West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Dec 1897, p. 4

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Mr. MoNichul spoke briefly at the -iriq and the close leaving the time It” lender who held forth about3 Slch trpeeettesas his reported fully could bogood gm campaign litera- Fairoday was a hair day indeed, Mild. with roads sleighablo, and a Patron Convention wnh Leader Ilay. oocl: billed, tamed a series of name all”. tttat drew a large crowd to town aind tilkd the hall in the afternoon. w, Hayeoek is a pleasing speaker, tmid in his arguments and is a hard hitter without being irritating or ems muting. He has his facts admirably tgtanhalled and me is impressed with " "idem desire to be fair to both partie while challenging the legisla- titat and the record of both. With great enthusiasm and, we understand. perfect unanimity, Mr. McNichol received the mmplinwnt of in accent! nomination, and will have a new experience time during the con - jut ot having the enemy to right and hm ot him. This, of course is not certain. The mtthttaiaam displayed was of the gen. nine kind, no the speech of the day by Leader llaycock was a rousing We have always admired the con. duetot "airs of this province under Sir Oliver Mowat and his successnr, ex- cept here and there a flaw, which turned out lobe bearable when con- vened with the prospect of opposition rule, but weal-e tree to say that our admiration for Literal rule was heightened as we listened to Mr. Hay. eoek'e able speech on Tuesday. However we have no desire to minimize the meeting. It was ccr hinly a large one, they have brought ditit a strong candidate and Mr. Morgan Vii” M in him atoeman worthy ot his Meet not to speak of the patron Samson, Mr. MeNiehol. That he wlll have a new expcr knee also at the close of the campaign is freely predicted, as the antagonism of the two old parties, will, it is said, seduce many from the Patron madam. as in the last, election, and allow Mr. McNichol to experience an adverse vow. David leNlchol. M.P.P., re nominated. A feature of the Convention was the lime turn out from Dundalk the home of the Liberal candidate. Some tricked grits are inclined to say that a very special effort was made to have this contingent strong. Eighteen names on the hotel register made a good showing. Ayton, Neustadt and Elmwood were very slimly represented ii at all. North Bentinck and North Glenda wore scarcely in evidence and A few others whose presence would have given comfort were conspicuous by their absence. Once more however they have buckled on their armour. They cling with a taith to Dr. Jamieson that is quite touching, in view of his past want dim, and this constancy must be tiritiy gratifying to that gentleman. It is 12 years since the party won a victory. It is now eight years past elm they made an effort to tight for the local. The two chief actors of the M struggle J. H. Hunter and John Blythe have passed to the greater number. No effort was made booppose leKechnie, and four years ago they allowed their fortunes to dritt with the Patron party, sharing of course in the victory though namely rejoicing over It. My last the coessereatires of the "ting to the numberof several bun duds turned out to their Convention sod chose unanimously. as their stand. ud bearer our respected townsman. Dr. Jameson. We have not secured 3 upon ot the speeches but can easily bear witness to the warmth displayed No Other candidates were put in nation. nomination. The desire was tor Dr. Jameson, and it seems very evident that the party feel that a bowie etturt must be made to win a view” evennt a risk of saerifieing Man. by the rank and file while hiking of the new candidate and his chances 9nd from this warmth' deduce that elo- quence and tire veto characteristic of the address”? colsnnnv: CONVENTION. utuurlayeoek present. n... - o o o - --. PATRON CONVENTION. Dr. Jmleson the Choice. Mr. David licNiehol, the Patronl Standard bearer is one of Bentinck’s pioneers and served his township mun icipally hw many years, occupying the reeveship a lvng time. He also is of Reiorm stock and was frequently mentioned ass possible candidate in bygone years.. He threw in his lot warmly with the Patron movement and four years ago became their ean. didate under circumstances which rendered his victory is toregone con clusion. His course this tune is not so clear, and should he succeed in again being chusen South Grey's representa- i tive, it will tend to show that the trons are alive even though their Edges don't meet, or else that Mr. Ma. Niehol IS a stronger man than was the candidate in the last election. Mr. McNicbol is very popular in his own township and has acquired a Parlia- mentary experienae that will be useful l to him in the present campaign. Two new candidates this week, and we wish to make a brief bow to both. Dr. J amieson, the Conservative can- didate is well and favorably known in South Grey. lie has had an extensive practice asa physician and has had some experience in municipal life. Originally ol Reform stock he cast in his lot with the Conicrvativrs and has twice been their candidate but both times Was defeated. That this defeat was not due to his personality his friends believe, and consequently they have again placed him in the trout ot the. party in a new sphere. He is easily their strongest man and his pop- alarity and platform ability would make him irresistible, were he sup- porting -say--the Hard y government. Ministers as well as men are, human. What is plain is that after a quarter of a century of Liberal rule, the pro- vince is highly prosperous, not in debt, as Mr. llaycock plainly Showed. and the public works of the ministry are a luonumcnt to their aniliny and im tegrity. Ontario cannot athwd to change min- isters at the present: time, with the men now in view to take their place. THE CANDIDATES. They have eommitted mistakes? What government. hasn't. They have been mistakes of judgement, acquiesced in by their opponents, corrccted when d iseovered. The Hardy Government is on trial. lfjudgea on its record, it deserves to win. Irs, virility and usefulness Were never somuch in evidence as they are this session. Jamieson, MeNiehcl, Morgan will be the order of the names on the ballot papers. What the order will be at the close of the race is to be seen. The three conventions have all been enthusiastic, all have spoken: the Word 'go" has been given, the race is on and may me best man win. The three candidates occupy and have occupied respectable places in the community, in character they are above reproach. They differ in their religious Views as they do in politics, but let us remember we are sending men to the Legislature and not to Limbo, and we will hear nothing of a man's belief. Let it be a clean campaign. What ever thrusts are made let them come from a tree platform or afree press and for this purpose the REVIEW is open for signed communications ot reason- able length and character dealing with public men or pl: bile questions. more. With the Liberals feeling strong in their candidate and in their government, the Conservatives sure of victory with the leader who madea good tight against the redoubtable De, Lanaerkin and the Patrons with a memory of a majority of over 800, we will see some interesting sparring, a plentiful crop of predictions, some care- ful betting and no doubt some cam- paign lying. The contest for the position of repre- sentative in the Legislature is now on, and It is to be a triangular tight once and Davis also spoke, and if we can make anything out of the notes we took, next week we may enlarge Cheers for Mr. McNichol, Mr. Ray cock arurthe Queen Were given after the usual votes of thanks. Mr. Thos. Brown accupied the chair very nicely and the order was good. Mr. T. Stewart, Dornoch, was allow. ed the platform to put himself right with the. meeting, and was calling at. tention to the faulty music of the two Canadian lyres, the Globe and the Mail, and pointing out the Sun of truth when retire. he -was gently persuaded to CAMPAIGN NOTES. The Methodists of this place held their annual S. S. entertainment in this place on Sunday and Monday. nev. J. w. Magwood, of Kenilworth, preaching two very instructive senmms, speaking wholly to the children in the morning and in the evening to a well tilled house. All enjoyed Mr. Magivuod. On Monday evening after all had attended to the inner man downstairs, they repaired to the audience room upstnhs where Rev, J. R, Isaac of the church, took the chair. After all sang the opening hymn, "All hale. the power of Jesus' mune," Rev. Mr. Kitching. of Varney, led in prayer. Then the Xmas address by the pastor, a solo by Lillie Mttrklehorouqh. Rev. Mr. Sabine of Drew, spoke to the children, the choir sang a Jubilee song paniment. The sclmul was well fillud with an appreciative and orderly mult- ence. The prograune begun at. 8 o'clock and wasletigtlty, amusing and varied. An address and rresvntntinu to the teacher was then gievn and the crowd dispersed after singing the National Anthem. The rliiltlrnn were all drilled to {writ c- tion, although it heing their first appear- ance before an audience they seemed quite at their Past' on the stage. We predict foe smnv of them a brilliant ur- atorical ctu'ec't'. The teacher MiasMrCor- mack with a few outside taleut, Cook an active port. Mr. J. Jones violin select- ions contributed much to the evenings nnmemwnt as did also the organ accom- The concert spoken of in the Rev“ w two weeks ago came off on the dut P IUCN- tioued and despite inclement 1vnather and several disappointments th u h:ul to be contended with was " splendid hllt'- cess. Fiisl, they depoln’hxl on gelling the tuutains from the Suns of ’i‘mnrw; ance Pvicevillv, but we notice llmrc me a few in that town who are halal fur their genercsity in a cusp of Lluu. kind. We would advise the Sous of Tmnper- ance to observe the Gulllou Rule Is it is as good a motto as can be chosen by any lodge. The " 1sh Lake people never says tailand temporary curtains were quickly ndjmoetl. The name of Mr. w, , J, Benson was culled out at into val: but he failed to put in an appearance. Mr. John McArthur, men-1mm. Prim - ville was called to the clnix- which he h". led in his usual cfficient tt1tltlttt'P, The Sunday Schools of. the Stone so; - tletuent and the Pricevillt- Mmhmlist Church, will haven Xmas Trev in the Methodist Church here. on Friday next. Christmas Eve. A good progranmw Is prepared and a lively time is exper'ted. We will not take up any more space in your viluable paper, this time wish. ing you a very Merry mes. Agus Minibus: math ur dhul. Miss 1tulrlrieItobevrson left, fur Tor- onto last week. Mr. John Nichol jr., isrspondinu a few days in C'ollirsgwocstt, this week. Mr. Duncan Stonelmuse arrived home from the vicinity of Mammal]. where he has been for a couple of years. Rev. Mr. Morrison, of Corbotton, preached in the Presbyterian Church his! Sudny. Miss May Forgmnn. of Chehoygnn, Mich., is visiting her, friends here at present and intends to remain with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferg- uson, for the winter. Mr. Arch. McArthur is" at present, visiting his sisters, Mrs. Lowie and Mrs. Calder, of Underwood. Miss Mary E. McArthur. of Batavia, is spending a couple of weeks, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Arch, McLean. Mrs. Martha A. Watson returned re- cently from Cheboygam- Mich., where she has spent the summer. Messrs Jas. and Chas. Tryon! came home from Brooklyn, Ont., where they have been engaged for the last couple of years with Mr. Jas. Branden They shipped away a car load of cattle that Mr. Brander had on his farm here, pad- Luring. Mr. R. McGowan will Wind up His business here next Saturday, having rented his Mills to Mr. Walters, of Walters Falls. Mr. McGowan will re- turn to Oakville where his family still reside. Mr. Simmons, of Guelph, was the guest of Mr. John Stodart for a few days last week, The nice sleighing- this week. brings more people out to town and makes business livelier. Fair day passed off quietly, without much business in the forenoon, Mr. F. Wait's sale came off in the afternoon which was well attended. Mr. D. Mc- Covmack wielded the hummer in good style. . is caused tvioriiid liver, which prevents diges- tion and permits food to ferment 3nd purity in the stomach. Then follow dizziness. munch. Wm», nervousness, and, - If not relieved. bilious tower or Mood poisoning. Hood's Ill s Pills stimulate the stomach, muse the liver, can headache, cum». con- 'tipatiqn, em. 25 cents. saw an druggists. The only Pills to uk- with ll , Susannah Biil'ityusmmisi Filood's . IRISH LAKE. HOLSTEIN. PRICEV ILLE. d :97}; === a” um IAN“? TORONTO " -ra 17- "..V *7...’ ”an. Hamilton for some time past is again in our midst and we are expressing the sentiments of everybody when We say, "we are pleased to see her back again," The Presbyterian of this place, intend having a Xmas Tree on Friday, Xmas Eye. Now Mr. Editor, wishing you all the compliments of the sou-won and a Merry Xmaazmd a Happy New Year, I will stop, Miss Maggie Ferguson, of Swinton Park, is visiting her uncle, Mr. N. D. McKenzie. J. L. Brown, who is. attending High school in Owen Bound is home for Christmas. Mes. Frank Gtveriough, of Vassar, Mich,, is heme to spend tlu, Xmas holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron. ' John Logan and Jatnvs Dalguruu who have been in'lenm for the past, couple of years atwiyed home on Thursday last to spend tho Winn-r. very niiwly, Rev. Mr. Kirchingtutdress d the cmmnunity urging therrlrl as well as the young toatuuul S, H.. theehoip smug nnnll'u-r song. after. which, the Spry. read thcannuttl rvpm-L ,then they closed with a Doxology and benediction. Mr, and Mrs Geo. Fleming, of (iron- fcil, N.W.T., "re at Mrs. Manning’s fathtwls, Mr. Nelson Main nnl other friends. Ai- are well plowed to wel.. come Edith hotueoncetutuvin Unlsirin. WIVES:- Miss Mary Mt-Phail who you are fitted in a jiffy and save from 2.5 to JO per cent of your money. But are your clothes as good? The makers say they are. If they are wrong the dealer is authorized by them to refund your money. Consequently the makers cannot afford to be wrong. See that Shorey’s Guarantee Card is in the pocket - -_- -_- AA, _ of every garment. , Ready=to-wear Shorey's Clothing We cannot afford "a A new» amt: I ORDERED THAT SUIT, PLEASE CANCEL my ORD£R,I HAVE aouanr A surr or SHORIY‘S READY-TO- ”WEAR CLOTHING ATIMLI YOUR PRIc: " ROJ'AT TOP CLIFF. ‘-s. has been in After a wearying wait your clothes come, perhaps they do not fit, or when made-up, do not look as you thought they would when in the piece. Elli if you buy You go to a tailor, leave your order, then wait. ......uu " alsouu ittstruetiee discourse. Mr. Tucker filled the chair to purfvction Mr. Dan. McDonald was engNp conpleof days last week in putti: new Boor 10 Mr. John Mam-"k . We notice that Mr. Henry Hooprrhns Imoymlmtu his new house which is it fine hrirk structure being finished in the I most. up to " tte style. The occasion of l his moving was attended by a lafty pur- l ty gin-n dy the good folks of tho house and isoiueof the guests were reminded that, "ounugh is as goo] as It feast." rl,e outer ainment in room ct/on with the Eliem-zerSundny Sl‘hUOl was he“ on the Hill. inst. hut owing to the bod weather and unfavorable roads the crowd was somewhat smaller than It mighc have been. However those who did come Were certainly well pleased in doing justice to the eatahles provided by the goodladies of the neighbourhood as well its being delighted with the talent which was displayed by the Sunday school scholars. Mrs. Humphrey: in company with Miss Annie James of Priceville also entertained the audience with a. Couple of solos which wm indeed complete. The Rev. 'Mr. Fawn. w” certainlv the speaLer of the evening. choosing as a suhjim}, for his discourse "The One-sided mun. " he presented his ideas clearly and fully while the speech was almunded with humor it was alsoan instructive discourse. Mr. Air. Tucker filled the phat- m ----, " - to be wrong. We are savvy to say that Miss Hannah McKinnon who was on the sick list mum- time ago is again ill, this time hum the effects of el'ysipvlus but under the treat- ment of Dr. Hutton Wit. trust sum: to hear of her recovery. IT COSTS MONEY. ice that Mr. Henry Romper has a his new house which in a structure being finished in the D " up style. The occasion of last week in pgtgi‘ng u ' John McPhail's house, ' of the evening. for his discourse " he presented his F' while the speech I humor it was engnRed Mr. Peter 3tctrride, who has Inn“! 4-111 in Manitou nigh nu two yum" I :1: m: w’ [Mme on Sunni.“ In! :uu'uxnpnwzv“; in “Lilia Carson and Willl I‘m I Jr“- Peter iq loud in his tiruises of [Lu far “my laud of Lillies and RIM-s at“! NU“ he thinks he will have a hard jut. [u pm in the time until his return mp MM " will be the ttmt week in March. The Y.P.S.U.E. of Knox 1'hntn 3: No:- marshy, held their last businms nun-rims. ot 18Wror the Plectimn of (Hii- t"I'm' ond general business. The hawking: an m- names of "dimers for 1898: i'rrs., /,r'on MtuatmttrViee Prem, Miss Ju~~iv Il,. Ilvrido; Cor. and Rec. Sec. and Tun-x. \Vilfrid Watson. Hun-in tne tGiirrusait,,th,jc,- Jukum Residence) in Durham (‘HIV~|~" Iltst. ot, 3ttr_Biock on whith 1mm; and out hummus “and. Teulo,r vs/l he teeestved from parties Wishing! wIH‘ chm. “In; pace and tertus., 7 The Public School Exmvc. ln-hi l Fl‘tduylut in B. B. No. It Noinitat,l wnundu-ided success. Mud: uni}: due Mill Hopkins for the vt'ry MM Jit e.r:TMent unumerin which the Mle collectively and singly urn-runawa- Visitors to the number of is {numb}. in the ttft-Ott to hear the wanna-s. songs. etc. The Chair wiv., ably lillwll Mr. Geo. Alexander who pl'tnml lulu!“ equal to the occasion Incluu; hm! Ln wit, nor song. After Nahum»; lo tl splendid reductions etc. all Mr” odto their lespectivu place, of MM feeling assured that the inter; of 1’. scholars were being wcll lunkul uh: l I their teacher Miss liopkins ulr, h, Riven entire Vitisl'uctmu during iv three years sojourn .1“ng w. :meg to the alowpipos 4m nm N ' hummus: Marked our Iwu'ht‘r Vs,is “In god to amp schnul until tho lulu-h mnlvr went a thorough cleaning upwmuz. which had the desired effect u: 1min; the smoke escape {rum tin. rum“. .mi teaching wasretututcd the sac-M an}, Supmzxn' Ayr.r.-. Pruspecte fur slvigmng on l at prom-m. are good, have it (lune. He is up in that line of hush,o,c, than» Dec. m. isri.' For Saie- ORCHARD. .n-.- JAXES CARSON. Ilucu ”our. M very able and I the schnlnrs participated. , 28 usaemhlvd lie I'ecilulinus_ can rum-Inn: :nupmu'ml by e l’vuiurow. I of that, far uses and says rd jab to put I lrin which HM has ltet A' They an this in order to $11 (3r, or XMAS up. "os have been r " LOWER T LUCAS. II" tttora' MONEY To OUR S Fret: swim twattti, BEE out your DURHAM hi ol om: M Now is thr! BARRIS $01.10 Manny P4 MONE on Shop OFF“ - llu- Hiock. day In mercia aoarnv WE Aa, Don] 'ttit U!!! Will I. BARR! Dr Mac} G In y " FIR-r " 'F, Yl’l of . N. tut M Mr,

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