered prizes for flowers, and we think this ycear‘s success should lead them to do so. Secy. Petrie, affable and obliging, has had a busy day and he and his ass‘stant Mr. W. J. Sharp have our hearty thanks for favors shown in getting the prize list, &e. â€"In the grain class the lack of exhibits was undoubtedly caused by the lateness pf the threshing. Seey, McKenzie inâ€" Popular G. Klempp and his staff has had a busy atternoon, and the special arrangements made to entertain a large crowd were none too ample. The churches too, made _ bountifal provision for the evening meal and are well patronized. ‘The inside work was finecly housed in the splendid new hall erected by the enterprise of Dr. Brown and Messrs Petrie, Calder and G. Klempp. This commodious building, showroom down stairs and large concert hall above is a credit to the yillags and its proâ€" moters. The lapse of a week hbas confirmed everyone that the Show was a success in point of attendance and, except in some of the horse and cattle classes, in quality of exhibits as well. Durham, as usual was well repâ€" resented, We noticed, Messrs Parker. MeKinnon Grant, Sparling, D. Brown, Calder, Livingstone, Mockler, W. Mceâ€" Farlane, A MceArthur and the two editors present. The outside exhibits, stock, &e was held in Petrie‘s bush, with the trees for temples and statuary, the mill pond for x lake, and, bounded on two sides by a railway and a rail tence, the situaâ€" tion was romantic, comfortable, and appropriate. Active and handsome editor Von Blaricom of the ‘"‘Confed." was present accompanied by Mr. Keith an old Egremont boy, now on the Galt Reâ€" tormer staff. _ We were pleased to meet with both In Attendance. Exhibits, Everything The weather was warm and in fine contrast to last year a high wind made travelling â€" disagreeable. Ominous looking clouds and rolling thunder caused some anxiety during the afterâ€" noon, but a mere sprinkle came, doing more good than harm and a satisfied and gratified feeling pervades all. Dr. Mearns and Mr. M. Jackiin from Hanover way heiped to swell the erowd. Mr. Brigham, Allan Park, is one of their standing jadges. _ Mr. and Mrs, G. Binnic, Bunessan, were both Judges in different classes. There were 72 exhibitors and nearly 600 entries. The judges and prize winners will be given in full next week secure a copy of the ReviEw for your friends. Piper Daniel Stewart, of Brussels also gave several "blasts" during the day to the delight of the highland Mr. D. MeNicol, M. P. P., met many friends, and the society‘s coffers, were made richer by $5, an appreciative gift to a worthy body. Today the Directors fi~d themselves with a parse of $130, the largest in their historyâ€" _ This, on a 10c admissicn means over 1300 people on the grounds and the vill..ge at this bour 5.30 p. m.. A full house was secured for the eoncert in the evening, and the proâ€" ceeds must haye been handsome. Our Band was also present and Prof. Peel and his ‘ boys" enlivened. the bush and streets at night with fine music. Holstein, Oct. 5th ‘97.â€"‘World‘s Fair"! Well, if the world had turned out proportionately well at Chicago, as the people of Egremont turned out toâ€" day in this village, the windy city would haye collapsed. The peofle ol Egremont ar«, as we remarked before loval to their show. is a busy happy hive of people prepar ing many of them for home. THE WORLDS FAIR. ECHOES OF S. GREY SHOW. BEATS THE RECORD â€"â€",â€"# @4# The following account of the marriage of Miss Nellie Hunter, was sent to us last week but has so far goue astray. ; The Confederate was more fortunate and we reproduce this from its pages :â€" } On Wednesday evening of last week a goy and representative company from the township of Egremont and Bentinck ) assembled at the home of Mr. William Hunter, concession 20, Egremont, the occasion being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Nellie, to Mr. James Mather, of Bentinek. The bride, a winsome and | popular yourg lady, was becomingly attired in a dress of slate colored cashâ€" mere trimmed with cream lace. Her sister Agnes, who acted as bridesmaid, l was similarly attived, while J. Nichol, of Priceville, did the honors in behaif of i the groom. Rev. Mr. Miller, of Holstein performed the nuptials with becoming ’gr:u-(- and dignity. The evening was spent far into the morning hours in | mirth, songs and recitations, contriâ€" ‘ buted by a large number of those presâ€" | ent. Patriotic songs were sung by the | company with such a yim in "Rule ' Brittainia" and others of a like nature as to arouse the patriotic fire still lurking ’m a large extent in Mr. Mather sr., | Charter Smith and Bob Henry, which is nae‘ sma‘ buik. The past ard present ’ members of the Dromore choir united their voices together as of yore, at inâ€" tervals, and carried the bride and brideâ€" groom, together with the audience, fignuratively speaking, on a "Homeward Bound" trip with a "Skating gleeful, | rapidity over a beautiful riyer to the \land where the lillies bloom so fair." Altogether the whole proceedings, which never lacked in interest were most enjoyable from beginning to end, and closed with "God Save the Queen" and "Auld Lang Syne," by the entire company, demonstrating conclusively, that an enjoyable time can be spent without the inevitable dance, The estiâ€" | mation in which the bride is held is Ifurther attested by the number and | value of the presents as follows :â€"Large | guilt framed looking glass, 7 bed spreads, |2 rocking chairs, centre table and chenille cover to match, 3linen table _ cloths, 2 butter knives, 2 sugar spoons, ‘â€"It is now definitely decided that Sir Oliver Mowat will succeed io the Lieat Govenorship of Ontario. _ This will meet with general approbation from all parties. The province which he so wisely ruled for 24 years could not have a more fittine head. â€"(ien Nexl Daw is dead. This vetâ€" eran prohibitionst was aged 93, and was active until almost the last. His influence in securing legal and moral restraint of the liquor traffic has been more than any man of his time. â€" His good works will be emulated: w sns uce l § Alge â€"ovmmuscsomcs â€"The cares of Empire. Britain is having trouble with France in W. Africe. Russia is reported to be leaguaâ€" ing with Abysinnia to stop her Egyptâ€" ian advance. The Indian tribesmen after being beaten several times will not stay beaten, ‘The Uuited States want to bring in Japan and Russia to discuss the Behring Sea question, and Britain withdraws, And so it goes on. There never was in the worid‘s history such an omnipresent machine as the British Empire. â€"Fires in Manitoba did immense damage to property on Senday and caused the loss of 7 lives, â€"Tarte is on topâ€"in the Grenier libel suit, the latter having been de:â€" clared guilty. . There will now be splutterings of an appeal, the oppositâ€" ition press being particularly vindictâ€" ive against the active minister. We feel drawn to talk of flowers again and would point out the importance to the Society of the floral exhibits of Arâ€" rowsmith, Gorsline, A. McKenzie, Harâ€" vey, Mockler, Woodland, and others, A young exhibitor in various classes is A. W. Hunter. Keep right on Archy. In fow} and fiowers too a rising stan is Nat Harve 7. A few imistakes have ctept into the prize list which are here rectified : In the General Purpose Class Wm. Ritchie takes 1st for Brood Mare, Jas Hillis 2nd. Twoâ€"year old gelding, same class, Picken bros. are 1st and Jas, Sharp 2nd. Heavy farm Horses, Picken Bros. Ist, Jas. Hillis 2nd. In part of our issue in Class 20, S{)ring Chickens, the 2nd prize for Black Minorcas was wrongly credited. 8. Arrowsmith won this prize in which class as well as in Light Krahmas he is working into some fine stock. The directors will then we hope lay their plans broad and wide to nmll:ee 1898 Show away ahead of all past efforts and keep it in the proud position the efforts of its present directorate has won for it of being the hbestâ€" riding Show in these upper counties, A very common opinion is being exâ€" pressed that 8, Grey Society maust take a step forward another year. The loyalty of the whole district to the Show is remarkable and should be enâ€" couraged by providing special attracâ€" tions to Jmtify the homy seeking crowd. Moreover the spirit of healthy locrl rivalry should be enough to till our lists, and an encouragement to this end would be the exclusion of professional exhibitors from outside points. Their presence causes a natural uritation and prevents local exhibits from being placed,. forms us that a large proportion of the entries were not filled owing to this cause, Editarial Note and Comment. WEDDING BELLS. 4+ ¢ W . C a@2lder. The distance from Chicago to the Klovdyke gold fields, via the Yukon, is along 6,500 miles via (Chilkoot pass, about 4.000 miles, Time to make the trip by either route thirty days, Cost of the trip, about $300, Travel possible only in June, July and August, nnnnnnen ons 4 Wnnfi e ic ces w « o 14187 Principal mountai s p ntains, Mo * al + unt Lo J _ L0 3 a ls“i&;‘!ei\]lg.m feet ; Mount St. Eblr::::;’ ed at ()R:::wiwr veneral, will uC recelyâ€" ,100 ; Mount Wrangel, 17,500. * { 22nd Oclulw:- ‘;1;5'531 uoon on Friday, the J_The Governor of the Territory i of Her Majesty‘s Z\'l~f'ur the conyeyance d]l)"?s D. Brady ; residence at Sitkay 18 i contract for lfmr1 )":::T’ c s tuimes menr h rincipal produc s f IWeek ac f ‘ars, six times per fish and ‘l)mrfl):*l(-fu( ts besides goldâ€"furs, Fleshetl"(l(()i: b‘?;‘-tu{mll)nc tFIY(vw“I Di“'h“": :'.t(ll Principal _ oce i '"t‘Xt. The n the Ist January + CE upat e conveyane e ary hll(:lt;lllg id flShiIl))g,lon of the people, t\\;) !mnse "t‘hlcl(-e.) ince to be made in a fold was tirst discovered i ‘ rinted notic M hss a in 1879. on : es containing further i .h"'t,"““t“‘1 product of gold t {g:x':t“tu.ur" as to ('Undilinnsfi’»l' m):'«l:(r-m- $30,000,000, o date, ‘ of Tell‘ul'b may be seen and hl"lllk Ip(;wd s * + nders may be Fals ( orms Product of gold in 1896, $670,000. _ | QRICRI 2L o udhans Bornessany Pricecine Klondyke in E + £ [and Filesher 1Hs unessan, Priceville ane t Allflllsh 1 » baw . esherlton s | t ville The r s Deer River, | Btatic s he river is so design: t â€"d on the M iver, | 1 and at this office. e Maps. | H.G. HOPKIRK, Post Office Inspector. T he J{anover Gonveyancer, has Principal cities, Sitka (the capital), Juneau, Wrangel, Circle City, L Principal riyers, the Yukon more than 2,000 miles long,) the Kuskokwim, the Colville, and the Copper, The scene of the _ present excitement is along the Upper Yukon and its tribuâ€" taries. JOO Qood Qroperties Cior Sale. Among which are the following ; ist & 2xp Div. Lot 19 Con. 1 W. G, R. Bentinck, 100 acres, lately owned by Henry Hall and formerly known as the **Parker" farm. ‘This is a good farm and will be sold on very reasonable terins. Tn® ScaxLax Fari, lot 30, con. 5, Bentinekâ€"100 acres. _ Will sell or rent. NormaxBy : lot 7, con. 3, 96 acresâ€" good farm, tip top bank barn, log dwelling houseâ€"Durham about 5 miles. Hommaxp TowxsntP, Lewis Eydf farm 100 acres in good German settiement â€"will sell or exchange. _A good place. THs Roamovex PropERTY, Durham. What I cant sell I will rent. 1 have $1,0080,000 to lena at 54 and 54 per cent. Choose your time to. pay it back. â€" Business puvate, charges moderate. counterpane, â€" worked pillow shams, gsilver fruit basket, china frnit basket, pair of vases, pair of phantasmagoria vases, silver pickle dish, silver fruit stand and plated spoor, nickle plited copper kettle, preserving kettle and flour sifter, 1 dozen silver table spoons, 1 dozen silver desert spoons, 1} dozen silver tea spoons, half dozen kniyes and forks, carving knife and fork, pair blankets, 3 pair lace curtains, lamp, moustache cup, and saucer, 3 preserve dishes, 2 yegetable dishes, vinegar botâ€" tles, half dozen goblets, toilet set, chinese tea pot, 1 dozen servers, 2 chin= cheese dishes, pair. salt and pepper castors and mustard cup, 2 jelly cake stands, ‘china lemonade | set, crystal lemonade set, 4 pair towels. nickel covered hair brush> and comb, and to crown all, a‘ large and elegant teacher‘s Bible, iNastrated, with references and concordance completete, which was the gift of the grandfather and grandmother of the bride, tiated by William H. Seward. $‘ <â€"Its area in square miles is 531,409. Population (census of 1800,) 30,320, of whom but 4,416 were whites; 8.400 Esquimaux and 13,875 Indians. Fire Insurance Binder Twine Harvesting â€" .â€"_ Marriage Licenses issugd. Durham Lower Town Implement Warercoms. Facts About Alaska. 87 The Hanover Convevancet MACHINERY, Of Ali KINDS ARE YOU SHORT AKD FAT ? If so the only Readyâ€"Made Clothing you can get to fit you perfectly is . . If your dealer does not carry Shorey‘s Off Sizes get him to order for you. Shorey‘s Make Promp!ly attended to Large amount of maney to loan at 5 per cent 10 6 per cent interest, e ce i ied tss w "‘f.’fi.k";y‘. ARE YOU TALL AND THIN ? At RIGHT PRICES TORONTO Hoods ‘Bavid JACKSON, JP orrs riv. v Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissicners. | Money to lond. Moncy invested.for | Parties. Farms bought and solda. Can‘t § EALED TENDERS, address to the S Postmaster General, will be receivâ€" ed at Oritawa until uoon on Friday, the 22nd October, 1897, for the conyeyance of Her Majesty‘s Mails, on ia proposed Printed notices containing further inâ€" formation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tenders may be obtained at the Post Oflices of Durkham, Bunessan, Pricevilie and Fiesherton Btation and at this office. H. G. HOPKIRK, Post Oifice Inspector, Post Office Inspector‘s Ofiice, Stratford, Bept. 231rd, 1897, PHRENOLINE RE MEDIRES Try our ol Rhoumatis Spscinc or Kidnsy anu Liver Pills. They are absolutely pure and healthful, _ G@unrauteed to cure Rhbenuimatisin, Beiatica, Nenralgia, Lumbago, aud all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS ImiraTions. A general tinancial business transacted O lice next door to Standard Buauk Durham This is the complaint of thousands at this season. Eat They have no appetite; food does not relish. They need the toning upof the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood‘s Sarsaparilia will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and internal misery only & dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so promptâ€" 1y and efficiently relieves dyspepticsymp= toms and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost "a magic touch." : 1s the best â€" in fact the One True Blood Purificr. _ eemememmmmncmmeneecnmernmenns are the best afterâ€"dinner “OOd’S P"lS pills, aid digestion 25e, CoOoMNVYVEYANCEERS. Only by H. PARKER, Durham. MAIL GONTRAOUCT. Take the lead every where, We are working day and night to supply the demand,. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily, Sarsaparilla . JAOCKSONN. Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business esiabâ€" lished by her father in Durbam in 1858 and witl enucavor to give all old and new custom ers the same entire satisf=ction. Furziture of the Best Hake ALWAYS ON HAND. PISTUVRE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY Un dortak ing and Eimba ming on ~atest »r ciples at reaâ€"onuble ~«tes. $Â¥ The ondy firstâ€"cl@ss Mesarse in town, lver ready in the bour of need. Notwo trips required. EMUBALMING DONZ IF DESIRFD, Dromore, July 5th 1897. CASKETS. COFFINS, &HROUDS and s UNDERTAKING Material Kept in Stock. A first class HMZEARRS : lire, with a full line of FOR ALL KINDS OF Lisht & Heayy Harness BELLS, BLANKETS, WHIPS, SNAPS, CURRYâ€"COMBS, BRUSHES, COLLARS, â€"SWEATâ€"PADS, and HARNESS ~OIL. Driving Gloves and Robes Lined to Order EEPARING A SPEOALTT ;A.,‘Y.E ‘\. ,‘,E mA n # I0URNTCRE iD UOERTMKES Ropbe Tanning! A Large Assortment of MiSS SHEWELL Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Remembtr the standâ€"â€"onposite the Market, Durham. t it tp, l c Go to Dromore _ ONE HONEST MAN. 3: Fixkk+." .s.radf p Pn y en & Th t o 4 e I;S‘:L'fi?:'.-zgg:” e pil £ %.‘P:".‘.‘s."v""' uie ; M t i&ffi;%“‘ EicX J s1 %: @:" io e mc +) ind ol is Q«n“i‘f”*fl'%f* 1a8AP% MISS SHEWELL â€"FULL LINE OFâ€" . McMILLAN, HEARSE o ~adt GRAxtâ€"In Normanby, â€" on Sunday, Oct, 38, to Mr. and Mrs. Wimn. Grant, a HyATTâ€"PAGETâ€"In Durham on Wedâ€" nesday, 20th inst., by Rev. A. G. Jansen, Mr. Jos. Hyatt to Miss Lily May Paget, both of Bentinck, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on farm property at lowest rates, Conveyancing, Leases, Wills, MCBk gages, etlc., drawn up on short notice. Horses bought and sold. Waterloo Threshers for sale at wareâ€" N, B,.â€"To ensure a good job the Hides must be well salted as soon as ta ken off. Noxon‘s Binders, Mowers, Dralll-: Spring Tooth Harrows, best in the mari ket. Guards, Sections, etc., for all kinds of muchines, rooms. Pnno_nn;zemlicq«:l“ if Orders for Sales may hbe left at THE REevieEw Orrics. DURMHAM MARKET. Corrected each week by Geo. Sparling, Flour per bbl Oatmea per sack ...... Bran per ewb ... ... Shorts per ewt Fal!l Wueat per bushel BDarley, A* Cous, b* Oats, ** Di‘d Mogs, per ewt Hogs, lme weight . Lard perls res Taltow* per lb sÂ¥ Dutter per ib, Tal».. ** Roll Exygs, per doz .. . Chickeos. per parir Potators, per bag Dacks 4* Tarkeys, per Ib ... Hides, per ewt _ ... Calfskins _ ... ... Sheepskins ... ... l ay, per ton Btraw, 0+ +ox 3w Apple:, per bag .. Wood, 4 feet ... .. Agentfor .. . .. o FARM IMXPLEMENTS and MACHINXâ€" m« *‘ HARY, â€" «_ Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins Tanned suitable for which for Fizish and Softâ€" noss can‘t be beat. UECC y C TeRy **> Wood, 22 inches R{d35 Y GOALS By the New Process, S. T. ORCHARD. Satisfaction Guarantsed. Robe Tanning ! Thos. Smith. AUR waseee #*% r bushel ... ** #*> ** #*% ** #*% P WE ~ \sss ,'.'ht sae es T HHS xk © i 4ss Roll °P pair asesusss...» $ 4 09 to $5 00 & Goats Auctioneer. 0 80 to 0 30 to 0 42 to 0 22 to 6 00 to 5 25 to 10 to 04 to 0 12 to 12 to 12 to 25 10 0 10 to 1 75 to 05 to z5 to 20 to 5 00 to 0 00 to 0O OO 1 74 to 2 00 1 OG to 1 00 40 to Durh am 0 1% 12 0 12 (18 13 15 10 DURHAM OFF 4 OMcee & BARRISTE® m Spe A Sac m Sale NX Obt Tit LUCAS, W EARRIS NoTARIE MONEY TO LO M 1 4 l &33 Ellict BARRISTERS. Wwisl d mwouth» soL:cito worany PUBL: Office, over G+ U Jewelry and Flat \\""!", mm COM gAND m PRIC Bairing a spec URHAM. m 30 M At.. MONEY AT m For (Y‘ Block. Post O Post Offic Will be : day in eac mercial M Holstein, Jan Mr. Is. Mc at once. Apj Cescs pm0108 BARRSTI NOATRY PUSL Pr EALER INX ‘ssUER OF M â€"â€" Stein, Ont Parties wait able di A comforta FFICH n the Countess R MeCl W B Mac1 DRY UPPE llm'lj lesid Â¥) Char 10 4 ho a ote

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