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Durham Review (1897), 30 Dec 1897, p. 1

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ss¢ 1883 ghest Jr. d... We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system Will merit, a continuance of the same. D.“ .. ....... ----- wt......" - --as-w" “Large Sales & Small Profits." I )n rhn "" [\ug‘. "t h, '96 d------ - o 0 AT UPPER TOWN DURHAM Wishing all Our Customer 8. Do you want a Sewing Machipe? 17 the New Williams.---- Highest pnce pai for Wood in exchange for goods. G. McKINNON. Our Piano and Organ trade is (irmly established. Best makes. Purest tones. Gutters Stoves Yours for Trade. At prices that will surprise. Tire beg to inform our Custom;- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash er its equivalent, and that our Motto will be i V0 L. XIX,--NO 52 M carry Xmas ...--------... UPPER T0Wlll IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. - BEAN dl cy we Bis - - The GASH- sr s t e I: C. jlddfrrliCN0lfl'8 ' AND PRUSPE ROUS NEW YEAR IT., G, tk, J. MCKECHNIE. ADOPTED BY . td,, McKechnié. - of all kinds, Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, _ BOX STUVES ,'jlitt F jiihtttrg, McMilro-Lrantb--Tuar the thanks of this council are due and are hereby tendered to James Staples Esq.. Reeve, for the impartial manner in which he has presided over this Council during the year now coming to a close, and not forgetting to tender our sincere thanks to the Clerk and Treasurer for their obliging and courteous manner in the performance of their omcial duties while we have been in oNee. And we would heartily congratulate ourselves on the harmony and good will which has existed at the Council Board throughout the year, and we true; that our actions may heartily meet with the approval of the ratepayers in general throughour the Township. God Save the Queen. Calried unanimously. Williatus--Larnh--That this Council grant $50 to gravel Lauuhton Street pro- viding Durham grants the same amnunt. -Uarried. The Reeye on motion having left the chair, the same was taken by the Deputy Reeve. McMillan-McFadden-That $10 be granted towards building an Agricul- tural Halt in the Village of Priceville.-- Carried. Lamb-- McMillan-That Richard Haley give 83 worth of good sound cedar to build a culvert at, Int 17, con 7, being in lien of three days unperiovmed statute labor on Roll for 18W.--Ciuwied. Williams-McFadden-That the collec. tor for Ward 1, be instructed to strike off $2 for 2 days road work charged against Mrs. McComb. -Carried. McFadden-Williams-That the fol- lowing pei-smzs be exempt from paving taxes Joe Municipal purposes far 1897. viz: Mrs. Catharine Uzuneron, Mrs, Eleanor Ginn, Janus Dillon and Miss Alice Flynn.- -Ca rried. Lamlr, -5IcFaddeu-That l he Reeve be paid $1 for chting:.1ul inspectingnnd 81 for conunitlee Work and that commis- sioner for Ward 4 he paid $1.50 for in- specting. Also that cotmnissioner for Ward 2 be paid $2.50 for letting and in. specring.---t'attied. - Lamb-Williams-Th/t the Treasurer be paid $3 for preparing the Financial ts'tatement.-Cttvried. McMillan-McFadden-That William Fallice be paid $3.60 for 4 cords of wood delivered at the Hull,--tarried. McFudderr--Lanh--Tuat the Clerk be paid $2.08 for postage and Sundries.-. Carried, Williams-Laos, That the Clerk be paid 810 fan prepau'mg minutes of Coun- cil for publication-i-ed. IMcFaddcn---Wiuiams--Tuat Thomas Russell be paid $2.30 for two cords of dry wood for James Dillon, he being in destitute circumstances-Cav-. Latulr--McFaddeu-tnat Mrs. Alex-i under McMillan be paid 815 fur the keep l of widow McMillan, she being in " help-i less condition. Said amount, to pay upl to date.--Carried. I McFadden -1sun " --'l'lutt t he roporb of the Local Board of Health he adopted, and that the said “Hard he paid 820 for their services,- Carried. The Council adjourned sine die. McFadden-Williams-- That Charles Amen be mud $2.51me- repairing railing at lot 3 00112 N.D.lt., Carried, Williams __ MvMillan - That Hugh Vaughan be paid $2.50 for repair of fill.. ing at (Henmudeu bridge. --Cataued. McMillan-McFadden-Tut Robert McDonald be paid 83 far 85 loads of gravel, as t'ertih'ed by Pathmasrer.-- Carried. F McMillan -.v Lamb -'l'hat cheques issue on Lila 'J‘rmmurnr for the following Hummus. Viv. . John “Lineman, work at lot 50, mm 2, 1h.D.lt., 359.50; Peter Neil, repairing washout at, lot lo, con. 4, N.D.R.. $9.51); Donald 1lckinnon, repair of bridge at, lot 20, run. l, N.I).R.. W,-. Carried. Lamb-McFadden-That the follow- ing amounts be paid viz: C. W. Rut- ledge, $0.25; John ttuthepford't, Sons, $4.10, and the Municipal World, $6.88 for printing and M unicipnl stationery.--- Carried. Also in favor of indigents for -their monthly allowances for the current half year amounting to 860.--Carried. Williams-- MeFaddan--That cheques issue in favor of School Boards tor cur- rent expenses and payment of Debent- urea to she amount of $1648.77 lwing the total amount levied for such purposes. W. Rutledge and John Rutherford's Sons, accounts,. hom the chairman of Local Board of Health his annual re- port. A petition from F. S. Spence relative to local option. The Council met Dee. 15th pursuant to adjournment, All the members pres- ent, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Com- munications read as follows: From the Municipal World, an account; from C. DQRHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER M, 1897. GLEN ELG COUNCIL. l Unsure" "": {new} The Reeve reported having expended tout [nannen In Ite ', 84.75 In repairs to bridges since last meet- 'ic,','.'"]:,',,?,),"',:':',",',',' lug; Mr Adlam reported haying expended 'iri1iiiivii,' on the 'ure in roads in division yo. 1 since last rod will which has meeting odt80 M) in division No. 2 tor tcil Board throughout Mr. Brown emce August meeting: Mr. ru,si that our actions Brown also reported havmg expended M." with the approvalof in same disisiou; Mr. Delviu rupmted 1 general throughout inning expended 831.25 In division No. 3 od Save the Queen. since l,st,t meeting and Mr. Leplie hair-.- lv. espetrted 8142. in divisxon No. 4 since Au- aurned sine die. gust. meetiug' J. S. BLACK, Clerk. 1 Council adjourned. od, The Statutory meeting of the Bentinck l Council was held in the Clerk's oifhto, beg Hanover. on Wednesday, the 15 th inst “i Members all present. Minutes of October ': meeting passed. [:9] Ily-laws Nos. 5 and 6, for 1897, appoint- :21 ing place of nomination at, Allan Irark and 11-! Deputy Returning offitrcts and boiling w .‘ plnE-ea, were passed. S. B. Clark rent of hall for Division Court; 83.75 to Wm. Willoughby repairing bridge S. L, 10 con. 6; 823.25 to “THE Pose' for printing; MOO to Reeve for selecting iur- ors and inspecting railing at sink hole ; 50 cents to Treasurer for postage' " to Theo. Mighton for medicine for John Pyke ', Dr. Park's account for attendance on James Smith's daughter was not entertained ; 835. were granted to the Agricultural See. iety ; John Potter's statute labor and three days for Thos. Mighton were thrown oft, having been reformed; $10.50 of John Lawerenee's ; $19.99 of S. B. Wilson's taxes were remitted on account of fire. 316.25 were granted to Henry Lemcke to enable him to procure liuvpital treatment for his daughter; $10. Were granted to widow Albert Winklera and her family and hart mes at M.90 remitted on account of her destitute condition; 912, were granted to Mrs. Iihvou, an indigent, The following accounts were. ordered to be prtid;--60 cents to Wm. Brigham rop- turing plough and pick; 83.50 to I', 0. Stewart for waggon broken in washout; $299.86 to D. Keechtel & Sm balmce of electric light account for 1897; 830.03 to The request of A. H. Jackson for drain- age was not entertained. No action was taken on communication from Hospital at Owen Sound. The Reeve ms chnirmnu for the Board of Health tapered on its trans- action for the present year and on its ex- penses amuumiug to 838.00. - The treasaim, was authorized to procure the books required by statute for his of2ee. I We, your pupils, when on this occa- , sion our relations as teacher and pupils are about to sever, desire to express in words of kindness and respect our appreciation of your efforts, interest and teaching ability on our behalf. Many of us have made creditble ad ' vuncement in school learning and t those of us who may not have done so ' well have ourselves largely to blame. i We desire to assure you of the respect Iand esteem in which you are held by, f the school, and beg of you to accept “fl 1 this chair and these books, as a furtherI ‘token ot our respect, which you have; so richly merited as our teacher and'; friend. We, hope you will accept thescli simple presents as indicating our desire i and kindness towards you, and that; their value may be exceeded by the) pleasure of giving and receiving, is; the wish of your pupils." ' Signed in behalfot the schooi: l i Mr. Kerr replied in a feeling and ,suitable way thanking the pupils and Epeople generally for their sympathy and kindness during the past five and l? half years. Then followed a bounti. PII repast consisting of cakes, apples, "tgs, etc., ihieh had been brought tor ‘the occasion. After feasting to their hearth content all repaired to their homes well pleased with the day's" amusement. ( Following is the address.. "To MR. KERR OUR TEACHER On Wednesday afternoon the pupils and teacherof " No. l, Normanby, held their closing exercises and after spending an hour or so in listening ton neat little programme prepared by the pupils, the next feature of the day was the presentation to the teacher, Mr. Kerr, ot a beautiful "easy chair”, a copy of the “Presbyterian Book of Praise" with music, anda handsome copy of “Mrs. Heman’s Poetical Works. " l ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. BENTINCK COUNCIL, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ( LYDIA GADD, " MAGGIE MEARXS, 3.1mm BACKUS, (ARCHIE WATSON ii1lti. Druggiat and Sccdmptan .. ----e -- - - ___ M--- [Mr/mm. it: Q ‘3 vmm 9.x w a.\ I): p" a _ 'c, Cu',.'; R' I :: nguwu "v .Lum v . “1K Wime-W’éfifiéfimhfir 5:65? #na’zr in CHRISTMAS i-iii-r-", NEW YEARS at: :,'if..li' NOVELTIES HOLIDAY GOODS 'rig. i',:",)":' :LEJT'TQZE' ”Emfig-VLJJkâ€"él EJ’MJLLJILSJia-‘QEJLLE'UJ‘HJ 1r$1r$Â¥mr .-n?m.r In}. Tt7.n cr, '.n'ri,'-',STar.-i'FF, r1. Ci/tr' 'fit-l-':.:','; XMAS GflOCAUiVES, M: 11' FItUl'l'S, ir. L; 22 lbs best Granulated Sugar, " For Coughs, b Colds, Bron- chitis, Sore 1 throat, etc. In". any». c cm. THE RIGHT PLACE FOR Darher's Drug Store. I tm of Bad :: Spruce , Gum Gray’s 9.9.9:a2,.'9.e,:%F:,'tF."'g.tfti,t-t' 1itiiititr. H. PARK Ei" fit' A T Ahuumnely mum weekly. garnet dr- cannon of my WWW-I. emu. " . 10.95.!me " " .lLee_r.e"'rt. an; tour months. " Sold by all nevtdulm. iiiiiii magnum. New 19:: lunch I L WW0!» D. . WHOLE N 0. 1033. ItaguaLrwâ€"Juwww iteay air. if,i-i IE If [fit; if, i] E a}: i':j'jc? Fl H

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