West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Dec 1897, p. 7

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l POUR MAN'S BOUHTRY. ROW Yoo MAY MAKE A FORTUNE IN THE KLONDIKI. In». - and Work 'Ltrd v The- In “unl Be Ian-In and Have a to“ Mac-ll var I'm-s I~Inn~ In». In In "In: flu-In. V - one can and AW Wu». Capt. J. J. Neely. one of the menu- [on of the N .rth American Train. end Transportation Company. and who in one of the oldth and most experi- enrvd of pioneers and a shrewd oteer- ver conditions in the Yukon River country is opprehensive of the future welfare of the thousands of people who ere likely to rume into the country next reason any» a letter from Daw- son City, duvet New. 28. Re any: that from present indications there willte from 10,000 to 10.000 people come to the Yukon next year and that it will he a physical iruprvsiuility for both of the {'(JllllYWl'tHal m rupanies to bring enough nv"t to supp _ half that numLer. Ow- ing to the sh rt swumns "hen naviga- tion iu prai'tin-al it is impnssihle to build and equip steamers at St. Mieh- ael’s. and have them rvtr-h this far in- land, 2.200 miles, heron, the river freezes Thr. experiment has teen at- tempted a few trrnes without sut-t'ese t'a;-t. Healy ii a man of experierro re close hue-Her of passing aventsand .me “I the text posted men in the north. m, believes that there are va‘t 'pprrttitoies; for profitable innest- :ueut ol' rupitnl “hi-h “ill ultimately develop tho mint-nu great mining he" , H ll tt iu " fore I he ha go! " the l'nltud Slulcw lint‘j‘llull -u -hariter urmtaml on the Cor s'o,ter dopri ey a l" ram of all t Ind privileges in the tliSlli t. One thow-anti puumls m" gold brought (lsmn from lillloraelo t're day on the lurks of four "ayu:4e together with alulut a ton or gold will he shipped to Health an r'raneisco in B rev. days. John 1 son a miner from Monte Cristo bred Brnwth. a logger and r man from near Snnhmnish. are Onller“. The latter. tugpther 'llzoznm Blake, nwns llaim No. ll under their hunk in the tnhin on Main: is 8100001) more which will down tee-mono“ or next day. m a " tt on w w Un Fudorado h the ate ll tnd 51 " " W n mt H lo ("S l) tt " " "ur "'tttt'tl " e, heves that lhere are van for profitable inmat- al “hivh will ultimately ninaml rowan-ea of this belt “out at the Rock- that time arrivm there ' employmrnt for thou- ualh nu fear of B fum- ll I'Xi are ll! Ir It " tout "1's 3l hor " "ll ll n. or next pay. letuven 3I) and a, U A r', and well ‘ll Li "HI tt " " lays must ofthe, i that lhr rluims {My workrdand MM June, 1898. If ut, about two. an/u and "un- tl h n wot an iho man In h NM! "v lea n-ll p" retire from tt,itt “Mg" faxulli'u: isith the ’00 as L'on, of people in this vi My mill le and in the gulrhe rt'e ' Mire y “NW?!” tiere ar 2n the Klondike an m iavethe trivia. It. is asthma or 1,500 mrrre will a h " vs, can over the trail and , 5 Mr. 'lhn- sits St 1Tlyaei's “OM Cout- “you .and Ming-la . ‘agr an months' I t'r't ',erore, manage)“ of the 'tt tiled Ce-. punk-i do nut um hrs ”morn- but admit the no F . " Hung short next s "Nib”? H er owns. To illus to instrtwt is avtually require iv, l'rtinn in tiny to evonoatir.e um I li, tui than tr' :2?“ "v .Ivhn I'rivs- ' Prism, and and rmu'h- ish. arv the wether with " No. ll, and ahin on ttwir ih will l-nm’u. le " I‘n\ Binn- I'D“ Ill man's nuli trt rt Mi Ill tit' ot her d Sun ll lh of " " " wt latter is when the largest nugget, of 8583, was found, it is particularly rich tad had it not been tor a technical ruling of the Government the discov- ery elsim would have been in about the Imallty where No. 30 is now situ- ated. All along the creek. and pal" tivularly in this vininity gold by the sarkful is being taken out and ship- ped down to Dawson City. a r... w.. _._ _.- _ _.._-__ -V_,, A short detumre above Eldorado and emptying into Bonanza is Skookum Gulch, which was discovered last spring and out of the prospect holes large quantities of gold, as large as tnd not unlike shelled corn. have been taken and pronoun ed the finest specimens of yellow metal yet mined. Skookum Creek pauses throughrlaim No. :.'abovts the diwovery claim on Bonanza and is on the same side as Eldorado where both gubhes came together. The opin- ion is generally shared by old miners that Skookum Gull-h will exceed Er. doradn Creek in rivhes before the ap- proevhing season is over. Some ot the urgent nuggets found in the distriet have been taken out of Skookum and run 8375. $192 and 8166 rerpetstrvelr.. HI n From all indivatioeif Bunker Creek is proving to In very rieh and will no doubt equal if not excel Romain. Near the discovery claim much prns' pe-cting haw bean done and everything is in readiness for extensive winter drifting. The prowevt holes have gir-. en up some fine. nuggets, and are ful- filling the propheey made by Insppettrr Strir.kland. of the Canadian polite, at Feattle last July when ho arrived on the Portland and said that Bunker would he one of the richest mining Pumps- on the Klondike. - n "rikrilGnrai of gravel from off the Imdro-k has: hem taken out that haw not mntained from 81 to " A SEASONS OUTFIT. An compared with wives in the State' provisions are very high but there. is no plan-e in Nsrth Ameriva where a day's wages van purchase. as much food as in the Klondike. A seasnn's outfit mats 3450 on an average. Tho was”! are 815 a day and thirty days' work huys a season's outfit exrlusive of Nothing. To ascertain what a day's “ages will buy [visited the storvs “ilh miners who “ore purchasing sup- plies and gel-“rod the following quota- II ll I fut-0n. Roam, Hut ter Coffee, Monti; Flour. ten pounds. lion, five pounds. Roam. eight pounds. Buller. four pounds Coffee (xvo pounds. Tea one pound. . Milk twat-ans. . " orking t ten tlays, promhly The ttues" sh H TotaL . . . . . . . .5143“; old miners who have lived on thei ukun fur years inform me that this‘ sl of ~zuyplieq will last aman whuis'; ‘m'king hard anywhere from awevk to I wn tlays. and in raw of an emergency‘ WOHINy tuive tri' three times aq long. I he nueM'on then arisvs: "Can the unh- le. Lad!" Tho demand exceeds he supply. I've l'onversed with men :nm.Ii>r uith the vnuntry, a. number Wyn-aph- in this city and atthn mines ml in the gulrhr-s and l~elivvo that. a pri,etrl there are about 4 For) people n the Klondike and Indian River dia- ricts. It is estimated that arout1000 -r I 500 more “in arrive from the comt war (he trail and 1mm down the river .1;. rit Mi Mac-N. Thom coming from hymn and ckngua wili nrohahly aver- ngr an months' vcosimioris eavh, The umnumxru of the t.orumereial Cum- Niv- In ltr.'" g-rnpnrlmn. l owl and worker! sovpn mon' hm suffered from scurvy Wu “ulna holly Ir": of Her III-Mu and Milne-mum furs A A Maurine"! That 'ihotttd he Krud hy Every Girl " cannula. “1. Ir: ; um i, mun I then trier! al 'r't.ir, " nm iwrnv 'viver;ised to cure I' ., .11.. nurlv, Isill did not. obtain the «I .5 s-,', wnrlXIV I Had become terri- l, "tfi' 11“.”, "nl IX yak. There sh ' _ .cl ,.nl tcrriitle ru:rin_: twists irt tll' iv-ul: my tre: an! ankles were vC,,/ v11. 'unl I 'tSits :h Irale as a 00113313,: “M An while in iris rnnJiliun my HI I .'," hr ugh! 1mm . :1 Wm of Dr. Wil- " tttis' 'Pink Pillc nnl inked we. to try ti Mn 11: '.,.cs than u “euk Tcould sit. up. .m! in a Hume. of ueelrn [could u " quite a 'Ili~'t2lzr‘-e without being lirv I. Mv apretite returned, the maxing in my head ceased. I be.. can to gain flesh and (solar. and hfurr- l MAI u‘esl a half dozen box- Pr. I “a“ :19 healthy as I had 'tver My“ in my life. My friends did rm expect um to recover and are now re_;o’4-ing at the wonderful change Dr. Williams' Pink Pills bare wrought in me. If my statement will be the mums of helping some other discour- aged sufferer you are at perfect liberty to publish it." - . A A __,__ -......... M fl The above statement was sworn bo- fore me at Maplewood, York Co., N. B., this 11th "uy of Way. H4117, Timothy w. Smith, J. P. To ensure getting the genuine ask! 1| Anya for Dr. 1Villitrms' Pink Pills for Pair People. and refuse all substitutes and noetrums sllegod to be Just as good Hagen of the n-umnwrr‘ial cum- _ (In ll" :erilntn n. famine. I admit the |:o:<ihi!ity ot sttpp!iea " short Howl spring when tho riv- mv-ns. To illustrate. how little food w-hmlly rcquirorl when it is neces- x In omnnmiza it is well to rite I! Ihvee yr-nrs my) at Cirelp City. wn- Trt or mit men “Entered, and the r'vi'tit'r'%' new prevented from arriv- , m n'wmunl (:1 early ice. the SUP- c-u \u-rv ditidwl and each man re- out um- and a halt sacks of flour, MW” 1 mmls of ‘amn and other sup- 0- in We» t.uurortion. The men liv- and worked seven months and but Mis aplenood, N. it my duty h “underful m ll In Spril, mm“ Hgan to rum Polar: my uppvtite failed ing up stair". l “ould h» in t 1H have to rest l continue mniili'm for thrtut months, v 's tum-u suddvniy ill and not, l :llout Our family riortor mml'ini terr F in .4: my PM! 'tt run I wax it My while in l . hr "utht hum- ' 'Pink Pills, an In be; than i wl in amuuie quite a ‘vlhtaz Ill Mnin A HAPPY GIRL. 'sr't' l If lists, 'olood. At “hm-n! ill poured to do me nly for a time, MN I then ft',',' uni-s». I continue" tak- Miivinr- for three months, .0 :!\‘-'uuravzo'l a! not re- It]. y lo let 50u know what "leirine has done for MM. I l~o,an to lose _ my awn-tile fuilednnd 'irc, I “gum 'tsy s,ft tired At re.,t l continued in for lhl‘vn months, when "ldvuiy ill and not, alO ')ur family Mortar was " [Irtvlluun‘e'l my illness K r t) Hy y, a "ell-known young lady living ",,writesr.--"l cou- that 814.40 THE FAMILY YAWN. The yewn is becoming popular. It used to be considered a. sign of weari- ness or boredom. but we are told that it is not only this. We are informed that there are various types of the ge- nus yawn. Of course there in the Rape. that undeniably indicates drow- sineee- end in which one is supposed to indulge only in the privacy of one'e sleepingrapartment. But, besides this, there are yawns of nervousness. of chilliness. of headache, of excitement, of apprehension, of grief. In accor- dance with this ' it would seem that the yawn in the most complete and satiefm-tory form of expression. Seriously, it is time we checked this growing habit. Whatever may be said to the contrary. to gape openly, or with the attempt to smother the action, is rude to the person with whom one is talking, and calls for an apology. If one is not well or is very weary, a yawn is perhaps impossible to suppress. but the prepetrator there- of should ask pardon ot his companion and explain that while he is interest- ed in the conversation he. is so weary that the weak flesh declines to obey the dictates of the willing spirit. But the ord.nary yawn is largely a mat- ter of habit. We have seen all the members of a family who exercised no restraint in this direction. but who openly gaped in one another's faces until the stranger in their midst found his jaws aching with irrepres- sible sympathy. The father yawned audilily. finishing the performanr'e with a long-drawn-out "Ah-a-h!" The son followed suit. but completed his effort with a peculiar click of the jaw. as if he had there a hidden spring which needed oiling. The mother’s yawn was of the gasping variety, while the pretty daughter tapped her mouth with the tips of her fingers ‘93 she parted her rosy lips to give vent to the family weakness. She performed this tattoo as ifthe avtion was a sort of apology for the yawn... It Perhaps it is because we are so of- ten tired and in need of rest that this unsightly habit has grown upon us. If so. let up exercise the habit of self- control which is also ours. and deter- mine to suppress the encroaching yawn. Every one is surprised at the rapi- dity and efficacy with which Nerviline -nerve-pain cure-relieves neuralgia and rheumatism. Nerviline is a speci- fic. for all nerve pains and should be kept on hand by every family. . ARE YOU GOING TO BE PMTO'D, turtle or cniffure will 'date' the photo- Igraph and sown make it look out of lfas'hion. A white dress or one that !takes 'white.' gives a. ghastly efftrt, "A veil imparts a patch appearance to the face." says a. ptrrtoitraph'e jour- nal. "Gloves make the hands appear“ much larger than they are in reality.l It is unwise to wear a new dress, it' aluays falls in awkward folds. Wher- ever possible it is money “all spent to drive to the photographer. A feather boa or a lame fichu has a wonderfully softening effect on the features. Gen- erally speaking the head and shoul- ders talc-s a far prettier pirture than a full length portrait. Above all, it you “ant your picture to have a ntr- tural expression you must forget IN hvre you are. Unless there is anv urgent reason for it. it is a great mistake to he photngraiubod if you are either out of health or in tou spirits. A just- the-mode-or-the-moment style of (-0.4- and oné'farr “an trecoGinsr, {Inlesn the sitter is young and pretty." Anxious qurvuiorters ask. "Is there no sure cure for (-nrns 2" We are glad to ho able to tell theme sufferers that Putnam’s Painless Corn Extrac- tor will relieve them in a day, and ex- tract corms without pain. It never fails, Mr. Honk, looking up from his news- paper-What. barbarians those African natives are! I have just Men reading that the \Vallagi tribe, to whom Rev. Mr. 1vhoopler was sent as a mission- ary a few months ago, became incons- ed at. the dostrinvs he. mourned and dragged him before their King. who, without trial. promptly cut off the olergyunan'ts sm-erdoial functions. Mrs. Honk--tiorrorsl And was it, fut- alt hy local applin-ntionuaa they cannot ranch the dimmed port lo.) of the our. There in only one way to “are J, “New, and that iw bf constitu- tioGlromtulitr:, Deafness isoauset by nu in- ti,mted con'if-Mn of the mucous 'iirthsg of the En tat-him: Tirq. When We tube is intlamvd you AMVO n tumuling sound or imperfect, heats inx..xn:1 when it i.. ontirely cloned. [Madness is the nlult. and n d m 'e 'tyfirt 1mm at can be take" out and amp tube rear-WW1 to it: normal condition. hear", ml be m atrored forever: nine cue-a out of tun nn- mum d by t'atarrh, which in nothing: hut m intlrtuatdttow dition of the nmgoua tiyi' was: - " "ivGGarkisrc of/d Humlmd Dollars for All! cue of Deafness unused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's C'atnerh Cure Send tos circuiarE ', flea; SAUSAGE 0Mmi8.--.New Tmportatiome, finest E'ngMI <hecp and Amcrirnn hog casings. " 'ctt'o goods at right priceu. Park, Ilaokwoll ' tht.. Limited. Toronto. Good Men Wanted i/l/iT/Thr'."";', Rantple 33.50, or ntnmzozi anvelme for panic" an. T, MOUSCE. 10 Km. " w, Tax-unto. The Dawson htmrttittttlttrt Oo.,"""'" Cor. of that Mark" and Calhoun It, . TORONTO, Apples, Poultry, Eggs, “we LAW “idol ‘u'llllllllU ”Dunn-Jun yum“.-- Most widely Attended in America. For Wurstrated Catalogue (30th year). Annamar- ROBINSON ' JOHNSON, F.O.A.. 'L7'5hsbhry, 333'. CHEN BY 8: co., Toledo. o. Sold by Druggiau. Tlie. Half. Family Plus an: the bout. GENTS gtattrEB.-BosToN PERFEC'I'ION PIE ' Rm Ilo., I3” King at). W.. Toronto. DEAFNES'S CANNOI‘ BE CURED ms. ammo BUSINESS 001mm Topics of the Day. A Query Answered. HER IDEA. iiuiii"gi,." W.. Tofonto. irGFCrisU" isiCrssmo veil to Wmdey Bldg!” Rich mnnd Rt. w, Toronto. in an” w " C, 898 g? wet- _ EMS IS THE BBar. M, no. to, 60 ad 00 cents por pound. no m me O... , Nam-II. I, rm Intellieent ladies sud gentlemen can be up. plied with manual and very PROFITANJ tr.'tlel"v""'tti, 'nduatryh thee, unnliu NEC. ER'. A Y to secure GOOD REMUNER A. TIOV. Can give he address rfrt-nrosonmtivc who hnsjuat. cleared “I: in 21 DAYS. " can be made mam AT Four own Hi IME. J. L. NICHOLS & CO.. 33 Richmond West, Toronto “WE WANT You ovum." w I ' - no 3 true boon to every lady who suffer! in the perform: lnce of nature!- mm. Ther at once we the pain and venture natural md healthy union of the ovarian vet , re B. For M um; and derelup’ng umrunuhood ther excel , my remedy which can be “sad. Thu are compounded Iolrly from the active prirMsiplespt vegetable tub-tunnel. Ind "re perfectly “(a mud reliable. Ask yuur drunk. for them, Ind if he does not. keep them in "oak he can rocuro them for on Price OH!) per Bottle, or6 toe til'l'll. Wholenle 139nm: The Toronto Manual 0... Limited. Toronto. I A 8ptspifit for I'.tsrelt.pf,1ryl1'1et..!y wishing to make from Ten to 'rwontrfHts dol- lars tht" month, write un quick. We have A brand new 25c. aninle that smart buys and girls trom fourteen upwards can so]: rapidly. t is instructive. inmrosLinx. edifyinz And teuro-rinse, Send Me. for ctumpiem outft', to J. I. RIGID“ a o... In!" lulldinz, Toronto. w. G. HARRIS. Boys" Girls Loan and Savings Company. INtoruNMtATutD 1855. Iultorllnd capital... . . . .. . .. . . . . .8 8.000000 Pam-up 6apltat.... .... .......... 2.5m: coo looms mud .. r................' ”50,000 Total Auoto ....rt........'. ... . 12,000,000 tttnos-a-tttr'. human, "room It.. Toronto. Damn-m; received at current rates of inter. act. paid or oonmm nded hralf-yonr'v Dttme.NTUttttyd i Lued In Car roncy or Sterling, with interost coupon: launched. pawl)!!! in Camad, or in Erurrtutd. En-rsntora and Trttig. was A” author”. d by law to Inveat in the Dottenturtrw of this Company. MONEY A mummo on Raul Estate mom-ivy In. current TALOI! and on In val-Able conditionnou mArgnlymcnt n L _ I n- -,l_,l - -...-- “IIIA 'G'ri;'r"Gi',ririsnd Municipal Debentures pur- chuod. J. HIRllnT anon. Managing nlrootor. RI’lRINOI t ..-IMPMRrAS, BANK. CANADA PERMANENT “BLESS IT,1'illilli)fil, PILLS THECDOK'S BEST FRIENE FOB- J‘WFNT! ESEVEN 3.134.!“ "ljil1i,1tilhl'fii BAKING POWDER MONSOON ls Clean MONSOON ts Fragrant MONSOON ls Delicious MONSOON ls Economical HONSOON lndo-Ceylon Tel iEsietéT S'LE IN CANADA William Street. Toronto. "m COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. DR. GOODI'B ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tos Coax mencwmxc Co. GstsrLEMFN,-1 have personal! sible citizens of London, Ont., who effect that by the use of " Amborino I (growing new hair where they were f, ments to be cprrgct. They also spet . -e"-" - GzsrLEseFN,--1 have personally examined the heads of ten respon- sible citizens of London, Ont., who have given sworn testimony to the effect that by the use of " Amborino "ir Producer" they have succeeded in {growing new hair where they were formerly bald, and I found their state- ments to be correct. They also speak of it in the highest terms as a cure for dandruff, itching of the scalp and falling out of the hair. Had it not been for my personal investigation, I could not believe such results were possible., I "mam yours truly, REV. MARTIN LOWRY. " L,1Jl'fj"'ffii"fllC,,ll,,,upt" Prtttr?1lt.1Et2 NEW mun. - Back Original Luster. JOB 000K MANUFACTURING GO., LONDON, ONT. _----- _.-.------------""""'" Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 This Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with track and battery. We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS co.,Limited, "re, 7-H"! ..ie"". SPECIALIST l . M - . ‘1“"3"b 0 A CLERGYMAN'S LETTER. N EW TH I N O t PERI-MP8 YOUR DRUGOIOT DOW? KEEP IT! Preparation. with full directions, mailed on receipt of 81.00. Ceylon Tea from your grocer if you insist on havins It Prices M, " " and 600- ' " N 0 ONE . NEED BE BALD " ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO. You can get the doMoiog" mberine" ourtEte91r2fLu..E.E IN ONE W?EK. Prevents Brzxiklng and Falling Out. LONDON, thm, October ototh, "pr. ' P, " Il Interns! all! F.spotrtusu, P,ttr'rite' III. " (i ‘wnrld "Yer. m4 is Inn-h “IINI. n. in . "r ' ' . “he", r84 143:1. uni-II! Hair My “mun, T) i by u‘llluf It. Haw up“! rmld 22 Ir" .. plug}. g Md”: ml Mud mun-pk- to an) ,mJn-n on , [t rec-1M ot prrcer Itt I " " fur 811', 6 or - ‘ {J1 more um C o. " tf ti IN beut “M: order; w . ' for $2 I will INN! Inh'h um! L “4.me ' rolled plum chain Wurnnlul to w»! a... ”an. and All “may mil he H-lumrd tf yuu an nor “tidied will your butt") had I “mun. but 1”} Madison “June. New ' at cm. This mm later " oomph“ v $ttt but.” and chairman. " " u but delight. --------_ SI oo COMPLFTE. hulld'; laced" um ”John“ an [amount-nu; as (lint-Any. vl can iaal lillhhud dilli tl Lulu-It ‘0 l and Europe-t. [mu-med uh. Inch .r',U, any- glyu Inc mon,‘ ' if}: c)

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