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Durham Review (1897), 23 Dec 1897, p. 5

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kale. the (Stone lit-ham tutotsttrt- which house , Tumors will wishing to Pur- 13% an om who: ,1 rim. "s CARSON. " hs Oiticers amt! Swing aw the Pres.. John 8 Jessie. Ins and Treos. Hum-h Nor- was meetim: (min-rs and next " . held on Nunmnhy h " wh tilled by l himself 3 under vet urn " to pm which “PM!" u 11 out. “nod? ttit Hum " " the has her If!) by tpt W ' .4. holiday l " hints . .' OUR Store is brimful of Pretty and Useful urtieles suitable for Xmas pre- sents tor young and old. BEE our stock before making your selections. Shop early and you’ll be better pleased. WE have them all prices, from fa, up. Ihrnt wait until the prettiest have been chosen by someone else. " (3rders or batters for Note is the time to send CALENDARS or XMAS CARDS to your friends in order to reach them before Xmas. They are prettier than ever this year. LO IVER TOWN LUCAS. waver". a BATSON. annmsrsns, SOLICITORS. Non-mus. convznucsas. ac. DURHAM OFFICE. CALDER'S BLOCK. ot Collections and Agency mummy anu. V ills. Darla. Mung-awn. Imus B, Attree Am otrroetly prepared. F,states n! m rcn-‘ms looked an". mu] Exemnnrs‘ m ministmwn' Am'unta propurul and j burr-unto Court Hmim-ss. PI'D'uue of Lunar: ot \dmiuistmuou mul than“ mmdnmL Search» nude)» “wintry UL}: Tum reported "B. (human: and prira'o Funds to l, Many; may» " rmesu! interest. Vul made b y sscdtnpeteruttutd curulnl Vanna: 0ffteAt----- BARRISfER. soucrron m SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. omee, over GI MONEY TO LOAN-cow auu’ EASY TERMS MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. OFFICE FIRST “in”: 12.131 Irv the Durham Pitatuttitcy (‘nlalw‘ Block. Resulmwe first door west of th n Post. othe, Durham. Will be in Prictwille the iirst Wvdnes any in each munlh. Uth'ce at the Cout- mercial Hotel. s-girl V - 7 Lower Town. Will bo in Pricevillo ftrttt a third Wednesday! out: womb. Butler. Howl. gym-IR TOWN All Charges SANTA CLA US Gn.ss.--rn Hamilton wile " Mr, R. Gm; of a non. - gaAirmstat'f soucn'on. "0:!le PUBLIC. CONYEVANCJR. as Fuvm---EeroR -At the Manso. IV,rnocn by Rev. Juhu Little on Dev. lah, Mr. Alexander Fin h. Watcher. Gleuelg, to - _ - . " a“ ........ “1...... Dr. T. c. HOLT L. n, I', DENTISTRY. MacFARLANE tl GO iiiiiri/diiiet new, l. B. Loan, . W. H. Wmuu'r. C. ”Knox, - - . LEFROY McCAUL Drugg‘iat and Booksellers. AMINE OUR Stock NOW NEW GOODS UPPER TOWN.' DURHAM. mm STOCK A GORDON " OUR STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE LARGE VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM Chas gas modem! 0. Fire. Insurance AKE YOU? PURCH- ASES EARLY. mu! Agency ppmmly anemia" . TELFCRD, LOOK AT FntstpooR mgr PRETTY DURHAM. -FOR- safely delivered. Fire Insurance Secured. ott'a satin-9, LowerTowit, amiltoa on Nov. IN, the R. Gray. Station Master, MARRIED. BORN. . Liiidr, Gleuelg, to ', of the same place, haul Vahtunr. Madezate. Miokutate. (Men Sound Dnruam. Mango. I‘m-neck D cut (IA M. .m of - Wills, Gaarrliuuttuip " (Juno and Attreetttsrtttri DURHAM ‘0‘“) Ott OF Eh»: gnrlmm 21mm. Glenelg minutes received too late fer this week's issue. ' Dar/2am, Th,u,r. Dee. 23rd, '97. Fresh Candied Peels, new Fruits at Parker’s Drug Store. WOOD.-- A limited quantity of good green wood will be taken on subscription at this otrtee. Horse and Cattle powders. Norton',, British Condition Powder the best, at Pau‘Ker’s Drug Store. Get a box of 500 envelopes good qual- ity. name and address neateiy printed for one dollar at the REVIEW office. Orders hv mail or telephuno promptly attended to. SPECIAL NOTICE.- All our accounts} and past due notes are ready for mailing, We shall hold them until Ist Ian. 1898 and would ask a personal call and settle- ment at. this office. Unless called for we must positively use other means for col iectiom--3 J. A. HUNTER. The Methodist Sunday School will given Christmas entertainment m the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, Dec. 28. The cantata. "Santa Claus expected" has been carefully prepared, Don't miss the treat of the season. Adinis'ston. adults 15 eta, children 10 cts. MoDEL Scuooi. ExAMs.--The reading of the papers of the Model School students in the recent extuuiuarions was completed last week, and Durham has again made a good record having passed ll out of lik a. smaller percentage of l'nilures than some more pretentious places We congratulate Mr. Allan and the successful ones. The following passed: Misses Addie Johnston, Mary Clark, Tenn Itattrav, Maud Flesher, Mamie Campbell. Amy Meredith. Messrs John Lunney, Ferguson Grunt. Joa, Collinson, Edgar Savage, Wnt. _ Matthews. Geo. l’utherhough. Jno. Greaves. Finlay Graham. Only 4 of these we believe have been fortunate, to secure school-z so far. and the some situ- ation exists among other groups of nt,rdcliites, The Exmninntion and Entertainment at Bunesuan school, taught, by w. L. Dixon. last Friday was a very successful affair. The children acquitted them- selves verycreditaNy, especially as the program had been gotten up by the pupils "luwst, entirely thcttrsu Ives, show- ingthe careful previous training they must hast' vvctuved. A pleasing feature of tho vntrwtaiument was tlu. presen- ration of an address and the following valuable gifts hy the children and people as a parting tvmetuluntnce. show- ing llwrvsprct and nm.ction in which he Was held-a line cushioned armchair, toilet case. autograph album and pull-01' driving mills. also a doll for -say--his little jubilee girl. Me. Dixon has taught T faithful yours in this section. no going in at exactly 9 and out at 4 o'cloek, but diligent "ttendanee to his duties as shown by his tvcord of pupils in Eu- tmnce and Uoumwrciztl Exams., and we hope that the same snuwss will follow him in his new school at Allan's. RUCKY SAUGEEN. -"i'he examination Rut'KY SAI'GEHN. The exmniunliun ' in Miss Eetnr's wl’mul nu Friday last was a pleasing and successful (me. Selim)! exercises were held in the forum Mn. anal _ the "ftevnoon Wit" Spent in entertain-l ment. lieu: Mr. Little was in the (hair. l Rev. Mr. Jansen was also present. and I g.we his '"2 Bears" address. An Mile] speech was given by Mr, Jun. Graham un the rclation of tent-hers and pupils. Other teachers present Were Miss l‘nier- h mglr, Miss Sadie lictur and Mr. P. MC.- Kerhnie. About 50 visitors were on hand, to show the appreciation in whlch l they held Miss Ector. An address. couched in warm terms was read hy Miss Vessie, and a presentation [mule hy _ Miss Anne Wilkie, to which Miss Ertor replied appropriately. Instrumental music by Miss May McClocKlin was" fine feature of the afternoon. Miss Ector has done faithful work there for the past t years and the majority of the I section regret her departure very much. IN MesromAtr.---Aftei' years of infirm health. Mr. Chas. Gray. 5r. passed away l, on Tuesday last. He war: horn near G! ts- l gow, Scotland, 50 years ago. and (‘dllle l to Canada with his parents in boyhood, His father engaged with tho Kevshaw Co's. of Dundas, and when the sub- ieet of our sketch was 12 years old mor- ed into "the bush", settling first on Mr. R. cochrane's lot near Varney. He has often related his experience of his share of the moving, driving a cow and two ‘calves all the way from Guelph and havina‘ onlv n blazed bush track. Mr. calves all the way from Guelph and I having only n blazed bush track. Mr. Gray was highly respected. in religion, i Presbyterian, and consistently Conser- vntive in politics. lie married the only 5 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It.Watson,Sr. l now living close by. and she, with 7 sons l and 1 daughter IOID'Iln to mourn his re. moral. Mrs. Wm. Mountain, Miss J. iGray, and Mrs. John Watson, Proton i Station are sisters, and Thos. Gray, Ne. l brawlm, once a foundryman in Durham, a. brother of the deseased. He will be I buried in the family plot at Maplewood I Cemetery to-day at 2 p. In. LOCAL AND GENERAL With its sacred memories of peace and good will with all the dear associations of giving and receiving and of family re- unions, IS 01Lce more here. To all our patrons we very heart- ily wish a We want wood either green or dry on subscription. The choicest Bon Bons and Chocolates at McFarlane’s Drug Store. Merry Christmas. The Epworth League next Monday night. Topic taken by G. W. Jones. The Presbyterian C. E. Socxety now moctson Sunday evenings at close of service. Fort SALE.--A new Portland cutter. Apply at Sbewell’s furniture roonus.--F. LENAIIAN. Pare blood is absolutely necessary for perfect health. Hood's b'tusaparills is the one true blood purifier, and great health giver. Christnms shopping has been gonna on briskly all week. Have you inspected the fancy windows of our merchants? Don't be last, _ JUST ltEcmvED.--h new stock of wedding stationery call at the REVIEW 0mm soon and have your choice. Some Very pretty lines Last, Monday and more so Tuesday this old town was on a bender. and the amount of business done was phenom- inal. Good sleighing. Cheap fm niture for tho holiday trade. A nice line of Fancy Chairs and Tables at, h'hewell's furniture shop. Call and we goods and prices. AccoUNTs.--Ti'ill those to whom he (mums were sent, and who have not yer responded please do so at once as we need the mom-y and at once. Fox Tnmmm Lost-White, 2 tan spots on face. short tail, answers to "Dot,” Finder rewarded. J. A. Hunter, Upper Town Durham. The "uiit.otoscope company had to give up thoir prmnised show this week owing to want of proper electric light. tixtures. So much more in the pockets of the people. VARNEY CHRISTMAS Ttes-This Annualeyents will he held as usual on t',lvisttuas night, Santa Claus always tinishes uphere, hence the meeting is always a success. CATAIUtit Is A DISEASE which requires a constitutional tetnedy. It, cmmoihc cuved by local applications. Hood's Sarsuparilln is wonderfully Successful in curing catarrh because it vrarlicwes from the blood the, scrufulous mints which cause it. Sufferers with catarrh find a cure in Hood‘s s'sarsapavilla, even uflvr other rum-dies utterly fail. Hood's Pills arvprourpt, efficient. al- iways rolmlnl), easy to take. easy to i operate, KILLEDBY A Tir,xrs.-Wts are sorry tonnnmuurc the death of Mr. Arch’d McDmmlil. of Woodstock, which hap- pvuul on Thursday evening last by he- ing run over by it moving train and let'- vilrly lunllleuai, wily living n few min- ulrw. Dim-cuvn‘, wnsb'2 yrnlrs or ugh and a tr.ttive ot' Uisi It-virus-r.';), Scol- land. tie “we; a piper and has on say. and occasions enlivvnvd this town with his soul stirring notes. Mr. McDonald generally stopped with his friend Mr, b. McDonald, of the Ul'iii‘ih Hotel, when in Btu-ham. Towxmup 1'oLITIcs,-/rhe biennial 1 systmnof electing County (louncils is I likely to haye a. tendency to bring about ', the same practice in the townships. In l Normnnliy. Bentinck and Glenelg'. acc- l Lunation is being talked of. but of course _ Monday may see something different. In Emmnont however an election is cer min M P. Jas Swanton being in the livid against Dickson for the reeveship. Mr. c. Molnnis will likely he unopposed for 2 nd, Deputy. Mr. Bye is quite illat pre- sent. but his name will likely go in nom- ination. Coun. Leith will dropoutafter l Messts John Beaten and Donny Gra I ham of Scotch Town, visited friends m t town last week, a successful career, having lmught the Watson farm in Nommuhy, and will he ramming there. Mr. Wm. McFadden is again being freely talked of as a. can- didate. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr, H. H. Miller was in town Monday on husintrar. Dr. and Mrs. Wolfe spent Sunday in Walkerton. Mr. A. H. Burnet, Hopeville, was in town Fair Day. Mr. I. Ackley, Tum, visited at Mr. T. Whalen's, last week, Miss Botsfm'd, of Wiarton, is visiting at, the Station Master's. Mr. Towner's. Mrs. Lavelle intends spending Xmas with her parents in Stratford. Miss Jessue Blackburn is home from Bvantford enjoying some well earned holidays, @Z‘Lrisémas. Miss Arrowsmith is going to Saginaw Thumday for the winter to visit her sister and brothels. _ F- . _ Mr. James Willis, who has been sail- ing on the Lakes returned home last week for a short. stay. Miss Blanche Hunter, who is attend- ing Mrs. Nevii's School, Toronto, re- turned home on Monday. Messrs James and George Turn} all. of Walkerton, visual their sister. Mrs. Nat. Whitmore, last week. Mr. Arthur and Miss Lizzie Ltidlaw are home from Harrison High School to spend their Xmas holidays. Miss Maggie Gun, who has been at- tending the Preslrytetiatt Ladies'College Toronto, is home for the holidays. Mrs. Lenahan. who has been on a couple of weeks' visit to her sons here, returned to her home in Mildmay on Monday. Mrs. J. Campbell and her brothel J no, Pettigrew of Lumsden, Man., arrived home a few days ago to visit [hail par. cuts, Mr, and Mrs, Q. Pettigrew. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Noble, hardware merchant of Dundalk, visited at Mrs. Jas. Bursusct's, last week end. and took in the Conservative Convention Mon- day. Mr. J ames Carson and his daughters, Misses May and Sadie, attended the marriage of the niece of the former, Miss Lia Wright to a. gentleman from Uncle Sam’s domain, on W ednesdny at Mt. Forest. At the Conservative Convention . Messrs A. Schcuk, st. Allan,- Messinger, Wilson, Bentinck l Bell, Wardell, Mor- tow and a dozen others from Dundalk ; D. K. McArthur, Joe McArdlo, unpo- ville; T. Moran, Ayton and other lights. M r. DavidGrier. Glencden, was a caller on Tuesday on his way home frmn visit- ing friends In Berkely. His son. who has been very successful in Manitoba is coming heme this week and possibly Mr. Grier and family may remove west next spring. Mr. David Leith, of North Egu-mnnl has we believe bought the farm of Ml. It. Watson, Jr. Nut-manhy. at some- thmg under $6000. We congratulate friend Leitlt on his purchase mud push, and the Nurmuulyy counnunity on at: quiring a good neighbor. MISS TtrcnAnDsos.---This talented lady is to appear in Pviceville next Wed evening under the auspices of the Ptave'. ville, Pres. SS. at their anniversary The {usual tea, undan extensive program but admission only 25atul 15 cls. Sec hills. At the Patron Convention Leader Haycock and his follower Mr, MvNichnl. Messrs Wm. Allan. Wnt. Govsliue, I'. Blown, Holstein ; Mugwuml. Hanover; ll unter, t tiouth ngwumm; lto,v,vt'.s, Proton; Davis. Euphruwiu: {mask and llunlur, Novtlt Egremonl; Put hvrhnugh. N. McDougnll, Welrhet. and Milligun. Iivnlim-k: Hunt and Nichol fl'Ulll Glou- elg and tifty others with perhaps nu much right to he named if we knew or remembered them, The suggestion that we made llts Week to have an election by acclauum inn Was prompted by the txiuvsstui (lush 0 vi number of ratvpuyvrs who saw nut hing to gain by a change. Many unnu- sinu- have said the same thing but, it. www- certnin that Monday next will wittrcss the. inauguration of a contest. fur the mayoralty. This is a must unwise piece of luminwe. No public interest demands a chauge, un the contrary grout reason exists that there should be none. How many ratepayers have exatuiued thefinantialsgtalscutteitt issued on Mon. day lust? Or compared it with Ind yvars? Friends of the town on comparing these stateutetttsare bound to mum lo the conclusion that the present cmmvil has done well. Last years council 1sorrowed 81500 f0r4 Inns. and $500 for 2 mos. this year’s got along with ttrtilil for 2 mos. and 8400 for 2 mos., a differ- fncc when equated of nearly 45 times ess. The rate of taxation we all know has been materially less (nearly fuur milk) and all have been animated to keep down expenditure to the lowest efficient point, and they have succeeded. This is evident. when it, is seen that 1800 Coun- cil had in Ical, and taxes $6709, 182'? council had $9l less. With $91 less to start with, over 4 times less borrowing. they have given us a rate nearly l mills less than tlu-is- predecessors. This is a record to ‘w pmud of. It, ha, been a year of honest olfort in!» in other directions, and no mayor and reeve the town ever had-has 51w". mm e in lime and thought, yes. and peemal outlay, In trying lo advance the imer- ests of all classes in this town. This eitoet is not wasted as the future will show. I V ___ ___ . l Mr. Calder has the support. of good men irresuectivc of politics. and his business enterprise and standin . in this town should not he insulted l) a re- fusal (Of what should bea standing I rule,) a second term in the Mayomll y. l, Sink all differences in the comma good.:md let the pres. nt council con- tinue “f good work. A burning quastion for 1898 must he the impmvement of our insurance rat- ing and Mayor Calder, by long experi- ence in such matters should be left m cbgggo. ' 1 ... I - W --_- - 2...-..nttl... n tutu PP" The town will show rank iru,rraritnule, if it does not recognize by a 2nd term the work of its 1897 council. A great step forward has been taken under their charge and the opinion is freely express- ed that a few more years of such man- agement, would place us in a titst class position. Why hazard this by chuugv? V _ A I. - , ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO TQWN POLITICS. 5?; rits.tt.t.t.tttttte: tili,' CANDY. MGRTG-AGE SALE. ft Durham Pharmaa w -‘.‘.‘_.‘.‘. .cs. .iupsu% 0., .3y.ivt'e.y3y3y"i9.eeris'iScitilt. VALUABLE FARM PROPERTIES. --1N THE-- Township of Glenelg Under and by yirtue of powm'soi sale contained in certain Indemures ol Ihwrgages which will be prmlucvd at timuut sale there will be oif'ervcl for sale by Public Auction at the, In the TOWN cf DYIHIAM, in tlx COUNTY “GREY, on MM, ililillllflf, Wh 1893 At the hour of ONE O‘CLOCK . afternoon: l L-That valuable Farm Properly. be, ing eomposcd of the fit'st and Freon!“ divisions, and the Southwvsu-rly hull ofthe third division at Lot nitmlrey nine in the tirst (Tunccsdon East of the Gartd'raxa Rani in the said Township of Glenelg, c'mtaining 12h acres more ot' le,s. At the NllllO time and plum there. will he oil'crcd for sale by Public Anetion, II.--') North Easterly half of the third division of Lot number nine, and the first and second divisions oi Lot number ten in the first Canoes sion East of. theGai'ufmstt Road III the Township ol (jlcnclg, Containing 125 acres more or less. Tho said properties will he off'ered for sale separately subject to a n-serve hid, TERMS or SALE-~20 per cent Cash at time of Sale. Balance Ill 30 days with 6 per com. interest. For farther particulars apply lo Jas. CARSON A. ll. JM‘nsux, Auctioneer. Durham, Dec. 18, 1)7, Mill Jackson, Jr" Clerk Div, l Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sew. Agerusralfinancial tnvgine.ustransvvted Office next door to Standard Bunk Durham COMPANY and PRIVATE Firnus to Loan in sums and on terms to suit borrowers, ( On tirst Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) Lowest races of Interest. Quick despatch, and lowest possible charges: - - .Applv e, _ " Birristcr, Upper Town Durham. Durham, Sept. 23rd '07. 3111 Molasses Sandy . . CONVEYAH CERS. Almonds Nuts Walnuts Filberts.. G. Lefféy McCaul CHOCOLATES iii BUN SONS M'Zhloni 1 T "s 136 Build! Mixtures dx JEssorted Favors. Money To Ian. J ACKSONS. British Hotel, AND (Assorlt'tl Flavors) Ity (Sonwlhing Ncu'.) iii O rtCli SUN, Vendor in the iii I fit (ty iii if?! m it) f.t.1 (8 Light tt Heavy Harness A Large Assortment of ' . BELLS. BLANKETS. / mes. tINA PS. l -t CURItY-C'0MBS, BRUSHES; COLLA us, fl u my; r PADS. and HARNESS OIL. Driving Gloves and Robes Lined to Order rm w' ' fi?Jlliillifi' l SPECIALTY Drmnorc, July 6th m7. Unr latest French and Eng- lish purchases in Silverware ‘ ' - ____" ..--.I have Just been opened all! include,-- TRAYS. BUN BUN mmms. Ixmvml'AL (“RAM l'iTCHF.tth. NAPKIN RINGS. Ni'Tt'itru'liis'1ts'. KNIFE REF/1‘8, tialt & Palmer Buffs PIE KNIVES, Milan til 001w. soUVriNllt sx'uuxs. Bl'TTlil: 1tlyillliH. I'H‘KLIC JARS. t'1tt'V,'rri, “mun mums. TEA SETTS, KNIVES', mums, tce. ifll Orders by , attention. ERObe Tanning? Out Another shipnwnt. of those cheap lined Mitts, just unived. Sleigh Balls of my Boscriplia (Va?! and tMN' our "mt dung" Huunu'hmn? (1 ml (inn: ilmruw. haw the best Ltttterrt in thr maria AXE RUBI'S .. SKATI‘S SAW SETS LANTriRNs GRAIN BAGS X CUT SAWS TIN BOILERS TIN IiriT'i'12F' COAL OIL CANS . SNOW SHOVICLS CHAN“ BASH-31‘s STOVE \‘ARNISII (UPPER BOILERS COPPER Krn"rLrs _ HORSE ItuiNKli'l'S NICKEL KriTTLFgi sttWE.r'iPE VARNISH ' LINE!) HITS & GLOVES, ETC.- hw $r Blackety Black " Stuvo Jttia.1toet is Al. Our American and Canadian CHM Oil is superior to Home Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins Tanned suitable ith. Bythe New Process, which for Finish and Soft- press can't be ”mat. v. Special Bargains Crtpl'r, cot" 'r HORN Hides must be we-ll ken off. Flour [wt Mu! .. 0mm: per 9m Bran pu- cwt .. Shorts par cwt Full Wheat rer Barley, 0118. " . Dr'd Hogs, per cal Ibritst, lise Weight . Lard perltt ... 'I',tllon' pm lt, .. Eggs, per 1102 OhioLAns. 1 or pm! Phalanx, per ha“ Dnrl‘s 66 Wood, 22 inches .-. Go to Dromore hater per lb, TM: .. .. Pttri Satisfaction Guaranteed. FOR ALL KINDS or {HIV Robe Tanning! I and an HESS {was 81 Seats mail will mriw prompt DURHA M M Ali KI ' 'iikllll0hli. To onsurt' been opened and Thos. Smith. 'iii,,:,)) - IN " lull lltl ARE h nod juh the l 0'1 W oo 00 30 (8 lo " to " to tttt tn " to " t) igtte to $4 to to to in 10 04 o " " 0 " Mt git ft " t " 50 UH on (I) " on ‘0 R Ti

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