West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Dec 1897, p. 1

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(ENS, Jr. U i “UL: We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be “Large Sales & Small Profits" We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. it a: o it -"'-='r="=Cr7e ' O f, E Stoves lsss _ _-------... ' UPPER TOWN DURHAM a N. G.& J. McKechnie. ttttttttttttttttttttr"? 'tst)sl1,r.L.A C1laet1,et,,,lgi? , t With a big load of toys of' all Icinds-- t Dolls - Picture- Bootcs--oametr--Mouth- ' organs-parses -Faney Cups ' Saucers ---3tumr--Photo Albuns, mm 500 a? to f.g.3.0O-t41 k Handkerchiefs ot all k nds ---Cnndierr-N.uts--&e. &e. ' And if you want a good cup of Tea for Xmas, drink “SALAD? t Ceylon Tea, Quack or Mixed) in lead packets, pound and half t poimd at 25c, 30e, and 40c a lb. ' BEAN dl 00... I)url|n "I. [Xuga Oth. '96. i Our Piano and Organ trade is tfjrmly established. Best makes. t Purest tones. . ---------------- - __ .3 Do you want a Sewing Machine? Try the New g Will.iarnsc-- Highest prlce paid for Wood b m exchange for goods. ' G. MCKINNON. Gutters AT _-------- - VOL, XW-NO 50. At prices that will surprise. - UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. The CASHr sr s t e asti. ADOPTED BY (1 MCKINNON’S Has Arrived atJ 7he Big 4. N., G. dt J. McKECHNIE. - "iii1itt d iiitiit of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. r I Among the varieties of grain to be distributed during the coming season l will be Some of the more promising oi the new crossbred sort which have been produced at the Experimental Farms,'. All the grain sent out will be carelully' cleaned and true to name. To prevent the disappointment which occurs when parties receive samples of l varieties they already have, it would [be well for each person applying to name two or three sorts which he would prefer, aranging them in the order ot preference; When, in case the stock ot the first named variety is exhausted the scccnd or third could be substituted. As it is proposed to only send these samples on personal, single. application, it is important that every farmer who d. sires a sample should apply for him. self. Lists of names will not be con- sidered. All letters addressed to the Central Farm at Ottawa may be sent free of postage, and the samples weigh- ing three pounds each will be sent tree to the applicants, through the mail. The distribution will begin early in December, and as the stock is limited and the applications will be filled in the order in which they are received, those sent in early will have the ad. ,Vantagc. Applications tuay,however, be sent in at any time before the let of March; but alter that date tl:e list will ibe closed so as to ensure the sending Put of all the Samples in time tor early ‘sowmg. A gctlllcumtl who is ono of tho host authori'io-s on ugricultnrt- in Ann-run audthan whom no onc is in u luoltct' position to juthtgof tho 'vuuituunvutri of the l'ai'nu-r. rcccnll)~ Mutt-4| that thc con- dition of the Canadian furuwr was im- proving, :uul that this improvement was due largely to the good work living done by the Fiuancws' Institute systoutns and the agricultural pro», l'Ivm-y one who has considcrt-rl this nutthr carcinlly will ngrcc with this stun-uncut. und t's'- pecially thatportion of It rt-t‘crring to the agiiculturul pix->5. Aitusr.s,r thi- many agricultural journals pllllli“ll('ll_ none are doing mon- to in.pro\c the condition of tlu. (Hinzuliun furnwr thnnl FARMINH, "ilrlislu.d at 20 lily Htrvcf.‘ Toronto. it, is tlie only wot-Hy :lull'l cultural paper published In Canada. _ With it is incorporated tho ()uhu'io§ Agricultural (fondly. which is the ot't”.- l cial ("gun of the Dominion ('ntlv, Shot-pg and Swme Bveedevs'Associativns.nnd of l, the Farincrs‘ Institute systcm of on-l turio. yNo progrcssiyv iaviuew can affortt to be without it. Tlute is no phase 1 of farm work and practice but what he l can get infornmt ion upon by consulting the columns of FARMING. Among the _ special features which might be men» tioned is the lVrc/cly Marla)! Review and Forecast. and no olw who has live ' stock or farm produce to sell can tttfortl I to be without. this weekly outlook re-i gut-ding prices and the condition of the ( markets. . Central Experinumtul 'l"m'm, Ottawa, Dee. tech, 18W. The regular price of FARMING is 81.00 per annum ; hut we have nuulv special aruwgemcms with tlw pultlislwrs, and are in a position to supplv FARMING. to- gether with the REVIEW for the low prim-0f 81.70. Now is I In time to begin. send in your orders at once. The Editor of the REVIEW, DEAR hs'iR.---Itt an editorial of your issue of Dec. 2nd, you refer to the above Congress recently held in Chicago. ond one of the subjecis discussed ' "ls bap- tism a pre-requisite to communion 'e" Citing the fullmvivm’ ‘mm the Montreal \Yilncss; ".1 1w in", ,.‘- rm"- of sum- mvm among Bapti‘r' m tr' Lu- ‘zll‘VH' of close Loxmnnnic : ie it, i on! ul. New: perhaps in tho. history of the Baptist denomination has so important a doc- ttine been stricken down on such short notiee,"and close your article by saying, "The broad-minded men are coming to the front." The annual distribution of samples of some of the best varieties of seed grain to farmers, tor test in different parts of the Dominion, has, during the past ten years done much to direct attention to the importance ot sowing the best sorts oi seed, and in many sections of the country this introdue. tionof new sorts has resulted in a de. cided iniyroveinent in the yield and quality ofthe grain produced. Nearly ‘all the varieties sent out are grown on the ExperimentalEnrins and are sel eeted ironiainong those which, after being submitted to careful and repeat- ed tests, have produced the largest crops of grain of good quality. Having received instructions from the Honourable Minister of Agriculture to continue this useful work and make another distribution during the Coming season, I shall be pleased to receive applications from all who desire sam- ples. As heretofore, one sample of one variety only can be sent to each appli- can:, and (is; di,ctril,utirn will be con- thwd to minions M IN may mus, harloy, ileld pvoaso, 1udian Corn and potatoes. TO THE FARMERS OF CANADA. BAPTIST CONGRESS AT CHICAGO. WM. wamsns, Director. A'., pewtntetttttl Farnuu --------_q+ DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1897. FA It M I NG. r‘->¢ tlttt E According to its (om-option nothing is ‘lmpliun hut. imuwrsion, based on an 'lintrlliyr.vtrt, confession of Chvist hy the ; pin-mu inmtuvsed. Tiiereforeonly those 3“ ho have herut numerswl can properly :In- "rhnitted to the Lold’s Tulrie." i, The allure is a fair and impartial wit- lnoss of the Baptist position, coming too ‘ from a paper. that is entirely outside ‘thv Bap! ists ot' the United States. l And let me my in closing, that we in Canada, are not. at all alataued over the seeming jubilation of many secular _ papers; our position, is safe. and as Neaiulev, the church historian said, I "there is n Kvvntfuture 1refote them," I WILLIAM MM‘szoon, 1 Durham Ont. l But it, is needless to any that, the "old i land marks” had many able defenders-- " fact somehow overlooked by the Wit- [less and REVIEW --in the persons of De. l Lotion. Nn-ln'ille, one of the :thlest i, men of the Suuth. and Dr. Heusun l Chicago, than whom there is no more. l elmluent. and popular pastor in that , City, whose talents make. for righteous , mess, and last luttnnt least, the Outlook. l " pedolraptist paper sums it us follows: I".1'he term close-communion" is infeli- jeitnu; If not. unjust, as applied to the l, Buntiit dvmruiiisutiou. The view of _ that Chutvh respecting the relation of " huptimn to the Lord’s- Supper. does not, {differ in principle from that tradition- _ ally held by churches nf Clujst gener- ally, Catholic and Protestant. The View is sulrstautiully :19 fullowsz The Lotxl's Supper is a cluuvh m-din-‘ inn-e. only niemhem of Chrirt's (lhurehi can properly partake of it; lmptisni is) :nmther church tuzliuance and is ill?; sat-y to :ulnviSsiuu to Christ's Church; therefm-e mny the. baptised can partake of the Lord's Supper. ll' [hr prmnist-x be granted. the conclu- sion lugimllv fulluws: "The Baptist church tliil'ets from (“her Christian Churches nut in its conception of the tuslutiou of 'ritptirrn to the Lord’s Supper but in ils 1lctiuition of baptism. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR AND DENOM- 1NATIONAi, WORK, Tho nu-tnlu-ra of much christian de. nnminzllinn should he loyal to their own church. That is their thsl duty. and to fail there is to fail ever 'whcre. We in- sist on this very strongly. If an individ- ual fails in aiteetion to his own family he cannot love any others truly. And when he does that. that, fits him to love a still wider circle. Being true and strong there, he is true and strong he- .ond that. There Is no contradiction here. This is seen in our Sunday School work. We have township, county and provincial conventions, and at the same time our' own church associations con- fen-int: on the same work, and instead “f wetureiting they strengthen each other. So should it be in Christian En. deavor and church work. Union work should have a gracious effect. We work as ore in Alliance, in Sunday School, in temperance work, why not in C. E. work? The Quiet Hour of Communion with God '.-Do you carefully provide for it? The Word and prayer sanctify all As to tbvse, there is not, a theological seminar in the United States, nor a. single Finnish paper, as the Boston Watchurair, the New York Examine-r and the Standard of Chicago, t.hat cluunpmns their came. As the Watch- mun very truly says, "Now two or two hundred swallows do not make a. sum- mrr, and if every person present at the Baptist Congress. lmd avowed these syutituents that would not prove that the denomination had agreed with lm'm. lam sure not. For should any man ot' Inert spring. upnn a church, Preshy. tery. or Synud, innovations peculiar to tllmnSvlvcs but foreign to the great body of people they belong, is any peaouahle person to suppose, that, he- cnuse of these. the whole denomination is luyiold its long and well-cherished beliefs. that, haye been its (-unservatur and bulwark? And ftwthrwuuwel there have been and are two factors in' the. history of u deuominatiott that have given it strength and prestige- its schools and newtilralrers. No, other the parties will fall intoline with that hmly ot' seek a people more In cunzommce With their Views. It is quite true that the above. subject came upnt' discussion led by two or thrt'e pastors, in the open Congress. whore the greatest. laxity . of Opinions are allowed, but does it fuhnw from this that the whole body of the Baptists of the U. H. is (hanging front, and to nu. low in the wake at two or three men, "stricken down," as the Witness puts It I" Permit mum Say, Mr. Editor, that with all due deference to the witness. it, never has been nur is now th" oftivial ("gain of the 4.000.000 Baptists of the UnitcdfMates, and therefote notfit to pay judgement, upon them tun' their belief in the denouncing of the" doc- trines as the REVIEW terms it. gesuuu, bad were, coated . tongue, sick headache, in- somnia, ete. Hood‘s Pills P I I Is cure constipation and all its results, easilyand thoroughly. 250. All druggim Prepared by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell. Man The only P111: to Me with Hood's Sal-saw“ "uses fully halt the sieines, In the world. It retains the digested food toe 10min the bowoh and produces bihousneu, torpld liver, M Fllood's Constipation ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Iii, ;':E iili,t, tte, -,4 ki a rt. 23315-3 'i?Si'r?, HngggJ‘wd-J4Lg; 1 mar-rmfifirftfihkmm‘mfn "-1 I 31E 11E If. 11E 3; :,3,f, _i_i:'irr-l, HOLIDAY GOODS (hinge. Strength and peace, and power and joy come out of this into nur hie. Witat have you fouud in the Word of God as you have read it of late? An- ou searching the scriptures ? Are you Ir/ri','; mines of wealth there I" Are mu laying hare fountains that, tiow with hving water? Then do not hide them. 91!: 3:: all}? Are thcv always stimulnt ing and help ful? Do they draw out your hem-H irt the heathen ? In thntchittntrins,r hook of Dr. IV. J. Dawson ti, "Tin-0‘ Lattice Windows" there is an excclleut I'D-Ming." for a missionary meeting in the chapter entitled "lhe extravagance of Suluumu Gill.” Realm Ac? . tTTC C , r115 In";!;E3;§gulé4¢g4$a;5¢';§4,;94‘;124;54.‘LJ.L,â€"'AF:~I.I-J;L, AL-, lit-r ! [ern'lr.TalrtMre.rtT'3t"ttr.trTC1 rat-fl r1 r1 r1 In m r". {“1 r". Your latest, discovery in the Word CHRISTMAS NEW YEARS NOVELTIES Druggist and Scalmmm XMAS Glu)ClilllliS, N15 ll' JO/ll/yi, m. 22 lbs best Granulated Sugar, $l. THE RIGHT PLACE FOR 'ite,', "j'rlrl'_T..r-A'r.",,-,] Missionary Meetings. fi)arher's Drug Store ijlliiltt)jittti). . .i.s.sy. "t':eecrdceS:ecr: tf ,a.,99et."e.e..e','i'.'ett.tj1sit H. PARKER. AT Every cxnrrise in an Ends.“ ur littvt- ing should be short, crisp. and willmut Imus of lime. From the hsarlet' with " "opotims,r twin-trim" to the hut mm tn tako purl. all should he, In'iol‘. Lung prayers. lung tetituttonies, lung selen- tions are all out ofphu-v in an lindwu-ur meeting. They deaden it. they roll it of its interest. They make it undesirable. When everything is brief it isngreut. etteout'ar,rettient to t-H-ryntw to take part. The must timid and retiring are ready to my. “Surely I run do as nun-h its that. let nu- try." And the trial always succeed" and s.) those who other. wise would he silent arr induced to try and no barrier should he put in the way of any one. and alwm' all in the way at the mndest turn-her, who ittstirtctivoly shrinks hack tram taking part. The meetin exists ra-icipully for such. Let these tllen we " a [use shame of con- Iidmtion. :I’EfF2'FR‘Fi'Frrâ€"1'Fwfi'Fé'FQ‘Fj'E Il-. fr Drug Store., ..--ji'ic.- if. was: IS” 15 .c E t lr, If CE FOR 15, Jie IE Goons 3;; "F-or-wa..------- "ji/rc':' ,- E. , fr, (il IN ill '-]:f',: J GREAT 2.:'.i, [-q/ VARIETY“ _ EE r-r%il2ra2trtti2irrl 3:: N1; H" MU Th'. mt 34E T. teirtfrrarrfrr.fr-Ct""r 'h' 'u1tp,rit'duAt2,Uca3%.u3Lp LL-J .LJLJ 1L?! ,L-U- WHOLE N0. 1031. "Hr/mm It a; I.,'; Nl H"

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