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Durham Review (1897), 30 Dec 1897, p. 5

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t 23rd i L&LAWE sidence of ig, on the (i. Jansen, t Mr. Adâ€" th, Jr., of on is agreed BGOk AND m tGeorge, abeth Mcâ€" t‘he and 17 the â€"resiâ€" , Holland tevx. John on to Miss Mr. and nald. of t) rg to LN eW OO ({4) (¥¥ CY 14 () (} MacFARLANE‘S Drug Store... Notice is herchy given that anvone trespassing, cutting timber on, orâ€"reâ€" moving the same frontlots 3dund 40 8: D. R. Tp. of Glenelg, Co.. of ‘Grey, will be dealt with as the law directs. ; OFFI(‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder, Block. â€" Residence first door west of th" lFost Office, Durham. Will be in Priceville the tirst Wednes day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" Will be in P1 day in each m mereial Hotel. UPPER TOWN ~ 0_ Rosert McDoxarD.« Montpelier, Idaho U.S8. Dec, 6th ‘O7. Office, over G:iant‘s store, Lower Town, DURHAM. 4 BARRISTER. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgag s ut low st rates of interest. Valnatious made ‘ y a competent and carefal Valuator. SoLICITOR IN SuUuPREME COURT, NOTARY PUEBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Collections and Agency promptly attendod to. Voills, Peeds, Morigages, Leus s, Acrecmounts, &c. correctiy preopared. _ Estates of devensed persons looked after, and Execotors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Aceâ€"unts preparel sod passed. Sarrogate Court Basiness, Proace of Wiils, Lotters of Adminisirution and Gusrdinnship Obtained. Searehes made in Registry Oiice and Fitles reported on. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCSR, 4C. Om:+sâ€"â€"UPPER TOWN. BURHAM. DURMAM OFFICE, Carosm‘s Biocx, 3â€"45 7 Lower Town. Will be in Priccville first & third Weduesdays of esc meuth. Buiter‘s Hote!. LVCAS, WRIGHT, & BATSCN. BARRISTERS, soLurc:iTtors, NOTaARIE3, CINVEYANCER3, &c. MONEY TO LOANâ€"tow rarrs> EASY TERMS /Jext 30 days Dr. T. G. KOLT L. D. § «dxll Chargos AMEsdsrats. J. P. TELFSRD, ““““““‘Q“‘& SA840184048te0e82s0e0e208 0e 4 DENTISTRY. G. LEFROY McCAUL. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTICE TO TRESPASSZRS. I. B. LuCas, .â€"â€" W. H. Wrrouwr, â€" C. BATsO®, â€" + . NEW GOODS OUR STOCK * _ of + ancy Goonps AMINE OUR Stock NOW EE OUR STOCK BEFORE PVRCHASING ELSEWHERE LARGE VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM AKE YOUR PURCHâ€" ASES EARLY. LOOK AT Charges moderale, Fipa Insurance Secured. ©. FOR â€" PRETTY pecial acrifice ale Nn i We y o + MR maborig for GORDON Markdale, Owen Sound Darkhaan. DURH A M Couxty Court.â€"Hopkins v. Morton An action by landlord against tenant for $300 rent and $100 damage to stock: Verdict for defendant with costs. This was a jury case. McCaul and Tucker for ptff. A G. McKay and W, L, Meâ€" Kenzie for defdt. _ Crimina! docketâ€" Crown v., McMillan and Campbell, case of cattle stealing near Shailow Lake, Def. McMillan pleaded guilty and made restitution. â€"Allowed out on suspended sentence, â€" Campbell was fined $25, and bound over to keep the peace in $400.00. Grand Jury have reported in favor of House of Kefuge. Hood‘s Pills are the best tamily cathartic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliâ€" able, sure. 25c. GarmEp Venry Muca.â€""My wife was afflicted with sciatic rheumatism for three years, Seeing an advertisemeni of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla we.conelodai to give it a fair trial,. After she had taken a few bottles she gained very much and she continued its use until she was cured,"â€"CHRarLEs P,. AsBott, â€" Coldâ€" water, Michigan,. Farmxers‘ InstrituTrE.â€"Bills are out announcing the Annual meeting of the Farmers‘ â€" Institute in Durham on Tuesday Jan. 4th in the Town Hall. Prof. Zavitz of the O.A.C. and Mr. Thompson, St. Catherines are the outâ€" siders who will speak on farming topics, Mr. Wim. Irvine, Bentinck, speaks on **Beef Rings,." and Mr. W. L. Dixon on the "Cultivation of the Strawberry," something he is well able to do judging by his success, Mr. Gokey V.S. is also to apeak. Wednesday, Jan. 5th a meetâ€" ing will be held in Ayton, with Messrs Zavitz and Thompson present. The evening meeting in Durham for which the small charge of 10c or 15¢ a couple is made will be addressed on popular topics by the same two gentlemen and in addition by Dr. Landerkin, and the three candidates for the local!, D. Mcâ€" Nichol, Dr, Jamieson and Mr. J. D. Morgan. Music of an appropriate character provided, . Prominent amongst the events of the year passing away is the enormous achievement made by the Family Herâ€" a‘d and Weekiy Star, Montreal, This great weekly paper surprises the whole world by its success, The Family Herâ€" ald Week‘y Star now gladdens the homes of five hundred thousand people Well may Canadians be proud of it. Axxvam Mzcrisnoâ€"Of Egremont Agricultural Society will be held in the New Agricaltural Hall, Holstein, on Wednesday, 12th January next at 2 p. m, Mr. W. T. Petric is Secy. Compound Tar Lozengers for colds and coughs 5¢ and 10c a box, only at Parkeor‘s Drug Store. The mission of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla is to cure disease, and thousands of testiâ€" monials prove it fulfils its mission well. »~ Just REcEBIvyEDp.â€"A new stock of wedding stationery call at the Revirw office soon and have your choice. Some very pretty lines For SaALE.â€"A new Portland cutter. Apply at Shewell‘s furniture room‘s.â€"F. LexafHAx®. Cheap furniture for the holiday trade. A nice line of Fancy Chairs and Tables at Shewell‘s furniture shop. Call and see goods and prices, AccouNnts,.â€"Will those to whom ac counts were sent, and who have not yet responded please do so at once as we need the money and at once, SPRECIAL NOTICE â€" All our acconnts and past duenotes are ready for mailing. We shall hold them until Ist Jan. 1898 and would ask a personal call and settleâ€" ment at this office. Unless called for we must positively use other means for col lection.â€"3 J. A. HuxTER, Fox Trrrizs Losr.â€"White," 2 tan spots on face, short tail, answers to *«*Dot," _ Finder rewarded. J. A. Hunter, Upper Town Durham. Get a box of 500 envelopes good qualâ€" ity. name and address nextely printed for one dollar at the REVIEW office,. Orders by mail or telephone promptly attended to. Large new residence for sale. rent, or would exchange for farm property. Apply to R, P. LEGATE, Flesherton Station. 4A Dry Murrain Powders for indigestion and bloating in cows and young stock. Never fails to cure, only at Parker‘s Drug Store, . Horse and Cattle powders, Morton‘s British Condition Powder the best, at Parker‘s Drug Store. WooOp.â€" A limited quantity of good green wood will be taken on subscription at this oifice. Call at the Standard Bank of Canada, Lower Town, and get a calendar for The choicest Bon Bons and Chocolates at McFarlane‘s Drug Store. Epworth League next Monday night Consecration and election of officers. Fresh Candied Peels, new Fruits at Parker‘s Drug Store. Vurham, Thur. Dec. 20th, ‘97. ht Rurkam Reriew; LOCAL AND GENERAL NE Coge % Mr. McAlpin. a Knox College Student, preached very acceptably in the Presâ€" byterian Church on Sunday night. At the close of the service he made an earnest appeal on behalf of the Knox College Missionary Society to which the congregation had liberally contributed. Mr, Dugald McArthur cousin of Mr. C. MceArthuar avrrived last Thursday from Glasgow, and 1s spending a few ‘weeks among relatives in Grey and Bruce beâ€" fore leaving for the Klondike. Hespent 3 years in that golden region in his cousâ€" in Neil‘s company and will rejorn him again. Miss 8. McKinnon, left Monday mornâ€" ing for Harriston, where she will spend a few days and attend the marriage of her friend Miss Brown. Mr. D. Mcâ€" Kinnon will go down on Wednesday. Mr. R, Wallace, of Woodstock, visited his sister, Miss Wallace, Telephone opâ€" erator, Xmas and Sunday. He assisted the choir of vhe Methodist church Sunâ€" day evening, rendering a very beautiful bass solo, ‘"‘Thy Will be Done." Mr, and Miss Sibley, accompanied by a friend, Mr,. â€"â€"â€"â€" and Mr. John Sibley spent Xmas holidays with their sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Kitching. Mr, C. M. Culbertson V.8., of Meaford accompanied by his wife and little daughter Rita, spent Xmas and a few succeeding days at Mr. 8. Scott‘s. Mr. G,. B. Von Blaricom of the Mt. Forest Confederate has severed his conâ€" nection with that paper to go ,into daily journalism. His successor is Mr. Fisher, lately of the Leamington News, a man of experience and push, and we wish for him a continuance of the proâ€" gress made by his predecessor. : Success to the Confed, Mrs, Wallace, Wingham, is spending Christmas round her old home, with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Burt, Missos Yrank Hughes, Mary Gordon, and Allie Grant, came home from the for the holidays. Miss Lona Foxâ€" who bhas been in Torâ€" onto for several months is home for a month‘s holidays. Mr. John Cameron and son Henry came home from Toronto last week for the, hohdays. Mr. Joe Lauder, of Omaha, and two sisters from Toronto, are visiting at their mothers. Mr. Dayidson, of Clarke‘s shce shop. went hom.e to visit friends in Mt. Forest on Christ mas. Mr. John Warren and wife of Kee watin are visiting at Mr. W. H Mockler‘s. Misses Patterson and Mr. Patterson. Howick, are visiting their sister Mrs. W. H. Bean, Miss Mary Bull and Master Willie Tarner, Orangeville, are visiting friends in town. Mr, Chas, Davidson and wife, of Wiarton are yvisiting at Mr. Arch. Mcâ€" Keazie‘s. Mr. Robert Legate, of the Revirw Staff spent Xmas at home in Flesherton Station. Mrs. Arrowsmith, accompanied her daughter on her trip to Saginaw last week. Mr. Wm. Swallow. is home for the holidays after a summer spent on the lakes. Mr, T. G. Elwin, Toronto, spent over Clmistmas at Mr. Allan McKinnon‘s. Mr. Thos. Black, Harriston, is the guest of his brother, in town. Mr. Ed. Hurlbert, Wiarton, spent a few days with friends here. Mrs. Morris, Harrington, sister of Mrs. Gordon, is on visit here. Miss Maggie Crawford, Toronto, is home for the Xmas holidays. Miss Meenah, teacher. is spending her holidays at Mr. 8. Scott‘s. Mrs. Gregor, Mt. Forest, is visiting at Mr. J. Robertson‘s. Mr. Jackson, Clinton, is visiting at Mrs, H. J. Middaugh‘s. Mr. John Whalen, Wiarton, is home for the holidays, Mrs. Lavelle and family holidayed at Stratford. Miss Bessie Hughes, Wiarton, spent Xmas at home. Mr. Norman McRae was home for Xmas. Mr. Ed. Parrot, is home for the holâ€" idays. tappp & Prosprrous How Frear. _ â€"** Yes, the year is growing old, His eye is pale and bleared, Death, with frosty hand and cold, Plucks the old man by the beard, SBorely, Soraly." Before the last hours of 1897 pass we take this opporâ€" % tunity of wishing all readers & friends PERSONAL MENTION. (Areetings We find in the Methodist Young Peoples Paper Onward the following eminently tru2 expression about the Canadian Press, We agree with Onâ€" ward in saying that the Press of Canada, taken all in all, is as highâ€"toned as that of any country in the world. Our readâ€" ers will have no difficulty in recognizing the Montreal Witness as the paper specâ€" | ially referred to **Nowhere, we think, is there a press * of higher moral tone than that of our ** beloved country. It possesses, we " think. the unique distinction of hayâ€" Q " ing a leading journal in its largest ‘ * city which for over fifty years ha.s‘; «* beeu amoral crusader, a champion of ; " reform. ~ In all thit time it "has not ‘ «* published oneâ€"liquor, or tobacco, or ©" thentrical advertisment,, , At. the ** sacrifi¢e of much money it has stond I * true to its high principle, and stu'ndl] * foursquare, ~a. tower .of: strengtl» 6 a,ga,inat all the winds that blow." I Mr. H. A. Hunter is home for the holiâ€" days. We were mueh pleased to have a chat with an old neighbor, and listen to a breezy description of bis trip. He is now in a responsible position in Minnâ€" eapolis, and came home by Ottawa. While there, he was the guest of Hon. Mr. Mulock, and had a pleasant introâ€" duction to the Premier and Madam Laurier. Rev. Mr. Jansen will deliver his famâ€" ous lecture on * Holland & Hollanders " in Bunessan school on the evening of the 6th of January at 8 p. m. sharp. A libâ€" eral silyer collectiqon will be taken up, the proceeds belng devoted to missions. Dsray®ED.â€"Tuesday night, the train got in about 2 a. m. nearly four hours late,. The cause we believe was a deraulâ€" ment somewhere below Guelph,. _A soliâ€" tary statiqon agent has very trying hours. We see by the O. 8. Times that Miss Mary Gordon took the character of Queen Elizabeth in a drama at O.8. Coll. Inst., and that she also came out 2nd best in her Form thers>. Well done. VarxEy.â€"The Varney entertainment was a great success,. â€" Crowded hcuse. over $31. Fine speeches were made by Mr. Win. Allan and Rev. Mr. Kitching also a good supply of dialogues, etc. Cadet F. Hunter is enjoying his holiâ€" days at the "Hedges," We rather enjoy seeing a dash of her majesty‘s uniform on our staeets, and Fred‘s soldier bearâ€" ing suitr the uniform., Mrs. G. K. Heartwell and baby, and Mr. Carpenter, of Tres Piedras, New Mexico, are visiting the former‘s sister, Mrs. A. C. Paterson and relatives in Gienelg. Mrs. John Cameron after a monih‘s visit to her mother and other friends in Dakota arrived safely home Tuesday, to the great pleasure of her family and many friends. Mr. Thos. Matthews after a three years absence in Portage La Pramie, is home to partake of Christmas cheer amongst friends and relatives. â€" Helooks well. Sergt. 0. M. Snider of Hampden is home from Stanley Barracks Toronto, and has been successfal at his examinaâ€" tion, Miss Emma McLean, formerly of the Chronicle left last week for a protracted sojourn in Toronto. Mr. 0. Elliott returded to town Monâ€" day night after spending Xmas with friends in Toronto. St. Leon‘s mineral water, nature‘s great panacea, 25¢ a galion at Parker‘s Drug Store. Miss Elnora Patterson is spending her Xmas holidays with her parents in Wiarton. * Mrs. Gordon has the pleasure of a visit from her mother, Mrs, M cLeod, Mr. Norman McRae spent Xmas holiâ€" days at home with his mother and friends. Mr, G. W. Jones partook of Xmas cheer at his home in Harriston, Mr. J. Cassels spent Christmas with his parents in Fergus. Miss Wallace is spending the week in Harriston at her home. Big reduction in fancy goods at Macâ€" Farlane‘s Drug Store. We want wood either green or dry on subscription,. f To one and ali we wish a Happy New Year, and take this opportunity of thanking them warmly for their un« wearied and successful efforts to repreâ€" sent their respective communities durâ€" ing the past year. We ask your inâ€" dulgence where we have had to abridge or delay, as occasionally no effort of ours can cope with the matter, much as we wish, on account of time and space. We hope 1899 may bring prusperity to all and that the pages otf the RayIEw may reflect as of old the progress and the happiness, (and alas ! sometimes the sadness) of this prosperâ€" ous and law abiding community. CUhristian Endeavor notes unavoidably held over. Boys‘ Own and Girls‘ at $1.45 at Macâ€" Farlane‘s. OUR CORRESPONDENTS. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO FLATTERING. Tnxr® EprrorR. COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loan in sums and on terms to suit borrowers, (On first Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) Lowest rates of Interest. Quick despatch, and lowest possible charges: & * u... + AApply to: _ . _ n Ageneral financial businesstransacted Office next door to Etandard Bank Durham David JACK8ON, JP.» ciers piv. c Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. Barrister, Upper Town Durham. Durham, Sept, 23rd ‘97. 3m II.â€"â€"The North Easterly half of the third division of Lot number nine, and the first and second divisions ot Lot number ten in the first Conces sion East of the Garafraxa Road in the Township of GlJenelg, containing 125 acres more or less. The said properties will be offered for sale separately subject to a reserve bid, Trerams or SAue:â€"â€"20 per cent Cash at time of Sale. Balance in 30 days with 6 per cent interest. For turther particulars apply to Jas. Carsox A. H. Jacrsox, Auctioncer. Vendor. Auctioncer. Durham, Dec. 18, ‘97, VALUABLE FARM PROPERTIES, â€"INX THEâ€" Township of Glenelg Under and by yirtue of powers of sale contained in certain Indentures ot Morigages which wi‘l be produced at time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the At the hour of ONE O°CLOCK in the In the TOWN of DURHAM, in the COUNTY of GREY, on afternoon : I.â€"That yvaluable Farm Property, beâ€" ing composed of the first and second divisions, and the Southwesterly halt of the third division of Lot number nine in the first Concession East of the Garafraxa Road in the said Township of Glenelg, containing 125 ucres more or less. At the same time and plase there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, PRBAT, JINUARYT, 14th 1893 MORTGAGE SALE. & Durham Pharmacy & C. Lefroy McCaul CONVEYANCERS. g _)Dolasses w Gandy.. wiou transacting patent business excilusivcly & CANDY. XMAS Money To Loan. THE 2zm= Almonds Nuts Walinuts Filberts.. JACKSONS. CHOCOLATES m BON BONS Mixtures &c TIssorted Telavors. British Hotel, â€"Oâ€" O0â€"Oâ€" AND «1 (Assorted Flavors) m ¢Namolhin Noi L +Nz (Somelhing New,) OF lz ' N, B,â€"To ensmnre a good job the ; Hides must be well salted as soon as ta | ken off, _ _ iBy ths New Process, iwhich for Finrish and Softâ€" l ness san‘t be beat. | enA igeâ€" JHC Lest i he o liOr mrjesis . have 14 reen." writes Lord Lorne about "Guoen Vieâ€" torie." A1ulh meke five dollars duilv. Gaiflfree, The BLADLEYâ€"GARRETSON CO , Limated, Torâ€" cr1f0, Our " Blackety Black " Stove Ename! is A1. Our American and Canadian Coal Oil is superior to anyv. * Sleigh Bells of every Lescription, Call and see our new designs in Enamelware and Graniteware., We have the best Lantern in the market, W. BLACK. Robe Tanning ! Horse Hiles, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanued suitable for TRAYS. BON BONX DISHES, INDIVIDUAL CREAM PITCHERS, NAPKIN RINGS, NCTCRACKERS, KNIFE RESTS, _ Salt & Pepper Bot‘l‘s PIFE KNIVES, BERRY h‘l‘(fi‘)‘!\’b‘. sOUVENIR sPOONS, BUTTER DISHES, PICKLE JARS, CRUETS, BERRY DIsHES, TEA SETTS, KNIVES, FORKS, &°. A Large shipment otf Coal Qil to hand and we have decided to lower the price 2 cents per gallon. Bring along your cans and get thein fillâ€" ed. Another shipment of Belis Just arrived. Our latest French and Engâ€" lish perchases in Silverware vaye just been opened and include;â€" Dromore, July 5th 1897. lver ready in the hour of need, Notwo trips required, DROP IN OIL A first class HEARSI llire, with a full line of CASKETS. COFFINS, sSHROUDS anud UNDERTAKING Material Kept in Stock. A Large Assortment of BELLS, BLANKETS, WHIPS, SNAPS, CURRYâ€"COMBS, BRUSHES, COLLARS, SWEATâ€"PADS, and HARNESS OIL. Driving Gloves and Robes GEXTS~â€""The test Tife of Hor 11 Light & Heav; Haress EMBALMING DONE IF DESIRFD. Satisfaction Gusrantsed. Another shipment of those cheap * lined Mitts, just arrived. C Specia!l Bargains Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Lined to Order REPAIRMNG A SPECMALTI Robe Tanning ! Ropes & Goats Go to Dromore FOR ALL KINDS OF Thos. Smith. C. McMILLAN, HEARSE 10r te I have

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