ure for Dizziness on. Indi- ihousnes. Paralysi- w. than te., etc. teed. )Oto Jlt jht :ess, l Soft- the Tor L is “Riff M's gath- Jr 82.00 ’parlmg 9tori; ' Dog C for on let“ 'o" DIS , to at BLR In 'd to cure Mist". mum-go, and high. Ito tto ng! L TH rm. to to k to NE lo jail) the to to ith. to to 6 0 5‘! am ooo 50 200 oo (I) 60 HO 230 48 60 50 m 06 H) Noron's Binders. Mowers. Drills. Swing Tooth Narrows. best In the 13181; ket. Guards Seamus, eta. forankindti of machines. N Pianos. Organs and Sewing Machines. Moneym loan on farm property at lowest rates. WAwrten.-I ran pay ten dollars week 1y to tt lady of mature ago, refinement and tact to spend her time in a good cause. T. M. LINSUOTT. Toronto, Ont, Conveyancing. Leases, Wills, Mort gages. etc., drawn up on short notice. Horses bought and sold. Watet loo Thrashers for sale " ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may he left at THE REVIEW OFFICE. Will be ii. Pvirevilie, the first lee, day in each month. Oft1ce at. the Lom- tnercinl Hotel. DEAN-L2: IN WATCHES. CLOCKS, Jam-Hy and Spectacles, silver and HM Ware _ fall descriptions, Ite.. {miring a wccialvy.--UPPER TOWN, )URHAM. FARM IMPLEMENTS and MACHIN- - ERY, - ()FFH‘E FIRST DOOR EAST Of the Durham Pharnmcy Calder Block. Random-e first door west. of th Pest Office, Durham. --_-- _ Chatges moderate. Fire Insurance Secured. Omce, over Gtant's store. Imwcr'fuwn. BA RR! S TE R. Coll.setiotts and Army promptly attended to. “Ms. l‘v'utls, Mssrtgastetr, Lean 3. Autumnal». k" Inna-Hy prepared. Blunt†of dwensod Pr'rs"us Lana-(l an". Ant] Executors' and Ad- tuitttstratoru' .weuunts prcpund and passed. hum-cun- lert “mine-us, Protmu, of Wills, Lettun of 1tltuhtusrstiott and Guardianship (minim-J. Search“ madam Registry Dame and Titles repvrtcd an. Mort mud SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT- NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. DURHAM OFFICE. CALDER'I BLOCK. " 25 7 Lower Town. Wm ho in Prir‘qville Mat , third Wednesdays of gnu-n mouth. Butter-I Howl. olnee. UPPER TOWN. DURHAM. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. LUCAS, WRIGHT. a BATSON. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. couvzvuvcmvs. ac. MONEY To LOAN-cow mutt EASY TERMS Ilcoore ll AND GET * PRICES (9! Agent for S. T. ORCHARD. (ll' Special at Siuuifice (t Sale of Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. 13.11 Charges Maderate. DENTISTRY. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. â€CATHY PUSLIC. CONVIYJNCI'R. AG. J. P. TELFO RD, sr9:9'.S.S:S.S'.Sa.S:S9,,. 'etvirst:rstt:rett:d.'s' G. LEFROY McCAUL. 'ttt For Next 30 Days At..... I. B. Um“, . w. H. WRIGHT. C. Btrios', - . many and private Fund» to Loan on J s at law st mum of interest anuuiom y a corupetent out-l cumin] Vlllmlor. Wall... Paper A,, CGRDON. gtdlhllulili'S ii DRUG STORE ji) DURHAM. Licensed Auctioneer. Mandala. Owen Sound. Durham. so. it) Durham. THE PATRON CoNvENTroN.-At the meeting held on Tuesday last about 50 Patrons Vi ere present. Steps were taken to have a candidate in the field as the following resoitions. handed to us by S'ec'y Gaisline will show: Ist-That we express confidence in our present mem- ber Mr. McNichol, being satisfied with his explanations and the course pursued by him and other Patrons during the present Parliament. 2nd--That we meet on the third Tuesday in December next, at the hour of one o'clock i). m., for the selection of a candidate for South Grey in the Local Legislature at the next General Election. ad---That the Nominating Convention be composed of two delegates from each subordinate Association. STANDARD BRED Cocrtg.--Mr. J. A. Hunter attended the Sinclail Sale of Standard Bred horses at Grand's last. Thursday and bought two colts. "Black Thorn " and a bay tilly, "Black Thorn" is 2 years old by \Vildhrino 2.19h, Darn May by Ranker 7415. Black Thorn is a full brother to Surena. 2.20h, Sweet Violet 2.2†and Cressun 2.18l. He is a handsome colt and should go very fast. The Bay Filly isa beauty, 1 year old, by wild'tuauo2.Wh Dam by Coaster 2.1%. Dr. Jamieson we nndemtand owns a half share in these colts. Our skilled trainer, Mr. R. Scott is handling them and is now in his glory. Lucas, Wright & Balm", Calder Block, LowerTown, to discuss mud mnnplete "vriutgements for the forming of a Gentlemen'" Club for Literary or 800ml purposes, or both. as may he decided upon. All interested are. cordially in. vited to attend, and give the meeting the benefit of their views and valued snggesliuns. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Satsuparilla. Easy yet eiticienr. Yuma Mex, ATTnwrioxl--A meet- ing of the young men of Durham and vicinity is called for Friday the 29th inst a: 8 p. m. at the Law Omces of HAD MANY AiMttNTs.--"For your? I have been taking medicines for liver complaint, vheutuatism, heart, trouble and nervous prostmtion, but, three hot- tlea of Horrd's Sursnpnrilln have done me more stood than anyother medicine I have ever taken. I heartily reconnm-nd itto others."--). S. A. JUDD, Her- mm, Michigan, Special snleof clothing on at J. A. Huu'er's. He has the nohluest, and largest st (wk. \Vulkertontown Council have. granted money to plant trees that will obstruct a view of their Show Ground from a. neighboring hill. The Telescope says that although the hill has lost the Society mmy a quarter, the trees will Le n monument to the meanness of human nature in some persons who will neither stay at home nor paws the gates. They are not all in Walkertou. OLD COUNTRY matvmrr.---The Gadd family and its branches came into pus- session last week of an old~country he- quest dutwg from mo but held until the death of their mother which took place about, two years ago. Banker Kelly has received the papers, and is seeing the matte: closed. Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers may be prevented by keeping the blond pure and the systtent toned up with Hood's, Sarsaparilla. Miss Schullz from Toronto it opening up a dressmaking business in Parkm's block adjoining MeClocklin's butcher shop. FOR Batae.--h set of second hand 1",gg harness in good condition. App y at this oft1ce. Buy a. Raisin Seeder for 81, at J. A. Hunter's. Liberals, the principles your fathers supported are worthy of your support to-day. Come to the Convention. Go into the contest that is to be, with I belief in the recutude of your posnion and a determination to do everything honorable to win. Che gamma gram. thtrham, Thur. Oct. 21st, '97. When the “credited delegates have met in free convention and done their work, rising we trust above all jealousies, accepting the choice of the Conven. tion most loyally. we hope to see the Town Hall crowded with Liberals tolisten to the speakers and shew by their presence and enthusiasm that they believe the successful historic past of the Liberal party should he perpetuated. . We do not believe that the sun rises and sets in the Liberal Parly,but we do believe tlut at this juncture In our history, when an awakened interest Ill thugs; Canadian has taken place, almost wholly as the result of a Liberal Policy pre- sented by Liberals, there should be Liberals in power in the Provinces to sue- tain the movement 80 auspiciously begun by Liberals in the Dominion. Let there be then a large and representative meeting next week: it is I duty that Liberals owe to themselves to provide a condidate m every riding, a duty they owe to their country to make provision to sustnin a government that has . record unsurpassed in any British community for clean, capable and efflment administration. Thursday of next week the Liberals of the Riding are called by paper and poster to meet in Durham for the important duty of choosmg a candidate to represent the riding in the next local parliament. LOCAL AND GENERAL REFORM CONVENTION. I HOME AaArN.--Irispeteto" Campbell , ' arrived by late train on Monday night, 'Itllltl was welcomed at the station by iwife and children and a few friends. ', Though many are the sights and grand- I which he has seen, We believe his Anglo F Saxon or Anglo-Celtic hem t never beat i warmer than on once again resuming I his place round home and hearth among l wife and children after an absence of i 3 months. Miss McDonald remained in j Toronto and will he at work next week. They had it very rough ocean passage till they reached the Gulf, but Mr. ",i,i:.:i:',iiiit,',e, Rood sailing qualities re- mained with him and he was one of I half adozen from whom old Neptune did not exact tribute either going or l coming. His looks tell that the trip has ibeen of immense advantage to his health and he will now require some vignrto stand the many herutv hand shakes and good wishes he Will receive. Few travellers have kept their personal- ity so well before the' people in their absence as Mr. C. has done in his series ' of excellent letters in the REVIEW. and I fewer still have furnished their home l and district with such a vivid imaginary I trip as has been derived from gmghic ',desceiption and Interesting luci ent I fiowipg from the ready gm of our worthy Inspector. On be alt of tie I hundreds of renders who have been de- I lighted with his letters we again tender l him hearty thanks. This week the {letters are continued, and material , enough ariived just a little before the l author for one or peihnps two letters I more. They Will ie found of equal 5 interest, and will contain some I information as to how the average I "Britisher" is being enlightened on 9 Canada. and the part thin. has been 1 taken in that good work by Major J. B. t McLean, Mr. J. J. Haslett. son-in-law of ' Mr. Thea. Lauder, both well known here, and Editor Willison of the Globe. I Besides other reflections and an eloquent l conclusion. Pam, IN MEnrctNE.--Thet.e are fads in medicine as in everything else and a "new thing†frequently sells for a short time simply becauseit is new. But in medicine, as in nothing else, the people demand and will be satisfied with posi- tive, absolute merit. The fact that Hood’s Fra'saparilla has stood its ground against all competition, and its sales have never wavered but have remained steadily at the top, demonstrates, he- yond any doubt. the intrinsic virtues of this medicine. The new things have Come and gone but Hood’s Snrsnpnrilln rests upon the solid foundation of absolute merit and its power to cure and its sales continue to be the largest in the world. A meeting of Poultry Fanciers was held In the Public Library on Fri- day the 15th inst and an association formed known as the Durham Poultry and Pet, Stock Association. Wm. Irwin was voted to the chair and Wm. Gorslinc appointed Secretary. pro tem. The following officers were appointed: Hon. President, James Allan; President. Wm. Gorsline; Vice President, ll, Leuyens; Secy. Treas.. I‘hos. Brown: Board of Directors. Wm. Mountain, R. Mathews, Thus. Gadd Jr., David Lamb. Nat. Harvey. Directors are to meet next Friday night to complete organ- ization, &c. I MPonTANT,--We call the attention of our readers to the notice re "Extra Provincial Companies.†which appears in this issue. To agents of such com- panies it is especially Important att the penalty attached is a serious one. To secure uniformity in the returns, applic- ation should be male to the Provincial Secretary, Toronto, for blank forms. Then returns must, be made before the lst of November 1897. 80 in the shade, Saturday night at freezing point. J. A. Hunter is selling an extra heavy Copper Boiler for $2.50, usually sold at $3.50. The vurinbleness of our climate was well illustrated last Saturday when a little after midday the thermometer fell 20 deg. in half an hour. Friday it was It is reported that Mr. J. W. Mitchell, formerly of the Chronicle, has bought out a Clinton paper. In Hunter’s Ad., lst page, " Women's Knitted Shirts," should be "Women’s Knitted Skirts," something new. ONTARIO Tme TORONTO Mr. Harry Barnet, wife and family re- S C ll L B E RT S 0 N ' turned from the Boo this week and will 0 . again take up their residence in town. t Shop over S. Scott’s Store, Lower Town ' Mrs. E. Davidson, arrived at her daughter's, Mrs. C. L. Grant's. last Fri- day, and will stay a month or two. Mr. Harry Meredith. returned on Bat- urday afternoon from Guelph where he spent his holidays among friends. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon. of Chesley, visited their daughter Mrs. J. A. Black, of this town. Mr. Redford, who formerly taught in Allan Park school, has secured No.1. Normanby. for 1898, Miss Annie McLauchlun leaves for Toronto Friday to visat het sister and other relatives. Rev. Mr. Molnnia, (if Elam. will preach In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday next. Miss Collins and friend from Walker- ton are visiting " Miss Belle McKen- zie's. Messrs. Mun. Sutherland and R. Me. Cracken visited Mt. Forest last week end. Miss W. Clark returned to Brantford from visiting her sister. Mrs. Park. Mr. Will Leighton. of MachuGne & Co. left Monday morning for London. Mr. Robt. Cameron. of Berkley, visited his home in town for a. few days this week. A CoNiT.--The action of the Patron representatives hurt Tuesday would seem to settle the question of their attitude at the next election. See the report elsewhere. There will be. a can- didate and that, candidate will undoubt- edly be Mr. MeNichol. whose explana- tions and course have won for him an expression of confidence. Mr. McNichol is as good today as he was four years ago and we should see our Conservative friends follow suit and endorse Tuesday's action. But will we? There is ample time for a pronouncement before Fair Day in December when the nominating convention is called. Mrs. Burgess, sr., has gone to Guelph to live with her daughter. Mrs. Elliot, of Chatsworth, Is the guest of her mother. Mrs. Mount). Miss E. Whalen has returned from visiting Miss Bell, of Bell's Lake. Mrs. Lavelle is visiting her old home in Stratford this week. Mrs. Laidlaw, sun. returned from visit. ing her son Robert in Detrcit. PUBLIC LIBRARY. --Winter and long nights are approaching, and the chums of the Public Library on the attention ofthe citizens should be again consid- ered. Its shelves presentnn army and a chance of reading that is not valued as it ought, to he. This week nearly 100 new hooks from London, England have been (-utnlogued. and will soon he ready for issuing. A grunt of 8170 has been received from G'oret'nmenond will he spent in theinterest of the citizens by enhancing the value of the Libra: y and Reading Room. Reader do you ever look in? It not, call this week and urge others to go. Miss B. Blume, of Lamina. school has been re-engaged. The REVIEW will be sent to new sub- scribers to any address till Jan. lst. 1809 for $1. Thursday, Nov. 25th has been set apart as Thanksgiving Day. A Meeting of the Reformers of Dur- ham will he held in CALDER’S HALL. on TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER Mth AT 8 P. M., for. the purpose of appointing delegates to attend the nominating Convention of the South Gray Reform Association, to he held in the own Hall, Durham, on the 28th inst.. atone. o'clock p. m. A full attendance is requested. ---oN--- SATURDAY, OCT. 23rd, At1.30 RM. Officers for the ensuing year will be appointed and delegates Chosen for the Convention in Durham on28th inst. The Annual Meetingof the Glenelg Reform Atrsocintion will he held at the Township Hall, Glenelg. A meeting of' the South Grey Refm'm Association will be held at the Town Hall, Dur- ham, on Thursday, Oct. 28, I897, at one o'eloek p. m., for the pur- pose of nominating a candidate to contest the riding at the neat Provincial Elections. After the nomination the meeting will be addressed by the Candidate, Geo. Landerkin, Esq., M. P. and others. All Reformers in the riding are cordially incited to be present. Durham, October 4, 1897. SOUTH GREY.. PERSONAL MENTION. G LE NELG REFURMERS. FEE DURHAM REFORM ES. J. o. MORGAN, PRESIDENT J. J. SMITH, SECRETARY J. w. CRAWFORD, Pres. D. MCDONALD. Pres. ALEX. BINNIE, Becy. The Ladies of Durham and vicinity are cordially invited to call and im spect the 3% Latest Novelties ortAt--At Portage La Prairie. on the l4thOc10ber. Mrs. Wm. Gray, aged “years. [Decer was the mother of Mrs. John McGowan. Priceville, and left here abuut three years ago for the west. No particulars nboutan apparently sudden death have yet been received. As a friend and member of this Soviet y he became endeared to us and gnim-d our esteem and reaped by his upright character, quiet disposition. and Ialrots. contributed to the welfare and Dt'uwgwr- ity of this Society. Words me feeble to express our sorrow. and human consola- tion is of but little avail. We therefore commend the borrowing ones to that source of strength and comfort opened to us in God’s \Vord. "God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble." and may He who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all We ask or think, the God of al1cotnfort who comforteth us in all our tribulations. strengthen them in this hour of extreme sorrow. MARY E. TURNBULL, Con-Sec. MnaaR Ecron. Presndent. Rocky Saugeen. Oct. 8t h, 1897. MoRRrsoN.--Near Dornoch on Tuesday 19th, lest, Mr. Malcolm Morriscri, In connection with the death of Alex. Stewart, we give below a resolution passpd by the Y.P.H.C.E., of Buru's Church, Rocky Sanctum] I-- Resolved that. having learned with deep regret and sorrow that God, in His Providence, has permitted the removal by death of one of the members of our Society -out. esteemed young friend and brother, Alex. s9ewatt--who at the commencement of his manhood has been so suddenly called from the. church mil- itantw the church triumphant, to his sci-rowing parents. brothers and sisters, we other our sincere sympathy. Dep. Reoye C. Mclnnis of Yeovil. was in Durham, Tuesday. and gave us a call on his way to Owen Sound. He is in the field for next vettr'ts council, and will almost surely be on the board again. He is now a J. P. and was on his way north to secure his Statutes Mnng other business. Mr. David McIntyre Balsam Valley, and Mr. Mal. McMillan begin timbering operations in Buntinck this week and expect to cover part of Nonnmnhy be- fore winter. They are both experienced timberman as well as right good fellows and their services are in demand. Mrs. John Cameron and Mrs C. Ram- ttite leave tnmormw morning for TOI- onto as delegates to the. World's W. c. T. U. which meets there this week. They will return next Wednesday. Meat. Mr. Little. Dornoch, prcaehed two ahte sermons to large congregations in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. , Messrs. Geo. Blyth and Tom Smrry. of the Chatsworth News stuff. “silt-d friends in town on Saturday and Sun- day. t N‘uLlIII cures COLD IN THE HEAD ac. LIPSOLINI' cures COLDSORES ac. Caldera Block, GUMlig _ [ij]fi1S)Et1, aged 63 years. in Millinery for the Fall and Win ter trade. m These have been carefully purchased under our personal supervision. "ilk No trouble ta show goods and Our prices are right. It you are wanting RWY. HAIR BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, CLOTHES ggq§_H_Es.__ TOOTH anususs. BRUSHES. TOOTH BRUSHES. COMES (6.. Inspect our “men and prices before buying. TOOTH PABTEO. TOOTH POWDERS, TOOTH WISHES, a TOOTH SOAPS. Something ncw In Mus line. Try than. Durham Pharmacy. Millinery .’ SYMPATHETIC. DIED. Durham. a-taa. Apply to on tii',iiiiicii'"iii7Gilais occupied hy Mr. E. Mpchyhlin. Occupation given Dmmore, July 5th Ig97. Ever ready in the hour of need. No two trips required. EMBALMING DONE IF DESIRFD. GASKETS. COFFINS. SHROUDS and UN DERTAKING Material Kept in Stocx. A first class HEARSE for Hire, will; (Ifull line qt A Large Assorhm-n! of BELLS. BLANKETS. WHH'S, SNA PS. CUR1tY-C0M BS. BR U SH 19S. COLLA RS, S' UWA T PA HS. and HARNESS OIL. Driving Gloves and Robes Lined to Order REPAIRING t SPECIALTY COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loan in sums and on terms to suit borrowers, (On first Mortgage on Town ot' Farm Property.) Lowest rates of Interest. Quick despatch, and lowest possible charges: Apply to FOR ALL KINDS OB Light & Heavy Harness Barrister, Upper Town Durham. Durham, Sept. 23rd '07. 3m A comfortable attd cnnu_modious heme c. Lefroy McCaul 0rdrrs Int mail will reeeive prompt Money h Ian, Go to Dromore C. McMILLAN. TO RENT. mo, MgK any E. To" n. I 'r'