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Durham Review (1897), 23 Dec 1897, p. 8

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Mernnis--Rusnen -~That Mr. Bye in- struct the pull-manna to havethe 'ridge at. In“ 10.qu ll run. 8 n-puirml so as to make it stfe fur travel and dun-go tht sumo tottext ymrs statute lahour.--t ur- tied. Rutmell--rs'yi Thai W. Wilson be ro- funded $2.00 rum. tux.- 1'artOd. Thereevvxavc a detailed statement of letting and inspecting juln: .m follows.- 'tmpertistg job on baseline 8100: Div. ision of Sh o load and ham-line road " Letting anti inspect ing Coutt's bridge- 82; do. Manir's bridge and "thee julm " Two trips to Arthur re drains $3; Three Hips an drains nu Cort. H Eg’t. tw.: Post- "age and stationery 81. It'pi-il'g,1't'llrilt,'.t,.t the rcm‘o's rep - ort adopted.- t 'arriml. Mr. Ncrnpistepovte" thatin company with Jas. Allan he let the repairing of a bridge nn Varm-y sidormid to Mr. ('lurk turner. Said work is done according to contract and n-cmnnwnd myment of m-cnnnt when prou-ntml. ile- also in- structed Mr, i‘hrk in ro-pair the bridge an the gravel mad at Varnoy. but didn't know whether it was completed or not. Me1nnist--Rtvuum - That the report of repairing ln-idgcs by Z. Clark boddopred m Curried. Mrlrtnin, Rusnell, Thu Statenwnt. us n-aul trein-tu; "died in the I'm-hum HEY Fun-est Ilvprcscutative l Carried. Bye --Rusnt4l - That tht, rot-v9 issuvhi, otder on the Treasurer m fawn-of Hugh Reid tor 81.30.431Hm' the building of brill- gen and "H hutch” at lot 7, and b' um. K, Carried. Wo: (‘lP'ks quaru‘r's salary 835: Post. use and stationery 34.50: H Po mm urnw-léleRvmw- making IVin. SINK!" mettt 82; Thu. Brown htords late J. Km les 331. -~(':lll'1ml. Bye~Ruuwll - That the reevo vacate the chair, and Mr. Mclnnis occupy the name. -e Ahrvted. Ihrqrte0-, Bye --That the thanks ofthis council he lenderml to Mr. Dickson for his kind and emu-Innis manner towards ly foam-i] signing the veur. and for his Byoiltusm-ll -That. Hy-lnw No 93 for appointing I). R. o. etc. he tilltul up as formerly, exu-pliug that nomination he- held in the new hull, he unw tvutl " third time. signed. sealed and (-nxgx-().~'st-(l nu By-lnw book. ---1 'm'riml. this council durum the year. and for his °Mcient and impartial manner in dis- rimrging hiudulu-s as wove. and also Jhe M'tme to the treasurer and clerk.-- Cnmied, Mclnnire --Husnell--That foregoing re port he udoytml and order granted. - Carried. “mm-ll *lennisw That It: be reada tivsr and sot-0nd time Brief replies were made council rose. A quiv’. wedding, On Monday. the Oh. Mr. Jas. Mitchelljr.. to Miss Rachel Fullerton. both living near Tentry. This Irouple had been preparing fora large wedding patty but on account of the nivknessuf Mr. Mitchell's mother. the party was dispmwed with. They drove to Dundulk and hnd the Rev. Mr. Harrison tie the knot. Congratulr- w. N. llm-xhurgh reported that he had repaired the strm-ls and sidewalks to the 'muount of 7.3.13. 1'attied. McinnN ittvott..ll--Tltat Walter Bel- hm he paid $15.00 in full. in payment of )lt'Nanil-’s hridgon it luring n hale longer than was bargained for.--t"avried. Six-Innis” 'tttSnell-That A. Merchant he rfti'"d.f, for culvert at tor 6 con. 15 am Io.- Caood. Mr. Nit-Innis reported that the culvert at lot 20 run. l.3and n is broken and pe- vmnnwndHl that the puthnmster be in- structs-d In have the same repaired as emu as possible, on mutton of Rusnell, Mrlnuis the report was adopted. " Gray and Jun. Allan reported that tho sido-rlmd between ron. I and 2 " towtrlitte Glenelg is dungrrnus by over- ttowing water from Urasby's pond, re- ruImm-nded that Gtenelg council he no- titied to consider the same at an early date, and that tsomething he done to let at? the water. Council met Dec. lab. Conn. Lem: nusvoidubly aha-om. Minutes of previous matting approved. Mr. bun-once ro- portrd that he had ired the East side of hilt on Egg and (i‘cnelg townline to the "m't of .00. Tire west. who! said bill was repestred by Glenelg T'p. Mernnisr--mruneIi-That the truatees of i1,2"iti.'ti'at Hall be paid 84.00 for use 0'23"” or eight sessions at rounvil.-AUr- n . MHontu-Rusmen-'rtvat foregoing re port be traopted -Un, ried. lideirtnU- [lumen-That w. Lawrence repair the bridge at w. Ramage's Coun- est having tseen nrtitied of its dangerous tstnte.---t'tsrried. Mr. Bre reported that he let the rail- ing and secured the Walls of McNair’l rumo- . and removed some stones from 'ill','. road, to Dawn] Bye for $7.15. Also a culvert at lot 17 con. 12 to Irwin Iohh for all), hired two men and team from w. Patterson to make an oroach at MrNair’n bridge $3.25. Work Jone, pay- ment In omn ended. Mcinnitr--Rusnen --That foregoing [8- E." ho-winptml, and orders granted. and I. Bye he paid 7Gct a. for his servicm therewith. Also the division of Slim) and and Baseline and taking ("ensure- ment" of suit-hank row! at Itusnellh, hill 't.'ai.-jarried. The Reeve roported' that with Wm. Mitchell they opened ditch on baseline. and recommended w. Mitchell he paid, $1.0) forum- da tr work. on motion of “mm-H. Bye. lie report was adopted dud order paid. R Ilteptvscntartve ucw-pupers EGREION’I' COUNCIL. HOPEV ILLE. o4-.. i, ALLAN, Clerk. thv Financial ptrd and puls new and lit. after which Isuv No 91 -Capried that are not very robust need a I warming, buiiiing and fat-forming focd--somethirig to be used for two or three months in the fall-that i they may not suffer from cold. Messrsz. Ramugo, Jns. Cause and Arch. McCunig attended the Experimen'al Union at the ().A.C. Gmlph, they also took in tho Christmas but Stuck and Poultry Show. Mr. 'l'. Gadd, Normanby accompanied them. A week ago Sunday, Mr. Wm. Young of the Durham Road very ably Med the pulpit at Amos Church. Mr. John Snell ofiheiated last Sunday. Court Dromore met last. Tuesday night [or the purpose of election of oflieers and other business. The call is being numeronsly signed by the eoup,regahon at Amos church for Mr. Campbell. The Municipal not is beginning lo the aspir: n for Municipal honors is very friendly with everybody and meat you thh a friendly salute. Business was brisk for a few Ar, last. week while the good sleighing lasted but now we am back to tho muddy roads again. ist, when Mr. It. Barbour and Miss Lucretia Johnson were united in marriage it the residuum of Mr, J. W. Kitchiug, Durham, who performed the ceremony. Tho liri~lo was assisted by her sister. Miss Lizzie Johnson, while Mr, R. Alikensn Cultsiu of the bride supported the groom, Their Murdoch trieuds join With us in wishing than a prosperousjourney through ide. Anotlur of these pleasant events which (mnem- n. certain amount. of sensation, oe- curred in our midst on Wednesday Dee. Mr. ILJ. Sharpe and Mr. Wm. Sea. man of Holstein, Mr. T. Alum, of Dur- ham, and Mr. J. Sharpe Were out torn law days hunting around these partsn week ago Saturday. They secured a fox and than: hare. Mr. S. I. Orchard intends turning his attention more especially to stock mis- mg next year and Las therefore leased his farm on shares lo Mr. Jar. Gordon. Mr. Jae. 11311;? has purchased a frame Mr. Jae. Ilillis has purchased a frame ham hum Mr. F. Sharpe, south of Hol.. stein and had a few teams asltiust hill) m drawing lxumo timber on Thursday tart. Herbie and Mable Pollock are euiuying themelves tor a tow weeks with their cousins in Allentord. Mr,J. Luuny isin Owen Sound this week as a witness on the Hopkin‘s term case . Mr. Wm. Johnson who spent the sum- mer mouths near Fergus has returned Lorne, a Mme the worse nt wear but be in getting around all right attain. Mrs. R. Wlnte, of Artemesia, is spend. ing . few weeks with her mother Mrs. Chapman, Some of our towns people went over to Conrad Smith's. of Egremont. on the 8th. to a. rattle and dance, They report a good time. Well Children of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda su lies exactly what they want. they will thrive, grew strong and be well all winter on this splendid food tonic. Nearly all of them become very fond of it. For adults who are not very strong, a F), course of treatment with "v? the Emulsion for a couple / of months in the fail will put them through the i, winter in first-diss con- ’ dition. Ask your doctor ers about this. Barth-Mrs. Gilbert hit-Arthur of a daughter. on the 7th. All doing well. MM: M. Loghrin was the guest of Mr and Mrs T. Allan while in Durham 3. week ago Saturday. " Mr. B. and Miss Lizzie Aitkins were visiting at Mr. E. Johnson‘s a week ago. On the wow! last week.--Shoemaker McDonald at Mt. Forest, he reports that the town is in the same place it was yams ago, so said blacksmith Burnett, who was out to see. Mr. George Sharpe dropped in for a new hours to rave his mother but Tuesday evening. while, on his Way from Durham to Duudalk. D. K. McArthur at Durham, attend- ing the Conservative meeting, then he went to Mt. Forest. Friday. the 10th was a very wet day here and Jim and Norman had to post- pone their wood bee. - ic are v ~11 get SCOTT'S Emulsion. S. “W In x... att are on the wrapper. Att make; Me. and “so. " SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. Toionto. _ We hear of Patron meetfngs being held here. On Saturday, Archie and Joe had to go to Dundalk as usual to straighten up the town. TON. sm, TT’S EMUwION Intended for last week. DROMORE. MURDOCH. o‘o.o now will boil The Collector, was here and received a lot. of taxes. A tuaffh, and dance at Wm. Cunp<rs all went well. Died, Mr. John McVicker. eldest son of Arch. 3lcVickee in old resident of Proton. John Was a, promising young Mr. Ilidr'ell mm: home from Owen Sound on the lon and reports it goal Linw. Proton. Joliuwasa promising young man of 25 years of age, and was highly respected. Sunn- Innnths ago he began to decline nnd died on the 17th. The funeral was on Saturday the 18tlt to the. Esplin Burying ground. services by the Rev. Mr. Harrison of Dundalk. Me. Ridden wentto Owen Sound to attend the jury. The Comic” met hetv'on the 15th to finish up Hm years business, they were kept to a late huur. no, an early hum. A Putrvn of Industry had a meeting called for Hopovillie on the 15m but neither the Presidunt ot. Secretary was hereond we do not know of any busi- ness being done, Mr. Samuel Rogers Wm in attendance and appeared to be full of life. Birth, on Monday 13t h to Mrs. Joseph Black, twin daughters, nue still born. Mrs. Black has boon lumrly, but is im- proving. Jim and Norman had there wood bee that day and did well, Another Conservative meeting in Allen's Hall. Some of our people went north to a School Social on the 16th Con. on Friday night, a good time is reported. The new house lately put, hp by J. Snell is about mmplcted and t'ehects great credit upon the owner, who did all the carpenter work himself to perfection umbiated as he is at the trade. All that is wanting is an agreeable cmnpuuiuu, and rumm- has it. that hefure the year is out such will he got; We wish hen, all happiness in the changed conditions. Evangelist Buchannuu held his fare. well discourse in Allen's Hall on Sunday night. Andrew Dean is home on a visit. Preparations are being made for a, tea meeting in the Methodist church 16th con. for Monday the 20th. So Plt not mourn for thee as I would have done When tossed ou Doubt's terrible sun, For where that: art Hope and Fruuiun are one, And there Luau Mt waning tor me. Amnmth, Out, And a few delegates talk of going to the Conservative Convention at. Durham the some day. A CsENTib- Boon business isbetter than tor yes: put; I180 but: better and inter selling boob. Agents clearing from 510.00 to '1000, weakly. A tow leaders us; “Queen Victoria, .un, of Mc. Gladstone." "My Molher’l Bible_ stories," "Progrelaive SEN"... "Klondike oot blank,” “Woman," "G my.“ of the Unseen, "Breakfast. Dinner and Supra," "01.1mm: A Encyclopedia.” Book-Am “no. (mum tree u gum-sols. THE BRADLEY-GARRETSON Co Tuned. Toronto. Ours was not the Iriendship ot father and son. For equals in Spirit were we; A mystic tttunity bound uiiu one, A no that eternal ulna. be. Mr. Wm. Curry of Mt. Forest has been here. a few days having a hunt with our local sports. Farewell, my beloved out, wo'll meet, yet again. in a higher and [Juliet splmm, Where the mystery of Sorrows. the meaning ot AudJJeum‘s mighty tuissiou a made clear. [Pam Wu'll meet in the land where we‘re no sable suits No griuuiug of [wart and of Drum And this tearing aitcetious am: up by the room. Shall Immune new: again. Alas. there is weeping and wailing for thee. and laces are round our hearthutone. Whore lately thy yoice rung with glutinous and And the light of thy countenance shone. [glen When we ro-atmerntm, thou wilt not be tlMsrtr-- All silent the mirth and tho glue. mill one will be absent. still one empty chair. Ana unly u. muxu‘ly Ion-thee. Th: u art gone from the sin: and the sorrow of Awa to the "Evergreen shore r' [with And while I rejoice in thy heavenly birth, Yet still in y heart bleeds at etch pore. Tho art gone from our sight in the glory of youth From a world too callouu and cold, To dwell by the fountain. ot Lite, Love Ind Truth With the mints end the use: ot old. Yet I feel, my beloved one, I am not Moms, For thy epint in hovering near . And o, the wild thought. it will tiaah up man, 1hou wilgin lite reappear. l Then the terrible thought that it cannot be so, l Like B sabre titsat1 thrills through my brain, And the iouutuins revooened, e resh my tom ttow, While a. voice says "No never satin.“ All things that ere 1roaptiful,tttreiy end young. Ail things that the heart doth adore, All things out of nweet human kindness that Are hung in thy memoty‘l core. [apt-1mm Thou wart 1ov'd, thou wart honer'd. by oath and For thou dmst in spite embrace [by all The high and the humble, the great and the small. Yea, all that' belonged to our race. How deep was my loye,yen, how named my pride, And o, what a well-sprite of joy, I When lat by our hearthewne you at by my side, My own belov'd, dutiful boy. I still hear thy voice, as so sweetly it runs. With spirit unfettered and free, And the dear Scottish songs that so sweetly you They will now be In clearer to we. [sung 1 on: hardly yet nuns thou art zone or but win: the Comforter aim; For I I“ not no“ thee whoa All. All done Thou ttntomd the "may ot dead). Oh In fine] I so. you resign thy lat bro-m, Thy bond to the Conqueror bow; While the groans“. We an: out. the glory of Emeireitbd thy biaatifal brow. [dam Thou msrt'.lova1y in life " the glorious dawn And we never once dreamt, ot the night , Bow sudden the dun-knees tell down on the lawn When thou wen. removed from our night. When I think of the bright hlpl'y darts ot the pen And all that thy meus'ry endure, And the hopes that hung o-er thee forever o‘er- I could pour out my spirit in tom. [can HOPEVILLE. AN ELEGY. as} ALEX. 1PLauaras, TORONTO I certainly fer] thut Icntmot my too much in mused your nmlicinv. and shalldn uh I can lo make kvown itw value toothers. Yours vt't'Y Mural-My. I did so, with the result that when my IT had taken only half a bot tle he was ah e to get, on his luvyt-lu and rule like any other boy :u'nmnl the block. To the Phrenoliru, Medicine Co., Ltd. Ottawa. Grr.N'rrasEN,---I hardly know how Lest to express my appreciation of your va1ualtlelrheutnatic remedy, Plwenoline. My son Gordon, who ts " yams old. has been a sufferm- from inflammatory rheu- matism for the past two years l was so had at, times that he had to be cavried about; on n math-ass l was attended by two city doctors apparently without the slightest henofit ' spent, 10 days at Caledonia Swings, came home with no marked imprm mnvnt ; took three bottles of " Hortuurpathit' rmnedy now being oxtonsivolv ndvvrtised. which did not, tvlivvo him in the least. I was he- glnning to give up all hope of his recov- ery, when by chance, l mentioned the case to a friond who strongly advised me to gise Pltretsoliue a trial. Miss Hattie Eden. of Hamilton, i. home for a couple or three weeks. Miss Chm-chard is visiting at Mr, Dunn's at present. What we would like to know. If we are Roitur to have aleigbing for Xmas P If Dick is pretty near Dunn. 100 Good pro ortz‘es ftor ale. Among 20/1 ie/t are the following; lsr & 2ND DIV. Lot IO Con. 1 W. G, R. Bentinck, 100 acres, lately owned by Henry Hall and lormerly known as the "Parker"farm. This is a good farm and will be sold on very reasonable terms. THE SCANLAN FARM, lot M), con. 5, Bentinek--100 acres. Will sell or rent. BENTINCK: The Teasdale Fat in Lot 30, Con. 2, W.G.R. Bentinck 100 acres, I have just bought this front Mr. Teasdale and will sell at a great bargain. HOLLAND TOWNSHIP, Lou isrlyrlf farm 10:) acres in good German summiwnt -will sell or exchange. A good place. THE RUMBOUGH PROPERTY, Durham. What I cant sell I will rent. 1 have 81,000,000 to lend at 5 percent. Choose your time: to pay it back. Business, plume, charges tnod- erate. H. _riHilt I LLER, Mr. Wtn. Fee is home again flom the west, We are glad to have Billy in our midst again. The Teachers and officers of the Varney Sunday School were in Durham getting the Xmas presents on Monday night. This is never a. failure Mr. Cuthbert, our artist. left for Washington on Tuesday last. lie in- tends spending the winter' there. Mr. T. Ililltaised his log stable last week. Almost a MIRACLE Fhe sh.'anover Gonveyancer, has Sales Er: . mi Hood’s 'Mmon to the exclus1on of ntl others. in tt hound only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mus. Tam: MARKS Demons Comments Att, Anyone sending n "and: and descrlguon may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly bontideritihl. Handbook on Pawn“ sent free. Oldest tt'l'/iTi,', for securinxyntenu. Patents taken t trough Mann & Co. receive “(at Mites. Tit_hyut charge. in the A handsomely lllustrated weekly. Largest Mr. culation of any treRmttite *ournul. Terms, 33 c 1033-5199! pagan. " 80 d by aleewodgalel-g. ear: font months " Sold by all newadenlers. hum: t,!,lthrxr,t'tt New hrii Brunch ' as F St... Wuhlnnon. D. . Oniy by H. PARKER, Durham Hood’s Pills 'l'h"ifoC'i'4 triaiit - GE $dtiitifit Marian. ‘ Sarsaparilla' (Sigma) ItriUin?aN'CLAit,rt." The Hanowr Conveyanccr VA RN EY. OTTAWA, Sept. P/ h, ISM. . Miller are the arrrpiris to h}. l, . -IULL LINE Oil- (llgriiiigrt of the Best Make I ALWAYS ON HAND. l, morons mums A spasm" "AG-Auto";;";'.;,','."'"'"" "" H The only Int-elu- lnm II “in mama by het. taitiiFiCi, I}? i'GiFiiriai and win endeavor to give all old and new custom ers the same entire satisfaction. Are arriving daily and W" promise you the hest and cheapest. nssurum-nt uvvr shown in Durham. Of ull kinds, Whitv, Black and Grey, at prices that will surprise you. Come willy and get your choke. A FEW BUGGIES and WAGGONS In stock and you can get theso at cost price m order to clean out stock. U d taking and Embalminc on "gutted-- n or up!“ " Mable Mm. i'rij'kt'li"i"iii OUR FALL. AND WINTER GOODS ROSES CUTTERS Would intimate that she will continue the t'u,rnl'ts,rranq {Indeytaying Busineyjsub. STEXETURE A“) HDEIS'I'MHNG MESS SHEWELL m'memttit.tt,e1troproes MISS SHEWELL New Goods constantly arriving Quality ik, Price are right (ivilliitisrt-cttT'. (lat,ttttttaittttt Are arriving in large stock) at 1hudev's \Vnremnms. enn- sisting of n unload of the best kind of Cooking Stoves, Fancy Parlor Slaves. Bax Staves. Coal Stoned. Etc. I,ii)istji,:,trtl,rot? thw Qtqagt . IMPARTHUR Wishes all his customers a. _ 31:39-me tho W Ck a ANDA when; a. a. - - w. do the We In I" Pun. 'riqheet TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed Fine Choice In Yukon. Grips. Home All kinds of Plow“. Gang Plow. Etc. from $10 upwnlds. Come and Mee them and get a Inn-gain for the balance of the season. Heavy & Light Harness CALL dt SEE OUR I Collars. Pads, tlt il Bites, Whips, da., &c. Harness i! Rnuxns fully stocked of the best makes and styles. Will sell ut. reduced prices and give you a good mwtment to pick from. SEWING MACHINES and ORGAN S We Handle everything in the Barnes line, at right prices. FLOWS . LEAvsns, " SEE OUR ROLLER HEARING TURNIP PULPER 00 tt 9‘s‘~~vs We tale thanking past WI convince W111 me: it Darin” UPPER row; Wishing a ... -- _ -- AT Do you w Willi: firmly Purest Cu Sto arge lr, Yo er: th; Sy its V0 UP

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