West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Oct 1897, p. 1

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tr EGGS for the lALITY. " vet th s, Whips, " ht Harness YOU. Unsurpassed for ENS, Jr. .w Furs. Highest IKE UR ms. Pads, M !! d we are AND KINDS hur's RICE", n the Harnea Grip. Morse FSsT,ci21 We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and We are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. We beg to inform our Custom-. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cashier- its equivalent, and that four Mott-o will be "Large Sales & Small Profits." Upper Town Implement Warerooms o, Goderich and Woodstock Organs. New Williams tk'- 'a Sewing Machines. . A few GOOD COOKING STOVES left, at and below cost. LARGE STOCK 0N HAND AT " UPPER TOWN, Durham, Jane 15th 1897. BIG ll THE We2"ga'ih"st, Ladies, to introduce a house- hold work. Bptondid returns to competent. Tytom" In. x‘llg‘r. VOL. XIX,---mo 43." CANADA CARR!AGE CD’S. (lr"i'i'ijilllii.Efi, CEBC.EC1".lut,g and. CEB5ETE PIAN as- l-. lulu-"don. men of Character. THE LINSCOTT COMEANY. BUGGIFB, t e WAUUONS CHAS. 1)/rcBTNNON'Sj. The CASHr 3 J, GALLOWAY. Toronto. ADOPTED BY (Some To the Big 4 jbr Bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes Tinware, Whips, dar., &c. Everything at BIG 4 Prieea--Whieh are the lowest- And ONE PRICE TO ALL. 0 o FALL GOODS are coming in. o . o itt f Toronto. . tytcKechrtie. G. ct' J - 1'trc1TEltWN11'i'e. oth. "OG. CHATIIAM AND SNOW BALL Bean dk Go. WANTE D--An experienced cmvusar to true] and npdointngenu. No manning. Salary and oxponseq paid. Tn Emmi-Gunnz'uox Co. Limited Toronto. New Williams DURHAM. t '9 m qt A 5.2:. '-. I V x _i/ii'.',1., t R3 _li)il I 51"}? . ill . ' 1' The erroneous notions which many otherwise well-informed British people have of Canada and Canadians is a" source of considerable amusemenfand i often resentment to a native Canadian. I l You cannot but feel that they should i know better, and would, if they were I disposed to learn. Many still look up i on Americans as barbarians, ready toll brandish a tonvahawlt, or go iloatingts into a drawing room robed in the print I itive blanket. Micawher like, they"? are always waiting " something to i turn up in the way ot his doing some 5' horrid thing or rising some “awful"lt slangy expressions. They are some ll, times disappointed when the unex- ', pccted happens and he conforms to 1 the rules oi ii-cicty as well as '. they do, in every respect. A lady _ from Clary, Ontario, who had made an extended trip over the greater part _ ot England told me that one good iriend ot hers, after a considerable acquaint- ance, actually told her that she was nut so different item the 1153 of them after all. She actually anticipated some wildi'rtakthat Would dis-gram: them and was rather taken aback to find her Canadian cousin equally gifted, educated and "civlvzcii" as herself. Ul Canada as it is the majority hare-l no true knowlcdge or conception. The most ridiculous notions are held re- ‘garding it, “Our Lady oi the Snows" has a real signiticancc to most ol them tor they seem to think it is a country of eterna. winter. Many would gale at 5 you incredulously when you would say that the Cold of " Canadian winter ' though more intense, was less lclt {especially in the houses than the, :dreary, freezing moisture of this chat late. The rainy spell in September i was actually as cold as our November. -Fanc-y, the waiter, on a sultry July Hilly “shortly atter landing, bringing , you hot 'iemonade in response'to y our l request for a glass of lemonade and the iinnocent remark of your host aceomp ‘anying it, "that he doubtless thought iyou would feel hotter to get the can]. ;adian frost out of your bonus." Mine ; host was a Canadian and appreciated lthe humor of the situation. A numberI oi good honest Canadians who are over fhere are doing much to dispel this j Egyptian darkness. i Foremost anionsr these, are two known to our own TOWU-tneu of whom We ',have, just reason to he pr lid. l roi'er| ito Mr. J. J. Haslett and Major J. ii. ikchean. Mr. Haslett you will recog- ‘nize as son in-law of our respected lRegistrar. It r. Lauder. No other ,person in this country probably has such extended and exact knowledge ioi'hoth countries as Mr. Haslett. He has traversed N. America from North [to South and from East to West, under istands the needs oi the country thoroughly, is an ardentand p-itriotlet Canadian, and already has done much to place our beloved country in its true light bei'o e the people oi these Islands. Of this country he has equally amid knowledge-l suppose there. is nut a county which he, has not visited, in which indeed he has not sojourned ac 1et..iy,t.i,',t',' the people. with our great 1 national resources. After years of rich 'icxporsenee he knows how the British , {magic L'ic'l.t l,,, reached. lie isaff'able, lift." ti' l cool headed and altogether Ijast such a man as to inspire conti- ldence and win hisopponenis to his way am thinking, I do not know another '. man better adapted to fill a (liiiicult and responsible position and to dis. charge so well the duties which are his daily task. Just here allow me to say that Mrs. Haslett is a nohle second. She gave us a genuine Canadian Wel- come and some of the pleasantest hours a ent in this country were spent in their coxni‘or‘tahleand hospitable home. ..- rr'f'eT; "-” T'/rT1hT"y, on "4 s.U' " F.: t, “4:15.: At Freak notions about Canada getting dispelled. - Some comparisons in which Canada shows up well. In Major McLean whom I had the 3 extreme pleasure of meeting casually , one (in y on King William Street wel have an )tlierCanadian who never tails' to point out elrxnieiitly with tongue and pen the greatness of our Canadian nationality. You will dorth'less re- member that the Major is President ot the Canadian Press Aswciznion and as such he was at ficting representative of Canada at a meeting of the Imperial ‘Institute of Journalists of tho United Kingdom held atCardiff some weeks ago. The inditf'erenee to Canadian affairs shown by some of the, great journalists pf this country roused to life the national Spirit of the worthy Major and when his turn came to reply to the Colonial toast he responded in a 1015- ing Canadian speech which frequently elicited round after round of applause. At the conclusion of the address many of the apathetic journalists in their con- Mr. Campbell Meets Well known Durhamites. WORK P2l BRITAIN.{ DURHAM, THURSDAY, 0010000 28, 1897, ONTARIO Arte TORONTO Er, gratulations to the Major promised to visit Canada in the near future and did him the, honor of publishing his speech in full in their tvspeetive pa rs. The. Major had one regret aniFethat wagl that lu'ditor-itrChiet', Willison, of the! Globe who was present bat had to leave early in the evening, had not fll shot at the same mark. No better? man than Willison could have been! selected to set forth Canadis advant- ages and it was matter of regret that he did not have opportunity to speak. Thus, our Canadian people are gradu- ally making their individuality felt through such men and our real re- svurccs are being made known where most good is likely to follow. Way the shadow of all such patriotic Canadians hover grow shorter. A leature of the, social economy here ‘that striki-s one very forcibly is the (iii? value placed upon human life. This is soon cvcrywhere, among all Classosul'pcnplt‘. In factories, work- shops, and placesol' employment, on ofpeople travel over this road daily) but except an occasional grumbling“ Canadian or American. they seem! quite satisfied with its snail like pace. ( In the matter of Electric Lighting, iti seems to the Canada is far in advance. 3 The, science may not be any farther; developed but the applieotion ot it isl, distributed much more widely among. lthe people. The price at which wel lCunadinns get our Light astonished thei Icity resident here. Some of them even _ venture tesuy it ean't he much good or 3 lthey would have it in London, on the/ ltheorv before stated that "all good lthings are to be got in London." One l is sometimes almost accused of "draw-I 2.,?,1,' the long bow" when he states the simple truth. The streets of the cities’ larc not as in Canada burdened and lobscured by an ugly assemblage of; ltelephone and telegraph poles and! lwircs. The wires run parallel to cer. ':tain streets but are over the gardens or (open spaces which are always at, the'; [rear of the houses fronting the streets. '; ‘The unsightly appearance of the null. l .titude of wires and the danger of en- l tanglemcnts in case of iire are thus‘ avoided. _ . I "ilit Are team": pecullar to Hood’s Pius. Small In 012e, tasteless, efficient, thorough. Att one man Nioodis lald: bt You never know you - have taken: pill till it is all over." me. C. I. Hood & Co., Pi I I s Proprietors. Lowell, Mass. The only pills to mm with Hood’s Samariu- gs. Wanted A89” BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. If you are willing to work, we can Rive you em- ployment with GOOD PAY, and pm can work all ur part time. and at homo or fravvlling. The work is LIGHT AND EASY. WRITE AT ONCE for terms etc. to THE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY, Rochester. N. Y. _ Tr ITP at.e,P"e l asy to Take W asy to Operate A $9. 1'Wt 33 ‘1. " " '= I". 'ti, i t. . . 1 'ii': Pain 545‘: by for ' H Jig; you wax] IT', . y .4 L: A “1E Trarntg ~4. - . I -r, P, J cd l. "2 "fr; 45:51.: Hamel ,. ' ' (iehH il, Ttt Car Am HE, S r " .1 ‘3 J LL' , lit alum/p 1 iii: Wil p, _3‘ ', dip or pow = i A E o m; iiiit S I F1 - i 1 iii-é f: .?/t'ij.'; Druggist I I m-r . . 'li/l-r?;!??,'-','::),: Fig, IL. - Titlfiflfiffi-lfl a: ,..y"ee.eeec-e'e-"e. 3E 33:: 1N ESTERN ASSURANCE i COMPANY. W'WW” - "aiida, ekected on all kinds of pru- rorty at iowerrt current run-s. Dwvl: iugs and their contents insured on the most favorable terms. Losses promptly and Lilrorally settled Call or communicate with . C. RAMAGE. - Agent. ',i'i's'pifaSii it? F Fg,,ht/iiil'/iiylkii p.ue.pgc.hicrp1ir-srr9rl . 1-rrFArviH; rim. h. a; xmummif-117111.11mumrm:!Or1.r7-1rr'.lm OILS, PAINTS. 1/AF?A//Sir-h5iiiS FOR - q . - THANKSGIVING DAY Hen e Turkeys WANTED Patten up your 233.1011 Turkeys and have them in good . shape. Follow instructions in last weelc's ad. as to kill- ing and plucking. All kinds of Fowl wanted at once for immediate shipment. FIRE A ND MA HIKE: Varnish“. Paint your by for winter. you want, and an 33311683 otr.-.-nme best in the market, 150 quart, Car American and Canadian Coal Oil. Parlor Lamp, Stable Lantern's &c., &c. Shae/p Mp in tin: 256 Each. - ""'"""""ar' I. ""'ar" v~â€"â€" __ . Will dip 20 or 25 Sheep, and Lambs treated with our Sheep dip or powder will thrive better and have a larger Fleece of Wool. Druggist and Srcdmnun gbscriée for the Review. Special sale of. Ladies' Mantles from $2.80 up to $9.00 each. The latest, styles. See our 85.00 Ladies' Coat, it is a Dandy. Fresh stock of Men fi Suits and Ulsters fron 85.00 up. Nens Figs 50 lb , 6 lbs. for a _ V.?' 'ir'r' -rk -.\~ . , A-,. r, (iF,citi filttitttt). 1,?arher's Drug U. A Fhh1sf"r"t'.i'i-."i,TP. November 25th S'? FN ‘4 -f L' J " M. _ _ , C _ t, "i .. " A"tuh't '9.9eyr7s ------r-- ' w; 5377‘! 'LUu "Ill Ilu‘v _.____ .7 _, " Carriage Vavnish ( at a bargain ), all the details can be had at our Store. uttsiClt "atogt"cedcu"'c . of r.ag:itccrsic'tsti's.1S:t's66e" lmplonwnts before putting them Can give you any color or shade idea how to use them. You will have time to varnish your vehicles. 7 . . II ‘I__ H. PARKER. AT The unc1eryitrne.d, omts fur sale or rent that detiiraitle ptwk lot, in the “Home: of Pviceville, formerly owned by the Ute James Cattterott. Lot mn- twins 13 acres all under cultivation. On the lot is a good house, and ham also a good hearing Orchard For (can: of sale or rent apply to JOHN MclNNlS. 'a-Lit a " ti' "u" ".".' tt '.i'3W'" .L 23.3%}..593Jfii-géngfwamct-fimmf'wgfis WHOLE " 1024. PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. M, sill-41M _' biil".rCaA1iJitr-t'rhkAGas'k: 11:1 FlFTLF'J tT2vt7rVza raft: Upper To wn an; tore. 55E Du N. am . Pricov i lle St?- 317: J}.- if arr '3 fi': Lt

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