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Durham Review (1897), 30 Dec 1897, p. 4

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The candidates are : Reeve, Dickson and Swanston ; 1st Dep., Hunter and Phbilp; 2nd Dep., Meckadden and Mcâ€" Sunes ; Counciliors, T. Farguson. D, Mcâ€" Queen, C, Robb, F. Russnell, Geo, Snell, Ferguson will be one of the 1898 ecounci!, Tom is a new man but his intelligence will make him a capable one. . If Pbllg can command the north he bas a fighting chance tor tst deputy but Hunter will not be easily downed. Uf map of the Rusnell bridge and wasan aid to the speakers while reterring to it. Mr. James Murdoch witnessed the war from a back seat no doubt reâ€" ealling many former battlefields in which he engaged. ‘Mesers Philifi. Ferguson, Leith Rusnell all spoke briefly. Mr. Bye has been in very poor health, but appeared on the platform and gave a few thrusts. He also re ceived a good many and would have received more hadf not respect tor his mlical condition prevatled. _ Mr. Bye a habit of appealing to the hible in a tight place, which appeal was not quite relevant to his auditors. e wered Mr. Melnnis charge of tryâ€" fi: to form a combination by accusing Mac of the same effort Heo ‘didnt knpow" cither how the date got chan«. Another sin of the council was ex tending the time of the collectors‘ roll from 14th to 31st Dec. and giving each eo‘lector g1 more. ‘The reeve signed It for the 1 4th and when next he saw it it was changed to the 31st. Consicter able shufling took place to avoid fathering this charge but Mr John Gardiner‘s quizzing forced the fact that Mr. Mcinnis bad changed it at the suggestion of the clerk, both. and and all being influenced to change it by a petition asking for it The cross Aring over this brought Collee.or Law. reuee to his feet and he was accorded the warmest reception of the day. Ready Irishman that he is, he rattled out a lot in a short time, Justifying his demand ftor "more" on account of a ehan;ed contract from the onre he Mr. Swanston an old munici pal wa: horse, showed up the weakness of the Kmnt vouncil, and the points w ve already spoken of were pretty forcibly dealt with. A transaction of tbe clerk‘s looked irregular and he wanted light: on. Clerk Allan subse uently cleared his skirts much better a:an any of the council. Mr. D. Hunter made a breezy speech and could pick 3 boys from the adjoinâ€" ing school that could show as good results as the present council. In a sarcastic vein, well maintained, he atought the ord council should be clect ed by acclamation to make the dose of medicine more effective. Mr. Hunter is coming to the front as a manicipal debater and if clected will worthily fill the position. Beeve Dickson was on the defensive all day, had been accused of serving personal ends by disposing of bad eedar for good serapers. The Reid and Coutt‘s bridges, the Bently suit, &c., were all explained by him from his stand point to the satisfaction or otherwise it his sympathisers or oppon ents. warden Allan was nominated before retiring took the chance to a resume of County affairs. every man, now and again supported by Councillior Leith however, and his speech showed him to have a good grup of township affairs. He pitched anto them for attempting to smuggie *brough certain things, of trying to eorner him when he had lifted money on his personal order, a common pro ecedure, accused them of illegality in attempting to pass a read allowance to a member of council in exchange for some land, &e., &c. Not so is the Coutts bridge, which is faulty in lay out and construction, mvmg this time that reeve Dickson ws nothing of bridge building &ccording to Swanston, Then ‘"Rasnell Hill" and its devious ways promises to trouble the manicipal ~iznd to the end of the century anyâ€" And so on. Mr. Mcinnis has been almouian Ishmael, his hand against way. This has been described as a monument to the incapacity of past councils in dealing with highway difficulties. The "Reid Bridge," costing $150 when 4 members of the council say Mr. Mcelnnes promised it would be done for fiw is another sin, chiefly placed on ‘s shoulders, though every one allows it is worth the monev, being a creditable job. * The "Bently Law Suit," costing the township over $80(¢¥) when $4 would have settled it at first, is one of the alleged sins of the council, though g'hb!y as Mr. Bye said they would ve been blamed had they thus settled It. Warden Allan w Old timers said there never was such a crowd at a nonimation as last Mcnday saw. The conmodious new hall proved too small to azcommoaate the large mumber who were interested in their civic affairs. The retiring council at their 10 meetiitgmJad a good deal of bickering over various matters, and a plentiful supply of dirty linen had been laid up for nomination day washing. _ > NOMINATIGKS. Ecremoxt. A Fight ail round. and and give Don‘t bave the light fall c or, book from the front ; ha back and from the side, pr lefi. _â€" Auisiey, Asverara McKinno®, Robert Voliet and Ted Kilmer eq.. John Fox. Jr. H (A)â€"Frossard Benton, Essie I;aid- Jaw. Carman Aljoc, John Darling, Eliah Gordon. â€"Jr. I1 (B)â€"Jewel Little, Rita Irwin, Nellie Smith, Effie Barclay and Perey Vollet eq, Hazel Caldwell and Pearl Warner eq. Carl Browne,(}eorge Lioyd. _ Interinediateâ€" Kate Nester, Bert Caldwell, Jr. Aâ€"Archie Gray, Jemima Saunders aud Effice Hunter eq. Jr. Bâ€"Eya Burnet, James McLachlan and Irene Leavens eq. Hind, Archie Thom Kenzie, Susie McClin ence Saunders, Violet Willie Lavelle and Willie Saunders,. Jr. Alice Ramage, Johan Allan eq., Grace WY burn, Willie Laidlaw tq.. Sr. 9t.â€" IIâ€"â€"Ar Annie Colville, Emima M Hutton, Mable Cameron. Kress and Grace Barcl Watt, Flossie Limin, Edil Vollet. Jr.IIIâ€" Mary Fe Hind, Archie Thompson Kenzie, Susie McCiocklin Brown eq Honor Roill December, & Donald, Annie Eva Mockler. n cyef ie Issue is over, â€" the capable council of the present year is entrusted with another lease of power by the will of their fellow citizens, and we cengratulate the Town. ‘The costs of an election are saved, though, dash it all, we have lost £5.00 by it Mayor, Mr. Parker and othe rs, had a brush with Colleetor Carson, but made nothing of the chief, and ended up after Mr. Sparing had spoken by atâ€" tacking some of his statements. Mr. Sparling touched very clearly on several financial questions. Howeyer the issue is over, _ the capable council of the present veaar is was May brus _ Mr. Laidlaw followed and somewhat heatedly condemned the proccedings as illegal, as Mr. «McFarlane.coult not nominate men in wards in which he bad no vote. He declared he would never stand as a candidate under such conditions, and he has sinee formally res‘gned, so their is now no question but Durbam has a Mayor 13983, but Mr. Laidlay and a few others will claim there is no council ! What was Clerk Russell to do? The hour went by. ‘The ratepayers were yery much awake. There may have been something unusual about it, but what jadge would <interfere under the cireumstances 2 * .\“'. L('li(“.'l“' Prhca dE t( ar L ipr recveni se hn eX address 1 unprejad conuvinces bands. Mr. La Ms yor Cal esting resun showing clea of civic que forbid a refer address beyo unprejadiced T The town Hall was more than filled before the expiration of the nominating hour and when time was up Clerk Russell found hinselt with two nominâ€" ations for Mayor and a blanket nomiâ€" ation for reeve and council in the lamp. Mr. Laidlaw was nominated by Mr. (ieo, Moore, secouded by Mr. A. D. MeKenzie. Mr. Calder was nominated by H. Parker, seconded by Mr. E. Limin. o 'I:l_lc *‘blanket" was moved by Mr. fommpaliie _ .. â€"< 4 4 Durham for onee in a long time has elected its council by acclamation. In accordance with the wishes of the town we urged this course, and few to day but are pleased with the result. \r. Laidlaw made a vigorous the failures of the present c s checked several times } yor, Mr. Parker and others, ish with Colector C wson, but hing of the chief, and en« it Mr. Spar.ing had spoken king some of his statement« Normaxsy has an allround contest, and Mr. Robt. Mcrice, has again been pressed into the fight, and having Neustadt and a great part of the west with him; and a loyal support at home, will likely be the new reeve over Kosnig. Mr. Grier has retired, and the following is the list of aspirants, Reeve; R. Morice and Henry Koenig ist Dep; C. Forbes, H Heiple. 2nd Dep; W. J. Reilly, J. H. Fllis Councillors ; Jno. Drier, Jas. F. Black, Louis Brusso, GLEXELG came nearly doing so. As it is Reeve Staples and Dep. Reeve McFadden have received the compliment of acâ€" clamation while Mr. Jos.. Firth and Mr. Thos. Sailivan think. they can improve matters by hbaving a run with the old council. They are both capable men and will make good officers but nograve charge has been made to make the township believe the present three are not good and capable, and they will have to fight to overcome the feeling that they have caused the expense of an election. In the tussle changes may occur however. BEexTIXCEK. Very wisely we think Bentinck ratepayers have allowed their old council another vear, and mwidlaw made a failures of the r Krellar J: of Durham School for IV Classâ€" Cassie Mcâ€" Lawrence, Ella Laidaw, Phoebe Woife and Ada €41, 1Vâ€"Jessie Laidlaw, mma MceCaul, Maggie meron. _Sr.IIIâ€"Vina : Barclay e@q., Nellie iin, Edith Grant, Mary lary Ferguson, Homer ompson, Duncan Meâ€" lockiin. Sr. IIâ€"Florâ€" Yet Wiliis, Fred Kelly, d Murray Smith eq., Jr. IIâ€"Maggie Grant, ba Lloyd and Arthur Willis. Daisy Blackâ€" aw and Mamie Munro Amy Kelly, Arthur ‘ McKinnoz, Robert , llimer eq.. John Fox. | a Benton, Essie Laidâ€" | LV Dornaaxt i6 a vigorous speech the present council, i on your. work | have it slightly ,| preferably the , " mhis #> ETd PM the P ES râ€"vâ€"w“fi‘-fi»* â€"â€"Don‘t use the eyes when very tired or | weak from sickness : they are ithe most | sensitive of our organs, and tire as the | rest of us tires, and use after a certain po ni of fatigue or weaknessâ€" had been | reached is injurious to any part of: our | body. » bA* T The annuual meeling ef the Holstein Croamery Co., was held in the Temperâ€" â€"| ance Hall on Friday ftor the purpose of * | receiying thie auditors‘ report asd to 54 etect a Board of Directors. The past . ] seasons make oi butter was far in excess "| of any former year, which speais well for f | Thair and Cameron who had the fuctory . in chadrge for the past season and i; i.-‘ : hbopea@ that the directors will see fit to| award the drawing and making of lmt:er' | o the <ame gentliemen noxt season, i Miss Mand Schell, of Wiargon, is spendâ€" |l ing her Xmas holidays with her auat, Mrs | Horsburgh. ; ’ Mrs. Jas. Sills, of Bay City, Mich., is] | home ou a visit to hert pareuts Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pennock. Mr. Ham, of Pickering, is visitingy his | | sou Harvey, station agent of this place. ' ’ Mr. and Mrs. \Wm. P.utté:son, of Woodâ€"! | land, visited at w.:*8, Horshburgh‘s oul' | Monday. F ‘ [ Mr, and Mrs. George Burrows, of Conn, | | spent Xmas with Mr. Burrows‘ mmoiher; ’ The Misses Bowmzsn, of. Drumbo, are visitors at Mr. Thos. Burrow‘s. ' Miss Nellie Conroy of Lordon. is yisitâ€" ing her triend Miss Katie Haley, Morice Tribe of Michigan, is howme on & vat to his parents, Mr.. ind *Mig, Thos, | Tribe, ~ " un + ue ] _ _wMiFr. AnRG Bbirs. E. Fen: son Nelsou spent Nq Mr, Nel:â€"qa Main. Mr. and Mis. Win. C in Mt, Fotest with thei Neil McKellu.r. Mc. John McKeouzic, teaclhiing at Grandâ€"Valie has taken a situation in store. Mrs. Alex, Hamilton, Dakota, camo home last w spend Clristmas with hor and Mrs. Adam Doupe ar friends and acquaintances. Wilite Williamson, ‘of Gord renewing old nequaintances i for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs Mannell, Moor the Xwas hbolidays with the Mrs, Win. Wallace, Mrs. Thos. Brown, of Rogh arrived here on Friday to yisit Mr. and _ Mrs, Mickleboro friends. wheit the Rev. J. M. Miller â€" lifo Mr. Rob6. Konnel and Nelson, Mr. Jolhn â€" Parsloy Neliie McHKouzic rcsed as Db bridesmaid. Renwick, F.S. ; ] Hunter, Chsplain Lester, J.W.; R. Reuw Ramage, J.B. Miss Eliza Wilson, who has been atâ€" temding the Owen Sound ColHlegiate, reâ€" turned home fast week to spend the Xmas holidays among her friends. Mr. John J. Hastie occupied1 the pulpit at Amos Church last Sunday. At the last regular meeting of Court Dromore No 11 1.0.F,, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Bros. J. M. Findlay, C. D.; W. Hastie, P.C.R.; H. Haw, CR ; J. Meâ€" Beth, V.C.RB.;J. Langzaton, L.S.: C. Mr. Jas. Laughton and his sister L‘zzie, pnid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mather, Bentinck, last week. Mr. John. J. Hastie arrived home from the Queen City, where he is atâ€" tending college (which college I do not know.) He is studyirg for the minâ€" istryv. **Economy " is, has been, and alâ€" ways will be, my motto in the disâ€" charge of public as well as private duties Thanking you for liberal support in the past and again solicitâ€" ing your support, I am as ever, Your obedient servant GLEXNELG ;â€"Finding that we can not avoid having an election in the townâ€" ship of Glenelg to fill the offices in the council, I beg respectfually to intimate my intention to remain in the field and I solicit your yote and influence to assist in returnirg me in the coming contest. My work during the past year is the best eyidence I can give of my ability to serve your interests as a municipal officer. Pinaumntt To the Electors of Glenelg. Oue of thos»> aftairs w k place at the mans and easy to operate, is true f Ilood‘s Pills, which are i ap to date in every respect. l s Bafe, cortain and sure. All druggists. 25¢. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood‘s Sarsaparilia. Hood‘s When you take Hood‘s Pills. The big, old fash loned, sugarâ€"coated pills, which tear you all to Pleces, are not in it with Hood‘s. Fasy to take No Gripe~ Intended for last week,. HOLSTEIN, maay to yisit her p Mickleboro â€" aund DROMORE. mainse on \Â¥e Joux Wiuuranxs. Laugjaton, t.S. ; Lothiin, Troas. ; 4 D. Leith, S.W.: Â¥ RAs ut herdather Groat sseut Xtu we Rozina who has been the past week‘ Win. Walines‘s 0d a n10st daughter, Mrs. (Dorenela, spot ther dauashte; like to Di € of ) W ri to visig 11 Â¥Of y the t mnau ar . MW .: faWy, $.B.; â€"W, hc:zr U TORONTO villas *2 3 t C n 11 Zz1e Mits it tD U its 2 Y ing the exciting scenes which would atâ€" tend the opening of chostulities, < This same number of Tur CosxoPoutrax has an sarticle on ‘"The Wéilldresst Woman" by Eisie de Wolfe,. a contrast of the characters of Henry George and Charlés A, Dana by John Brisben "Walâ€" Spain," at the same time yividly describ LaTB LitERARY NEWS.â€"What woald you do if war should be declared toâ€"morâ€" row with a European power? How would it change your home life, the lives of your brother and other relatives? How would it affect your business conâ€" nections and business? What changess would it make in financial, city, state and national affairs? It is these interâ€" esting problems which a writer in the: Deceimber COSMOPOLITAXN has underâ€"takâ€" en to sketch under the heading of "A Brief History of Our Late War with | Notr.â€"In reference to the above the present publisher desires to make the same statement extendirg his excilpation to include Angus Mc Dougall as well. â€"[Editor Review.] I have much pleasure in testifyâ€" ing that Mr. Arch. McDougall, of Crawford, never during the time I was publishing the R«wiew, offered any correspondence from that locality ; Yours, C. McArtior. Dec. 27th, 1897, i Mr. Epntrror, ‘ In accordance with our advertiseâ€" ments to guarantee our workmanship : to the fullest extent aund in every f particular, and as an evidence that § the Guarantee Card, which you will $ find in the pockets of Shorey‘s garâ€" ! ments, means what it says, if you are § wearing f Shorey‘s Nee i n on in e 1 o ie ue Ne e t o7 1Â¥ a N IIIC » Migs. of « is s Cmiahens p, s & Ready.to. Near‘* Clothing. (,‘v':i(‘kt‘nfl l'(:;.zl;a"' » f o tat a â€" F ..-----9000-0----.“4 ]I;:'!]'U“F' per bag § | e 5 *FS 44 W_-â€"__â€"Hâ€"â€"- rl“k“yg‘ i9 As " IRs To THE EDtror. is * l memienont alfer;» M in atod f Calistuys Entron en in another place The Loves of Goâ€"f guetPiKIN® .0 .l ¢ !I)(‘. while Welle stnsc +11. S“(:f“.(‘f)“. }.!«'l'\', per ton e l money refunded. particular and will communicate your complaints to us, we will see that you are satisfied or your and do not fi particular and Satisfaction or Your Money Back. . SHOREY & Co., Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear ! / y Clothing find it perfectly satisfactory in every fnnithins 2ak,, »â€" B | the reason of failing sight 1 Don‘t go where there | eether surlight or â€"electr |than you can help. The | country and of the grass ] restful for t.h_e,eyes. xerp your . body s body weakens the the reason of falilD Ne 2 We ts Mess itc a ._ Don‘t despise the day The whole. system need condition to keep each ( 5 P : Holstein I have in my hands for sale, the (Stone Jackson Residence) in Burham consist. iny of the Block on which house and out buildings stand. Tenders a}} be received from parties wishing to purâ€" chase, stating price and terms, Duâ€"haim, Dec. 7th 1897 ker, in another place The Loves of Go ethe, "while Wells‘ story, "The War of the Workts," which has been so widely read; reaches i*s conclusion in an unexâ€" pected way. This fine magazine with the Review for $1 80. Don‘t read, sow or y« 20 C J Parties waifed upon within a able distance, if desired, olstein, Janaary 14th, 1897 SsURBR OF MARRIAGE LICEXEES, Holâ€" _ stein, Ont., . 8. HORSBURGH. : EYE DON‘TsS, 1, sow or study lying down, pise the day of Titt]l, things, systemn needs to, be in good keep each organ ri ht So ody : strong, for wgwn the ns the eyeslweaken; this is P Fa HLnus e onl is 2L For Saile. MoNTREAL. ‘ B e ABY® S es se g sight in (»Xdynp';;.m there is a glatre of electric light more + The green of the J am Eé(‘Ansox. in every / mplaints ‘ or your ‘ EAL. ; and trees: jg & reasomnâ€" e wWar 61 so wide}ly MCGIRRâ€"On Dec. 19 bh, William George, l infant son of Thos, and Blzabeth Mcâ€" | â€"Cirr, Glelmlg. aged 9 months and 17 ~‘days;>~~ . hx HEARTWELLâ€"In Ties Piedras, New Mexico,.onâ€" Dec, 16thb,‘97, George K. Heartwel}, "ged 53 years, es WAXNTEDâ€"Wwq ean‘ employ thirty mon fl'::x to repyoale Sp on salar home.. is poow "§d u1i q0 Iug around home,. sMTHâ€"â€" WrIR, â€"A¢ the residence of the bride‘s parents, HMenelg, on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. A. G. Jansen, Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr. Ad â€" am Weir, to William.Smich, Jr., of Beatitek, TRUUUHT()N-â€"TELFORD-â€"At the â€"resiâ€" dence of the brihe‘s father, Holland Centre, on Dec; 22nq, by Rev. John Little, My., Francis Troughton to Miss Katie, eldest dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Danie} Teltord, DIED. McRoxaup the wife . Manw, ++ ‘ Apple:, per ba Wood, 4 feet Wood. 92 inin. hard P 1‘.\“0\& * Dr‘d H <«gs u\'::'-‘. l‘\u 04 “iu'hâ€"'\'. Catmea per s; Bran per ewtb Shorts por ewt Pault Wieat ne dtow* per lb sutter per 1b, P ‘Ss, per cwl ve weight °. MARRIED, bribe‘s father, Holland * 22nd, by Rev. John ncis Troughton to Miss driughter of Mr. and BORN. CK, on 23rd inst, & MeRonald. of a 4 03 i3 1" to (8 to 0 13 to 13 to 13 to 20 to 0 £0 to 40 to 07 to 06 to 25 to 00 to 44 24 to Lo to ta to 85 715 8 OO 0 (X) 75 2 on 1 6O «) 07 (GOR 14 14 30 €0 LQ 10 O4 24 Li 3e 2 3y Notice is h trespassing, C moving the R. Tp. of Glen dlealt with as Montpelier, 1d UPPER TOWXN daay it merci Nr. I PFiCH () lI‘lc" | Blo SsoLmciTt. NOTARY PUSC MO N M LUCAS, BAR\ NOoYa Mac Drus MOoNnEy T NQATRY » &A & * % % NOTICE O# BAR®R *A @4 0GU NE PYRC A MI LA U AKk

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